CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Nov 1910, p. 9

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DENT. yAUKEGAN.WËEKsLY SUN - A~. -~ IXL4 roper-.bllle Prepared m ad & b, loret. t*elefflalature Wb" t -10« IlJ"" ynext tierEtor. Wb need a Mnemb r fOur OWU tg latrodao. the. am~ lo ock mter tbeir panga tbat wo ougbt to support Mr,. Hnwry Ê' EigOr of UbertYyllle rather LIais SOM. of TU Go e.dK. farn of Lake Bluff._ ý 0 andhffs,,Mr.Ose laa member ot the boùfd l idt b v*jl h t ar lo0f lake poucty aW i. ýweuat of the board of tuite.. of tbi village ot UbezyvtUi.. go le a nelAblle, enerr.tic sMd euoee.hi -bu Eff l bePr«M'ki o* mma oaMd Iune fa Sl')" r. z fide e.. lie ozeedlagly qpg)g, las la ahova by the larxe volt mwgeh Ibai reoetMved wben a aldtfo (r0. Wednemdmy'a sua.) 0"lc. He w.11cultakO aranl sdpoili. able member. To secure a mesuber of the Dot Mr. Stearas, the. preeeat. me9ubr, lagulature, we Mnut b. amore United Wma a candidate for renomlnatio l n- than we were at.tbe primarl. i& The. tii. direct pulmary i1m, the pas- âultustion, surrousdlagu and saturi uo f wblcb lit bltterly opposed. glv- edwmage OfOurcouny, iff n nuas a areatnu t it u'a s conti- advataee f or cunt' dffe 50tIua.i.T . âSuPreme'court ofthte' W*doly frOm su hOf aY OthercouID- Otte bas bowever, ees lit te differ tY la the tate that It la hlgbly ira. attIa hm and bas beld the, 1gw to be Veld. POrtanlt that w. abould ho repreient- i.rsi fM.Sra add ed by âme of- 0ur oW* elttenaabo la *., e tii«itOf. el 3260 vtas c Capable Of graplng the. situation trois b.i, noornated and lacked 1,100 a business standpolnt. votecof recetvlng one-third of thi. re. Nlo Other oounty luihe tage, OUt. publican votes n bia own.ccunty., ide of Cook, bui eo oasuburbin iving been thua defem e d ide r«Mmu M sumer omm s b cides to rua on a tumq, but th, vote reeôtece ai lraserho recelv.d iL the. Prlmary clerlnAn1 là". cOuty. dicatea tuat ibi ccttuents are flot1 No other couaty n touat, bai no satlsfied with him and there tu notbt. fmay Smsmer remortf Upon Iti nwn- lug la tue record tbat b. smde at the trou. mImfd bu aik~e coun- lait ssion wilc entitles hlm tu an endormement. LY He coataatly voted &gainât a bll Tii. cles. and village. In Lake providiai tht the. people cf a Ctyt COeUtIY bordering UPOn Lake Mi chignnnlght -dopt .a .oommîaison form ofI requir e ienactnent ofMse..addi- tiensi lava vich .11 Caemver tLi. toturocure aa muSclent aupply of purer vWater fros tue laie tuan tiey arm nov able te obtalin t la tbat the lIM. or suie- mer mrot uortiom i ýha iprom by tueé Sl#.daction or latereaied paruie. 