the, beneficial cf- 4uI's mmli la ver>' short time. It bot ont>' builds her up, lut enriches the mothces mnilk and properi>' nour- ishes the child. Nearly ail mothers who nurse theirchildreflshould take this splendid food- tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to pr operly nourish their 5aais tkio,d Loch Psa1. a rrBOWXE. 409ad niSt. New YSml YORK HMUSE. MWe~ Cherles lloldrldge entartaineti ixnff n fom Kenosba,.buuday. Mre. Jae Brockoon and chiltirea spent lw day. wlLhb ler mother, tr@. Rous Vrt. Ira Roltiite enterteineti tom- iay frmoarth Chicega, Sunday. M& endi lire. adrlan Rertar tram lbw i vtld a ipw iepsattehome ý G, lfelson. Phey ao entensaineti 8i spprd' and B. T. 'RaleatioveP ~Uwbo were present heard a moat 4a.aI sermon fmou Dr. libephaird Md4 Vrs. Chas. Btierfl.ofa vill, Vsei Mn daniTues. bakvd Adanis.. leste Neiso, of Hertord,-Uleb., lutA wesi wlth reltives andt Dmy lue solti bm ata PhoO. îmeta Md fm"*, o(if bleg, p la tw te itMsd sal sundey t*mu". 8%-A nuSen*. $OMuSeustahi Md ac Dewy, rqvgi, lldhrevemu » *,dWalter Prehma d-,oti 'bl all gem.e asPelet»lu et ise~. .cbuiakrfou ai Williamb ~bmker t. sicic witb eppondiale. *ri Lécdnsaiaabougbt dv acres IMa. ai FMatiKeebkar ed ant nts @4 u priÙ.~ Wy fl lUaen biacarloadaf choIe. Mtowati dspringere shippeti ber. ma %be k yards laut Tuestaz. by 4 04.amI, the traie was wrecieti Iwila egwo ced loudont andtI al Di bav.e aothe r anla ntiwe hope -bave better lnck. Albert Kclg., ai Freniont, bcd tbe Wortuieto brMk bis leg ant i ieocete èa*ofidar leut Suîtiay wbile retura- « bome wtiibis uelhbar, flernuan Oier," wbuce.'borée, stertedti trua sd tbrew Iheqi both ot near ah. bueI boues.UM, Fisber reeetvati a faC Wu"bises, M. Kn1gg Cas takea the M apis -Let bolieanti D-. .o*oh andI Shorer,- ai Barrington, geauniooi. . aw restang as, *9lOlimleas mc ehaexpcteti. Ibii Who wsre nither absent nur w4y dunnzkethe montb of October orere *sllws: Myrtle Relier, Rose Prebun, nm Pnihm, 'aineFrank, els Bil. na Mran Janoen. Base»'Young, &We goero. Robent Kasteu. Rtoy â- F4ok siaKohl, BesaeecCertby, borlegboru, John Fnooelcb Elaa pa.Raymond Witte, Eaul Frank, S hedr, Arthur Froallcb, Carl PJer Pott, RImer Mcartby, hIKleuper, Leroy Baller. Rasai Kohu, Mma Wlle asti Leroy Berghoan. »Mae tvvag Payas gave e nceptiain ig'Ilonyoiay for tire. Carr anti Mia%0 ai aoeio"Ilmr, santirUe. Wilcaixý 1$'10 Cronkite. of Loyelanti, Cola. a"d tMr. George Rase etteatied a ÏewW08 Party lu Edgeatea, Monday Sarm'annous.gave a doce l ie as"~ bora REWloweon. 1. L . lynBola he aving a bat water plant put la big home. The.echoir wllnet for reheersel et MIr». Lathrop's Frlday nigbt. Prayer meeting lsa ow hielag held on Wednesday nlgbt. The Christian Endeavor lias beeunr.