CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Nov 1910, p. 7

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kome en the beacb irouid lic tu ber. lthe. village drcsumnker. wiiosc daye' ver. iqieut lhui dg froin bouse tu1 rnbouS enadwvbce encar were wearIedý witb miph gocip and %'lii)se eyes wer tied f tlaahing needlem and the I hr of lthe mviug maû bine! Wbt a fiblfuli>ly hpy exh-ieure wîiuld b. bier» Lu the auug C ofltigof lii lop. wlth leie pfeet îî,uîuefor K- ,,if 0111L1 - g-- Voct h eatr' U.ObtaIablord pou lltarul oerdtug fnomr. p-7-2 WANTig-.l.vera goa" umoMMidhoas FOI k toe, ar. a et éPovuli eeséi Paotory.i4eplir 1105 ail ~DUlanp. Mo. 7 * ~ ' "~ ~ j~~jp~jj<yy ANTI TORENT-Fara ot10M0or P,1-8 tses u Lots Couuiij'.Appli ai ab.tic unoe t fu ei Dsée.lJ$a»V.haj?.rn Pria. loy.Ternw1ulm uxaâLOsw W.saaga, Llas&iAustin.o-804041 OrseDare.vntaÇAanto bar,..0. FOR SALAE-14ot 0bic 1*C gie. .RUrz. c6 howrlgiî'n aditon t UetyW. F OLkmuL 044OES.vt Prible . er, N br. -44 HveS .lgjapcbug & bapr shbflneuî leneen 'ZZTtve.-no-rae, ou iii cudllit, trou LOTS FOR SLE- 0 lSonuhtegei*.0 udu5 Jceul" rg t highbt'a addtlolaltien tg ocatifw Prn t.0-FIibDig PoEcornr LEneereh h.renle i'o r appoB.alt i' ta i .. W et, a4d Mal... Wfor'-a1. I dtt he -ehe. mo0 &adt pp.l lva 'SCi5Ag5La AWUKREIL 4h.i~v'tile.. Aution8a1e FORSLEÂli iogamin condition . ger ,Bo,%Ro le - - -- -w- FOR SALK OR EXCMANOE-The m Ais al. aue urd hi Cosmt Amuero, 2.2S fla air of Chaeîuut jeartinimidiag weilimatehed The abor. e&ltea te *il ired btin AirIruI 2.2kN5, the daine Ofthtii coite are record mare..They wJii h.e old or traded for ett, Or eiieep. For frher Informe,. tiou addreee CRttLce Taouaî'o, 0 Srin Gr., fili. FOR SALE-Chiiap. Lotue mode!Barn. blet touring car with 1910 imbro.. aient#. Fuit7 equipped. ew tire.. Tii beet bargain lu Lake county. Wil Ouant-- eC-«aew 4v 24S0. Tbiacar bbl&gudldmotor sud la la pûiectî Rmbaneoodltlon. Wiii crlice fori quiek "ai. Aedras XX lnNDsPseossv FOR SALE-Pir, ou cottage, oroft Orchard lt snd Park Place,.dun.Joca- tion. Wili taie $1800 tenhfor quick1 i>&ie. Vecb.apt T. 0. K~Ex. LOTS FOR SAL£-la the. B. J. orinen 4obdvWelaoo!Libert7rhfle, eoutla of letrieroad ou Mivwauke t aveu#. B. -1. Onuz, .ovuer.1W fOR0; aA LE-4ii h=t 08. b t t t, Yesr. Cbeap if taklen at once. luquire Ut th@ .2 OIYLAcx PiHÂRmàcY. c4tf FOR SALE-Acre lots on Urmond'. eubdivliou, cloue tu town end eietric Cam .Prlce#800.00. îIoiD & At'eviq 404l ORBALE-160 acree on rand Ave, tbre mil«, vent of ilurase: black @011 41 acre. penture. Inquire P. IE. Book, FOR SALE-Lot» lu t1b4we D5amn and Autn eubdlion, 50x140 $100,,*eeb; 05 daien, $5 per month. iTIOSxj & Asavi,.404U FOR SALE--holce iots,'lu . priai * riuht'a addition, SOi5ofor $20.000 t2,000an 08.00. )UuOxtj&umew 40-tf FARMS-1 e' bave a largefilet of Lake County tarin. to mii, aiga boueee and lot@ in vilg. DyleoNo & Aulvu. 404tf FOR SALE-Or viii trcd, for a light driver. au S earol aidvrb ore, wvelh. lag 1250. 1!t. .. WuIELOV, Gray.1e0, Fbft OALUOR RENT-Modoru houer, ail tnaWMvenete. Lietrally ioctc.e. B. BtgM. Lhrqrile. 111. c-2841f F9RW4T *Ii Hlaviag deded ta quit fartping, ilii »U at publiicucvtion on th. premlnre knov neanthe liiiLi'nch farci, 2 milfe lartiveet ai Liberty ville sud 1 ieties Of «candi-epiatfornu on filtundoy, Sur. 19, Communcing et 12:30 sharp, th. tolowiug property lu ait: Gray vtk uoree, wî.1850 lb.,wville varker. w!. 1,101) lb, bluu". dilvieg mare vt- 1000 l>., 2 g00d mlii env, 2 yr. heiter epringer, 53 cave, vI, ,200 lb., 2 eboats. 