po 101.1 I ,105,000.' Ubl lý theqsuppomed hamouma~ foshl~Tul8iW k heavtiY. Dr. ÜWaels attended, lti hl atermoom mlli aie report- veIL1 i.cý - h ef. Thef fa. ..,,. ' tum = = :hoU*t or thei St",' Su* .to Duc me- to" pmi tbb bIreul et . hàetm., tiuyer. leaadrhg. ~ t 1 Xe. 1mn m» prou- tu" tt. maie thei.tp 1 ite Mduj'o &Ye 'aits, one try.tmy, iibies-Mo, Chdhehomes in irelimm ill.I ai U natckUpodtitlo oli&a *VMuiei's ftàme »mn anitor il llv *sto sio, extem nia bo«u tbm prtilaie, for ot ont? iiaie m a"a thq prtmchpmùtaarI antIge irish - t me ea cçti. mleupletao au -of omidiT w boerraa18 ~meouaf vet t.sita report en tbhen Mgl ecioq&'h1 tbit scttuioolm odmy. ecrotary J. M. I Re*rdoný vii... reports:r-siu i nù oU aiundmitaaimle. Os " 1 1 i- t1 ile tollohlhg on-thi. coof; ttii. me tol 1uuhl'm 'Total pali eu iii.. far, -8103,8u.69. ,g Total ieeeved, *$122,164.79, m aaOn ba"d Oct. I 1gi iM t o. ,g bMIli~%.Paiet onfnwStoeôta, £-%go lait nUAW0b,*em.1Ot¶kb Dakota, e- o Wdadam,», fii h bb avb*&s cfsan mure nommer, <Promý' Wsde pmpm M '1qeSun.>, o~b ", sSa": uiist t na. by, momm* r rometsl Gsipnd Detu tii t iq~ pt ae to.tlai effecti ha1 a MM Imnahvw6jil, P"l. and- i..wm giilgss.ntioga f.j,.Ccýwg* Nautb., Âdà" .ot >me"jhas d"lmg thèrm* ait atbo 1'O vs. W 4farUhoatby. tbre. .Mmk4d. ÀT;; kmiéfel ami funiuir doctûr wvas summnimei. 'Iose ,do' mcm vitIrevolvffl. Alter knOciIs ~tbeimpes-4sdt i atof 0< he tîditoolg: 'iaaoiB ovmmbeatlm-ii.witin ibp - h*.' canéd, mplymmLeI CA 68tIR LAZZARONI, 204 North h. mio*qd remhta#<m, the foopais Sut àejýeaÏaorgi it rout.rikIed WtsPookits. tMaig $50 la *Wbi i~saaihe oie.hae'<eon o.I.JA#&RON1. amd 411 gr Haaum psngalposoossons, It u itagi tht he AMSè<!ENlE LAZARONI. inidiiig a vatci. imite. etc, .Zveà. m t r it r l di h i D A W<4 p ACN , &qed &bout jour, ane v ne ktil.that b.o bi urcha ssi eimrvWk81. *a AUC4.aau , inC.m i~'pbock trou tiie visai John S.Reoesmslu ICMkwi Sh.Peiet *fe Due e i.New o» BSek Iown diii Is Cou. <Trom Wednedas un.) ltsmamy friend, will regret 10iie !t1*1 Superblsent John S5 .lam of lte l'Jrtii Shore lIertd Ob pacy or Wauketaa sudi Leke omty à$ crlttcàl~y Ill a Ois oe lu,'11115 c&tY. the cause beimga scomplots flOry oua sud physicul brepkiow fllowiitg .PrOl.OUS4, vont ,»f ti h lmt klhd la the. Itterout o! hie conupmny. Mr. XOMOem&ai regarded tie coumty over SI tbi *it -tyue:o! u*M.- dante ~1 = MI b1w TOIt 'f Fl k; I 'j' i = 400111U11000tobe 01d1jU a Bie OWM -N11W.otI'. Ort. 101edeutt I f 1w th ktuw4ro ew4i5êoa 0f ho o >'quarmnîlme e hrsoroa 00 b"m ý ow Soý*«*s araeilg. mmd Wpl idbý' baUd 0& t at s,. 0.tp sa fig tb akia'g #î :0 *.teon ut aum t b of Um aubo4tne i.d.an 3M - Tire. ateauidhpe froejModitorta a " , *".