sWeu !ok an tible to PFcoutioeL 1 bard vith the EallOvea via. plaCed a foty4ve foot Bt! Matu-&e1 Mcedby nl 5 eeausi--0 cr*e se tll* Iface churgeê' et muileiee r îtt a itent te do' 104117 a piiie led tue Irs.doWat*iut botb ot ater tue fel9 «, me ~utbave besa set 095<be'Pe1 mres nlà, moodzdaiegtit if tert Lb. &re iepartmoelt 'Loeo amea 0 smack lut taeo pe., eadangei- the amve of tire. freinnleinl ismtan*t M&iralilittO04 vile t afler thila hwe autobilOs rTm the. polo, ou. damagng ti ailes. :DIl5ltient'a Close C*en. tle mdepatuittiad tue cloflet le deatb. lOiN Se alsrm o e .came le tue tWephono frein bo«54, cor- Xidgaud and Nrth avenue. Te Stmomit respoudei aed fouud tue to Ibeprcbably starteilii'rBal- ee "Jokers" ttb tes consumint Stcle petue, meil aht oeuty> omhd teetswag. Attue, saune D -etir -pepqle o e tIi. nolgr- A. eag the rofleetln, ùtuem lx ileri ftom blia lleatthe pain. lIt!, sud tutiier tue hese cout wu 04t on itiaanilavene te aty meotnea Oomaty street tue M wu drven.b! Driver 'Gry, w.tu rOW lfutto and iCaptain tewrt1 thé a0 age, elatter cn th e st ~sthe ibig ar electrie et tue aw.Setay tue fremnen «w t appeaMrt&tehb a fresh zwSud e«t-aéers e itreet, 1k. a sev6t b$Wpte irere =&de t. low . te ~lb Ult thisla I us Imubiele ou it Mdthe toom jumweftue pole, stic bed gi-ý tUe rn, dm iret 1 IM 3'"x 100 MoDOet a Smtpe& Tho Ammon "ai -mlo their strett t keoif =bbLo 40818d u e Stic vagon t. leur and sd isett.. vigon R o*t tce thé eelu ofth fl Wbki atug Mesa atomobileo =4 e ttto the. âme polo soesathe. i. Tlb*font vbeet vent over Md tb ticmoelle. tuet. Sbadilling br TihéliemonseMM te me, ua 1% « the ibig tImber aleved e'jt*r uroeâd te tueae 1o f _tue * *hère t 00,14do ne turthei' ~AtcmeblI ceuas Next. I14» automobile fsetreildanmmge. te* v0 ?. eha.to teilIte 'wboin i;IMMU elone tuIst bciore tbia Davld Clarke.,oin- 1; 0 Wtte ýavenue lu tué op- attebail ceeu tue Vole le » and bceled avayeutnt fdÏnger. it vaslh. bSréty bunped Ito ItL -1 tom e oonee Tw.. Io anscmq t *fiiirenen Who Oiot U* mlewea ir o! thé- ami. env atitr vitii tue piaeleg ef Le polo acroe.tue read ail Who be- evo tiat the. lire depatinent vas IIbcately làEred te ae accident tbat Jst bav. meat the deatu oÇntvo. Tblere are etur wio do h'ot con- bt thée twe tricku, maltiough tbey lieve tuai both theo lre and the.ple Mi v«e HaUcue'en "pranke.", 7bc polIé.and ire departmeutm are *h sgreedthat tue tricks ver, cov* ty, crinlancd reprehensible, and wrisa moetheéeue irman today b. oulil porunily ineet the. foui, p v fvie mut bave sblftod tue go tto tue street la personal ceip> e erles etadoidets -teck place 185lash ulgit. , .- Other Uaiov.'cn tri"ia e &btarts beer wagon was et upacie dove, Case andI ail, le oistelu ver. manieurit hhpalet to imiké oubaiste slges 0 *baeebm cr a Surrey où- North *? "i.*ove.founil Sbe tuis otucas. vas loaded upon a ter tricki vere performed ababyoyce auid confusion futrtofaff t tuat over- Wou&" 5 tttae couty it ", du -oit'Janl 4e-k *a ogtUinsthb Qe-Pcb. e,4 sunday' r IL ..s osp vas as OreameYry an AsÂiu1te4 aI SlgMamd park. A boldup lu broud da!llgt lu viiet & Wankegie mmansuthe victiteà, tired ithe leabants of Highidl parkWednesay afteoei. Tbo vie-1 tim cftbo assuflan nd -holdup wua b1t. 1'lillpe. Who meved loto thie in-. yen Dts lust SuedaY. ln apudars romte itory gieaeed fren the. police at ighland Park thatI Piilltpe had begu writng fer the. Nortii sbore-0riuery Comp>any of ecaoe r 'uoibt'yO&M but iatély bsd tamedl t i bIiasiflfor imelef. buyleg b tframein ti. meirsand l.d.i 't It e tii.tevs along thie nortihci'oe. -Jumrped Out of