CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Nov 1910, p. 5

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I iiUTL 1H Tu M Dune-*i Wolf that's ail rlght. we want you tO LOVE your wlfe, but If you dei h&vent.A wfé tO aea.jet an overcoat. Gel an Overcoat anyway th (ify ou niaiS on*) for that la a necessar>', a wlfe lent, although they tii are, very nd* <o.vitimss.) Now wws have a very good lina of Overcoatali Presto or Mlitary and common vlvet collea from Pol mlaukQ!oe. Pkush and Sheep-Iiuied Corduray and Canviie Cosa froni 02.00te, $15.00. ci Swutbrs andS Sweater Coats li, sveral stylas and colora from Oust received a ahipment of thosa Dandy Bradley Mufflare, nana boter, 60 cehts Our usuel large Sine of *bha* for vou ta aelect froin at aur usual Ch prlces. pot somns dandy lBgh-Cuts too, ut from 08.00 ta 07.00 just the thing from now on. ati 010 YOU BEE OUR IR SHIP?-We're not going up, nithar b are aur Prices. Came li and sescus whether you Iloty or flot. ln J. 13. MORSE & Co. I3wirythlng for Mien LIBERTYVILLE IL ' * We have a very cheap *1 * price on BALDWINi APPLESg 0COME IN AND)SEE TIEM o rfOR SALE BY J, ELI TRIGGS 0* Phone 25 Phone 3 4 -- -- -- -- ALL MIES C. A. BESWICK From tha Tot to the Old Man mnay hava Eye Troubla. 6Wasses Properly Fitted Effect a Cure Speciai pices for *TWO WEEKS ONLV. Oneé fonnth dmscount frorn Our regular pice wil be given on ail Eye Giasses and Spectacles fihied befome the 251h of November. EXAMINATION FREE Satisfaction Oua anteed. - GRADUATE OPTICiAN BULKI.h'IY-LOÇI,i ,LIBERTYVILLE. 4d<4444444~4q4<44ww4gwiejw YOU Cm WOrI Near- a Window - - lu winter when you have a Perfec- tion 011 Heater. It is a portable êàdiato'r wblch. can be moved t0 any part of a room,*or to any roomn ln a bouse. When you bave a you do flot have to work the stove, which le usually far from the wlndow. You can work where you wish, and be warm. You con work on duit wlnter days in the full ght near the window, wîthout becbg cliilled to The Perfection 011 Heater qulckly gives heat, and with one filling of the font humae a dil for nine hours, without smoke or suiel!. An Indicator asi 8hows the aniount of oh lu the font. The ffiler- cap, put lu Ille a cork Iu a boule, lsa auached by a chalu. This hea':er bas a cool bandie and a damper top. The- Pirfoction 011 'Heater has an automatc-Ièekluag fiane SPr«WQwbich prevenîs the wick from bein¶,harned high enough to, amoke, and ls easy to remove and drop sekan te wick cas hoe uikl cleaned. The humner body or pallery omunot become wodged and c au be unscrewed, lu en Instant for rewicklng. Thé Perfoctiou 011 Hester ta flnished ln, jan or nickel, la strong. durable, well-made, huileî for service, and ye ligb: sud ornosental. Dsfs£»AVoywàff soWai ons* o ecfie~rf - ~ lsaewuas-es <Và LIBERTYVILLE 'BRïEFS W., L p PÉRSONýALMENTrION Ta Inue publication ln thé Indepen- Tb.ti. log members of Libertyville lnt, copy muet be inUtehoffie noatirLqGd«e No. 492, A. F. and A. in., attended a stated convocation of llisiugSun iodge han Tuècday of eael, week. Adver- No. 115, St Oray@lake on ,aturday' calrs, epecially. are asked ta take nlgbt. 