CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Sep 1910, p. 8

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Ibe Maroro December matiag viii Mermm un.te il»gt la-police court at. v «vIes Uic local police aroat- V.a I.Kremlin Of Clevoend, O, *0 i, faerepimg vith Ma'.. Rode etbe ~ t àf-bafd'5 utiey, the ».v Mogmast ool place Mx yacks $au. uiga la an Autrlan, svsnthy ~iausmmithe vomal O! Mie un hesr'hubeman &R 65essud a gc.s uIDf15111teteSec viiKrem- ne Wb* Me l a puce, man, b«au»., "0 US&, ber hbmaiwua toc 014 for Kru@"la as arrosici Prida>. bat Beaea. vas tenmop» sot morag te dot&& Ne f. a w uaiMdlaroozus ou Tentb «M« lm&c vd -the tvoar ejclmed o bave ooeupiod tegothor. The Voua vwu soi tou"a udneui morans g hen a SUN reporter latenvieveil Kremlin ho tatel that *ho bail gone ocak tu CWle'aaad nhobby. . 40w Disuery came. The diacoer that Kremlin sud the 0"0 we oman ver. living haro o. gsthen cause about la a uniquc way. case ofUie vomam'a stop sons sud m -touai. reativo roilc b North Chi- MM MdaniWaukogau on motoncyclea teu'riit hors vlth frIends and vhen visitag lu the Austnisu coiony the tIvOeadldontaRY"wsan sd lentufflei areum& - 1Aime Daew lnfcon Husbsnd. Doseo! thée-more serious changea mgmst.tremlil la ht ho drev a a fflnst 8mai1 hackin lauev&t- Ui, maut before he stole Smaile's Detil of Case. RPA Stan. la tea or ftteen years older than Kremlin sud elopel viKh bisa six voobagO frOul Ceveland, Me61129berM, vhere she vas discover- ai b> ber sou, vbo vas on a mator- 000 etnp. Bbc Ieft ber husau ailn ùmgvItyiCievlandl. taking btvcau US. la a IMhuaas, sd ivas founil »«-Mglatuie local settlemont sfter KMlla icalei that @he vas bere. Ha =that aIe la gose haikte 0Clove- il. etuo thatt l. elOp lMue Sslele lu mS te0bave - , '1 Atmel Dm4> wasconter- i4t, u* Batunay in regard te 441sa$OMI ti !thoecouple, vIe are '~Atternys AmtoinuDitch. e'44~a vouig . abot nlsethlrty, Maea'y opposite FroiBss' t~iOAt, ax La». ity Atornsey E. Srvs .bai U. stertig appatua ot 'bb t.ouoWbl bokes. Lueily ho - Ow U the lgbt roui, sMd tbtev-i 'bbis ilssuerencybrake on ho vas Ub;.te stOp the machno before au> séisas acciient Oecurcd, 1 i t vis the machine veut iDtO t*04db hMudthe teea'lug gean vwas -f'amd tu b. broken. off close 40 the - Whol, But saShot distauce futhen Osivas a ver> ieepdiltch vhlcb, bal iaMMachine gotten Into, vouli bave Mut « crtUiuY have been the scane of a mach more serionsi accident. ilOrsotaîhioves ai Work. ThiebvtB BuudaY igt tole a borsa early lu the oveulug rom lu frout o! the-Dave eyets saloon aneaBt Wash- IfigOB treot, The poice at firgt tbeugbt tbat the hors. bal mereiy b0eü. taait P affoil, some graceless YOuag scampi a chance-for loy nldlng, but n the houas paneil sud the noble Mals fall ta Put lu an sPlearauce "Ilstheos-> bai te, ha abandouel for tImi 0f dova righg t thft. The hors. vas a dark bay hitchîl to a rubbor tirai lg vitb anautoumo- -- bile body. ,A Wltbrop Harbor tan inaI the rlgst *a Zino lvm ansd comiug bora -btchod the animai lun front a! 'the NoYers place, thon golng o a restau- rani;te ogt the evouing mosi. Whîta ho retumucil neu 8 Or 8:30 the hanse sud rig bald dspparai. Sesrchlug for Obnnor. Thé -11ne for Joa.Pb Connor by tbe bonding co9mpasy ilenis cm.