CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Sep 1910, p. 3

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DL 0 . F. UTrrDlIEL VMTERIBÂR!SIJEwGE Ubsrtyvsk tlis MI PAUL MAC GUFFDY4 a?ýTOETE»,1T LLAW" ' DR, C IL GALLVAY. ovrcu orsi LsoYSLLS asioSU.j boîsefo. 1 go a8 st GinSP.- K. LST BA"H 213 Wmait<mstreet Wauksga 'Pos2741 DR. GVOLDIN DENTIBT liour &tnl12 &..-toôP.. J.Ell TrgsUdlg Lie.,F. os1* DR. . IL SUMH ae~Là" cou%"Y A"IONAL A. oue-a tc 12 a. rm. sud 1to à P. M. DALL.1 DR .L TAYLOR, rraet OVE. j. £Li. TVoQs aLto. ~~tc:-7aIo a. M. 2 to 4 sud 6 an SP. M. ameden.-e 'in Broadway. oïposlla Park. MARTI C, DHCKER ter-! ( pp. isitist. lecirie station (>rtfft- ?Phone 58" ses. Phonte 8608 ý,.):TH CHICAGO. ILLI14018 W. iL STUDE surlvidlug. var- W..rit * a"t rainag LIBEIiTYVilýLE. I LL. PHONE 1094.L D)R. EDWe V. SMITHI Geserw Praioe ý iIoun@a1tol2. 2to4mid7to@P.rn. osffce over Lynch Broa. rtore sPECIA.&I ATTE3NTION GI VHS TOU DISEASES 0F W -THE E UUERTVILLR. MUNOS Hlenry Sines SalitBM 2-ý!4 reLIA AV£. ZION ClIT. ILL. Beidence 2» rEisSa Ave. 0AI1 lrds 09 CormeHs. sa ain. su d nus- e, fo "w sor Eehan m au ilvie AUCTIONERNo FOR PIJSIC SALE !BMRSTOW 'Marbe a âd Cranlite C.met.fy Wormk et Ever> Description CorrespoIIdSflcC 2501it4 l126 G"nese m Waukegan Wm, LAYCOCK C6. I Mois M~Soe.S110 Engles OggagldA YaR Lin of 8undrlsa. Tir«s Re- Wpae.,WbalTobl YOU WIIL. PINO he but sud lailet drinks et our Soda Fountain berejon willl gaithe bot sud punist e Crea. sud crusbid fruits. YOU WiLL -PIND A uew janl up-to*date fine of Souvenir Goodeansd Pontai Carda. YOU WILL F1140 Tour favorite klud oneiandy. ý"Qualty" lu our aotto. Tb* qnlty lUneeotesady ont leader. 1 YOU WILf. FIND Al the fatett Magszlne sud mauy of the popular copyriht books. YOU Wl LL FINO An excllet lIa of ToUlet Goode, Par- fumasesd iFamc Ceams for tbe auirer chape am Wel m setame rnaidls. ] AT GRJAY$LAKÉ PHARMACY VOU WILL FIND Rlea dquarters for Spauldluat POrtillg Goode. YOU WILL FIND The Burlion Lanuadry Ageuc,. Al work guaràniie. YOU W LL PIND Onr telephom niaber 1Il. whepe jon eau eau up auj oder tbe lut lU Ores. eaufcrod, àse nIl as putre lm. and bave Mme dllve e t yonr home wholesalers sud YOIJ WILL F1140 tAYSLAKE rl. J. ODRIICE.M«te DEP Ordes Taken for Job Work Adverenn Ed Book opent Tbursday lu Chlcaao. Jualge Fich wma sChicago viitor lest Frlday., mies Maifs Wbeeler epeni Saturday and Suudaylin Chicago.- School openeal Monday Ith a gond atteadauce. Oet your booksansd achool supPlies ai the. Grsyasake Phaaanay. air@, Ra.y Morrili, o! Foxt Lake, was a calter boe Tusaday. Mr@.IAl Thomeon spent tant Frid&Y lu Chicago. C. C. Monuili, 01 Fox Lake, trau.acted business ber. Tnuedy, Mdis.Ada Lbftns la the guest of David Webb snd famlly at Waukegsn. several frorn bers atteuded tiiebal gatne ai Chicago Suadsy. F. C. Wlbur bas installedaua eletric pum p lu bis home on Weterfteld Place. .Naltml Vaa.y is acting as nfght opertor at ah. toiephono durlng the absence of [ va Bonite. .Misa Dela , Wilbur sud Miss Mdarcis Wbeeler were fn Cicago ou business A IENT Phemii.l ,gRa*$OAppeaonO business bers TUidsy. 