Banhes. W.dtesday he vas emPloYed le dis- tribntlng-bis produco là tthe City of Higbland Park,,and wAS nt the. corner of Dàeold aiMse idaene wb.n two'insu spraeüg ,froin tii bush..s on thie aide of the. road, sa'rang Inb bis wagon. strucle hlmover the. heud wltb a club and teehe frein hlmn hie route booke. ID bis pecket vas the. menoy tiiat b, bail collê&tod.durlng'tii. dey, but it vws oet teucla.d. Only the. book le whlcbto a.bd qurltten dovu the erd.rs for bie n,:t d.llyery wuvastken. RoevusfoundI ying baside thewag- on, wbicb h. buedblred frein the la- Salsli lvery Ileitis clty, by aaHigiuanil Park policeman sud vas taken te tthe station. At the. station ho managed t. g9sP eut bis stery, beloe.h. 1ipeed itt uncenseieuMuesi again. Hé said he vas drlvleg Iloug the ronanld whii ebeokles up sno! tais paperq t#at b. bad taliou le that dey, viien ho vas siartIed by taearing some oeeScal hlm, la! naine, lHe turned asud m tio =enu about te clamber it tue wagon. and viien on, o! them r.acbed bite b. yeafled a club- frein b.bled bis back and Itruek blm a terrible denut on the F Tlàt vas ail tbat Pbullips remein- behrs until le vas foued by tue police. MAUl. Know the Moen. 'l )me* botu tii<imen vhoestruck me, Ptalpu teld the Police. *7be7 Pee10h emnplyas of tue Nertb S~1eCrouuuey Company for wbem 1 used te vore." Before lie could tell Îtiar oies f tue mou te the. police h. 1sauk'Agmi u te à stuper aed ail et- forts te revIve hum ver, futile. Hie vas kept aitith, police station until 6 çceekviien b. vas put utue car eail breugbt te tuls city. Friday r wAén meemploye of tue hegalla livery vent tu Highiland Park tu get tuierig be s»d tuat tue man ld net corne iet. tue barn ince the, holdup and it vms tueugbt t b, hobal netyet re- eçivered. Injured ini Rnway. JA. Ettlieg e!fttheHern Purulture Compani' ha laid up vtt; q snn v3lmt, a& batily cnt arn, and miner bruies ou varions parts e! bis bodý as a amoult e!' an athempted ruuivay Tii. borme viicii iad been luuse on the. dellvery. wagon fer a long hlm,. vas lu tue bande e! e veterleari' sur- geon, aud te bondie their deliveriez the. firm bildrentet! e herse fron tth, livery stable. Thie borne ppear. .4 geatle, and tue men on the, vagen bld ne fear that thee mnimal voulfi rue aw&Y, Tii. horseiild alwaya been diven vii tute blinder»ansdvas un- used to the, open bridle vhicb Ettling placed upen talle. Tii. wagon vii called te delîver a stoe onouTenhistreet end aIl von velI uRtil, poi the. complehion cf thi, verk, ttaey fftarted ho hum arond. lu turelng the boise cangiat sigt of he wagon beiid hlmi and iilte,. upset- ting the wagon and aplllieg the occu- pante upcu tue ground. Ettltng lu falliug itruck on, bail upen a pleceofet tovepîpo vhii vwas lYiug on'the çprouud, and hisearme vas c at almost frein the vrist ho tue elbov. Oue wrist *vas aned sud has bp vas badiy bruleil llilph Cerard, the driver for 1 the. firm.-,ivas aiseIn the, wagon ah 'the time, but escaPed witti merelyi tbruls- d kee. Tii. boy held, entoe ineus altbiougii daed by bis fail, and pre-. vented the iborne frein runus away. Ettîlus veuttho Dr. Kzaigttviere bis injurles .ver, dresm.d. 1h vas r.acessary t0 tek, sevîeral aUtob aeel Ie arm, but ne conmplicatious are f eared. et tutime. "Prtat th nemee." 'Tol b t sebeu, Coepny.", a'TeRI <bei ever thie phane wiiat Vols ttaaor cf ig." "Cau the le. osMailboy.theteor ")&0« them face ho ftom aam Po tuel- foi». lii of."