IOUNTY FATEEDITION. AK1 COITNTY TND1EPEIMNT1. rA.SPE1ER9 90 T "COUJNRY CANDIRATE FOR IAM a, candidate for t.he office of County Oùerk, and would like to meet every, voter personally, but vilnet be. able te do so. $qmo >of yfu niay not be personally ac- quInted wît' me, or have knowl- edgo of my.record in the Couxty CIooc'a office, and therefore, 1 may be per- mittod te speak of myseif briefiy. 1 amn 29 years of age; was born in the Town of Fremont in this County; was edut- cated ini the public schools of Lake C and at Knox College; have been for t seven years a Deputy County Clerk,a Leve I arn thoroughi-Y familiaj-V#wI0 and records in that office and tàe' be performed therein. I amn a candidate on my ow1M' hazve no urnkind word to Say of"~ candidate, and respectfully aïk peit at t,:e primaries on Set9 next. LEW. A. E vire Subject. to flec1 è ô< epubican __Septeniber 1l5th, 1910 .-1M R. QUENTIN has neyer held county office, and his election will be a protest against rotation from official to deputy, year in and year out. The people demand a 'change. The "country'. districta demand represontation i the lst f county ~fcas Treasurci' of Lake Comty ha" and does belong te tlie count ry. Vote for George Quentin, COUNTRY CANDIDATE, and against perpetual officiai life for a favored f ew. and for a "square deal" in the county -.. ',- treasurer's office. ÇandidE ko.un:ty 0F LAKE Sa native of Freont. Ho has been avr, sîe f-he was sixy esoHi a. r, sinde to hoCounsixyeat, .Hw- sçadimic education was completed à$~ douege ini Knox County, Illinois. Mr. Hendëe has had seven years' MM Deputy ini the County Clerk's te. work of this office involves not o ý#4ýkw. ledge of business, but also ac- vxàM wth business proçedure. Upon tbaootaty of the records filed in this of - ~ss~Ap.adproperty interests, tities to real rights. Kvery day de- muds 4m r made up tho patience, intelli- ,goàce and proftciency of the County Clerk. Loy*. A. Heudee han e. ouaty wideNrop ate. for Cl.,' COUNTY utation for an mc ~ ~ pu and reliable adminiotïÏgon of a public officer. « --,t Mr. Roosevelt &sa.«-:4 SZho ùd1b#ý politica I car. fer, Iu the.1iî47ïoim I which decency is comb« iâ Mr. Hendee'si' dorsement of a wi4e va ÊËÙt*- and friends whe kiî9w d officiai, social. and pe#,a1 e1LtiW R. is knowfl as a e.yunagw v everybody a square'd"elatbo,, I offce which h. so.kiý It is genierally.r bë mary day, Sept.. 15, .1910, pepeWinlshow'hu Ill thsalei popular andi 0F WAUKLcQAN, ILLINOIS. .., -ut île JOUKTY PAIR »MON.., I»ýl