1 Kelly' Ilaeside. t ranaacted bueluaa berO Tue4ay. E. 8. Shansu calsal ou frienda bars fat wek. -- John Morse tnok atrip to l)ubuque, lows. iisWek. airs B. J. Lofins sund daugbters sleut lust Thuruday sud trldsy lu Chicago. Otto Waldnaan sud latily aud Mrs. ilunt are spendgg the. wrk ut Lalie Marc. D&v id Webb s»d faally and Mie Ada miltimors. of Waukon"i, were guefta att B. j. Lotus bor n day. tir. anal Irs. IM. À. Waguer sud tamily who sre aaklng au exteuded western trip write %bat tbey ar enjoylng the trip. . Attorney Pope, Jobn Weige sud Other pontit&Is"soue Saurdai eveniug [n tbe iterqi o!luglehard, candidate for Couff-n Mmr. S.' F.,Clsvland @peut Tueoday lu Oicago. irs. CIevlaud will les,, for ChutKanas, next Tueuay te oin ah. Oirsi moud" in "eh Montb a lst tWedueeday. attend a atmlYlyulon. Oayak stote pr. Poiler. eyenaclot !aaaePâuýc sudo~; wele sa " u naoiiPr csa iryak brusy The Wornei'à Club met at ai @peclal Temple. Dont forget Bi Monday lu sund some fine YÏ gaIl. cm@s especlahly #finereting ai the borne of %Ins. J. lé. eacb mouib.* for pictliug, oly 1 0 cents s pifce. palmner lut Frlday sud deided to ale YOU WILL. FIND fieults ai tbe Primarice of Avon sud the Bey, Vilw course in (ireek sud Office o! LeAKE' t»ouwr'tltDPiO,'thair towusbPPs Will b giv@en otit at the Romaon hlstory. iss IMr,iaWheeler abers you eau Psy:pyour meeiptlon. <rsysiake office Of the INnEPENI>ENT I.leaeroaitbe meîLwgeand wlllteach leai yur ob orksudadvtiîngas at lie0(mysiake Pbarmacy Thunsday. the ladices reek sud ianan istory. weli «Ahnews.I *YiOU WILL FIND Mr. sud Nrs. Chas. Tucker sud sonuissZet&aossy rsturued borne let Commutation ilckets on bath railron efr wocnl oads. Auailrka.Fidesyaller apendig a week wltb YOU ILL INDAnadrLOkîs., are the gueste of finonda bore. Mise Msssey who was YOU IL.LFI1 relatives*lun(Irayldake sud viciuity. assistant in the blgh school bore lest Ageucy fur Kimbal lPiano Co. For sale 1Lest Satîirday the eloctrie curreut vwas ys commeue4,, ben ethool duties at grrn.YOU WILL .FIND chnedover sud i; now ruuning 0u1) h Ersaton ,àtlouday. tliii. lll bc greatly Puredrue, squre ealandenure new2:1linsd the îOwn lias 24 bonr mlaeed ot only iluthe achool wbere aeh. Prstideut loa Our e eal d ort service. Stter llghte are pnomised as made exceptlouilly goosi. but aiea-lun soon as everythlug la compisted. the clubesud social affairs wbere sh. DRUCE DRIJG CO. Thase wbo bave beeflfortunste euough hadl many finonda. Grayslaka, Rockefeller, Round Lake ta win the prize boxes of chocolates Ou Frldey, Sept. 2nd, Athal sud John u. i ONWEK.R. s~ giron awaylati bn, Grayalake Pharrnscy Site wers ireated to a grand surprise N. . ATS#E R.