Ii, amut asuprtlAsifer thse olrt 7eer of lise systae vas ont, 0100e. 000, anti frain Oie sunrmuet gcme *Il lbe expenses a! equlpntent, laclutiing the engravln n! udprnitng afforms, certlficates, bonds, etc.. as veli as tise cost ot clerîcal assistance for the con- duct oft he postal saývIngs business. Ovlng to the emalluso f lbe appra- prlahlon, It bas been Impossible ta establish postal iarlngs hanice turingi the finit year lu the large 'cities of the country., The ofices tèIeugnaled are al af the second clan.. tn theîr selection 1thbai been the purposo ta chose commuaI- tles lu ici the cantions vere ex- ceptionall>' favorable tor ithe eelap- ment of a postal savings business. Moant ofthe places anthe liât are In-, dustriel contons viero vage-eerners vIS1 b. especilaît>' enelttet b>'the kinti of hankIng !aclltles effordot. Expeot Allen' Patronage. A large patronage ai Oie service le expecteti iront forelga-bora Ameni- cane, vho are naw remittiag coust- emabue anme ta thoir native cauntnies, usueil>lu Oi te forin of mon,>' ortera. liEn> af Oie places »ecteti, pantie- ularli tssInuthe voat, are not bd- equatel>' pravideti witi o her seringa institutions. The vano!o furnlshlng fhe neces- sary equpment t thie pastoffilces se- lad et anti bavlug the o patmtoers andi tilir assistants thoraugil>' ln- structet lu Oie operaions ofthie sys- ci B elpu L IJL i au k um villprobail>' consume heceralb veeke, but ever>' effort wiii be matie GovýernMent Will InaUgerate ta bave these dasigntet offices i:eady Katny on Jan. 1. ta recett'e teposîts et etie earlleet1 feasîble date. . .1 'O2 'y vIt ls probable thit the plane derile1 * Wukeen . nt man th fietfor the new postal eavlngs system ' 1<>t est a.postai savluge bauf. but wil viii be givon et lenat a inth's triala be avarded ooebotore the end of the la the original iortyýelght offices ho- lisca> year. accordlng ta Indilcations.. tore othere are atiteti to the bast, ai- :At a meeting Saturda>' atternoan a! thaugb If le'expectedthtat tue nuin- lit board o! postal savtngs laik ber of office yl ho largel>' lucreaseti truste« tortyelght postofficos, dis- er teidofhecrn isa titute t troughout the country soaua th gtve one ta eech state anti terri- year. tory, ver, deateuaht sdepasitorles 'for theo-irat trial ,F-tbe nev eytem. HITS "MI" BjjBEIN " Pekia vas cisopen for Illinois. %Azother meeting villi ehbeldi'nert - wAieA, I vbIch questions of accouaI- ElRin Doctor Holds Hlim Mtandi aatlting, vhfcb tarve beauen lu eponsible for Evila, etroversy.- amy ho coualdereti. It - buau ssuteermInedt t gir, thse cer- Because Congresamen George Eti- ttceo tp deposit scheme a tryout ln u mnt Fosa stylet linseif a. «'the ma *se âailer omees, anti, If Il vorks bebinti the man behlnd tue gun" lu an Irait It wUi b. put lu operetion gen. atitrese on "Te American Nary"f' e- *aJil, behftte aystem in oxtended. fore Columbia Camp, Unitedi Spanlsh It via stafl d ml nigit that no con- War Vetorans, lu Chicago fritia> -tffiae h bai -sen amaong the tnt..