L4~ eu~r~ COV TY r 4hOotl miô, hig Uunti te threng. W OtIJlEYO An ceurred.U @erne Ct tire Cicago vjakure coiae. t up, yesterday brokethUt.tract rocosipiaiued cri lbn 0f eatabies ou th. t of 2:09 1-4, wich bai étend fer ton foawibhl eutd t yeare, settiug a now mark et 2:07 14. groliude, Ioswibi adntdtai Dean came &Il the wvu trous Hliline tiei. tllursi.t people fallstu lgrfon t to 11014 the reins cover the. speedy liteChiriigo appetfleï, latetusiii.ieby the paer. pr zn fLk oii Deaqs son, Chtarles .Jr., Dot 1 . ue aneo Lhoctnt' outouo sbwe lU k.la tétii kW ~Secrotar> J. B-gore certaiaAy led the t trotter# la tii. 2*36cisqo J»)W Wuolng irat, mouey vtA Mi"s Her.e-lýaw. '5ti59u is " darfeg four dag's of the t ,l &yS£Beui> âtthe. tract, fathori tair, but notwltbtaigtiecO4sâuî aud son gttnig two of tho three f%11l4 made tapon bina, hla.euea ail o". ln.stroiinUa r.fo. i ts lSdy wli Informattion, aivice or -Star Pto, Nihu ansd Tony aeteSs, anad mucb cd tire suce...oftl Swift. The. latter took t.e lad laulth tair le due to the efficent and ex pedi. the drat boat aid, SitA NilmuaJaas tious manner ln wbk(b lho bandled te pacemakier, went te te hlin -1: ~multitude cd work la bis office. 1-4, sandilulshed unior t wire lu 2:08 1-4, 1inUt"esond a4trial nue n.t the elar' bosier streoiig big la lu Miach borso ta the haltlu 1:04; thon tihe air aver the baside oftheb crowd ' evorYbOdy tQoM notion, ad ho filshe attracted nauck attention, the ndwelt>' lu 2:08 14. breoatla Stran e '0 of the.Ogujo dolua tih. erapre atout mark b> oeescoMa. DolInwDkot satiellid sud weut ont the. thini boat appeallng paaUcul*nly to tbe cildres. to do botter. The blsit Wu ilane& ebttii. altitude of t. banner eau"sc quartera of. second slower. but trom m-n>' *0roaiktbtat it Swls proplittii theno on the black fleSe aid the. tIMM tte me n rsSoga cllcked 2:07 -1-4. 1M" bdtf iibannir a blc Splar h. coutl ibave amnoa enroua! eSfs« wonld a»aU aboie bis opposne di t t After the setaumt $baidiMd owu prinin. the crowd Was tilwt.dd ?a rom hors. race Ini the 2:30page. viiencalva Bar. sud dmiai Bainiason fouht Tbe North Slauie Eéeciie copaaY's front wire tb grre. Ciaam bai exhibit Sad-a revelistOn tu mao>t peuple Just a littUe botter apoed aud alwaya nito Sere snrpriaod 10Bse.lte 5multitutde lu edInfront with ver>' Ile ue taieta. c» ontrivaacesibuwlieh spare. Bd Harris gave hoth a scare Iu lbe third trfàI wheu ho ganbed eiectrlity le Bnaua motive or beatilug Paieben u Lsaup t te leaders sud Power. Vruil-lay lk iiits modie s desparate try, but could oui>' ad ailHuanner ot lauusebold s'uî.cs gel second. The otimtuaales: tonaculnlon1a auaniIaer 2 25 trot. purse $400: hiles ltérat-Law. eh. ma., by were inludddil the ezhalit alîti,f Her-atLaw <Beau Jr.) ..i11 occupied a laras' test ou thei iîidwa't Judge Philitsa. b. h., b>' Llberty Ewplitea oft t ompau.v 5cr'. îîcent Chîtues ferlis)....... . 2 24 et ail tinceesud gavo'e dyiioîîtratif,,ue Sadie Colert. b. ut., tHle brand) ...... «.. ............ 3 3 2 ofte varlous utae@lis. Aimeron, hi. lh. (V orniab) ...4 4 3 Direct Progreas. gr.lh. tAyres) 5 dr 14aiîy 01the 1îîNî,r,îlarhr Tme-2'i9 1-2. 