-.DslzPeester gSmbligng 11the it 0?dipCe bo6eki Waukeganites elamtene attempt la bu- Ing made te enutIrea.itand vou)t-lUke to e .thie police tlqato.a i assertt eat ë aateoo mbsgaie "zit le tb. dewn'towta distrit, sudh as- crap, peker, hâmar, pitcii; and eo fertiL TIe ffoleing la the. outline of th, tection ou, pooiits gaming and giYen the. peflatyte b. in'posed ut Dffes, $15 te42800 vit h ne Provision *movidedfer reaittlpg the. One on a proie et geédibobavlor. ý Section tvo ýr«vldpa a4ln. 0ffroin 85 te 1200 fur. *ay e n# te.. ty et-the. Poice 49partmet«th city te seech for the. ganesésad ILii gamblem ,net euiy viieresnob hgaine. are, but viiere ttay are suspocteil te be. and aen' police oemoor cae ebts4a a, warrant te go and raid anoji a »saG witi the. added penalty of froze $10 tue $200 fine upon the. inkmtes wbho refus, te show hun toen.ter. The, penalty for baving any gaming de- vices atcrdiug te tbe fllewIng se- tien la from $10 te S$260. Playlng fer Money I.njsjw. Séecton 7 geou on te Bay tiit play- ing 8117 lcnd of a gane whstever for meeey la uelawful, wbtiir It 10 carda,- dice, checkes or billards, #nd the. flue la frein $5 te 1200. Vlsitors or ina., are hiable te fiues o! frein 85 te, $200. .Tii. police are te tike charge of aey and aIl apparatus and detroy them. MR. EDITO:- Tlulat few eold days and the siiow Ourries brMig a suggbsion of winter and ivlben witer is thougit of. we natl8rully think of sufeérinq and hardship. Just hesi- lm tate a moment, Mr. Edfitor, in your frantie effort to ka please the gay and festive subscriber, and contemplate at the horrible consequences of winter...1 Consider the feelings of the All-night and Sunday saloon Ieeper, sec what winter eosts him. He mnust Ire& a roaring firé i hlt and dMy, sen days a week. th Lokat the ex nsMe f or ,cloal.. Think ot the anguish e on- the part of e saloon keeper 'when lie realizes that a certain amount of the money lie should reeeiee must& now be squandered for fulet for bis worthy patrons' r faminies. ,Théni tiere is the garnbling bouse keeper.: He must r4u a firer ulglt and day to keçep bis gn~u lyr warm and comfortable while tliey shoot craps and playu poker. 1Iamto1d itl dpTeosiùgtoply poker lu a co, rooimi And4 anther thing fiat i unif air: hool is open, theeis clig antdbooks to bUy.,Tle iey gouig out o téegular poker ehvaiiels ciftg down the rake-of I M4ç causess xferifg to tle professiona1 ainbler. Dur- mng warni weather the iany ganibling )hoises in our city are properly ventilated, tliey keep the: windows and doors open and tlereby get p1enty of frýesli air, but now with the doors and windows closed thie ventilation must neessarily lie bad. 'l think tle adminlstrýtion, in fair-, ness to the, people, should insist upon better ventilation' b ybosJ.i bo' ti i tv a "ie"th gaibiig.p1viTg hol wiecrstefaefthe Iotly reept certaininstructions 1regardingfrsar ad ht e i > th.e y 0 j i o o A b ttr way igitbeto have the board of0hal draf ceta 1 ifes ovring the s=uiarecnditin gamblig lbouses. The ciY should =n ndatgely pur- t cbase a covered, steain heated patrol wagon for the coin-t fort of the gamblers and their patrons, and it sliould be kept at about the temperature-of thie varions garnbling bouses, ,so that wlien the police miade a " four-flush " raid- thie 1raided" would not be needlessly exposed to. 44.h inlm n of fhp. woher'Marellinoe the vnafiiho The ordinance la streep enough. te ucefe cyuite UUL r.j1rt111g ueI .UD..t The. erdinance la net mailde eo. are "6supýposed",to be arrested Îhrougli the streets on a Thegamu durehmanlyon g- col( - i't-aking te ohe station when their pores norants allen ral<7d off the, Otrante, are ail open from sitting in aliot room, is dangerous to or ou boy victime. their liealtli. H3uubad on Pmps<e. After the farce bas been gone through witb at the The police MNSday sougbt Gorge police station, the men, in a great many cases, must re- Butkus ef soutii Victoria Itreet, on turn to the gambling bouses on foot, which to iniy notionu compléiât of hlm vife and daughter is- unfair. I would suggest that .the Court go to.the l4va, that Sueday and the nigbt b.