9ai property ovumers organhmeloito *stistor asicimion sos . melewa UMMe ee-different pr.vimqu. et. the sinte from mg tut nov exsi. éAl.i, the eouaty la stilI tue ovuer et momor lem e swdmlane n ui vicw*ty a" the ut. la ithe ower of aIl theii. im d wdrthe wat«rof. the lalmnd labe. nt ovaMiby privai. lf: dlvidua a"sudtue ovuer of aIR the lands under tue waes o lLakeichi- un, - a" eluii.r tue ommty or the stte lea-tue cyner of v.rr rae a"i attractiv. Egyptian lotus bede n Gra ILake asom liv ebouid b. Plned rovldlng for thar..r atcto ad sali aubmerged kldssiaquli b. ivea te or the control hepaof nboul be plaed uder thb,»saioties, vii - age.s ad the couty. Tii... atter. abould bo taken up .? T governuet trois vhlcb fitvould Bl- pur tuat becvas sot vîlling te utrs tue popi, ta determine vb.ther they wanted te adoputue liv or not, but vasPOM tpoa dteiar havlng tbe rigbt, te decide for Lienelvea-itiho dame sot truat the people vhy sbouli they truet hlm? W, say tuerefore thainluthe inter- est of our county v. should eacii cdii turas, votés for HBNRY 8. EGER FOR REPze«TATIVE. RIARIAGE LICENSES. LAcard berrr. Wiucondi -....34 Ethel 0ae....................21i John B. Berry, Chicago .........28 Loulse Secor. Racine, Win......9l Net. Hansen, Racine----------..30 Gusty ima, ................. 2 * GVERtNMLNTf. m~~ U ~ ~ i -aê3IDOtpsMb. Indusediad mcuhl ole. Io IO4*-CM &&à or e LýIE«TyvilLEILL *1A, NVME 4, 1910. IV AE ~LO N.. NSuSIO U"y !:raV.marie' -vit - cat~ onU ---P 1 ode LLU14DER CIVIIL SERVICE ~NO siglneev, PoHfl foi 'dWlter Wol'ksEngimuq~i4 dýSasee FomesuA M AuM«bk te Rteaglens .of1 CSuRISIO (Prom Wodados n.) Tii, civil service ocw4smao, Joiin F. Barvell, M. HA. U êsdLJ. ar, mt lait ait Su -Bualiy eopt.d a com.p1tq et e rûlée te vemn civil service. r this city. :It bai beotoudS tbai ithéeare cly tU'o realny .msft ,dipant- ents, Ilniiiameue cf :' W.gulsr or- wniztion, lu tul tr. F me -sMd uliii departient."'Te«ny« p bu to civil serMee -Mmiticu. n eo general lav, are. >4bege oti. are. se supenltend.tý"4 tIèbo@rs.of ke Phies.and iiu.Afrefdsp&gia.ont t. 4ji.police, M4~g sd tcaare mot b*E*d rnra.t Amd dàettmonn bu tW5*. ettue- hpf public verbe, th*Pou"a bifa, bu treet foreman, tht viteor verks Wto.e, and aIl of tlo# mgn ame di.t undr civil service.. gUO CSD tiSe the civU -sericet meai their optiflo aO»lsyW014b elakes. If tIaey do udt te«3O et syromain as nov auIWlto 4. tý i vu. If tuer taise té ttetoti-. Sbut regalarly. proréd ei*Ugit 4a heartng before t* ib il e ervlSce- W4 ma ca bIS, thea loesf i t- $1.50 PER IE-ff IN A SkR oF e~ thth, brd battallon or thé TwonJ GAIE ont latantry;, Major i. B. Mc. 15JtIj ýT OVER AT Caet c r,, w» hthe, Thfé «Mdron of tii. 'Ilt*te.stcavalre: 11M Ueu- tean .-C' Allen vitIr Dat*e r IW T SU RID N ,f*iield arttliery; sur#"onJ. M Ma wlh a.detachanent of tbe lice pital corps. The Ir4wu army wua composed .0f, SlouyLakuForut nVadud by the Second battalloor 0ft4# Tweat- Btia mnFirsi IfAn yand CptonM. bMý TO AWi*un cOf iiFth e mticavairy, iiepllmowrps Su19006u0"1 units to anilo a uc a viuie.S I de. ApiaiISPeOtIus.F*eg by- fpWY ains Durlnse'psv. Rit 81à m £ae aýmvnt l Mt" tell sfu dansthe t Ou Mouu Sbos J uliht AU ootlued until tbO>Moro. en ol*$hr@ oIlthé foarth daY, dnrins Wkiocb tA.. the aeuverlsg or.f a -tw<> larmiee coutinued. Beta armA.. vere Blue and.Bro'wn Amies C..- accompanied ln ai movementa by tendJustasToughlii warftre was îlmulate4. Pliesier BaftIe FlIÉIA were daptared on hot id 1esu"d beld until theI ead of the manu1e. O the lscond daerColonel Ptcer'e ccm- (Prolo Wednesdây-s Sunl.) Mmii uarcbed te 1Highlaand arkad SleepgJjake n'rest vas the anly Colonel WOltz's ccmmand a Iri.h op- èitYalog te nrthshoe t awkenpoiite.dlmection.