CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Sep 1910, p. 4

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ne. mur a M. éep luelaoeo. 1. tjberw ,flIa flabau0 4m *t the'~ a Z411maiDe DL. s eboff l am ater WI. *OnVa~w m» ism m8 0"oWu 0W #VLToE. >N PRIOl 1.10 flfi VIAR STIOTLY IN ADVANCIE VRIDA. zmMBJKR 9,_1O $^Mot Oui Po«8 ONea0 g*ably the gopeipetOof the.Tentb oongreaeonai bavea motr aiiaewhet m* quIilet, wiHtngUervastthey iaI ut Waah- Splerlilie they f-Alot tilep lied ay 8eerpem. «e ftt . Q*ept wIHea peàOlt f SMISdeWU 1eR lbYth* petman 0r litib johnY ame hImm fîs*sheet l ii eesartaaal.sgquetion& :,11lt laltel> Mr' . m 4" bina more apparent th hila oefatttgente. It la rether 4fi ty bisa opIiOn. havis net Woa. Ppuerui. Mr. toa,le roimeying tl'RtHO la0hurrYlng tfirugt9hbis distrilnO te eoet t"i. Peýrbqapabu- to primer> daY howli l ed thowl. t prisent hie deet know raletieMr lhe je fer the roaterattea of Camn »Or nt. i.t IIl eY latt. Hiea md la not moade up. %le l entlrely wllllag that hi* constituenta s1hallmka t up for hmÎ. Thoea le room for Improvemant ln Mr. Pesa'mthoda. MR. Fos ANO MR. ENCILHARD. Candidats. jUffelhard coeiee nt Lake oounty end publci> aayeof Mr. rom @amen*of thiéthigsy« an~d 1have bain thtnking md eoayag for a long t1 t. M. Feue of coue bas an aneaser, fbut it la flot te thé point, la an ava. Mm nd o virthy our. reprafeetatve ln Cnearaa Th* OU N hbletedaifor yaara th*t IdMr. Fu li. bmewlat of a'bluffer- 1wmtili hétiave it. W. commet au. that lie bas dons w thitng for liea ditrict OmY ffthOr ltfIttntMun la hi* position would net dé, and w* have found hi, ctaies 01 aaourroq govrnment aid for-Waukegni and Lake county pure bras. gadeio. NeMt a cenUreaeman ln the mouas but wiil aId promotion of every govora. ment tOterpria. la hia ditrict and that la ail Fouadoaa.If a dstrict haa fftural afvantagua, ttractlng goveramentai notice and la pousaed of pow- pfut Interese awhtch auccoed ta Iocatlag a goverament harlior and-& naval sation therelalt ta fmot &Il t. the credît of thé congreaaman frojit tlat dtstrict. Wakegan and Lake cOtinty nover got a favor or worm aidaI ln any wayl li>r Consreeman,FPa thOY Worem ot more than ontitiqd t. or wýould have se- onred frern their raproentative, whoever ha may hava bion. *Se muci for Mr. Foise' bluff and braggadoclot Nois4 Waukugan and Lako county do net approve the tariff Mr. Fois voted for., Thsy do mot approve of Mr. Cannon mor of Mr. Foie' vote and attituçie Vibenèer 1he."Intoresta" are opposed t. the common people. W. happen to lie lar-oly --common eoIs'l and il ta dawntng Up ua. Mr. Fois dosa not toiy atpreeeat the "Com"mon people.,, rthar SUN han lttle hope liat Mr. Engailiard can dafeat Mr. Fe la tha' Unpeg, but lia or aomo othar man wil the next, Juita e rtain as Mr. Foua inalataîna hie laicurely, Indîffoent MIOREPAIESNTATION of hie district ln oeaig lt woutd b. woll for the district Ifach a man et Engelliard coul