- varions places that are perntitted to mun and go tbrougli for. h. bald driven tbom fretitu the l ay o im b gamblers Inl that way no one 's bouse wtii tireatsa ttlbe ould itah '*o Iigte ' r dtegie ol o thote or kill tbem aul vitti a bitchet, lhealtb wo 1ldbe enjdangered, adtegaes oldut veird m an eer. H 414 n et bave a to n. veapon et the. tme. Sntkua Invihed I beieve that if the administration insists îîpon bis vife lMd daughter ho birng tue pe. lie te arret blr, and tald tlie':oenl gambing that it shonld at least be systematited, would 'kil t ujense uparing cèîyhi and proper precautions taken ,to preserve the gencral 14-yetr-e4danater Shel& H. vas liesltb.- arr*etd id Oued- Another brancb of the administration that will sîîf- Trony ManUs u*asfluet $10 and fer froin the cold weatbor is the WAIJKEGAN FAKE conte Menday mereleg fcr vi!. b.atleg. BTDDERS ASSOCIATIONLIMITED. lie saldho bad cuy utipbhedit bs vife, via.. brother et tuedWarleg wee Here is one of our xnost flourishing industries. JUîî tuât t vas net mach et an offenie te der thie .r etamiitation thig delightful, closed béat a *~omen. It turued euh tuat the. corporation was conceivedand has giýown to iks present iiusbawd bailitteeed hie s'lfe's une gigaxtic p roportions. We canuot let sewer, and water wth a blow and madIe It bod. le cnrcso u at plfrtesin n itrv blead tuat ho eeeded tue mouey and cnreso u a&a o h an n itrvr venld go te vonk, but the fine vwas Well. So you cati see at a glance how this willaffect levlpd. aud it ilaiielleved tuat he yl the wliole admùinistration. . tiuk bfore ho acte, beresifuer. Taking itali in ail, winter is if dreadfnl thiîîg. -Battery to Practice. -Yours trly, Battery C mien vîlî titis niontiih t! SILAS GRUMP. to figure eut bey te sobi!ansd lay 1ev Wauhegan, ZIon City and etiiea' toitiih VRYPE G thon o! the, statuts whci would bave shore chtina vîthin tiîe'range ô! thé - barred furtiier prosecution. Tii.beeki btiiree-tecb gunethbat the field a-of several hanksanld business bousse bîger cotnetlFqiDd*t , odera1 Body invutigat4ng wth i h bFitzgerald -3s nid ta bave cally. Witii the. aeo! a Wseldon -$173,00W Thê!t s usteined relations recently bav, aIse range lumier and paper sud pencil It. beau brougbt befere the present grand la satd tu be possible fer the, oficers Startlîng geveleliments came lu the Jury in the fédéral building; and men of tue battey te calculate $173,000 subreasury robbery case Fr1- Sima le Confident. accuately bey to land a miell Ini the day. t vas leareed tuat the. lad- Confident assertion vas voiced te- court bouse, frlng frein thee CInI. a grand jury bas for, v.eks beau flty by United! States District Attor- On. big gue vîli b. sblpped te the seçklug évidence 'on whicb te basefney Edwin W. Silms, a!lter b. learned state range ah Logan, and tbereatter eev Iedlctrnents agalnst meni believedtheii Dally News vas lu possession of for tbreo veloe the Men, a dotachi. te be accomplice« mter the tact vîtb thefct about the préset grand ment 'o! the batheary ah a hume, vill George W. Fitzgerald, tue former pay- jurys vork on the. Fitzgerald case,, bave a hiry t practice vîtla tie blg inlg teller, nov under ledictint.