0. E. Churchilil, Chas. Kaiser, puoy )irticular notice te, this afFect. Proctor, geyMois&, Paul Morris, W. H. ___________________________Wells and Dr. A. H, (lurcb iii. HUgb field and children, of Wasbing- Chas. "aux made a business trip to tn .C r lîigîibk.adMs ilcio laI w~. b H. Whbitney. , lr. Reld, former>' ln lames tiould violted fniends in ZQi tenwsae beni bri1nwl t>' ovr Sund>'.th: prlntigdepartîment of the congres@- J. Ell Triggs made- a hueinees trip to ioDai lîbrr at n'&mbîr»gton, and la Dow hlcago on IlondÉ&Y. taking hie annuai vacation. Mrs. C. 9. Pugh lm vi.4ing lier P.arent@. At the, meeting of the, Nortiier Illinois kTaylorviile, 11i. Teachers' Association, field in Mandeli Mr. and bMs. Il. Hi. L>-tle are visiting dii at the, Chicago University' on Fri. nChicago Ibis week. <ala>ast the following f rom tbe facuit>' Pan ellwo wn ie epoons atthe of the Lbrt cll 4hoo!were present: Lyrleon Frday ngbt.C. R. Pugh,iisIl. Louise Cater, Gler- yrl onFria>'nigit.trude Dicknan, AilleýSuiih,;Nyrs Leddy, Cerbard 8chreck was vlting relatives Dora Leddy, peariIRo w ley, Lelab Webb a Milwaukee this week. 1% aud Clam a tewart. Cý E, Ward and a'lfe, of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Baker and chlld. C., are risiting in our clt.v. ren are visltlng relatives ai Long (irove %Ir. and tIrs. Fenu> Quentin, 6f ftlcýa- thîs week.' Ir. Baker i> etili incapacitat- z. s4pent Sunda>' with relatives here. id from w.ork b>' rea--,n of the injur>' to .. Reheci a Jamefs. of ltavenswood, hie band, sustained 1-Y a fait lait week, qviritinfr ber eiter, lire Daniel Lee. as an examînation after the swelling - s Leu îiearyc and Wm. Bicknase, of Lake Zuici. wprc.-lie on business lait wfpk. Robert Att i is, of Ecansuon, Plienit Sun. dasyàpf.- r ith i lm. unef.. E. E Ellsworthî and faniily. .Ir@. Ernima ltre-ileocer elienit the, early part of liii week with relatives at Rockefeller. MisPearl f)l .svl,.eilclriver Satur- day and Suida>' v. th lier Pster at Chi-' cage, Heights. Mn. and Nlrs. Ed LYnecblave moved inte <lie W. E. Davis cottage on ýNew- berry avenue. MNisèe@ Gertnude and MIiid ed Evelizor @petit Saturdai- and Kundai- witb cela- tires at Evauistou. Do-tlt forget tei netit>' the lubrar>' î-îîuiîniuîî-, lat von wauit te oubscribe fir a litîrar>' tirket. Mis-Lucy' SuivIs, of the Ne%> Cfftle botei torce, le eleFnding ber vacation wiîb hîie toike at %aiconda. cr. and l tIe. Ernmett Knickerbocker, o! leenlleld. sPen)t Sundav with Mn. and tirs. Rallb Knickerbocker. Bert Bock and Tom Suydauî 1loft on %Vednr-ednvYfor southernIlîlinois. where tue>' iill i sk employnient. Tii, adi.',of <lie Pn..elytenian cbureh will serv n -I lileken dinner ou Tliunpday eveninar. Der. 1, ntthe1h, -hb. Miise Nancy NMe%thur. Whi, elneîhiug aI Mainetîe, Wl.., Ppecît Suinday blie witli ler Pister, Mrs. Geo. Bond IeýnmsieLimberr' le atteniing circuit coint at Wanikegau tlîis week in liii officia]l apacit>' of deput>' elieriff. Tii. tiret darce of the seaeon to b, ivi-n b>'the lhonte baud on Thuroda>' nsall, Nov, 21. at the town hall. Johit n f.aier, tle promtiinoRond- out citizeu., .was ber, on Tueida> ricculatiuig aiîiîug bis man>' fiende. J. B. Hiiaad. une of tii, St. Paul vice presideute, Wlî<ee suniuer home ie bere, lias moved imb Chicago for lbheivinter. Tie Ladies' Aid of the Preehyterlan Churili iili tic-t at the honme of Mu-s, F. P. Dynîond on Thurîda>' afterâoon, Nov 17. Frank ABasou was the lucky mian at tlie Lyrie theatre ou Monijay nigbt and waîireîntcd witli a @et of handîouîîe Lou K-h-c. î(if Lonug Gruve, ah» was uiarrid rei-,-,ilm-. bas iiîoved boe and Ie locatedin Lou Lewi' lbouseeon McKinley avenue. Owing lu ithe non-appeanance of the principial speaker. tIi, prohibition ral>' at the teivu bal Fnida>' night wmeDt ver>' entliusiastir. tI r. and lirs. Lyle Smith are receiving tiie -ongratnlatioeeof thein fienda oven the arrivai ut a ba>' bo>', boni> to thera on Frida>'. Nov, 4. tirs. Louis Z Protine lof t Wcdnesday fon Fiendeliip, N. Y., to viil friendeaa short timafaler uvhich @lie will go te [laldinoville, N. Y. iviece ber busbaud le eniployed. àrr. andl tre. R. H. Cole. Mn. and Mrs. .1. T. Roebertson and Mr. and Mrs. B. M DAbna were anîung the Libertyville peuple attending tbe Schwantz at Wau. kegan Sundu>' nigit. bad submided, diclo.E-d a fracture of on.