CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Oct 1910, p. 7

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Fora ClerEýy e and Sunny Smile N5 Wok nwi*hsvui =1=4gaiama th aew fruit fond drink issudia Md im ataie tasaa del, for î t tlput a»W tssmsata ltojeta Eonano la à bot table drnk. It in lut 1Mk.tea, cois, nmm "clwoelat-.opt lt'a dJ*mmt ram MOis or tua boca»net dootm'tcatala pohos, A"idm .coma" *U becose it h a mo dW. tfte aM etyo oaa dri ttb *bdohu bII Bonano lea trahm laosbau, tulboy m.tUnla lia uuiafms or th - ian atu6 aMid " l lie, fias dmrfi, aulmd eie otud md dmil"fl bbaM4, amidbaUvoeolyos ina aduatireet, f. uw cmau Noufa utl~a bu&t.go faoetago i w Sh am»aul*dss et a»Y kt@&.It'a IANANA FOOD COMPANY. Vissas ud me esupleet DONANOi a" Dookiet.a N«»e J. E. TRIGOS E. E. ELLSWORTHI WM.,,WALROND Intafnatio"l Dnsa Food Co., Chiçago, Il. Dlood.d Stock -for mie trs sitad Jn!pcl oa té invloed of a quantity ofpdgrd breeding tokwbtcb lis n-ecesaof-the requiremecosa o? HawtbrFarm. Thecastock a. registered and consiste of Brown Swisé bull calves, Brown Swase year- ling buijo, Shorthorn yearling bulle and Berkshire an&5 Duroc* boars. Hawthorn Farm Libertyville, Illinois Td.phcs. labotyvOe .2733 Post Office: PL F. D.No. bPmMe iView, IU. FARMS-M e bava a lares tet of Lake Irouent>' fartfirto sel,, aisahanses and lots ýE RECEl VED le village. Di)YîûI & Ais'ris. 40-tf LESS TIINt * G CENTS F ORlSALE-Or viii trade tom a igist driver. an 8 vear nid wark iaose, veigis- - ug h1250. H. t. WHSELOIK. Grlayolabe. ir FOR SALE-A range cooait e tigd' l- c38 launes ud gam plte.tneluire attie oQunty beria- ecan e r tocs- Mue 0, iosned y nec- 10 lots -vwere i over se can- uat a num- -dozen 'or tu r- . con rentes melita, fieti as Ita ed fur Wagre wertis a set Mon- ibag- Mmit- e been Inaur- et tise ar vîi jour- te 8100 b. ex- baseti a cen. a Pan- trans- 111 fig- rassen- ne de. ai tisat e uev assen- senger rth of of 16 vin b. Dgres accet- ig tise ks as, mak. &a r.- Tfia e, s. liant>'. en o! , for id en- Ion laber, -a the pr*m- t pubi. bust Cated o~ f )f te ar ot tort>'- (10), dia..- 1810 LOTS FOR SALE-latise B. J. Grimes. sub.divimian ni Libertynilte, sous ai1 electrie rnad on Nlilwaukee avenue. B. J. GntEt, avner. - 15-tf FOR SALE-2 Pearpd suri>' atao sîngie, runabout neari>' nev. M. B. Cols>. FOR SALE-ail hoast, lS.builîtlite >'eam. Cieap if taken at once. lequire at tise GmAyi4LÂIIE PHARIAfssi'. a-t-tf FOR SALE-Acre lots on D>'müoud'a subdivision, cose ta bave and etetrit cars. Prie 00. leeîvas. Yo'u & AltTINI 40-tf . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 FOR SALE-Lot@ Inth e Dymond and! Austin subdivision, 55z140 *$100 sae"; $5 davu, $5 per monts. Ds'moNn Imsvî. 40-tf 1 1 FOR RENT-Furuisheti room wltb board fur tva young ladies. Cai at tis office. . 2.ti FOR RENT-Glod barn. box aud ingle stati. Appt>' Tlbt. Scot. Libentyviile. FOR RENT--Seven ranu bans. and bain, !ai acre ai land, opposite nes' depot ou Mitwauktee Av'e., knawu as thîe M. Guertàt place. For pantia-utare luquire at 1LvnchB ilos. funitur. stare.. Pal FOR SALE OR RENT-Moder. boue, atl improveineute. CentraIt>'iocated: C. B. Bayes, Libertyvilie. liti. pw-.w FOR RENT-A banne. barn and an. acre of lanti. ltuire af D>'mond & Ausitin or Rolît. tiltle, LibertYvitte. I FOR SALE FOR SALE-Four geod cuve, aisaone god milk vagon. P. W. Scisicker. 