win. Ho te feerleea dftermiaed, abeolutely -lioneat, ha. unsual ability and xporience, to a lorosfut orator, end best of ail an "Insurgent." Mie reprenante the senti- mient of votera la th. distriot moretruly lina Fosa avar dld. Ne le wlli. 4"t ad wnta te diacusthe tarIR and Cannoalam. Sr. F.. le uawtllng nd orsste., Inteal'ho aIu, evadea,,and tlan f our iarbor, the naval sta- tIoa4 impressins ua the whltereepionaîble for thom. We have isard de.omotofe thîs dwadie. OthOr ooagrOeMMA ara teiling. thoir constituent& o? th*tr*N', 4q0*nanq and onighteffiag tliam., Great icueo f the dey are '«bfi r ait l gét wortfiy uanner, wfille wu limer of a harbor aad naval 22 andQtf Rmn cs or ce-RI cîc(c Thse North IlhoneMttre Company L m iueelîug dlsplay etfmccîriq leooepylng a largo 'tant on1 plonde. AkIaturofofbexhibitwbl àgt*acenaiterable attentIon let ahlabplaemachinery desîgueit- mos'the fucia., Tbia incuden a I Wb4ra cern abller, a grlnd etei Kýs*& ehra. ail belted te.aat rouai] ;WM oe motet. Thon 4&l a I a c glilr rua by a bect«lgeai mot midaboresllpping machine. fi; ladg loi alore a" Othe elotrical appilse 11111ip lite Plaeineft lh ire mas be bm. AÀgnod deai et attention fi wo'14 to Iis machlnry by tl w*a Who in lu hin Metie. et AI Motry ara progrUimîe sad ha rspil 0 et b.clous attention lb mUNIe lial c-aualieope-dona imtydiib"rlc Du ow girmg te t] owguub of theImm a. Thi.exhbt W"a fIcbw dp voîltazmr's pua gabla*motordlraotlcennmctmd. Th o nut Ofite -a9t61lparlaot tion outôl whi the i.North lBbc Fitodubsm. The totIequlptuent ho kWe wagt; letallal duriug tI 1mm51Usam erwi lon s arin leIiiiiiiiieotlis Palaemriver. It Wid bY'maux faracr,s»dl IIla ste, b*i lunabanhbave expreseitlb flasha ot duplicata tbe plant. I Mp ollaelam* uo put tIla l Mut $W6 veokalu airace ofet MOr n iduriug thé long dry op IMe IroWtzlg grsn ad vater vwhen vu tegittl. '1Fbfrot part oet hebmilbtletuà i affe tispsy aof bouaehld artkfeeasa bor.ealng applî«Sea, whlch great 1*mu* the . en i itora. Blebaddemonaratlug et rai hartliad wrtl.g by Froid H. turtti 44 et -!Int.ernational (uamplonsl lut. 1.14' Oebool etfBiortaâ Doet StwUeoeiia.650.1 At tl i clo *" .......... ..........ertr. . d.S*Na. eor, afi bm atoveï UNI ISSON 0<imkovladge SON seoibelloeme filai bai ical the -for m am o> l-'.l , ir*eniaran Ciurch Servicas. Pimehlng at 10:3u s. M. by th, paster. Rm. J. Van de Erre. f8abj.t 'The Kyslone Miracle.", Preathng St 7:110 P. Mn. ythe bmpaster. ýù1bject, ..Vacation Daya."l Romember lbe Fiai Uatcesa t theo Town lall Thursdny.and Frida.v niglite Sept. Mf sud , given by the Ciizen,& Baud.