- tisses a i, 1K3la Urmised at Key bOIW a MSd a 0ev te hi. ybeeabouts jpvhoee in the poasesios o! nome. "- fin 111E1g10. At. loust tbare vas s sMor en iliug On ZROigalaYcna Vaeu> yafternoou vho vote a Miéurefflsir sud vho mais indirect hwOtos egardng the vbereabouts « t»iu70"81 MnI ' l iaIWA«f enho vn asklug the à dImrete to Ko ha.pursued to gW Bralsaton lu tito aortoat pos- = M.tàme.'-EIslm Courier. Ckoeed 8let aiWauksgau. Use asOdieafot Of the day, 9»4 Atrsithe lemml guclub shoot at wootri4 Pgwas ccP. Kirchnor's '- ~ ~ ~ ~ l thet~oo l l 25 bird éb"t, gttjg -urey bird vithout a %dm n e lu the Irai locali mnu 09 lfils aqm ibms 7M. OMUtI lier-MdnGorgeMcfler- î d.l»88 «t iof a Possible ffllede %beauose for Ï. vaswu s0»of tho -eibff ti club thIs l'ho sddress et Mal. James A. Con- »Dly, commander of the departmeut of Illinois. Grand Arany of the Repub- le, vas rapiate vtb van incidents, huimrons sud pathetie. Ho spoke for mcar. than su bour, sud iras latareat. lng througbout. holding the loos at u- tention of bis large audience koea the Maet to lisat. The reuion this year vas held la the. beautfl Knickerbocken groveono the _portb beo! tof M lako. Th% an- rangementa as regards platform sud gs a oeeoxceptlomully flae, man> rcmanhlng that Uic> bai rarely beou oquallod sud "nover oxcelled. Andrev Wiiitesud Henry Dombebi led la tUs eui4oeor prepenations, sud T. A. Pey- sola bad chargee0ft th busiatoas end of 1K. Mfr. aud Mns. Winston, vho furulsh- cd the vocal music, are profesaions] eontertalmors sud greati> enlivoued the pnogramn. They are coloreil people Sud sang "The Bvane. River" sud "Olil Kentucky -Homne" aimIrably. Work 01 Navy. Prof. Graham %pore at sme langtb of the splendid vok 0f the Unitedl States aavy ln afl the nations& vans, sud of the beneficial effet0f Uic te- cent erulse anounil the voild. .Gen. George C. Rogers spohe brie!- ]y, alldlug to the fot that of the 101 mou vbo veut vltb hlm from IAke coauty lu 1861 only.tbrao vere pros- gut at the reunlon. Largeit Reproacatation. Perhapa Kthe largeit repneioutatlou troua auy ana organisation feli to Company C of the 96tb Illnois, eleven lf vhom vere preaeet. There vere Juat 96 meulIntbis comnpany, o! 21, exactly one-fourtb. dlid or vere kill- ail durnug the var. 0f th. 72 vbo survived the coufiet. 33 are stillI lx-. lng, 15 lu Lake county. Truman Proper of Cleveland, O, afrpriiel bis former couirsies by ha- lug preeut ut the neunlon sud Meet- ing bl% coinrades of the 337tb illinols. He bail livedIn l Lake couuty prior tu, 1860, but vbeu the van broheouot vas la -Memphis. Tenu. Comlag aorth on a river steamboat as a stovavay. b. laudeil at Cairo, maie -bis vay back Ko, lbertyvle ail culisteil la Uic carly sotuma ef 1861. 1He vas 'viait- lng lu Chicago and beariag o! the ta- union be gratIfai bis desîre ta meet bis old coarades sud frienils. Pied Front Southa. Fred Arnold sud vife froin Chicago ver. heartily greeted by former men- borsala the S7tU Illinois. Mr. Ar- nmli as llvag la Jd&lle, Ais., in 1860 amd 1801. He kuev somethlag of rmil. ltary affaira sud vas a lieutenant la a Mobile mflis company. but huvlug uti deaet & fiatit for the upro~aee conlederacy, he stole avay in Nov Oleaus, and ater soin. tryiag exper- iences maie bis vay back o Loag Grove lu this coufity, viere lilatoi. He vas disubloil for forther service la bis fiait battle. The S@ sud iruni corps that fura. laheil the musie for the cocasion vas composed entirely of civil van voter- sus. neari> al big mambera o! U. S. Grant