1 î mites naitiseast aiLibertnillte. p- -- .1. FOR SALE CHEAP-nix room bunga- tow uew. lot 50x187; b>' nyner, D. A. . &=TT, Eat Park Avenus. 4-2-t FOR SALE-Tisree braad soya, vitis fourteen pige. Wm. H. Petereon, Lt. bertyvitie.p-2 FOR SALE-Wilt oeil about 30 visite I wyaudat ben% if caited for saan. H.À Bulkls>', LibertyviUle. P-24f eIehod toom, *ftbehmu, be4t. with or ChOtI & AV tM * LOST sam POUND LOST-Whire Angora 't ~îf Wrigb's Lodg.. PhoueL .lSý FOUNO-Beet medium tu suppi>' ai] needini wante--IiorinPENtwant ade. Che6P sud iruittol of renuiti. LOST--On C. M. & si. PFaut raliiroad on AUX. 10, a valiecnann.i lisa lamcy gouda, tmbrebd spaas, tbree ponge euhdreqe pattern., etc. Finder Pises detaver ta Jim C)tmall, lingleside. or Karsu BasI, 78614outh Canal Street Chicago. Beaai f*50.00 sudne1n question. amked. e-4.1 LO8T7-1&»tcb Coilite witb white strip tie bisace, white collier, white tip un bie tait sud four white ftet. Answerq ta tb. namueof *"Klug." A reward wilt b. givea. Cati at the Drug Starf.. rsystiaha. MONRY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN-On improved farina. Dymond & Audtwn. i.50.ti MONEY TO tOAN--On imereve lasma ast 5par cent, Dymo-40 & A irpr U MKMcLLAN EOUS I To« *" ldu" bMloua &M frusfa aday or ofeasr yaeu 0"htet CWuialUrasvi«esay vaut Amikw~ asp mstelam nui dlp#tlomcala mu aM be pta ubt-M 1y..VU O11 m ago. Tout s Ilslm aas 5 ot om or yeu lIaIWin aMie79814 a, ~ te isn, Ilias at4tàO chaI dcMoupe ote tu uiOL vilti y« àju rsmagi Po U*bal y PEOPLE'SPULPIlT... I Sermon by T. ZIONISMj CHREST.IN PROPHECY PaUior «ioJy ADDRESS TO Taberuadc A Jewish Mass Meeing-The oo o:.00 00ýHippodrome -Jammed I Nev York. October ». Pastor Russeil ise 5deflite. orderi>', in bts dealigs of tise Brooktyn Tsbernnacle Ioda>' ad- vitis umnmity. lu bis sissplug of dresed s Jevlsb Mass Meeting. In te- arth's affairs . For instance, lise fiat Psaim quoleti mentions lise dîne, yen, opons. te s request sent t0eiim b>' à the set furme. for tise reluru of Divine Jevlsis Mass Meeting Invitation Coul. favor 10 Zibn. Sa be fijids maltersaail rnlttee. Tise Invitation vas algeed b>' brougi tise Scripiures. In due lime inanj promînent Hebrews o! Ney David, Solomon sud otiiers nepresent- York Cil>'. Tise Invitation and Pestor ed Jeisovais In tlhe Kingdom o! Teruel Russeits reeponse tatise isme foiow:- sud "eut upon lise Ibrone of the King- NewYoTrk, Sepleauber 30. 191&. dom o!flise Lard.- Later tise Klng- Paster C. T. Russell, Brooklyn. N. Y. dom vas taken front Zedekiais, tise IDerm Si-Your aympateiie i nereai In tet of lte Une of David 10 oittapon tis Jewlsh peopile for Ytrasputaialtise lion e o! God's typicai Khugdomt. nt eacaped 0cr notice. Tour denuncla- liens qÉthtie atrocitles perpetraled araînst Wbeîî lie dominion s'as taken front our race lu tise mame et i2irttanity isa hlm tis enctlile govertnments were rse- added te , euesoniction that yOu are a ognlzed. but nlot lu thesoa maneer slucere frienai. Tour discoura. on '»Jer- as was lsael. Nulle cf Ibei vas de.- salent sud Jewlis Boge,' han on ck a e- spoualve cord lu tise ieanîs of lnany of our ignated th1e Kingdom of God. Nous people. 