CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Oct 1910, p. 1

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WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN V OL. X X No. 5 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, OCTOBiER 28, 1910- 12 Pages $1.,50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ble of thec meanng ascribed to t, and ORGANIZE TO, Te campaign ainst th U G S MO IN SSI P G E $10,000 S meaning then It was libelous. Under O G N E 1curse of the country las -wing maide R S M Another mneasure tl) ocate the cas suh circumsatances It becomes aques- all through the land and th,- meetinlgs1s the inspection of teimtso T O O M U C li on of f -ct for the ju y tu ay f - F G H E I Saturday after oo ad ngt w r S T R IN G E N T L A W ogi g oues an lh e t os, t O n r s e s t i e i the evidence whether such meaning ---auder the auspices of the .,tte vig- viitaining h e p E orst enement ee tive Eak er. ' A 1ae Out Ols umwas truly ascribed, and whether the Will Wage War on Terrible anecm te. Rev. WV. Berges, LaeCut hsca edhuedsrcs ntelr etes- dendat in errowth a rty n-he TraffiC in White Slaves .\ls lceHlndhrsstr e- Paper on Tuberculosis especially this la quite necessary, ad Atre ereFedsrn n aExesseO og ptededatho otnamd nihe• con"eissLucy Hall o et b hiceago1Homearnmenf hscso uec- enAtonyn ter ildfGergoe Da ag.puiiaio. *for the Rescue of Unfortunate Girls, a r nuare hus icered. Subch fnd Hays vs Miather, 15 Ili. App., 30. ALJL EIGO S NT wrDaesekenbfoeteemlr.igssoldb epre;a ne sote nain ltBarrioallo ege lidPrg .ACTUATED BY PABsioN Did Plaintiff Suffer. " ,,___ but a peaivs eaudien he P TINT A E AR LESlotarealth hich, witSh reports"keemr, f eldinonty court Thurs-pi J u d g e s w a t h e I t na s o f sis d nt a d t h e v e r d i t e t i n g s W i l l b e H e l d t O , I n I t e c o u r s e ' f h fi s l h b e fo r e fÂI T R C R L S o r o m n it he p h s ic n , wma k e p rt e is t d a y fer i n o b e f o r er t Jud e J n e s wcr eas th rsuthf pasion nd peju- FOrmulate ]Plans For the audience at the court housýe Salt- pb1CS ul e rOete inthe hyictowor, Scolteachrshe h e s Idy asd e ectve BaerJ,e J uge cr efnat!dc n.ha h udmneen day nght, Rev. Berges said: Pbi Spo e rtc vrl icfato rinsetor, iwie s getfo heLw ndOde eau CO11 Al n Branding after the remittur, l excessive. Tee Campagn. Rv ega'Sec. Agais nifrn itim doe rs o ig ncotat it h eof arington, i e adker en Libel Suit. Is O ioof n the record ttat by resi- "Th e rscoe&ofthe aents of this Onf DeSe • publis fctsould besetosmakwe a etindcthe wad re La son of the publication the eedn One of the greatestorrors that as grThev s oofte agy ect.ogniedanbyAport s to.sanryconda itns ad oas Sate'storneyf Ruyar at onc T hat vind ictive d a mtages of $10000 in error su stained an y actu al lda m - th rilled the m oral w orld ln the la t g t e av il l o eragIm a ,or ew o m n i n th is D . . H tes o uperintend- to wh t ebrn t t e e i u p c o s .p u g t is feet an d ordered t e ney Philip alothersill'are excessive, nor was¯hie preventedl from obtaining white slave traffle, whereby young that It is estimated thrat there are over loutyTuberculo0sis Institute -lnIitday don'. by the census takertognt.Th atrey argued the matter and that the counsel for NIothers«il any busig3ess lhe would otherwise have girls are systematically lured to a a thousand men in Chicago iwho have ra eoetesaecaiiscnsflinl rqet t homplente. Tproadtornefrafeyoens h appealed to the passions of thre Lake obtahadi. There were but two law life of immorality and kept in durance no other business than to roaml over feec a aesbrgth olown The opinion as Io whether or not attorney for the defense urging thlat ounty jury, fis thel assiertion of