Post, No. 28. o! Chicago. The playiug vas fine. Johu Pýilakin played upon bis Stlee t the eveutnig carapre al of the aid army calis. The attendance at the campflre af Weduesday iveinig vas Immensie, anâl that o! Thursday attennoon was large, althougb considerabiy legs than 1K voulil hava beau viKh les thneat- ening veathîr. Many Present. About 100 veteraus negltereil vlth Sacretary Hiall, sud a fev are knovu o bav-e been aresent who wene flot recordaI. Aauoug the non-residaut comnades preseut vire C. H. Tebbetts. Heury Gaag andl Fred Arnold of Chicago;; Edvin Drury of Wiimette. Oscar Rec- tor of Kenoîba; Abret Paddock o! Oadil: Christian Weudinag of Wheel-. Ing; Major Clevelandl o! Garnett, Kan-;, sas; .Iocab Vendarproof o! Jerseyl CitY, IN. J.; aud ail the baud boys. Polluies ln Air. Thora vas quite a littia quiet poli- tica] talk "on the ida," but nonc whatever front the plattoran. Xiost o! the candidates for county offices vere preseut sud tooh occasion to inter- view the votera vitb reference to vhat tbey would do t the primarles. President Lamb set the cemplira goiug lu good shape Wednesay ave.! ung sud thon didi as mauy peopue did at the tinte a! the civil var, "1pro. cured a substitute!' He esileil Assis- tant AdJutant Generai C. A. Partrldge o the piatform sud asked hlm Ko car- ry ou the program. Mn. Partilige bas Dresideil no freqeutly at tiesavenu- ious that one of thoan vould hardi> seoin naturel vithout bis voe. belng heard. On Tbursduy Mn. Lamb 400k the heim sud presided it ih iigaity sud ahility. Applaud Prayea, tov. C, S. Garnison. pastor of Uic Graylske Caugnegtilonal chureb, of- ficisted as the chapin. At the dam>a lire hé prayor forveatly for honesty la public affara ani for the dovufail o! grocd and graf t, a sentiment'so heur- Kly approvoil by thoceproet as t10 receive a quito vigorouaa "Amewn l 4h, fort o! p. rather vigonouband- clappiug. It doa Doet often coecur1 thst à publie prayer meets vlth open applause. Voterans EWpct Officera. The follovlng ofieeni veeolest veel lee at the annuai reunlon o! lake county oler sud sallor vet- eraus at Grayashke for tbe ensuiag year: Preident-Theodore Runneis of Graysiake. Vînet Vice President-Henry IlqvI» of Waueonda. 'Muddy vater von't-do for a mira- non" ny botter tiiaa pspcr of a umaD circulation viii do for a vant ad. mod- luru. Near lévou tvonty-five Baturday ulgbt another desPorate attoanpt vas madeo to vreck a Northvet.rn train at a point threo fourthi of a mle north cf Waulcegan. -1 Tho latoat -attempt lu vhat appeaus to ho su organteil cousiracy to brin« disater to nome Northvoatera train 'vas la four céApters It la claimod, as lit lais aid that four timon obetacles" ver. placei ou the trachs -85ik1-Ay uight, vbiie the veek b.fore this oh- station wve.plâce& on the rachs Tuomiay, Titis> sud Satunday uigbts, taklug sevea attempta et vreching lu ail 4Ibe sttempt lust Saturday lght ne- mutdla the errent of Psquale Violetti, ageil soventecu, as the vrecben, sud Detectlves McCathy sud Jeffies claiaueil o have caugbt hlm cedbandai. Ha la nov lu the conuty Jail, White hb e l in 1.11the fourtb sttcaupt vasmaIe Batunla> nigbt. What Attempt May Mean. 1-Elther tthe pastebosrd hon.. of evidence- agaînst Vieletti falu to the ground sud h. la the wroug man fté aIL. 2-Or the- fourth atteipt irn ita four chapters was an mtempt te bllud the police te Violctlm ulit ind get hie relents on the pies tht ho laflot the nman. The police are tinreil by the latest triai et a dastarili> crime sud vîli spr. no pains o bunt dlova0 the guiaty. Mont Dsperata o! Ait. The lent sttempt vas tic mont les- perate o! ail. Fisb plates threo ia number vira piacci ou tie tracks. They are o! mron sud vouli bave vi-eckeil a trais infallibuy, sltbough trains aiStpiagbt on s Baturday nIgît are scacand a ws rcck mlbt sot have takr place uatil early 8uuimy moruing. 