2:18.,-1:22 34. Pros-for-ali pace. purs. $500: q<olpped 10 th miradle of -ora- ent t<î pay Tony Swift. hla. b> Swife Bell ithoiretih,-ription or tir ,,met ut, wbîlea (Dean) ........ ............ 1 1 1 tourlng the rotundm. Mimtai, b. mt. <Aderon) ..2 2 3t Scott Patchon, b. g., (Boblson)g 3 21 Tlme-2:09 12. 2:08 1-4, 2:07 -4. Tire diplay et baud painteil china, artt C 2:20 iPace, purge 8400: 1 and evilraidery woik sas cer-taiî<ly (alva Dste. b. tm., by Barse <dsîzllng lu el.udîîr a-ud variIty, DAvîl <O mîtinin b .,(ra indieafing that Lake eiounty ha. tuinony leA __.......... ..........2 2 2 Indices poeseeuig a iigh ordor ÇAt adentt Patchen Lass, bi. m,. tHarris) 5 4 2 lute ratiediartp. 'Ilîrse eiabitu Scie Kiddeli. b. m. tReamit......f4 3tc c enter@ of itereit duriug tie F1orest Bell. h. ni. tHoltiltr) J; 55 poirae fair snd ti) cttr depsrturni.t ut Tlae-2:14I 1-2. 2:17 1.4, 2:17 1-4. thé exiititlon rettired geuter tir muret Mlle clasht. runntug, puarse 8150-Nie-' enthuriasiti' vrai-W.1 Dale, s. g.. fàlhlaul), fiaat; Tullp, hri. a mi., tî,Iclutyre), second; 1usd Pirate. s. g. 9t'raiut. tird-lînte 1:4614~. jIf the North Shore ElectrleCdont- paaay bas Jts way lu the sale ot elec-1 tallty sud electrîcal devicea b ts h Sidielights on the Fair. former, wheu the cît>' chair cornes1 W. C Trlggs, treahurer of the Fair- bock to the plaça of bis blrlb ou tihe Aemoatlou gi.. the foiowing .m the.tarni h.ewll tai tu recoiguize lit lu a nmeofticket@ isoid turing the tIr few year. 1 Ourer<' A feature of 1the exhîhît 'wblch at-1 daye: tracts couelderabie attention in &an Aduit tieketsr.......................1 2,74 assemblage of machlnary d.aigned te Cbldreusa ticket«.s...... .......1.1>17use on the terni. This Inclîaded a feed Teaus tickets................ 1.38 inuder. a corn aheller. a grînd aone, aud a churu, al helted to a shaft au-n trad stnd béitle.~ .~2371nlng trom ene mor. 'rhere wss also The total rec.eip te trümaiâe ot tickets a creani separator a-tn b>' a hacit gear atsjusutt e#5995.70>. When u 10 Iislei motor and a herse clpplug machrine. added the matie> recelred as euIr>' te@., lu addition tbere are otber electrlcal etc., itla le dan>' eridentt ual the fair Siitsatdes wblcb laketeh1e place of the wag a sui-cs iinan(-îaltyas rielias inu1hred man nthe tern. A soides] ti it h~- e .-i acblnea-y by the fanera wbo lunthi - section of tbe country are progressive Thevared ttrý1ou@un liemidvs ad have iearned ofthecioaeatteuiion Thévaret tlciiu ui th ind w>'that electrie ligbt compaulea tiperat- wer-ne lI patrouaz.dand as tbe SOttie- lug ln ceuurry districts are nos giv- nmeuts e re ail ta-e. Inuit, bWtiunabla I lag te the denitande et the tarin. à teatua-es the ruwds eut.