the, firmnsIin the city, and defendant 'In vite by brutal miasters. Th. tr-affle the land as wolves inshes elothing hitr-agppr hc oce sanitary precautions are being carried hehdargtt1ev nohwt appellate *court i eesn n e error remained the attorney of his had attained such proportions In this seeking the souls of girls which they. local as well as national conditions:. !out shoufld not beý left entirely to the1 ness' career, and finally the jury was manding the cals(-. fa(:tion, boundi to itby thre lies Of a state that anr organization hias been might devour. The oper-ations of AIDS TO THE CONTROL OF CARE- tedn hsca r npcobtecue'fo h om nisr Thre comiplete opfinion, as made religious strife. Thre amnounit recovered effe(tedl to destroit . these men are many and iaied., Toý LESS AND INDIFFERENT CON-'eetdivdgtossol e untecutrldte ins known last week is asl follows: muiist be considered as almost w'holly The saloon. whileh has beor discov. someý they pr1ésent thle aor of, thet. SUMPTIVES. maide by a w-ell traýined visiting nur14se should.answer. Nol r>351vIndictive and far in *excesýs of the erdIo be the foundation oif much Of life itself,,and ln Ibis manner,. get. the [Discussion openedl by W. H. Wat*t whIoshai nmake careful report tu theLerdItYtray Phmþ lfht) é4aupeeste if any, lhe is entitled to r- evl n lß aion mwas- fond to b0 e girls to leave their homt- s and it troM .,iaae a Counityhelhetstoerfn g Bk tenepidtatehdnt ror, #va. Wilbur GenVollva. Plan. cover. %- vruitinig place for the vultures themseIlves luino vet ha TbedlMPenti f I, n lionoth aw ÑàÊi i,á tiff i l rro. ro ror toAlcHèry. DdIHelppeayto Pasionef socety egagedin ths helish bise.nghersrheyIhld ou the romis òf i is ntitheeurpos of tis paeroatendin physcianerOthisvisitng hehadhben inictedin~ MHenry Opinion biy Thompon, J. In the final argument made to the. ness. Liquor to deaden thre senses andmrig;toohr- urai oi1 t elwt teptetwho wmill b e nurse, the')atient sodbecaed1 county for allegedl perjury ln connec- Plaintiff fin error- was acting general Jury Iin behialf of defendant hinerror inflamne thre psin, nrh senions, and Iin a thousand1 ways theytaught, mwho will olwpoe ue s"aeesadidfeet o'h inwt w iurcssa od overst4eer and leader of a certain tac. counisel ogtta ewsi or sion of a wine room wmere theý only ad. win the confidences- of th eir victimscnennnhesoafspuuad1extent Of neglecting al] sanitary prle- stock until lhe was told the news by, tion or a religious society known as of justice, and appealed to the pas- juncts neces-sary for thepse vampIdres and then violate thelir trust. it would body wastes, who will accept the d'-. uins hnitefrne eoe'sssatSasAtoneyRnar thle Christian Catholle Apostolic sions of the jury rathier than to their !tonstart a girl Iin the lpath whose steps not be a badt plan for any mnother wo etions of the visitn nusadesniafrthpoeconftepo.;ndhwnaetrfomtt'sAt- Church lnu'4ion, in thle city of Zion, ln reason and judgment. We quote a tiake hold on hel]. supposes that hier dauighter ls em- wuho, in any way, co-opierates with the Id.e foredt to associate with such a .ney JOslyn of McHenry conty. He Lake. couinty. lew, expresidons: "Now wh'len yýou S alarmning becamie the growth of ployed *in a mercantile house as hbealth authority, or famnily physca n.-Epcal sti reo h outee httelte ute Defendant Iin error was an attorney consider ithis libel, and it is a libel, or :hIis .Vil that Catholic and Protestant, stenographer or clerk to akae a fll] mi preventing thle spread of his dlis- helpless cýhldren and wife of a man stated that Jos3lyn would nolle prosse resiing linfthe city of Zioni, but was It would not bll here for you to try." Jew. and Gentuile comined forces to Investigation to see If sh,- is niot try- ease, but, to mnention somes aids to in this class. Dr. Herman M. Briggs, the case, and that although, as heun not a miember of thre society of wih; "He bangs poearls on his bes.anid combat it. There has been or-ganized ing to cliver up the story oft her fall. 