<--t B"acbuard itamonuatlug et rapid ahorîhanditlbigby Fre.dB. O(ti er, bolIer et International (hamplcn#ii Mn. Judd'. Uchool ot8borthanit llntg,l Fairl'breuads. .e50-1 Laire ad better Tia ver, Safore, Impl*umoD ealeas., Througligut C*Uaty are Up-lo-date ' lna liu Warta. Tige dlaplaav et machaultu aM the. fair 'hie ,er t etin aI t of l terme.. occailon. h h set ceaflumd prlneipatiy le~ ~~tn emalu.luita mathlnery lai trery moua, o!fithe word. The axhibton -l coûnsulte sie couuly idealers and tu rgode aravortay tif caetal ilapee. ttoa frein UnIte lait look., 1 Tbemuua Brothwe.,of Griylaie, are en the Fren4o unuanal euhîbit etf tarin sehlery, tIbm daiaet' vblhi arei- hedeeonitMeed by thein. Behamc"e roeo, rs l*kuovu lm. Ple"it deilera etf tbe couuty,aie have t»On dtepilay of te li. ichîer, tbey baud!., the'arl'ang.mopî a nd eringe et tuc r "ccy te .obwrver sud bave cea" ulcy omplimeetory umarka froin t tepaouers-by. B&rnay Stem% ,fet ighlaud Park, ene o h et Ibm ce aimnptement deelaru bua spitte in sacieil hll u-dthé dlaiy bhIe tu t the .apprei etf thé Vagitt hrcing liat riitbru particullar ' building. H. B. £ger, who hait handied varloug g»a,ýet offarmling lmplements ta on hand1 wihlil.euslemaiy mxhîbît, wbleh lbass beau commentai uon -'aibetui "'dorer" lu Écu, respecte, te aay the, leael, expianatiojnaeotbte nidus operanisof th1e abilie ef diffarent machines Vere readiiy man are a qu'ationaannrered lu a Batiatactery manner. Paddock Ibem aollna englue man et Roundt Lakes' ls puamuet wthb ix çgi- Ilne englunes, sbowing oeeasd ail Ibeê manyedyantigea 'gasolilue" bas as a motive powem, hi@ ianebb@ glantie. led with demoutrations made. A. W. Litchfielit, Lbertyillîe's repu-e. sentatlte tor a certain make et ganollue englie" wai also on band wlîh hie gooe and hle explanallons ai te theïr mqlits vere readiir listened tot by boumreit,. lu tact the dipplay ttîronghont- lb par excellent and ne taiminitel larme.. ean 'By thut holie ainol semu a botter dluplay 0t tarin machlnary aI any oe t ime, Ihan thora luaithe FitrySeveuili Annual Fai eft ha Lake Uounly Agrlcntural$oreey. Te make a long agtery short, the lmptmnut dealeis oethle county eau turbieh their wares fMmm a ateamt tbreehlnt machine dewii te thé gardeu ---. -uit----e,-su eau guaranlce theni wîti a cîar coniecleuce. EO D!NTAMARO IS RAIL VICTIM AIl of Section Gang but Uanlamaro Steppal Aide te Lot Train Paie and Ite.Wait natantly Klled. Repet . Co4lt,~a Joe.eulaniuare. au Itallan employai th as a section baud by lhe Lhitago, Mdil. &liveukae & St. Paut raîtroail vWistrucli byfatittrain about thr-teurtia. et %T ia le veute rett Tburealattaler. AI s Ubttimêlgtu 1111 Stteo Iliiolt. et ltsc Deon, anà Imitaitly klel. Detamaru lu lg ela Ittstue bIbOLIMo viae voilng vîti a gangegagel lu th aetinoes laIn »&IDsout ..... ..... og17 l epairing the tractes Wbenthm lImitei tp a7. .SondstW "cure crculation tspel.A bia ons ~eom1, etc ........ 2 .'cmalenga bigittolpedA an d b>aon"' glaiudrae u,.d xu 100* the labouersa xcpt Dentamaroetelppeit aru ~ aae'iwýTuCoruîailec.&»d leon@aiertetIrak, Dntamaro lfiDaetrou a ptredtearre Agenfs... mgumstoppei tte eaide oppoelte thé otilera 1 et s b uda notier Casbh em ...... 1ci laole riann v. év, fil Noés r oterNational nua....... 34-bad ota o é000Uwee cwl hacto Wr pet Vtucr. yNicSels .'ho Irled tote prlng gacrea. the f-t t on Ceasss ...........