- nigbt, Dr. George, Y. Ruppert of Elgin fou relative to, the certificata ai de. tot occasion ta bandi hlm a fev bard pcwit ides. vh laatetake thoplace On«s. « tbs purs béai a7stem lu gazerail. Theman beblut the man bobinti me h rI nt. seringa Intlh!tlous. Oie tunabas prore tu hob. a vorso on- ÇAt the poseet. oepartment lit vas amy b>' fnta ur troopa tisan Oie un- ' ll the e eome bi been ap- eut>'ln tis efl"id" eth Oe Elgin docc ,gve e veWel ve agoega ter aub- toi, empbatieallk Mssifon ofithe plan ta financlal cx- Thon lho opent>' econeti congreus- perte tbrougboat the. country'. It la mnen, uer>' anti var departutent of- )MOWA, bowver, thal in Oie' troasury fctales for thse embalimoimet andter- Ofoertmut thse Innovation bas baon rible byglenlc conditions during te1 aeelveii vîti some. septiclant andiR1hSPenisi vrvecht -kany more vIii fe vatchedtivtba nvie hotudoter- lIres than hie M -ers of the Spon-1 11afie ft>' ielseaalbfllty hofore the lards. c k amirbleva> l « M la put Inta operaton on an vilici 'Japon, wbose doors ver, execdediémis. openeti by Admirai Perry forty-tva 1Ma>' Open on Januar>' 1. yeare ago, took care a!lits troaps dur-j It 18 lie preant Plan ho open the of- lu ie e r vth Russia. aces doetgnated toda>' for deposIts not Congresman Fois vas, durng-the Wx1t.y tia anary 1. tbere bilng saine var, conuechei vitihie uer>' depert- Q11Uestosivietiser Il voulti ha teasîbte ment anti la nov' ou the coinilttee on ta siet atioquate report. on operatlon. naval affairn, sî hiat hie vas directl>' for a perli dprIor ta that date, Inaa- siappeti. He let the banquet hall ifs- lanuci asthb.regulations cannot ho nietlahely efter tieliverlng bis epeceb,1 Ptmotnlte4. an>' va> for sevrira anti so titi not heur the remarits of ve%.a Dr. Ruppent. A«Ordlag ta Informatio otmon______ O tls. fruaste« lb.heoui>' questions Weather Statistica lIat ma e fesaIt ta ho la cautrorera>' Petain ta a'bconUtng andi audlting, guI690Mous ta bh experte of the B>' reanmo! tho tremel>' Dieu- tresr>' departinent have gîren et- eh eahe c.tha iat few ves. tatilon. Thé moaotid point tg a3 ta thera bas been much discussilon as ta liant.boy mach ofthie autitiag sial l watt'hi, veather of prenions eut- te ionm teh>'Oe paîtaffice departinent uns bas been, anti belov le Éiron a sud boy mach b>' Oie troasur>' depart. record o!f the finit froet anti înov aleintTis matter s i valves book- scanne 'ofthie past aine years: - IaPlng lunconuection vti the cer: 1901-Light troit, Sept. 19, killlng tlte o!fdeposit plan,,anti. ln tact, front, Opt. 18: snov. Dec. 13. Veau>' concerna Oie general vorklng 1902-Ligit iraist, Oct. 14; killang Of that sCemie, viicb, as originally front, Ooch. 20; îuow Nov.,2M pIlEDet. voiilt do ava>' vfth the 1903-Killling frost, Oct, 18; snov, keeplas 0f1accunts as doneunater the Nov. 28. 9c1i passhoalcmeOti. 1904-Lgit troalt, oct. 23; killang Tit la ta no Thomouch. trait, cit. 3Il; .00v, Dec. il. AIl Oie Ironses vere preseat ah tht' 1905-No record of trost; snov, SMeeting Sahurtis>, the>' heiag Poet- Nov. 7. Sister GmOnret Hitchcockc, Secrehary' 1906-Llght frait, Oct., ;killllng Wa lihe Treaur>' MacVeagb andi Attar-! front anti înov, Oct. 10. e, »YGeneral Wlckersiam. Ia a state. ý 1907-.Ught tfront, Sept, 22; killitag 'Menat glven ot afttrthie meeting it;lrost, Oct. 13; snav, Nov. 2. 