'the Control Of Careless and Indif- genleral meelical officer in tire dgpart- derstood it, he has been indicted last plaintiff Iin error was overseer, noris sw elling piaunch he decorates with .thre Ilinois Vieilance Association, "Tt 18 estimiated that there are 2.-00ip ferent Consum .ptives ls the subject for mlent of health, city of New York, ln SPring, hie hadl never been arrested or of any chtireh. and was anr active mleni. jewelry almnost en)ough to start a jew- omposedl of leading men fin all de- girls who have fallen intio ways of discussion, so in disculsing this paper a palier readt before the International even servedl with papetfs, ber of a faction opposed to plainf in :i yi ,iolp.* ý .Ou ilaav e got 11)say L, l'alns iTey, seeito proine-ar: evIil nthe larger cities of this couin..1 trust the chairman, who liadt congress at Wýa.shin&ton, 1908, ex- The Incident was typical of an fil- error, and had been city attorney o orvrlc .ehramnwoi s dcto of a higherct moral to:n1eo l as try. The average life of line of thesýe much experience tin the handling Of rse lìsfco rng thesetestncaenwhhsaeadd- Zion City and a salaried oifieer of the :saulted as this young mian was, hie cani and a better knowledge of the laws of dvomen is flye years. That would such cases. will call mle•or anyOne else cases thus: "If the patient consti- fense skillfully fenced and parried, atý Zonulaw departmvent. rl boneyo h a fti tt iema hteeyya hs amlpires vwho diverts fromt this sulbject. tates a menace to others, his removal One timfe Baker testifying munder the Plaintiff fin error ç,mused to be pub- or If lhe has totake a Bshotru .." ".it 1.ezislaion to a Ill te lwho live from the lives of othiers tmust. The state seems to do ailli cani to to anl institution shouild he brought Field questionfing that hie did not Ilshed and circuilated hand bills, con. is for you men to juidge from' all thý i kown las 'ht laey-be supldyled with anaverageeof 5,000 éIprevent nmuFder, ,sui(,ide, stealing, or about 1y foi-ce if necessary.' know what were in the half score bot- cerin te acio wth hih e-evdece Ichagetht n ehlfof Tte enforcemnent of law for protec. new grs il rmt onrayote nefrnewt h ihs Third. 1 would say remoirval ofsuch lies before himt as evidence. The bot- fendant Iin error was associated, the defendant, but one witniess who tien of womien, girls, and, home Ilife. girls fromn the City In every walk of and liberties Of another as long as patient to somle isolatig farmn or col-tdes, supposed to conltain beer and whih efelat eror claims'were has taken the witness stand, even Rescue of girls from the snares flf l ot epfl h ofro such a one 1s law-abiding. In fact, ony by fore>eIl need bie. We will ad- wiky eegtee yhmJl a ibel.defendant in errcrugtViaan1vrymn nsveywo hopnera' folalfioric. teselmen. Th elgir tlt arilod.i- Chal thtegeatrsseblyat Glesurgis it tat t gatesupobth Ameica I o I sui inth cicui curtof ak con. anwhoha tetifedher, tstfie.Thy re laninda eres f met cao fr 50 piee.