- arganised. Net SuadaY lgbt at 6:45 wlll b. tbeir Jlrotme-tng. MisesEdith Rlofnan wPl fead. Everpon.eleomo. Both apetdy and 1EVocîive liii, indicato. the action of Foley Kldney Pille as 8., Pansons, Battie Creek. Mic., iUlustratea: "I have been afliicted with a severe case of kiduey and bladder trarbie for wbich 1 fauad no relief until I1nsod Foley Kîdney Pille. Thaeecured me enlrey of' aIl my &il- mente. I wae traubled with backaches and severe .heotlng pains wltb eaaoy- lini unlnarY irveguiarities. The staady ue of Falay Kldney Pille id me eatirely oi ail my former troubles. Phev bave mY higlact recommndaton.* F. B. LovrELL COMPANY. PALAM .1 ýMr@. C D. Taylor bad for ber $nete Wednesday bar filter, Mm. Tuttle, ot Barrngton, and aeice, Mr@. LauraDLxoa oi Logenoport, lad. jfro. S. E. Huiett, wieof Dr. Hulett. of Chireo, will leave eoon tO @pend the winter in Texas. ýpr aunt, Mms Clark, wiil romnain ia Paltilnetbia winter. Miss Lydia Langrath, of Chicago, was a guet- of :mi.gEmily Hitzman oter Baturdayand Bunday. Mirs French and daugbter loft reeatly for Wl lmiagton, Ill., ta e@pend the.wiater Marrieti et the home af the bride ln Palatine, Saturday, Oct. 29, Mies Aman- de HRainmanlg, youflgest datighter o1 tbe lete Fred Rarmaung. o! thia place, to Edwin Diciman. !onnieriy ai Palatine Rev. Daniel lPolat. a Hnntlep, bas eccpte'the lb ofiaith. Luthera cburch enti wilI b. lastalleti ber. Nov. 13. Ri wlll presch la Enflib oce e moWtli. Tbii ade Aid goeityw il hald au wnmil Beoseat Be cbbergere flill, Fnldow evonlng, Nov. . .Supper ivill b. .evvd r. 6 p. m. until ail aie âmed. 4Unît 25c, children 15c. Sale baiml..inmedltl, ater supper ia ?"d be bond willi" sy t intervals durltitIb«esal. Tbe laies of tbha sCOcIsaywili rdt on. of thoir popular *vt OasvlSomo. Thtikes the Baking sette c ail t'e araiment imiposible witb "Io hsw iiaat I il iiaira y.u btter Wke the asbakmarsill bhovS - '.1-.kasw that it wtl le more o..ony rate& AndIre w. asictieCaaumet lm mora ecoomiai. bth l laite ýandiceat. We hssw thes. ties. lissasse v bavs put the qaasity ilot-w.abey ses. itatrisiout in evsya, Oa,.XIt ia aussiDow à nmillions of hom gec sd ia saies.ara e az gd.all. i:la iba mobdembalaos positon. Have y". ai atl? Col-mt ls higest iiin ult- mnotiatlasie.. Lasaissi HisSait A.c.,d u i , la of y c v EL L. BtreaU glae tili very fil. Dr. KnjgIt Franrk Dorter heu! tb. misiotans ta i Wauisgaasud Dr. Palmner, ai Grays- break one of te Ibe ilibons la b> leu,6 ake wee cgedlae wS toconuitw bile helplng la poli badge lest wesk. weh r. celled lmst waaek conuilTh. Ladile'Aid anti Cemetany Society rltbDr.Jamsso. Mse as5uaeeDwill meut wlt lite. Gertie Beach Phure- f Chicago, la bie nurse. di, Nov, 1). -As Ibere le woni tu fhe Murtia Ceunon lota Weduesday for. dome, IL wili b. .a al day meeting. [udîceva, lad., for bis bealth. . Ladies plesée. brng.lunch Mn. and lira, Victon Rmohack anti' Our polpit wea oc0cuppieti by one t(f the prafieore -1ADm the Chicago Pbea. àialdrea ad MisesMamie Trotter-' ai logical BSeanlrlest Sunday. ieîtoed Mr. and-Mmln. A. JK. Bain Bunay. Umis Opel SvâIltheb gueet of ber Mm. Mrhe Geil, ai Highland Park, cousin, Laie. tbis weekK uaat Bunday wiab ber consin, tirs. J. Groatly reduaSi prices on 1 tnliud Mm..ChaO. Aimes wiliI@Pendi the winter bats et Nebru*lieto lre, #ocýS lier. 