CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Oct 1910, p. 5

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vsw, .vTJaiuii 14, L910 WE HAVE NOT ADVANCED'THE PRIC E OF OUR COFFEE* Nerhave we lowoed the quaIityý If your Coffee man informe ycùitlia he muet now charge you a higher price DONT PAY IT. Butcome and ty one of our grad.e you WinI find that you wili get a much better Coffee and SAVE MONEY. OUR 2.5 CENT COFFEE IS EQUAL TO MOST ANY 35 CENT GRADE SOLD BY OUR COMPETITORS. TRY IT. rOR SALE BY' JELI',TRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 THE LAUT 41Wd «9%9. WAýONE' 0F TIEM FOR YOU? IF NOT. 00MB IN AND LET US SHO0W YOU OUR LARGÈ LIME OF 5AMPi.ES. TI4OSE CRAVENETTES ARE GONG FAST AT 89 TO 818. A 0000 ASSORYMENT 0F UNDERWEAR FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM, 50 CENTS TO $2.00. DO YOUIEED A 0000 SHEEP-LINED COAT THIlS WIN- TERI W! HAVE THEM FROM 47 UP, CHEAPER ONES FROU 02.00 TO 86.00. iiIGM.CWT tHOES IN BOYS' AND MENP FROM 83 TO 07. ,iUST RECEUVED A SHIPMENT 0F BRADLEY MUFFLERS AND SWEATERS. J. B. MORSE & CO. EvrthIng for tien LIBERTYVILLE. ILL * For those who bave electria current in their homep. Let me help you with your : FALIIOUSE CLEANINO. * I have a mighty fine HOO VER ELECIUC- *TION SWEPEE which am golngto rentfor the* *next month or. s-an electric aveeper -that viii * thoroughiy beat. sweep antd euck up ail the duat 0 from your rugs vithaut movlng thein from the* *floor. It wii l ot oniy cdean your rugi but bas ail0 theb attacbments for every klnd of ôlesnlng * l takes but a marnent Wo put it into operation 0 an al mter that any child can operate lb. ]Pull i- 0 *sructions wiii b. given. on delivery. You prees the0 0. button snd the sweeper daoe the-rest.0 You can dean ail rugs,, matftreea,. draperies% O *moulings and furniture in ONE DAY. And whenO *the day ie over you wili KNOW tbat you have a Clc CLA OXE. Xeke your reservations NOW. Phone 2831 any 0 *time alter six o'clock in the evening or before elghb 0* inl the marnlng.0 * RENTAI. S2.oo PER DAY. EDWARD DREIER ~eswirliwvwssoo41 m ea'iea ai tard parties.dartrs jad ûiler entertalineunt eveute, lias 1"un a tranged for thescaulng muaon bt 1 ha la ai ondin o! tb. Anierlean Blans *of 1--.Ily. NexitWadnesda.v wîli mark t e ý...aion of one oai 1 1pasant gailq-r- ixsivbieh viii hb n a rd part: witim dan.'ing ta ioiiov. lDne notIce of ..,oh svut viii b. given, te Itentioin Iiseîg to bold oue about tvice a monta. . Qune of lias mot.enjoymble sysule of tbe presut .»!W.1 eason va.ulthe musical and litemri entrtaluusnl glven b: Librtîvlile Lotige No. 956, 1. 0. 0. P. Th. atendaue vas large, lhe program unusuli: attractive, thé mu*et o!liasqualltymonte ouduive ta damcng sant lasestruheshuulsextremoly appetiginu'. Otben IodgesolOdd Fllovs lu lias county vers veIlireprmenelo au vWel ma lte orden o! Rebekabis, lte lady inmubsrs of t1h.'latter godet: iaeiug reponslble fer lb. goodt llugs Id san a. vefl, as lb. asial eo f e iti @Ynut., TeY tri hWep*ndepnî Wsnt Ad. tu buy. Notice Partie-doe.lnig Duteh bulbeandsbnrb sthate and fruit Inn. are invited to ta spectel ia s.otmenl on tanti ab VaIr. holu tGardsns, Dymonti Avenus, Ub6rloe. ville, Paoue 1023, B. C. Burnitige & ôou, Prop.P2- À gond position eau b. b.d b:y aubition@ Young usn or ladies lu lia allvay or "Wilela."Tel"grpli eMr, îles. ince the elgit bour law laeaus sisectivo, sud sînce the extensive dsielop mente of' virelwese telegnapia:, eil