~.every Saturday evenng were: Mis paRTr, about 8i-)cbildreu gathereal at Berha Book aud Joel Ls. EvirybOdY th. honne sud peni the. alternocon lu N. V CLVEI.NO .,~wbo geleas soda or sundse st our pllylug gsmarnsd aviug a general ____________________ outaln bas tbe saie chance. -Corne lu gond titan. Tais laWn won prettily nino ouiTII tIP!asd try ynur luck. àrsug@d sud nid glory tloated igb lu T.Kmw ~ ~ trs OUTa E r.Ot Waldman, the Greyslake tbe ir. Ice creeani sd cake vas served - artiet captursal ton prises at ah. couty sud eacb guai wrn presseted with hall Gi ve Thom 9-Itp and Many Libentyville [air on baud paintsal china andl vater a pound of candy. Pofie Will be liappler. work. gh. aloo r«elvied Oirsi prise on Lu week occurred a trauection s crochet table ralin lu Walc trieitrü h -collection and al rt Inlu sdicape. Mucb wrgin Wallae ssit, ei tu riTracy *Tbrow Out the Lit.Ln' creait 1-. due ber work au thon wasla reideuce of Orayoiake, hut formerly The kîdueyi ueed help. pleniro ,ome itonsud theWork was 01 Lake Bluff. ir. Strait bas put ont a They'rs, ovenworked-cspU't get the eceptionally gond. good clean paper sud bas slways looked poison ftersd out of the bond.air. sun aira. F' C. Mt ilt.ur entertaîned, out for abat wblch was gond sud given Tbay're gettlng woree every nipute. lu bonne or their daugitter, l)orothy. ah. bad as fit. attention as possible1 WIII you bep tilleul? Iset Saturday eveaing sud twénty tor a newapaper; persouhy ha lsinsua Dos'. Kidny Pilla have brought vouug people vere fuvifed to @peud the ai gond morale aud strlct4y on the ahumaudi nf kidmeT sulirers bock lrom) eveu'rug latdancing, Wilbur's orchestra sqnars sud the very hoit vishes ni the tih. verge ni deepair. ni Waukegau furasbsal the munic sud msuy friende hbc is made wbîle hein WIII cure sny inriar e! kldney trouble. the young popi snjoyed theuiselves wlll every 10110w hlm. Mr. Tracy corn W. P. Lonabury, nucbsulc, Calboun hugeiy. At 12o'cloct reshment4evers igbly recammeudrdsas au ambitions @tient, Woodsiock, IliI, say@: " lin urved sud ail raturuet! an ibeir nespee- newepaper aud tve extenal to hlm s others la recomudlng Doa'% KldiOy ilve houm. bearty welcome. Pilla sud 1[have un b.ftatlon lu saylng that 1 know tbey ma srWiable remedr. 1 aferd froni baksehe for a long tirne. The use of a few boxes n1I Doan'. Kidu.y ipilla removed ah. pain lu .7 back &Bd also sireSud -, kldneys. I bope othar peranus lu thia vlciuty Iwbo ane eMbrlug rom kldnsy complit wili trY tis excellat remndy." For eeby aIldealert,. Pric5e et. Co.. Buffalo, New York, s"i a4getfor the 1Uited Stetes. Rernember the nseDa'--n isan ùtbet "-2 Miss Emma Studar feu taoday for DeKaIb wbors abe#vIli attend ethool. Mims Ssrù lleu i...eturued 10 Spriug. fillaMs.. tlonday to begin hen duiles as teacber. f Mir. amnalar. Dymaud. tif Litiertyaiîle, wers.gneste et the Allen borne Suudav. Tbe Warren O.metery Assoiation wilf tuat witb tMr@. Jolby, Wednssdsy. Sept. 21. The W. C. T. U. Convention wilii b b.ld at Ournee Tousday. Sept. 20. airs. Anus Wooiley fs.improviug f ron ber recent if Inea. Arthur Suydor b"d the. isifotune to eue oi bis wokhptsee8nadeeMehgt Ihbavlng droppid dend lImisé tall. . ".Mae,"' ahi gray boues, hore anal raled day siteraer !wdaye11180111. aiMre. Bollnway. of Chiçogi>,t.ati---& tell;anme ilme wth h.r deagbter Mu. Wtddlcombe. A"rsdDayMd ud ietou Keaga. VWiîtllg bis istier. airs. Ch".s. oyder. -4Ue W. C. T. U. met wiub aMre, B3&as aisEhlHubougbs, of