CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Sep 1910, p. 7

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wGood 1 rm Deser sAna f 0. Girls bqsed idbos- s. . H 47tf iM ofcbe r. Ovuce ESits till 5.4 Up $2A,OOO i Sei1Atactp 40 ACMES 0F ]E(HITS 10 HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS ai EXHIITIONSULINA GREAT MIDWAY WmIT 19 SPECLAL EXCwuURiON TRAIN 10 GREAT SPME EVENTS UP-TO-DATE SHOWS 10,00ê~ F.M.PRERSWcYI mhn Tri&- CONSERVATOR'S NOTICE. DRAINAGE NOTICE Te AUl Persons wbom It7ar Ceac*ru: Te ail parties ownfng land lu Ualon Notice la bereby glvc tiat the. on- Drainage District 5Number One of .te deruîgned, Denisn Huntington. Con- towns of West Deerfleid, Lake Cou.- servator of Sophia A. Woolf. à feehie y, lilnotsa nd Northfleld, Cook Cana. mimdci persan. viliiMaite application ty. Illinois, vhlch illii be affected hy te the Coisnty Court of Laie Coum .the i comblaed system of ,drainage pro- la the State of lUilols. at a regular panai te h. coastructed la »aM dia teri tiiereof te h. heu aM the Court ta-ic. Housé la the. City of W&Uiegan lu, Yeu are hereby uotied that the sali County of Lai. on Moniay, the Drainage Counnsaoners of Union Third day of Octeber, A. D. 1910, h.- Drainage District Number One of the lng the frt daY of sald Ternu of Tovus 0f West Deerfield, Lake Coun- Court, for an orier and decree of sai ty, Illinois aud Northield, Cook Coun. Court dlrectlag hlm as mch Cotiserva- ty, nîmuois, viln meet on the, l7th day tor toi aell ail of the rîght, tte ad of September, A. D. 1910 at the hour interet af ssii SophIa A. Woolf. la af 2 o'cloci P. M. at Uic Wlmot and to the followlng descrlhcd rnI ces- School Hanse lu sald district. to ber tale, stustcd lu the County of Lae auy objections thst May h. made te, aud State ofIllluols, to-vît: 1 ie casifilcation of lands on -the The. souli aeventy <70) acres of tie graduatel goals lansali district mii- West hait of the South at quarter hy the Commeselouers for tie purDose o Section Flfteeu (16) lu Township et speclal assessments for beuflts la Pofty-three (43) North, af Range Ten consequence of the construction of a (10) East of the. Tird Principal Mer- propoeed combined syfftem of drain- ldlaui( for the purpos. of paylug notes ae for sali district. vhen sud vhere çxecuted sud dellyered hy &846 So- yon eau appear snd Male ohjection If pbla A. Woof. prier te the cntry 0J you se desire. the orer of this Court adjudglug s.11 Dated this 19th day of August, A. 1). Sophia A. Woolf, a feeble mmded per- 1910. .on, vhicisii notes are past due GEORGE H. OUTZLER, snd payable. 1 WILLIAM Ir. PLAGGE. Dalcil iis Slxteenth day af Augut. AION FROST. 1910.1 Drainage Cammlsslouers. DENISON HCNTINGTON, Attest: p ZeyrdCei Conservator of Sophia A. Wolf . 1H eeCe 47-4t Tiy sur Want ad columa. Lai. Vouatjr Titis & Trust GO. itracis af Titi.. Tltl.u Guaranteei Matonle Temple Bidg. Wankegau, 111. Louis J. Guassz, S8-y. P. D. DeWaody sudvte to C. P. Black,. 10 acres lu souihesat quarter af section 32, Beulon tovnship, W. D., John Griffith and vif. to H. cA. Chet- bain, lot 5 and part lois 3 snd 4 sub- division oi lot 53, Lake Forest, W. O., 110. Emma Mi. Montgomery sud busband ta Martha A. Irvin et ai. easi 69OS t (excepi south 100 teet) of loi 7 block 15, Highland Park. W. D., $11.300- Samuel Coel ta P. E. Chambiers, lot il cole's sAduivision vest of Zian City, W. D., $800'. .Sarah A. Hlgglus to'C. H. Homes sud vile lut 4 subdivision af bloci 3. Exioor addition ta Hlglau-d Park,. W. D., $400. 3. C. Welduer and wif e ta C. L. Heu- ehan. 10 acres lu tic noriheat quar- ter of section 23, Vernion tovnship, W. w Representative A. K. STEARNS To my Constituents and Friends: 1 regret that the shortness of the time before the pri- maries ansd the size of the district coverig tbree whole cotinties aecessitates my addressing you through the mcd- hmn of the press rather than personally. 