CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Sep 1910, p. 5

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BERRO91 ~LAI~ OOtftXtm~*j, IDÂY, SmP 1.4 - Manday lIERE ARE A FEW PRICES FOR be ti FAIR WEEK Oxfords froi 2 00 ta 4 00 Caps lin Mens0 and Bojrs> Shots tram 2 00 ta 4 50 25 and 50 cents Hats (Mens) from 1 00 te 4 Mens Puits 1 25 to 5 0 Hats (Boys') from 1 00 to 2 Soft Shirts1 00 ta 3 0 A nice lot of the tatest things in NECKWEAR just in. We have them in Four-in-Hands, Stocks and Bows, aso Tecks and Shields. If you need a good Nogligee Shirt corne in and sec ours. In faci we have Everything for Maon" at prices which, are right---qdsàtity considered J. B. MORSE & CO. Everthlng for Ilen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL the c Great Western And f j whel 2OtIi Centurydrv Mai, Manure Spreader we The Oreatest La bor Saver On .,t, a Farm K ra SEE US ABOUT JIIEM lada "A.. SCHANUK BRUS. -- ---------- - MM ~ Mhm i Etcetraes luJe Iy A bewildering array. fiIe-, Some Silrev. Some in gold-Some gold Brooches, Lockt. Charnu. Watch Chains. Scari Pins, Cou fLe"ksLadies' Cmbe, lMat pins* And so on and so on. If's really impossible to imaginé a Jewelry need that this store cannot suppiy. Remember our repair depaftment. A,, HUSS THE JEWELER Ltbertyville, 111. fthe uortb, horîtemen NO.. EXPERIIM FLOU- rFOR SALE 8V Witt b. attended by msny peope who, dmring thir absence from home, would take additionai comfort ln knowing that thir vatuable papers are safe from tholves, trampsansd fie. Thèse people would b. interest.d ta saC our PRIVATE STEEL. SAPE DEPOSIT BOXES, for jusl tht. purpose. w. welcomne inquiries sud invite your inspection of our vauts. [b. first M!1atIsÉa bt of ibertyiille -N.ît Dcci ta the -Post-Office -- - - - - - - - - - - ENT R Phone 3 LAKE COUNTY PAIE IBERTVVLILLE BRIIEFS OPENS NEXT ' Extensive Varlety of Exhibiti OAFI FNO PE 00 N L» m EN «rION Departmrrents Assured-Muiiii gram, Racing and Base E Speciai Features. e publication Intha Indepen- "Copormi" J. W. Tenîpietaîn. candi. ,muet be ln the office ne staer date for the iepuican nomination for Neit Tuesdmymak tu te tîteni lday of eh week. Adver- Stata Trm.urer, was here an Tuesas of tbe Lako Couaty Fair, and renewing bis merqualutanie witb Our irom peent indications this y specilIi, area sked te take people. Mr. T*Iietan made a atrong ecipes ait others la quantity and - -ïnotice te this effect. racefoar @tâte auditor twu tsars mga, of emhibita a il Htbe deparinienti ,ialting 980 votais in Lake îaiînty and a the tiat of oter attractions te , u total of 3114 la ibis eraugressional muurs acontinualîround ofenterti liraet Tneday in Chicago district. througbont the entire session. L. hlpie nd antiy re "Ranch Lifsteainthes oalthwet. 5a The race progasinproisees Wtives leiaford. refeatut flteitig.rkrg cnsa eaturea of interpet, mand the open a cattie rebc. c-49-1 wi "il ses s long string of thoroni ma ha been âaved train loi.