Karamoo = =oba es luMgbers lb. part ilic esisbertuuea bue Ilp y am te m m y= 0--p à Ifwlefsl.?bs gvenia griet fkl.Ul4 lll oV 1am egal Y. B. LoELL CoiipA)l LOUBJUYEOMAN.f ______________________TE JB,--W, ELE-R NM. King. oi Antigo, Wis., le vlstlng ber &jeter, aMrs.Henry Taylor. Ba ntautMr, sud Mmr. Fred Van Zaudi a baby girl, WodueodaY. Aug. a'- W Ili 0, Nil I ft for noriheru Wsconsn Tuesds3y to purchaee cOwa. 1ev. Hurthas returneal ram àa Ove vsek» vacation sai Mackluac Islsud, ir. anal ars. WIliI nyder ontertalusal tas. Hawthorne and Dunop 1MaI11. gunday. Dr. Shepherd beid quarterlY conlerence vleb lth@ ruattesof tbe cbureb Tuaad&Y atunon. Loreuz Amanu la -rlousiy III, ah. re. sit of bing kinkeal bY a bora, lest Wodueadoy. Ài Dr. sudairs.Marin, of Edgerto, i',V lut wPeekaud were gnfu t ai,»Tnlgg schooi t..-gan Nonla% ih miise lies as tsoCbsu suad &id 1hardi a» tea&iîeir aik sougatuck. miSS Gerîriade mnlieiolliiir.turned home Saturu.&Yait- Olen diu4 th" aurai- mer vilaber istai' ai Fre.ponl. Ii Misse. Ouffy leit 8Saturday for their hom lu Cincinnati, aller spsudtng tbe summer wlth thoir 51.1er, Yr. Lavrence airMr.sud tiré. Fi-buk Taylor. sud jý daugbtt. r fJoliet, arnlved hem Thur.- IU day fora 1evdais vitit wlîb * ars. j#À Taylor sud othetr latives. C Mu. Carmichee loft1 for UMssfaWtd- WaedWv vere bwtl s penal afewv eki supeulntsndlug vork on3the SOMn fat laeift for North Dakota, vbere sbe ivas uiied lu mariage to Bal Fllett. a former LlbertYville YOUug man- COn- gratulations. From Soeciai No. 2. Mn. sud MIrs. WTilI Day, of Havenavllle, b.sus., are ieting their @inter, aira Chas. flnyder and aiher relatives lu this nielghborbood. I. J. Carmlel ilaooklng ailten hie isumlng intereste a luSsdusky, Mlch. >Sehool began Mouday viah su enroil- Meut ai seveuteen palpiS Tbers are tlussbegluners, Blnis mes, Eruesi Ablgnlm sud Clarsuce Drago. Thin uirior oi ah. ecbool mont bas ýsa greaily lmprovsd ibs adal&«140 of ftw blackboarde, the Waod WOuk ha bsi psfnfad sud fitis»sa 4~ obeputlu ex sturday. lalon. we sgau ihîl stanol ai t "nelk' laday sd Harold sellers v.înî, . u re ew higb scbool ai tof rn. IWaington, D. C., visiteal aven Suudiiy *ltb hon aisigr, Mmrs. Mrtan. tomna. hie bsteam innday. Mfr.. Krua.msrck spet laut week lu ehicaffo. Nie have ahi excluieve sgucY. fer the Soivay Cotte. Jusi a. fe fo fensesu ad-ook stoe@ for qulek action. Hoe LTbr Or Wnt 50-B TATLOROMM k. E. Eddy bas bis new sfino filled. A number trom boe atteuded the fair et Libertyvif le. Mary Duncan fe entertalniug ber cousin from Waukefan. Mmra L. A. Star vlslted relative@ bere luet week. Wyon Dickerson bas reuted the Moe kefîvîlle tarm. T. 0. Bogan fs erectlug a new hors. harn. Steffast hms i.etalungwith ber slstery Mmrs T. D. N.well. Vende lewfn cslled on relatives bers racently. Nîrs Sullivan suid two cblldren visited relatives bers luti week. Clara Johnson, of Evauton, vfsfted ber parent@ ber. a week. 1WiIa&m girehr and James aicCaun are tira. Harberti$aibs a peudi-kg a few weeke wf Lb ber alaters ai Anus, [Il. Be,. Daachler prsached si York Bous, Suuday