1 beg ta report that the following bls bearing my nainm ue ase h hueduring the Iast session. 1I House il No. 66, creatng ajury trial at the Decem- ber tnm of the Circuit Cort of Lake County, (by request ci c* S$tates Attorney.) 2 fmus Bill No. 587, regulating the pblication of legl otiesand to a degree abolishing worthess and fly- bï-alUh .ewspapers. 3H~m Bill No. 634 making the f ini; appopriation of Suie nnuey ever given the Grand Am-y ofthe Republic since the war, two thousand dollars for paymnent of print- ers bi. 4 Fki4 Httchery Bill making an appropri4tion of C. W. Heydecker and wifg taetC. E. Ssyier, part lot 27 bock 6 eaet af rail- road, Lenox subdivision, North Chi- cago, Q. C., $30. E. A. Cummings and vile ta Jan Prlllowski, lot la block 14, Wankegsn Highlands, W. D., $335. Aurella, B. Ferguson ta D. W. Fer- guson, nortiieast quarter section 14. Grant township. Q. C.. $5.000. Mary M. Shaw sud husband ta Amn- cla Sass. lot 270 Shaw's subdivision ln section ,5, We8t Antlach township, W. D.,. 811W. E. O. Sayles to John Bailey, 2 Iltu ln the village of Fox Lakte, W. D, $420. Mary C. Clark sud husband ta C. G. Clark, lots 19ansd 20 block 5. Lakte Bluff, W. D.. $:.000. C. E. Smith and wlfe taeLU Jakrzew- sia. lot 8 blockt 7, Dreyer's subdivision North Chicago. WV'D., $400. Elîza ZUtte oC. C. Ilharpe, sautb 44) feet (except est 70 teet) lot 4 block 26, Original Waikegau, W. D., $1. G. %V. Chiplev sud vif. ta Fred E. Aines, lot 7 bfock , Lenox subdivIs- Ion. Waukegau, W. D., $4,200, - Sherit! u01 Lake prhnuaesTbwM.'$$ sep. tember 151-4i*O. &elumaeber's 0 litai, ti.frest sior- onghily uueees.aila$bw«t. Ee»Nte sutes.Hm sbeC. 0450-8 $ 10,000 for Waukegan Hatchery to replenish the fish in our lakes. (vètoed by Chas. S. Deneen.) Your Representative paid close attention to hisdutles- neyer missing a roll cati during both geReral and speclal sessions. He was appointed by the house as Lincoln Day orator on th-e one hundredth anniversary of the blrth cf Abraham Lincoln. 1No scandai of any kind has attached to the name of j your rnember. 1For services performed; for experience and-knoWl- edge gaîned: for some arnail degree cf ability, I ask a passing credit in your mirids and an expression of your confidence by your vote on the fifteenth cf September. A f irst term at Springfield'is but a breaking in --- and One Good Term deserves another. A. K. STEARNs, RepublcatsRqep ntative Ath seaatoriliDlm*eIc PIVÉ IN COUNTV lo the ciasalicationreitralkp? LISTDAS STNDAiDlea acop5r of the classification register LAKE ~le alternation -practîsei sud are LtnAKE SChOoî. idaasreducci lu numbers s «ha Standrd Scoole.a Il receive adeqisate urne! - 1 District Ne. 54 - Saugatuck 19 there a defiulte prograinaf utudy1 schooi. 14.111. Phillips, teacher; suiaoeroretao? 15 pr othfo an mnt1 Do pupils study tlfeir lessous ai the iweniy-ihree enro lad. lime asslgued? District No. 77-Ivanhoe achool. Ar1 omItssgvn Roy Hicketsweller, teacher; $60 Are fornal teste given? per ont fo nie motha; tir- Do pupils recelve diplomias or certill- îy-one enrolled. dates of promotion? District No. 108-Rîdge. achool. Are- paper. jîroperly utillzed sud k.-pt Caroline Bascorn, tescher; $W0 per on file? nonih for ten monihs; twenty. ls the refereuce library useti effective- Numnber 3; average enroliment, 26; average number montha, 91,,à; average psy par monih, $58J313. Schools inspeçc>d and candi- iioned, Il. The above is the list of standard ane room sehools lu Laite couuiy, accord- lug ta a bock lssued by the state sud recelyed lu the male ibis week. Other cotnnues alea are listeti sud treated lu like manuer. The three schools lleted iuy be cou- sideredth le best ans ruom couutry schools lu the couunty sud otheresare belug broîîght up ta tlir standard as rapudly as directors sud urne viii per- mît. Whai Standard Io. The follovlug questiops wsre asked ait the eleven schaols vîii ta find out whether the schools were of the rigit grade or not, andi the supervis- or. U., J. Hoifrnai14 uted asaers to the Jollowiug luquirles: Graunds- Axe there sheds trees sud shrubbery? la there ample play ground? la thc yard properly fenced- sud kept? le there a suMfcîsut supply of good purs driukiug vater? Are there tvao ut-houaes sud are they vldely separaici? ls the fuel hause couvenlent sud lat goati condition? .School Hanse- ila It palutei sud lu good repair? 