- John Boyaeà sud famaily made s trip reedy ta compete ia ail lthe event a moaey by nattlisting IL isi week toe acanaba, Micb., spending uied, la ea&b oi wiei goOd 1-11 ber Haitigan, ai Chicago.,5le entit daym with frienuin la taeitY. ofiered. of ia. Flarence Evilaizar tils Mr. Bayeeu maya he wu@ gneatiY sur. The lire stock exibuit tii year prlsed at the appeananqie aifirafî la that larger and better tItan cver, unie Genty. of Glenvae, 1lIl., in section, tus dry weather aiîparantiy nat varlettea of ostack-will be shown ber gradmoather, birs. NI. A. affectlug vegletabias ar fruit ta any greft departient, giving ample eviqder extent. He attributs, tl.l, ta tha acit ithsfarinerd ai Lake iountyatr l.Robcrtson iias rstiîrned ta that the oitlu nortbei n M irtigaa in a vanguard ai progres'. in theai, Indiana, aiter"Visitlng ber lion, sel dy am, holding muiiture far a raising fine cattie, narse,. sIte erson. longer period thoni ather elbaracter of swine. loasie and (Jian Stuant .have grond sud thua witb..tandingdrouih Lent year'oexbibit lu thc@îou ou Marocco, Indiana, alter botter. partument wa% cansidered unuisuai tjiW siéter, Mr@. J. T. Rtobertson. The inaving pietute shtow aif*,Uü,le but indications ýe that the s110 ce Faulkner came borne on Tom'& Cable," given by J. T. Robjertsan fcatilered [stack ait this Yesr's 'iqi frm Chicago, wbere @ho bu as the Lyrlc theaie Friday evsning ai he evea tietter. Atil Oailitest tg rlaties fr saeraive en mt week, wu@ patruiized by about varieties wili lie exliittd. nd ing elaive fo seera weks.430 peple Auscin a neententain- prettluais are ofai ubtantial irai. ature fltm, "Ranici Lie lu the ment was euded anti1r vast tbrong thers le certain ta ticrauch qonupi tat the Lyric Theatre next swas ta waiting fur thixt iand sa wustthus insuriag a splendid exlmîlnm. ight. c-49.1 thesiceire ta an the third by tue ltungry The interest itiîîn:fested [y vthe alia itadoiîb, oailtis'erview, pOpulace. At eue timete tbraug vas Whic listnesnions ev.ilet ts c ýrai -da. Itere thie week. a 60 greaot, that the iétri-et 'vas tilockadsd, day approachesi. gives every &@Ë rt siter. MisseLiabet itudalph. and ht waa with difficulty tuat teants that tue art and domî,estic cet Appley is naw able ta gel canld pans tbroughboil'u y goad ment" wiil liresent a »splendid a itcuese, Il'uer a twélvë week's jusigmacut an the part (if ii mi people. exhibies la exteîîivc%ý variety. t lusscust ut ee)îing an they psatity waited tbeir turnand adtlwais tieeu a polînlar deîîamlii vâes atisfled with tle slow, as it was aur couiy [airs, a center QI inter, .F. Las 1er andl fauîtil v. , on 1e fai very 48.3., sbowing the rude ouiy fortce fair sýx ibut tiîose of Grovewho ba emi envigiting treatinent oi @laves and ,,îlen saulmiern'tins persuasionl as weIl, sand it n'e retu-neul ta titeir home "ms Mr. Robertson m et',let tliaked mes.cially attractive th!& year. for producîug ,i the mains tinte icels Front the mntnv lnhuirieà recel Trigg andDr, Tylorbavethat [il& efaorts ta pilse teîij lîlle are well as, applications for t pace n 'riggs sd lir. Taylohre he ae fttr.hanîà, tthene jevery prospect ram@w o finilssota, abers he__of_______plendid lins of exhîiltâ lu thec mc lau. ut lits rOfent crKiox- deî,artmfut. Twa cariatid afiina t. Fnera cf rs. nox. far tis departiasut arrived tit fr bills. announeing the, filam Mrs. Charlotte ElizabiethKno azW5suad aiher esiîpments will ie Icl te grand Kntgbt Templar bora Marri, 5, 183!)5, lu the utâte o!rnfoaptgda. neiti 1i i will te a featnre ai the Michigani aud removed wbile aCild ta intcfrestagexiltili l on, odepa mire. Iluinis and later ta tue @tâte ai Wiseon- Wviii be that, of the SortitShoare nry Perry left Saturday for loin wbere ab eaeideu w i tIi lier parents Company, vita wili show il et Momeace, alter a pisasant neâar