19I. over 200 1., 4 pign, a-t. 85 le@, 150> ciokOns 2 lncibatnrs, cap. 400 sMd 140 e999, l)eing trcm blude.r, coie Planter, nearli' nev, general grain merti et, garde, seeder, uearly ev, ruiéug cuitlvalor, 2 setion drase, nearli' ev. dine lîrrov, rldlngt plov, vaikiug pion nove1Fr, uearY nv, bai' fark sud ouii.ys @Wh k0f casi' aede. 2 eut@ double bar- ue8oneu. earty ev, top beMngg.' priug vegan, 3 bath tire wagon, bay raie anti cart, henrvy temaniud, iliouit 400 eboeka corn cut vit b induîr, store, tabien, lamm, vatr tank, oilItank, Lette, @ota. aud other articles tt.o nucerous Ca ciention. Usuai terme. Jacob Payek, proprietor, W. B. .&ppley. autloner. 1;d Lynchi. enr. MTOUMSASI Don't w'att until the luat m~inute toorder your STORM SASII in one ususon Storm Maul wil mors tbaupy rfor them- Slves through me SAVINO IN YOUR FUEL BILL* Wo Malte a utorm euah that Wiln luit Weguaranto. our ~ougnorayvad for fuel VUgSThInkofthe profit on your inveetmejnt O»lm NOW OM, IIAkRSON&SON ,LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Wm. LAYÇ »CCo.J FOR "T4lR ub a oe 'i MMere ut StUiOke af Dyuionti Auntil or Rebti. Ui lÀu'rt' vilw. - FOR RENI,-Waiave a hv' goad ma0-4 i cmi boum .anti late to mtetr' Bowulct rona, vila Ulam tt vtor wihat bosut DUOtu AAou, 1M LO$T-eeoteb c liu bisac, vile lbt. na I t th -.11,0.11ORTte .&.4i!a EugueOvorhweld. Arani Lino aif guadrj... Tires Re- pereti. Whou lu Ta-tbl* TELIEPtON2 661Or 1262. 10Y MUIL B.MATYjSOt4 Copayuletl].'merieaftPr.n d MXlDjrTryffl vU bornta h le log-eitelïegritpb bey.Ber father vi na uinelt sas stationt on the 0. B. au 0. itie Miui rou>le'tIme Moll vu , ve sr>i oid uathlng dellgbte ber emueh as teaiat laIe lsp au ViII ber lttiel*iandi under hie on th bejrneMi Meeeg.. Tien vhen eh maev tuiwe reaosiMeseages tha ire» belàg sent se. ouid be deligi "Wi.dur," uic vould sai' atte aUdMwaunsottier for s train ta con up, 'V.a*v. ardereti up '17.' nsue.' bu -leraslnlu minutes, or vheu th bsaai titheckkstand. there."' Surecaagu b.weu»e band pointe te i theniulated -Bgure tbe trai WqalI sl"Mrup te the station. 6* M OUY 'grev aider ber tati, t«Ot bliethe, Mornealphabet, un WbOeueon.daY ah. sent s meesage a] by bereiiber lîlessure kuev a boutidu. 8he ontinuci! la practîce an, ta iearn, sud by the tîuje eh. seifous teen se. as of gret ssistance t, ber father. AÀYer IterTryne tell lit sud diei tMoilli as by thls lIime geoWvl vere. ln telegrajiby tInt the mlaDagers of tè raliroati coutînuci! tctporarhly ber fe there uutary to ber niother, 'Molly oeil olng tIcket., operatini' tbe i rWeisau à* a M t 4w: libetng an bitllonsta iearu, she studemi t omeau *hlcb meant là the ticket and tels tgrapl office. One nîglit ishe bad hei bocks before ber stuiiying when, beau log a rap on the wlndow. eue ioukei Op sud eaw-the ugli' face ai a mmu. "What do Yoau wnt?*'iibe asked, Ju beart leapîni' Dp IDto ber Ibroat. "Open tise vmdow!" MoIly sut stul. Dot kuovini' bat lt do. As ta opening the windov, ieh lied no thought af Ibat. "*Open,the vlodow or ir'l kilti you!" 31011y@est laaking ut'hlm. libe maj huaeve ten'parclyzed hi' fear. APyý vu>-. 