1Io ht well lighted, vell heaici sud vell ventilated? Are the 'salls decaraici? Has ht ample blackbosa-d, snltably pis- ced? . Furnishings sud Supplie-- Are desis adJuicta ttiec cildren. sud propcrly pliseei Io tic teacher supplidviii s gooi desi sud ivo chairs? -Are tie apparaitis snd supplles suMfc- lent sud veli carei for? aAre the Wanll pletanes vel selected? OrganIiétiOmi- I? liier a cireulaing lilrar.% and :i, ilie homne readmng p roperly directeti? suid Just about burled them. vUhe the oire, comlng along a few mom#etu aftervards,' lgnited the timber ansd they werc roaated alive. The late !uir. Aines vas buruc4 about the head and shoulders, but a f badly. He was ldeutlfied hy a vateh and fob bearing his naine and hyIM-, Cifliar iillings of the teetb. Hliahod«. was found sonie days aftt the lire bil his brothers, Philo. Ciareureand John who went tu the spot ta look for him.' The body was carrled for miles laý borne and wagon ta Wallace M&d there pîepared for shipineul esst. .Preshyterian Church Services. Preachingai 10:3t, a. iii. by'the mtor,. lev. J. Van le bErv.%. Sî'tîjeut Tlî.- K.,istoîetrue; "Prsnhuî,at 7 :30 p. xiii...y Ith.- pa.îtîr. b"t es proper Iterest taken lu Inckistil training? e fl tii.- V air lialicesat 9Mi la attendauce regular? Town Hall Thurmda ' vsud Prlulay alge- ls the school ses-elon ai leasi seven Sept m<4and >, gi,11 'y ivthe tiizea'. moîîths liit te year? Band. The Teacher I Does the teacher receive a malary of! hh@ detii1 uýim at least $40 a iuouih' hehet dv-ti,îî 1î 1im %Vbat prepsratloii bas the teacherj made for ber 'sari? Dae sich attend the Itistitute sud as- sociation meetings? Due site readtheii.books af the IiI- uais State Teachers' Reading (Ir- cie? If au affirmative ansver 'sers re-. quired tu a ecisud aai th esequnes.- tions, very fev scicols lu the state vauld pass inspection. The essentiels2 Only vere requlred iy tie luspector, ht lu expected Usai lu unme ail tie sirable Items vilii e adici by sehoolu 'shici have only tie esacitis sud have been granied diplomas. Deiils a f Roderck -as'mes sh.~ Iïroin Saturdsys SU.] Delalîs of tic ieath ln a fe fir lu Idaho or Roerici 4 ~e tic Rosecrans nelguioubood inovu yerteriay vien the vas hsld tram tic famslly rosi 'sien F%110 AÂmes, a brother, toda tie fiudlllg of the od ofathc yo homesigaderuo i& l.. creei nesa lace, I 1 .4d~~ T"-01,re seven4-_fùve rip laic funeraI jprocession yenteriay. ht sppemrs lait the laie Mn. Amos, viti SIX oàther companlons. vers dig. gins s 66A ef cyclone coler hci-k terrifie viai atariarase sud on li heels caine tic foret aes ait tc rate of slxty or seveuty mileslut bour, intter tha.u tic fastest expM*. trin. u The seven meni cowea-ed dova la tie Omialor bois tbcy bai *Ao«K expectina tielaMes 10 mwop Moe tiemu, but. the'slnd uvept igv P treoaithe feront oven tuil mte - iAND1UIontiATSrussEtLWi< C Supt. of Schq Pnhuarles ThursduÎ, .~4 Polis 0"en ta-nsS m p.e *Amais, A*5PnIwTEu NTHE WON.D ON liAF s.z1TRAMK mlitard, lin. blary jases Il. enc Ustate mai. Wîi. I lael qt the de. des ont ut At proceos à SMd tilt gr«. caflliot liput la- Docen-re te., mntbate IL la no*la A.- D. aid iants me11. 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -01" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -qý- iL2 - ý - - - . - - 1 .

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