811)1we doubleti for s lime If a"y of lisem wua giron perpeluit>' 0f rut.. Chrastian minitter euld tI ciy le leterest- But Genîtie governueîlî were profi- id ta a J.' -,a Jev snd nt nerela- frem] s isopwof gicselytIer blt. In a biecaume ot lied a lease of power durlng thse pe- tâtle feeling tisaI lome of us requent yon mild vien tsaac woiîld tie ca off te moiak Patelle stalemeul rcsgiecting tise trou Goda !uavîr. Tison aettie end nature of ylu, intereat la Our people sud e! tise appoiuted lime lise Genlite tease vs desîre Ion ta mos tisat tlis tatemeel -you dl -paise a. ver>' catlsfaclory. la of elirîlixi<ver Ini turu. sud God's It ya :lZure unsabtisyen are net unglne 'Original provislon for lsae te1 repre- ,lews t becusueChisialn& sud ln an>' sent bis Kingdom lu tise world. wonid Oet lies or tmrties of Protestant$s OIreu.Tie.retsselmer- Cathollcs. Thtttatenient. Pastor Rua- r.Tes r h etlse e mel, iras teern videt>' pnblircd le tise ferred te b>' tise PSsllt.God'c levwais lournsis. W. feel. tiserefors. tI4at promise ta [invld-"Tise sure merdles ve bave notilg t0 fear trou you asaà. of David'-avere that o! tise fruit raceOnutise contrar>'.lu in aIatmaternent bstm i.ool i uts iin yon menitlned tsat tise toudallon ofbilouctesudat .t tre yeur tutereatIr uerpeople..* uilt upon o! tise Lord furever. Tise real purport your faitsIll tise testimontesaof oui Lew o! lisepromise wu% as tisa essias. tise sel tise messages of our Prqlpiir&.Tou long.promlaeod King o! lernet. would, nia>veili undemtand boy surpnisedi e b tise rn n f-bo fteDvd are tea and a Christian minlater fsobeevi- nolaîio-sot!tseD l- edaIng thartisher. are protiseclea of telb. cUlne and btessed o! lbe Lord; his Bible stili uninililet. wvici belons te th is <ngdou siauid fie an evorastiug one .ev sud not 1tiste Chritian. andthtiI sud fniiY competent 10 fulfilti ail of the. tise.propliîdlea. according ta yenr stuîdios. are ecaringa s flflîmeet of, me- Divine promises made ta Abraham- mentous lieto10 0r lew is race and. "lIs>' ySeed shah aIl lise familles et tirrouai s a speople. 1taithenations 0faise eurtis lesosed.' tise world. Tises. tising. Posater hRussell. bave ted ZedekcisisRejected - Nehuehodnesar 10 tise formation e! a Jewlcis Mass Met- Acknowladged. Ier Commîtîe. vsicis, b> tisiletter, ro- quets you ta rive a public discoures. e- Sa long as Gsi acknewledged thie ne. peclali>' te our people. If yen vîli kindi>' tien o! Israel as bis Kingdom Ibeir accept tIs invitation, viliiIon permit un kilng$ ver. bis representatlnes; but 10 sugreat s topie fer Yonr adâreso. vicis. i se belleve. wvîli bever>' intereting ltiste vheu Zedekîsis vas rejected il vas net Puble and capeeilluta le ,Giwns, aacy. Inconsistant on tise Lord'@ part te ret- "Zionasa n lPlronisicîy. Ognise tise Gentile gorernments, ai As for tise meeing: W. cugmet Stands>' a'ternoon aIlbtire aele. oclobez M.*bae suggested. Of Klng Zedekisis We have option où -"a jUn.. v. rend,."0 tison profane sud vicee pedromne. NewYTork@ larresI and ne= Frb5eeviose lime basccame Auditorum. for tisaI date, ami vs hop 4 eol aea nM lisat tutu dat* sudlise Place viii he osares-hve asen, meve able le leur cenvenience. W. aisure t e me. Take off tise creva. This alto et s large audience or desp>'Intet bs bthe lsme. 1I vlitovertura estei I5eireva -beeldea viever mal crno n.Ortnrn -OVertUru Itunatlit b tome Truduste eartran you cmen. tue as- vibserimiat It in (MessIabI, and 1 viii scrmbe eurselvee. 