'be made i' o'. or tc throw ni the saab. ,e The- mar isehsed a pan. ot glai vlth hieseflt and put bis arn thraugl bbe apesang te unlousen lb. catch, lai not Ilndiug It or bec-ause he tuda' knov boy It vorked b. coucludedti t tri' to effect an jeutrance lu cuotber way. M olly heert isiestepusashoieyeni aroundt'thelb.doar vbitopencd ai tic ather sida ai tise statiou. Runnini froua tiheoffce. se. as at the dcai liefore hlm sud iocked il. Then se ren bock ta lber ellckcr'euti called foi help. la s fev tmoments ohé bâtd csugbtà StatIon vhere s freigbt train bcd Joui pulet luncund toit the operator thene that a minu an fnylug to break luti ber office. Sh. bed bardly got lier mesage tirough sud recelved Word that help wouit be nebt at once vben the. mn appcared, again at the Win- dov. Andi nov Moily con. ta the occsion luke a InDe heroine. Ounlier teck vas a litle nickel pîcteti monkei' vrench, glistenini' for ail the vortd Iike the pollshed liorrel of a pistai. Setingi' i sud almiug It et the rabber, ebe caltaI ont: Ç - "If yau tiout go avai'11'h shoot The man didu't go svay, but lie trev bock, andi from bis vclklng arounth te station Molly mnev that bo vas trying ta Sund suother cutrauce. Meanwblle sui eclieketi an Inquiri' as ta whist hsti beeu donie for ber relief andi vue tolti that the engIn. of lie train thut had cori ne u ati been de- tâcheti cod wan cornini' taber an- eIctauee ce Juet as steeni voutiddrive It vitb seerai arîned men &board. It bcd left sererai minutes before, sud eluce It roui! gi't over a. mile lu a min- nie It shauti li e tiiere ln six or neveu mîuuten.. Presently Motly beard Its ralle, sud lb. rabber probably beard it, tee. Ihaugh sot squlck asMolly, vbo van eegerly expertingIt i. Besîdes, b. vas on the vroug aide ai the etattoa. ta liesr ItL Cousequently vheu the le- comotive puilet up ho hsd bardaly ualaute'as tart. Leapiai' frain lhecabi, one qf the men »ought Molli', villa tbe reet meuglât the robber. Tbey cauglit elgbt ai hlm runuini' ln cern pany' vllitva alliter men sud. calllaq au lhem ta hit, fSred asehot aller theinta enforce the order. Every-con. af tb. fugitives vas captureti. Ti. thon. vha had came ta save thse It. tUe operatar cesembledtetaheu b«u elari'. Wheu eh. camne la the mopkey lliey vere let ln vauder. Taklug th* rabbers bock fe the station the, 1*1!. roand ruen bat came, trousb the xéy, vce talti sud vas. teîeffapbet all along the IUe. The nexit iay tvcilu. tut paseengore, vbea Ibe>' Va"" itse As-i tlan, If they etopp.t.muent nes the. Uiîtle gilvha batistooti olf s rober asud If tley tIdti alstop crawtiedtihe ,Windows. sud platiormus wvlug eou- gratulations. But a more suhbautial huer, o', ther, a revard. came from tfhoe Pr*- déut ai tbf compsu Ho ectuo. der that yolli' report ai tho mabfuot. Me. Sh. obeyedth Ie orderan~d teben Md tbg ulilookIni elip ofai s I rvaé parafltieitrough the varione depart, gientea$Rth Ie hraieanti 5.Mi m Boautl. ai-for ac bnshand' Aud-here Mlos Wil orC 4 »At4 îI le's beeti draopcd-tbere wvs nuoaty k-il , CIRiSA MARIL QUIttcno lovable us C:iplaln Benjamin *i COtise ilsiLPMo l' uai' rene Bonn!' "hit vsIRlS Wiliie'e Cars- ' '*sA14CIALIMo. J] niij guârdeti secret. that and ber Jeal- 117 ausi' a1 tbe tbree £vua ' tttle RlIver ad ~village. Rer face grew qttll paie ad CsPtaip SMU&jani u u serubbeti agaeu8 e .ehook off Captisul nnu' b.0 tio«vu lie' 0ai1 te Lovcly ysv, baud. i. opmsthelie abim Windouwe vIde ta lbe "Icouldul't lIre luns auseeOr a boat ot tmii b .btachowini' scron bhebai',that vall ucuet after unoîber voue.. it buetie th e eaeepot on ueu10 tileTonYeu se. b y 'd ail talktcapa- ër 9t0le # ib aoli galeypUtie cially if t h liidn'l marry l'au lbm- stor tplisepotesegaley, lcned"Ires." elle suit reeoiutly. nethli PMbeuide fitandt ti.uvnt "Miarri 'mne Iherneives!" rooredthlb ell sud ut Mn l8 hoverîrit eD§ vaiteti eptalu. "YT,,dou'l îalertbient bre lie for tis beabW*bai' ta brîni' the bre.