CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Sep 1910, p. 9

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LAKE lCUNT'Y INIEPN DEN T, WAUKEGAN, WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVI.-NO. 52. p AUT TWO LIBÈRTYVIJJLE, ML., FRIDAY, BI'EMBR30, 1910. CUICAIO PROMOTER TELLS- SUN IN DEAIL MUST 'FILE TDEIR iNEW ROM) RAY wIIY li BAS SPENT $150,0 tW (N WARRN. PETITIONS, BY RUN -FROM WEST TON DISTRICT TO <jET 3MW ACRES OCTOBER EI<iDTD INTO KENOSfl 0F LAKE COIJNTY LAND OthrwseInd:pondent Candi-'.1Ppeo uîuyW date CanotPariclpate Boad Kl wiil Run in From Au Industrial district bêtween Warrenton and the In ElectionsPatnetKnoa Nortbwestcrn fast froight Unie west ef Waukegam. Palatinet__ _______ Tihe largeuit i.dcpcnnt steel plant in thse woriM Voters Who Voted in Primary1 . ~I CnsaT lecated l tise'districtas lis first Industry, n Indus. AeMtEtte oSg .Ovsi ooh et try sec« o nonee except lis pewerful rivai, thse AeNtEnlld1aSo day te Sound Sentiment United States Steel compais. Polluions at Al j ai People àd It la "0, lI4S Wellread ehali b. Mt ancd 1 for a a iower la At E! - a lVays, iand iu ivideirce dui teei XPROIty. er Dadyr 1beftî- Doan 4!1,j b triei àI wlii Soffen-.a eacb. a81ieed »W nfo malori lu il Fore- 3m elfy a soli: Welarel )a e a the bste mnOdnre )f Fore. ln [tb8 ~iy for Ébat At- ieded it e of ex- lakey. b't l Xe edlet 01 0 agaibIS -TOUR PAGES EGER NOMINATEU ASSATPS At THE MEETING .Clark et flighiand Park Pre. aides *ae Political Meeting for Independent Candidate for (PFrdm'Wednesday's Sun.) IfTwenty-seven attended the meet- Ing'of the Lake connty town officaila iicaiied today ai 2 o*ciock at lhe cotin- «=ty court houme 10 nominate an inde- ipendent caîîdldate for the legisiarîîire. Supërîlsor C. .1. Clark of ihliand % Park presided as eflairnîan. W. J. Smith was secretary. Teri toa ns were represented. iafa,%ette Bond I Al of ta iya h needn candidiate, for the iegIslaîiare. A vote was taken ani Mr. Eger was the high maun. amoîîg aocerai. Incluudlng Lnt ail] the old prImary candidates. Af- fer bis speech of acceptance the ineet- ing came to an end, the twenty-seven pledging ibeir support to the candi- date. GEO. KRESS DEAD: WELL KNOWN CITIZEN Reiet1 i>frFute (Pro Wodeadym Sn.) Years Dies Frein Breakina of Attorney J. K. Orvna of Watikegan, Abscess on the Braîn who la at theb easi of a company which - 19 planning for te construction o: (Prom Wednesday' Sun.) se"era Unes of electric rallway lit George Wý. Krcss, for fourteen years Illinois. was lu iMonday atternoon a resapecied resident of Wauks-gan, testiug public sentiment ini regard bo died late yestcrday afternoon fron the construction o! ahUe ahich wIlilitle cfecta o1 n-a""cla itreahg 0ou i.onuect Kenoaha and Willmob and the braitu. He was 63:1 eara nid, a whic wil ofertu hiscit a onnc-uornlu BuffhlIo, New York, anid came wlich iiiofer o tis ît a onnr-to titis city front Hyde 1eark, Chicago. lionî with the Une Dow beiug buit front lie residcii with bis wîdow. tbe only $1.50 PER YEAR IN AJJVANCE MRS. JAMES'CLARK DEAD: HERE 40 YRS. Mluch Respected Old SetUer Died Yesterday at Fa«Ily Residence on Southwest Ut Husband Survives <From Wednesday's Sun.) 'i e. ~et j Palieu,IlI., tu Lake Geneva. it la:Ilsiirvivor. St 213 aoîutb Utica atreet. Taft tuîîîwrow willi1issue an executiveI Roscoe M llen Burgesa, MiillngrLoa.' plauued to make Wiimot the. connect- The funergi s-illibe beid ah 1:30p lu order extending the civil service îo 11; ............... ..... -.1.33 lutg point for the two Ues. Or-vial hite afternoon Tburaday. from tbe res- Iîîcluîde ail assIrhanh poatmanterm. Thekia Ljo i nts. Highaui utot paning to build the Du1e weabj Idence at 213 soîîtitî tcasre. l President Taft wîîî also recommeud Park-----------------------..... frut Kenosha nnleas there la resmolu tcrnienh vill be lu Oakwod Rv.1 congrees that second and tbird The grooltu la thoeditor of lime to beleve that the people o! Kenosha S. W. Chîdester wiii preside over the j ciasa postmastcrui be placed under civ-1 North Ohorç News Latter et SIs$> ain the rural districts se ready for services lIl service. This action laelnn hue witb land Park and a tainted puhileo«- bîilt by the co-operatîpu of the peo- as hartender by Timotby Kelly o! By lornorrow's order over- 8.000 agalat- lShakespeare ad th.Be nhi." m tbi ifle Iuîeresîed. He proposes that the Madison street. ant ~poutniiasters will be aifccted. 