'WU ait that the depositorlas have1 1908-Lgit front, Sept' 29; kuilwng hq. selectet afther caretul invenfîga.!Lfiait, Oct, 2. enov, Nov. 14.- t ien b>' the afilcers oft he pOstaffice 190iY-Llght tront, Sept. 2; kfl ting de8PlrM snt vti e rlev ta malingthue'trost anti SOOw flurnies, Oct. 12. 'Ins test -of the -service as thorougi Froin Oct. 12 la (%t. 20o ofa ye 0u> Poisaiblo under Jhe lîmîtoti eppro. trost urury nîgit, thermmneter regts. Pr 5ifttO Providet hy cougress. if-ring 25 on 14th, 17ti anti ISti. - vue 6. ws -m 't'* ibsrepeumts a fai r a. téfra mma for a e. Ust amd gow thinn. i" botle Of tie, ton pooeds of m YesW phyui cim tonidYo hwit do"siL 11 m A= 37 ivA-L naroozil1 'ID LAK Mir. antdArb. Fret Tovuer, Sr., enter. tainet compen>' irout Libertyrille anti Lake Forest. Rev. John Austin iareeches ever>' Sun. de>'. Came anti hear biut. Sentie> sebool hegin. at 1:30 p. ni. andi preaec- log et 2iB0 p. n. The Ral>' Da" services vers a sucre s .aboya b>' the large attontiance. . aturda>' evanlug, Oct. 29. there viii' b, a social et the Diamant Lake M. E. Cburçb. Ever>'bot>' con. eut bave a gondtlime.1 1 AiMr, anti ire Geo. A. Ost riitîet inl Chicago Sante>'. The Diamant Lake Cemeter>' Associe. tion wl meet vith lira. C. Batteriielti Thureda>' aiternoon, For. 3. Everybot>' Iurited. Wm. Wbesier ant inl>', ai Liberty- ville, nisiteti et Fret Tovuar'., Br., Sun- E7ZîZUiéZ Miss Tillie Hockemoyer bas lf t for ber home lu Shepharti, Mien., Monda>', wbere sisters. Lydia and Emmia scîtafer acconi- panieti ber ta Clago. Dlck Priest va. takeu ta thie Antoule Hospital in Chicago by Dr. Sherer, of Barrington, ta bave au operatian for eppmudicitis lst Thuretia>.aidr, anti lira. Win. Tonne anti Heury' Peppd adp Aira. Prieet visictpdhlm Suntia> anti re. part hlm of getting alaug fine. News ha. reacheti bers that the ,cbeck forger" bhere got enother victint' for $25 be being tbe driver ofBute Bros. Caudy wagon. No ev ha. @beenfauni Qi hlm @lir. anti trs. Entil Frank anti Mre, H. Relier anti Are. 'George Klepper ver. WFankegau"viitorb laet Thursda>'. A number of aur local base hall fans de'1 v ent ta Chcago lait Thureday'tasee yM3r. and,*Ar.f wm. Eletutan anti the Cubs Pil>' bail. $augbter, of Lake Zurich, speut Sanda>' The uewly marrieti coupfle, Mfr. anti et Oea. Knigge's, Aire. Barry Fanmer, voe surpriset et Ails. Lucy Jutison, of the. Lake Bluff Iheir home bere. The Palatine Militer>' Orphansge, thanks ail thons of Diamanti Band, untier the leadiership of Dr. Clans- Lake anti vieinul, who gave eatableeta lus came over frons Palatine anti gave the barveqt honme festival. thein au oldt ime chivar>'. flresbmente Ait.. ea. W. Mitchell s pest a fe w da>'s w _______inth _____LetHoe lait veek lu Chicago with ber moîber, 0 wbo bas been quite alck. Frank Petersan @peutl Sanda>' vitb S. IVANHOE P. Hutchisan anti fenil>'. 