- vainuWauted laoniarri' me?" tatmallue. Um .Wliie undded proudly. '"Evrn ej Tib* Loper £ va luy lu waaden cr5- on. af 'em bats laid claimeta, -au ever la " jou b eneveilgbvoter mark. Salt "Ice yoe'au eiiei iota harbor villa gpeau the, White sandi' bcsdb form- 'Loveli' Ers' painte.] ou tue sloop" er e 4bv sq*tleplot.Ueeb pium treen. "flbe beti tbat unome vhu 1 haught 2d plallet bsjlerbusiies ant.inluans- lber' tovnu l takport. Wiat caà I al so. thle teli plnk.inngmbalow clos- du? Irellied luck to change a be.t's ou terei abount ber blnek hlul. name." eau tihe cuptulo belîlefsii'. id Alure dCck ail vuls 8shpeOp. lu "Perbape youl l hlok lu gooti lueC 1r- summ«c cuciStrtable chaire antis tnbleî not taecchauge Ir,-~ relorted MIlasWlllle ae u0dus' a Émil avuing moide ain open Ï*siiffly. once moure tîîrniug auru. *'And looului' place for CaptcanButinua ibis (lime Cuptaîn Butin did not detaîn L~ ~ ~~I hi nacae. l luer thei' galber. ber. Pd Bd about s giovlng stove lu thoeasOY Be vatc'bod lier uitlî grave bine eye., t - il. tecfeelitid a~ rainm l thé11hnbppinesim aid lied à- Witethecofee roted n te pt, until ber. * lille akIrte lad fluttereti l- ciii the bacon saly7ied erlepli' lu the erourd a tille oi grent bovideus. and td peu ula thegalley. whliele- crune t ten, trltb a lotig elgI, lhepiclred op fils n- vsu eleidauon the Senti.turnedj the sîocil. B, cuti vent beler skeiter bock agae The recuitofa u ocg medftatlon vAS a. onairtie boy ai the Lorely> Eva. Ivisible the next mornîsg vhen Cupîann Pr 2seerai heure passer! lu this Lon*j Ronnrigged a sil scuffahdini' and r- gau»Ilaebar. vbite the ami, mounltd $wunDgi hmettto . ne 1n ow fi e&u blb1sth e beachi became s bia.1 the Laveli' lra. Cheerfuly lie e svh tareteb. A uroman stepped vworked. anti lie sang lustl h11e chorus Ir slavly &long the Bauid hldinlg ber Hiecior "lien Bowlioe."' Ilfrus n short job. pri:t kîrt apriniuare lber sent but one requirini' dellea<'l' and!ekîli. ebolte. S evore a vide [inîe @n, Wben Il vas finulahed lbuperformeti a Le bouet, anti ber briglit brovu bal' cnd i sirnîlar aperallon on tbe port 110v sud b"b.youtruil prtty ace erethen hurrled ta the steru. vbere hoe framedtu Éit e n ulke amtueîPicture. 1Clou!ou sn harre] cuti carefully ne. Ber bravu .ee chauigrd expression as ate th wo ltrsÉtan1 lr ebe came upen the busy captain lu the ninlee the norm ett ILere tat a F-le. af th.e mjiboai. LitlnetRivte." eof"od'Ec p . Inowdi'-hbovwy.,isse Will?' chLr- Liltie Ive" ntote«Ib tupe th le captain delilgbedly. "Telli rhnh 1vdv ateelba la me boy ele looa-line ase silk, eh?'»fasd vitI lorlog cre letterer! the nomne1 Il «i looku beautifil. captu." ecîti ai ,WilhelineioaB." au stem snd steru.i kt is.n Wlllle Dceme ritlcslly. ."It Be lbatlong fhniseetse ork ound vas 't eblue.filie a frosted cake. What bave freeb sund cleen ln a suit ai white drillt » o ruenetber?' vhen s man came ciong the beachi T -Nohlg-uetd" relurneti the cap- from Little. Village. He vas the edi- It tala Uuemlli'Xtor 0f île veekii' nevepeper. . 1 n "Wlîct are you goîni' t0 name ber?" . .Ooad marnlug. %:aptalu," le balled tluistedti ilsWîîîie. eheerili. --i recelved îour message r 1"1 beven't thaughl of a usM&ine ve abaut the uev boat, se 'y. came davu le been triig ta tIbluloa somethtni te bave a look nt ber. A heauli'. le't r inttyi." eh.e?" le stand etili aund excmîued the0 "I muet Bmail'm intereted lu vbst boat vitb c crItical oye.1 a ,'ou're giani'tu aial i'aar ueyboat," 1"I tblnk ehe'e prelty fiue. M~r. Brown.1 rt niti Ailes WliII. The ceptaîn'. bIloc 1-1ttoke jou oDutamorrov. Perbape * eyez met bers In puzed Iaquin'. *Iv e ecu gel a fevw blues oalte, eh?"z * dure eey-i dore gay!