-red ilu iraie The exhtlîlt bneli<ed a tyîdcai de,' p jovial spirit of the- occasion aud cccl>'.! eli farnters pumît aun b>' a qot0ri body baildanliiiod tiinte. directi>' couuectedl. This ta one ofthei essireal parts; et an Irrigation outlit, 1whlch the North Shore- le Introduc-1 l i.4tnpoia.ible to gir. ata exact jinlg. The firast equiputeni t f1te klud etiiuinof ,!tire t.,tai atte-idacce 1a i natalli d uring the sulumer near diiring te lua-dayé. but a î-îinervative iNaya-o<i oita aaitfthe bankts et the Bois Plaies river. it la viati hy igua-e jlaes the'.iuiilwaerit 30M .Ut'lj. msy farmers. and t lailstatedtirta The pad attendance waancurer j18,00 ,aumbers have expreset thela- Iten- ansu thIi s eould lw added the tiroir- iton te ilupllcatlug the pant. The vats eftuietbea-ehit sud jiivilge' ,crep of thç former sho put tin lugla tm 1 letett 1 1tW eenta- luadvauce ot hie1 tickets, pasccs, ve. It ans suggeâted liaI nelgbbors. as during the long dry bell year the Faira-ssociatinit !notai 1epeil the growing graiu badl walea- etgtering turu duieo at thé, eltravea When il was requlred. gale. Ihuit se-urtug 'unaccurate recoîrd et eaci day. atteudance. Tbe Aieriaui Sta- et. Equit>' wilit ii-e a donce at the Town Oil. rday iigit, lJr'pite te inurtne.etowdes throng- Sept. 28. W&"e for oua- ad lest seait iug the gronuts ecr day sudth and prepare to attend. IAgeod tinte in multitude of auto sud other vehicesproiset. To aillpotItS Uovlus I lani18UtIOn Draisage DismtrIc ?umber Oui ofte towas ef West Deerfieli. 1"4 e oua- t>', luisesud Northêield. Cook Coi.. ty, Illinois, wbieh Seul b. affect.d by hecubned uystena of drainag, Pro- poo obe congteucled lu sald dis- trict. *Toit are hereby uotified that the Dmanage Comlssoae-5 ef Uuion ragie Dstrict Number One of t.e TownS ot weet D.srfiodLaite tiou. il, lllluq4s«àud Northled. Cook Cop>- tyýýIndi5, WI Seet on tse lth day ,of Jeptember, A. iD. 1910) aithUt. our «f 2 octoctk P. M. at te Wllot Btdiool Bouse tu @id district to hear »uY objection thit May b. made0 ta the. Ciàaecatocflandiou the gradsiatod segM tela ul dJrlct mi by tihe. OoMOtuisoersfor thé purPOse et- ^peciaaseumeuts for bonefits In counWdae of thé construction et i proptose combluci sfuteau of drat- agefor nid district, wbeu and wheys yen cam appeland maire objection If you. se deltre. Dated this 19th day of August, A. B. 1910. OEORGE H. GUTZLUR, WILLIAM Ir.,PLAGGE, ALMON FROST. Draiuage Commiseioners. Atteitt: Fred H, Meyer, Cienit. Chancery Notice.- State of Illinois, County of Lakte. se. Circuit Court of Lakte Couuty, Oc- tober. terni A. D. 1,10. Tiiomas <'oIe vs. Louise Hilierd. Kate Hilliard. Cora NMulliu. Mmr Nelson. Etien Cumminga. James L. Swayer, Admnulatrator of tae Etate of George B. +ftlliard. deceased. Wu. "oie, Trustee and Frank Miller, lu t'haucery. No. ý4799. Satlsfactory afidavit, that the de- fendant. Frank Miller, reeldea out of the State of Iillinois, au that procesa cannfot be servedl upon hlm sud that the defendant Louise Hîlliard cannot be found, snd that upon diligent ln- qaalry wbhhabheen muade foi, that îîurpose ber place of reaidence caulqot be aacertafned. go that procels eau- flot tje aervedl upon lier, baving been filedlui the office of the Clent of ad Court. .Notice la therefore. hereby gîven in the. said Frank Nliller and Louise lifllard defendante as aforesaid, that the above usmned Compialuant ber.