1K la aiso belevoil that au atteupi vas muade to remove the fini plates t h ouai the railsausethat tue rails mlght spreas and cane, a wreck. Eninas.,. Fo.. Esglmeet Psu.. foumi 4h plate, on the raif aidremoveil thoran iatimc to avent a freight vs'eck. It la sai that four or five Uimns the plates bai Ko ho mmaovod.- Italises Nas Scons.. Ancodna toPadden'm story ho sam Itaiens near the acane o! the latoat attempt, about tbree fpsartba o! a mlle uorth o! Wauicogsu, but they fie vhien hnev they vere oborved. Thene vire liye or six o! thant. The auly possible nessou for the mauy aloeged attempts 1la the% some diagruntled and dischargel employa. la bus> vith fiaudimh coutivances sud visites o sacrifice a traiu aud xuay- shsp a lite an tvo. MUST ANSWIER I!OR ROB&WRY Tburaday atternoon Jobn Hogan &ud Willam Cohen cf Highland Park ver. beli o the GranidJury lu, bonis o! ach on tuéâ' Aarge o! rob. bing John Meyer o! Chicago ou July 24t1a. Oua a! th, min vorbeil for Meyer ID Clcsgo. sud Mayer met hlm sud tho the teiovJulY 24th, at the dock. eyer b i ssei the Pore Marquette anil asys tUat 1< valkod Uptovu vitb the men and "caugbt a fov dinia" ou the vay. lie then got On a Street car sud "veut viUi thoa to UAncolu avanue, Hghland Park, near vbere the moen »il tii.> ork- ai, sud vbere they muid they bai a secoui-hai autdauobiie for ami,." Meyer nast! the macesot upon hlm. boat hum, sud took about eigbt ioi- lan, a Ftch sud a ring. A acte book halongliuig Ko hlm vas touadInluthe prlsouers possesaion. The prisoncru say that Meyen dons not mach. and lu !set make satlousL chargeasaant hlm. Thor state tuai mof o!Kem psu hi#ecar. fes to Evaistosi, but that ho inisif on folioving thoan off the car, and aid ho vas golug to speuil the nigbt vith them. Ti'ey elaimeil that ho veut a littie fou fer sud that tbey vero forced ta knockhihm dovu Ko stop hlmfbons go. uug to theïr home The tvo vore armeted lu Chicim Sada> n»get la "Hlmky Dina" malon vbcre they vers isonand -confnd b> Meyen, They ver. brouet te Wan- kegan andl given a pnollhmluar heur- lug haforo Judge Taylor lauthe poile. court. The mon tell thair &te"y stralghtforwardly sud seem anexoua Ko exouerate theinselves at tell01 thoir itory. The case Promises te bo an luterest- hug eue. The malatalnuug o! the !resh air camp at Gails H11l durng tue entire Ys"an Isunder considersiion by the membors o! thoeucsempmeut sasocia tion. The lroleet wvu consdereil Yesterfiay et the sunua inmeoting hld et tue Intitution and Mat XvlK heI p- proval of sevenai memberx, o! the se- sociâtiOs.Il. "He vil) be succelddber. prob- ahi> by Fred Hsv>ay. vbo la nov la the cempnys o2fce at the Illinois ste.) couipauys Mill. "Mr. Nuiler hua been viKh the dom- pany about six Yearc andinutii tvo or Uhree tondis ago vas solIrltIng frelght agent ad celleetor. He ue. ceeded lMn. Howard o the position or chiai clerk. "'-tI. Miler and tamliy cama tram Duluth,.Nfiunesota.