ýisa eborlage o!aboni 10,000 llgraphsra Positions pay hegînnen 8$70 lu$90 psy moath. Wsl perate uoder snpervbl Cd TelegrapiaOfBiciai.suMd ailgraduaIs are guaranteeti pueWlllit. WIsefuoi t dtelis oth lb.lishul. neesalIo FOIR. NÂiij.TzLusuÂPm iiYlT, Vi. elrnmi<i, 0., Piluadelpiel, ]a.. Muupidsa BulA, Ukla., POrbnd, ors.. 515 * TrauidepndeWautA& ELi LPÉYLE BRIFS 1-O0AL- AMD PEROONA L.MENTION Te neurs publIeatIon in tflaIdopon- dlent. CMpymut bInthle ls1.oMfie no. at than Teedlav of seeli eek. Adver- tisais. .peCimIIy., arem .d tf taire particulmi notic, t. Ibis effect. u-rni fiior Pq w. miello, a WUl moims sf #Au e osa POILI -a na~ uams Th i rotI trust of flie season occurred lest Tbureday niglit, saatbangb ap- parently very beau, no mate"ladamagel vas doue, vegetatian beiug oniy aigt nipped. ý Miss Florence, Sharman entertaîned Mime Anuna May Cronîlilte, of Loveanti. Col., at Aluner on Tuesday, la campany wilia Mes. Rogera, Mmr. Boas anti Mm. Fn7 of Boclelier. Properî: avuers on McKinley avenue bave been grantet permission by lias village la lay a sever on Ibal Iit eta distance ai 700 testlruunlug veel lrom Mlwaukee avenue, consection to b. made st 1h. latter Iborongitiare villi th public ede.The mer vilil' e of a Incha pipe vill I li usceea: manIcles sud laIerais. tIatDothme Po»Im s feature imie ad thllueratle.1 sola t the Lyrir. 8ad IAw Fiagg wusa bueineas loitor lu Obicago lest ve" W. M. Heati a de a businesstrip to Chicago «os Uouda. I Ja Mose.Chas. Avenul and Joban rattesdleg the raes. Mies 1lomm esiermaa$uet Satnrdaj' eons »anASunday vlli bar parente, Mi. and Mis. Wu. isiman. Bd HuibaiwdspntTneedayinCblcsgo. Yon get spoone at tia.Lyrie euch Tuesdai. - fti * red Vioker mmd. a businesstrip ta akbiceon ou oday. ' * outer Eddy. of Weton, lm vlltlng * Mn Vorie Ace",&amd faully. UmseFloremes Drue s l&@lb.theity rm trurayaleke on momdmy. *Au svealngo! olA piaure i.aseured * lIces iteuodiug tb.Lyrie. 11f Iljeu. goy ver»amonse a.vitors to the. fite l'air aiSpringisid. Ulm XMeBdoiph vies ioerBus- *day vitI bous folie ai Rlvervlev. Mir. a&AM Ig. Wu. BScilsepeut Satur- *day sagd Bnnday vltb relatives at Long A enchmrspart: viilho glven lu Mc Brides Hall at Rockeeleler neit Thuym day eveana. Roger Moffit eud bites Gre Fuller, ai Imuoonda, $peut , Bunday vifi Mr@. C. M. Fuller.' Mns. Anna Foot,. andi daughter, LU&., 0f Waukegan, are spending: a leu, daye sith Mir@. J. 8. (lridley. ie# B elen Wrght entertained tbe lale of the Preebyferia Gild at ber home on Tueeday evsolng. The ma"li: MenAs of lire. U. L. Have vili regret to Isaru tout eh.e merolonsi lii et ber home on FInI BStreet. 1 B. E. Elswortha@a purchased a G00 pund DiebolA sale lu be InstalleA la bis4 gracery ou Mlvaukes Avenue. W. E. Miller viii leave on Tuesday for southeesteru Wyoming ta lkover a large tract of landl lu whieh ha le Inter- eebsed. Mr&. Louis Z. Praline returnedt Iis vent frou a a io veek's vii i ihber asmen, Mr@. F. E. Clark and family ut Urbana, lit. Mns. D. 8. Perrigo and lMre. Win. Rohr aesa[t msI v s aIl>oormn ma t ller pèolmîs lu southelu Illinois vWing frlsnds sad relatives. Mr. and Idre. E. W. Parîlinretllit Wsdnesday nigit for Osborne, Kansas, vliereîlaey viliiviil witb relatives, for about tva vents. Albert Meyer vas the iucky spoon wiauer ai th. Lyrie un Fridaynyight, and Mise Mande Whituey tbe recipient ai Mdonday iglt'a prises. (lit. A. Spic@ hma reelgasd hie position a. superlntendent of th. J. IL Thampean largm and lat on Monda: for Wheelan, accompanieti by bis vifs. A éiames sbav vith illutrafed songs and s beantiful souvenir for teailsladse, al for an ordinary price oft mimion, mal,.s the Ljyrie a place of attractive1 interest. 