-both arpleg nturqlsg totiaty s tti frithoe lae lu thie-afters >oon, toward 0Fo$téUhehar- te iitac ua duingthelaterPart da, the. objective point, whare-cmpe of ctob.r a big var gaine vas hein« ver. made juld maneuverl>g bedo. PIaYed at lFcrt Sheridan, and eleepy Socoutlag snd outpost vork dcnetltuted L-ak. Fbrest awakened only long MOU ot the dUty util' the marorta engb tco f ti, ral et tii-.01thetourtb day, whbe h c1aargdea OndItili nsoed u te dvimc.d on eaChi thà"dr' u. t uotsr soldiers oftervl'ai5IOW treacbed on the. tirget raw,é but Dot long enough tu find eut what Attacu Fort Shpiga. It wue ail about. After the t lsiln cf tbim prob- Playd Wr Cme. lem. the.BIna amy lsd the fBim PIîy. War mme. arMY ver.omblsed mader Colonel On the. mmnlug or Octeber 19 ail PitchêT and n'division wv ali smedti the troopa s-tatloned at Fort Sheridmaan.neconute attack 'Port Sheridan. 1 turnedout fr ther OntColonel .Plti~$Y' brigade adyaed. tumd ot fr heï fiatccmpMuc a ie " hn tii. uemy vas roiorted es vltii the order requlrlng laasonnai havlng takéa Fort Shieridan tiie home field Inspection. Lieutenant Colonel trOSoope oeln i itàb artllery and Charles 0. Morten, the. inspector, wvs lftry Ou ti.h@11Ue.0f silhouette i- Md" teiby Captais Paul B. Malone. ores at the t6rwttrnge. EaU c"ri, Tventy..eventb lnf&ntry, chier 1,5- rida.. vermeMby tiie tuatrr »À plmeý Captai. F. C. Maruball. fftteatu the record cOfbits on theIi. loq.teà ovlr;Captaias C. F. Grain.nd ll detefltained the destruction grth.eun. V- . .Murphy. TventY-aeventhbilan emy. The. van game Wvfu Ohed at try, Asistent umpires.3 P. ni. on the fOuh ida.,ý The com m d vwu ormed the Bout Everytuig po si l ias o ,s t duy on the. targe rmage, viii the ena. lmoke thevei in1miraspdeleu. tire fieldequlpment, wagon traing Tb*proger -pe1catag. et ll1e ans ,and apparatua for war. vimedveralwayi ef kdlOn h d Aftr InsPecton the, troupe were or. vltii tmgs indicating thib «M a oue tt ganlaed loto a Blue sud a Brown army WoUIid. Surgeon. Mount luth Mes- nad a mansaever èomenced wiiicii did bers of the boapitai <10<1. qxaaned ot terminai. untfl the. aiternoos of the. data os the. tmaland the vound. the tcurth day. Colonel william Lu ed men ver rcmcved o u era frrnm Pitchtir commanded the Blue and the. field te recelvetreaimen cord.u Lieutenant Colonel MAllardI. waitz lsgly. A base boapitil wia etablleibedn the, Brows army. Colonel Pltcher's for thie purpos.. Mcmblio f thei. staff coueisted cf Captais J. T. Moore, Twesty-aevesth ltantry band vor ie adjutanat;, Captala M. E. Savilie, quar. «ed as lîtter carrers. leflmeDial V termaiter; (hbaplaiu G. D. Riceand Sren Major J. .Mltr a ai Surgeon J. R. Mount. Lieutenant Col. oD ef dliaean 'earymreu b >n,î Walist. acnite or cf pt Regimestal Commlhaary gorgeant W. LieUtemt T. B. Seigle, adjutant, and P. Brown and Regrossatai Quarter.a ZIeutensut Byard Su.ed, quartermas- malter