0 books. 4tock for the biîlding of the hune sbaii la solîl to thîe îroîts-rly owuera direct- -_______ ______ _________________________ i, interested and tîte sale of stock tuK smr Ibis muanîler oite basis for furiher C i work u thet- roposed pla'n. The mone fu thebuidin of he nesA Piano that Proves nov under coutrîlctlon by the corni paliy beaded ity Orna vwas ralscd lu( ' h thls manîler anud it la dcclarcd taI nV lu lte comipatI> bal un -trouble gel Iing bbc fonds wheîî the farci- ers wej-e fuit> advlsed as ho the pilanr. Forîy Oive ihousand dollars T doesn't require argument to show worth of stock was sold lu a single ngta t 1ieîlt anioîîg the people an intelligent buyer that thé restdng aout adsworth. . Theic company woîîtd plan 10 bulld a Une &indsbaryV is the best piano fronit he very cuiller of Kenoaba rui- uing west over- a ituivale right of way that can be, obtained for its price., te, Paddocks iLake anid thence vestItpo e isvau toa y n wh- toWilmot ltollunecb vlth teUne tpo e isvau t ny e wh running lu Laite Geneva-Kenosba will examine its construction and test > its musical qualitirs. USE BERTILILION Vou may be inclined to favor somne PRINTS IN CAPTURE other instrument when you are ready to make - Hope to Identify, Dean Sum-. ner Robber ln Chlctgo b), Print of Thumb Priais kepi On Record ai Station (Fr-ont Wednesday's Sun.) Police officiaIs, by mneauis of thé Ber- tillon records of inger prînts, oxpect to effechtte capturue of the burglar who ycisterday inorning robbed the parlsh bouse ofthlAe Cathedral of 88. Peter and Pauîl. the reidence of Dean Sumner, Washington boulevard anud Poorla mreet. lu breaking mb the pariait bouse te burglar iefl marks or hie ingera on te wlndow pane of lte recepîlon rofun. and Caplain Ev- ana of the detective bureau tesla cer- tain titis wiul brîig about is capture. The circuit court toniorrow f1ll taes up the trial of the suit of Henry Jord an as sdministrator of titi 0.1mb of lte late George O. Fild againsl tb. iecelvers of lb. Chicago and Mlvan. b&i4lMectrie Raiiway Company. Fied. who vas a resident of Micbixgawsa -ldUe4,at on. of the crossing of lte 'IImay jut northb aI'Kinosit.oclo ,'- 9 . Revas drnpg mauto e k NIm vu b a lrnol by' a er your selection, but in justice tô yourself, do raot let pre- 0j~ judice prevent ydu-from seeihg what an excdklnt piano the &ing#.butry is before .you invest your money. Here t. a piano th at has been before the public for many yoars, a piano made and guaranteed by a famoua manufacturer and sold at a price whlch places It easily within your reach even if your Income Is moderate. Let the Klmgsbury prove its worth to Yeu. Yeu can mec It at the store o C. F. I.NGALLS ù - fr»0.11a&va LYNVCH »'OS., LiberIyvwslle Yeu cannot spend a littie time te better adva=nta t;nby, >ming te see tlii piano. We want you also to sec the Conover, 1anld lus. Player Planas whlch we are exh1bfttgai t1 e u vamricsw ai for themn. Easy Paymentu Afflffl oMRA"yY~ Y Expet luiarIf you now bave a piano let our tuner look ft over. He Ilà ExPet TUMIr-town every month. Leave an order for hlm to, cail. dont I TftThe laie M3rs. James Clark. wbd dicd at Ibe family residence on %Cath West street. was boni lu Coiinty Rom- Affects Assistants and Post- common. irclanul. acvsnty-aeven yearm mastes of ako Cunty go, was rnarried tMay 1%.1864, i0 ln Numbers !came to Arnria ln1858.hlid een !i atried fitY-seven yeasaait he ie lorber death, and had rcsided forty (Froi Weucaiays un.) years lui Lake conuiy. According to a prtessadisîîatch of j She dierl Septenîber 27, yesterday, 1 this City. yesterday, Presîdeut Taft wili plat as-; She la survived by ber ageri hus- siataut lostiiastèra uimier civil sér '-! baud, six cbildreu. twentyone grand- ce. anal second andi third clase iloat- cildren and two great-grandcblidren. nasaters; wiIl also be added to thc The chlldrs-n are: 'Mms. Thoma.Go- The new order wnien lssued wili af aukgan,Wila and J msi of s. fs-ct cverY assistant liostmaster li Te degan oh n. Cf Monmarkn&h tlake cm o t a eery oicsecofdctd passing or one of the City's and colin- thir cîas uosmsmcr.offcesalfct-ty'. oldeat settlers and selle wiely ed alîîoîîg others beiîg ZVon City, nourned. Waukegau, North Chicago. L.ake Po ________ est, Highland Park, il1lhwood, Liber-1 TMESE MAY WEO. tytileGraylake. .Antio-b, Barria- ton. and possibly tlera. The big menit of the systeinwili be George C.,' Ceylon,Mnu.Lq tuat assistants wili now bave incent- age. Ive te learu the poastal business. and Charlotte Harden, libertyvllle..Louai It lm a balsiness, f roml toi) tb bottom. as sag. hheY wiill litbc rernovable by polît- Antone Sicelkirk.............. ..;33 ical chaniges anîd eu go abead sud Mary Vlhke....................... 20 take ni) postal affaira as a lite work, John Lauret. Milwaukee .......... 97 Htherto the gcîîeral rule has been Mary i.arnon City ................320 four Years or so te, an assistant. Peter Davy, Niagara Fals, N. Y. 4. The dispshch: Frauce Mabony, Chicago ....38 Washington, D. C.. Sept. 27-Tbe John Somerviile, Mllwsamke .... 21 tiret defilute reculet of the present cab. Gertie Capsor .................. 20 iliet sessions ln Washington was the Fred Wlttmsn. Racine..........33 i auîuounceîîîeît today that President Florence J. Turnmetz...... ...... ie MA STERS JO IN CINIL SERVICE Most Important Stop TiTalcen 15 Annonccement by Pnsi- country Iocted In thse Industrial hrea as"'lt-s second (Fo Wensa'Sn. Imiuistry. ~,Independent candidates who lu- An opea Ivitation to other ndustrie te lct ed1 enter the election content of Ait pei Initaion o oherIndstris t loate November 8 muntaile their nominat- en thse samne tract. ing petitions by Satuurday, October 8, Arn indtrial clty on thse plan of Gary and Argo.1 the laut day t0 record mncb iapers for i A ratiread te mrn from Waukoean barbor, where [state, county and district offices. Aý thse distrct wlli g«t lalefadlilesi, te connect wth the nunber of lndependent canvasses aret Nerisiweer, tihe St. Paul, amd thse Wisconsin Cen- contemplated 0f te leglslative dis- tricte and Ibese aspirants must have forte te colit-b o th Monine their paliers on record with the secre- 4"t1trANat brilerinthe eceumty.. les h.bu-el re iseeieuens e tie uemuen- tarvo stahe ln Springfield by a week to ,for a . w Industrial au-ca- near Chicageofe î from next Fiday if tbey wn hi t, Aexa ier . M keew , bg rai etat epeate ef names printed lîpon the oMrial cIcr- Ckagier and famous bireoter. hoe«ti o ien ballot. Micae, ad fanousproioter Voters wbo participahed lu the pri- maries September 16 are not entilled (Pom Wednesdays SUN.) ai for the bonfit of the newîfi- to aigu an Independeut petition. Thet "@dutrial district. eeto commissionera bave rîiled A. F Mceow. iîlcgo ud akcthat Ibis le the law. -Those circulaI- county real calais- deaeraîid he man Nir. licKeowu was frank li tclilngý n eiin uttk aeta h wbo promohed somte of the largeat ts-iie plans Iu delail. lgitios ui1iecaeta b signera are legally qnalified voter~i entepriee'In te %ale yliit.rda Il staes hatthest-e plnt n 1who did not participate lu the prîmar-> told a SUN reporer wbah there la nowan assured tact and that tangible; ies Il la estiînatsd that If takes back of is L.are couniy land deals. telîs iowards building thé 1îplant'm40t9H)sgauefra ei and- the story la an aniazing one of Iu- be expected ai any mornetî. LHe willlý dustial devlopment that, %r c.ntr'-a b aeoftecnpu tien In a legimative or snatrlal dis- Keown gays, la crtain te come. that will builulte tuant. . b1nrct, te mccl the percentage' requir- Asla gnraiiy known, Mr. Me- lie,- alae aserts that etuer Inîdus- cd hy iaw. Polticians say that hIs tries wiil bé oated lu the tract sud consîderabie of a taskite10gel ibis Ksown ha. heen In the market thal many deals arc now 1ludnîn. lunumber hicause of the lmination of for tmre yeara aau regards Lake tact h. cveîî tried te get ipiietirtind ihose who look part la the primary. ounty land n th. <atm ares be- Steel Lociter C'ompany sud the! twoon Warrenton and lta vcinity, Thonmas Bras anad trou Conmpany Io! and the Northwetern fast freightî îo<aîs- on the land he conîrols- i!REAL BEAR -S1ORY lino e bit wrest of Waukegan. 