1 Mise Avis ]Payne in ejoying a tva -Mise Gertr'ude Schneider entertaineti a veeks rocation anti apendnglt wiIh ber number of ber littie frieutie et a birthday stler, lira. A. G-4luilitige at Terr>', part>', Ebareday", Oct. 21. Montana. AMr, ant i Ars. Theodore Clark vere :Mr. Jensen wa. callet to Chicago UeerfieitialrFia...,, Frida>' ou eccount ai the serions filasses A nuniber af Deerfielti people pleasant- of hie mother. ]Y surprised MAr, anti liu. R. L, laskha IsuMinute Sn>'ter va. a Wenkgau lf'nisde> night et thoîr bomnElien. visîtor itaturtie>. @ton, t being Ara. laikin'e birtbtiey ennîversar>' anti she recleveti ma> useful Mir, anti Ars. Henry' Crampton anti Rift@. chîltiren, of lia>'ood, visiteti Ulm. Rosa Simpson Saturda>' anti Suada>'.Air, anti Ars. Fred horeaberger anti Grace Doph ae tksa u tfflak Aire. Jacob Antes visiteti la Englewooti Orale oli vs ate totblWakoSuntia> et the borne of Air. anti Are. gen bosptel lust Tharadya>' antiaWlther. aperetto;n vas nerf ornietifor appentiltitî rtêpo-r'sbevasgsîtlng'&long AiMrs. Lard anti son. of Ravenswood. fine., spent Sunda>' wlth Airanti Mr». C. W. ___________-Pettie. Ail.. Ira Pettîs 1la &IO visltEng Air- NeirlEk petprtof et weekber parents. Mlselng is b. rothe uMlneapolie. C g Mile.Frances BedertattantiMIss visred itt "ý rnkAulrfCi o Ruth Itelhelt attendet a musicale En rieallt i tte home orltabt IliebrtisanZleYfeld Hell Satu rda>'. Sanda>'. t liwtbtMr. ux re. Dr. Davis entertanet e Irlenti e re srroy a knBerIha Ai ers Ag ram the west several tiays turing the Elzabeth suad Annie, came home lb.e Ale. le> liih pn ut'l latter part ai thseweek. Idefu Mary vislngeltive. Snyi Ar, anti Ara. Heur>' Kuebter and ti 1e D ___,_iel ________rlatves Vaut calleti on the farmens parents Eabld Suntia>'. E ayvisitinohbe L>rl tbeatreon Oui, pulpt vam occaped last Sanda>' Tueed angtlepeetei wltb ae aIrer b>' Mr. tieford, a son of tbe Aillhhuru ePaan. On Monda>' anti Frida>' uigbte Cangregetional pastor. a baîf tiozen spoona are p*mssntthe b _____________bottier of lb. luth>' nuniercoupona belng Notice glren each evenlng. 2 Ails B. If. Bundlck wlll be&$NebnUla' aMore, lRockefeller, for a ev veshs coni. Aucio sae notitesapubhsd lu molng Wodneda>', ont. 19, lt aamfine Uee&tw eg em 10 mlDlae. WOl do msblng wantrioe. -mny. W# bave t" e rocuio; 7011 Iuàj. izbeseaapabe. -8.î VIII at the busines. L PHAM '- Ist.s leCIt0ant o!eiof Wo»end ther 'hî aereOaitogethtr -ta short, John Ktapf, ai UhitiaO. estent 8011,1>'ybut thb. aea>other places thq con. rith hie parent@, 3Mr. and Uirs. aop>. t.mtq ýylng before reavnlng ta Mr. andi M". J. A. mauon return t teir hazmtssneéem.rlvucnt hdi tini, set week train a visil wlh frIentis at short et sehb ndividuel stoppin; point. Rotit!ord. *Al' an>'memorlwe f b>' goal >eara were Mis Mabel ICIni, af Pittaburg, Pa., la recafl e and Il ts>' enjojeid thefli te> visitinsgaet h. home of 3fr. anti Mr@. M Wel a. tiioe titi who -entertéineti Cha.. fipragusi thon the>' ill ontregret hailing matde Mfr. apti lra. G. a. Smith entertaned 'thbe tnp.) Rey. Lam"and aMiAr. Baropti>, af Li, ieTanne, snuuigest deugli ter of Air. Chicago, overBude..>,at is H yTne as bornauér Mir, anti ir. A. 