FR ITCENTER MM__ _ _ __ _ _ A Pretty Âutumn Weddhng. Mr. and Min..D. White, of Chcsg R US LA K E Oneo! herstlet wddags~ l.@pnt flaturday aud Snnday wth trlends F. J. DRI'CE, Edltor oeas wa o clemnlzei at st. Mary'@ er.Order. Taken for Job Work Catholic church of Fremont Center tIssu mbr hortteudeuay Itsel A Tuendsy mornlng, »et. 25, 1910 ut 9 eta ee udy o'clock, uniting two a! Freinnts Mr. Young and dangbter were Chicago liopulair youug people. The bride was visiors the latter part of the week. Fred Desjardine, of Maywoud, visited Idiss Kathatrine Obenauf, edstdsggbter lirs. C. W. Chandler returned Thurs- hi, t smlly Bnnday. * of seo. Ohenaut and the groom watt day front Soutà Iaxotn, where @lbe MI,@ Sosie Wblthead vas a Wanke' Henry Hertel, son ot Mr. and Mis. John viited @cirerai veeks. P gan vîsitor Saturday. Hertel. T. E. Gray and family vere bere fron Leiglie Moody. of Waukegali, col on MinesLucy Hertel. fieter ai the groom Wagukegau lat l'rlda.y. triends birn Satnrday,. tlaysd the weddlng mareh. wblle the A @Mal crowd attended the dance here Warren Book, ot Ourue. traumeted l'ridai party dlled tbraugh the cburcb ta the altarvwhere tbey were met by Rey. Iodat Friday @veulu«. business hare Nunday. A Lelsling and the oslemnu vows Thé commlttee ot the &ilk Producera F. 1). lisîîersiball transacted iusiness excbsnged ln the preseuce of a fartm a înme tR . htednel hcgoW0edy fcatlering of relatives sand trisudit. TC flit umn tH .CitedDOi heaoWdedy bride vas beautltully guwned in white lust Saturday evening. HnyKekrtas'. uleeS milk Messaline and wvorp a tulle vil Charles avkn lHenn xtemis ry uisa ueb ed aoy.ýd u cacrying a bouquet oft meet peus. Hwisinb5h.exesv arIdaaTed v~ sttmded hylier sster, issCr repaire made on his bouse. H. P. Bill, Ha.Hoesj utit fre. Oh-natifas maid ot bonor. attired ln ail ut Wadsworth, je doiug the work. Adamis on the mail route. white embroldery and earried e'bite AÀoial as held at the reidence of Mfr. and 1fr.. J. MaeCeliand vere ('arnatîons. Mile» Ruse Hertel, @inter " .C ans atofa vnlg hcg imtr audy the groom vas brldeemujaid and wore B.C. _____lat__________ Cigoviitri atrdy white smbroldery olver plnk sand carrled ByMri u ie !lacVla p)luk carnations. The groom vas Çg ROY 1 ieiudreatives bere ofnakeVila atiended by bis cousin, Markus Ilebuâ as R U A iéie ltvr ir udv liet Mauan d Joseph Obonsut, brother Mir@. Ned Maman, ot Libertyvilis, tran- of the bride as groomsmsna. George Rltasginbl aI.tuLe about sact.<l Lamnes, lieue Tuesdla. Alter the coemunls areception was 5;ahn steser menOtte 110). 1r.My ay.dba a eweet given at the brde'@ homne wluere they rî a afedlii alnweeti were the récipent ofal ay heautifuli Brnta Mr. sud Nlri4. Wil Molîdor a flltureil put inulber hew ii'um. lr.'seuts..1A louritifui and laboriiteinle ounud boyM. u*1-trsd ami 'f o ulir-,und U].upper wss se-rred îo,I0i %i 4liii ndiiiivl o frerb'lî,iu1 r1 t -,- 'lh' uftriiirîîoî.u .iî)Roding .andl Cham. J.rgenson It'îîîustu lrtItcx 'i t I ) i't) i ll nc wa hlo e 5e-t t Suîels wit h Mirs. >aui Tarri ttasiel Iw v%' i .iiPz Siaý 1.t ih Juste )îîM '4 .Ii ij. 1.