Salem. Agaila@lie renioveul witb extenive, line af sleeîriî'ai appîîs a itît ber parents. kir, aud ber parent. ta ihibura, [Il ait kinda, for office, feaim and ha' L~ester. Ohe wan married ta HIratît Knox at Tbe exhibit aif ammtng machee Duo[lietion aifaters ai thec Niliburn..Aprii 20, 1860 sud nmaved ta be targèr sud varieul lu Cht ab iliho iel Thrody oen-the ternîibree miles norîli ai Liberty- caicalisted ta prove of sagras, iug . sthi be thed(lasdffi en-il@ville, viens theY iived together untilt thesfannting iratsrnity. i7ta 9 p. in. Mr. Knoavas caIledby- destb in tti W hile special mentian Ibte For the liont yesn mile bas madle ber ai tbeée departinents. iltsbaaid tb Mian, ai Waukegaa. was ta home vitti ber daugliter. Mlre. Fry on staod tbsîtbtere wii bc afull rep Friday, where lie calleul an a Wsst Pari- .Ave. tianoaiexhibîs lu aillatherdepar ofbis irisade. beinti enraute ta us estes tauinaurn ber lo@@ anc mou, thitle îrcasiugintereetî,,aie lion o as ishing trip. îewie D)., tva dîugiters. MIr@.tIcinide, ever.tbiug pertaînîngtu tathe imsd thsasitte cilof maslairsao f Chicago and lirs. Fry, ai Libertyvilie. suringsamnifold variety lu aIl, a piece of Cotton sud tîlaceul ans brother, Jolie Spaiford, ai Autioch. ai the exhibian. si anti. are troubissaute wiil Fanlerai services vers field fain the While the dry veather naturel ry lant one ai thetu sway. bome on Saaday aitennoan, Augiiot 28, daccul ta a short trop ai gard amie Scbaff reîurned ta ber St 1:30 andl latermeat made ai Oak- fieldl praducîs la generai, the ex! Milwaukee iast week ailer vaad cetîtetery, Wsukegaa. Manly grains andl vegetabica vii ic gý betc@ vacation ai severai veeka flotral deaias wves cntribaleul ainug tbe fair aasOciatioa basnimade M;n. ad irs. B. B. Pritchard. thoîn s brandb iofwbite by the W. C. T. effort ta securs exhiiîte and uîak ilBiabop la eutertaluing ber U. oaicnbsite vas s member. ittv. the deiciency couseid by the dta, ,r. C. 0J. Dreiig sud sîsters, W. L. Wbipplé officiateul andl a aepbew lan addition ta the uuel ami -Thaupson snd lire. L B* ai tbe deccaseulre-ndered approlîriate attractions alwayA preseunt dur and daughter, of Frankiant, cula sciections. fair, tbere wii icho all galones @o, soI Lake coîutyv teaipe beiag elI: aiTtu, f vanhae, basn pur. cinpete. This vili tic an es Mira. B. C. Gridiey, the vacantA DTO ratacieetu. an Brainerd Court and wvOl BUJSINESS CIRCLE Tic Fair Association lia@ sKu dern hane t once, wbere Ile services ai thc Citizen@' Baud ta e.îtusic durinthetu Fair. wbicb coi la the New Orug Store ct Docker & an &Tueaday, Sept 6. Tic raop iden day. annaothers tellus, Bond. in the Butler Building, Wi5a i i CtzeoBadna e bap ktta 0 te silva peadl te the Public Thursday. undër the couddîrsrbip ai Pra LgeltQ ooan sd Dovwffibirls-Silibs lc Pii"qaîa niig hbtits aàkints lsutbey con Sih i@pae ho uia bltie btloser. Liberty ville as a raie, is ptroud to ilst tian n uthe ead. as it haa tfrain tie an a raied earivetedbusiness hauss, ailoa inhîbare modeis tdune lista calleduountiicil sud sus tridsu e adlvrtedoreauty, coîîîtîtrt anudcanveaicn.e ud adjoiniag tawns, ta give a cond yoa ry nînsing k b y adding tbe new drag starseaoflecier eaoncert@. lte itouleuse aiîdieuî-e t leth armig ay smusigbuttrih. &Bond taeithe liât, otîtrcitizeus are mare iag it for lthe eetlenee ai it td dines vers 1ev sud for eiated laver tiiel. The nsw irii