Alterations À New Luneof Made ]reHaRd ba uhas been recoi!ed aid imcludes and a lValues Perfect Fit ri Guaranteed. Mt 1. &__R__ igh of Suits 300 Charmntg Garmnti 'Bou lt aï a acriffice Our Eastern buyer struck -a snap last week. IlIe 'ag bfferc-n s -ut1tocklcf slits et th rakrscot fproduction. fie seized 'tîi~Plhit d wired lis t the- tt-aisacl il. The suits arvivt-d vesterd.-Y. tint, wloi 1-',- .~op lied hQ, 1)1.4 v(( anarèbesurpi-se tolils, for thev1were "<~ ai-e~si~ we lit' cver expV'tvd. w< a n;rd tlu(, tai]oring is .-f extrellnît - Il -A, ..t 0TZ- 1.: l, lot s. ),;:l cî at * 10.95, e.5.7k5, and f1$22.7- 7 V ,- :i s i-i 7 - i u -dv i v- trouble uiiciflga ii'rr<'t fit. T hese. suts 'are aird LoiS'o. 1 1i iiseerl() te vo lot table autdels fori li w intev; ýe-eed-ugly wvelI madle tof plainuan- ý i-ti4 \egs vorst<-t1s anud 1broadlotlis ii blaclk. hliie, grav, greels, etc. ; tlie coats have a gua raiîtee',l satin Iili;iag. skirt ent fuit and liandsi-enaly platitesýi; e value-s, sale price............. Worn's aud misses' suits- that werù letNo. 2 1 adetsefofr $25.00; materials arcI 4iagonals, serges, ete.0 lu blaek and elors, splendidly taller- ed, coats iined with the best Q,, satin,157 mile price....................... ..........l .7 ABON-6 luth taffeta ent ribbom, a CHI LDRENS SWEATERS - -i quality andi usuaily selle at 25c, came. f rom a gondi grade of yaiu in whte lu ait favoreti colorînga 5 ansd red , V neck, a vary ope- Per yard ............1C da! bargalu for fâmorrow et .3cI 4-3 'snobby %nits. At this price you will flnd a colce-, tien of suits and overcoats that wil be a pleasure te look at. Yen won'i bce eonftned te just a few styles, a tew fabries, and a few patterns, but will have before you an 1 nni-' ited seletin-a shoming that wili afford the widest range for choos- ing. You'l1 be impressed at the man-. uer in which these garments ariý tailored, for they are built se as t retain their shape until thieysec the iast day'cf service. We have injeeted more vaiue into these suite and overcoats than - a $15 garment'has ever been known te possess before. They are the beit value that can lie obtained' anywhere fer the xnoney........ ~rice O Lo N. ~ W'<Io icsami1 uiujsesce.'-ats tliat îwnnot ar 'lusive a:nd 1ticwor-maî'nsihil) of the highest lass. m iade et broadeloths, 1ha-îsket -%veves, IKnu- sus osesand velvets,227 sale'price ............................... 2 .7 WOfENI$ UNOERWCAR - leavy jgce 1usd veau andi lrts for wo-. imls, 1k tapat ed m, SU sellraspaý- clally pricsd at, gare nt ... .... .,. ...... HOU$£ DRESI.S-WomVs bhouse Idresýe xrmade ex .tra f ull of strlped andi jchetked giughiamesand par- fcales, $2.004 >aitiea t 1s ýWomen's and, childred~s warpa sh«s, Melts, slippers, ée. Womma 8wuî-i-nW Wolnens comfy slippers- -Made of výici-kid witb or Made of hesyfoit in bine w ithotptn tips, witha and. gray, oushion soles heay snitryfleeced ln- with leather covering; mg secalat udh the), are ail that the4y pair........hF~V armplis pfià-Men's andWoL.' wfe'sb ath '-Bsk r o 0o ni lippers, feit julil =nde of Terry ieid wi cloth, corne- lu hand tiiz p Muk~ d bine, verf Wl have atiks oOmfortl splil fft specl price 50C prie... Oi.gê..'a uhos-Patent leat)iei with tan, black, or réd tops, also vici-kid i ~ice and button, sizes 4 to pair ............75c speciaî prie.....w infante' sho«s - Vici-kld -with pa- tent leather t4s, lace and button, -witholit -bols, sises liét 9 5, pair..o *8 -e4 and grsy j é triin- ithÉ ýfur, iied soles um and Ibis,1 4Ovrtet's-Womens ov- eratrs, 6button, ired, brown, black, greenp4 blùe, $1.00 valu"s at pair........ 1 SALE-I bave tir..go sr .