'C. Richards eter- Fairtieli, III., Mareh 12, 1898. 8ue taluet their nepbew, Lée ebihna, ai enlayeti tain>' goati beafth oiftl ber Glenview, over Suntie>. 1- fourth7year wheu eh@ suffereti ab evere Airs. 8. E. Knetiler--ileited witb ber attack; of ucarlet lever, wbicb luit ber lu ister, Aire.s. 8. S anger, a!fitavinla. a veakened condition. Owlug 'ta titis A'etnestlay anti Thurada>'. telicate condition oh, rtcei.vet mare Mr., anti Me. Samuel Wakefield anti than ard.inar> cars anti tender aollclide son, Gilbert, of Ravensvacd, are @penti. forvbr eai h a e aet ng a1ev ay. lth ire favoerite,'a vhaever Isopeti asewould logst e dAe thMr. akllldagrow mare robot as ege advanced., but oistr, Ms. WU Stnctif. about four vsskse ga ber condition The Ladies, Aid Society' wilI uteet aI grew more serions anti despite tbe beut thehom boni aAre. A. G. Maether nexi niedicalirematmnet anti carofut nuaing. rhuratiay morning, Nov'. 3. Ail meto-I. lîas wlled thst th. fond hopes of ber boe requestet t attend a. there w yu l .aeti on.. for a recover>' were uno tat be an election aiof okere. reafîseti.lier snifevins vhlch eh. bars The yaang Peaplo R eliance will hait so :patiently va. relieveti Tuestiay, a rail>' Deit Sanda>' evnlng. Oct. 80,Ct 18, 1910 antise, ae tentier>'laid at 8 P. im. et Grec@ churcb. Md. W, ta reet lu the Long Oro"e cemeter>' Stra hier, lormerly ateacherofDesPlaines Oct. 22uti. The large attentiance et the high ochool, uow ai Chicago, vili.be the ueraI and the man>' tlow..r pleces borne principal speaker. Mir. Webser, of by former friands anti scbool mat@@ Deelaines, vii e haOe sololît anti the t'Xprtessed sulent synipathy foir the ber,- baud viii aiea give a tew selections. ~iaveti ones. cordial invitation iu exteuie tAi i. I Car&dof Th. George M. Ruth ant ileI, of' Peton. T'ro our frient. anti neigbbors who lowa, anti Chas. 0GoswillIr, of Denison, as.sted ustne Aïng the ilînees of aur Iowa, matie a trip buck te their olti daugbter, Lillie, for their word. ot tIllit<6s floineo lest we.f rý r.and MAre .ujmpoýtty, et ber deat n *ntor the 'Ruth weut vest Iwenty-slx >'ersagega tifks. e eepresour sincere and Air. <ioeawiller nine ysars later. Hmt ToNNE ANiD FAiîîîy. ILOUIS Jà YEOMAN THE. OPTICIAN Thea. and Biernard Swai t erteint a 1ev frieutio ut a clîleLen île iinner lasl Suntia>. l)elehert Rougee eii.lunnly chot lhi"! self lu the trnt whlî takîng a'nd 'un froni the bavk oi a biîcgy. NO sauge inu nihîg frein one doctor toanotberl. Seec~t the best once, x>stand by hhn. No sensedthsr i ln this this-4 th*t thlng for your cough.. Carefulldý atl eetthe'-bast cough medicne, tien take IL- Stick t MÀ sk Youdoctor about Ayer's Cherr y Pe to io throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly enety yeams oW=oholfthm s med* l ?e , . cli -Uy ~ .rarI~V~t~~Lctcr 1fbf £ Mr@. hmgl ba 1t1Palatine an&- wEll b.e ai bome io ber frlends ln Miliaord, IIL. la tiie future. August Burkiiert ba. resuniet hie. duteab se idepaI ber,, after servlng asi station agent at~ Des Plaine& for tour weeke., Little Henrletta, dé;*bter ut Fred Lieuz, bâti the. endi oLa linger eruehed