111. ntb is parents et Fart Atkinsan, Nbh. E. andt B. Bardici04c-- Mne. John Hu«bes, ofaiLke Villa. spént geverel deys iith, ber dengbternr. R. ÂUotiQU88 . L. Sarang. Rer grand tieugliten, Jeesie Ane, iiI aay witb ber for awbile. Havlng sald niyfaa 1 wilil oeil i pnblienoutioni 8 miles oute af Oraqse 1. B. Tapie Nov. 6, "Secrete of Happi. lake endi 3 mile. urnaoi vanhoaor os" Job. -'): 17-27, Prov. 3:13-8, Rnby Pueati, Nov. 15th, caimaencing ai Clevelandi, leader. 10o 'cloek- the iollowiag dascribed <N prapanty to-wlL: 18 head i o!cettle. 5 RUSSELL epingons. baeaoe'new muonsr, 4 2-pr aId huifer@ eprnigg, Holatein bull 2 y r liey. and tira. ovejoy are @pendlng aid, grey team of beau-p coite fnll the week la Chcago asiting Itar. Chap. brothers comlng 2 anti 3 v ru old, blaed man la is work. colt coming 2 ru aid, sati by standard E. 'A. Iteeve. spont Sunday in Chicago breai trotting hanse, bay col& 51* montho with bis anut. bred frf nm trotting barme, 8 full blutai Jensey lied bn<iad eows vit 150 eaeh, tira,. Chas., Engena andi Waa. Connes Deenlng greiti inder, Daaring corn attendeti the tiairy show av sFride>-. harveatan new, (labornamower. Prairie J. R. Corna anti iaanily spa't.8un6ap (City 14 hanme seeder e'., Dalcy cari è,t Mliura with the Young iaily. pieuter anti 80 roda aire, pulvanizr tir. Jîus Ltti ieauentiung ernew, 2 sulky cutivators, 3 eection Mr@.Jares itte ientrtaulaherdraga, land roller, sulky plow, 2 waIlh matlier. ing ploçé@, 10 foot Decnring"liay raite 2 truck wagon.s 2 Inch tires, 800 lbe WEST REMON@csoles, grindaona, barrel tant. stwq3borft WESTFREM NT. evenere. 25 grain baga. 2 eeated @urrey, Mi@saAima Meyer wili @peand a maathrb aa wagon,. aiuble waî'i bannese et ber bouie-o.e > single bannes, 20 ablpping tans, ho@ Mie Aua Brna ilattadig halaasrac-k, woad rack, 10 Lan@ claver hay lu collAa Elgin. edig usneiobarn, quantty of carnastaika la staci' collee et lgin.800 hushel o of aiate, 30 hochilharley; John DbaiatfadgalIenia aai terme. andi creamn separator n oahebsBrry Falrn Joux. WAGNEc, Pnop. luit waek. ANREuaW WAGNER, Auctioneer.' j- State of Ilinois, Cilty hi Lake,as.. Circuit Court of LaIe. .C*unt, De. cenuber Terni,-A- . 11.O Proeinck Crawford vs. Nathaniel Parka, >Lydie Bartan. Cbarlee A. Parka,, Sylvine Bush,.Kunîce Pr'ost, Mcmi ire- sine, Blanche Jaeger, Orrahinesine, Adelbort Oshorn, Glbert Oshonu, Nel- lie 'Snesehy, OrvIlle Vincent, Abantue' Vncent Grae.Parker,. tmerly Ore.'incent, Ida -Bristol, Lewis Paifrmpkle Pcrka, Miei.Park,. Sarah Smite, Benjamin 'Stone., WiI- lisea Stan, Atwall, Walter Johnson, Jullus Johinson, Martin Johnsoni, Dela Whiteley. William Parka, Charles W. Parka, Frank Parka, Orphc Parka, Ar- tbur Parka, Hlenry Parle,, Barnard Perka, Olive, Prost, Esther Boneeteel. Mery Bonesteel,Dellila Clark, Franklin Larabea, Oliva $prague, Theodore Larabe4 ,LumenuLarabee. Qroon 148v- Abeeancd Aie Vincentad the un- lenoy hiihenet law, neit ofai km legs- tees ant ivses aiReuhen Parka ati Albert Larebe., anti the unknown Owners ai tee real astate ln tee Bill ,of Complaint deacribei. In Cliancery. No. 4808. Sctlaiactory cfftdcvlt that, tee place of reeldeace of the defendiat, Ovphe Parka, lu unknown andt upoa dusead diligent Inqulvy canant b, ascertelnsul, ".