- cnsierng hee poblms hoeveearJouueyhe ordcopulio, bt Te uryThusdy caim'dtouon ty to reopver damage s sustained by to words that the defendant righlt Ings in) the principal citiesof the sýtate. Have Operated Here. practically nothing is being donle to sc tms ewt hs h e-ti t ebr i ii himbyreso o te llge lbe. he heepu i tei muts. 1"ou The following group of speakers ar. It was lintimated at the meeting that lessen the slowimurder, sure suielde,1 ace the lives of themrselves or thbeir sens of ion City. declaration contains thr-ee crounts. coannot stop a thing of thiat kind withi rived in Waukegan Saturday: WV. Waukegan has not altogether escapied! stealing and certain interference of fellow men, or interfere with the lib- There avas a trial Iin Lake county and,,any sal amouint of fine; you cani- 1W%. Hallami, Miss Lucy Hall, Mr. lie this menace. It 1s alleged .that thre maslbetdiycrrdoubyheryofterinnyw.Wynt QetG O UidCO. a vrdctfo $00% wle ws etontpeetat hs hdewih nysm l all. Mr. Caldwell and the secretaryis at presenit in Chicago five local careless and Indifferent consumnptive. retrit these ciinials? hno aide on motion. A lmange of venue amouat of money. * '6 * It has got lof, the association, William Burgess. girls Who aire living this sort ofral Ife. The Public s4eemas to bfe educated to F*rth. Where hl ioae Italians have handed 'to comne tol the was then granted tolMcllenlry coun11iy, to be suchi an amunt as will take thatj They heldi the first meeting- in the ý1It appears that they were takien fromt the presenice of tuiberculosis as if ituhptins urlaoii u en rescue of Joseph La Porte, the aleg. where on a trial a verdict was ren.. pearl off is breast for a little timelTemperance Temple onWas ingo one of the foreign ooisadsldwrrh nvtblrn ontralz tire or here snttistcsr sho ed assallant of FakadPilpPl deedonte hidconto te t li e could pawn It: and yu 1utreet. on Saturday at 3 ). rm., and fin into one of the lowe dives of Chicago. 'its infectious and contagious nature. it-ha 50-60orperetfthedeatshsofadine at Barrigton Tast week, and declaration fr$0.0.Aremititur could rob) him of one.half that watch tecu'huea .m t h ls ftemeigacm-O h .0 epewode i th ealpopu0liorcn fe detubru-this week before Judge Kiekham Of $10.000 was eniterel and judigment (,hain; hie don't ne,,d but one-half Investigation revealedl the fact that muiltee was appiointed to co-operate state Of Illinois annually fromn tuber- 1 la osi. urly we mrtutat to te A canlan in Chicago Assistant State's renerd orSl®,and thre defend- Of It." Jews, both mien and womien, were withi the Chicago organization in their culosis an apipalling number must be e xtremle i bigiglbrtAnn ttorney Runyard appeared to oppose ant prosecuites this mwrit of error to Other Quotations. cagl epnil o hsognzd !efforts tu stamptout this evil. The dure to the carelessness and indiffer-1 creas biding th etlitracnequn a writ of habeas corpus that hadl for reiwthat jud(gmnl(It. "etistlol i oe.t iestade in) human bodies and sus. To local commnittveeappointed was as fol. ence Of those fromt whom hyhvnim rtatdcn eet rr.Its object the trial of La rporte in Quotes Hand Bills. tiik hs po eplcedlu orabtle Jews 14ie and dis. lowvs: Rev. Ge-org9e .icGinnis. Dr. becomne mfectel.('oitrittedounfinouetdoor ing Cook county. Attorney Charles Erb Part of the hanil bill which ldefend- and honest that havee come tin lere- r me ere fell so keenly that at first 1Holm, NIir.AuI;,to und, Ir S. 1 J Ibelieve the following aids to con-| th mou nt f ai r an lsnsinegt, ,fr aPre oneddta aintiIn error, allege s libeled iis as deacons and deaconesses through fear ioes among them were tempted t ins'tMrs. Ilawthrn. \rsL .0. Per- trot such claýssare essential Pierenat The qnestionsceemas, therefore, to bie tedbesabn okpaetit follow, thle words d eclared uipon be. have comle lhere-." -Mr. Orvis and mnmz'rigoeteeil u hysons and ar.J ore.Rv i-this timre:oeo ite nocigsntaype et firom the Lake county lino in Éing italicized: msefconsider Iit bener practice have inow%-come out squarely and ad, -ginbothami of thre First ('ongregational First. It should ble oblIgatory for cuin ih.hs epeo er.Cook Couinty and Lake County