- ' augiLu r r,. tru o' \II l ',i'. i s) a tý! 1" ,11 l M*I ih&,utîîiîiii t L t-- ut Mr.aloi Mr., . II)al addfeuh î,î, il vi iti i*',t 'J,) -tTCah nieti ,-,r ýstirdnia unît . )<itn i t'taritt 1 i , ,,.Vi. i,-)r l' W kht, 1 s attîu 4 iun - -1 hier; 0,G EAST FOX LAK<E >-,' I~ h.. . >r i, iiii a iei .-iiîiifrai,,il'l'r ,WAIRREN hl.xittilîi,îSfiliV-ieit. wd-t- tnrp.. \ir- 1;.lT. Xi - e tîîl.,î, ti) ti,.* fic;cd i (I lwd,' ilk und ) ttiu 'l'h viiif Fo-x Lakete (Bt' r> p- t.i av ,, i l îrîSu le îî ndai n, o),i) t)in ilr utrbeo ,'t iu t iithb- St. Paul laji rio- ))'eith b M ul aines Blt)gntaiîl.'. wumdileif la md 4n*.Mouiav. Atlbis,rdt Tlîtîrsdl,arNov'. 1ih. phic Iriinn.lrjrirt usdrgiî'.i Mr. snd \lre ,Knuensr baccreturn- Rd'rvel. Vietors w,.icouie. ô 1 Mr.. Netti.' Sniitb..î<;syhi.' six'nt 5,d t) their bomle intheO eity for the Mv aud Mus. I.e Giilbert sud Mr. and tvite set (PIthe vcek with Midies, ima er tIrs. Fil Broswn ,-iied ,n their mother "ORse.-îtr Mire. Jamtes Bardstahie. Weditpqd y The Warren Ceinetary %tsw)«,iation viiil viliviu vatdbsuce lllCflOlh. old art oyster dsupimr sud social nt Oea, f'ielaud sud tamily at Rollis Iiunep Hail Fiday eveulng, \Nov. Il1Suna. Adjudication Notic.c ordial invitation is sxtendled to ail. Mr. and Mirs. Out; Krummery bave P4nili ,,tt.. .he,,')" rent'oth fl- heýtIehl o r ndMr.dhm the hVum. Wedire bouse on Weter. .,rltor, lx,,-,-uti.r ,ot firle l't viii ft Barumiable bos been quite siek.ret Teitawet ilWilliam 0 . fi i l .'c fel ield Place. attelît th,- <ott scort of li,' e ier. t a 'l'he W. tC ýT. L. ylmeet yuL MrP' t- tPermf--colfi) te'hoien nt the CoPutt0oulPe i 'i Baluterhbeneni Waulei, ln 'agi titnir. , the tn.t Mouddsv , lrrie Met,'alf Wednegisai' r . 1)ab u. rnatt11asbe cule ot Januar, ne"".1t1t. lionî aud uet. &1a in .l. t) lis bcd wyuLtyphoid lerer th ai lta.oune risd« 0i,. anilumit gaa igne sere 1 noiuhttdPouf requ.ted t0 pi-mient thesanie to 1 Mise Gertrude Vase bas redturried home two veekeA. *&d out oradu icaio.fP1 a>fter @pding the past year wîth bier We wîeh to cail your attention to tLe Wnea CtoPI, r o G'îP j sister lu Dakotaduspîay ad of ý. 1). Batterisball'm lu thhs v"ek's!iss. Waahbnrn Bras. are engaged lu baild' * ug Ia baru for Il. %. Sears ou h * Editor Tracy aud fanîily bave moved * LII- EI ILL UE in tu the John Washbhrn bouse ou 4>('.eoràe street IG RA N DFA LL SAL A L Eofyun eol atndda O Monday evenlng. o Prcescnt10 he vr~iIowst elc M r. Steve boas reuigned bis position as 0 able Merchandise. 0E>luîght opel'tor ab the Soo depot aud 0 wîll leuve 1or tbée vem. GR C RI S0 The Wome'sClub vill Meet wyuL *~~~~~~~ ~ L aa o*tr )fur. Resadlug yl commence 21Ib jraulated Sgrî............... 10îtlyai8 o'clock. 1. P --i-. 1 L.-4 t 9 Bars Swift's l'ride Soalu .................. 25 7 Bans (îalvauuic Soap ............... 25 M liane Santa ('las Soap . , 25 7 Bars W'ool Swift'@ Suap. .......... 25 Fajnhauk's GollDust, large sz ......... .. I15 ri liane Calumuet fr7mily Soap. .