# thet the defendant. Adeibert Ou. borD, lias gone. out ai Lb. Stete ai Ilimais ad la nat now c resident of tha State aifIllInots, no teSt proces cannot h.e snveti upon sither of 1the chove-nometi defendiata. havlng beeu Lb. ollice ai the Clarkkf aiît!l Court. Notice la therefor. beiahy given te, the sltOpf ark nd Aslelbert Dao leedeta foreesii, that t. . eoa eei complainant heretafora Il1ed bis Bil ai'-dam- plaint ln aaud. <haurt.< -on Lb. Chan- fceny aide teeréot, cati that. a nummons ther*upas i wsueut out- ai scîi Court returnable on Lb. tiret day oi theeOctobea. tan. of th Circuit Court ai Lais", aay .1. the Li Court Hanse i n Waukepn 'la sald Laite Cauaity, on the frei Mondey of October. A. D. 1910, a. 1% by law re- quirai, anti whilc suit la stili peiiting. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clérk. Waukegan, Illinois, Octaher 25h, A. D. 1910. FISHER & VIBHER & D. U4 JONES, Complalnantge Bolicitars. Raviag decîde t t quît farmlng 1 will seul et publie *uotion en tbs premisse ktnawnlbheBush faru 1 mile west oi Lîbentyville on Batundsy, Nov. 12, commenclug ai 10 a'clock the following prorperty to-wtt: 2# bondi af caIlle, truh2 with calf by .14.. haleons. .1k- lng; burbani bah 2 yre aMi, 2 halèe.7 montbs aId, boit 7 niantbes ad, 4 hanses, black bars.ei6 yrn id, wt 1859-,bey borai. 4 yr. olti. wt 1850; bey borne 7 yrs oid. wt 1-200; gray mae 8 pie aid, Ct 1240; Déering grain bnder. rkerng curahîunier. Deenlag niower. Deurlalg a? bey raie, Prairie City seoder, Janearil C ienieenî Janeeilue corna planter. 2 re cultivatore.,1bhanse culiveon, section drg, 3 section drap,Wrldlg plnw, 2 wclog laws, pain bo buig. 800 paunat male, lunuber wagon, 3%liM tire: miii wagon, double wagon box, :te@] tire %tp uqy, be, rock.gnend- etone. 10 1uIk'ceas, bey cerrier witb mnr andi puliqye 125 Sot bai nope, tWoo nets double hbeaui, 1i ms a e-', elole herness, 85 acres cornnlaàsbok cut wlthbluder, 1le basetscm ola oeils, 1000buehel eWoanwbiteocets253toim tu eylabamu, 15tocs o! bele *a»k. B. Nsimuà, ?rop. Gu<ae Tas.,Anuuesirm. "Yeu orepile mireNgPND EST »M ea01a11. Ma"y Lboetyvlle Roader Have Boardi It andê Pro- fited Thoreby. "Good neiva trevels fast," and ti thousands of bad back suiffer, LiIbertyville are gied Itu lesantbi pr~ompti relief la withla their roe Many a lame., weak and aebins beck bad no more, thanks ta Doan'. Kidai Pilis. Thousandu upon thomeande, people are telling tbe good news of the experience with the Old Quaker Remed, Bert in an example Worth readiag: tMis. El.hI.