1inl v i unoI71m"(Esekiel xxi, 28, 27). reurs respecîf ch>. 31 vwu aet tis ver>' lime tbatGoA Save JEW18H MASS MEaTING COUMMTTEU. ths ea« ofe! rtibi>y ,vwer te Note. Broeklyn,. N. T., Sept. X, M& ecisdmezar and bisa succemeore.auela re- levis ma»s meeting Commlles Nev Tork Cilty. l- iSIa 1Dantelle propiseey. Neisued.& Gestlemen-Tour bled invitation esser dreained, but dlsrensbere isiaes e vOiaiMass Meting la tise bis vision. Daniel lIhs Prepiset mame Nev Tor-k Hippodrohme Sua,>. 001db., anrlner ut au earUer date, vas, bj gris. at à P. ML, cerne dnly. 1 tisank yen for tise confidence visicis lnne providence, Introduced te tise tisia Invitation baptise. The data yen bing as the one persan In ail theO voiA bave aeiached la flot eniapproprise la able te rebatese the Kiug'a dream &Mu ils mtatlenahlp le tise oleaisNew Tvur. tengir.lits tuterpretlo.edbspw butnt ite la"ve>'ultable learsy evn s tlonisdbi-p rangrnel. as I leave em> Octeber i»1htop- et se to do la d.clared tu bave beel &ppeiluents lan Londen n sd siseiser l tu ftise Lord. Oet litain. Amensgathte ceverai promînent muem- Nehuehadn«zzacVision etfGCentie bons of leur race saiggested for Charmas Domninon. otflise Mass Meetig, 1 I lt Mn. John Barrondesa, tecas I have bad tisheas. I'Tise vision tasaofeaastupendons lm- uns persnensîy or coufereaice with birn age. ls htead of geld represented Ne- and because I buow blm 10 te ver>' leyal bncbndnezzar'a Empire--Babylon. Il. ta lb. Iinteresta of your people soi ho- cause i blleve bnt10te over>' isirbi>en.- bresat andi anme oftésiver represented teeoied as sncb lu tise bounsels of yourtise Ied-Perslsu Empire. ls bell>' aâdi race. tisigisa ot brasa representedth ie Greclan Faitsfnlr>- anti nespectfuily yours. stroug legs o!liron repre- C. T. RUOBELL Tise lipdromae la reaîîy an Iu. seuted tise Roman Eupine, Eastansd mense sud elegant Opera lions. vitis West. ls fvet of!liran andi cia> repre- a capuacit>' a! about ivae tioussud. *t senteti Papal ttome. Thse trou contin- vus core oa and nayfl e a esta represemît civil governments. sud te gala asces. Tise Jewliab people of It ela..irsuteti ocesastflcls ibis Cil>'. îvio nuiber more tisaaikatnrpextd elsstlg millidu. bave became deeplyI>itpressei as it lai nos' ruixeit up wltis tisepoil is> varlous discotinsea aiicis astor tics of tise ten kingdoins o! Europe. Rtussell fias neceuily delivercd ant wereTise w hole îcntl of Cille lu wbIsci alertfor siny uletîngto t eunbstiese s aniaus Geutile goveruâmonta preseutation of Zioniaux as foretold by utd dmniate tpise an I nld last tise proptiets. Tise speakerblid bis nttMsltsîrlrsd Kfgoi Immense audience apeliboum]. for near- Andt Iis perlod la symbolicall>' ctated îy s'o isoîrra. ail uplîareutiy ase. o ta bave been "seven times"; that Ila. sciaus of tlis fliglît o! tinte us wstise seveu years-evIdeutly nol literai speaker lîlrself. After tise service tise enrs, buit symbOlcal. Hebroes cauld bc seen n l hIle knots At thior ecuth ie earthly andt groupaeliera and lucre lu tise carri- power