-.1- weu 'lota o e hela equueat" u 4.: phpvaIomtbsMoltke. of1th ~ ur*lmércam ime; thi e omAi GIRL ua, ev Fabre limte boat,.mad& th -»Wtiam tuip lu ~ e dWyof Mw 'The. Motke bua 391 eabîn pesos eh& eajger. soirAnmd bas In the. teeraga. th BSà4Mu~.a asa 274 ébla mand 1.0' PitteinuOqI.S~-Tutoenyearna~ n% mdii.Viinia 21 eshin au 9001im lt. vWho admiiWé l 31 hieeage. Theii. Dev r. 3. J. Bq 15et barsshra" PaiequaeVolp.,, *0 f oeofftho. on the samt AMM 1101 lac aara d hiot poiig, j v AUlare mvii cm lhe Virgliian abm ,ba , :iibAbly b. roleamei toimy. 'n a n i, r u ruado 3 gnie eard [roui qmraiti Un .d0f.mé lad beda basai iiollj tut If Would net b. learmed unm Ciltie mmritten 35w. 'The &triclair dBvb e s vouldb Mhoot to h.ome a motiier._______ *1ý MINES WILWEO. CL? 1 MmuY CoIMarles. b141 by Vincent 1EqîW vpni A. Tuilas, Durllmgom, Wl...21 l-i"ntI".WWiiI SuSpend. HeuA. Reom.............. ommgo, I.,Ot.21Mm -Ii Bi, ..... ... M l'en ', M a arecuit ëM th .rudio 19. . ThlomliWIcélov......... 27 eb*mgsm tiieima goveruituathi AaKelly...........18 omea" et coal inés. ,amd the. W* ar y ramui, ....yvile 24 et îm*paI6n ll *11 ork i vere bo Sraii Attertdge .................191, able upou maoy mmmli tqwn*In vi W. W. Siialf, Lacom ............. 20lthe cool mine won tiie solefimdustti constance Huf...-................2Zr, >Uientvo do MI fantl SulS* .1euvy,.L Paber Mlwauke... 36 -mi" -te. 1th* efl of 40f PÙAÎttjà, Katiaum.Ina.......... 24teliiph4lie.amd otiier safet$ d"_l tov impotierve ha"e decidel t. la lotit. H. Ke ler, làbertyville .... . 37 »he ftO. MoLetc. OUnmdy amdi#»< Slopia M. Freiberg.............. 27 entral Illinos coumile.i have a mui J. C. A. Bricsom, Milwvauke.. 26 ber- ce the mmmlimimse, ihlcb aw Bdm" E. Olaoft... ........ 25 ace reouqie. Th.* ~ isp.I6Os Mr%. Nowly.wed-Betore ve wu - AUCTION &ALIE. marrliedyou "àW4ii« 111>! mUgi. llavlmg Iaded 10 Quit tarmimg, 1 wl h ouldb. your law. Mr. Novl ,M iseil t Publie Action t eblehi ont bdder ailty roa ioitf 5.E*17U7leva. But yev ha, ou tiie Taylor iPlsceBItii# tii*i.#"ommOWJq îOmu iiAW 2 miles Southi of Rtumm . mnd 2 miles 1 Siius that 1am ne yet enabile . Nortk.of Wdworth, on Wedwieaday, je» oma 0 vicîi hte il git"t. Oct,. 12. 1910, et 10 a. M.,Sharp the fonilta property: OW 'AND HORXS.-23 Ccv., 7 ÇONSteýVAToft'S MLL tIavy Spin at tes c ts -%il$ wnter: 1 lnth t wàl 1 kvaHors., 13 ISSU 014, 1250 lbs,l Otb.. Terni, A. . i110,' I gyHore,.l1i yur 120,. Ibo,:.lm lte uitter of th ,PPICt11 114-I214log 0Ibn. *I iliDg porpose. 