81f% Itegular servies vilii h.heldutaiSt.1 Lawrence Mission next Sonday at 2:301 p. m., conducteti by Bei. H. G. Richard,o mi Lake Foreet. Ail arecorticîl: nvited1 ta attend. F. J. Wrght is taking a vacation1 f ram hie dulles ut the Lake ?ounty1 National Bank, and Mies Hlelen Wrghit1 le asslsting lu that institution dnnlng1 bis abence. The Americau Stars of Equiy wvii bave a card pariy folio ved by dmncing at te Mystie Warkers Hall on Wednes. day evening, Oct. 19. Admission 15C. c-3I-t i ONE DOLLAR' Wil atant a Savings ACCOtant ins 1tUR BANX Drawing Inferest et jper cent, compounded senti- ýasstaIUy. At this rate 510 per Pneomsîl in five ysrs will accum- lte $648.80. Wouidntî sueh afmocount ho s gond Ibis,5 for We Invite naw Business. op= tfUutyi Dld Some Shootlng. Lou L&PImos, a Prnneman empioyed an cmisiBer sta m ieors aI Dlmmond. Lake,, vme brougial bure on Tuesdai and lcidgsd la ils calaboose. cbargsd lith smat vith a deadlv ve&pon. Bie wutu b, arralgned before Jndgs tIleevick for a hmdrng Thurs4iay alter. noon. Front hwba n lsoend of tb. seau' fi appeun "ai Emit Bilhneîl. vho la tb. compiwuieg itdss, la compan, vita ivo .1ev aies. vws passing ils bonse vhm .LaPlacewuasstaryfg, àvhslthe dogte came outtua tbreateai. manDer. They ehouted aetbe doge &W 11rev roekesti i. LPlace camé fron th liboue itI a tbat gun and fied enveiai sboôtes aithem. none 0< vbhlbtool jUwt, altbougb one of Ils men eWalhW b s at va. pnctured. Alter ltse shootlag LaPlaceretusA lto the houes vhs,.b. remainéd i M aiLt aeeday uoraing word of thW affray vas mait boe and the marshal vern i lauadLAbte, piacingthe mau under arretand brhaalg hlm té Ubsityivle for au examinatlon. Mis res. Belle 'hls sud FrakJ. Wrighst vers marrIed ai ihs home of tiae bridpe pnai, Mr. a Me. J. tEN Trlggls on Meelsiaue.OrSro ad &% 8:80 o'elock Wededay eveclug. The cern. mony performed by Bei. Vs» de Erre, pastof0<the Preebytrma cburcb, vau vîlaseesAonly by the immedlals uses. bers of bol& famdlieIt belue silcty a bome allair. IMimaeanche Trlggs va. brlmeessu ad IBoasTaylor olficlaled as beota». The young people are tSoWeil kuavu ta requireaml euioa, belug from two -of Libertyvlies moisprominens familles and they start Iboir larried file. ith thi sehsantfsibut et visboe aioa ot ut friende. Mr. and Mir@. Wright are uaw on a veddlng trip lu the coures of vhlch they and b. st home mlter Nov. 10. Lafer on the: viii ocenpy a beautiful modemi colfla ncourse 01 coîîstruelion un Brainerd Court. Jams Meol adA1. T. A)ers baie rn. tuened trou Speladeld v bars th.y tool lu the Biais Val, a*ictone. Mir. asd MM. &B. Piltêbard and son. ROY, retousd SuMdayfroin a wsekla vii viii. relatives luaSt.Louis. Mes, Joy Mores and Mn&. Fred Croler netursson Suadoay hum Surin~Ol vI e r uias toofl e *&s tloir. Mms& A. B. oo.k rsWirned on Iir front ibWide N. B., vbsre lie had iasm OPsMg ils9wsmener vith mrlaives. W. A. haver, of Biermsrîlle. vWho ha.h bea u bargsof the officeIlsth MWv Aspot durlng the."absc 1 IBsn Simon, bas besmtrasisreA ta Chicago. J. 0. Bovser laB$Mang lie position. John Xëelise sNmutsatbe 1IDEPENDENT vith som" very nIcs epecimeno or ras>. bernies ralesd laI hIe place on Oreliad etreet. Tb@. recent irost id nutafftl the plam nt îteIly and the bernie. are very palatabis. Alons.: Panl, MacOuffin made ai hnrrlsd trip lu Springfield lest Thnredyay Digbt andled villi Scretary of etats the nomination pellîlon of H. B. Egler,9 fndepondent cadidate for lbe leaislalure trou tiisdistrict.1 Bath lay visiting tbe Lynle theatre1 on Tnseday ightlalepreeente t v all iliver spoon. On Mosday and Frlday( ulyble a bal dome o moare prarseutedc ta lthe bolder of thes mcl: number.