LY ky, unepl JN »ii10- 12 Pis ?15 ER YBAB liq DVAXO,& FATI~U 'vas veor 1a taUtula"i US tue mat. taner st ta 'tbe prsf the inMW Va. MrbgeemK thefuir sov or bim.uas Ir lvere a crng aila hus brl o mtsan 0 çissu. padng againt Umet oâ eaê'aSr arft ts 111.1>'fta bu aux in ftle futurs. Cecancr la Inuoceul - MVi. Cancor bas alvays boes a Mi ~of sie. Ne came tramnoise airth ouet famillies tfa fil City Mi bas boehnrisa tme «evee cl vaea at I b«s. ineyer ieevbie te bu la aiy trouble betore s MI1du siballee OU haS bolan>' mene tuaS dii nt rgbtfuir beons talaiS." "ThanYeu vouul'sali Mr . Co n noceut amiAa vrouged mair 'l'h.taller tgol JIMunamu' s i auxiO. 80suan Iriaima.a>' bol jpo, M 1 cMibi.. le an Innocent go bearfinab-le vas bor- amvi~ie ~ailt the WoM M fts aS etncead R is l tund peu. M u i'***fea"e et the i in ~ eInnoenat. -n»u tzag4 deaI ofbis vufe anti <ho chau felluwgclm e mK alu uagb t esot fIMe t c4»Y 110 Cdi noamin>' te bave bleit tooei e u»i aoae o se»the crimnl uO!oeei00fithvasPla.esor te mue lest BIF eZMW bave sOi.MOa ffl ni abo Ot 4 »j J. &OL . rmud uer tome.ahi ts ther e vas a à#&. of ffl mas>matiInvite in te ea-, sttue eioa su ad tiscover vlan. thé abatage irto? entend in Auditea'. -"Tet tise tact retainls, as Yeuoaaii, tuaI je* dld «U Ila the auditer, asti fiatthe. suditor icevered fiat fiers vas saetii a rnn lu fthe o118c. "if Jo., lad been' tu gllfr- man fisflmai>' love w peint hlm, ho vositi bave let fhe inatter rua as imt ns possible anti thon mae a run for Con e Sf111Vary lu. Whou èsled viat b. ev 0w f the beaiu et prenant of Jo. Connor, fie gond rit rephle owa t h bouliaspl but st111 lie la a ver>' alie "'fi seu.encouragemnt t at i ceni give You la fiat us la ea«dl> an tisa gaIn bth b2tilai andi bodir.Hia -brats nov viii von vwif B cleernes tIpI la rednrahte in a MMn Who ba beeb la an lisan sélu me110reCeeIM>. 'The quiet aud ruait o! the plsce vlere b. once wv as ansuemon. for the. boy 0"igai litue cuu fiat cout habletia et fhe asylux». -Y. eu odithSa 5058 js Whvis vas in tiheeinýitsl «0fsvaa wIMY tien a mentltMsW pIjalasa vies, Ha *y« a he i ed> «M orfia sM n-l ou aturai w ie* es'd"but itn iKaewWher.abeets et Coe . -Vos apal as if Yeu bai aeen. hM lafair,»«nY" u 1m e l~bu la?" ,a» fie Béat question aaked eprst "Do I b»ovwvbere he la? What queetboMl As lift 1wOulti let fat :boy vho la as dear $Oune as a son out o! X sib ç noitieforat'aminute la fil beiur oftrU«el! «I ont *91,ir 5v vhre be 1, ,but i bmave nh»bitemo5tly, but *voe.1 eau, hi, or wvlanho lu taft iMuet refusta tniYeu. -bot 1 I ilii tll ae this mfait. IWhsu fia., préper tisse euase.1 %vils predae i05 andfflt wM ififaca hieSccflO nud aftr tisas tie *vpad Ovlib.d "Tbbm ,iol bunomesPlieont iroa 'lafics faf iii ste se p0"p on o thesns"graffff~v - tn aofie c"asi MRyi ÇIO# entiïgis go'fliatii cas teli ?Lstraloti "ie nmcei oiti, "tioesla s mg' uvhngn ver fie bhd,4ot oen aitiI l ag b>" théseodèri rhadet iatvN i aI p At let »pl . -,,ramot. Tho. décsi v nO-mtt4Id ne tniv.i as >et, but p.rOiaii>' 1au 'bandum tua case f0 fhe tiet of àm ç; -And bo ieth*Inis #11 hors 1 vlfl bée fiat Comlor viii apPosia in thii. tend, M vw~ » eas t O a>' ,tl um pver, ami .4l biut et tieomeai iwmat te'au. ilsou tàw eau om et bava aven sema "Ws tier 5' nia or ser expet1 tue "ilte"40 dOum thé e bas beau 'Nsi motivg m fie cm, Stn hor tilem la j 'thetouisto en.le s ftfer"donet ea M barn ad i do1 dmeetber. Our la. er leVu tlt&this hb fan fiat h gavi faleeti.' andl tus girp fIhe star of public ai la as dear f0 ber sa 'le the viti Coni tîme?" vas astid. "'bsf 1 vili àot prieet. "Wlàefler insu ltrouble W.