Sergeant L C. Ckaglerd, Tven. ter.ty-eeventh Intantry, vote on bagd The Army Commandera. vith the. - seceseary, ooaniseary asd -,Th Blu arm wascomposedof quatrminter's supplie@fer a'm iBI,Wo .W oar va lènA.palan. Color Ser4eant. CImofgeWIods P Jtan R. W. lOve aond Bt thelios standAdrian Babbitland Battallon Ber.T Uatint .W oug bwetn Wlth ifanui t staMajora Jacson ad Barr tockC tt; ajor oW.tIL, Tveteeand At- .part. In theabaenc@ 0f,.Ueutenant IR. iny; Matao . M. su IL O'BOrles, Lieuttant C. &l.Cottesi na attlio Adut.t J m.esuvasin charge of the imablseMgu n Platoon ot thi eat.event Ii isan. Neir -ork, Nov. 1,-t hb ahigei fallr kUDLai tubteatriqM cires@for the lest ieS tuat nome sort of ai- anaêeâ.t viasabout toha aimade ho- tveen the tbatrical ayndlcàt sut tha Tiieiter Ovsers' Assoca"jonbu Irhich tuer, couid han uescliange or attractions. Aun latq a ius utarE n, sowver, ih vas tated tt ne ainire. rent iii been ruached, aitbouqba nuinhar of contrescee bld beuid. Ne bint ai te tue exact nature oftue, "nrmgeD1.nt could bo obualnesi froua sltlier aide. * The terrltory ahfected la coutrol ainclially, by tue Nort#wv.tera ýTheatI-ll Associâ.tios, 60f ybiciiJohn Cart la general manager, Tt liLe about $00 tiieaters, part of them la Iportant cie.suad the, rat in "on, sigut stand',tevns. Tt vu asannnedtoday tuai a rmset. log cf tholthsater ovuera' body vould iave to e alWd befor, the boue. rep- eaéented lu'lie rembershlp could ha iirown open ureservsdly to the syn. btgqbocS4ggs. One of tue original br-Ravs cf theiisocaiio-Ïnmoase. I obUgatory for meinhars te, book ail attractions direct'vith the. producing mnDager sud not turcugi mu ageney, ITALIANS, FIRED; REFUSE TO ý LEAVIE ForeiuP MD bistug"d Tr e At iee& S §W'Non ftefoudu Té Lenf~theIbr WLk.Fiee. mon Comme Nome b, PéicS (FrMMWdedg u. Tva Itallana vwer. diobargesi lu tue foreman of ithe gang ef laborerg ai the @slnd pIts at Beach this mcm-. ing. but tblnklngtuai their servies ver, ef more vaine thu the foriiman credited tii.. vii b.lng, tuer itool tueir ground sud refus.d te, leave theïr MworS. The. foreman, Andre, veut Omttb tue police et ZMon 0115' te bave tba ries arresisi, clalmlg tut one etr tb. vorkers bld strucis hlm wben he told the -man te leve. 'Tie police tuer. retuseil te bave anytbing te do witb the aiRair. Tiien Anidre came np te Waukegsa ta, take tue vbols force. Soya on a hai4car Iftiihey vould but coma and take svay bis olinhatsbelpow ~Tbm Pooerm aie reuesi te terfoe a»i tii.foremn aretumnesi te hba mp lhretu~ln t ~5~5~l**me ortale. ti i Cànducto M .BE.nt-MksPstS, I~ f'Ieç »C'Road Effrt to 1*Coriàýuctint Huier TJbati fUio. Wedn~ule oue.i ne. ,depaa"rr inthe. field of air i ThebMe naiae.11cot the aumof Not content vîtI apuacblng tranafers 400., di o he ti.mes plmlag W suw7dgo#kt auS wulag the.belu a a he venture. w, «ým.