11y wua locked mody w St ilsboimme, 112 cleF, Mayi, at b.va. aibie hocMty un Wss eenon me bY bu ie M.4 Ite kt ho vas hW, iti au dlgehli Md frein tic eeg liaIho vW" la ue ffe. ltr là the lss ki t arel&pse, and deâti I«w wldov ho la survivedi y 04Iqa, HaOld J-,Ilthb Mien mdIm deth:0fMn.Beiley Nýy.surpwlIng lu that hoe iid Mruifrc a ataci '0ftrou- ,it hauot. lHe Wesrugge. o;tcbs f ileitki .1 ta ,came, id biesudovu love earty lu du.and eveavlilen ho rehumu- a tae '.mas uthlng lnu ii ebt vocid show titat tie endl band. Tic vidow la uearly id vith grief over lie deati iliasse Very Siief. a etil lluMesare hiat b. en wtb su attaci o! Indige- ste, liaI brouegt about an a&" t the b. eart. He rai- vu goapjsed tho afe, Ibut mnga the mer@ effort *of turning t is badin le teved ta bave boutactisonls1 ttop and tic ssc Aatb.ils e as 72 yeatv is té lie Rist Acath to1taie mong tic Bealcy brothers, ail ut mes of s sandudBchi j!auiy. bOA« aêti#l sti anAthat kbte Chares Wkal, vbo liveA or in bai for tlilrly-fve yesa, bât «-y simlar. 4« lucht sud yld Besey 4» for a consuithatiou Satur- 1t. Mr.. Bcsley vas a former of Bsley's Wauiegma 11ev- i5sy, vas a lil!. long member ,y promineut lu Chist churci 40»g a senior member of thc s u vas tnnt sud bigily I clu tyaffairs, poitil xi" Id.entity. Ov liaI liter a"re f a m es, Ut, tioce are lic names they 0vas Chiot Canolly's ttmn ro ,reporters Monýdalu ne te a group o! moen caughL lu ai esa eker s&nie Bada>' marn-1 t oe'cac. Thc gaine vas run- lst abeve lie pasI office. u4à th4ief anA PoileMag- b 1ayior. vith,,tens, mev te litai lie gambiens gav, vere m«, thesi'madé no effort LaOuAin M14el aies anA lie ficiioue t '01»os exception theoui>' k arMabe.. Jo. Andeson" la hi tbe police obe totab. R. Hie vas Oued $25 efiA coite. Sies, vwho vure released "'be- liey vere Dot caugit playlng," qQ A Stroied, Rsrry Jouas, muoan, John Bics, William Ad- rrani iUt, LCaries Johnson, wîuî v»u amA Jahn Andsrsa." S vas sipi>' a pokerhtablu =eau smt before Chiet Con- wXe meetle raid, eterai, ie heu te ratle of 'lie chips. tire Orattra&ed 10 lie Joint ie iaevoute anc sens Lie aarruvIY vatehti i 4 maloffer- ,$u ml fluAieht vas dalng. OS W1rfs vms vti le ie je. bý IBen Hansue ai S eloci e run ses th dlAlin raom begt clmof t nuuse b>' Oêlier 47f otheticefit hat lepoile. Ïf to place ovtS lot ae. Na soie la ta. publie. eetic Wauconde enA of the *=w.ia haviug ah- iSsupeal>' 0f tic _gïp MO »RYOW' a!a dolt w*S$ .iecbCeaie GOOD won* Local- Tuberoulomb" atr Tic Iecreae lu- the spread of tu- bqiCUOdB "andlits gret menace ta, thé butuan-race bui led the. people lu thc 'various parts of the. country ta establlia wltiu ticbouade of their ltulstlio t trous forme of treuil air opren aud danîtarlurna. Onéof the bust equlpe 0f these. ln the etate, eooidlii et lis "t, la thls Lake Caun. ty Toberoulocle Institut.. Ihuais nstitution, ',oitudted aboutE tire. blbe uet of the city, haî en-L deavored te, reduce. la a ecientille baste au1 Uic Ouressud pr.vetttve Imowu I te, thc mstlcel voilA. The. mainpout t tu thc cure of cousumption le frles b lait. bti dey aud igbt, gc;od-water ta [drink sud caieful attention. >Tics. represent neary the. entire liat of cures for the wile plague. - Taie the, patient avay from theb closed rooma of tbe borne and ehops anud avay train thonse vose close lu- i tlmaey vlth the patient lUl bave a teudency. t c&tract the disse, and you have tbe epresd of the. iseau. etopped atýOn ce. Cofitrary to the ttight- ' tabfle-c eral public, thcre ln no greater et-U ficlency ln one. id a! air, altitude, ort climat. than lu any.otiier. There lac no reason vhy theré aboulA flot be ast great a number o! cures lu Illinuois or any otiier moderately benit by climat., than lu anotiter. Tiiere la no reasan tor dragglngtbe patient a thousand moiles evay tram bie home vben be cen recelve ticherne