--------- 25 liakem's l>rcnîum Cliacolate lb .......... 28 liker-'e Gernan Sveet ('locolate cake .......... 0 Kel.upgg'e Comu Flakes..07 2 Cans Eagle Milk .............. .. 25 Grâpe Nuts I Large 101hb 'qil Symuýp ............... 30 4 Cano Choica Carte.... ........e... . 25 1 )ozcn îo Boxes l'anis Matches.................... 40 W'iz7ardl Carpet Citaner. 07 Bou Ami ...........................................07 Sapolia .............................................07 2 Bars Scourene.. ...................07 8 Hlenry George Cigars .... ........ 25 7 Packages Noouu I-our Tabacco ........... 25 1Z Packages LaTurke Tobacco ............ 25 Sweet Cuba Tobacco lb .............. 35 4 Lauîénn Globes ... ............. 25 Large sze Cold iset Lauterm..u ......... 65 b0e International Poultry Pow.dar .......... 35 $ 1.00 International Stock Food ........70 $3.50 Paill International Stock Food ........ 2.25 boo Pratt's Food...................... ............ 40 DRY GOODS Standard Prnst sitable for Coiforts, yard.... 6 Spoolis Thread .............................. 4 Pair Rockford Socka.................. 2Pairs. Cbildn's Haavy Home................... Indigo Blne Printa, yard........................ Light Slitiiig Prints, yard ...................... Auterican À Graiun Baga.................... Linoleum par equare yard ........................ o o o o o o o * o o o B 25 tes 0 40 F.0 D. IBATTERS11ALL, GRAYSLAKEI ILL lMt.IFred Webb sud sonu le! t Wednes- day ta .pesd thevîinter viii, berpareut4 at South Bend, Indiana. Allan MacLachsu -eîtertained hlm friend, Blly Davis at iem bonis neu4r GJages Laie orer Sunday. Mr#. Paul Avery sud M r. Allie Kapple Mus. Ed Kapple, Mondai - Mr. liacFarlane and latigbier Eagene lut Chicago, @pont Satur.lay afternooua their farmut aiTylor L.aie. , Mr. aud Mrs M. B. Atwell returut( Tuesday evening: fro,î a ts-u wseki riaiit yuL relatIve l i irago' Mmr,.Win. Rpringer. l1,-r dangltter asu nuother yl leave the -iI ofhe le t( visit relatives l in iueiLs 1fr,. Wilmot, o! Wnieizsîu, vas th guemi of. ber danghter, Mme. Heu:j Kuehier several daye liiet wcek. Lut Wlt and tatuil - bave mac)( Irom thîe Tiomme oisi-e îhm e îelaïc ta the Tlary lîouffe niaît tIc tas-n hall. L. AFrank lias wni,ý,lt-dtue joih deeratiug the rnîîit -Y-I qt ('lii iii,' lvrrui-tu i,-l- o I, ri ý e - i l i biIliiiiediioi', v 1h o r .î hi hei@ i, : i . la r - b inuri& f itenî..@ LoIrabri tho I. it sertinait iiîîî litit-1.-riitsti ni WiilJo'n M'turgIr; ti di a ankta i Lapeie in mh l pas. Thi is ricng tl ense Mrgabsag ffii tha@dermi PmOunted. *TLe sdieis' o! the Cangregstian cLureh vill give a baker>' sale Saturda 1Nov. 5 at the cburch parilir. This v t be Le place ta get vice hume bakary aI beautanud hrown hrtad. P 'Tue boys baiL big sud smaslls-are ut @in lui forte Monday evenug sud vs up t'O their @ains ttnte. BD. O. WiLI one a! tht extra îuîsrshals for t evsning, Ladl a Ioad o! kindlinir aeci up iu front aI hie sbop, consiotiuug barrels, pianot Loxes, e tc.. vbhh fe Lu Lauled ta bis home sait mamniu1 "Deai" isi ou his job aIl