- of thie boues. The contract for leildiug the ware- house for the nem fl'c umapan>' was awarded on Tue@mltt ' v o George Bond, and wurk on th.l,ii i ii>of the build- ing Will cOmmencc i, <lie 1Sth. The structure WilllW ie :lîîQîîfeet, 24 feet in beighn ndt bl aie titree separate rooms for the mtorage ot ime Tue Womanse Guili if St. L1awrdncsL Miealon will hoid a lîazaar at lhe Town Bal], Thurada>' afternoun aud eveulng, November lît. A hot meal supper wili kc seu-ved from:.,to s~ for 25 cents. Articles elitable for Christmias gifle will bce on sale. No arli,îlc priced over ;" Oc. Dancing from 9 to 12.- Thooe of our Lberty ville peuple who desire te attend the.-Schwnartz theatre at Wankegan can have reserved seats arranged for b>' leaviuîg word at lb, INDEPEMRX~T -office. Tii. attraction for Sunda>' matines and ight is The 'Flirt- ing Princes." coniinw froni a suceemasl mnu lu Chicago, and liîing ecrongl>' en- tlorsed b>' Iheatnical citte. Prugrepg un thie sciver inprovenn has been aided rnatpciall> b>' the clear weather now existiug. Dilching wae flnisbed on Newberny avenue lait week, un Mlilwaukee avenue te the junction oI the old @voten, duning the eariv part of the week and the linge nmachine le now working uorth on Milwaukee avenue. The pipe is being laid as rapidi>' as possible and equal rapidit>' le ehown lu couielrutting lb, brick man-boles whieh are located at con veulent lutervals on al] the treets. 111e expected thatlie work will be î.raclically counpleled tiefune bad ivcatiier scie iu. A largi. confingent ofi Libentyville Masons îwelil t<o Waukegan last Frida>' igit on the occasion of "Past Masterà' Nigt: iviien a jeivel wa@ presenled to Dewey Haniîlton, fonemanuof the me. chanical deparîment of the Waukegan Dal>' Sun and a mason of Preetign and long standing. A banquet waisprend during the cveniug and the work uftheb order n'as exëniplified b>' pasî inasterg of tiie lodize. Tiie@@ were thb ivsitors froni ler.-: Tho@. Corlet, Joui Austin, Lew Hisubi-. É. C Higgin, W. ?,:Avis, F. P. Dyiîond, Eari Colett, Julius Trep- towe, C. Hi. Kaiser, Fred Croker, Frank Wileou,. PLUIti Morris, ROY> Proetor, W. Ri. Stuiiec, E. 1: Elisivorîli, Chas. Austin, Ra ia> ols,. E L. Davis, .AI : Heath, lieu. Morris, anti Gui Berry. Liiîertyvilie ivas Weil represeuted at the, IePublien ral>' ln Waukegan on MenOtdaY nigitc, lhe ipeciai car belng i-nonded. han>' of thosee. Who weut over smide stepped" lhe speaklng, and took in the attractIons Offered b>' tle seve rai îlîealres. Those wbo attended the epeakiug ivere weentertained, how- ever, aid the peints hrought out b_' the several olîcakers were ail veriferousi>' applauded. Ex Congrfssman Laudis,~ of Indiana, ivas the principal speaker and liei word picture uf condýtone under the two fortuis of gommanient left Doj doubt Inlb.themmndsof hie beau-crs as toe which wae prefenable. a card part>' at thetiystic Worker baill ou niext Weduaeeda>' evenhng, Nov. 16i. LOANS ON REÀL ESTATE We negotiale boans an im- Proved Farm and Village Pro- perty for pivate Investora, furnishing lupanaor securityto, lanciers and reasonable terms. 