benefits rigbt at bis door. The cure dépends moret upon tbe freshnes f the air than it Aoes upon the warmtb..1 Tbe local Inttute. etuatai as Il la upon ýtic rolIlngprairies veet of1 the laiesfar euough te, escape thc Aarnp 'vinas, and y.t near euougb to Set the. beneffto of the. broca expanset of pure"oxYgeu tiiet la radieted from j lie broad surface, preseait an idéal spot for the Invalid. On the groundseat thé present Urne there in one of teUic Oest vdlle there' la to be-foundn utbla part 0f the couutrY. The drainage of the camp la as near perfect asuburnan silU and aclentific ipowledge eaumaine It. 1 Thfele are on thc groundis nov about a score Of cettagée, core douated and otiiers but et tbe expense f thc management. Tiiese are kept llled sit aIl Uresud tiiere la a great de- manA for more room. It la the plan nov tu, ereet as soon as possible one ofth tiOest hospîtall titheteéou thle réservation. This viii gile lb. fintitution the. much needed raor n sd vIii enable it ta cape vith lhe dis- sanse lu al lisphases. Hunter la Fined.. A declalan of the supreme court af Illinuois,bandai dovu October 18, 1910 viii i. of luLeresh 10 ail property avu- ena,' as velu as a varnlng t hise.. Iu 1906 Charle C. Caiby, ovn.r of Property ln anA around MeCollui'a laie, caused lie arrent af George J. Bayer of PisLuise Bay torn hunLlug upon tie vaterd of McColum'a laie and h. vas aiten hefor, Justie GarA- uer of CrystaiL kaendA OneA $10 cuti casts. Mn.,8ayer. appealed the case. la the circuit court of McHeury cons>- Ly heton, Judge Donnelly, via dou- blai Lh ie nsd conla. Prom Me- Henycount>' La tile upreine court of Illinois, viere aKedWon w as ren- dered last Priday. ausLiningtic 10v: en cannts lu heir actian. This eute ha been a bard tousht an, asting over Oive yen»s. Mn, Bayera leirned aur persan vith huutiug licence can hut any ibody of veher sud coulA naL be molested. The courts hoid lie avuer of s body of vater bas ailte rigits. usLthe saine as aver a corn or vicat field, ot donr yard, sitiongi Lb. properly mey ual h. euced. Mr. ayer. .mployed one of the best iavy.re in Chicago sud Mn. Courit.e beet lu MeRlen caunty.-McI1enry Plain Dealer. Karrie d in Oak Park. MauAay aterac eh Ivo et lte Oak Pari Preabyterllma parouage, lu Oa Park. iii., Dr. Punuer, Patar of te churi, unihed lu marniage Mhise Eva iÉ.'Ring, daugiter etf1Mru, King of 797 Grand avenue, lhip etlr, anA an Osssa girl, ta Grkve IK Omiti. rav- ellng minufor thc Cyclone Feuce. Com- Th, bride'. relatives kmcv liaI lie marniege vas ta laie place, no ltaI Ilt vas lu no sens. su elopeentu, lie s- fair belug mereir a quiet vcddlng dite La teé vlsics of bot couitractiug par- ien Loi have 1h no. Tic>' bave gane ou a honerinoon trip sud vin rehiuta maxe theIn home.- lu Ibis clî itycer December 1. 4lGeueral congraultions are exiend- WEEi(LY RSAÎTY RIEVIEW. c ,Tic aie Conne>'Viti.& Trust Compeuw'e report of ruea e amsInn- i«be 01 ltumeute fili-...123 tied econdel . .........s. 89,37.0 Lea aliaesI--------..... 0 be* Road Oond«Ing Ei son Invention. The WaukegauElil & Rocitford Traction Company, tic nev etectrie line vhi la I.being.reeted viti go mucb populan fakvor, titay oprle.1 cars vith Edison star"e batteries, cars being of Utcheac $tep. Tiie batteries are soan to te testai lu Cicago sud oliSelais of thc local rosà vii aici viti interest. Saya UicthevewYork, Globe, The Central Pari. North aud Bat, River -Rallrad. Company , lb.e."Bolt Line." as IL la -zenerally inovu-bes decided tb replace th. borde cura os lia West utreel lnPrie ltBea*hbat- tory car, vhlch axe equpi viW» tihe EAison storogge. eleetrie batteries. Tisale anc ot lji,-montIimportant events lu raceut years lu rapld transit. i meens Ibat lhe si-rpligîc trie car la no'longer su expenirnent, but s business success, nov recog- nized as lie neit stop lu the transit