- tofore flled bis Bill ofdompillt In said Court, on the Chancery aide thereof. and that a aummons thoe. upon issuied out of said Court agalit the ahove usmed defendauts, returu. able ou the tirait day of the terni of the i-cuit Court of Lakte douuty. to h. helîl at the Court House lu Waukegan ln said .sLke Couuty, on the Flret Mouday of October A. D. 1910, ai; la by 18w required, aud sunt whlcb suit la stUfl pending. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. Clerit. Waukegsn, Illiuols, Aug. 3Otb.. A. D. 1910. Arthur- Buikley Complatuants Solc- Itor. Administratora Notice. State of llilnois, County of Lakte, se. lu the Couuty Court of Lakte Cotn- ty. To fihe. Octobe- Terni. A. D. 1910. In the matter of the estate eofI.ewls A. Ba-elthaupt. deceased. To Pearle Bretthaupt. one of thé heir aSt law of aaid deceased. You are hereby uoîtfed that on itonday. the 17Ïb day of October. A. B. 1910. St the bouir of ten oclock Iu the forenoion of ad day. the uuder- slgned, 0. W. Farley. Administrator wlth the Wili auuexed of the estate of Lewis A. Breltbaupt. deceaseit. wiIl preseut to the Hou. B. L. .Joues, Judge of the County Court of Lakte Cotauty, Illinuois. at th*. Court Houle in the Ci ty of Waukegn. lu said Lakte Cotin- ty, hL4' final report aud accotant of his acta sand dolugs as such Administra- tor. ait to bave the saine approved. te bie dlscharged sudd to have sad es- tatc declared settled and closed: St which finie aud plsce voiti nay be pretteut If yen aee lit se te do. Dated thls Fourteenth day of Sep- tenater, t1910. 0. W. FARLEY. Adniubatrator as Aforesald. Adjudication Notice. P:uhlir NotiUe 1%. ereby riven atatthe éub- s&ilie gxsttra~uf ï0î <rite 0ff Peier L« Deu, nz. SI ttedthe country Cjourt of Lske CouaS?. ai a tarai iheceot tube liolden aithe tCourt ttîeetIn Waukezaib. In aMd Cotant,, on the Sairaitiodat, uf Nesenber uext. 1910 wtaeu and <itere att perooS s atol Chatoai gtat aaid E.tate ame î,.tiMed aud reiiueeted tuo reaeot the Parune saaid <ouit for adjuditon. MtlNtE BSPNZ. F.ae,ttrls M't he taft WIU and Testamn of-Peter L. itehz. lecea,ed. Waukegaîî. Sept. 12.1910.tO p- You ahould use, Pyrolite Coai. Every- body likes it. BHume Lunîber Co. c-50-2 g a i invited of a quantity of pedigrod, brecding stock which se of the- requircmcnts of Hawtb.on Faim. The stok a. anid consiste of Brown Swis. bull cibes, Brown Swiss year- Shorthorn yearling bulle and-Berkshire and Duroc boars. Libertyrlie.Illinois To-lphom LibrtyvIl. 2= PomtOfficaR. F. D. No le PrarieView,IL. ~Y BTICUI31R id. 1910 NewsI IT W., bave Il elIwool boy'.fiercutero two Pios snuits of the tollowing osues, 1-6. 4.5 -% . 849, 11,1.14. itgular price 87J 00 wIilclose tleruî out at $4,001. E. W. Pàaarsei. 10resbyt.r1n Church Ser-vice. Service. bll Sndayet regularthouri lloruiafserviesat 10:30- . ubject, "Tbe IPlaceof uris.u i oderu Cbisiu r Lite. " EvelWg serviccem t :te<et le. sle a Trsedy?" Baffle Of Bul'$ Caeek. À iag Oft i.n s »heistét ia Justice llesiet'b dUirtTnesay uueaniug lu tiie Bull cffne etc by thte defeudant settllng thé sacsbefore t came te, triai b>' pajisaail coDUOf etaction. The etrIe ot,tbe sMit was Jay Prud andeut@lu Fra8sa va Frant Caler, lte action growlng OnI t fsu s'eged aseault by ester u., lb. plaintiti, the sce Of the. engagessot eing ou the' bridge ovenlmnu «rek., M .Chua-ch Services. 