« fiisre. But tir irefMni>'b, et spiit aid aivays at foIte $trous L. abat bu adose heup fa tréstf bus beem ileti. "if vas Misa ises a Muv lemseon allsà t e w ul te at n r al, staSe te tam fdm "Whaa fie, is c oud it» mspa ilt b>' fie mua vho0Wvi I." "What mmassage mi ,f 8ed of <onuor il sent over the vires Main. 'Sirpi>' carrytai et file mnu. vIa sc of fie blgiaf on lbisi 'aid telli feu fiat1 iDg bis heat unBd Ume, b. vii svacpd et bis accuseranai le la ot afraidti no mtter viom if The fatiter vas on ail be could of fie dangertua the canai Soa for ushie wni Mects vas fiaI bis antiUl Mise isere repreaented b>' the .r.d be the publd. pRrophista W. Preditetions -and man>' Of tiose vio formidon> plîfIcls nan. eleon theie mys fba Itarvar Il WoUS prMue '.u Ofs bSiurtieif as suete ha fie bth la Wvla ve ver.,e ie yee n inlina tue iocai optîcoI* La as a pretty sere vic meade a pourabh a fr11. ashead i aihe tIre, LAie count>' dotes. Jacksonboas made fer a legilative nu btaa mode soccb a that b. aiôlud pab ma el fecte b. ihm and ove tu Chicail law offica.and lave b a evoetêt 4ogt brie, due tw i r~> vé *motiorn' cloe*trCl«rk .éiiis1- i e. -de*. vho la -uiki* IS »Slut term ila the ellk, rdY 0108010111«dbhl$fare- vii te the LAie muatyI board of su- a' thetacta pervisoie. yw» vbicibeébafor sa WM th"& hoie @ne mvasiactinsin lu ie ex- O treme and tbmoe' vo as rdly a dry eye ,anau7fine rm. et the court bouse. S the feboard4 of upervis- the @" ub-0U Ion M pi$4S7vers- Mb... SI$,M te the Lake bluff *fphàuele, ua u reAOee 44060.for Wý1Wt4 r £s AM- the y.l' end #dared* a eck drowu for the amofft eud for waredd. Hoard aIl thie suditlug bil hie' 5 ID rend aud put ou the records. UrUS ibttim ~f Alto eed 76 par cent et a 06000 fr$eiabp tt ~ bill for repolriug suad dscorating e. t WlPua- the coutau te. ~p le. 5 arnater Passed a resoluf ion fiat hoes la pblco rit faier the public buildings end î@~ s- tseber ' e, bt ' voansmn grosande cornritte mut conme tu mattera of tbie bock ftaith open board lu ente I=ea lnvoived Ila& thereoara, repaisf0 b.homode ln ti. carifgi uT saxce eof 100 oh. la na for above i. tund. The Hende. fareweill n full vas as tt the publieniay' follova: , ot tbink that she Haudees Far'ewell. alour sald, 'eat ir. Chairmanu and Gentlemen of the ma Do Maufl novn. 0 is life for bia Count>' Board: rhaas acrifiei on It la nov noarly eigbteou years that opnion thst vblcb i bave held the ollc of count>' clerk, e lite." and as sncb bave beu the clrk A Dar t the preseut your board; a period that an>' man @ay." repiied the abould bu prend. et. and 1 certaini>' àbe4-'vwth ftbe Bm; a perioi longer tban an>' other ver tr b!ltoa s of son basld th.prIvIlegfe sud lbon- sb la ww t in l or tef0 1lu the cotty. ad but tcw et bis boa hCanar bave exeefflif i the ate. « Pressure Of ber Ouriisg these eghtben yesrs Cie i a n Moti to btild buiness of the office af the. count>' s aun ytbing filt clark sud clerk of tie cout>' court vwha gave Cannur bis lncrea.ed fourfoid. The. busi. and ae .viilsainaisDUeof the offie 15a ufliclent f0 ver- wrst