o! Gentile governuieuts wutl1er- dors and lu tise streets dlacusslnir th ise nale lu tise great Uimet0 trouble subjeet. Tise speakers vies's were eni- foretold b>' Daniel (xli, 1). Tisen Moe- deutl>'saredt he b.uiajorit3'. Alto-.slis ablistand u u ti ie seuse of as- gettier tise meeting %%*as sometiîug suulug controt o! emrtbs affaireanse unique. Never beforé dîid Jess gir. Gentile govoueuts s'ili cesse, foriail sncb attention ta tihe message oftationes:alatserve and obey Messiahi. Chsristian mînlater. Anti neyer befor. raeî. wut came 10 tise front iilaise diti a Christimunlinister give sucb a vorld'% affaira, because tise>' sill be- messae tothe Jvý.colI tis' representatlves sud Instru- Wisat Paster Ruasell Ssîd. mente amnuegalmle! of Messlabs King- Tise speaker reud ta lts audience dom,. viîcs aili Se spiritual sud lae- man>' quetations from tise propisecies visible, as la tisat of tise Prince Oft tisa o! lise Bible r.latlug 10 Zionlain tise vortd, tiselPrince o! darkniess. visoi first ane o! viics sas Psaim cil, 12-18 Illessîis s'ill nd or restrain dnnlng -,'Tisou sisst arise and bave mercy lise thousand y3-canao! bis relga ef upon Zian; fer tise tîie tareavr ber. rîgbteeusaessud deatro>' et the con- >'ea. tise set Iluse. lecomle. For us>' clusion, ia-bon bau ebsll delIvrnoner servants tnke pleasune lu ber atones, lise Klngdou of eertb ta thse Pathset. and favor tise dus!tishereof. Tisen sissl Msnkind ailI Iben lie perfect. becsnse tise Geutes fean tise noms of Jebovais. ail wiiful sinners vili bc desîroyedlul and al tise kings o! tise esmlblbtis te Second Dealis. Meantime, Mes- glor>'. Wseu tise Lord sissîl buillai p saais reign i vli îlot Sel>' bleusansd Zion, be aslai appear lu bis giory.» upl! t lael, but tbnougb larael th1e Pator Itusseil dectsred tisat white blesng wili extend ta erer>' nation, once hebe atibeen luclitied le dlacard people, kindreti snd tangue Ilu full ac- tise Bible as unrellable along tise unes cord vils tise Divine promise and catis b>' Divine luwer tbo ,esa08" d~ tiry' ta tii.e tabtlsbui4nt aof a. dom of (letiju tisOir »eaid. Meaiai's Kingdom ln thse Violent. Thon Ucàahs iigom4u b>' thse clnevii, etot J piace sciero tish aIf grndîralilncneatling. w'f l ilttt earth. Front ibis stagd&p»oiwt Pjiesiser. Itl 1 ont dtfficult for lis to 1eve tise sord.q of thse PBasînist tfat tisere la n time for Qed'. re*tb~ 4 Zion. yen, a set lUme-fixed and l tenabte. Tise speakler vouid liio k- tend to ssy~ the day or rnoth erîyue lu wicis tise theigs vou]d b. acconi- plisisea-in iitise Gestle leasqiet earti'sdominion vontd expire sud Rd clabs Kiugdomassume control. H.d bevever. oller as»auigustin s-e fai Could discern. tise Ume for tme e. t"?"- doua evants @e vèry Meu clouer u mauy of un bai auppsed. lb.e u lies. or sears. of Gentie domnlalM= reckoned onnte sau '#ho Seripturca liremmelves. slould bu' ider- Preted a dey for a year. limeraimae. 