*' lbe murujuret, The caplelu heamned bAPPuiY. EBrn- 'r iaaklDg cvay front the Illse Bunbon.,thIbng wvalt ie wveli now, anti lu Ihe d net. *"I nover vas good ct namini' caIdistauDon buecoulti se. MisaWilieIle boat. lilas Wlilie!" jD.eens piekini' ber way davu thea Mislen Willi urned @il ghtlh'acutisur l ehtoS'5rd lin.a veyed tbe osutical home ut Capîsixi ".Makes the old sloop lok @orne shah-à Burnu uilb a quluziel eye tbst fin- bhi." lie remarkti!. cullng attentiontu10 goret on lue nomne aned lu emalibebhat on the santi above tbem. f glI ltters under tleb bI. *"Salongao %Ir. Brovwnluuied and dlooked ci the, ayou've oumed theîleioop after Bru lRai' uIOOP. He equluter! long lti er acuti t moud You ougîttlu namne the soilixiat tbeii vent Dp cdoser. "WV11t'e the0 siter sonîebody tise." lier gaze carne motter vltt ber umime, rapite? 1 bock 1ta tit caîiîain'e rediticlng face. tthonght"- He lurner! c puzzitd lookD tThe (-0er sîîroad tinter the grai' au 1h. captalo. vho vue vatchIni' hlm vbiaeora.mounted 1e bis foyebeet ant i vtb turlulini' eye. tluappeorer! undor tbe Peak of bis "What le the motter vitIà ber nomne?" IrbWhte duc rat). lHe remored bis pipe repeater! Capta «in Buin D iuoceutiy. cuti rer! it ierceli' lu tle air, bis "Wby. i tloughit ber nome vas Love- t ee birziîg omînoueli'. l' Bru, but, hi George, île Loueli' "lira lluymoud" bu suarteti. "Who Eva!"'i »Id l'il oamed the sloop ster lier?" The captaîn isugbed. "Il's aiva>'. -site soir!se.- returoor! Mise Wilic beau Loneli Evs-queer nome, la't it?b èOXInplaceutiy. *'sud Evangelile Cook -but somehov tbe ral atroke ofth11e Boys itlemas nanier! afle bier. cnd Eva- ln' vare off andi lut a 'V.' It'a never ine Taylor says Il vas nemeti for been palnted bock- airain- tilI avIleie tlber; llipy unait îree lit h oui five l'ear4 augo. Tatusec, thate ber ruai Dame.-' l cga utt1he misalouani' sacleti', anti "Now Ibal is.qîîile o Joke," muser!a lbey'eîoît througli talli'g about the Mr. luouovtb eyes mirthfulIy rem-w menurtiiig at as aapassed tu sud Iiscent of Ivo spînsiers aud an amn- i fro tu Iiis very day. Theî bale enclr blîlous urîdou'wliuo laid laIm 'lu 111e B otler,.ilkupoison, ait an accounut aiftnomeitof lira. "i vouder if îoud oh- tI uarng offliat loupr" jeet te my vrllisg that up -for the Ps. If "That sioops beeu ua.met Lovely per,.1i ipver heur! tle sloop cllet Eva fur thle ast teDui'eare." suytlhlng except Loveli', altbauugb 1I I "But whlut roui goini'!taBonne the guesu le been mlgbll' lonely sarne- m uev boul?" aske! 1193 Willle eveelyi. rimes." Ue laugler! ut fis ovu joke. v Captal Btinu trumpedthlrongh the "WrIte ber Dp; write bier Dp!" agreed Éli eau! untîl le 5100! belde Mu Ise wîuî. the ccplain heartlly, vitb a wveo! "t'y, beenu wantini' 10 tell you nom& ~bis baud ta the tiepartitig editor. r thini' for o long limie. M41. Wille. 1 Be env lMr. Btrovn greot Miss WIi. tbougît muybe 1 caulti my Il bett lie, wlth great defereuco. anti tben hoe ont on the bai vlth a godtifUtbreese elooti quietiy vaîting uîntil sieteeb- h fillni' the salle sud lhe vater rmoulus et bis aide.m Imuter the e lcof the Dov boat. l'va qt aspect Cm acting lhIe, a foui aver tlaougbl of s Dame.far thebhast, but 1 tb. nom, ai tbat bouit," $aie begaen hnr- v*autet l'9D ta augget IlV' Be vai rl.tily, vheu Captalu llîin'a p;olultin îa lookiai' ver net sdt ueamiortibie lInger bronght ber t0aîitabrilitpt bu I quire shonlers ers "Do you tbiiu ay oran 'i ev > mait outhfîîlly erect.,actidlaebedsome caIm 1te aviui' Ébat sloop unom iei taÊ acs cedtly lu Bornant. ber. Wille? Any voman ila Little T iftsa Wilile tii al tbje ilurugi ibol River gini' tuacckuowiedge ber name t long eyelaoheu. anti ber valce vanà tlie Loueli «vs? Nel ou yout'Ufer' litte shaky as sbc rep)lIai> loni ct Ails Wili.ecw antiblusbetiaeutal il. i'lioat la collet! Loveli' UvTa, whytIen lauglactimorrîi. Tîcu ber face t tioulyou liamethie DOWelOes Seutiuuî obored. 