in a do«r hingo recentl>suant IoEfeered &sie wllilIosn ber flnger tu the liret joint. MmraVan Hor ntudMiesn(Grâce, @peut Bunda>' witb frienda lu Chicago. The Court of Honni, belti a publie in. stallation of officere Saturday>, Oct, 21). Mien Netta Lonibarb, of .Oak Park, wa,. à guesî of lber roundo, Mise Atiella Smith recent>'. lire. Robertson let t Wedneittiy for lier boie In Carlyle, Ark. Airs. Louis &boppe andi MiseStiratl Voeu were ver>' pleant>' surpriet Monda>' evsning b>' a nutuber af thtir friende, wbo speut a ver>' eujôyablt evenlng. The Ladies' Aid met with Mir@. Wjll Knlgge tbf. week ou W!ednueoda.% AnaLao Cronkite, of Lovelanid Col., in visîting frientis here. Mi" .Nine Rouée $pent, Sunday lu Wauc kegen. witb bier 3iuit.Lirm. James %tanu. 'Howard Teïtpiuia.g, tf Park RLidge, r p-nt a few- dayms alOi fils cusiu, De1l. ,fbert Rous anti Russell Roue. ;Special meeting a-re beiîîg ltrld juti cbureb b>' the ' new liastar. tir. Cari, wblcb are more profitable tu ail. Mins Irene Fry'calied on frit'nilstu Rockefeller unue eniig thit week. Airs. MEur>'swau lef t for a kew îveuk. vl1sit wltb relatives in Llianeapolie. .Miss Florencoe Lathrope, .f Cbivago. spent a few day.. tii week with hti mother. 'I Goot resquits always fullov thte Fai -o FoIey K~iinue>'Pillm e. fictcuutain just tb. ingrudients t'a-ecary tu, toue, etrengct'n anti regulate tte kidnet udi blatider and tto rt' hailat-lît. THAT NEXT NEW GOWN ina>' ho7 the ulceat, mast chule, mail hocoin- Ing one yau haro cvr ownet-lf Yau tievote a Ilttie tinie ta readlng the store ails. botore yau ilecIde upon Oie materiala te ho ueed. CONSERVATOR'8 SALE.thc $tate af Ililnale, Count>' af Lake, s. ra ln the Counfy Caourh>'ILLake Caunt>'. Octohor Term, A. Ci. 11110. U In the matter of thie application ot Denion Hunington, Conservator ieIe of Sophia A. Woolf, Insane, for- leeve ho sali reul eshete. wr B>' rîrtue of un ortier matie anti au- U$ta toroti ot record lu titi aboya tnthiet, Fo ceuse In saiti court on OIJW"ftthdey pol. of Oetober, A. D. 1910, shail on - Thursdi', thie tonth day of Norember' 1910, ahttie bour o! ont oclock lu the etternoon of seitide>'. on thie preni-t hme herelaafhar deecrilieti oeil ah pub- lic vendue ho the higiesh anti best The Cozy Corner bitter for cash, ail of thie rîght, Miie, Interash eut eshaeaofititi said Sophiae A B R H l A. Woolf, Insane, ln andti o the toi- BA ER S P lovlng descrIbea rouitte, situahed Lew Fiegg, Proprietor ln the Caurnt>' of Laike anti Staeo! Illinois. ho-it: Just ir onIthe mnýrun a )it rgot' vest ielf <of tp? #sottljeaquarter of ' iog anti apasotiltht'Iltemtc-r section fiteon'flu), tratownshiptfort3'- tlat.Xsnih't sbaoî, tire. (43), narhh of range. ten (10)., est ai thiethîrti principal muritiien. I LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Duhet thîs tth day o! Ochober, 1910. DENISON HUNTINGTON, Cgr n oac Conservator of Sophia. A. Woolf, b CgreniTbac saen. ;Lundry Agency Razors Honed You gtrple rornINDEPEND. -___ ENT want a"a.SoEl l hrough a Wanh Ad. La Belle Park Colo.ny. liid lclinto cetiois' f t630ta, t"ee amIn sîîbdivMidl.20 