- IL ustay% redm rday esUdtor on tioc:, * >«* .M 0 or perations bave go ter11 tbeý çtoiiage& îirnvaut utk t, sa the yoÜng loess tc soir above tue clonds laban_ the, -4mai ishedter aqoplane hh-uefiaun$e ore they Iai Hia Brat faîl from wrae ias treet idatter publie. TheafMachine Ioh car pooductor vas &bout aiY"> 2141 aethe lios o heefl viien, to tue astoultbuâtatad O abvIievy ' ima m-fy lb. om « or bis f.llav- traismes, b. ordered auidons] fu.ture. of ubeir Investie eWttiâ.blW. ..Wiiea droit iie ent Iaonif- luatedl. 1«S Up the street ons lio day 0toi nbisi_ _ _ _ _ _ n auto mitet s uogt'tuat the ib«i bad »Me.«. Béut ne. beaifi irebovesi in'eorrow oeg tue vayvard friad ii. voudIc *"IL te put at nanpjitailoile law" et 4iavtty la alereplmnt MOt. - Det- ý »* i«r, wu tire.of %à,fanela verx- k1A ias on bune of te tii. ugernauts 0f tue air, aver tii. ple.roosisof the. Bulck Autaumei worka ln Ci- N cage. Was 17bqgbt That Frlday. of ffl:,Weuk Would Sues se, STramafer Mode toréa» n *th Attermies CFraiW.daeedaya Seu.) The trnferof the. estate, 0f Zi, City hai aap heen delayed untilne*" )5ondiy. General Overmeer Vclvas*M- today tuat b. had bad a confersnag witb Cobe and Mclesinon of (Cblcago.- attorneys tpr the, recelvera,-and $bati mit the dotait@ would be cIared-up by Iaext Monday. Tii. lit date set for the. tranafer, vwu Pfriar Of tht.&vuS, aýdMt iiaiteij the affair along Volive-led a meeting of bla mdvlsory bard te ineet in lits oMeiesi tntMondîr ulgit.ý 1At tuat tiine It wâà tbonght -that, loentytvo lgours would ha eu"onlet' trne la ivblcb to dlear up tue miller matters, but IL wus tcund liait ters was more te ha dons ibis swa aitot thbougt. The.iBal formalties of tii. tranifor have lIen poltponed noc my turnes "h tI thaugbt tut tuer. luaom hitcb i5 tue proceedinas someviiere. Neither Volîva nor the Cobe sMdlic. Kinon coapeny ef Chicaom Winle i mit the. tact but, àgm.dtblLai Dot kaown te the otie orld la ,holding off on the Unaiaccount,' teNOei WIT1IT&I4cy~ <From Wedaedaro sim DolmDa directer c ié le.,a patent m-ediclue- vi ebibs 0that j* total *- rlit A what eron~s s b ght One of Our Kmo; Do you kow -tiat tMis is -ontof thei PoPuldr instrumnents that. have ever ê eito the' public àMiuscians who ha4. used mny different makes of pai uythat for ts pietere th s'none that is better, aùd>y wilfind Kinabry in the boaet homeg of every eo munity. Yf you are 'a lover of music sme the Ktnpbuy Piano. haie on sale at the stores of Play on them and notice tber fâne musical quawetlep 1 then examine their fine construction, and y'ou will me w people like them go wveil. Wbile you are thereaiselo;ok at our CIO 'Y.Pi-nos.lai:., YO*a e#» buy'any « Us.m on easy termK. Expiet Tiu9Iug-If you nov usie a pano, let oui", tuner and regw)tôr look it ovier. li s 'n ownX ot.lieave you order st the address above. - Cable~ *1'. i - Detals Net Leand. 3ev detlis et the structure ct tue pl» an oaahlearbed nov, ai the uea n ain th ~b e pbe-. MLt No, be la not sufrins frog isr»Planltls or bull" , ca.or sur tblng ef tuot ksio'. bat ha atadi la fflei Y 'téeMÎ cont aà Wt.a '04 *t,th*tis.urse.-Ivari . s' hcý pftala. ga&W udortak.y. as veliIf h 40- nar a. oa be, tdanod db I -ts, us four">'mgimeu, vue amre i orontue nokseobime uea' -

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