ý*- Prominant North Shore Womou Dite. Mrs. William Breauni !Sate neut Elgteenth street, North Chicago, lied quite auldeuly Thursday foliov- lui; a veny brie! illiaes. It vas sup- posel abat sellv as gaiulug la beuti, ex-on Ko 4 ocloaçh or so Thurslay vhen death cama nt about 5 :30.1 Pathos is alibI the death froin the fort that a sou. Lewis, lii e ut Isat Satuniay o! tnboeulosiîsud vas hurliedMonday. The cause a! the desth vas hea4 trouible and the lste Mra. Bruan vaf slxKY-inc yesrs aId. She leaves a hushand and hnee soifs te survi-ve bar. The uerali vap hou t tva Saturiay afternoon froan theo aelience vih buniai ut Lake Mounil cemetery lu, ZVon City. The reaideuce la mr 17th alidBoth Park avenue, North Chicagot& The lata 'tins. Brean vas one o! the bout baovn sud mot blghly cegarded o! North Chicago ad Lake couatV 'vomeu sud, ber death ls the cause of. vide sud alucere mourulug amoug hosto of Arm Tea-ibly Lacaratod Whie vorklng ou tue George Peck tsrm tu 8.umulerville, the 12-yean-old son of Charles Schmidt, vho resudes Dean Highlaad Park, bai bis «amu caugbt lu the machine sud befor. could ho toppad ie îsarm vas terriliy mutilateil, aud part o! lis lteralie pulied off. Thera vas a large numbea- o! peopi vonhhug ai baliag hay sud at the t o! the accident the boy vuas ail oven fixing a vheel, not nealizlng th lerns o! the machine. The accident là ode o! the otte rible lu the couaty la a )oug time Clisaattntiou Ko th e tact thai la j - large stotut dlof on comina' auacbiny vhlqb la uot tanmcien"P proteceo, altbougb moblame dan ho attachifor th. accident id. Buniail Tretoure FakIre. ."Doctqn" Jamnes Alxauerdor 10 and the 'Rev. Dlahop" Ucraeder ivh* hava boee practiclmg "d ivine h«ei' sud proseit Iug ora sihg oreligionsî cuit aiSt J3ebfor the luat t day., vere arneti by the polie $à* uriay on a chargeofo attempting ti vork a coufiuéaqe aIne The ey onseqkbins 40p@aiujue e* tain gulliblo popin o tefiauc an e> peiltion to llfe s treasure o! prata goli of. $20000000 hurlai on msatmhdU [lu the Gui! r o! eco 146 yq amgo Dr. James meaicqder Doute, labtr-' 14~d thatIshland sud 14e puehe from lis illuhtrious broibor, Io"n Alexader Dovle, o o In Oitr "ife. Dovie sent a teicgrsm ta the Bu- isb consul i 5K hicago for sala@tauci,. Dovi, Bayaho bua u licomeo0f S$le 00 a year front lavestanonta. but le "broIe"bers.. Frauk Cordrai vas te pot $L.000il the venture tu recovar-tUa pirate gelA Assltlug Prosecuting ou" rMoDasIà-î diguoisai %@a "fumer."serd v- iece atolut the. le.. tiere, thiqven le theim ilt vlcnttY of W*ukoma and vithia the. limite. sud a" blovers la Wh~s sina as car Raclas sud Mlvaukee, have couablaed to amouse thée1loca1 Police. lo the f004 of aeurydrantil Tuesday> a genaral alarm vas otinded to lb'P»eoptintoguard theti reaidence.s ud placeof businega agalnst the 'amics f crocit of aul iaislilkely tg svoop ilovu front the north, sud bers.ovuers ame parieo flarn> varnoïd to vatch their stock a take eue or k. At 3, 60 Tuosday mioruing a bob talled bar hOrme attacheil to a black bodilaibuggy m4 osrlng 2 a biouas trimmai bana<8 s va, tolon ai Rc0 The local Pouice fslled to got trach of kt but amreo the loohqt. Ou~ lée ltd fer Olsmlsaa Wbéà.a o. . cutye. agentfor thce le gin. Joit &Entea bore. vas nhed by. the SUN Tdbgday if tbe report tiiat bf te to b. sycceied b y Matin Miller of