con- RBACK TO ZION CITY whranaIs o hskn h idhat thec terrible sin lies altithe church mwas elected to aict as secretar.y every physician to report ever aeIaigte nsm pnarisiu tended thrat the stabbing took place with" ° law ls plain. not to ask; any instrue- door of mnemrbers of their own race, for the comitîtee. Of tuberculosis to the health depart- inweete a eudrcn us vrteln nti ony h A HAPY GRldTIG tins for thre fjury atil l o our side- n r ugt slest h atk- -mnlt with the attending shyicans stntwervtio ri b ne o-matter was continued for thirty days To ail ,who loe Godl and are standing where there is nothing comiplicated of exposing and crushing the traffic. Vn lsaRkfle. oi)mtion as to the Ilkelihood of sanli- and La Porte 1s released on bal] of* firmily for, Zion, and with a as to Ile law- The Court: *'Thre in- The Jewvishi Chronicle of Londan has Vanidais broke into thre station Of ry precautions being carried out. Ilth ise s o ato financiall penalize $1,000. DECLARATION OF WAR ftruict1ons are the Instruction, of the the following brave and hapiorable the c. & M1. E. ail Rockhefeller. Suniday îTis should be as obligatory as a re- tia Tof ainsfrden roa againstth court; they are not the Instructions word to say on the subject. Weqoeanlwekelhaiae tistog t f<t of a smiallpox case or of any Ii-n- te ared o se na le oadbuo Subl vr Od HOSTSOF HEL INZION CITY. of either side." Counsel: "If there is ;a paragraph or two froml a recent ed- fthat the mnobtaLied ontrance t l ou r otgiou dsas, theiren. S o sestat th icaib T heqeto-hthrara. Repre senited principally by the dis- any error --"The Court: "ouare0torial: sain hoi ido n, o elect of which should be strictlyleit]s to0oldvern tatthe r e okef T elluertisoaprieteroga pblaib gusin Mniipl eaueand still not correct mtaitlking of that subje(t -"But thre very distust and loathing by eithlerhumillat n.mehanical feans. ce a finesrweportsasnlchgwadslkl oedcddb mlore dIsgusting widhal of a paper, to thre jury. They are the instruic of thle trafficlin whlite slaves which place.lproceeFderIilto wreck the plce. enur---opulor reort an l o-N A Il _ ) __ the circuIt court ln Lake county a the ýZion City News. itrons of the cdr Counsel: "I ex- good men ilnatuirally experienced. the Te or ulaig arttonie ¯¯.¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯._fuueaae "Let all Zion s"nd together and be ceputto t'he court's statement an.1Iin odhium and reproach which tilled their tesainadcmitdohrat -Teqeto ilb ruh pb prepareâ to resist every movement of sis t that the Instructions given or of- sortis in the knowledge that ln its vile ofhdepratiai. The attorney fr set he ¯t~wo wllli brothrsner iaon.ake of the Traitors and Hypocrite& in Zion faee ytepanifwl rvreti machinations Jews and Jewesses took road is on the rail of two young men LAKE COUNTY'S INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR THE LEGISLAI the Dame of Yager. They '.B City. case ilIf they are given and fondi to so large a part, disposed themi to a of*Libertyville who are thought to' TURE WHOSE CLAIMS MERtT THE SUPPORT OF THE VOTERS. on opposIte aides of the road and fol- 1 Be repard tolove forward as hie Incorrect. Gentlemen of the jury, secre_ y which w %as thre very surest have beeni mlixed uin l the deed.RM BE HMON OV RB. lowing a dispute one of them erected one man. ecclesiastically, education. we hlave asked no Instructions.' mneans of immuniiiity, for thre scouindrels I h on e nqeto a eafnergtnrntern all, omercaly nd oltialy. naleto esran, engaged tin it. But when we de- caughit they will be prosecutedl to the The other brother Mlims. that the "Dr. Brister Is the only Zion Dent- The court was unable to restrain termninedi to throw the light of public extent