ithevr edsrant a division. but tie constitution lulg. bt you May' bases a division ountOe popultion In. sheu la uiider ml »tend of the. bueilesedont. censé- U@n hlrm avilibe- *anly 1aam tildtithere yl ha Ulie. -Do dilvision an tf18 1910 ceuses report. or Judgreafcorne but the flanc la Dot far distant wheu oie »ov conimna- 700 viii bave tvo ffMes ta do the -&# Motes f«stnd vorn nov doue tu the office of the vb wi ould standI hy r ld couty clark. nos "y sii' rong- During t"isperiod 1 have made inu plantent acqtiaitances among a> Il couvr W e th. uperviors aofie count>', so mncb - D thiia Oty " a s notbît 1 bave S»oted thein per- te the tiprient lu oa fiuz fien thti regards 1 Telle of Retlrssnt. on viii h. cleareti i tink the couty Clerk foimore i Ume," be repiied coeyIetle lhtecut h.l fttregain-ciei eniet vfbtu cua> iset et th@. right board than s»>' otier couat> oflcer. Ion e hebesl cuse ese aalwaya vitb ft» mdur- il show flein that hIg their delîbrtlons andeefin their tell #ail bu maya,reod. .ilatucldupnb ii bait." rcrs el ftncle pn aly taoo sud ta fell the nev members'and mua>' fines b>' acase vitiiont en tbe aid ones for ativice sud assistance. a and sasldthe cea It bas aivsys been my greateat pleas- gDeastw give the ure to bu abie ta gîve fhile dvlce and sa frietide. Conuor re bolua asdîy mi& s-sisstansce. An>' Information or as- epressansd stand- sistance I. caulti give ai>' aemburs of the. board, I bave done cbeerfuIlly ad tried te make tbat niember fel fif erg Milen as a pleanure. . Scalculitious of This la fi, lunt session I shall be, Dikeep *eil In- wltb yau an your cierk sud I regret If matters proved oi ver>' ucb for the reatou I love f0 h. iegilstive contentw M (111.) lerald of thevltb Yeu.- 1 enjo>'our societ';, thé board la made up ai gaod businens of ever>' ton men mn, men aelectedl from.-tte lhast of s a inner and as their township. I bave sivays bai h mnislunfiasrace. .0aere . t peoperfect confidence ID the meiniers of te pick Jacksan, tiie board and tbat confidtence' bas ke opunt>' gplrant, neyer been betrayeti but once'lfa my suer alto. 'But be kuawledge during the long period 1 fipg comlng lu but ie luit man of te bave been -clerk: and fIat on.e bus ni> rlegielatîve candi- tiynpathy rather fbain censure. Cefnieuien. I visi >yen succosa ln ea O"s seon Pril >ur dellberations ilu the fuure. 1 maev'guie sboing hope >ou viii bu as patient sad con kUpý the $* Or alderat, vltb an>'sucoassor ln oMmce tSaiet LUie torefhaever hb. ina>' b, as you have M0 aP' ha .48. a been vlth me, anti that y«n na>' baveé 8 fbereýaàcawthe - -.- or, both "Iet,,' cangddaWs a g«4« surprise. for I wa» thit J",kaots. havint fis 0f uoennot' Deeen, ladorsu. mp the Legisiafu.Ve oe'." the ntalaon Leamu, fie ne resttieufaof Laie NoFara l ise abOri'leaders. veau strnguscandidate, but iii fail ni>. And âQDonoe ias aieTs' ffler, u se anas tise Heaaldia le ta leanu. samera lesins fe agt la tue the ieuw;.'solil t-on saD- fi ýw unmoiing bav1mg DOW ~3afen.p A c e s i. iss confience and ho. >oura. as bias been file pleasur. of ronr rettringi cerk. Gentlemen. 1 tiai rou. Put on fis Recorde M. Hondee's taravel speech andi the repl>' « the board., vhIch vuean- ienti>' flatteinu anti approciative of fhe county ' don ant iel long and vi- ied services, ver. hotI ondenedt fabu spnead upon -the records. Oaiaiee i fcoutt>'afcenare minl fie saie. no ciis'age. belngmatie tov. 