Joliet vere t rue ho atatei tbat ho bail mot heard of the roporteil change and vau Ignorant of eorSaua klug WOf a change that vouhl dia- place hlm. Information came througb a article ln the Joiet feraid that Miller la to bo the local agent. Aaked If the. Connor case might bave somethlug 40 do with the matter, %Ir. Culvor replied that ho knev no- thlng of tho numorgi step. lt vii b.orecalied that joseph cou- non made. chargiea agaiust the agent, tu bis insaajty, snd that the charges fell to.the grounicompletely. Saya the Joliet Herai today: -Baveral chaligesansd promotions are ln contemnplation St the local of- lices of Uihe lgin.,ioliet & Eastern Railway Comp&n>. "The complote ilt of premotions have not boom fInal> deelded utpon, te- eordiug ta a atinent made. at the generai ocie«, but It seeaus asaurail tbt Martin -LU Miller, the present ebief clerk, living at 407 Second ave- Due vilii h.asaigueil to Wauhegau, to become the companys agent St tbat point. Rural Carriers as Notaries Public. jTacr(oofo!nsu smy o! 40,000) zila City 1 )a amoUiér proar ts Troholef lt icohnousa baootns ai- tray manie la UtcyVck, A. liévar vas arretel am i ogît tetrial for àrw m ic h MM. 0Ssmn-O ; *nmDU. iert&iM ti hé aittci tt b h*Wo ic ouie otWbvo bai iescthebêilgiuni tha e e off rovi> b,t Hewaxd esi"Md bis lar4, .#Uivug acquttai.' lie Immeil la> sc out vàaMto fr the. you gmon vho ba" causa ml arto jilthoir hbon- ftg ca"ine nliulbt. Tiiere vase u«Mbof tiiesa unde r. let tiav, Rupert @tiumbsdo- latuioi a chassa of veane. vhlch vw» trm ted. -cE ai once vent te ubo Coujrt. l atioe.Dun 8Dev.w, sas pokai ai Ooewlth *Omo 400 or 80W apettori, kamye. Grlâfbeisieathat hholimacîf had Lafyle la Jalled. *when dao deonamithUicadmittance of tvo of!hbis ultema hSmla lnamei that théo mastlo bsap ieanvth lbe- lng la on~ piet court a4tebave fineuhImbits . It lasi. us at be oroéï hAu im ISola sccla the City jau aMi vas mot raloum iuntil the, trial w» over and toeighât youn* mon bail beas a outted. Thore Sma agpeat deal o!fcllug la Zlou City ever the affansd Uthae yul probsbly b. brougbt to the atten tion of State's Attoruey Dada' for tbe purp~ose of brliglang action, It la aasert- 04. lu an interviev by a SUN'reporterj vith several ZMon people, the atorY M toll a"ove ls verifieil by JusticeÎle lova hiasoit gaaya OM wbon ho çaino in bis onci, ho coutil bàrly enter due ta-thec geat crovde, but that ho Ilued O<rifilta for couteuipt ouI> vbeu ho atartoil railuz a disturbauco. and put hlm la, Uit "eoop" on bis fallur. to psy his fine, vhicb Ws pail boy- ever by frionds vithin a Ilttie vhlle. The men ver. acquittol, It la cdaim- ed. on Hovandia fallure te, appear to prosecute thomn. 1 at a vhite htietovor the affar. and lavycrs ou both aidels de- clan. that the matten la by no meaus over yet. Dotantes public has beau autatorizad nere a- lavyer. vuôadsvîsea bast 1 by the postoffice qepartment in se- utaka demanl, vith vrituesses. The lent veek'a tesue o! the Zi- à cordante viKb legimation eéacted dur-: i mule this damaul. ad axolig the News la prohably the lent that vi' Ing the lamaI sesion e! cougrns. Aijýl; leses vwas Mn. Thos. CarOlan. my Vame out as Voliva bas decied ti carriers o! the rural dllvery mail unelae. 'marger the cl ludepeniont papw servi-ce are nov netured ta axecute, lir. Devine vas ai my home ou Ibisvhc ha aeni uhalvk vouchers for United States peusionors, occasion, aud alviseil ber mother mot wihb eetyprh" h regiding od thein routes, for vbhcaé5r- Ko gurrouler -the chillireu. 