19LeV 0seli Si Se-I Deerimg Gra lg ite of au>iqrmad*eAnd4 ~ lDeeImat~~Wmîe. tI .1 ii >.erigmbvr it là 'à M on f gu 1 Brmly Cors of Otober. A. D. 1910 1 .hall 1 plvriggýT# y, t» tesýtb dga' f 1 W.ron eaî 191 , at he bout of0" 0 »oClék Ii1 r,1 sulky' tis ,heraimater çe1I4e$aj. PS 1.4 i Walkimg PIc,, lic Vendue thali ..da Il 3aepnk, sddt, tr iSillu a" an *ft mocklw llinoioqe-wlt- &u..Tx sohi evoutï. (go) acm o o Oveir 3M 0 oatswill be nàE~~.W ae advertised coatg for mau, fy' year4, but nevr.havewe had the opportun iiy to bring before the public the amount and bkind ol'coats thatwe do for this sale, ineluding inany Wooltex sampes~of-the most beautiful modela ever showîî. You eau buvtheinnîow for lestian one-third off. The ladjeom0of Libertyville and Lake Coîînty are eordially iîîvited to coine ini 8at- urday, or dwig the rfollowing week, if in nîeed of a éoat, and see what we have oit odle diu'ng thisweek. Car fare refunded, as you kuow. Take advantagc, of this gregt ôppoiunty Woineh's ful length coats, niade of Ai Beautifîîl Wooltex coats-you wire quaUity Thihet 'For this 3j~ nize thein at oîive as gi~~~cat.............~~Y $'2.5.00 e0atim, for.......... Wo u n's ii»5 çi<h coats in beauQ-fu Highest elass Skinner satin> liited eqstfli mixtures, on trh ols R-broad(-loths. kerseva and mx tha 1.0 t .........u...,totwbrrow ..... ...... Womep 'g f4j eigth coats, sonie of tlwo Most heautittî,l une of coat4er, Ite n line tbroitg out rdth satin, 4bM î egular $39.0Q and $40.00 value,3 for.Sattirday,,ÊWeial ..............23r,7511~QW Ail wool worsted suits for this great sale4 at .......... ................. ......... Most beautiful chi&fn broadcloth. suilts andnew 2 -Bxwket weaLves, liu4 with Skinner satin, value $35. Brocaded faow é=ata ed eob«o, regula3tý1ta1e Alwool panan drefsès tomorrow. .... during our Fa nwK week. Beautifu lu, ualuc.or seleet fro $15.00 toi Two 1 iloffe iîs ini suits. Batiu mesrnnt of al woo0 suit4 fo.... ....*.. ........ They ail voie satin lined. 'Pleated skirts. You uiatscte gsrinents iR q rd4 t ralze the bargains offrd Heav. taffeta silkpetticpats, in black and ail colors, regular prie2 .00, at ...................49 WXNEÎAND BAGO. Again, as au extra speciai irmetfor thisal, 1~iei'fine haî<i values as higl *2.0, qîip pîcd iith ail the nece o, S foi. tonîuîrrow ........... Ladies' fùll liitIîi wet~Ii~oa, beat Ladte' swete4 worth $3.00, et ......... . .......~ .......... Ljadies' sweaterh ihiel $vaiuu at ............... ..... Bi# lot. of <Igm' ' mnate up l ue r ersian -pattc tui 00, for this ýsalc a mev Flannelette dree.aing 8eqieèýlii beaut4ul. new patterns, value 75c , for tissale ...... ..... We present a grade of kid gyt ,a~i not.to tbe equalled at the pri -e.%e Kid glov'es in black, white au> good coors, at.............. Fine, soft dutrable skins, eîpt& u ffgtr.cost lines of kd~l~ T a ,h a ta aebatif94I. trmçd witb Perinan 11lk, faner feathem; ,flowers, hats. They are ail the latest styleseiarge, suui4i1 and iediuin. ýTeyùnst be seen t il" a&pprev.iited. -Tli4se 1>air aç pues of 8.4