( coupons being glveueh evenlng. li!f W. 9. Miller, vbo returned on Bafur. Amy frou 1he BIats Fair at Springfield saY@ the muet Intereeflng aifail the. attractlonc vas ils labte matie by thb. ainshlp, but ile fair lu general vas great.1 or, grander anA botter Ilhan ever lu *ail departusuts.- Tite Womau'sGuldoltbegt. Lawrences Missionviii ment ai 1h. reelduece of1 Mn@ . B. Elsworthi on Tueeday alter- noon, Oct. 18. A fill attendunes le desred a. preparmîlon viilh. mmii, forq a bateaer tu b.given about the Ibird1 wssk lu Noveuabsr.1 Mfr. and i Me. W. E. Davis returuati ont Mandmy fran atteudlng lias State Fair f at Sprngfield, Mr. Davie b.d1 charge ai the apiary andi cniinary stors I and panîry departineut. Mir. Davis states thal lbe receipta at lte fair Ibis vear esceedeti those of lest year by cirer j1c,000.t T. O. Carisani, of Waukegan, vho is nov praprietor af tbe Libertyvilie sleqin laundry. 1. improving the plant by the1 addition ot nev machlnery, a moderne collart andi euSf iraniug machine beiug I lustalledti his vesk. lMr. Omnison le ac laundry man of manir yean experience ndi 'patrons of the bomne Iaunnry are 1 guarantesti gooti vork.0 A« amail building used by-t-hsISctril rond a. an ail bause, locaiti near 1h. river caugia l ire oburtly mter 8 o'clack Sunam ngbt, andi waé destroyed. The frs department respondeti proupll la the &mr, but the éaune af the blase as tue, [sr, and il would bave beon uses for %hm toatatemplt toreacit thoeslu limke. The lame vwu nominal.t Th. bnp dltching machine tisedtu 1h. sever improvement frork la nov on Newberry avenue. The deepesetu on the. vorl, 21 iset, bas just beon coun- plbteti on Nortb avenue ihe sever conumesaI Firettsisa..John Hoffuan, superlnieDdant lu charge nckv bas tventy-nlue men under bis supervision anA the vork le pragresslug satlll factorli. Montisys tire alarm canseti the de.ý departiment a uselesé rmn tlaadelb. emesof tbe suppaeti conflagration, viich turneti ont tu h. a fai alarm. Il ppan thbat soms îoung latuseliving Meatheias chool, belors Isaving home1 ltaIt uarnlng bell put a roant on the gai rangs tu cook for dinner. Wlieu thei rsiunsd lias roast b.d bnrned toma crlep thialtchen fOuedvilla smoite anA lu 1h. attendant szcltemsnlthe cr ofairOn brougial out thes departiment. Regbstrtion Notice Nl Tueetay, Oct. 18, viilberegiara-. lien day fun votedluibertyville Tovnship. Book@ wviiibe open Ilkt é Town Hall madlu tb. n.? of.loiol& Ca. store froua8 a. m. t15 P. Notice tu, Watr Clonsumer.. Ail vater renta are nov tue a»A muet be pblduorheiore et, 15 or you wviii lés. your .diecountl . &d. Voat.mvv,, Y~lagsVieil.N'044- The very beet goade abtainable for the pnoce hm always been aur motta. No shocldy goode. No second palmed off for fn but the veybet of iscs eor the pe k This daeflot mean high prices, but that when you pM s us oc. 1.00 or $5.00 for "ny a"dc IT MS WORTHI THE MONEY. When we ofer Bafrsains, they are REAL BARGINS, We ecilcit your patromage and guarantee ta make gooà aul aur daim. We