estmtes t'bâtlt'au of f*0 UooAWI busheis ot'cornVoduoed in IlInoft a abipw it thlIe flaswlere. is lPM- Wth te »OAOO bubela sent away It W6914 ho possible te fatten 2,M.0,Oq steemaor their aqalvalent lb gany otli- er Ilisestock. and tba fertilser prq, duced durlng tItis feedllig pracesa would Inorasuathe annuaI- bosible, pm,,dfiu 01the satte yh. I 010 11400uno. c aWi tdaisnq, "The Impotace of .axlWl 1ifsti4i A ieans *f'aintSftaiing agrîcule clprospsrty la clesly ludilMed tDte bistori afili4tWun. A fmlef n >Softtaîulaara (o', ond ii f sotn Dedmark àad: H " bd w1th tho e icant Whieu tae Èmeîtta or..,t th ih and...t .4 'Yt lie Wo5t of Iaeua ce vpryrnoch Ekio -Moi muttrd AnaYse, Probiem. f fumera of ladjail nentut tg l 4 1 beleve thet iane w ,Il corne wbau ttaUe Pmi clone relation betweeu lise. , AUCTION S MIS tIt vill be onsldered bai econmicn Az ato ra.plaro rs "i" . ab M OW 9 aéuiod nte lowbm t 0te btransport xamnberless carloads.,and - >a ra.pantaaed IIiIS 'O*qBto c te shlloads ctgrain to far distant lmis ae~ fOlilIi Oann U,»!~î01 s~Olfttt1$a forfeein paposs, sad pf itiseimâ, marketiog of lise stock, itvri os* ,nq id. os*li* »fftér.,ý"ItMaybeeve lipes uï tpeiment station at Urbanm lias 5 u!Ptbwest ofIAia 7000st. où Mumofl. "t my e een mpo e, Uen xlatun the lar Wd5s5 ts 1,11,«diej e- ~all, for irahaportation companlsWtd 044~ (N'rom Wei»dl ap n.) liandie aebtraill. Already rallrna kebt c ages and grides of meat. «l~sco*aarp, the folwu kt, o.tsKW 4m are basing difflcuîty lu bandlng the The ullethile wrItten liy Lenis D, pl bon~ d. (lu(~j ~5Iaaa~ OrOalt vlum 0 buiner .Thie finli, irbo 1laassistant ta Prof. Mloi- ea iorattl. as follows .? In ýWsgoet th.* bo,"a »"15q45 . ,baesslty of keeping the coat of îa<a.Js ord. It exli5ne conditions Ibat gos- lI»Si bre ue iielsf ar bs ~ *wim re mch of the masses, tliat , e f05Btor c meais la the 4 ' j coo4 flilk -ows, à two.1 *wa« se of ek e evi lathe nb alithat the iaborlin $ .an marke'lts. Q ýe l fes, I tbrosa.year lis à t tNN pýiowluig ~oraunbe hall nourislxad and blghly ef- Ail oftevarlous cnta are îadicatuued'~ ul yaln *Vs i*ba ie lien< will oeatnally, dempail tst bY tfo1çaiagay tthe pue- J, y ~ad wis:i0m ïjl4 o -W uh an teditànca batweeu Uthelrotilcar and; PO" ô0#f pléIg sat lnfo*uatm ~W ifsd =8081cosunlar le .ltortined. 'pIthe reaab ut the growef, wbd *14s# tilnotbyliy 'a et ofper, ' TIta taaing of morn; ad éier, 'tMst s aderale iadstance frea mte r M ~~oftre la to b. bullt u>.lira stockt onthe faim promptes avent. murkt. The abultm iadlcntps jual I lO iibin tàe, ti3là.ci Agriculture orf'thie'or Internat tu fantslite. The tendeur; 'j4hit sort, ut çattle-ab leep, or lbota "mpbm tai stitck ptraw VnwentIi ot fminois liaigrappffl for thie boys and girls, the.yonnt men wil ell best,, and wby. ~ ~ EIPtials t.1bag w8h the. problequ Cf seeklng waysanad dyoung woman, ta leqve' the farm _e la 1,ýood racku; 1t ie Mosas ef inciaisng productlin &W'early la ganeraily regretted. i ventura Awltb PROF. W.où 1 .;B1Egond sYINe vlbat itwWikeeppacewttqlaecreasa te say tbat no single agricultmral re-{Ipo., 1.BE E YN a'(9 lnhrerie -ap, ,le9; i nesiov, lUa umi*iOlL If the iworkfWins, It construction would Inereasetiten -1 2 t*ealr *eed buggy.,ultit .~ ar 001@. lflnol.ste.d1 ot bing lu fdency mors certainly and more ri Pmfeucor Emeritus or Agriclue trl è ~ os te sia»og tsrmig StlsU Ilat ldls tlinau ageneral abandoufment aof aio clentîflo Schoeh4trIcken. 4!0..g; 1 new cutopr;buggny;î1, open ea t n u t î i o n ré u r os j'fve stock husban4r y.. j-. n v c tt r f n m ll 4 % tbà _o nly noi; 1 Prairie City seedar, 1 Deoro as pa? ~ 0 te oâ j,'1'l aiar ord, l.bUnt ~r'-Ysrroteaxoreme uM lade; 1Deer .od sudotulibla en pr ftea rg-as an Important taçtorin agricuuultur ture nbeT0e or @gldscanIfcplouge i lxtaen-gallon scaiding bell' topeaý ai wiu. whicbmuatImIpot practie sand yurerove foraraer the rehtool, and' a former prehdntofte i, - upw.Bain wagon. 3-incli tire; aiet bSf il III~~ b.l' fOdUUfOt oat werftul'magniet tat attracts Arctlc' Club,af.