right. Card of Thanka. To the trieudâ and uaighburs vit asaist'd me sud ton their kinà vorde 3symîîathy lunuty hertavement, 1 off, un1 b yeartîcît thauke. MîuS. AIUCUT MEYER. An evenîug ot sîtlld pleasure le assure thase atteniig tht Lymie. tf LOUIlýS J, YEO .MAN THE.JEWELER - - - - - - -- - The Ladies' Aid viii meta h chureb au Nov. 10. They viii serveas chiekan pic dinnen tramn 12 tu 1:30 *and lu tLe altersoon viii bave a hakery sale. Services ssii Sunday at tLe M. F. chwrch at 2:30 p. u. pneeeded by SundayE sî'liooal :30. PreacLlsg by tLe pastor, John Austin, subjeci 'Fstberbaod of Ood." Speial manie byîteiholn. lie. George Mitchell eiumned Fmldayi ighit ram Chicago ater vimtng -for several day. yuLh ber sick muther. Albert aud Franki Dyer attendad tLe Epiecapal Mission ai LIbertyrilé iait Suday. Mn. sud lmas., Roberti LII euttaned liev' John Austil lait Sanday. Miss Lanra Towuer le u the siciliai. Thase vito did not iattend the social Saiurdaýy ulglit t thechurcb uissda<1 mîusical treat. The pastar..aendeiluvita. tion ta ail the Young people Who stuald luke ta couse sud jnis tLe choir. r -i Blanche Oliver entertalued friend@ [ ram Richmond Sunday. *P . i Basti ot t'overt, Mîcb s peuit un. Iday at C. G.Nortbrop's. P. Gleason le entertaining trlends trom Chicago., The Indepefident gives you *Il the A ,'ws of alilthe county. j__GAGE'S LAKE Mme.elient Bracher le seriaasly iii. The Cooutbs tamily closed their am mesr boute Weduisday sud returned t OJak Park. Mr. n.dsi lme. Darling, ut Oak Park npent Suuds.y wyuLMr. sud lMre. Fut4 Van Zaudt. The Illaîiowe'en ocial t0. E. Marsil: vas s-tII tteudtd sud s inese l reported. Chanenry Date, aI Chicago, calied o trieuds bers 'Sttday. Baurd CLandà ot Austin, vlsited rela tives bere Sunday. Re". H. C. Tuvnley, paitar o! tLeM E. Chunih, s-ilprasehB uuday morllun the third teermnutuin tLe erlesaI sermon u tht "Fa,îa uf Religion" the third fac hiug "Christ." Musl ic iiLecturnighe by tLe choir sud s rery cordial invite tion im extended to ail. Strangere ar alysys valcomue. The presnne of!ti cblidren la vrny mach appr.elatsd lu th moming services aud.-a short tlu( iutemesita ibteni yl precede th ega sermon. Evsning service viii consiat mosily mugie ta vbk.j the Youung peoj] i,jI. iuvita.. Those whulilve on the naval rouies ce fteere the Laie County IsDZpZlErgn and the DaiIy Inter Onesu ton 04.00] jean and thé Weekly Inter ()S»as IeNI)UPICNDENvT for $1.85 a jean.' &e the hall gaue at the Lynle, N. 21. e6 ta St. Joserh'uBamar. The annual bazaar hield at tLe towu hall unde the auspices a1 St. Josephes Catlialie churcb, cloeed Baturday nigbi, beinx su uuquslifled sacrees, la every particular. The sttendane va. large, aud the receipts lrom sales o rIls entables and other sources ert sncb as to lusure a baudaome sum for tbeî'hurcb vomi lu this comimuuity 4t the raillie on Saturday niglit the rariou@ prizes irere won hy the loliow. Pirt-$2.ti1q0 lungold-MNrm. Goutil; No. Secod-lockr-.oLnJ. Stchank; Ni>. 