are malng -very Iow price.on Chiude esui: and Mens Pent, t. cdose. h wiII psy you t i meg Stamps given on ail pirchaem Cali for them. THER RGHITO KNOW' People who lntrust their money to Is bank wm~t tb know aoti]» g o!If ianlai srengt. W. hulyrecognm*à bis lgt. Mad iglay funh depositors with aliIoondret, usoc- holders.Tofo~ 1iet le epbh reporýte showinq the condition of the benk. Coptes af theus reporte are kept, an baud for those viho tae me tmey kD Capital $50,po0.o0 Surplus and Profibs 80,00.00 Stockholder's Liabiltty 50.000.1>0 Total *1.30,000.0e UNION SurVi Have you seon and'eaieta opecial offeriug of Ladies' Unionn Suite ve are maklngl They. are. made by the Oneita patent, btutton iîng acrose the cheet, lnu close Rat? gauge, well fieeced, full roomy, '4izes, yon generally psy 65o for such a garment. Any allier @tore would considtir it a big bargain I et 50c, but we have go chare customerm snd no lose , acS money la ual bled np snd we C"i ~afford ose Il them with a sable. factory profit for ............. Untiltihe stormi strlkes. Lot us write lIaI Tornado Insuiang0 leua nose. Its Cos littie to nsure yotar prqpsrty against wvidt of svery nature. DOWT TA"E CRANCU-TRATB OUR 1JIum Phione la O. e O O,' o O o .1 i Oatholic Baaar. Much lutereet la being ,naniiested lu th. Catboile baaan viaich ia i i h. .d lu 1h. Town Hall turing tb. laitveel lauDctober. Mani beanlllul andi ialnabW articles bais been doumieti and the liât vili b, greati: angueuted 'b: 1h. varions pincesmde hi 1h. ladies outlias parlsa. Tho hall vii h. bs autiluliy decoratsd for lb, accason, tiare. of gimsail Fisid' experte having besn engmged ta do the vork. vilii 1- the usual assorlmenl af attractive boathe stI vilcbartilie ai uand beanly viilb, abovu andi a. a speclal lealue a literai: and musical progran yull be r«edred and Ibars vii b. Atur. lng smacvenlng. 1ev. Wbipple Returned là tlie flot of appointusuls made by lias Rock River couference of the MI. B. eburcli, hald Ibis veek at Dixon, Il ln mt.d vifli mucli pleasure Ibal Rey. W. L. Wblpple ha. been returned t0 tb. charge iu Libertyvllle. This va. neye ta 1h. memiaes of the ehurch ai veli a. lb. peopie tlsereai, 1ev. Wipple baving gained nusirons lrlends alrnlg hlbUis irtyesan'sluumbsuci af the' Mthoiet pastorata and iei laiton lu Ibis communnlty bave heen productive of mura gond. Butter Gets 1reMlmm.i R. P. Epker, liasvel..U ovu dairymau living nortbvmeî of Liberlyvllle, van Bref, second andi third pramiu on butter from the counlies ofithe. norîberu division of tbeestfaexhibîtad ti ahle Springfield fair. The exiaibit vas qaf tainy buIter made on lia. farn and a. thes vers lvanty-lliree countîs la is f division andi buntrets ai exhibils. Mr. Epler's îlctony lu ail the more note- worlliy. A.dvertlsed Letters Follovlng is a flost af latens reniainlng uncalied for lu the Llb.rtyrille ponl office on Oc-t. 10, 1910: , 11 Fernandi L. Autelime fluet lucbrlng Wmn. Braclanbure Ciay Chune Pan Ateny H. J. ii Joln E. Barris Mesa. Mary Lake Thos. Lamier Irr Millier Mr@. Maris Lynchi Alez Parks& Parties caliing ior aboie viii plýaaes «ay "ad vertised" sud gis date. J C~ W. TAYLoR, Postînaster. Ur.sbytmnien Cisurcis Services.. Ssrvlne nedt Bnnday aI reguiar hours. Mornlug service aI 10.80; subject, "le sin Punisheti." Ev.uing service ai 7:80; subject. "Itolibb ondoned in.' guaday achool at nenai bonts. Alil are veicome. 1 1

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