01 Tremendous Interest ere. FROM SPRINGFIELD ï Durinq this lime ho han boiJght Hia series of anuouncentetts as up tract siter tract of land. Oth- puîbished iin the 811.1; Ioday are of SpeClal Officer CoMlng liere to or land ha@ been placed undor tremeudous Inlereat Iocally. Wauke- Find How Battery C Lost contrat'of p" . Othr land kegan bas long sougbt the indiîstrial1 af Ozn Ht ad a conrat Ohe laid devclopinîuof thte west aide. 1 hanbhein taken under option.1 The By a ingle tap the great lronoer Couple of Hair Brushes -deals have extendid *ver a long opens up the footed ludustrial tract.! peried. iocales two splendid Industries and: At thei priment time Mr. Me- ossbly a new city upon il, and gîves I (From Ttîesday's Sun.) 1l ompete rail connections of ils own Koown assts ho ha@ control ofilI besides adding an limporant Indus- A real bear atory came froni Spring- 3,000 acres of Lake county land trial lîne bel wccn Waukegan and the field today in the form of a dlsîîalh wthln the territory described. western border of ite cnhnty.and con-. that a special officer In coming here hm. spent $150,M0 In purchasing ueccing titrce great trunk systemag. teolooit nto the boas ot certain supt lnd, and han $60,M00Worth of makngt bient acceajes tiw hl bs clty. piles hy Battcry C and ix the respon- contacta wîu abot 1419i raiiroad plana are known li sponsibilitY. contact4 wth bou "0000 detail but arc nt made public ah Iis: As a mnotter of fact. te inquiry la Worth 01 options. tinte. I onlyotbe suinual snrvey or inventory Anked wvit hie plans realiy are aîîd the. supplies lost are hait a don- witlu respect to tbe district, wblchIo la uild Concrte Bar-n. en bats bast by the men and a couple one tla eeaaliy tapped by the On is property et the ive Pointa 1 of haîr bnusbes, witb otber ike su»- Nortbwetern ad te St. Paul,. wiib Mr. McKeown la nom baylnq bulit piles. the Wlsconsln ('entrailflot a great one o! the beat sud mot modern con- Tîtere you are. Heres the dlspateb: way off, for the iraI ime h. made- de- 1 croee barna In the country. MK H. "Springfield, UL,. Sept. 28-Adint. tli a anoceuct of himeIen- Huasey o! Waukegan la supplig General Dlckson leued au order t ions and of bow far they bae been iumber. detallng Col. S. 0. Tripp, assistant f ulfilled. quartermaster general of tiie Ilinois M-e asert that in Industrial National Guard, as eurveying omficer. oty le plaitneqi imtwen Warren- TREE TOP FALS ON mnd ord.ring hin te1 report te0 2 P. M., ton and th No.thwoteruiifast MAN &AND KI HM I~4 Wednesday, Otober 12, 1910. te lu- freighl lino, qui-e Jnhe, report sud ixe the i-capon- Thisla one purpoee <o whlch ' ibilty for the long of certain quar- the lasnd wiil be ussed. John W. Lyk eo Fox iLge, teémaeter ordnance and other stores. Me tates thel the largoat Inde th 5sa' ~w.. ie property of thie Unted States, sind pendent SeelOrPOretion In the fo"tr whlch Cattain A. V. Smith, Bat- worid, Independeili 01 the sisal telleIJ4UiÇdoit toy C, artiliery battalion, Waukegan, £14. déJO" eSsmOOnss£iC trt<t and second oniy te 1t4wl , lreeponîbie." ioeaged on the land_________ t la his urthet ttefft** ut .. ARae-uur. lae I bflmere. Oýy . . -' ery man bas Ideae b mliii.t 100auffi». why whie joie W 0ii of tem. helli aimoml uiive»r5a 1iý adbon en OgMn Invitation thuy rrototi gri "ro I Ae eli 3O WtI.4OitW arS0 U Pal4Ofla ia.MlancIeti ta Oth, lndustii e ~witl5 a vitee, ad f<ti. wM- 50tma ho wll nort oeu.~ oohbidViWfSWoitlof...a,. .thn. ,ba bl mpp rewf t- loa tt-.'tire - a- ltmpata t» troumt. e -a A co0t4 1l go ut u>4W 00I iotS .Ikt ter-

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