developmnt of tus city. Tuher, arc. 100 mules o! harne car Unes on Manhattan Island. Withln Circulit oud ow Giud ieorniug vitii - udge Wright on tie- bae nsd -lhe. IUâlf oaitfhedAmy vas spent lu' iariag motions .ln re- 8usd th b es . )MAPY eus vre atricietti ram ite doket, s aet Im-. portant etf vhlci v*4'lie asault cas. agaiut Hamry KaIbt, Frai Bushl sud John carre.l Th e caseagal nst Uîaut.y ICelcil vas noue proased by the tate's et- Larney. The firi1 Case 10 b.cafled 10 the attention ef a 3ily vas the damnage case gf Syceises' a st the itly. Thii case l il the vesul <oticeArowlug of on. of the fiveetser citidrpu in su oplen dilchIUOmIXWaU04 by thc city as a àeverý The "uhoard once before wiii ' ou 'tii rturned agaatl ,elty and !,new triai- vu arae, "the, judge rulina tiaI a verdict via gecemsry liî à case of ibis inld, Elgit o! lheie lve Jurors vere chiccuthatry tiecmcs befor thse court adJourned. Tic net session of tic courtvili i. 'halA Iornrrov et1i oecoc. ti a yean,fit la expected, the Beach bat- trr car vITThave "remèdtic é bars* M O w Uk car An evcry one of tlie. lnesand Whie the mli prodiÏc4ca niity utilratelï 1hfii l aie, the place of tnutbtuliy say liaI thehsbave no or- thie elechnie car viti nndenel'aund genleatian vhiie the tarmers have, lu onduit. Street rsîîvsy companles lu deuse of Ibelir rais. lu lb. priée of nmiii, Itlia tru, liaI hiey are orgaitized the suburbs snd lu foreigu cauntnies aufficlently, itI laa), te tell the tarsu- are aiso taig up t'he nev car. ers viiosutbcy sialiltaestieur miii . On Other Lines. toansd viosu ley cIaitL Thle Souli Shore Traction Compmny,.t lu thie shatement of ân. o! the.ne- hallmliimen la lie clty some lime wulci auns lie s c A se 8Williamns- agaovien the x'pce of miik vas IIrsL burg Bridge sud ont la Babyiqu, L. L. ralseA tram 7 tae8$'omis for th. vin- expets wvîhiîua vc.î ta isstatî & ter monilia, i-tedatat uaio f tb. tv-truci BLtoage balhery ecar' reaos a va laI4h. formera vere ne- 1tequired ho binig theïr miii seven on trot ever canstructed, nov belug com- cîght mlles, manyofthiem, ta deliver picted et the. Effaceuvans et Orange, fi tathie miii depol, vuien If tbey N. f. Iu Washiugton, D. C.4 lie golf- ibipped ther' mlIita Chicago they propeting car viii soon replacee coulA place IL on cite o!flt.e meny she inalilplattormi vuli dot tue rail- overvad trolley on thc Washington, rosA tracks lu tuls vlctnlty. Spa Springs a Gretua raliroad. The, lu retng iis statement, ane of trolley pales are nov heing- pullai the dealers outaide lb. combine affid dow inpreaiton or hechange. liaI lic mcv of no fereanenELpresent davu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h inpealo frLevi rangut milii toibis city tram a In Nw Zealsa 1h tlois as If the distance o! morq then tiiree miles. Beach car viilsoon taie Li, place ofHf ither Étated Ihat mont a! the. tie trolley electricecar. The ciies ot fermera vouAd ratier taie Ibelr mlii liaI -country are holding up. ail tran- ta te netaliers titan h bp IftotaChi- caga, as lu transit mauy cana are oit dtbvelopient ubtil lie gOvOrurnu broien or font, sud tiat Lie fariner commission, nslîcila nov on ita vq bas ho pey .thi'miiibroiera luntChf- ta itis country, maies iLs report. AndA cago a commission on cvery enu of eormiittees fram othen countries, nota- mili liaI la sold. .