10:00 Cose Meeting. I l.-e'Iev. ., H. 10:30 Preaeblug Iiy the Plaitor, . h Whipple. Bubject. 'T1w Bibfle and tii' Intslecluai Lite." 12:00 Bible seN-,,. 8t4el, Thon Questions." 6:45 EpSorli League, leader, j. S. Byatt. Subjeet, "To SVnve 'ofif Il-- ing the Bilte." 7:30 Preacblng lis t14.Pawtor, Subi,-et, Bore to Mia. aud 11r. Dan rt'unay. îf Rondout., 0,12 pounI lal-Y loy, Tue,'. day sept. 1:3. "Mr. Face-tWo-waya-. TIIESE MAY WED. Albert Budiey, Hartford, Wis...31 Bea-tha -Whie ............i iii. Puzeit, Wstukeean .......... 26 Auna Hagan...............-.... 2d Jloseph Kitchen. Vect AlRts Wis. 2:3 Mua-ltYae@. litea'ikee ......... 5 Louis Deden, Chtsgo........... 24 Augusta Beniderter.............. 19 Bail Ruhuke liliwa'ikee,........41 May 0. Day.................... ai Emil E. Benson ........... Allia Jariupaa................... Auguat Witt, Milwauîkee ......... 25 Auna Mincit. Iwauicee,........... 45 Charles W. Manina, (hicage...21 Emma Branadt, (Cbicago .......... 21 ('ha-tJensen, Racine. Ais. ...25 Eima .Jensen, Racine ls . 1.....8l Frankt Beimel Chicago ...........21 Annette Martin Chicago ......... 19 Manson Taylor, Lakte Bluaf. ...25 dors Ide. Racine, Wls ............ 26 John Kueuzil, Milwaukiee........ 25 ]KIttIe Kretlow........... ...... 21 Leae Kraus, Chicago .............. 30 Ella OConnor...........».26 Rohert Wiiams, Waukegaia...23 Mary McGraiu ................... 24 Joseph Fremtakl ................ 23 Emma Kari ..................... 22 Wnt. V. Steelmn,nCh'icsgo ....22 Ida Snnfidtii. Zion lty........... 21 Auction Sais. t)wing lu lte deth Of My iumban,l.1 e-Il sell tut publie Suctieni, on te pa-etises at Warrenton Station ou Tiua-sday. S-vt. 22. eemtaen'iug et Il a. M. charl i te tollewiug descritied propertv, to-wtt: ') bead catle, i6 spningens l-einby Ol.lt, a; wo-k boa-ce Il ys-aold. driver 8 yre oit. 8 ocres stanidIng cocu. 20i tons tmmtyhy lui harn, ltýesiuLt nioiea-, uaed oue seaau; ha>' raki..ru piauler, ,2 bhl-e pulverizer, 2 lim 'e ' roller, spriug tootIl cultivator. 2 sce-tou drag, 2 walking pIns., 3Itiiti digea-, Deeaiug bey loader, 2 itorpeei.arlage, top. buggy. ill ilignlumber-wiZon sud-lix, truckt wagont, ha> rackt, bob sleigh, uew last winti-a-. tîtter, boa-ne treat power, herse cultivatî,r, hay carrier, tarit sud nope; woud cook elouve, large healen coal orwpci Iaundrateveoum0 "Id other blacksinith tole, 2 don cbictue 8 ut cr aue, met sert barries, 3 set buggy harus, siugle work ha-neels, i% acres potatoes lu grount, fortes, boas, ehoveis at nd an>'otber articles tbu mimneronst; i mention. Usuel terme. MIssiî 5Khz, prop. L. Lusa, Auctiî,naer. Notice., Sesiet bide wilIl lh. aken for thé ceu- straîction of s certàin dralugeditch '10 lie eontrue gpt Lb. Illinois, con.lalng eawer&Wbpuan sainie tu0lhe1300 Ilin"altest lu lengula more or lea@ and itelb. conîla-uctell accerdiug lu plans sud specldicatj.tas Svlehci niehaseen a th. Offilcot lvillage dlent. The righlte n, cI n>' r aI bide lé ex paesaly rçnenved. Bita w iîli la openet ah 8 o'cloct p. Mi. on Monday, Slept. 