«............... .4 lLawfmW Ecot ltaeinluBank. via: jol bi4felororit ' cr. But .Ib* train Ilspecla-. .......... ....... 00430 1 7 vWiseuir ias io ceunteitdon aUl thIe LRedemiu fnon ithU 9 s4rer e ngine bisin lm -hi .vai ball c eir (=n rof fcirculation ........ 2 ace,,00h0,h.001 u naghu hae Total .............. ......l . bi a 1sdLIAILTIES , Ibe edy.c~s ~mla tey At Capital nfork phd tu ......... ......350.06Ji làmzi w abet5yor awnl V id of itsil. le]a penes ndmi ofetageait haitbeen' lu filaecountry ,du 1:ný -.-.stina;: ~about titreyears. Individu Ce .pýýtoctierS... 11.ui.97 The Inqamt u et héit Fmdai, tha jury ba Ttal..... raturai»* tb. verdict liai lb. decaefsed oid ta o <f Ilisoi. ýiCos,îy <of ILake, s f 63met bis Iah wviln lu lb. emplof et b ffl i, . Il. WrightCasbiet <of thje bove-named beak, do aotemuly swacthfaithae above sigle- t ômpaay su lia titogagîner blew thé mentis tuta te brait nif . u ea i tdne halreeadti nlbut bellef.Y mwea nfdne 4te eea *olo C. Y. WRIGHT. Cinlalet. 1l PeO4 vuS!Wb thut lb.' vs. las- id eub 90 ~ ebltem ii~ possible *e reduce. Il aument 6rl let. R ~tA . UTAPLES. Notary Public.. he iap. Onic-ZatoAL:Thé eeéd wieadtt P. tP. OTIONO, lae enesavl m v tb, 0. A. WRIGHT. eiden l [t n ..ha iu CHiARLES E. GALLOWAT btimi 11,W ..r- ... remalue vefe loea uailaLàioldt Off imbe frsije *<jjcemetry, sturdu dutr-aoo. IThurada>. September I1t. 0.à4e 1.rnt rd 3. ,&2 ita = WSII1l.............. M.000-00ployel, a Wall ai,10.laboat 0.00S= .....................&M00 ttthoe comàull" #*oliArvompan S .Çl N Taim .atDaakt .tas .ntatau. ig , U .16 and 5u1bwu.taut tbf '~ rlita~1~tesublecst i o.k.t4.imui»#amI irllaem Sstm ouma les f deost......e8461-08 vire àtflem tg Nbe boncamp. Ma' -ki ..................t...lauises Pmaieseouf rente ffr lb.I. oeNotassud fa i aronnmutmi.....aças lirIOu hr00i LaO iemred fer taxs...................ia20» epy nabDOos ta, i S .v0.wonta, clalirroyalsa râ etatm'a Allorney V"?aiyt b*lumt 7.5 j Bible Emtgtu4dil rom a eoise I 00Decatues.:achoo board hbmleodefl TOtal-------------- ............ ti1toe ndIthe Mev Totttfflt ls the IPuhlie achoel Ubrertus no longer. ¶'b Iiûmued tienS. do nolirmnly wear thac;t 1h. 6v- tato Bupremle coon t mu.ttnoa sud heljet. h audet dovn a lecisooholding it un. Ot0E.Csier. lavful te give religiousn. iuciont lî day of Sptemiet. 1e1o. pbi col.Vne pellt S A a R- S <ÂAIttl -SOtaryPubie. pubieatoelels. out o u ewitos Correct Afeut- J. L. ?ATLOII.t upmtd«« utwt SEmf a, mU=a. V. C. BDir, vionea Silon oam« lto oERAND SatE noiizflt Ite bave lb. Nev Tgstauom$ la ltrectors. the puble achoole a a t i 1e Ronce" [0lm4 short timé Ï?Luàl h 'iNice b ii ;oil an~ u fer é1irs lis niàd tb* -the bulding f tu.=. te bid on nid hromoeltfou te pro. bal ceo beaua gven op tu MMsp- PU*rMd probant th*ti bl afor adit-, PobOd. A hoyaainount of atockbea19 te bIoks of-thé Oomty QMeMor houea thea libuilding of je$* o! ldLabo OU & 0ort riod et Mame. but Dol eicollet otwaranntt0110 7f fuiifr asy umberof yea golng ahei aida year.