1"I suppose It mlgbt zeeemnu nl »va? An! tile skiff yon eau ceil Lit- svful mean thîng, If >'ou bad ever tle Evs. Then the vbl lire. voti hbenhiid ever shovu them ani' at-DI be salIsSie!. Thait'e Mi' suawen." lention," aIe bestated. . The ceptali tareti ticce4I.; 'Tljeu11 neyer titi." asserledthîe captuin .leu belleve t uameii the 1O1gboat effet stautll. 'Wbi'. Wlie, Ineyer aveu re oeeoa tbem vomen?" b.étieMaed. celoer!1 eeone of 'en. 1lb letse veri' «,, havent thougbt mIlcb about It,. body> out of If ver' nestl', I think. IlatiMise Willie carelestli', *Tbey're Anti nov bow do Éir tkohieune of t jour houle. Nom, 'em teaoicuIt, u hlbncv bout?" Be tInnuet ber about, bd sef"anti suie loaket etiIl lu cilecfoa "Ail rigîl. Mfisa Wille, Tbmn1Ialiait tev moments, Calithie noir bout Wihlmne ft Then happi' leare flied ber eyes. you, becaisse. Ye row. mavi" iswiîî.1'i "Wb-vbi bayvei'ou.umed ber Wil- vas golng to agel Yeu ta-uuar-y mg helmine B., caplaîn?" 1elleasieet. sl- a andi came snd Uvelilere vitb me bu' tholigi le.knev the acuer. everr' The cuptalu'. hao»tiai mWe<d "it menus Wllhlelua Bo ut-. Tiat'a ce Mias Wîlîîo'esieuter ujouultIer g, ta b. 'onr nome siter titl, eh, derr a eare.eln$,tauncb. .. lu .li te eldov af lhe Lanoui' Bv Ber face grev plitk andt ten ela Ceptalu Bonn lesueti over aud kiset ,«JgtfulI'. - Wlast srefuge tii. quals. UMbW11110 On up i ge. adAv*. 1 Ï, . 910 âjTwo Innocent ONTC e i, iDomOfllL Hm£R M NCEEIl LAssociation. j opyright, 1910, i mèlf a "Pa." snadlira.m Hathaway. 11 thik 130ward Crook and EUewonld maite Luche DPemareet vheu a ySm a gond match.", read a uovet that pleaee4 li« *If Yau wlsh tbem ta mate dau't lotlunch. The. motif ou whieh the tbem kuuw il. Nutl lug keepg Yungwas written was this: A vomanV rPeople spasrt lîke trYlng t0 briug thein huebaud was weak enougih ta fan t<~g.ber."the toile of sather voman iicl "J'y. no hope of tijeir gettîg 10- hy glviug hlm a fret rein untît h pilier. Tbey're bath sa bashtiî hey becorne tlred af the rival aei4 - tdea't dore loak at eacb other." 1 h5ck ta his vîfe of bie awnsco." "L«t '.m atone. and il they bave a Lucile marr~id Sfinatl. naturel Attraction for ecc other they Lucte'e rosette rmance ci vIi moite It up lu tine. Better ai,,.tari the Damerne m Spencer Ca tell them thet Dot on sny account Or some other sncb euphaouog obtal tbei' falitlu love. tbat there lis a iatlou. but @lie couid thlok aofh @P.cle reson wby they muet no t dolug noble acte evep se Sein marry..» e dîdu't seemt ta have ay mesý "Nouseneel Theylre - do baqbtul ta frieud, whkch troubied ber gveatly.. getl ogether suive,. i dou't car. ta ahe tîxouglit every man ehold h put anytbiug ce.» betveeu 'cmn ta keep 501211 a etiîu, s e ie bd bera 'uni apsrt."1 bosorn wornan frienil. But lMme.Hathaway noiladibialthéi.Th. Smaiths hai tu enmarried a 70ung People neemIeq eame aeicta > ort tîrue wben Mrs. Smith thi mirve thein tavard eacb other, and the te. discoveroii that Sarnuel aund eCoCludpd to îry ber bushand"s plan. bosnt frtend. Géertruiie Cbureh. Ob. cailed ber daughter ta ber ane duty Pemtng P raldwIth each ateS~ sud told ber (bat ,le. as nu ata te.hesuspicion knied Lueiie*g romcnft ani' luterestinluflowand. sinre ou uo stacbmeut, an attachint Ihat àê~ acouai coutld be mary hlm 8h.b@ isteistece.lhdbuîaXl for Mis Cureb.