morning. Mmrs.Barry Crow sud two sous, of Kenosha, are vlsitlng ber parente boes.' Elâle Devine rstnrned borna Tbursday slter @pouding sometîrne wltb relatives boe. The Baletoun Scbool eommenceal Mnnday. Sept. 5, witb airs. Wllis Webb as teecher. MIr. sud air@. Ou. airtzsud sou Hsrry cpint Baiurd&v sud unday witb fleo lewiu sud farnily. The msny frieuda of liot A mem were sorry to bear o! bis sad deatb lu Idaho. HUis brother, Philo, brougbt bis body boe snd the funeral was beld at ths home of bis. parente ai R~aersu. Be leaves ta mouru bis [os@ au aged father, motber. tbrseesMstersa ad four brothers sud s bast of relatives sud frieuds. Be bad taken up a clai, lu Idaho sud wus dolua well. but gave up bis lite ta cave otbere.He bas tbree brotbers lu the weet. Bis parents bave tIhe ayoipatby of tbeir many trieude. r 18U --j Victor Strang was a viitor bere 8un- day. Mir. and Mrs. Locki., of Chicago, vii- ed A. B. Stewart Wedue.dei. vinnie Jarnlason.'0f Kenosha. in eu- jo.yiug" vacation wiih ibe home toks. air, aud Mms. obt. Jsmlun, of De- troit, Mlcb., returued to their borne Sun. dey. Miss IMaud Cleveland reiurued an Ko- cbuiser Acadpîny, Rochester, Win., lat Wednesay. ber father, returneal to Wbetou. Id., wbere abc attends enldoge. airs James Jamiesn vas called to Chicago by the serions Illness ni bsr graudeon, Alfred- Robet.. C. E. Tapie. Sept. 18, "Pletiot the DeviI e How"" Jas. 4:1-10: Pet. 5:8-9. Mm. Frannie Jamson, leader.b Um Belle Wateon lefi Saturday for a visit lu Chicago. Um iles Pollock vîli retun u isadv wibh ber. ,.Mms Lyboru Stewart and daugbtere,t Alice sud Lors, of Chinago, are vislttng A. H. Stewart for a short ime. 1 Ums Margaret Watson, of Binadale. [Il., returued ho.efTursalay, siterspeud- ing s iwo wesks vacation with ber moiher anda cltir. The.rnany frisuls ofiran sd lMre.Jn. Chope yl bc gîl a tear abat thair son Dauuy, la sfowly lmprovlng !rorn hbis serious Illnese. tMr. and airs. Fdwin Thom sud chifl- ren, wbo bave been speedlng some lime with hibihrotben, Jarne.. of Sebranka. returneal Saturday sud are vlsftug big braiher, Win. O. Thom. FRMONT. Mir, sud Mmr. John Reasci @peut Ilun- day boe. Pbilip Wagner eutertained compsuY fromu Cicago Tbursday. Frauk htoelng sud sttnr peua Sunda&y with tbcln sator, tMm. Ooo.. Herile. - Albert Stabi sud WIIiZîmmer, of Long Grave. calsal ou aiiýc Wager and famlly Sunday. tir. aud tMr. Andrsv Hlerale. airs. Gin Bertue, tir. Adam Behm ansd George Obenauf visited theglHI . Mrr, sud air..Frank Samon SPêsi a vek wltb air. anal ais.Adamn sB" sud tainlly saiei r, sud aMr..Pbllp W&gner sud àinly. airs Mafnger rtiurnad to heu home la Wankegaa Suudar. mllesVers iitmu. f !Guruse. openei her sebool Mondai. Lanra Cordis Ment part i Isat vaek lu Laseo. vwutiugber sdoter. myrtle,. myr aShien, niBristl, spen uday wltb MyrleCode. C. tM. Gorham sud vile sud frials. alan John Bonner and vifs caled one Da&vial Murrie sud lire. L. M. Boumer eunday. >nseig sud bas gone to Wancoada for av k or tun dais. then It la expieteal ibat b.k will returu anal bscosns petor oi ibis cburch for ut [sut six