- Jenson, Calhon tme Waodstocký,III., sayw -'1Ihave on: Word@ et praitfe or' Doa's Kidney Pl 1 bave used them mad have receivedi uauch beaefit tbat 1 coasider it my dui to tell aLlier partent of ibis remedy. augurrit for two years from pains lnar b"sud a aureaee easIy ldnej aad wbea 1 caught cold, my back beca, lame. Hesdachea amil dizsy apelis aie bothered me and I conld ot do ar work. 1 finaliy procuredt Domn'* Kidnt Pillea a>d 1 bave iaîprovedl etesdily ali uslug tbem. The pain la my beck hi disappéer.d and. I font better in evei FormBae bylideaere. Pries 50 ceai Fotter-Millbura Co., 'Buffalo, N w Toi soie agent for the United 8=aes Remember the aau.e-loau'--u take nDo 0ther. (1-2 Good ReauIts Always Follow The use o! Foley Kidaey Pilla. Tie are uphuil ding, aareagrtheuing ai soothing. Tonie la action,lquick1 reulte.&F. B. LOVKLL COMPANT. Âuotion Sale. Elaviag decided ta quit farmiag 1 wl oeil at public auchlon on My fari uituatied 5 miles west of Waukegan, mile West of warreatoa Station, 4 miles nortbeaot ai Lihertyvilleo Tueeday, Nov. 15, 1910, cunsalg 10 o'cfock a. m., te oilowinst dcrtb îroperty: 20 head ef catle18 cou apringers, 1 aow Mueci, 'heln( mulking- 2 8-year aid boliers, 8 2-y.. oid. bei're, Swise ball 2 yrs aid, fu bload Holstein ball 1 year aid, hu drlvlag mare 8 yre aid, ivi 1100,.tire by> Haokr qy dam Nutwood-, brow mi 7 y ri old. wt 1250; boy hors. 6 yrs ai wi 1850; 2 braod aown. 16, pige, çboaie wt 175 eacb. Poaed China boa 12 full blaod @lois coDatI thode i4lou Red eccerels, 100 bueibel vjp> 19 bombel white suedas, 20 tout chut tlmothy bey, stewk .1mwni, 00aom cW cora eut bv band. 16Q>aboulie of coi eut by b1inder, 20 bulâst! teaie., Bot Ilaand bey leader.**itw C0araal mower, NcCormick bey rake, f00,1 @"edr' Toun eeDise .barrots, s.ction, leverbeow riding enlalvato Miayflower No. 4 enîtivâar, poal billet', wa 3 luth .tise, .11k- wag<c cart. estouble barnse, Appleton bru I oweri8iloch fend au~e, 16 incîaPlo 14' lhPlow. 14 inch sod plow, hm arack, 129 .0k canefron hotg., gris, etoce, Obunk ptva, gressibox. mai other articles oomimeons th Mastic, Usuel teni&,'Pmslafi" e0 4oo8. SJoue MOOMM. ,Prop. Ouons VouAutiloer. 8*lf Ift th.ugh a Wiit Ad. Knssa OlI Cty Lad *OolnJNeu.soeqe and Snrrndemu MAKCS'IIAIR GROW "Iwleh ta do au unusuai tpulng, os. Car," sald Hsrry Wilson of Kansas City ta 013 cer Davis at the Waakegan As'Ic o doctor If dm e. 1 aliythiig I*jrlous hme. Otation alter 12 a'clock Sunday mer. A* Mm DIalso If flier. làfnot genuimneriet hure. lntg. 'I arn waated la Kansas City fW a lBrus affense and 1 wish ta give Myselt uP, aamaire a snbreast i l of IL and al e. punlshment.',-v.t."t e8li-e sef np, but now, la a strénge EW TH TI ET.WANCOi.Soltn City, boutefeu., wlthout money, and Cacr oie wlthout work, I muet do it."C'ldtm FrDsrc n tt ma lilînois 'Then he told bow there la a, warrant C o&auntFo Dsict nd. Catyof lies Out. fer hlm etKan'c it adbwCircuit Court ai Lake Caunty, licemi bis tailer hiast long pieaded wlt b lm brTri .D 90 ta survender hlmseli. The officer The correct statemtent of the coinb- TeuA 0 90 plete ticket for thfitgeneral election I Anale Kuebl vit Hennuan Kachl. la Il ocked lm up as veqajested. tNavember 8, withôut the naneof Chancery 'N, 4909.a t Tyrreil Ots@Contessiol. comnintteenteat or state candidates,,Ia