-Kenos"e . Bard '60m àd l#alIeop tu Ne0ws.n. 5511P#nomttioroblln ii ha IIIUUIor 4elvred th lKi.,c;W. Auguat al Record Weetiter.. Moyet, blrin o i of &WBrd êt *,jWa&u.d u m"na Ii oa.o or beture Bell Augnt, 1.10fte alt ai teiio 13h. A. D. 1#10. togother lovelyreputation for tuasitTU09A 'GIU la th Ibi vint>, departeit ln a blase Oeet mmttee. Of 8lorY, ao t; Spaa. That la, th. weather vWU cool andt comtortable-. TligY NuaI ha Mone.. almicalton CMl tu be wholif oombor" , Icyoy woflBikoWd'I avt anal. able là owanoe whetbser. Sl.hasinle oor Mar- abe ufLa4.Ocoring 10 the oMetS! irWel aw'qan.- Amra iWomas. Whita weather totecator the meu temper-. a atulent. If the ta eaile ant ber- Mture et lte ntis vas 73.5degreéa, Parensaaretot veaty-i haoutI whc istw .dgésln oxces orhave, It op to a certain aga t6 boy, vitili wo I 4ogeos he nineclothesand IPaY .ar tare, e., snd tii. Average tuuqaarature fr h iâethoen b.expectel te verte for theoe mentit durlng the. last terty yeara. titg. If aIlelh mariled as abuoidi The. warmesé llay of the mentit via have a, regaiar aglowauce snd liaib. On theounI., viion 89 dégresa vre apared the bumlllatlmg alternative 0f] reglsarao d th coolest a teaklng ber buaband for ovmry cent att, 201h, viteit the tiietmemeter niarkml butt 63 degfresa. The storm o the 23rd Auto and 'Street Car Collilde. vas ona of thée meut aevere oreor- Thufraay attermoon au Automobile pérmecollut#iIg section et illiluofo.jAnd a a sttecar oollhded on thé and vaa Iuarkod hy a raintal eor1.301 cary. ot'deth. aI Gene.. sel Belvi- inches. dorto tr«u t bhoismcaped fhh but emaBu damage. 1"Wanteoretlime la the mont estîry. Thé e Creet car vas g oguth 0on gent and cOsly et ail expenses.' âAnd lb. alt tracte andt titwo mot jusl at naget te read the adn. bofore gSOlng the. curve. The gloa, front ef the au. shopping", la OntO Way of wastlng lime tomuobile waa broken, but laaie la -and l~'a aluxury whil o o n ee not aerioua. T b e e et a d r rtia u g e di ni.T h e c a r c4 m o fr e i n a lo c a l g a ra g e . The estadvetigng tdiun.- Nù o ire as hurt. I WRITE ANSURANCE PIRE, 'TORNAÀDO« LIFE. RENEWALS PROMPTLY ATTEMORD TO. CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SELECTION OF DESIRABLE LIFE POLICIES. (.C. 4JRIDLEY, FIRST NATIONAL IIANK. LIBP-RTYVILLF, ILLE For Rig V laluesL* I Farm Land, l1ouses and Lots- 00OTO SClINAEBELE &WI1EELER REAL ESftÂTBINSUIACI, AND NIM AL IRERAI! Plios 108 -LISERTYVILLE, ILL-. I o e O o O -I o o O O O O O la i O 004 r as IoJIows: 15$ IftOUard yl, erotite nake 0f SIpRatrtheical n I !bfe .trto t1os O b - 1- " S p ar to r wv I h éti 5$ a oe iîu. , W p at r O ,la ie l dte s 01 b u tt e la a t 005$ 0f tb* -i-rai*eha 706r. and the ,gaor imouet otmat mp&r&tors wile MiCbmore thoan mb t id.I4 in Si.pai.tnu "mof ue boit ararfity reinèesundar