monathe. SMisa HlId.gud Hou.., of Chicago, sud grandînober, airs. Bouse,. cf Waukegau, speut Friday ai 0. W. Weil@ and David Adams. Therp were over 300 Fort Sheridan Cavalry soldiers paaaed ihrough ber, luti Sunday morulng. Tbey bail bien out caminlg aud were marcbiug bock to Fort Sherdan. Misa Estella Bacon took tiret prise ou ber drawinge Irom Illef. stheconuty fair. The drawlug of ber.graudtather waa recogled by ail wbo kuew hlm. iss e 8ie1 Brooks and Estella Bacon @pont Tbursday, Friday aud Saturday as Lbertyvilll.. Jesele sud Clareuce Burris vlsited, two day.a LihertvllIe and attended the. fair. Emmet Graham, of Chicago, @peut Baturday sud Sunday wih bis cousin George Grahamn. It la reported that aMr, audars. Tom Griffa hbave sold part nofibelrfarm. Mirs. WMI Ryau etertafnsid the Wed- uesday seruoon lub tbf. week. Mrr, aud Mrs. (ioulul, of N9rth Pratirle. épeut Sunday wlth their son, Betty Gould. It was ithe anulverssry of thelr litai daugbtsr Ida, sxth biribday. Tbr wfIhé,asno"llait te born, of Mr. sud airs. Nelson Plaeuasss, Tisn- day aveulng, Sept. 20. Ail corne and belp them celobr*te ahe movlug flutn tbeir n»w home. MMs.H. L. Wilson wil il stertain the Ladlee Aid, Thursday, t3ept. 22. Mirs. Charles Butterfield, nf Rochefeller and Miss Lit.i Plagier, of Llbertyvllle, are spendlng the week ai David Adamns. James Farrell returnea WedDnday eveuing from Fou du Lac vhere ho vlelled bis broiber severai days. Mmre Harry Proudont, of Irving Park, @peut Wednesday wlîb Dr. Young. airs Mary MicClure Salles, of Superlori Wil., isbhm er afew weeks vîsit wlth relatives sud frieude. T. R. Oray, of Waukegau, vas bers the fret of ahe week. John Austin sud fsnrily, oi Wsukegau spent Sunday witb fienals bore. lirs. Margfaret Thorn epent Sunday IDý Chicago. B. K. Ils was ou the slck fit the Oirsi of ah. va.k. George Patterson took iwntirst pri.e ou sweet corn and One second on carrots ai the fuir fast week.- Idsm littis McDonald. of Chiego, la open dng the. waek wibh friands bers. atiendance. 1- ZUMIAZZ spending a isw days wiih ieuds boe. Jas Bîronimua bas boughi theo Llvry barn tram hie brotber, Frank. George Roulng wsut to th. daty Sun- day elgbt wltb s carload of cattle. BUIhLyos bas acupisal a position se bartender tu Cbicago. George Boainx la havlng bis boume p4dutad. "aph Litialler bas resigneal bis pasi.1 tion st Roelng Bras, sud i. h.lplng bis tather lu ah.ehardware store., The toodm an sd Mystic Workers ma building a bail for thoir meetings and a roller skating rink. aiMr. anal ars. Dan Kei.u speni s couple of days witb rair, sutr. Bd Brown. aises Grace lSayles vagst ai in 9 Grove Wednesd&v. Iies Florence Gerrstaeu rsturned home Tneedsy sitar speudling a iew day. vlth ber moiber ai Stougbtou, Wls.. jas..fisipin Sud J. G. Brovu attendeal the bail ga.ue at Libertyvîli. Friday. Mir. sud airs. Wm. Adams attmudeal the Fair st Llberiyvllle Frlday. Tb@ Fox Lake bail tesm la ealaFOI ,VM gond anme ai Ubentyville Prlday, de. iiating the Rentiers wltb a score oIS8 Km s. Ry Morrili vas s orsysiake cafer Tussalai Rubea KIng. nfLong Lake, tumated bnsiaasher. weduasday. CM. Sprlug vas lu Chicago Weduos- r~~zEi airs. Albert Kuteibeg, of w îî wa visitor ai the Joln Wato Tbu rsday aud Frlday of Ist weIa. Nlsees lReba Buson sud Bttis £Rus" cornmeuced ibteir achool duies at i lake mondy. John Kuteuberg, f Keanoha le 'tw4 lng at ths Wasgner borne thîs wa.