Satisfatary affidavit, thut the defeuid- -Sunday Assistant Chier, or Police 1asîallOwa: ecnt Heuti andKiielal, tn diigtr tYrvl eliscured a complete confession ,Congressan,,-George Edmadcaut afnd -bi padctlat pn dilienot. r Ffocale rmefotWisn h s, Rep. Rchard E. Fianegan, inquli is lc iradnecnn ' wrcrtained go that aracees cannait b" I Kansas City Police werè at once inoti- fitn.Scat.0.BrnPo;M.dveiun m bii W le nth ýlied and their onders as ta the dispos- Ie;reeetatlt't-Edward D. bt- ithCi kisador. d Nôtiee ile therelanp e areb la traia tathre t'an or the selftconfessed $400 'an, loi i).; W1H. t1kers, Rep.; Thos. *ài(l enraKnPhl, dPiraaiaat as ainre- -11 11urn, Dnt. Ju, MAnderson' ~Pro.. Ioad thief, .wbo Icys bis rada ta drink l.rederlck Mains,.Soc.: -I H. SIEger; iaad that tho aboye ameada Comcplaianat and thé fast lie, are awclted. and A. Kt. Str'arnas ladependent. lieretofore tilt'd ha-r Diii oi innplaint ia * onday Wilibn tala iebisstQry tu a (oct1.u rP. IL. Pericons, Hep. adlur.o h iinc~ad hrîf SUN reporter. (auiity (bl A. llende. Rep.; udtît aurîa, lcauua ,c" a' ' W*IIIiim ..Wýar'l. Deia.; EA X t otf laidaCourt i sr auiati" iJpab Pr Thle prey ai conscience, l'arry Will. raîf. Pro.;:.Albert lar.son. F" A' l Jcuuiiîi.ocrr iae',atlw tirt an son, aged 2$, ai 743 S'aaduiuky treet. 1Slieri E G' reeai. Ra. I.: .1a. .1taa.a ii'i~r'utiXîrri I-Kansa Cita,Kansas, Sunday norniag % orley. D II,;îenry tC iu, Pro.: îU. ;vt'e)aiiita'. Ita pl,el dai 1ah ' ient at 2:0 avehîasliUp a hepoi 'ua e Sac. 'ilJ in i au kegaàil l itdl.aîke et,12à gan Tîeel'up urtcr t pil Cunl P. Wa'etir- i'-maritay. aIticwfi retilorîanlity.vf 4i i'.iber se et Waukegan. with the assertion that j . RId, te, %jW N. IOoale>. Deln.; anal IA 1) 1910.a. t y arlaw rei1iii'd and b, lo a guiltY ai a diamond thpit and!lRobert Glese, Soc. wliiJ-'i i it i- atiill lini. 6, desiras tu atekathe couseqaîcacea. ; tainty ijerntendent a Sof oi- . WnIlilaiichK %A% ,Clerk. )g Wilson aserts that In miii AîîgustT.Atlràipin t-;Fizltfr .1)190 afi' whlle employed ast a painter hy is' Sac..*t: v 1-..4-4aî I t Sî îi Aaîendueats ta tbe thrçe "litîle îal-________ T. rallier, D. C. Wilson af Kansas drfy,) lotst" ta hae vated et the November el- Hexamehyieoelrsmnine temptation overcame hlm wbea lie!ection, were recei',ad today hy Caun- a sUrta 'uuîcl n wceworingon pentlg jb fr ty >'Clark Hendea irani Secrelary aof ~Istoe ~viubeiindet ' wasworingon plintng ob or t-Stais James A. Rose.fte ny auieisrdet f torneY F. F. Read ai Harrison. houle.%In. Rose la a commnuncaîoa says Ftley'e Kidim ie.v teuedy. Hexaa.ethy- - ard, Kansas City, andi ho took twa) whiié tbe 'propositions as tirat stat- la-n etratitine in re.'o"rized l'y iedieu'al diamonti ring.