> that he belleves the. goverument bas gues, the ecrs ail the hune using More than fitty vitnsses bave beau obtained a itronçý arraY o! teatimoni' the, Instruments uset! lu actuel, vs-r- icallod befora the, grand jury 'P the against the former subhtreantiry er- fae. aud getthng and giving achupai past !pv. days. MIni' o! tuita ver, atnwudridemn.M.wn field! training le everi' respech. lempicytas et banklng and businessimpe t o unertnalmert. Mr. Shes captan Smih hmrecelved erders iiouses supposod te have bid deallegs mawd touasinc afle ehaaei te Insttut the. big g9M range prind- vItu Ftzgerald. Tirf. wtnessee.tut thié governinet doees't 1mev i.e. 'Thou vho recul! tue salut, te knovu teu bave testtlied ir James ced nov and nvr bas keovu vhat tue the. Nashvîlle vbich th. batteri' gave John Gordon of Lake Forent, aed P. dénominations e!ftth, stolen bUIs wro le ouchi splendid Shape a year age 15tH i., Joyce. oýr viat numiiers thoce bile bore. Wauk.gan day, vIll recall boy much Tii, Cordons ver. breught Into theMaeaiuf din a thbe-lacb guen makos lu exllod-case becauseoettheir association vith Athti orate ît!Ifomto lIn sud bey tue mIels travel. Blal0ilel i"tzgerimld lue egg deala and bécanesevas gîven eut te the ettect that ai ef ver. ireil Wankegan day. of a recent mâkod lecrease le tielr the, sîeîen bills vere! largedenemi: ___________réeal estate holdings on tue north PMiums !thi ee 1.0 Sobered by 0009«. shore., Jeyce ls a brtur-in-iev o! and $5000 bils, and thàt the. geveru- The, Zon City poice Saturdayi'egbtl Fitzgerald, ment kuew the, numbers prluted -on arreeteil theo 115h case etfsa i ltu Books e!ftth, Nertiier Trust Cern- the itelen, bills and vould snroiy catch delirium %tremens viti ivta thOay al"Isaare esaatu bave beau aken theculvrîts as soon as'tii, #rat ah- ever coped and tueeetnergeecy foue4 berethegrandijuryon thei- étate- tmtvsmd epi u !ti thom n uprepared. mui naine vas enta o! viteemestuat tuey ielleved mîssIng ony John Ciaualloand -le clined te bue Iltzgerald bld a depoaît'tuere.. __________ front Ch icago. liMe miueyed the faa- -s sily of C. B. De Normnanielet ah Tlrtîth * Develpepnetso!fsirtiles liepont- swl»8±iig Ro' MeI suad Elsha streets until tiioy astied 1110e hat veek beinstt te tu, front ln - The repubhican ceniplge In Lake is l rrest. Thie arreet, vas mae by la uew igt tue quetion vhotber the, doulity -laetill , progreskIng le funi bMarchali Hoover, but Cbeuible, Soeeulg î,rninnt la about te solve tue mys- swing. !londay ut the, local candi- Pnk eleplants and -iand4àibroidet'd tery o! vho niole tue $173,000 in dates vitb- George Ediuid FPos heRd cat& Mnil **eh tulae, pMov4 a pu=s! gre.nbacks aud bai notes cf viiicii twe meetings, * eueil LilirtYvl, ai tu te oPolice vbo o nuihei d d V. tu.. local subteaury vas robber hir.. 7:10 aild thep other at Lake Forest V. Bas*, euee orthe vise men of the yeirs go. Mo,. tude flfty viteoses. ah 8:10. "Il&a@%,aMdltue staes atterneyhmIie,1hdevelepa. bave beau breuglt bef or, ýAs meon as ou, speaker vasfinuish- t Mul eail' froteprayer andl ceunsel tue prenent féderal grand Jury anded et! vîS- Is epeech l tlubertyville .gA ýth«y teck refuge in .djluigtseritag qpisaed egardg tbér olv#lte wth ente vas vaitlns to taie bim tu l') s trong coe., t verked. Obouneola George W. Wlhtsgrld, vii. vasse. Foest Md lu tals mmaner-the. t%4 'a fteg1t lamele anl Mi Ipotirt7tiu OrtlY lUditetl ueiat'als b iy aeher meetings were 'kept goleg et the anc, at m-01551èa e v1euols, 1 tioerai gad uyb eth x ira-Um. e Gaz Uusd as Z-"t= o SU EýdWard Jebeke, 25Br, ou ofge. wu o«r. and Mis. Guns isiike, Wau- ogan, attempted te ouOiXlt