26, 1910 at the village bal F. IM. BÂaNLla P. T ilmi Nas donmltoouSewer Wm.SuHEAîam-s DrunitenfiNe"s Conmmt As&aut Enteatainiment at Hickory. For the firet llmeIn their sirteen Hicktory inleobave au outerlalnient er et nesidence lu North1 Chicago, of 11gb grade aud great Interest on es Frits>' nigit. Talent of expenleuce and th, Sharvîn tamliy of Votrts.uth sud a4Qty la being brouglatt retu à distance Conmmonwealth treets, h ad trouble and ws are amaoaed 01 a ver>' enjoyable Stands>', sudIWO noga-osa are aougbt svaning. àis. Kslbr7n edotChicago, as tha cause et IL. ne ?horvlus.Itý in the aoloiet aud !ullee MargaretMiller, Sîtîears, net helng lu an>' Ses>'t. of Zion City.- la the reater. Every body bioame for Il. Io iuviled. Il appears that near 1 'lctSn "v-Ça.- ~~5Q1o SEPTr %31 LARGEST AMAPHIMHATE M VU 1EWONLDON IiALFIMU£ET"R $109000,m EnP u ' 0 -- *- % ia0 e 40 ACRES OF EXHIBITS 10 WOGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE à 31 EXHIBITON BDUIDo4S 19 SpECIAL EXCURS1QT4R AMs A GREAT MI WAY *TM 10 GREAT SffiED EVE?<.I1 UP-TO-DATE 8» 10,000 ENTRIES FM.POURM, sc'y, eWith.Delight %Oi*th mmriagvionptoemgr l*i0 dY, g0 thse nov hot fruit table drink. It vill.protide yom ilsnon s u.at, it a " * nivAu in thse forai of a i.llcous. fragrant beverage. And et noon and at nlght again the saine vboléoe uwinU geedume-bonano. Bonhno la tthe ouly hot table drink.whUhc«as b. u»M uvm ays y a week, lte.o ines a day, vitis ouly gobi tesuli..1ý Bo*nanô fi tii. liha £uiy matured meat oft le bna, ahgin athe tropl, and thon drlod, panulals,. routai mi baded. It :cokes a go Wè" bagout, saaW Escauso k Aà addig but pure fruit la lte, mag pdat andai dgestible hmr, y«* cannet tiref ft, ut vii 11k. Ilscore. vc cp y's drik, o-vUedy y yenoueiL. LAMd evy cup yen drink viii put vim Ato yoor stp, rbdgI4mn uto your oyes, sMd ma"@hiefte yoir smille. --- - - - There Je ab o ite1jP ae*hing but ba aa lt INTERNATIOÎAL 1 Bona»ne a sisratim, "Sebg or fiavoring mffl ML ANA FOOD COUPAN of afty sort-joklqu ue s asg. cuiJoo, IUNON.àA25 e* e.au rcerow* ii m Ma 75 Flumad m pkof B ONANO 0810-a O.lU01bo ilt thM t tilWt. Md oekwe. Try * m ab*sy Na.. y la e u otý,àý IMy sor am4*0 &Ua»4Ou i sc-bpm*a" su bobta bo ol i J. E. TRIGOS IE.,E. ELLSWORTtI WM. WALROND day, Sithout au>'cause whatovor as 1Wekint thée bottle, cutit taa ucau b. learned, a negro, nai.n a n»'lOaa-, and maI11. unituowu, 'Iaped mb tothe Sharvl -u terribi>' wlth culs A" es yard. wbenu tbr.s boys. aIl youagWhou lira. Sbar'tn men, Seere playing aI gataes, sud Vic, tis e norlatusali ll o louai>' aaaauited one, tsiociugbita lu tho Iaeo. Tbeon I downanam pottndlug hlm. To .id 10 bons tollowei lbthe the myster>', anothor negr o Move t.>' <UMto téhbir St once, audil th a boer bottie b ie th«. gayse IMM- of thé slaurvialln th*Ise Wfihb bihr