'Tii.boardl tien adjourasi f0 uexf tiecember. WEEKLY REALTry ECORB. Tie Laie Count>' Ttte & Trust CYuianay'e report ai real estate tranne- for for tise veek endiug Bafunia>': riunber of instrumentsa fla...... 132 noms recordai ............ 8h.619.00 140115 negoflafeti.......... 51,950.40 Thes-IPU"NDENT bas mert enu u» buser. usi B. B. Rp,. gessident of thiiLtberty- A 511cco(sid #1« "Mt bis it, baàville rilaetboard and a prornbnerit riof bina te do vlttlNk mtriinonai b- mb n Ptor citf, 'bon been selected reaus vai lo"Muuway b> Isaac EL «AI>k cut'à lodependent candidate lNar, fr a eeSB~ p'otiinet Mi.,ti t tte leglature. The. ecleef Ion tor, lu ois. ebaitruâo tf frau4,. hefore vwu mode ie ameetingR beid Bt the. Judge 'tarila ti tu t Uited Stte, ourt bonne la Wauiean on Weduesdsyj district coprt flU CWdiao. IRe bitra.tftwmoçt4Calld by the. waukegan self Pleaâded swullt 10 lurges of using Gasatte *ud attended b>' the supeprrisori., tii. ainUStu d0fdo He Was son- Aiaoos , ttova clerke ansd rond tenm e o w"t. wtb uinthe fed. emisoeermeacb toWnehIIP in 1 4dt4&a Y*V ieo. Intention of1it"king the. rece itb the Wau'ii wasR. ltUd overa year 850 dterination fo vin, and thu. cire for »siagtbo mails t. disseminate bla Lake couufy he. représentation it le matrInmailran tion.sud ta gath entitl e b u*our state Wlegsature. er l ini 15 submeoiption 'Tees" sent Eer »sunce the auoouuoeent of the- I b>' dupée tratm Ill over the coma-r reuit o I.recent primai'>, vib b it fr7.j Lak t onty w ithout a candidate for Hes conduice tue ecy under the legIsafile bonaces, there ha@ beeri à dis. nnesof fie "Wsr Directory- aud ail position te pot forvard an independent Mm*tbm «»Wated*ht bis wite, Mrs. candidate. It bring the coneenceum of Kits Wam wuvaspraprietor. ophnion tti;t a count>' of tbis sîze and I"m . L ow5 i4 uoe qieluj importance in the district vas justi>' 'ln = for whom I te- eld tarepresenfation St ltpriagdiid. sued an order beeause of bis failure toe'hie deirecerysfalized loto the rail for appear vhen hie case was caled"" Wed.e&daj's meeting, aîîd thle unani- ààked Iud5 Landis. mous chopa aof this representative Rath- **'Ys your bonor." replied Assistant lgwl ftwt h nomin District Attorney Partue, "but bis rin iitctvt i.edrei nan.ppersac va dueta he an pproval of votera througbou t tii. that b. vas la Isil at the time snd II tanoecear>' for Mr. Filer toe ecire conii bardi>'appear. After giving a amie imber' of .signature» fe his bond herm he vent te Buffalo, viiereî petition tbat bis naine nia>' appear on he conduetsd auD BSbucy under another tih. balot, and noue Miay' igu Who Darne. vasarreated and sentenced ta one ysar in the Erie couuty pentîten-! oted iD f beIreceo tia y:' . - ' 1the prtnsaria sol vo are legali>' entit. W >eDdkt tKnow. 1jled vote, viii coii t tuAIXEPaEN *'Did your vite amcv viiere you ofmeor an>'business place lu Liberty. ver.?" alIeti JuMe I^lAfdi. ville and @gtom t.epetition. Mr. Eger -No. your bomar, ah. did net," sadit ilas Weil diotrihute petifione throumb. the vituesa. e mvrVOl. ouft the count>' #or signatures. Tour l'Weil, what bave yoii gof fe0 ayrcooperBf ion ia urgeti that enougii -11 admit thut 1 amn guli>' and vill 1siga.recsya> etsecured ftelitie Lake neyer do suytbing 11k. that agaîn 'ctiuaty fe a casdidate lu ,çov@ml»r» jutige."