r b.and i£, .w~ *~* N0VJBBff11, 1910. W OUwÂrE*ra 79C 105-107 N. GENESEN E t v e r j o m o i i "a lu1i a iptioaiv e ~ ~ ~#uak. a'wi inte S . - SeltoMer Usuel olm *lis aa voustbombb carneS L itereuay l.6 uint h patt i lg ilutilot leslieChicao hrsa - -1ry O b* mowll dmcrs ecaum it e1o * im lIS Tf1bUa.00 tIportWan *me& lif t b Feua moeotem l. dhhde si ra a ohlei-l'as"ii.eoomty 1.1d«bu la the prts ôphW dmf lIme othe déoratie mb5vot misse a omt . mortiern'If romn oreeotervedoib.the ueeei NreL Hé v u j Dodue oos theu Mhe rmoIlam im a La b ofvtei Umm tqne s akrs ovuforou lue bSs ituai put a" moo lu lb pftarlaa ThevotslaLei asseUl a vbt * vot . Ueanav bai bo dfeio lulb.ho aejamoosa" 0" oua L Avonto prol auemnd igudt., vo rui colora ci of i L elvewVlm fact in fe ontorlaly > l. plmb4 in thé pila racUoaTheV ioItl opouemt, but .Ane'su. rolbtl hdm defateà lnb the 51Uue- pommes tau eorge Kt3besroll rl0if Dogm.N $W. o c ie u Lm&*& maertien bomocatevera. ai ommeaobr ma. hi ie apsreybo DMoller mS la l Toth»,Dtictmnl * oleloaitrosa blb. ome *ppoen dro #,«W l'os as gumthfor th opsnt. bb.nothrGeoe. bis mur 1.4fl.bios hlthe.80ole to-VIe oluvis vi yoN. cul laho . rtura ro ad cmlb.kW4m trct.rirtead éTetbu ahe ami thoAcdistric 1t this mo zbwmgloubromhat Von va neaap b. Woloa hie .am Usas luiet o laibrher, vorge ut. s (T-ram~eeftars SUN.) Chartes Torbîrth, a dork. laliq he Lavec #rus -store aetLibortyvile *suq tjai a noyer* oul ovor th.e «0e lerdar. vho b. t t bro. et th. fi vlt be*othueand . D. Speacerof CbIod.uo thelr vay to i" sa la-thse avetl amto. The pUlyhautloft Libetyvtfe .5 the attmt*eu O ems ta W&Uke#al A"i ver e aàw bemu vav boIve WarrmeiOs M wabbkesehem tii ual. luMuft arty p*ue r utreel'* ro ié 1et la tb.md asd lb. ocamua-v r lbai p#ou. Vobu h la"m , 8ý bis boaS At ou tide e the .roelbut Wle a ud ti ovoté 0"'of -bis use ho W" embus Thoý rept of the artly e.oà.pod Im nhe auto vW» âlUlit. (;ro1.W Utu.e* mAler at», monhfh~ Ever' sInc our ablity1 No, matter ter goods f Bore, m.dam in m ~otu~ and, nove yç% rq.tuly- worth double ÊteS= îwe are aaklng frtheu2 FU length' fleece limed, *$1.50 value MoiWtrAt 10ro Lt âwbà ien's and cMildren's. garqnents at Ioweêr prces than eisewherc prices advertised by oees,you can corne, heW 4â#tp* >boy bel ey. _We cutprces as often.,aiw ùecessarv 1tosusâalàn Fiidtmn reputation for, undeisellln2 ail. others. ThM alot of co&Um ts a si swutig of tuesl7 , i. ov Um. old WPe.?ieW4em For eidren, flecce lined, blaek or tan WC. Your éhoiee of over 50 different, styles of the best $6 to $8 leather bags Of "fine material and rustling ,quai- ity fuil width, 15 value 1 3,9___ Suit of al wool worsfeds and COUSnts i Suits full of gratee and pretti- ser ges, perfeetly man tailored, fitted styl iess for ladies and In1ss urmedsai I f.lt lc they corene iiail WOQI 11 5 , g$22.;eO j, satinersyl$c faney materials, welU ivaue.....2.vauee, $ woe;h $17.50,. only ..9 9 aue....... au Suits of ric h high clàus mateî'- O aleS godSaeeof p iais of pure wýool, coats have A large rack liflled with beau- Dressesa guaranteed satin lining. Your tiful serge, Pananmas, and silk fon, bireac particular style&7 Z dresses,inîanv rhihc and shade ishre. O styles, $2000 *50J dresses, m $3.0value ..,.vau..... $27.50, fo P" *$6.00TW diË 4 tf«r$.. ý;«er in the hustory of tnifinery businessl was itý known to offer such beau- 3 tifuil hats, trimmed with I faney feather,Wingvelvet, llc We bought from an Eastern bouse 100 eleg- v ant pattern hats, every one worth.*10. . P Our challenge BaVer Rats - Ail. àilk, beaver bats, mwith j>est trimmings, 49 speeial,. ... 4C ,.Childi-eti's fur feit hImts, wjth sasb and rihhn iriniming, speelal. 79c Bearskin b9nnets .2ic Woodsiik opera seartio, $2.50 value, special ýSc Ail silk auto veis, two > We fera treat te the ladies of Lake COU~ r wiÉg th«ý!Itire lot on e ota Akirtî,u the lot worth les Palea. Ohildreu 'a olte -Warin serviceable coats, $2.95 values Girls' kersey 2 5 coat, $4.95 value .2 *7 Beârskin and melton $ iMit1ren's fian-'Cdre nelettle ers, ail, pajanias . . m4 r, onl3 Ohldren'a Dresse Girls' $2 plaid 89e dress es at only ... Fancy dresses, 6 te fl 14, $3.50 value .....~ Elaborately trînuuedfle dresses, worth $6, atU*Y.7 n's_ swea- Children 's Ia- col 8 I nelette Ohal5j4q e le et WàaU. Extra quality blacksateen Nuus veiing waisth al walsts, -oe waists, challenge $1.00 values .... . t C 1)ie' ....... -.... New fall waists, in many Rieh silk waists c f n beautifu1 (styles 1 9, 9c mc eand taffeta silk, worth $2. 00..... worth to e.00, special LMO5iU~ ~é45 riessal- some .3.75 0of anlwool 1Panama new plaited Inàdèl iii black, brown, or nyv the f uit length semi- le, mnade of extra qtla-, .. .. .. . of-eýalne, silk, chif- tleloitzland many oth-7 worth or . .115 'a sot cdbroad el new mixturé coats, *2W valueps, s""bdl beautifl uttrouÉ plu ail thmotgbýwtth ha Pt ...........j. Your ehoie .of a, large sa- beline muifs'or throws-t our chillenge price of $12 Nock ýPlece,$C95; Marmot, xink, rn- l"x and Russe lynx, rus trinmned with heads and tails. wé defy competition 4*95-j Lar eAierc enlir sets, $1&00 v, Y ou h ie ,set . . . We carry fur muge, or, and fure ety- description and. guarantee to *veyou'. ..................... mhàAI.1 ....iUaafai. a mhnin. fur esnatk 1