- velued et $400, oilal Pd Include cail tbat la really aeceaery teSt booksanad authanitie. as a ui' dresser la a bedroom aif the Reed raes-il, leadvisable If the ballots bave aao a,'id suivent andal ni eptic for theutrinse. dec. H ystahactad aaYtbeenprlnted. ta add a clause ta Toile Faley's Kldriey litmedy praaaîîtly Idne eas th terad ah et the lirst sign of kidneF trouble and salti the rings ta two Young men Amended, the flrst little ballot wîîî avoidi a serions mclady. friands ad pocketed the proceetis. read as lllaiv: F. B. lInVt.tCrI'.s Then, hieaceentsa oherlng irom tbe "Shalh tbe next General Assemhly suhmlt tu the votera ai tbe sttee af LOW ROUNO-TrRIP FARÉS TO THE prolongeai dcbaucb on wbice cd Ilîlinolseat the aaxt iollowlng staea ORTHWEST beau, hoe grew filîtenati sud fert élection anuaeadment ta tbe state IKaA uCity. jConstitution providlng for the scoutrol Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul lo a ileghisîtian by thePepea Y means Riwy He viated Milwauakee, Cbiccgo, ofai uicreferendm ad Initiative; sait!aUay tWtertowa, Racine and finally Wauke.. atndctaic provide for theic lits" Telle nalvautage ofte. 1w round-trip tn lasworlilng asbistrade.'to f1 Pna iat'ttion oil (artsee ln e ffecluthtie D uring tels timneh li an wrltteir ta'hIîs 8par cent of the votera, andi fer the -4thr u.eii$3'OIfCih mcaiithduanaîug re ftbe, h Bes, nce wak aterbIsreterence of! elîtatlon îipon ac et.'î.the ramauinder ai 1910 iîî'îîiinvaatigults fathr, ie sysoncea wek aterbistion of aIllepr cent af the votera. thae s.t.eLlae wnderfîîl aýtuiîiuitia i lilinot@ escapade, getting an answer lit wblcbtLion af the mejanity oi the electoreai01tluiinumse aluîg the ne'. 1luan bis fîther commandet i hm to glve1 voilng ta baé final thus rcstorlng tu theeMuilwaukee& Puager toMuîd iiwuty la blusaît up, cnd once itter, gattîng a IPéOfllae liower tbey once field, but the D)akctaa. Mointan. Idatio andi M lk. awaiy at RacIne Sunay. whicb rhey delegatedti tathe flenercl iiaabîngt4)i. 'lle tu it:k0eu-r final The ettr begedhtmto grrederAaaeubiy by the (Constitution?"' returDutliai f25 daya front datIl.oaisale Tha ettr hegadbtmta srrader The second proposition resais laa fol- and pennita! lib('ralmtoljauvu'rp. l>escnp. ancatite hie Punicbment and hae con- lows: *'Shaîl the acit GeneasitA- tivo literatir and full information cludedti t do so. Sa lie came to 00em>îl extend the menit sYstani hy front any Cbiîýago, Milwauk" e iSt. Wcukganat a'lo, the enactue t ai a cosapreblenalve and Paul agent or rjane.ciiti&tiu c Or A. WAuega et9 oclok:Scuvtay night adequste statas civil service iaw, thug IL uLER, <jenenui l'Paims.naur. itz"t, th and cter midaîglit snmmuned up the prmotIng e0fcieacy and econumy?" Chf~icagoa. 4 -it la courage tu make a-élean breast af it. P hro idaedmn akste Sllt Attornayf Reeti ai Kansas City .l rai pnopyoaition rend as iollows: "allit h. patedt i e '«ealthy. Wio' ab the next General 'Assemhly eaact a 1 b ar ha'aearts la Wails-osu b.carrîapt îracttees cl, limiting(fie sum le r.ho- ssrt, a el-toan h acanadidate ati bis supporters niTheCozy Couner 1Y attenae that hae gives hlmsîlIf up only spend aeekIng office, and Praaidlng inDP y(1 Oi to maie e burden on bsf clya Itemizeti satement titileroacth 1BARBERLU S110P.J Lb.rbis iamily slowlng ail expenditures so made, far air iglier.wbat jaunioses made, and frram whati Law FPiaggProprieter Jy. H Il aima that detectiveai ront c souarce or sources rrecaivetithus pre-'î jugl t r ai a tic orner ou "î aikgue hurglar insurance campaay ware citer W'enting the caruapt use oi maney at Street. acat ti, th. tfaahia iilîl. 