* said the vttness, "but m; vle-" hlhie bi s etrernbled abd CUMAX MAY b. dr(e the ibock of blé bondi across bis eyes- "sie bad uathlg te do CODE OCT. i wlth IL 8h. diiDOMt bave anptng i- at ail to do vita the.bsinests and ehe The nsw date eMt fr the. climax in innocent. Piese. pudge, don't in the affaire of the. Frost ai«c. do suytblug to her-abe's Innocent; 1 trie rosd la October 1, when A. C. uned ber ame. 1sit lenfence for Frost returne frou s'trip ta Brit- myself, but pieuse do't do auytbiug ish Columbia sud Alaskia for fthe ta my vite." ~boeafit 0f hie heaith. "The charge agauet your viTe I f ila. just possible thst sction dropped." sald Judge Landis. - but wiilo t bellin, liowver, unili vou muet serve iouite months at Monday, the thilrd, due f0o the fact Fort Leaveuvortb." that Front viii arrive Saturds>'. Lure for Unmarried Men. Attempta tmade, Tuosday by th e lu letteras eut out to rien vbe lns. SUN te set something deflite lu re- vered letters the ioitowing appeared ý gard te the fate oif the rend ver. fruit- ou the letter bead: less, althougb It is goueraily couceded "Ufe la before you. Your happi- 1 that F'rot le camiug hIdi. He hlmi- nes. your proseprit>' depeuds largel>' self har admitted as much. npen vhoui youî iarry." j Chicago interse«s. "Patranized b>' the beat people o1 Powerful Chicago lteresta are sald the land. Business 5f rlctly enfidew taeho k of bhl lu tbe rend'@ reor- tiai.", ganlzation. If le kuovu tbat tbey "Marriageable îeî'sous everyvhere are busy cleaning. up the. details. of ruai, religion and nationality-l ntro- Illinois bondboldera bave tram the duced.' tiret malntaiued a poworteil organiza. In part the leter ,wqut, tAh maie tlou vith Front. ' applicnts ioilows: ftasults of Interviewe. PorSir:-Tbo lady whoie a me Otto R. Hansen of Miwaukee, one v. send you bas cotre ta us t0 Aud af the chiefs of the Wisconsin bond. ihn a.ufa hush.a .-il, , _a - -yh- ---eh- bave tic bositaucy in addreasins ber. ilpîr sa>' f0 her thaf ve bave gven YSo ber name, bitel>' descnube >oun. sel! anti requetat a furfiien acquaInt' sancs, but kindi>' refrain trot» iailng fo ay in>'quirles ln your -rt jef- ter. Man>' of our ciente vyht hou,. fonvard leffers. suci as no lad>' vouiti anavon, sud vien the>' neceive nno e pi>' isam. us for vbat the>' fiet- selves ilave caused. Soni, 0f oui cil- note. Iu tbe case of ladies rite, are Weilti>'. tieli maill>'onUnfe ione>' queston, aboutwvilch nofhiigehould ha mli otili sevenai 1,ev. hbave bom en echngeti andi an acewdotamSl las bani formeti, as no lady wl-a tef oIli i t she la heingmanaried, oléiy fer her mono>'. uar do ve ven4 ber te, filink be la heing Itrodn#d t0 a àmt fortune hunIer." Warn forinenî>'residedttilie 1e i- lage of Wadavorti anti hu veatîvea fIler. md la fils cît>'. gact Lancier Ufed in Ohîcuo. If .ias Just heen learueti aRt. eni- fi b>' Chicago healti delianfluent rec- ords fisat George Jacob, Sciveblustb, vIt. a number ai yesns ado A*,ainud notonlet>'as fie beai of a uail 'eect ut Rociford, died inl Chicago 'teceat. 1>. Theii.It>'recorda shol i h*be died o» Jul>' 20 af 1039 Dalaifret.