èf! iii, for emie.. 0.C. Copean8. P6.1 vrerae 01 OR SALE-Au 8 roll UWdauirlio %dder. u*ej'bonW wsei. çlth ÂI idrse J.Lovue.teisphoS. 108. tSd rayulakeOcg.# e- OR SAI.9-Large moderm ea t0ooi»ttj RU oc.é. and barn on Tireèt kt. Mmna.*ndrý 'w. lu a vorjr desoirabie locatIonýVryra rire iqw. ,Tarmes Paoi. dHIDL&V.YU Hen. Llbvtvll.a2 R SALE-florse, wagoP &ud bainee.' >rd« ulli wolgh 1800. Cai or address ayske reautery. u.-tt FOR SAL-Lot 10 bioek 19 C. F. Wrlght.', addition t*, Litartvvtileýe For priulors writo E. B. Woolrldgp, Dor- er, Nebr. c-4-4 OiRLS WNe O-uMspit;to of theui s lcru atr.Pe, alît ,-teau vork sud gond pM. Ouale )iinlg ln lb.eousmtry cau obteanboard st tihe Macairooi Boardiug flouse.- .4T.- tLOTS FgOf SALE-if Von vent a Rod - it bhluildinug lot i , l aOt-H'asslocation WANTE-oe.vrai good msaudl bys bert. P..ynir opporitniltyto ge. t.L Ve t haPulmsMcaon aeor. havpe tiairalble <,îes lu toWn. st fiutory. c-4 74f <*0f WANTEO To RENT-Fitru. of 24*or -. tl< Ireln tn "" 'îum, n1 i-,i u FOR SKLE-A liaîiiroîî organ,ln zood tht~ti pl. LOST and FOUND iFOR SALE OR EXCHANGEvi FOR SALE-I i,.sî. , '~ lpissr 741 .t.'rvilile -St 1,er ttetirîîtF tvar w it h 1910 t) ri, trt v.-* itatt.Ftr -us wsi aw Te. l.LOST-Se' s1dvt ila-witii white. scrip h-t. ttafrgaligit n la..r.u1.Wi!'il bits lPe.white t-îtilr, wit e-ci-p on ie iuaatt-,.. lkt n.'w $2400. 'lTlim iur tail sut ttour white- 1<et. Ansyprq lu aiea splendid alotor and in lu parti-et theuani.. tA!"Kinu,' A rv-warti enlii4 ei.'taiiia diutfrow Wili eacrltk-a fir gis-eu. caitat theijlirug Soe lasae quict eal., Attiru.asXX NîuEtr '-.f ai 011-. FOR SALE-Fierount eratagi-. c-rner tirihard St sud Part Plat. .due loca- tion. iii tae,$1800 ,smh for quinli sal Very cheap. T. H. Kute. p5:ý4t 1 MONE TO LOAN MONEY Tp LOAt4-On lmprv! [arme. Dmmond & Austte.c-Ot LoTs FO"it"SALE-lu thoB; J. G riae elmitrfr road ou Miwauke, avenue. B. MICLA OS o.ClmEs. owser. 15-tf________________ FOR SALE-fli bout, lISaS, builf tblî. y<ar. Mieait if taitéu St once. liaquir.. St the. (}AYALAKE PHUBMAcv. c.40-tf ýFOR SALE-Ac re lots u Druond'e subdivision, close tln town amt elartrie r.e lSO0. I)YuoN & AtwroN -40-dt 'ON ACCOUNT 01 My "heat, I am go. urg out of the. borse business sud ml t'eut sy farns oit Sberidan road for su-h or ou abat"s. If sot soid by Jan. 1 Wisuld prefer to met ta a gooti gar. O--uer. IMY landi la lu finqecondition. 