227. Third-Oil painiig-àliss E DÙgnuby DEPARTMENT Pholu NO. 11 Advertising Rate$ Oh Application at Fourth-Centier iable--Mre. H. Elfriug: H. B. EGER. PRESIDENT 0F THE No. 1160. ed VILLAGE OF LIBERTYVILLE, l8 Flith-Umbrella-SoluinBuski, itondout 4sMAKING A S>lRONG RACE AS AN No. .119.- INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR Th. names ut those.wLose donations THE LEGISLATURE. HE WILL sided lu uulakisg the a Lasaîr succss' ld NEEO ABOUT 12,000 VOTES TO sud the articles contrlbuted by theun,i t0 WIN. IF 4000 MEN WILL EACH are stollovi: CAST FOR HlM THE THREE VOTES Bandierebsite. Mre.Jochalmi; Candy, te TO WHICH EVERY VOTER<S EN- li. Jochelîni; knitted jaciet, Mv,. Keru, ry TITLED IN VOTING FOR THIS Chicago; nut met, lire. Kltugley, Oak OFFICE, HE WILL BE ELECTED. Parki; hand palnted plate, lmes. J. lie- tii IF EVERY MALE READER 0F THE Oormick;; élitscarf, Mr@. J. Swanshrongh jk INDEPENDENT WILL CAST THREE Waukegau: milver utihbag, MUe Robe. VOTES FOR H4. B. EGER ME WILL Scott;stoup laffie. Mus.,IM. Redund, BE EIECTED. BE SURE AND- Laie Forest; 2 hookm, SK E. Arnold, g VOTE. Wauikegsn. 1ii1: 2ie fcfod J. W. g tiareiuzte. Itatikeizan, 20 rnuis -ai .r Libert viIIe News Piliriai , t ar. Wiut-guu inA cusiarti, erprmni iniiîîJ ira. .Mse A LYCEUM C'OURSE. ~ Mc. i,.,;~lli one tIî tus, tG.% etn. 1-l l t- I I- ill !1' 1 n i , M i l, 1 t i l. it , 14 l,rkiu c oaj- ur- Iif Iru- " I I! t l.. 1h ip, ç 1 fi:. oîri a o lltltl '.t)tIi' liIt 1'.i> itiîlîi lye Lîaetilig tlir,'îi, 2 jir bise,.f. B- le u %Vtis r in),u. tVlroutd: ,,ulad dieL. Xv iiiAt )oil t- ,ilt~ ii--t.- ,O rti)-lii mrcuil E.t'Il..aanîb, it rier jsily spoou. A. Huase; ;a andmi bty' dollairs ss-nb-lin wagoeacracker jar, tIrs. 1". liorin; pillow aud1 latiekets sand il ihîiaut aint endies itet apron, Mrs. F. Oueule); 4 dale, 2 bLoton buudresdllatrs hy Friiluy atternoon tlle belgm, buttou bouokc, Mnr. R. Pritchsrd; le alnagenit otf i' -btixi itbligate embroidtred pitîre frauue, lins. B. Prit. .8tii book the couirse nt I54< caud;enterpicee Mme. E.,Lynchu band lii li!ma tire niier coiurse. aîd ibre of made bandkerchlet, Sisters o! Mercy; t ne tht attracioon@ umalli- ia-havonc huit-jardintier, NMms. B. tGrimes; Lat plus, Aleoi j teh dred doit"r for un eveningas entertain. Hein. Wsukegu; &!uras, Misen Florence a ver meut, tLe other iwo eighty dolîlar@ and Evilsizor; ssci flaur, Mme. R. Lavrence; a seventyv.flxs dollars rcspiectively, Su weapron, Mm, Andrewa, 2 apru, Mv,.1 ail bave an opportuuiîy ta bning ta Llbert3 - Spellinsn; apron sud mîseves, Mme. Tony0 a', viie acl)aree wuîîîh tour huudrsd sud Mors; 2 taprons, lire. J. Ruse; apron, ill fiftiy-live dollars for tva btîndred sud Mlrs. Jas. Bradley; elippers, lire.Ji.1 îo lit ty dollars, becaen s-c van use tbese Grimes; pilîf v slips, Katie Boom, Mil. attractions on iheir "off"' dates. vaukee; caudy, Mme. R. Spellian; urni- :)U The course opeus yut pie Rend, %hi) brella, lira. T. Gibbons; roeinirchair, re bas a vorldwude repoîstin. Be vili A. Reveil & Ca., Chicago; vasne, ie. H.1 lie posIsibly appeum ln "The Juclilins," Sbeeler; valse. ltere oI Meuiy, ChicalOO; te vîtici the Losd- ,- i >-hir' sys ,le tLe mg, Thos. F., Belvider., 111.; 2 d bnîgbtest book't1-1t, i--. curtesaut- aprane, Mv,, J. Meredith: mug, Mr. ot yard, sud '0!. ... .