« aIter b.iig I if f typiaid lever tor tva ve.ks, sud tbst' be vas hurli l fInte ôracelanti cemeter>' au Juirst>' SSScae Ye«ne&go' Sobvelfurtih ai a ali i lOn>' At Roctiord rno n a fnee.lot'e pifaI hilh for a ville attacedejb lie attention. The coupa>' ýVI bmke 4 >pand Bcbvelnfuth dagq -r , ma pulic viev. boîtiers, vas fot at bis office whenj called and coutld aot he Intervieveil. Af the office ai Jsîdge Grosea iIt vas saidti fat fie Frost road marfeis biail flot >et corne to a bead but %aIf9ad coam&up ln court au>' day nov. Prom another source le the fiti t fh beWisconsin ant Illinuois bondbold- ors ia>' eifber combine as beote sud bave on, greut intorurban systet or fie Wisconsin s s'aet vili 1)0 opeil off sud openafedi uiependeuti>'. Vital Question for Votera. Votersaftue Novenibor electlatîs wîli cast thelr ballots on fbree vîilI> big public questions vlalci l ha anbittoil fo tieni. The>' are: i. The Initiative and neeroendaun. 2. Extoension oif menlt 5>-eeni fa ex. teut of eoverîng sf af,. 3, Carrulat jractices acf liltltng exienditures by canaildatea seelsiug public offlce anti providlug Ton au Itemlsod stateniont of csmpalgn ex- pensez. Votera viii have a chance o ef0 press a > ea or noa opinioni. Zion Fair Nov On. T'h.aunna] is)on City' fair vili be Isld at ftbe Zioli dooperative tones Beptember 29 aud 30, oxhîits cosfug et 9 o'claclc on ftbe ti. sud thone la a long liit of îrlzes sud binte rlbhoua offereti. "Mutiti>' afen vont do for saair. ipor'lan>' botter tuai pager eofa sasi dmnolaUons vîlI do for a vaut it. iedý ýýTE5 oELECT LiME MIE OPtiWITlC,, PROPOSEDrNew tUNE MEANS MUCIITO AL MtIS sCCTIOA If Waukest à doesaDot vIle up If la Iliel>' ta loueth e f.uvw auiteln, El- ginsuant Rackfard ralrondt t Ilt now ps'opoeed ta ru a s n.inte tht. cif y Thtis le a prophecy foliovinS tue nmeot Ing of the directors heu at thfe Ocbwafs theater Prida>' s1ot te fie lnteregat othfe sale ai stock hi tbe moai x his flcty. The.ranch bleraided meetaing failed to arouse tise eutbuei. asa et0fhf, etOt>'. due probabi>' f0 fie veather aiome. Fai t. Aipreclafe Roli. J. K. Orvis vas tbe tiret speaker of the. evealug. lHe sald ln part: "If the cit>' of Wauegin doea uot show mare lInereat lu the railroiti ve yull keep tae terminal aust of fils Cit>' aitogether. The cit>' of Elgin vppfs the road tiiere and are wilng ta give us a guAraitee ai interest tiat would maie ftbe rzning of fhe road ta fiat place a paying proposit ion. But Meut road vss deslgued ln thia rt>' and vo vaut the peopîle bere to have the rod If the> vaut It. If the rond la seat ta Elginî, Lake count>' viii be cut off the map en fer as the rond la canicerued." Excelît fie road Inta Wsucouda, mot a mtle vil bu butit lu this count>'. L.ake county neede the road more fbsn au>' codt It>n Mlinute. Prom fie tovua af La, Bluff, Laie Forest and atier tovus on the Forest line the people svarm Into tMs cif>' 10 do their pur chaslug. The tavns ou the uev rond vauld do the same hIfthere vere an>' va>' for thein ta get into fovu. Tiere'aro seve» tovnships lu this canty wviere 1 csn rame mot an. cue. f0luer tbst over ramtes fa Warikegan ta traite. Bave the C4ao5inge. "the reason that we starfed the road ef Palatine inteati of at Wan- kegan vahecause tuer, are 50 ilan>' croasings over river sud rallraad to0 tritke sud ever>' crosslng meaus the expenditure ofminu>tf ousnssof dol- lare.: This road viii ho lu a direct lire vf connection troan Chicago fa ifs Playground lIntMa count>'. The lake6 bere are the greiteat naturéj pia>" grount sfoi' the. gred 'dIton tise »muth. Thousantis every nommer -como ta the resorta lu Lake count>'té get ava>' frani fhe noise sud duli rau. tineofaithe bus>' ]1fe in Chicago and the rosd! vili be tbe naturel. node of, t ravel... et. Finance Plan. The grestesf drawback that ve have' rua up agaiust ls the sellung af stock lu this rondi because no man>' have tat mon.