- Mif@@ Beesie Dunnili, of Cbicsgo, epegi ait Tbuurdy witb ber parente b». Miss Francs.Miller, who la emplo&a at Foi Lake spent Sunday_ wfth We parents bers. Bay Slmith sd George ScblnSwe, of, 0rayslake, were 8nnday vîsiiors ber. RIoy %otgomery, f Chiefgo. i. visil. lng at the.borne of bis uncle, Jake Worft sud Misa Kott, f Lake Villa. acee guests at the Paddck bomne Sundsy. LJKE VILLA ,Resolutions WitF.HEAS, The Augasl f d.sth b11» sgalu alarsned ou r portais sud reiovit tram aur mîdt X.eigbbor William Caine. Be i-- therefore RSOLvED, That in so doing hers bas, ben callea swortby member frnm ou* camp sud fin. the boresa kinal buabdd ad lovlu*i fatber. Be it sîso * IIOLVED, That tbe camp et@"d ti lu* Sýïéowîjcg.fauaily our moat heartli sympathy aud that our harter b. draped lu mournhbg for a peroid of elxiy day.. That a copy o! theee resolutlons b. teudired to the familY 0f theî fat Nlgbhbor Caine sud abat thay Ie publlhed lu the couuty papers sud that tbey be apread ou the ree'ords of our camp. F. M. B AMU H. J. NLiS»ILlx Committ,, JAIlEs jF.Rft Brau, Gluten. Middliugs sudîRel Dog Flour, always on bond. 110,3e Lumbar. Chicken feed whet, sud DikinsoaU bisa mixture for faylug beus. For "ar by Home Lumber C. C5042 Do you kuow iai li'seasy tnpru soit coal. l it I'i gond coal), vwuboui the' .aepsusnw Oisont sud amoine. J49 O~ve t~ ~svery litI. l&arn op., Don'itceck the stove pipe damper too cloaely. Use Pyrolite WWidNni.VTOU m e pitlafrom ah. Borne Lamber Conu. pay. la b.d. cllsely1 but llgbtýl, sd @&Tes inougb air spfce lu the.lire té humu ani tua es"ht woold otheree mak. sont sud snoke. Itise Iahoinaim Shap Fait and caiIy WIMt. StiRTWAI$T 1 mf«" WC sal th 6,FARlSIANA CORr. Calt . su tiss M.A.0PROTIE RaiaymmimL~ I Wanteci. TeGovere.mnt pays Railwsy MNU Cleeks SIhO tb 1200. and album' emples suo t102600 anwally. Uncle Sarn iWin holal sptlug exem, tionultS rughoul the e0cunry for' lait1 w&y MailClerks, Cutom Bous. t2au.. Sisogwapbers, Boobkeepmr, DOwi. mus IClerkisud otbei.ovu*«»4o itlbuai. ThousamnonIUMWse.,~ h. uqile. Any mn O ousOVeSI& là aiW or coumtry cen Pt bSMM »"» tWInlrination by *MW M Om' t&ite Suau o! lueut, 4M*bqlý taildng, Roeossle#N. Y. Ilauehs Olver lS vh#la ebcg.'l ui Essie BOgenbualk.ite. nsktgan. __ sus vtstfug aiM. A. Houm. Wa qgu pmi Suuday at WIUM I t Gram. Welnbla vWs t!tI ho-nafoka Tom Edvards bas basa isrWtalli f rlsudiron ChmnounbePut waekl Ou chool opeusi6lest ouday vlth isef raba t s eahr &gain. partas 'iivlug pi. tins, tii. proprtr mbrt of the uualesad. r rqseetas jturu th.m immidlatel.r. WSPI<s e-50-24 iEPT. e123 bNWhd by %bdop m fSmej e.-,, m am the sain, on ne,. vien uer. e4 au andl 4, or sud ébat 1, pou. in eroti.- by auy T- -lm la 1. 1 MM lý

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