- î-- ttih, Muai Miritu; plllow, Min. M. Butzer; chocolat.; id unique chièrtrui 'r - -)ti) pot, NMsttie Rie.; Led spread, Mr@'.'Kart- m. laminage." he.iIi kel e.! ray; pillov, Misa A. O'Bearn; pillov, *'Old Lim Juctia i.s '" s -1, 1tire. M. Putre; cigare, Franklin Mao el Lest lecture, 1 bava cîrulaS'. ' t'ih; tea set. lire. Cahili; 810.00 ns-i attraction vili be about it '-îbruits, Siegel Cooper & CJo.; lacecurtans, t ho Nou'ember. '>. W. Richardson, Chicago; llpper., of Fred Emerson Brook@, the Cia - iiaeL lele;dî, Kiaii fe potWtt coins about the 8i or 9tb n1 1i'Hom, Chicago; band paiute tray. i tieeember. Be rmads sud interpretbis hi p and saucler, M me. J. B. licOregor; tl owu poems ina a i intaireating manner. Èýared heurt statue, Daprata Stanuari Col. Henry Wsiterson salys "Brooks' CJo., Chicago; statut of the Blesaud Virgin ed Pieketi'a Charge at Uetiysburg le one o! Benzinger Brus., Chicago; 2 dolis, Lillian the ilentpoue i vcier hournd rssd sud is Pfannmîîîî; centerpiece, Evan Lloyd, -superior ta Tennyson'e Charge ut the Chicago; svater, The fBub; akint. Pal. NLight Brigade." niera>Chicago; ah*rbert set,1Mr.. J The thmrd attraction viii Le Carl Dorlier; pillov, Or. M. Altoumue; accordiau Jansen, tLe Ss-edisL impersonator. Bise Aides & Bîdinger; grocenlea«, Montgom-1 star> .of Tblina'e homne, "The Land ofery, Wand & Ca., Chicago; pillas- top, the Midnight Sun," biscounedy sud Mre. C. Baîtie; 1 baille nerlume, Javel luspermonation ut forelgu cbsracters l)mug Stare, Wauktgas; gold Peu, "itors prodnced in native costume sud dialect, o! Mercy, Chicago: holyy aisr font, D. language and speeches, and Lis demon- B. Hansen & Sons; picturso!fliacrsd mirsîlons aof foi], rapler sud @aber Hesrt; Miss E..Jueb; seissare. Melod-9 tcucing maie uup a programrme xicL isut nedie box sud pietare,,Mre. Deithomu;! eutertainiug and instructive. Ti i ii ater set, Mie L. Heorzlng; jewdlox,1 conte about January 15tît ta 18th. Iai. 1P. Matier; berry epoon, C. F. lu.1 * The Boston Lyrice le sueitber hurîdrtd galle, Waukegan; caisarole, Mir. Yeoman dollar attraction sud lune oft the favorite Wauiegau; writing psper, Central Drag t cn ecompanies Of Bostoîi.- Mise Store. Waukegau; ceaterpehce, Mm@. R. Wells, readtnaand Jandan Rittmun Chicago; band carred box, as haritone ouloli suad cartoqnist aud John fichani; nstte, lins. Gatti; man. Mr@. Jordan, constitute the trio, brella, Seidel, Waukegsn; shînola outlli, lm. Piraasud Pastel readinge and OrtenletWauiegan, umbrella, Mr». IM. ta mari mbaphonedulliseare novelty features Keefe, Chicago; sweater, Yagen, Wanus.