suicide at tue home Tnuday nporning by tak- lutgamg. Tih. flrst tbat otber members otftthe îmily 1mew of the. attempt was vien b.e oddof e!ans uoticed, and tuey preeddte Investigat,. Ther trac- cd tbe fumes te the reoof het Young man, 104* upc. op.niug the. doer found the body lyleg on thie b.d nully dresi.d. Tii. Young manI bat! et be hoe iuring the. elgbt. but as b, vas lualthe habite iediti it ofaway fremn homoUt.vs j gtox it. lie returned tue he, about 7 a. m. rusday, geing stralgbt to hie roote on the. second flooe cd thi eso. Imero vas neting lae i.marnr or the ybug m«i tu 810*0 1117 iitpW Veut atraight toe o wU 10cm a*d tbît vas the luit 5,e cf bite. untIt be vas, !ound later le the moruing, unconscious freinthe, effecta of the. A 'dector was hastlly surneed, wbo !ound o nexaminatlco tuat tbý. maniad not talcen eucugb ef tbe n te, mai, bis çonditlou serions. Se- toratives ver. îpbli, ed dthe Young mnan ralliet!. Mben bo bad recov- eroed euougb to talle be re!useil te, bave unytbing te gay about the, mat- ter. Re. would ne ven stite wbetb. or bis near appreieii to deatb vis :-remeditated or accident#]. The. ta- tb'- vWheu asked about the. mattor tuis merning utated that b. dld not keow wiiotber the Young man bl at- *dward Jambke is emploi'.d oa meuon by bis fathe,, but the lust fow mentbsaaubeon out of work, mu the line o! wot'tCln wbic e h e ogsedl8 slack mi this timea. Tiiere le ne aP- paret reàson for the tet, eniside o! theifu tac tt ho bld not vorliefifor ge mre. Sultor Btealu Oow Tii. refusi of Mn. MattlO D.gWdt to ma"1 one of ber boarder resuit, ed ln tbe los of ber cow 9" & war. rant fqg' the grrest of ber star board- er, cycil Doniynck. it appears that tii. min bad board- .4 et the. bôme.of Isr. Desmadt for severai moetiis and beciifi tred of payiug Isaboqrd constat te wed bhW boaffdig mistrosa. lHe pourod eut ail the. ferver offhbe love, but bis de- claration fell on deaf .ars., ln a spirit of revene for thoe W o! hie love Domycedk ia allalsi t. ba,,evougse tethé. bainof lifisDbu- madt aMd takea rom Itb sMOUaco vainuedat about'$70." The. bo&Mdevtook the. cow aSM mold the animal te Fremont Pitelter. pt well known farier o e tii lcehY. The former owner of the. cow went te Jus- tic. Bals and avor, out a warrant for the, ormetothe ti. uppcsed thte! of ber The. warrant wu given to Cons- table Cushroe, andl as soon as thie fo mr~ rder 1 octed lh wlll b. bId forta. S NOEP8 D«NT '"Want ^di" brnn rela. sent an Inseion.eand yeii remet'SM00rendams "0e lNDILPSNDENT bis more eut'- soile, ed"clethase " dvcutllne Me"uuI aoeuay 10w- -TO GET A NEW STANDARD 6Pound Electric Irô'n fflREE lrouing day lsaiagt a dreaded dey of drudger'wheflb;alî Electric lion. lse m- îuioyed. There are Mo lires 10 keep lii; uothing but a switch té tura anid tbu- tempereture of the implemént i. rigt almobt imnediately- The flun6t lace, dainty ehlrtwaiste, heavy table linen or shoetâu-ali l ie nSOMe thisu itppliance aud with ail its work le better, quicker, neater than the old way. For a- limited time We Wili iOve-an lectric Iron .Free to ail persons ordering tMir bouses wired umder (lie 24 montha to pay plan If you o'wn a house that is not wired for electrlcity',you are depriving your- self and family of many comiorto, coq. ivemiencend economn.. For electi- clty in the hou&ehold, meons the king of Artificial Liglit ad aliau a servant Iliat assume@ ail the heaVg labor. The. Cost of Operation is Low. The Cost of Witing a Blouse is Low. Everything Eltetrical for Sale at our S how Ro6ms. North', Shor e Ekectric Ctémnay or Time ýWorld's Seis ase s i-es