>' fbrougb the croksd drginga 0 f other ronds. Nov Wlef nelleu o oue. <bing. There bas neyer hasa- a iqgle mortgage ountMa rond, and tuene neyer viii bu vîthout a fvo- f irds vote of the stock of fie roati. rEven if there la evor a rnortgase pib.- adi ontfie rend you cau taes our bolti- TUg « stock te tbe railrad offce &»d f bmeelge ftor tiret mort. sage bode.This la s tair deal and orne fiat ne ofler rond bas ever gi v. en th Ite efokbolders. R«ee No Pay. The, officaeo!tue rond receive îno pay ior thi saervices. Ever>' oMiler bas dousted bis servicea lu the Inter- est of tii. town tram vwblcbtbey corne. Thiis la f0 bu a rati for fie people and' viii bu ovueti1> the peopile- Th-r vili b. noa s'eut haidera eT stock vho ciu free ouf ail fie amailer mn. Tt la to bu a concernulu vieh al the people viii char. sud le ta be under their contrai. Tiie fneigbt an Ice-alone ftram Baug's Lake et Waucouda viii pa>'ail tie caet of building the .rond ram tiait place ta Palatine. The rate au Ice la 60 cents per ton sud the lais viii n'a- duce no le«a thîn Due million tons. Mai.. Bieortspeech. Aiex Beauhien, the partuer ai Orvis. siso gave a short speech an the ssub. ject. Ife sîld: 1. 1 "l'h. C. & M. electric bas a mort- gage oulifs rond f0 the entent of S$I&- 000 per mile,,vhile the road w, are dlscusslug viii ani>' Cent on the £rÈt division the aura of $M.0000. Tt la ab, [entialI>' a Laie count>' proposif Rau sud ve -vaut the.Peuple 01 LaieecouD- t>' (à vake op ta file ppart'hnitv thst is inackiug et their door.""ka CaPr"d. 'MNr. 0%f.thbenet speker. eid: _'I muet Say' aiething of tfa City cf Wau-' kegan. sA" fiat la thst 1 ams sfrald that if lacis civie pride. Tf voaslt liiie fa ilve Yau a niotto tfat vouiti belp the.eIt>' nol oui>' lnu filamatter. but lu al u>oblrne fiat viii cornenPp ta the, cify lu the future: Let'me tell >'ou f0 'Thial ftha mme tfunget the saine Umansd everybody vork tao getier.' "Titis road voulti men nu ucli fu fhe 'City of W"aikgn if tue peaple heme catiltise. it fiat vay'. Tiere la nt present but one rond fiat Connecte fie frigit nttf ty ff' if tise ater vorid. sud tl* nov rosi viii bu ellutipeti fan clrrying frelgb' cf ail kiuds" The momburp cf fie CanmMecUt, Association ver, con@plcuoug b>' fisit' absence. Alfhougb a fev of fheu vero preseat tise>'took iittieW Ibteret Iu the propositiIon. LABO T OJO I wooid appoan thef ail the wvanw [WL V o elqNç nearlyi>'fiied, anti that ail thaf v. needeti vas to move lu sud start ftbe bal nolling, but thoro la mmci thaf Labor troubles wltb fhe frequency the average observer dons flot a.. af revoluflous in fthe(Cotrai Anielcan fiat 'wIU have to u ie i&ed botore mtates have delayed fie operatiaus ai the openlsg. fie naval station, sud the apeuiiag of Muet De Good. t he station f0 the eyesosa!fie publie wili he deiayed f111 au earlilr date IMan>' have auied vi> If vis fiat Ileif aprlug. fie publievas mot siiovedti fago Whenthe ate as