- aotebprouamyme. Ti l(iegan, mirror, Mime Batile Beohut, table lrkabot Fbrury ot.curer, lunes, Wsnikugau; 1hears, Dodge, td The course closes about the middle tof Wanitagan; alad dish, Rover, Wauke- l MarckhwitL tLe Floyds;, atrother huit- gain; eaudy. Hoffuan Bras., IVattegau; 1;idroid dollar attraction. Prof. Floyd e cotte, Barman, Waakegan; olivet, s magician, Mre. Floyd a telapsihîi Warren, Waegan; leaiber centerpaem, sud lMr. Allsrd, musical dlirectar, e0'« Bidingan, Waisgas; doit, G. R. Lyon &1 stitate tLe eompany. Tbisicompany Sons, Wauksgan; teleseope, ModelUlotb, On bas Lad tveniy yeare a! exparience 5and lng Roume, Waukegau; haut. Ruce, the paraphennalia ,used le valued 5t Wauuigan; tabourîuis, Horm Fumnîtur. fa' over $2000., Co., Waukegatl; elippoe, limre. A. Lodeuhki Tue course vilIL e given lu tLe TownOre;tapt Wioa aign o. Hall. ThosetevhopLaId meason iciaia- g,. mayl.he heir sate seadIrotessdpuetura, Sr. Alpbousoo, Chicsago; 3 ait -g a aetorgat ore re n painting@, 1 paitelle painting, MWs usil the tickese are traustarable. Seasous Emily BueL; piî'tur. Lanson & Conrad, set tickest may Le Ladl apon application ait Waniegsn; lin îîrt, Cottage Pletare Co.; led l>acker & Bond'@ drugstore. Prie 20 Chicago- lirrevomahiper pi2ture, Obnsit us-l Ion aduit@. ubldren 12 or under $1.00. Chicago; Lerry mot, M. B. Colby; fauey are Tickets ton a single attraction Witi Le platte, Max Kobuer; Lerd spresd, lire. Jas Lhe 5(k- for adulte sud 25e form bldren Fincutter; coffe E. Conleit; landmamer, the ander 12..lire. . Hamiu; !aney plate, Mr, X, o! lu ssii wetk's papen the place oftheLe nh-pairsr, otne Io ila sleof ieet3 Wtthoanuouric'ed and taeChcago; table, Nora Bradley; plitra, lo! diffament dates of the attractions. Thase Anus Dnyem; cap, guote, love,, 'mil v'i ho have subsecibed for season tickets box, Mv.l. Dry,,'; doit, Juse I)lLuiq teA net, Mre. MeGavick; caf buttons, D Meu May' sîpeet t i he isfaut of sait veai Wauiegan; vase, Mandai mcm., upon psymeut ofthe priS seoucribed. icago; vasie, Mrs. A. Peigm; tIberXio. ean This ia a woriby and cultural enter- meter stand, scroîll uicture tram. JO$ IETprise and mould reontre hearty support. Heur; ceaforisr, Mr@. El1nln, %, %do", a un, Mea. Evrig; 2tow .Mra if sny mouey la cleared froin thecourse HWIng r. I eMrî. B. Ore.Hl and le viii hé sxpended for llbrary books for Chicago; dictien, Miss Mary Weleb' haît- Our @chaut. iug pavder, lire. Jocbsm; 825.1ô la or. Try goli, lire. Jobn LeaastAn Ajma qov. taie.or oiions vii hm be mrf ul Tr our Want ad eoiumn. correcied lu soit lange. i o o o o o o O O O O o i. o O O o O o O o o O w o O o O O o o O o o o O o o * O O O e 5 ~ O o o o O O o @~OOOOOPO~SO9OOOPO4 Dakota, vb«mbhoellbu largelumber firm. Usnal priell. of admissi oi.0 world' s -hamplonship baie bain at the Lyrle, Nov. 21. The Mises Siart, 0f Morioace spent Saturdsy and daday lng their sister, llire. J. T. -b w0 I At the sotecial a laolonary ssrvios beldi hext Saday et the rP* chlurch, Rer. Van de Erevifw901 t'le torniug on "Soins Facis AÀ Ilarvelous Prourmfes hI lsouij terprie." Ai the eveuing servie a quasrtette tram the Moody Instituts rentder- ppropriate music. 