CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Sep 1910, p. 2

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)Boy.' 1k. t~oar beite becauso the mon do. They want them to look just themre au the big boy'. beîte. Tin bot. and black Wet.s, made of picked lertther, gocd japaed bueis, the Idnrtbat Wear Suspetidéers usuaily WOrîvoit Sumrner's hot day. aie good for the boy, but nôt for the enspendor Tbme g.upoudors, IbaLt *m g.o v 11 ek wue old on«i pat #ov th log. a a ta .15C lu a 11.e ountr. iluois, , t 1 eef beltu recoridal oarwi Oorne.or latke Contye a tu go« 1. of Plats, ipage 19 t nuryr 4aot b. 10usd S» ~ cm anot be -ierved UPOU ornMy of tbem, - je Iv tboieore lersby glvep to Md»« above u defeudats tbAt bove iagel Compltanst hereto- sied 'their Bl, of Comialnt -flu Co.rt. on the Cbnory aide Drti 4tire a sunaunous tiiere. Immu"dont 01 nid court aaInst .bY usued detendauta. returu- i. iii.tiret 4ay or the. tenu of limat Cort of liii. Oouty, tO M et fto Court HoUse la Wsu- k t nid Lwé e oty. oh thte MoUlaiof. Octber À. D. 1910. 1v, liv -regab5,~ sud wicb WIU O.0, ROCKWAYÎ Clerk. xoSsu, IhlIols. August MLt.A. 16. Capaunsmlo sa L.ClreCMRInmeSU tit OF LMtINO CONTNACTr 1FOr oi R D NACE WORiC. Mec notic le bsrby gjven, pur to stttslu snob case maue iMpW4sd. fluaithe uae-4"Msi aS cuimmnsuiOelsot DWAI« amberOne of tbe Sad Nrtlli oo oua Win en tbe IFl g f m *w A i ti* u 4is hur ets Boys Swe*A~ Gee 1 but this sweater lu coifortabie. Every boy who owns a sweater coat or a sweater says this-bgcause he MEANS it. Get bim one, it iili save him otbeF ciothes and kecp hini warm. Gray sweater coat,, plain, or trim - 175 mcd with bitte or reli for.. New Sweater Coats for- School The new sweaters are more comforiabie thait ever. Chldren like the close ftting sweaters and love to play ni theni. Eariy Autunin, when the. wgherchangea so fast a&sweater îs a neces- sity. Then, too, it saves the coats until later and that is jü~st what you want. Little sweater coats of gray or red that are guar- anteed to bd ail wooi can, ho hadýat a I'ey unal cost. The pleasure and eomfort alone , 14A is worth the expense. Oniy ............ -Blouses cf blaek sateezu, pocket9 facwed button baUd andbhave atie atthe bot- fomn are sl on second25 floor for ... *............... Colored blousÉs, plai n bine, blue wîth i single stripe,- and bine with'a coiored stripe arc on sale 'a9c. three days for.............. Cloth, for SchoolDrse The ginghaxns this ycar arc prettier than they have been for many seasons. The plaids àre in nicer colors, nearer the shades of the better good*.* Wheén m4king up the lit - tic dressesm get a pretty ginghant for it wil pleaseF the lit- tde girl and please you, toûo. The price has 12 not advanced. Xard.......................La On, third floor the calico sale lias been Ihrger titan we ex- pected., Lots of patterns havetonly a few yards left, but there ls àtlilaagood choice 5c at, a yard ................................. Neat Little Dresses- that Little Girls Like Be particular about the littie girl 's dress. She wants on1e that suits lier taste and is sure tu ýhow lier diapleasure If thec dresli doesn't suit. These littie dresses of percale and ginglian, ln dark or ligit bMue, white with black figure, will be just what she wants and 8 and they are oniy.................98 Some dresses miade of heavier ginglin and other' god naterlals that have sold for as 14 iuch as $ 1.85. eau be had for ..... . 9 . Ow --. fo. MW rneinléIasr~cf mIl t or at the. ~oSet tus erk. Pred H. Meyu ýb Pou.Wi Lake Conutr, DUsls. or et UA* ODM-otAUJ't.,M. ,C. Docker, As Na pObiceof ii.o aiho Abé,bkier fflbi thbe ao ftu o clidýiaeitgfki gheck oý 140.00, e.