naur,'trats Çt Souihern Lacnd and Invesirnent Cot pany b'tMOND & AUJSTIN, Agenis, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. Blooded Stock for sale. at .prices anci où ternis to ,suit 4BI Inspection ie învnced of a quantity of pedigreed breedingstock which je' in excese of the requiremnts, of Hawtgon Farm. Th etock ie registered and consit of Brown Swise bull calves, Brown Swis year- ling bulle, Shorthorn yearling bulle and Berkshire and Duroc boare. Hawthoôrn,,Farm Tel*R iipha gLes yv2733 j~~Ofic.R.-F. D. No. 1, Prafri.Niew, IL. -t' '-,' -'. FAITU BY WORKS the actiaon of the seernty-two list.era. Voliva's Follo'w'ersDonatel Husiendi came, 'accompanleti b> Lbrlyto Cause. their wves, sot bath elguudseay Liborallyhem igits teothe yroparty an the I n rtgegei, casting ail befons their Scenes rilslliug the Valm>' de>'.oa! leader that lie nia> ln t'îrn ilelîer ta Dovie anti golug hlm ane botter t.01t theni tic Pronileti wondar ct. Lien place utiZMon City' Tbursclay nighiant i vie En eci casa isIgn.edanti the when setont> -tva follovers ut WilIur action vas pîîreiy volwîîary lu ever>' Glenn Voiva, their wves andti tir case. rfamilles,. acil gave thoir ail, eren hOte e administrationc building was etheîr homes by mortgaging thoîr pro- I1 svîed. port>' sud offeing the mortgage a __________ collaherel securit>' ta bacit a firet pa'- »'ln Trouble ^gain.. mniake of: $100000 <rom n ol le puryî1 John. aona>, Mon youtb arrestati chasea teaZfon cte. 'n hepu-anti ballot out aftehe ule allugudte t liae oftishil e ettvo . bar, etl ire tea ahayîtock la Sullli owncncc vhe stilt sigu , prafirtr Park,' la againlt ideepi waters,thile Ownes wh dldaigr Il a ndergtoodi that therc are a couple otfiiîndreti1 iliic' avlîtg, fit tachitrgeti, stolenaa more ,vho cr111 on a 8lgîtal glve iit aillaîtl ot rope tront Stott. tht' Mon -ta bac'k îîeîr leadier. buttcher, andcj hen broken al lime vin- WillIbe Colatorai. claveln the ,latigltel* ougîcie. 'fe cl Volilca. as ta knooc, viii bave tn i o a ly-lic oc. t ici* i .fcrîeî chool fur îay $(fieifor 7.lan pilatp tnanimal lis alpgd trilcks. îaynientq of $1c0,000 ifor eveo yt'urs andthtet balance theeclimcli year, lay- > If te camera beglos ta "'get In the 1inpg tht' Interest annîualiy aigu. va> un the hougse.' Self t--aor ex- W'imlie 1h licsait thf o cliaterai ý1change 1h for somethlag havlng a e no was reuîireci of hini atheflic nie h, anti treshIiloerait. A camera le 'ai. in Vume-e the, <leul. tirrher ha îtrengtiun w3>'i "ealiilp." tht' poslitio!ofCote & MeKinni. bro. - .j kers, retcreuentiog the' Aeicte Iealina- "NLîntit>' vter von't do toi, a mir- tienoComplany oaicamego. l100> iroper- ror'" an>' botter thaneper of a &email ty hoilers of ZMon egreeti do cone for- circulation wII darion a vent a4, met- 'r ard, place itioitgart's on their boit' lum, ngi andl delire- te mortga4ges as cl latralte he orkrs gotha th tiet heInd 1.1 tnlgises you ail the ti' M. 9a1.th oitr.50taitt lri Th i et1payomant o! f î,tIn luguaranteeti by nwso atthe caunni. buUft. W .IfflpBpf -4 A t. Êid.. - $CM & 8»74ZPI. 409 PeulSt.. New Yoga a