î wouid 'have sald thee saie ta Howard. Indeed. 'lîeu eue was married ehe, but il lm ual s very pieasant thlug ta I ad-tld iber brusband that abe waul4 I tell saiYoung maunltft beomust Dot Dever CeQlt to nmirry fnoy mauvb.- t.hluk off luarrying one'& daogbter, e.diii notl ii'sin a. fcUre Peliull hen that Young mon bae love fier !lifît asn well as seoed,1 ebowunan predllect 1 on for ber. Wbeu bier. Mir. Snîit ir promlsoii ta do no.' Mu. 5îhavao~*a. inte.. .Whîeu lirs. Smith recovc'red frogL. bit -of Information -she tbld brb in-fi'st sbo0Ckof l ifr sov ery thaï' baud fiaîebe bd doe. bettiba*-notreitoroos frieîîd vas eiowiy but surely bu vas eba ring wludiug lber toia about Samnohé, "P." sebe aid. "l'te varnud EIn , tbougt of the noble erole oailb* -- ",&bout vbt7" uvei and ow she bail saved ber bat- «Nul: ta faitln love vitb Bavard."' baud. Lut-iî's first move vus ta I>-1 "Boydliiahe ake l?'vite Mise Ciîurcb lu evenînge ta VIlay "Duhe aclod kiud of funny." con!". SmItli inte! carde. eep«4*c"La "Wbat do you mean hy Ibatl- three handel gaules ln wbieb no "Bhe csogbt lber breatb. hoe or ln tIrving ta do soa ua 1ii 'n'b t w o nid ludicae t bat alli e ao aino e o e étae ta b ot. 'V ery vell. cirendi' casi cavetoue eyes upou him.i hen"el 'ocmpln Ira*% "TOn Meau that the poor cblld la sa en Gert plaîy. sud l'Il take a bout. Youg snd innocent that the very mou,Smith snd the Veeî would theu AU, thn of ber faling lu love pute ber la down nt the card table, andi IIa' n flutter. Yoo muât remember that Smitb aiter readtog a foe goo Effe'eouy eatun.sudBaardtbuti our! go ou& of the romi. Dot t. *> ulueteen-tvo cbildreu. W. ougbt ta Mper gau liiiIt vanehlghm - tce bie aebamed ot ouraeiree taalk about Ms brbvu oe bm mnarrYtng ta eltber of uiem." coure,Sitht muât ses ber emeofl "Yau menu yoD ougbtta10ha anaameti Then litre. Snmitb bought tickte te of youref. l've batiluotblug ta do amemeulesuad vbeu lb.ecvening ta wit ILI, ue thencaerneround vauld bave à "TOu kuav Just se veli as i tuat lîendaehe slid say: "I've sent word te Whou Howard commes of ge he'lt bav, Oert that 1 bave tbe ticket@ snd caa't 8îoo.0oo."* goltongbt, begglug bier ta taoit* Mi "Wl, my dear. i hope yon'lil get hlm IPlace. 1 know you'l b. glatd ta take fer ber. I'm gaint dovutovu." ber,' If only tir mi' eake." And wviea A iew daye Inter conversaion on the, ber huaband'knitted hi. brair anti -me nblect va, reopened hi' tire. ead "I'd mucli ratber 'lai' home vite Hahaway. Mfr. Hathaway vw» reati- you" she kaew ho was lytog lu ile lut' hie evenIug paper. heurt and that buie n comntiug the "«Ps." te, sali. "thon. tvo chidren moments tilt be could lie vIllth t moite me tireti." charmer. "Wbut'e tbe motter nov?", One day Mir. Smittol Id he vit& lia "Oh. oenterday I told them tli.y 1îe muet go vest or test aimoeautor mgbt toliteRab sud the box vagonornewbere. an buainess. Wl.. c& us» aud go fer a drIva tagether. EM. Raidi telle hIe wlfe-cspecltt'lua tobe.