10 borowecra. Wa invita the inquîry of pro- spective borowers or Ihose saaking sale and desîrabia investmants. You will find aur services prompt and satisfactory. lbe lirst Nationl Ia I Mcx Di? o 10 he PocI Office Open Saturda>'Bclg MUIR il, igl LYCEUN COMMSE Libortyille WiI1 Have Series of Attractions. ch mers, et laver Inierior maranty. et wormi opeiiu hf ut<is the, cow neei uet tiser- it one s Additional Donors. Following in the uames of parties duuating articles tu the bazaar hd b>' St. Jo-eeph's Catholie Churchi. and should ke adden te the, lut pnhliebed lait week: IDresser @earf, Boston Sture; iuucb set, Carson Pierle & Scutt; picture, IBilîmausa 100 Ibo. fBoni, 4 boxes cand>', Mary Muliloon; 2 Ib8. candy, John Limberu->'; apron, Mary Muldoon; apron, Josephine Casseli; doli, Julia Davis; doli, John Welch; apron, Auna htose; candy, doli, and tubo, Mrs. Keele>'; pilluw, Miss C. Ludge; cup, saucer and plate. Mrs. Grimes: $500 gold tice, C. O'Heren;I picture, Mme. Geo. Lynch; her>' epoun, tire. Neloy; table linon, Mia. Ralter; euit. drs, Haei, Wauean: MrodBerry; qil. Irs. Ci, arnvkphoa, Mn.berr>' conter piece, tldy, doilies. pIllow, doli, elinon, airshîip, cauidy, Ihiles Euily Bush. Notice to Trespamsrs Notie le lhereby giventhat ail huntlng, sbuuting and trapping upu)n ahi lande owned b'Y tlté undereigiied and isbing ln Lake Aera Ia Pogltim'eiv torblddiîn and signe are posled to that effet. Tres- passeus na>' consider theunseivea hiable to arreeit. A reward of $5.00 Wl!! be paid for Information ieading to tbe arreet and conviction of eaeh and ever>' ofleuider. A. F. SUELDON, J. E. Haloiin. W. litvuNo OcaoaNE. C-7-8 'Try an Independant Want Ad. ta soil~ or exchanga 'mail any Id thing. OUR POLI The very best goods obtainabie for the always beeu our motto. No shoddy goods. No second palmed off for fie but the very best of its class for the ps-tee asked. This does flot mnean high prices, but tbàt when 1 pay us 50c. S51.00 or $5.00, for any alti iT IS WORTH-uTTE MONEY. When we offer Bargains, they are REAL BARGI? Wýe solicit your patrontage and guarantee to, make gc tii otîr caims. We are maklng very low price on iChildren's Su and Men's Pants to close.. It will pay you to inveotigo Stamps gl'ven on ai purchase Cail for them. 'I The required numben of season tickets have been soi and Libenty ville le to h ave au up-to-date enlertainnruenti course of five nuipbero. This course le a "Iiv," Jone bec-ause the attractions bave been selected wltb a view tu variet>'. Opie Reed cornes alone. but lie doeâ not Ulve a temperance lecture, a scieuitillc treatise, a pedagogicai sermon nor a theclogicai preachinent. He appearis lu bis niasterplece "The Juctlus' and tha antertaininent throughout le hurnoroug, semiaerlou. a&M sober. There are several reaoe wby you oheuld @s and heqs- Sbis master entertaîner. 1-lie la with one possible exception the author of more widely read books than an>' other living Amnercan author. 2-BeIs one of the most sangbât for and buet paid coutributors to current peiodicals. 8-He net ouI>' gets the crowd but piesestheni. 4-He dues not tell old' juke@ or re- bush othermins'. deao. 5-lieappesa wiîb equal fascination tu ail classes0utpeople. 6 (-Me knôws wbereoilibe speake, for. lie lias taken Mair>' courèeainlutlhe Uni- versit>' of exijerience. t>o net minei titi iret attraction on Tueda>' evening, Nuvember lSth. Tickets wili bie on sale at Deeker & bonds@ Store 8aturda>' mornlng, Nov. 12. Those who bold seèw.on tickets iMay ha% t>heir seati reierv*d f ree b>' appl>'. lbg. theabove uarued Drug Store. ' Remember single attractions cosl yen f1>' cents while if you huld a mebsun ticket you heli guarantee the finance- end of the project and male the enter- taininent coat Vonou oly fort>' cents. You ina>'bu>' season tickets aiso ticket@ for single attractionsat Iecker& Bondsa. Our Public Library. 