tlaq8M0st fayot btoadio.yont gain tu 11.14n bot tr yIMenu c .t t ha S ples Tabul&a@ ataor yul, bd, laase ut on.. 05.4.fot rar>hlnued sond, priauly Maule. M" .0aasen ca ich f*gals raMUarner favorable codflglow. the$5la. bofn Veroid v gr lesefc. Fouig»la v1W ic ha &q etosa of tuaitipousu,. Ifi Fou tue an Infetior COleorPan,, our Sin VIIPU'ru front tvcnty4rc ftOllfIr Voinda, idepeiadlcg 0ou110v Inictor Od. OU iMM Point 01 quaml0t0101,11 rcaotr tt ore udieult te0mite a dulntm glieanti, OW hadis aur"Ytwo dWrirjaosaotlme mm enanf oacmabout Iticir dafylesor Maête ch laome QMaIMt ottero, aotber thiffa balng lOaI. v urue 1miaa11 .,earîa U 1 S o id 10 lm r o r m u th e iii. Na s fl f its b t tie r e u ' t m t t e ge a a t ,e si. c ents p otem p u l or the nuaoft ur »asoaar. whllsthe avrrg lmaupa td dtyma vilscre a butter worit Ifrot ur noue gW 10 par cccl more Chan vltaont lMe aid of<he Tabular sfOMpror. 4 skimmj15, baing Worm suad f ruct. ualà b. Iaueh meoral e for stocki fSn. It wll ha 'Worthf ront Weutp-iuraconteatWforty-*srm resar et ndred P0und. for tock nd mitu. dePending l"11017 Ou téluiscof the. stock tu vh,tmIfaite. Sour. told nUS Is Woth about one*tifth Sftf1115 amollit. .t*1. T. 'vialu h..â.9ing0ofthe m milSV 'avng Mc e earaton mode rigit baside tie oow 4h10.sud tielm-mlSt ed ntt t. hsock *ili je wI.mva. the ssaaylgIn 1t alltnu. Vauk etc.. &d te ibmvahlug andi rina for came. Add a humtd ud dou. other 1Utile uria.. nted flot ha ectlmelaed. alth gh $ber aMounts W a guo$ et inuthie.aggudeate. Oth. Thare vill bha a sanng oftite. If a»Y lîa eil.a&W $bu.ilmeaDand fam of imuun Uic Ice. if S10ueceouaaor t noWcim onIbM Sncanteed lumurca th Fiemjld OS butter and thm guet- anteed ImProYenmuf la qualltY tW niable Fou tW oe boy atoi»utly nueemrv le >saproper nepa,- Wýr W a idmryms,,. and 110v 0114r no citramatucaA, rau hliea as u uful vltbout one an SoId by 1B.E ELb tyil IIARVEST:TIME.-COMING FIX UP YOUR .GRAIN BINS, MIAY -SIIEDS, BARN ROOF AND GET YOUR INDIANA ROCK GOAL MIGI-ITY OOD TIME TO. BUY NOW POuLTR romo- JUST PRICE'RIGIIT WeARfD!LVflrG CMI! CLM I IARD COAL LîbedyvieLllberGo PtIflN~ A~ "lui - ---..-' ', j ROC-ET- ICIEt. Bg ils 441*geu eum0.Septeamer6. h osa wIdft * rp BmchdbddMgoq * loi' a mo eof .101w the iý sduuimaIs S le" a t ie un 1s 1 ime M.i....mand grê lie best Eic- berni avaules.£~peseuIo Ren d bo«d for' studeats. AOR OATULOOANO INFORMATION ADDRESS PRIN. 1. G. TOAN, ROCHESTER, WISCONSIN. 4-65t Oood Coffee Won't flurt You. Il C et!f ee c you har , ther e a e efind u l w at tif .e Mayba it la nioS propmrly made. Maybe Il wau's rlgbht Cottem te atarI with. 9 Maybe It *as toeesmp-aud tee nbmap Collée la thm decart drink s«Y perse. orer drank. But don' t Iatus A LL Col.. i We b.ave enraîal of Ciai. & Saubome' higb grade blondi. 5 Prim. troni 20 te 40 renta per lb. Glad to hava You teat Il. Coricti & Fredercks L 1i*lE 0 TYVt N, LO .

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