=e flue crierof George H. C«WIO ~ eillou rese ethe tgto rolet and allanbds and ,eÏ i tuUirjaigunt the aie be BuflA t Deieid, minois. tuis l9th 4é7 il pa«A.f191 ALJOW PMOST.; Dý rinage Ccmilssioners. Clancesny *eticé. O ot fLake, iM. o*oflaIe Couuty. Oc. IOt"s.A. lx 1910. ,r5~k Ce. iforiv. Nathantel pimet aL Iii chancery. No. *Mf~rrEavit bavlng been ,%W11ý .am uMtted cauase tha Carefuil Be onthe watch, motheriI, kt, there are epecial à evêry one of our adver- tisieuts that- viU save for you. sec iuow unueli they help you this month. IMOr t e ÈMW-Aùtumn le the finie whwn a cSo- door mat helpe keep the houseedean. Thài 15 by 24 ineh:ýg mat, door size, for .......... ]Eibbo-For the daugliter, a kind that la now PO'Pulu aiong. ail chool girlp. Number 150Otjffeta xjbbon lu colore, -that sold for 25e a yard &0c for oniy Shoes U.ýt Pays You To Get Higli ~~ to coiso~ r mismes wili Boys nced strong shoes, shoe that -tre Mear cxta L = a =iv reai- comfort. cgrefuIiy and nmade of good lci. They are dulliAn" ansd have 14 but- ther. In picking ont a Une for this sea- toni. This eitra.heigb± brnes the an.-w son we bad thec good fortune to get titis kle and kýeep the shoe from rubbinit. coinhination, careful sewing *nd goo~d The very thing for ,bS~f leather, lu a niodcrateiy priceçi sloe. school, oniy ............. 2MQTJ yteean e h Cbildren's and mlsee' clofli top she ryese ... 2.00 are - made vtry stroiig aud durable. Every box of, these shoes bouglit>this They are ligfer, than most shosqnd week lias a box of shoe biacklng uit . are tce dressy achool shoe.- 24)0 Don't buy theinaftcr the blacking has Larger sizes arc a pair.......... M been taken out. Small sizcs are reduced in price, mak 'Boys'heavy stitehed shoe with pegged lu g the real sinail one .~~and sewed soie, lace, 11 'oniy apair ...........195 or apair ................11 1 IFOR'*AE-100. 41 res -61ris ~ FOR SAI-S satoi surry &sin sie, I uaot nsanlynW.ein .,M.8. Coup. t rfnd Ave., FOR.S L-n UIosPlailia eb k0Q'boren. , t 00I mW. Gosse2 blai aismit1aim oeel. p-fil-f ml. 500k mâàoi], o uut Brdes ~Eohls 1un4 Uuvll e monm soiguçim ndl bey tauaiaeoti ffl~ ais ha C. Good.Thlng .s Careful Mothers t oo.ôk For Veiling-Black veiling, a vcry pretty pattern, that lias been selling for 25ce a yard, wili be during .... 8c. tle salle oniy .......... ry ou N sb n or Br othe-A pair OfBotngrr, known the world oter as the nmarket leader, regular 25e kind for three 19 0,days .only ..................19 Brlghion Gai-hers that sold fior 25e 'but have been left over froni iast fali. Wlulc they last youlO can buy them for ........... o lier. nm 8eerold Wenk hors., welh. «12M. . WuwoOrysak: £- SAEOe10egParie State bd two 50I nu =inubtbut ite uesd au la exceenmt cnii idrese P. . Bo« 3. HIbland P&rk, IL C.254tf1 a aye .C NGaeee = c41.Ami a s-d .b to w mod mc"d« 40-ti Le ODR IITý-modern bouse, »mutst. letrafly localsi. C. II OR EN-Sroo bus ML Cmli at- I MONOY TO LOAN I. MONEY TO LOAN-On "0~rvs MONEY TO LOAN-?O. Improve. GOLO PL1* »EQTAOL*S-wltb Have pour preelen em lugi havre-w fraimes for pour p me t l. Tpunis etbat hou initia coakoit.trou, 91.00 siud . M»A4keosl' e store the BexailD M sore, corner Gele et.;and adis nakegsn, 1III. 2bu. >Adjudisrnilon Notice. Public NoUée lu bereb&tgvmt bte 1bub kes Wu eeIboe,Us ,ecuoran Wbaren the mePillne p oute urein ail cases o bacde>. beadacbe, nerto. ussg,OIS a *Pt$tlOénhsPWMM an d RafA u era mpnetaiIo ca=siby au iorierof the. kudbepuor bader. . .1 LCo3gl',,V. -us bel *1 ovr4 motus citt Children's Round Ticket hose, fine ribbed or mcdiuxn ribbed, cre stockings that wear for 1., The one thoght inihmaking is to do away. with the continuài darning. Try thei, yo Ml not be digappoed A pair .................. %....25c; AUCI Wunderhoàe, the stocking that is known the~ world over for its wearing quai ities. The thous- a'4d of pairs sold each season are substantial proof of the durability. Get stoekitigs of quality and saveyourself. A pir....25 ---------------- mmmoo --------------- FOR dl . l'

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