01et- en ycars ln lanar lime would reprenent 2520 days and ties. ymbotiesliy letiO,! preted. would mean mal0 yeara-from the, lime Nesuciradne.zar, lthe oai of tlimb- age. was rrrognized down t0atthe limaet£ lb. expiration of the lease of Gentile ZzV or. visen the atone a a mits thse image i tise test. Bo for au Paoulet uuaiéili bu beaux able ta deterteine. tise year et Ztd-. kLas adetisronmont wax 5ON B. C. Tiss ealculate lishe 252D yeatI of Gentil.esle$" ot power w1i expire ln Oclber, 1M&. Ther aae.manme wbo cdaim tisat Zede.,_ biaisa dstisronement sisould ire dated B. C. M&1 Ift tis hot truc l could make a differ- ensucer0fbut algisteen yearsandsul ve lthe date 1112. lsalr Ituagellîs convctillns. boweven. favor tise 1914 date. * Zienisas Future Assured. For nmons tisatirty years 1 have beu procesting te Cbisitan peeple tise viewsa1. arn toda>' proentlng speciall' te leva. st lthe Invitation ot your Commlttee. Tisrt >'eals ego t altempted 10 tell te feront the gond tiding tisa Goeda net lUme te we, memben Zin isall core. , But tisI atnel.. mly ws on 0early. Godàset tlsqsAfo laraei 0 tear vas stk future.. 1 waitài and arn sutilaltingfr ocde osa ltb and way for tise fuiflllment e9 isaisisXl4 1. 2-Comfort ye. coanfort >e. an>'peuple; »Peak "yecoafortaly te Jerusaiem .Cal unie ber lisat her appolnesiUrne eas- conîplsbedand iser Iniluit>' pardoned. for aise bath recelvod of tise Lord sand don.. be for .11 of ber ine.*' -Vod moye enina Mtrnyelulci v ni& wondera 1a pertorm. About tlyI>'an &go 0providence raie ei up for your people a great leader. Or. Hems. wvise.cneslaenovt a beusêhel word vide your race. Wisile yur »ps tueaunready for faqa'"aI cenld ulve tiseux tise>' 'su e ray fer sise Qed sent titrsem hyoeiDr.MRcu-a mée sagre et isope. a massageet maticeel shp8 ration vicisqulcktened lImepule et Yeu peeple Seluiv ho res!pec lb. tii- tiare cft te Jevu. le. E «" vas le. bave ail1lo14lMeu4sme " ien h tront thseduit and asplire ta e-sa »»»e anoiegt nations sud te prle W bée» fer the permmotei cfrliseir racetla usie- sad Eatera ises. Dr. im"sA tais., tise popular tord la ltiseuert» et lun. e-9 Pte. At art itvispunir poiIet M tise gane tsIoaum" slnaé c*v~ religions.but, areuy tiî Dt. MO&O tishe r fflb. muabet 9f 10w pe boea te sstirai lb. retlicieuslomesete tl uemennt lb. th&e fw Moest poverUL. Dr. Hercihanteu cuceejefl i Dr. NçrudýA. aisenieuntly a MMef e« laient a rat "aehblsli;bel» leneulebea.4 aun douasles s u cq as woni au ammlat e t s * ,l l- lsecubes la the p lo ftewri tet comlegteâAsuaisý t. hes 880t hlo tercea4e10 lb.lit arinezmuif fl agMlesi. but lii mat net.tag sIw osesr.Witbeut amuming thlie ef & amg 1 asaer yenu Su andias lea ut,.b. taitseon treaisvigor;. ibat litsMet proe. paroue isys are yet te cerne. ,Accrie 1a My 'undenstaudlug oftheb.Heles . Pr6Pisetm tse lime of "3acebc troubiW'l net yet endeti. Furlier pogroma ef 8iaa, ais mas>hobezPeCted snd tertiser alseel- tiea ln Joumania sud eissvisee. Il la 'Md lnieed la be oblagad le admitthlaï: lisese tribuilations viii prebabi>' cerne te YenUfIMM Profeased CbrMtasas. K. 881is100id 1 teedof tise vbe lsuedisanots- Or tbe, Done snd tise tesebloas of myq Monter. t caunot finfi vords tle gryeat Tise> are delnded. Tiseyblaye. misnndeu- blood tise Teacisen vbern Ibis> profeastg foilow. Tiseir tirnugisî la taI Goo vii tornient êterualiy ail]viso do'net preris, lise name e! Cisist. Controtied by de.e alon lisey are aerving 1the und Adverasy sud ýdlshonorlng Jeaun. Bit as lise tr"aJ euhdIicultl.a 0f lihe patriarch JJsesph, were Goda Providence» t0 land hlm on le lbfmane. and peafer andi