of the law. There ls a sigri fence han no righit thereas the road fst in Zion City. Patronize no cither. counsel: the ruilings of the court were notice uipon the matter, when we de- posted on all the - smaller stations Is a public highiway, which the other "inreereceto allLea Quesins isregarded. The deliberate repeti, termilnedl openly to confess the sin Of along thre righit-of-way that warns denies. Thbrtesaetlge- ifetsee Deacon Forby and he will tion of the statemrent that defendant our* people as a prelude to our plea would-be destroyers that they will beieadsTo e rotheffair aitis toghtr then direct you to a Good Lawyer. i ro se oisrcin fe hat Nwe should takie frank and uncOn- arrenstedi f cauight Iin the act of com- thait the case will bie brought to, the Have nothing to do with litt(e Upstart the admonition 'of the court, ts mis- cealed mneasures for It being wipedmtinaynusneternndtcotinhsctyobeece. Democrats who are just flipping the-'conduct so reprehlensible as 'Of Itself away, this consideration bore with .usewfil go hard with these young. men IfCorlnti tohodce. pipps off their bills.., to require a reversai of the case. 1. 1. not ln the very least. We had no rea- they are ll8 "Buy no coal aftert Important Ant. & 1. R. R. Co. vs. Otsto, 212 Ill., 49,;son to fear that our non-Jewish neigh- Itstouh halhamtv wsTerepublican onyalrl com- nlouncement to bie made next week. Wiersemnan vs. Lockwood, etc., 141 bors would utilize our confession ln rober, ugt thsanat th tpae motviwsTte epme yes ty ctatlh court "lZion will stand no Nonsense from IUl. App., .>3. The judgment is, re- any way to our hurt or detriment. las used as a waiting room only and house and plannied the following cqffi Anybody, and ln the Namne of the Most versed because the damnages assessed "'Jbws who are suffleiently debased there are no tickets Or nmoney ln the~ paign: High God, 1 defy the whole outfit, from, are excessive and because of the lm- to engace themiselves ln the traffle station. Meeting at Highland Park Tuesday the little two-legged Flce-ogs that propeT conduct of counsel, and the have facilities for carrying Tt on over Otbr2,a hc h o-Gog snart at my heels on the streets to cause Is remanded. others. Hence it has come about that Otbr2,a hr h o.Gog the cunning Tricksters who meet be- Reversed and remiarýed. all who know anything of the condi- Noted Marksman Dies. Fdmund Foge andresl]couaty candi- hind closed doors and plan to execute .f-ltons prevailing in the white slave William Duninill of Fox Lake, wýho speees.wl epeetadmk their Master's Plots for the Destruc. Long Air Flight. frtrfic are agreed that If the Jew has; won famre throughout this part orf Oectoer 6atGaylk tion of Zion City. An aeroplane flight from Chicagoto could be elliminated, Tt would shrink tecutytruhhsaiiya October 276 t ntochak. "Let all Zion give any High Sehool Fort Sheridan, about thirty-seven and shrivel to comparatively smaill irsapse wya h oeOtbr2 tWuod brh iZion laAl nd Hate are mleosfo e ttmped acodig n dosty to hunanityvendto the of A .L. Ward here at about 4 o'clock October 31 al Libertyvlle, and Lake her own and will do it, to aninounicemrent by G. H. Barker, av- protection of our- young mnen and wo. Wednesday afternoon after sufferinz!:FWoregasno iyatdtst "Important announicement tormor- lator Ntonday as an advertisement men, sinice Jews are the chief offend. great Pain and agonyv from a cancer ln Wbe gandyed,)Ciy later t - row. -to the opening of a school of flying ln ers, that we Jews shall be foremost the mouth. The deaceased was first le ie tinswl asrehlda on icallyevery raito in th City" of tis noxousecllings.wlatlweekhadhun ergonlantop ratio

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