1InSformmoil leavia o! lealing ad lit la believoat vice thoy are ta neceive 25 couta fer at.em that I pretenreil the pesceful abat the -mongol papers viii appas- each voucher exocuted. The establish- vway. hua If -ompeiiîi vouîld teoat , as leavea o! Hoallng udxt voek. ment o! the rural free, dellvenry son- ta the coutel. There vore no tbreati, The Bryant lasse on the roomi ie vice resuteil in the diacontinusuce O!fvhatever, madeî ta Nmn. Devine or the administration building expira 23,550 fourtb clasa Pstilfice th potasters o! vbicb bai heen autblor.l, Mrs. Horsu. sud moreover the occur- the lirmt of Bepembor sa that yette- hzeil Ko oxecute pension veuchorls reuce toak tplaceinl the home vblch day marklid the tat Bryant servie I bai establisbed ton my chiliren, lu the building on Sheridan roui ali "Waste oftime fis te mat extrava. pna{iicaily nîy avu home, canseqautan- 1K la probable that the Bayant force, gant sud costly o! alilexpense.," Andliy haeecoasl D ot have beau aa troc- vlilihereuiten boi their services os negleet ta rend the ais. betore 'seing pas, by '.Ir. 'arolan, vha vas there a roofeil over cellar Dite structure taR shoppia&" hi out vmy o! vsstlng time atusy noquet. 4he ZMon colage campus. -and la a luxur> wVhIeb no onte need I satured ahe chîlalrata on an orlon afford. tram ahe court, but my ferultune sud tir«.. .acob Wilmert, Lin-olu.IL~ Other persona] effectm vere attachai, titI lier vay bock 40 pentit iaisltt. A Rliabue Medicine-Nat s Narcotic anitlaentarol by my mother-in-lsv, iSba ivites: 1,1 mugeiril w ith kiduet' Foulays Hfonean d Tan lea samie amd; fon $200.0, .claiming that i promlaeiltvaubverandpao et, tiad ntaAIy ack offotvo mediclise for cbildren nesit <lci- heran asasiy of 810.00 per monih, awo i gtorile> idueyPubnulpaw notconainopats orbainll duM vhic-h igtantine bInconuectiom 'vlbth 41m a fait trial, Tliey gave nie 'prff:ý (Ici ouilythe genuluie Vouai'. flouaisu this nater. i ant ta rainai certain reli. -o cnatlnaaed till nov i aea saii. Tar n lteyelovpesg.tak. îeî1î V. B OELCea- . other statameuta vhich have beauIn 1fpt '. . ,vEL aiaai r tic pe tic lu -oi eu ForRosy Cheeks ~ Ru-ddy Health VIsa the chflm a ci u, celaorte@94a« vIes tbeywsat a but drink, ......sgboos gelsg te aho ol,~i" tonbonno flsw ~ bou fil&1dràsia Immentiema o f hausa. ft.viliau te *0 e a **B cboei adi putl tui UMsqiufth*Be. cins A cap si' Uonmne àscthey go to bei ià MAUtfsg« isdm M ffl«d g. ba seaimst oobUlAU of.,aae"m%,ir b"pl*.»mmo jf w f bevi«>âuo ue mia.ntla W" 00 unah& lomu'esa i *tb-a drl mktishiviw pubie, vmi a i dgg smatis sliecetvinie Md «U. _. U U Md DMl ai osUsdoise«laiisy foa, Ï vea@24 aMM 8ciiiW MW nei 8804M et cBONANO Baiotmae cd huk tri iy, bua a uating efaci Oft thseym7 -dm *«pfairg Me« *y. Gél a hm7m mmrteiy. A cau vii aMr Oh bowUup. 19ym pE~. ouai sE=StSkm# ust hoattacha «Mp, & m u m 7ma m ulaguami ls8lby SJ. E. TRIGCL5 E. E. ELLSWORTH WM. WALROND l di ts eprévud e ri mi eurid I, 1 bold rocoipts. ainuatg $4151 pald by me for tbeo cane of ru> ebldren for Editor, SUN aud 1Lake, Couaty Inde- a little <ven four menthe, alo $116.2;1 pendent: palil by me for the slpplng of mi St.Loeis. Aag. 24, '10. funnituto to Labo Feront and tlaveliug io ose. My cbilirou. SI» 05O.0 total Doaair: lRéeKtIi te au article faerai oxpensos of My vite. ail o,. publimbal lu youn papon or Au"uat th whieh 1 have personal> patd.