houer. auviii ait tises" exPeriences and pemecutions versg blesiung» or Your race aud tend le Mrsv te6m'ont cftiseir present melfautlen &s Malte tisean long fer home-fer 1Psille he« Qi[Perle,%ceo. le connectlen a ltitse vlte et tise propisets. ich is ii bee. tOrts More and more ring ln leur «s.. slll Ote seProvidences of God te aucune. Plilais for you moe. iong tlilIue or US. Onlsm thbn persannal pride Sondastions lt la net rMY lisugst tisaI Ilhe igist jan. liens O ews In letihe vorid vii ait go la Palestine. even risQusltbas bom oeet. malsi lIaI, under munet favorable oadi. lionstise land cmuid Fupport nMers Ibea tvle hast maov. Il la my tisouht th"l nos o f leur mont saramet and sigi> peuple vilI go te Palese u clhlir, #ont the rejuvenat ion tiser, viii te &5ea4c tugle tise world. 5'urther. il àbn tisetsltisaI eva ln ever>'Doe tef vend, tin proportion as tise>'cerne od lise bol>'influences ort Goda paula« tireie tise proptl. vin go te PA)iuh slumtiselcaily - b>' enoonnging 11555 vise an better go tissu tbafvo und b>' linclal am«iste ansd tl& e esliei ment tiser. of arroi eulborprlaee.Pssai Me te onuent tisaIu is eliett ir ehie... Incideaital 10atthe trasfer et QUobbtie al">'et "'Ur race. gnowing *èltsy, vIlE sortir' toie pleaiure ln forwarding tis* verS et a.- Mam, asomon as tise>' $han restse Ilat Il la et (led. foreteld tIsleglitise piepiela Maidtise. of Yeu? peuple et lauduei SaIs 10 e meIheir tmnesein fervuikqg lise lords worclt a inamportantIna.. tairg viii. before ver>' log. Be tise*- astres lu thre condition pietured bil. Plopmiet EsebLll, vio decfles <.M tuzaI le tiaigreal day of trenise-Ib ealti cent tseïr scliver la tise satenteMA thaeIod shallhob.-amv"d! Ilir 4,ea lajur>'. qareul tt inclnudd for $Î.0-0-aüd-up. Rave your preeent' lenees tisanged oýr bave uew trames for* votir preett leus.. lyrusss Ibt botd with coafort, from, $100 aud in. makes,.reedrung stase tb. Rexall Ding astore. corner Geneme. at., and Maclson Waukpgitn. Ill. c2i>.t TH ESE MAY WED. Wm. G. Walsh, Chicago .......... 21 Saie Homer..................... iS Harry Bacisner. Chilcago.......... ' Ruby Edenburg ................. 23 Joe Macorwski. North («hicago...2.1 Alle Nachonowlez ..............19 Oscar Meyer, Betoit ............. 22 Emma Oson .................... 19 One suppressed because groom feared charivari. Fred Stresse, Round Laite....24 Alma Winter..................... 1 John F'anlIa. ctty.............. 22 Hannab Tolvettie. Highland Park. .22 Williama Cunninghamintdianapolis. 26 Rita Maison, cty..ý..........:...24 Oscar Auderson. Chicago ....28 Ellen, Fodberg .................. 28 Edward Huantet, Cbicago ....30 Annle Loretsoa .................25 Arthur Wood, Racine ............ 39 Letile Beyer .................... 32 Robert Gallus, Milwauk<ee......37 Tile Loescbmam >.............. Si George Cole, Sbarmerville.....41 Matida Hmnn u................28 RL A. Galien, Mlwaukee .......... 37 Tilly' C. Loesshinannu............. 21 Arthur Wood, Racne......... ..39 Lettie Bejer...................... 32 Edward Hugnelet. Chicago ...30 Auna Lareutson................ 25 O. T. Anderson, Chictago ......... 28 Etien Fodberg ................. 29 W. P. Cunningbam, Indianapois... .25 Rieta Maison ...... .............24 Lester t.amson. cil> .............. 