1 waut toMsUalil lmits, uas fallova: Tbree brood mare about 0 years oMd; eight fiue youug mares lu fot.inome et tbîu. veil nitceed and broites; twenty val matie heavy horses front 1 to 4 yearc oid; sxflue arde. young drivers, watt breti anti ubr.iken. one' weii-brokenu et'@ drivýpr; one 4-year oId cuai black Percheron @trillion, weigbs abo)ut ona ton. Exceptng ,trse. uuy hors,'. are mounti. One goÔd se't of beavy dtriving haruepp; oui st of fIret ciaas express barsees. Thie l a rare ehnoffl to get a lftue teamso your owu terusme. B[lADY, Waubagau., Phone90004. C-5-2 FOR SALE-Ten fluebroodtireoyansd 40 tibosti. R. DAiY, Wauksgan; phone '00011- Z, FOR SAL-1 60 acrra on Grandi Avé. thraa mile 'tet 011 *uruee:bliack sali 4L. acres.pauture. Iuquire F. E. Hooat, g.firnea, Ilii..p-8 FARM FOR SALE OR àENT-A stock audtitian tfaris. 154 acres gooti soil, I.uprovements tiret ca,.Two tiles wastcf lRockefeller at lrauhoe. u1 ir Unr. B. A. Dean. Rockefeller. p4- FOR SALE-Lot. ln the Dymoud anti ustin'subdiision,.50 1411- *100 .-a qwdowu, $5 par month. DvM , Austix.404tf FOlU SALE-Oolslot. te <C. Frank rirlgli'saddition, SOxl5O, for 42W0.00 ~260.00 anti 8800;00. Dy "'Nb,&Atiai 40-tM ~uag. hun,,,A AtSlit. -40-tf FOR SALE-Or vit tratie for a Iigbt driver,.u S8 s olwterà hors%,wlh fou l1250. . J. aîocw, 'Graysat FOR SALE OUR Ut4T-Modemu 94Pl lnorêtasf&.- llsstratyllu -e FURS. FURS, FURS-Tbe fur .ean 19 on again. i ani buYiug ail kindi. at Chicago priais. iB.BVLLLI ct-O-tf OOFILIEO SPEOTACLES-wtti careul test incinded fur $1.00 sud up. Have your presant lemm .caged or have new fraieis for ynur presa eneue. Tras...tbat hoid witb comfort, frais, 11.00 .d nu, Maekenulesdrux @tore te SessUDrilg@tore, corner <iue. et. and Madinon Wmkegaa li. £29)4 minute to order your STORM SASII In on@ wson storm euh wiU more than pay for thom- selves through the SAVIN IN YOUR FUE3L BILL We make a storm auh tliat wUI last. We guarantes our work. Mfter the fin4t u>sn you willsave on half of what r o generally paid for fuel 11kis Think of the profit on' your investment (i.M. IARRISON&SON BOX 283 LIBERTYVILLlE, ILf Im LAYCOCK Co. ùPtits Si. Nul flwu"Dspt Machine Shop, saPktWORk, WORIA TY, £engin. Ovenhauled. A Ful Liso of Sundde. Tires IR.- aIred. Whon ini Troubi casff TMOCEa- V"Mt& ie",- fd 5 jorupri"va Uote iau to y"w Blapck( ta&ta Waists Weh4ve neyer been able to offer sucb. s~emdid Nvaists at 'so low a price be- fore. The quality is exceptionaIly fine and has an extremely brillUant finish, plaited and em- broidered front, specially priced at ............ ew . bMthebloom petticeats Theie'petticoats are inade with ex- cept'anal Heather- n ublackonly; the onec is un- u uiydee and attraetIvely shirred, speially ofered.16 at ,........,.......... - 6 G,Çirls' shùilmg cotS A number of very striking models ini sizes up to 14,years; made froni nov- elty materials and trimmed with. , touch of velvet, II special price .,.. . . .... .....1.1 Coie, an# see the,~ trkmme d, hats -we a-e s4hwing at 4.9,5 The . rimmued bats at th.i8 pr-,,,e repre- sent a'conibination of style, quc lity andi workinanship; they represeii, lhe best vplu.' that can possibly be olii -- inned at the priee. We haven't endeuvoreil to schwéhieap ive could eenstruct a hat at this figure, but rather, how good a hat we could give yoi.t for th& moue v. The shapes are al band made ami cern - Pris velvet and.satin; the trinvnings ineude faney feathers, wings, velevt. satin, ornameuts, etc. They are' tailor- ed in the most careful and painstakiug manner and are not to be equaled at- the prie....... 49 40i-tf 1 , 1 ý AULMAUM IMOZ%