-Ameriera. 'la crltically 1'W", e8incliie; 1 liay -rack. net àtrapmm uroff@i"" ls Ilwo. am ous the irIentesat ami list 1i111aid. accordlng te a atatement mado e [ a'pew i1Deevilg morer: i t5001 U=Usaq ur,, aro irasd yonag mon liy bis £on. It was flot,«epectsd tbfa,!oI Dl.suk ullaor n - slU y~int i au. v yun omea. An agriculture lie iol ieiiagl b hr.B'otber e.rtles Itoarnerons tq mai-. t ttinoftewllbout lise stock leblreatend wIthla - i Id 'toli ataioa0f IabeamAn abuinésasprosacted - A gemeral brenkdowun of liasîblidueot1l'tq. Iquciai oen. Ojaq "a = *wiy tbq Ws VcItrely ignorant clan wbo ie ot 'er;aîî age Is th e cause - of.Bw-Uutqnsasa. b«W to, ai14ad ta M.. r Mob ole. but bocause it ers raid cvl, '* H areo v aaiJACOB MOORIE, Prop. lm stock =1 7%0 repu«nfInerHevaci1U1107,115 I8UL . . , __ mthm ou ln i 84.DT Ao~~ner To 1134tt#O Bummr Por. . ge. .. .. c Hind Quarte k 1.... l..itc Fore ....e........ ...... L.g 13caPE, ICL LI. ................1 c ....... ilge K»We 4Zdero4 Lard .....140 Mu porf Ac- sud .......180 Leaf -lard . . *. d14 piga Foot ..... ..... nELECT SPRIMG LAE SindQute i Lamb àtow ......... ......8 SPECiAL 1137 Native-Pot tasP«rlb... ..... ..... St e dG PlneRh oi b ............. . 11 M e iîWOBftd per à.l ............. le or Ovor. ;SJ 8tureday eu* tiat, hWhm teva t4 s"fi afl lib. #à pu Ra at ifa but. r_ know tb hatIrei te. o, 1s io 00 productot etap. *r le consunisi ad ie rq me aul or t". wo* M tprorisi tbcya tt wb«eagMRXoUtw i"1 ctablllei eciat îs.*0anIaimet tm mW ta il taI Ilote 'eCyq tht ature bm mg >Bs proed more M «tule ralslag te a4 peu Vture. bave lqeo baiL oPIba*oth* j te gea awn tbf sl %ý the# laid bas tu a lew ycars. lat th* mcoitimule st iho*u box it la bm of potatesondm tLatw m uso ek la" wak t me m*fief Iw burtl ta" tthe r tic 0 l 105-107 Genosee .Sre Waukegan ~-$10.00 Taîlored ut e .....$49O5 $15.00 Tailore4d Suit. $7.95 $20.0.0 Tailored Suits.... $19.00 $30.00 Tailorca 8utB ....15.00 M 35.00 Tailored Sùta...... .$17.50, 1ed idsonuely ,trlmmeid lesi worth to *.0 Over 400 beauti listas, large ,aw Every one wort $6.00. ChaH en1 'Ncr two $15.00 Ail Wdol Dresses. .. ...5 $17.50 Ail Wooi Dresses .... $100 $20.00 Silk or Wool Dresses .$17.0 $27.50 Evening Dresass 1.I $35.00 High Cias. Dresses ....U0 $40.00 Exquislte Qýows ..... .09 .11 $1.50 black rustling petticoats.............. 09e $1.13 guarant eed kid'gloves................ 850 $1.75 genuine ieatherhand bags ....... .8ft $2.50 hair switches for .,... ... . ... c Ladies' 69e fiannelette gowns ......... .49e pull' length kimonas for ............7ft Fie pure silk stoeldngs ........... 296 Wooien Coats, Girls, nobby 'effects, dresseg, for""" pure sergeo -1{atly trim'led dresses, 2 to 14, Yeffru> $2 value, Baturday Nov. Mb T o~ms SALE $10.00 Fuil Lengili Coats $ $16.50 Full Length (Joats 8 1 $20-00 Ê~ull Length Coats $IDA $25.00 Pull Length Coats $...8W $35.00 Full Length Coats ... $UA *5W.00 >Full Length (coats . $..9M A àetof black' - Purs, large pull log tbrow. Ohallenge prie.... Your ci Purs, of Permin1 Or tom n * mi u Walter, The hil Rondoùt. ty Ilina,fi ('Onk ( fsyrnars( ta convin isisoni t expensa < drainage drainage wil l be i the canai rock et extrema i tbey havi th"y gai sanltary expenga dltch. wl fatbered, Ilonaires Ibeîr low Ost abai cosuty in The cn Webb, pr -White,1 John Var infects gV lignnlt point sou the hait .. :th the 'riday at The eai aàs swaî * he for i 'g tu tri ,,cg. In i .'. Ogdeu * Wr Mee) acier pis nisbed 29' ais tu 515 annaounç# cess It vs district a the KelII plant mat i of tii In Tlhe dri i'ide at il at the ta; deep._ For lte la dry u< plished It lands, The ci, of Napan vation wc court cos slghted li coat ail tg The sami bllced np the land fifty*two wara exc spots bel roats, ait at otbers missioner logs coul fected. The sp next'sprl erty owîc own exp four litai tl ,tloned away. ' district p. )lunaires' The es the Easti ty lifte bi il; wll li of the C Besida, ir plan ;Ilefleld fIl tappli lTshe e serais C. 0 Mj ............. --------