- ehle idd't [litsdriltni, and Boward tthat be'e goini' oni sbueinege trip a*"' aîid bha ade baebai match ou baud. tmmcdlalely becornes a prey fta*the Touneu.dn't bell'me that tva Yong green mouster or la etupldly eouàltn. thinge lîke hbem would decline su of. lIr". Smuith saw lu tbé mayre a cuit* fer ta bo together for a wbOll lifter- nation of ber butband'e Infatuation ja Doan if tbey wereul tuLdîfferent ta oach Mies Chureli. or. rallier. thet 9Mina other." i Churcboiat succeeedeti la vinuingi' hl "I tbougbt YOU saldti t vs.tibfnl- uaay frain ils owuvite. But wvb. ",MI. 1the day after lier busbnd'e departui, "WeIl. 1 dau't kuow but il la, Whou eh. caied up Gertrude iii teleptiffl 1 tolti thein tbei' migbt go EU.l turued sud vas toit tat se bail gone out ot rail sud Haward iooked klud ai quecr.tauto,1ecp brmerês i nisu tiey ooke se 2 thy W5lte il fuI! l . ent ta the lîbrari', took out ta, but dldu't dai'e." 'the etori' of the uobie vornan wba ,54 "WelI. mi' dear. If YOD cault manage enved eti bndb hoinýhio thm t cau't" e ubîî lytrvn l And M1r. Hathaway' vet upetars ta ai er, rival, took Il a the urusace, bed. openedth te door anid threw it ito the. Ther bshflne orwhaeve 'twhite bot coule. Thoen ebe vent up te Thei bssfuleeu r vatevr ~ ber room sud liaid s good cvi'. vfs ceemeti ta lucres.. lustesti oifjHavever, bavlug heen couattetg imlnisb. The "cbtîdren" dldn't aeuategm f oîu e oucue ta get togletter at ail. Ifl rm.Il th t huve ins bfreif hylie tlcomIte iai'y veut loto the raoumvbere E; Mi euti rer.,lt disb i e ftierhm were ebie wuuld lad Howard readlug.; bc bnreirti!iiiîtas aectl utli as a book ai oue end! af tb, raom, wbhlnite Se evued aline<'or sIod authtn BUfe vouhd he cutting out pîctures sIet ail dlagrîae.n,' nd ntb the other end. Then te. would vonder Ou.tdiarebe If the chulti vouid ever grow ta li n evenîIng she weut ta tbe tels waman. If Boyard vae ever at the Phone, lntziditLr 10 euitup bMIne bouse ta s meal b. sud Effle vauld i .t Churcli andiask lber ta came ta tua ,um on elter aide of the table. eer bsen t të i.ztbrg t emr vi renturIni' s remerk except taau.n (f ai togellier anl chretol the older people. Ou one rime they were committtag Hloward sald somethîn nd cuiEUe cor- suaien12t ber. 'ecteti bini. Boyard averred thut hbe'"a1f t ult51, en?"I s'as rigbt about ILBlle offered tea Ye. Are you Lau?2" bet hlm. She wae tbiuklug vhat ta tie "Tee. Can't You corne aver toulgIt im wben ber latier, vluklng a a ber lanuxlou'ifor a gaine of cardji e. I mother, eald: tireti sud wlsh to go ta oite.- "Dot iui a kMARI B." *'Watt a miiiîte" EU. ecoloreaita othe roota af ber beThen Mr,. t'burcb, forgettigg tit. !Md Boyard looked au il b, ,,, telePiionea bave étire, vas hbout tu teint ta boit. sl "2iiere." Raid 1fr..Hathaay te ber "IV# Luclie. She vante me ta « ý iulbanti. "YoD've epoiîcd everytbbuag, nud 1play carda t t h51«,i ['hase tva ebtîdren vîli neyer bhouaplity utindait fbers. She le nu eacb other'. Company' egaîn.» bottnit lue to eutertalu hlm h-v. j-e The. utdt înIe lMre.Hathawy ht" #ape aval'oua s ilait te get riti t 0 iytbng ta esol ta ber tbabeut AIL aund nov l'mt bck t basot thie eubject-it va. but tire.dffs l I7 lter-her toue vas changed. Theu came tihe repl': "ia a "Ps," oe.said. 1"1 muet bae, on,*tbred, Lau. 1 tilis yeull have ta e "Bo y ruch d o you vet, m i' du r" '"Ail rg t. If Y'OD renlly sn t comm *C "Il tblak about Ml00 tll do, tbqngh Mu. Smith veut luto lhe li"*,I reau 1 offbtta bve mre, Wbere ehé fouiatiber bueband. A -naUy Iet ogta0gbavermore." bit d enbonlu ber, butoe "Wbstle i ta a fo?' tlmembie!. "Wl', Yau se, EUfe hca't bcd wW "WOuldu't y.a lse ta have9 bing noir for-'& long white sud M» eus. aver aur! play carda viii tasn't a respectable contume ta beri fo«meus." îr Apu-u lai ri t $mm

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