anoticed f hrough fhe grounds. Wiieu asiedtfils the th erat vas noîced tfor toiiay. AdininraiRossali: "The public the contrscture wosaid ail ho tbrough l ecrtt on eeadg wti their v"r tb'telî~ uut trougii ft. grouda. provîding fie>- bu fiedes>a ithe arivai f mauet- are viinglo Obe>' fie sigu@ put up butthedelý'slnthearrvaiof 'ntiiroughout the grounds. Ail veasak eriais sud the requemît clseseaho- la that tiiey isep off nov seeded twee th cotrator an thir en.plats, don't break davn fi. fre..sud have so delayed the canîpleflon aifie don't caMr off lu>' of the builings work that tie ioetponemenf ilaflores ta ebv oie abr opî Itefrvleved Frîda>', Admirai Roam up. Anqle>' Iiing thaf vo inuet for- xald: "The won boere ta plugglng bld la fiWfaling of lictures on fthe lunl the sanie old va>', and tbaf's groundas'lTb mie la not of ni> mai' about ai tbere la ta the mfory of the Ig u usn um ytem vonk bore. 1I vlsb tiat >'ou couldtfou ihger up. vieu the opesilng vIli taie place. i *anahssoded on Grounds. have set on the date severai tiats. Adlri'l Iaa sliscif l a gouluJ and aiva>'s aomethtug has turaed up BSatai sd l*àSroady fa oUvinht vas to knock it tu fie head. galug où:ai tue station. He vas watt- fsbor Troublas? Wu,,, W. Quas. dertug Sruen" fie groundstisvth aoie of "Ton bave ou. thlng to bu tuaukiuu the coust'&Mgrs, sud had Uitie o!fie for. 'lhere are. no lahor troubles tu optupoSt"at usuali>'in accndodtu f aunoyy>ou, are there ?" wvzasasiet. stminssla laMotes. Whou sentu lie At fth. quetton. the Admrai tiinev vas a füll liait mile tram hlis onfce, op bis bands sud exclalmed: and hat eft hieihat af the office I'Labor froubles! wlay, vo bave buiudla. taon. sf ries here evor>' - day tian Ualle thse Admirai biaisait goes.on lthere are navolutiona ln the. Central aar rke' long vîith tietfi.e van Ame Ansistates. Nover sails>'passes of the'O»ltractors aetishe ichool vili bore 8a a dIpute ietveen ho ail dmie on an about tise fret of fI ton cors and th Ir men. Tiers JA5itily'. 1911, sud fi, openag tor aW are nover au>' afikesaaalut us per- spectfbp, VII be et som earl>' date 80ouail>': If la alvays hetveon soie n. athe, spitu'. coatractor and iseno. The mou boe are peti the lieat of vages, mare 'Record Catch of Oarp.. .tisu I over kuew fa o epald ou a gov-.Souetoii. Win., sept'. - J. B. ornaaout. builing, sud sf111 the>' are CCOYlieSO Fox Lahe anti bis farce or dluatialied. The>' laivs' vaut to cili Cari) iiiers ou wideisday St Laies fie goose thsaf la>'. tia golden egg." Kegonsà' matie a bani of 4.a04 OIt'», Bmali Arm>' SfWerk. weigWtà about 10,000 paundas d Ther laetti a mai arm ofmenvalitiit about $3,..If la the" s111 Ianial ans>' o umonia ;ëY have mai etat fisla l. enîplayeti stthe' station. Tiser. la On 'Tt,>ustay and ffidajy full ar much wvan that ýstIl remains ft e iai fts eoillitit e douéelutr.tfeeformai opeulng cea'n Tof vIerhe i> re "sapedptu Na b. held. Thei.aniuads around ail fthe Wieta' slilelta a'0 buildngs are tu be levelieti offaut Iliuaerogbegtnlh seedeti. streots i&i nuqt bu pavei. une usiTon, viier routise>'are iueuO ruade imuef b. eut and thsre la esingi enettm eiotha reipSb«e J 4q 1goueral von t, iesp fie men, bs>' Oas k., six lver b-j .unfil thfie fna th fe >eai'. buJlhbadsere ail 'foe gý At Onrt giance at ftbe grontdisil fie o tWO it. ý7 1- --- - ý_, -,. - - 1 --,