1r The Alpha Club bas iolved the prob. lem o! buow taosuppi>' a pressing need- the establishment af a public library in Libert>-ville, and with tLe usual energy iuanifemted lu ail their efforts, these ladies have already secuned a sufficient nuneber of subecribers atoune dollar cacb ta practlcallv insure the sucres, of the- movement. The>' have anranged for a location for the, libran>', and as lurtiier details are worked out, tbe town will have even>' reason to tee! grateful ta them for thein conemendable efforts to provide a public utilit>' of tht, chanacter One bundred dollars ha@ alneady been subscrubed and It le expected that tbia will soon bk inea-e, ,1 twohundred or more. The pa" . - n- dollar con- stitutes membi . ;>i mv for a year, entltling i - t :s(- of books. Ail col il, i - iý fi ain subecribers wili lib- , x , . .. Chase of books, thue Lu,'111- il. fur a librar>' 0f referecî'o standardfiction. There will o!-. I benefit derîved fron iflt>'volunice oý: able froin the blaIe librar>', tlm uf wlîj will lie free te ithe local librar>', a.7 wbich inay hk exclianged for ilfty oullers. Tbrough the courtes>' of l)ecier & Bond epface fon the librar>' will ki arranged for in their store, thus provîding notL oDlv a moet central location, but quait- or@ ID an attractive place. Shelves will ki instialled and ail necessarey provision made to accomodate tbe books. Meimlerlit> iu thielibrar>' le upniitu anyone upon the payamentot the nominal 0- imi of one dollar, and sure!>' the benefi t of a multitude of good booki s eauipi>' sulilcient ta offset the slight expenditure Tiie profit ebould necye suçub heant>' endor'sernent and support <liat wben- the librar>' le upened tute Ipublic its inembershi5 will tar execeed the two ftand-Paj We have purobaaed, ove saxples o! Hand-painted China largest New York Importlng h which would hardly pay the them. Royal Bavarlan, Bayi Japanese and Haviland are soi repremented. Every piece la of and ooloring. This la a great opportu> unique and highly deairble C at leus than hall their actual, va] Don't wait too long! T H EF Libertyville, Ill in tedl Dr $100 worth of a from one of the 011805 at a price Import duty onL rreuth. Âustriail. ne of the inakm adifferent demign iity tp puroltias UnristIuas prementu lue. LA1.R -WIIAT'S THE USE OF. PAYING 1 Mhon you ccn get a home of your awn at c 10w pries. W ot of nie cozy hamac for "ale rlght horeslin Libertyville. TU are Iaw-terma easy. Now la the lime 10 buy. Our Mfieti W Block la open ovary day. Comae up and lot us havesà talk selS1 SCIINAEBELE & WI1EeflE,- UAÀL ESTATEz INSUICE MN phone la People who intrust their money to a bênk want to know something of ita finanol strength. We lully recognize this right, and gladly !uraluh depositors wlth a liat o! our directers-and stook- holders. Thon,, from time to time, we publish reports ahowing the condition'o! the bank. Cçples o! these reports are kept on hand for those who wish to see them. cake IXUOAuutW DaUduîaI- Ibu I000 o o o o o o kj o o o o o o o o o Oc 7c 9c Se 4c- 8c Sc Surplus and Profits '30,000.00 $toukholder 's Liability 50,000.(0 Total s U30,000.0 lwlwqc4tmqrbq Capital ..It p

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