22 Gertrude Cornelli................ 23 Josephi Biatuop, Mon Uity .........21 Etisel Nicertie .................26 Harry La Parr. Anioph, 111....28 l<ate Schmiid .................... 27 Jobn Stundi .................... 25 Marie Kreici....................2 Notice. Public floi-. s ereby given tisat at a speiai meeting oi the. stocktîoiders ni The Siiedéon Sehiiol, held ati îl principal office, on th, :lOuh day of June. 1910., puf@iinuto lw tIî atrîte, nlu eita@# s mnade and 1rovided. the catîltal stock oi Thse Siieldon Schooi wninereased front unu lèuudred l ity tbousacd <SlZiO.000,10i, ollars to twa bundred tbousand f$20O0,0 10) dollars. More tisan eigtty per (eut if thse capital stock of said Scisool wae représented at sait] meeting and ,itpd unanimousl>' in tavor A. F. SIICLION C'. H. 1PAiTiliot. Iirectors oft Tie Sheidon School. "Muddy water won't do for a mir- ror"' au> better tissu 954er of a sinal circulation will do for a want ad. mcd- tan. Railway Mail Clerks Wanteal. Th& Government pays Railtway Maii Clerks $800 te $1200. and other empioyets un la $2600 annually. Unele Saulu wilt hotd eprlng exami. tions tbroughout tle counýr>' for Raill way Mail Clerkit')utom Hanse Clerks, Stenagraphew, tiontheepers, Depait- mental Cterke and other (loverninent Pa. sitions. Thousandsofn appolntmente wit b. made. Any'man or woan ver 18, te city'or country eau Instruction and Ires Information b>' vilting et once tu the Bureau ai Instruction, 459 Ban,. In Building, ltocbester. N. Y. I Ij<"~FOR SALE-Ye1Iiow co. Raised ou Brdgeawater Farm iruinitisa GIRL WANTED-Gtri ta, do generali FOR thALE OR RENT-irO acres on eart. vrni>' wbich ba@ been produeed bausework. Adilees Box 440, Liberty-. Mitwaukee Ave., 1 !j tuites south ni Hall on tis pAsce for severat years. This ville, 111. e4-1 ils>. Appltt Aw W. Tair.', 52-ti variet>' matures earty in September e8caping the iost and was awarded GIRLS WANTED-ln thse packing rom,. FOR SALE-lilO acrpesan Grand Ave" ret priz. at Lake Coant>' Faire 11)09 ni the Fouids M»Àaroni Faetor>'. pipau- three mites weat aif(iurnee; black solil, sud 1910. This eed offered le in thse esi ant ciesu work and wuot liay. (;i; lm, 41 acres Pasture. inquire F. E. Hona 'asplekëd tise irst dayiq oi Septemier tuving tn tbe country ean obtain board (,nrnee, Mi. ..î; 'i and earpini>'eeeesd Parties wha at tbe Macaroni Boarding Hanse. 1 bougiat ni me for tbis yeans planting e-47-tf LOTS FOR SALE-If >vau vant a goodj report excellent crapai. Austin Clement. high building tot in a firot-ectas location WANTED-daeveral gond men and boys ber. le y'or apportunhly l get il. We ait tbe Fonide Macaroni Faicto r'. A»plv bave thse Innt deeiràbte unes in tawn. at isclor>'. c4à.ti iHAEE. & WHEFiLgs. Lbertyville. I c.52.i Il FOR RENT 'i0 77146.4 I tWUIFOR Ia t 2 FOR 5AtE-Larire moderna senen rani boue. snd barn on FIrt St. AmosI new. In a rer>' deirabte location. Prics loy. Terme easy. ScaaArBELC& WerrELra, Libert>'vlits. c52-tl f FOR SALE-Ciaie lots ln C. Fimk ----- ---- t- a diio,------er------OR---t-ra m otag a N w f-20.0&nd80.00 DyoNu Au i brZAve., cil>' ater sud furnace beat. 404tf1W. E. DAVIS. 1 1 - 1 1 ai. 1 1 1 lJý

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