- 1 under caption of -mam.Devine.&5 Ilgo inte thelle détails, not vltb a lionbu bdaagre"talch my a deton. viev of li puring aoyons, but, justice tien ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ba euronliald oa mysoîf compote me Kotefuta 4h. te correct certain statemeats made. report that 1 havo not pald for tha thenein, andisoit that Yeu publiah fille support of my childron nor theo.hurin! tbe true statemeut fct,0f mi vite, sud ln justice te Mr. The*. The b"bo meationeil thoroin are Cerclan my oncle, who vas namel net. th b ildrm iof Mr. Thomas car--la h rvesatce olan; 4h07 are my eblîdren, 3J V .Donstho prvions rtly bue fonnarly et Lake Forest, owTournAbfverP> trtHiy, St. Louis, Mfo. Their mother, former- AE .DNHE ly Ailte. orum of Roudout hsvlilid Rockefoller Boy Misslug' et Nl,"lewood, NMo., Peb. latb laaKC The o*pnugeet baby was but four lMarold Rausom, a Young boy wh') menthe old, sud feeling that thepl lvea veat of Rockefeller, bas ho.l- lot; of the ablldren lu the carset0fmy iuilp*olnfromt bis.- home aince.lait wil's oltewoud oitpinonêvey-Woinoaay. Ho la the son of lMr. cultesnfe1n,, 1vmude aharrlang er. asd bMm. A. E. Ransoao su eoacf oaq oacnned I ai1 au rrage one 0f theold14054familles ln the coue ment vihayny moter-lnlev ta ovor- tr se their carat rentol an apatmnt .Ls eùaa cws$ or tamponariiy. sud later wled a bous. Ls oasu ovssa ur 40~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ii àhc hp. n untr rn n C. & M. eloectrie at the Rocke te wheb 1 bippd my urnitre toi aler station. St. Louis,, maklng a&»omplets home T'he boy la about 14 years1 old, but . for my childrn, in> mother-in-lav,saitapanmcohi Wç' and ber tvo sous. provl.ded s trained ldtse ehas veh ldrase-il ýl nurseountil tbe baby wvas aiment seven tn enh a atdesdl mente od, ten ngagd a"m-gray suit and vor. a gray but,.lFE paienths <anton eae l aof om- ofas about Bye test six loche.stliand Potet wmanto ahecar 0fbot ~ eîgba about 130 poundiaW5- Ho bae a thean. 1 puid ail rents, gas bille, coulw bill. bblél fod, nd alaiestu light impeiliment ia bisaspoec.. buIs hales f041.sudsalria ta The b)oý l sald to have devolopeil traîaI urs, sf th voan. tante for cbesp literaturo latoly adi 1,belng lu St. Louis, vhere May sald tuo'bave poreil orer the stirriu- business li; locatel, vas promiseil reg- adventures relatedlnl the 5-cent weea nier reports as ta tbe velfare of the lies. It la hought that these stori- chîldren. and recelt-ed hem vwhie the auay be responoible for bis runulul c nurse ws ln charge, but sbortly a'tter adta emynwb nhs ber-departure they practical> ceaaed. te the west lu an endeavor to Slud L,' they not averaglng more than on. per venture o! bis ovn. month. It la flot kuown vhether the b i1 furulîhed*,self addrilaied postal haît very mucb mouey wlth hlm. ar'i ca 'rIs. pleadiug for a report once each sin of bis friands believe that ho ý webut none vero useil, couselluet nov. staylug lu this locality until k à ly 1 vas comtielled ta terminate the eau gît auoney euough tu I-ave th arrangemeeut, but vas met by opposi* part of the country.- tion aul vas unabie te secura my chl -________ dren or my furniture. 1 laid the case Cmîel

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