'Silver Threade," a heautiw loi four acte, wuL the nuted aiuger, M JOse, as star. wMllbe stee on Snuday uight. A numberola!et ville peuple are planning to A<-4 for ibeir convenience tLe 1uE basl arranged ta reserve seats for -aki Leave 1w ord or phone tiisoffice "au -o beocSaturday noun, sud th.e - wui be reerved. tbul- avoiding aclydeay or disappointment on) arrivai &aIbe theatre. The laet car leave, ans at 11:20, giving ample tInt siB2 performtance. The Month at the BclIwai1, Comiug attractiojns at îlle Schvt. Theatre at Waukegan, 111. 'taîrda, Nv. t-t lsiin'e sund uigbt, '~lc 'trai-ed" iti> t" vi&qjliville turne., Siuiuy lgtît, SNov. lti. l' TlireadA.* Tht I î Ny.itih, Se topkins!, trI tr'. w tila- t t>,r N.>>. 2 li. 'Seci a tsys stidîîY- Na>v.27th, "flArlztoe" Mtliîe ai evcniug. C'arslfr Liberv3-vitlsle av*' Waukegw,~ eveîx- evuiug Includin ug nnday et Il",' Ji. in. connettiug ai Lake Bluff vitb'è 11:42 ftor Libertyville.' Suicide at %ound Tale~ Fred Mcyer. ahour~Ixty 7mairs.10I,, empluysd for ms.oy yenrs et BioWT les honse it Round Lake, eotuuîI", suicide nme tite Sunday n% I el mooting im oelt lu .ttw rig t « î1 é Th. veapon, as88 calibre revolver, wo, tightly elimched lunithe desd mau bàlli Coroner Taylor vawu nunoWob eLd an Inquest Mouday loruçOM4 A Verdict of the jury being that dtIs Wp tbe rountto!1a mun lnllIeed W Amng tLe decsaosd's ew vase tound a PMn book, asll b&1Iuc, o!f$100 tg big audit i Rlound Lake bank, &a u ivu. ont. Sa fer au la inown igalir h Immédiate relatives. W. wu.a liad woried eath. esous. tsams sd draok beavtly ait caais %thbee oniy feaa "s and appllsd for adunsiobv4 taprlutendent Appl«. vbo bua b.dleeu drlnk!ngad* teilla hhlm h. could sot raiae on~ tarni If h. candurt.d l W manuer. Insisad 0f1rtuaIg. fea, .lieyer vent bakta oui and comunited tb. rush 4ssd evidont wblle lu a spirit o! dssonmcy BEN. Miflill, UsIMk11lér. i Obanooy iotice. (ioaio,j Circuit Court or Laie Conaty, Doen. ber Tenu A. D. 19li0. gent$,*Knopf vs "Unkuovu ovaesahi, or persaýn ntere.ted la lot 82 lause"W 161, 10lýU Tvhlp 48, -Nortb-sa lIaIt Of ibe Thîrd Principal MedIi Laise0(tutjr, Illinois. 8at*Jato'y.fldavit ibat lb. 4Iý daats,*'uninova oars 0f or luteresedinlulot 82 lunseim 1 Townmhl'p 43, North Rang. -Il )Zas th. Third Principal MMlân (osutY, 11111o18," canpot he ouai ug'- tuai upon diligent IiuqlsyMa&s 1, tha% pu--s hirpa~o connit euetIud othai esndi Leo erved upon ýthsm gr~ sutber o!thet, haviug heen Ild tua *ê offiée o! th6 LIen of sald Court. Notice la therefors hermby gIM on I*., sald unknown defendanta ibêt *- save namcd Complaînant boreotol Biled bis Bill o! Complalut lu mald si on the Chsucery *Ïde tbereo!, aolau 4 a sumunons thereupon lsund ouitbt Court anansî the ahove nnm aut, returnahle au the trot dofytu" torna o! the Circuit CourtofLa0 W ta b. held at the Court Èlouée in Van tu ad Lai Couiuly, on tlê Uam onday of Oscenher A. »1), 10 ai&#-W by làv requirsd sud vhcb suit lu p pouding. LEs-is O. Ba=cxvs, Waukegan, III., October 17,A. B, IN H. MILLER, Compleinant oiiai 1 1 are cordiaJ RUS!L Lilifber Yai For FIgurm oca BUILDING MATERJAI. iy prices amright ad mai p good. Wbmlben you bu.ior ual get My iguse.. PFPR.s. W