praductions. Decker & Bond are yang mi v ia Evçery lmuter ls au artiet, vi 'alwrthcouty air it lkhrnhave tivetiliste for yeaîs sud tiy tîteir bisa eviunced from the nmaay uivrtbcouty sirai ikbrngentiemauly denteanor, bave wan #Ls given lu tbe park dariug the mai 0l the be@t baul-nuis courselunconfidoîte ,antd esteenu ai tic populace lu etrangerà ciaintît a i l as no 1 .vest sud ls veil maya axaoug iliseatirsîy. sweii ", litaviag bail the Sortb Shore, sudhtîov as . fau tack' It bas a business eîfsrieace. tbey arc wartby ai boîdy ta attend the [air as lu a2.06% mtade by Hâste' Patcb. beisg ciaoscd as energetie businessa ina. aller remeecis the mîteet il Fd of the tmach ie %vittiia fuit Their uew stars le fitied np witth te îîNTtNLtONi.-m -i:(i. Sthe Immense gnsud"tnd. 'rhe latent ixtures lun the l iofadrug stars. ý year wiii b. beid Sept. 20-28. evenytbing being new. aud their stock ther the Fair Danceas lt the la du the iaine lins, Ih beiag _jadespeasi. E lait Thuraday and A'riday ulghts hinlaevery vslk oaIltif. and 9, given by the' Otimeu'a Tbey bave the weit vishee ai thelr C"48-11 legiqof aireads ta tbpir veuture, kaav- BIG. REDULCTION IN Iag bytheir shiiity that they viiiei est advertlalng mediau. suepesful. ~ N I s * UNERs eolicerti ( WY TRIMMED BATS AT IIALF TtIEIR VALUE Set eur l..Simemrt. Ws sMd Wassged Rememb e .SdI The PARSANA CORSETS-,, MRS. M. A. PROTINE, THE MILLINER The business operations of their institu- tion embrace everythlng properly ln the line of banklng and wlth ample capital and experlence 'management, the Lake County National Bank must commcnd itself to a&H who have need of the services of a bank. Cake OU ltra a Capital $50,000-00.0 Surplus and Profits 80,000.00 Stockholder's Liability 50.000.00 Total BOys' celS Sehool lis commeaoing again aad your boy vil sud a strong, servicable suit, an odd coat or au extra Pais' ce Pants; you will vaut them to b. aà uealr wr-proof ant tear-proof as posaible, withont paying an exessivre pr We feel natisfied that we cau ICI your vanta to a T. Wî don't ask y'ou to core ne ix bey; but vwe do ak yon tb cm* aud livestigate onr ofeéringe, compare oas' prices a qustitie. with those of other local or Waukegan or (isia store@. Wq bolieve in the. squar deal! We are cloisI out a lot of ail Wool Km. Suite thatae worth #.0to 08.00, bt bai e ia.onise. 8m, 4and in tthem telt, for.......................... Odd~.... .omt,...............t. a ... 4 .to ..i . ..o.. Odd Wool Vees,smmmalanli".................................25 snd &US T1[ýE F A-11q Gsnghams, the 7c kind, oow 5c Dress Ginghams. the 12 1-2c kind, now lot Lawas. the 15c kind, uow 1lOc Lawns, the 1 2c kind. 00w 8c Cottoit Chuilies, 6c Ali 45c and 50c Silks, now 35c Ladies' Vestes, the 25c kind, now 1 7c' Ladies' Veste, the 1 5c kind, now 1IOc Ladies' Union Suite, the 5Oc kind, now 35c Ladies' $300 and $2.50 Oxfords. now $2.00' Children's Boreloot Sandais, 60c Chidren's Oxford. up tb $1.25, now 75c Misses Oxfords $1.50 te 51.65,.i»w $1.00 Men's Ebtlwqgum UnderWeer. the 25o kind, IlSc~ Men', Balbrigma Iuderwear, the 50è kio1d; men's and %e's Caps, ail 25c B'RGAINS-IN SCHOOLJ cZT TITO FOR BOYS 1-3 OFF REGULAR PRICE DROP MiEAD SEWING MACHINES $14.50j J. ELI TRIGC Phone 25 >00 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o *O0 n L tAMM .00M M - - 1 $180,000.00 ýOpen

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