'et, im. lHe wawall, dressed ad ap. electlon.' iîîi iand oaîauoltc tush.e t hil Pearedtu bchaplcntiully eupplied witb i hI augsm itb cIiii,. i.MOneY, ad no rewand bcd been alaiteut A Hoausehald Medicine LIBERTYVILLE,-ILLINOIS no ior bie captuare. Ta bie reeily vuaaalle anlmuet .d ____________________ (tY He asYs that back oi bis theit wcs equally gooti resultécfo n îîete. iember Cgr e oec driat an sote bgh ollig bck o!01the famlly tuming la. i"ole1a 's Dî.anmeracc I dinkcat soa bgh ahlng acklenda Tan aioess uatttiîs. I'tlior fon Laundry Agencua Razors Monati My Kens,Cty. chiltirea on grown pensons FPola'e Humaeya Ieand Tar le the hast and ealemt for ail]Ià ae Mr. ttoausgys couglis anti caida. 1i.OaPu, Milwaukee., F. B. LOVF.LL COPN 50Folay's Roney anti Tar in stilI maroto_____ -* t m ,, t . é e htre n. "Aàil anar &Y ley lce ers ýte. -k, ad le! id an 1% .4 van ùIl 'y *i be hi, 4 un, id 00 le eru 2 lt Da. thet bongba IL think i@the(b. basafon cougl suanticalas(ey evea bird anti 1 thini Itla i. lil mare tean the heet. Our 'baby b.d a bed coltiandDitla urea hlin ona dey. . Ilease aceapt thanlîs." 1F. B. 1LnVKI.L CfflipAxa. PSRRY L. paeoca. Attoens Adjudication tNotice. P'ublie Notice lit hebY ira-n thât the Suli- sciber Admnuraor. or tie estate of Frealerick Hioltman. deceaset. wfli attebdathue Coianty Court cf Lake C('nay. at aferm thereof tab ldcaen at the dourtitumetn aukeso. la Raid aeunay on the tint Mondai of l)ceaaber nemi, la1e. whcn anti eeauaiaeasons b avinz claies againat saai stata are notiiled anti refaeted ta present thie me tait .d Court for uihuatioui. MASOtiS L. H0iFFMAN. Admniitsrator. Wauiati.o. ciober te. is10. 54'4t Eaeb lady riniting tbe Lyrietheatre on Tuesdaey aigbt la pneaeat ed witb ,a Ml ver spoan. On Montiay.. and Fitiey nlghts a hait tiosea spoons ana preseated tt ho boîtier ai tb. lucky aumbeneoupona being givon eaeb evening.2 Dressed in "Black and YeIIaw" Not "Football Coloine" but thie colon ai the tacrtaan cantclning Foiev,', oney ant Pan the hast andmatiaceatcougb accet eaubtitte but su (bat F. B. L.vKL CMPS, - - - ---- ---'. -.------------- ~ n - I c LOUIlS 1J. YEOMAN THIEOTQA La IBelle IPark Colony. 2lito sections ai 6301 acres Wabiiîed latta 20 ac-re tracte) Sôû&I" Land! eau! nvestrnent CompoaY DYMONDI & AUSTIN, Agent, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. Blôoded', Stock foir sale at ýpricesand oizterm to. sit ail Inspection is invked of saniyo dged breeding stock which je in excess of the rqirementm of Ha~Nh Farci. The stock is regi stcred'and conuitsj'f Brown Swas bull calves, Brown 8ws er ling bulle, Shorthorn yfling bullsamd Berkshire a!>d Durocsboearer, Hawthorn Farm Libertyville, Illiffoîs Pod,1t fie PR. D. No. 1, Ptafrl View, IL. il