ýMay Porm Independent Company. biy France, Germeny aud Japan, Anc Ticre la considérable feeling lu the aiea saiing piligrneges tlatudnAFtlic cty la regard ta lie price.of mili Dov eur. fer tlil vînter. ilTit ad iy meny ____________ of orgaruing an e iadependent firin, elther vithu s. umier of, cattie o!lils jPloneer Bttier Xii. ovu ta peddi<ini l it le ty aet he George W. Bell, one of titis clLy'là rat. 0f 6 cents, or e Ise ob go Intoaa famus harctes ad le poner cl-partuiersiip vlti soins farinera vio fainisa iariter sudILs loner c lvli i. viiing t a help them ieep Lie oned setlier, la very 111 atilhain oe, prie dovu. due ho aid age andI an absceas frosu vhIicb b, suffera. DEER PLENTIPUL Niuety-threc rears aid sud turdy,- strong figure of a Manuviiose physique utxgBso o nPI ha carrled hlm tiiraugh rnsny vicis- utng& m owiPù situdes, hicilunesa la remaniable as 1 Bwlfg. th. trot one h. has ever lied viicb forcd hum ta taie ta bie b.d. R.eila 7The annuel slaugiter of huniers, bedrddennow.liela émpleelyguides sud deer lu Wisconsin viii be- hednidesn no. a gplt lugin ouFiday mornang and vîli con- He vas born October 16, 1816,--at tineberouhth 30.uti o Nsshvill,, Tenu., lu siaven>', andA t ah er30 ,t autireai of the War o!thie Rebel- Dung thie season no deer eau te Ilion vas farced to aid in Lhe, aupply- shaî lu Grant, Lafeyette, liane, Iova, îug of provisions tu canfetierate CaTrRcinBu auba troopa. He vas captured viii on Dodge, Buffalo, Washington, Ozanice, one- auci expedition by the Union Sueboygan, Pond du Lac, Green Lakte, arnty15and vesI adi ciihiLiuu teiile, A In -4p*Mo . n freedosu sud joined the canse, vire Monroe, La Crasse, Wsusbara, Wlnge- bie ieant vas al lie tine, the cause bago, Birava, Kevaane7, Partage, ofunion and arnhi-silaver>'. Waupsca, Door, or Shiavnee counties. Caoked for Lncain, 13,cr caunot b. humnte or illedaie At one ime -vicu Abrahiam Lincoln ulgit, b>' aid o! untillclal liuht, lu 1he visied batlefeldoldGeogevaa vater oron ouhLele, b>' menus of any asialted aobatttcfo *imaidnGerg plipîttaîl, îrap, anar., or tram a sent- aelgned thoedoitan'jl, nsudlht fold, or vith Lie aId of a Aog. Lincln ersnaly comened im, Any dog found runnlug deer etai >' and thorcatter vhenver ile visited 1ance sud ay hc e leeta or I1ied'nIL- thic detachmcnt o! troope vouid I10k, slandstisyfultalineie a oy g e. tn up tie Weuiegen man sud chai bis afltohn aygmeb n isud. Lincolnu mcv hlm vell. ibind vîti a do a Ang tie mati a! Mni. Bell caenbore aI lie close of ,Navember lu lie counnUes vbere deer the ar nd an een orseve aies.are llaved La b.illeA, or ta have a tHiefen sd ybas and. eeresîace.dog lu possession Auins gtue month o! six cilidren living. November lu or about a bunting or __________ ogging camp, vies. Acer are aliaved - to b. i-Puted. Chiulmhes Xay Nerge. Âny 'hunIer. rendent or non-resideul, The. chances are tiat the German lu possession a! a huntlug Ileense RefélineA churci yUll elîher b. rnaykIlil sud transport onc 4eon duriug morged viti lte <IrmDen Congrega- lie open 5e550D. Ma ,cr eaucmb. tiouai heho f tlis clty or viii sb- transportai, betore November 12 or sari the latter, tic Ivo churcie tien atter Decemben 3. Nd 0,cr or part of continuing as one. a carese a! a deer eau b. ebîpped Bnci a movement le nov ielug de- butmusl ito accompagied iiy Uie ut- bated sud Ibis vl probebîr b.olieeor wvihicoupon seotilon"'"«,!bis ii enA of th. troubles of lie Gormna LIe.ceaie ettacheil ha It. If a e n-resldent, formai churci, vbihvlabes a pastor 'sections B sud C are to'be Attahaitdtu vio viii preaci lu bath Gorm andu lte carhas. or part 0f hi. deor. .Aty %nglis, but sti11 admis la lo a ualc esa or part of a caressa, of sur ta support hlm. Acer Ëie4 lu pogeessios blaor user an' The tva churcies morged vould hb. bunîlu, camp or tonnquill rsustltli abie ta support a pastor of lie type oui salA tocoupon attache* May ,b. outlilud, sud liah lu, vhy laIo - .seiffl'd sd lAbu any arAcu., se' lieveA th. merger la Imminent. The Iourdin th te lav. to eurebes vere orlglaily on.. A nigta reports rececvel from On. l aon West virent sud lie olier Aifrent pars of tic cat, dean are on Couuh* streel. ,Tiea'one ou West, plentitnili rcugiont tie norti. seeh towase aes.churci -structurae, and e Bace parsonsse. 'VTe@ceon jCL&SOUM I) e4'pwllalnafffl. County street 0115 a citrci sftro- 4n.ry usvcruospya à&o m ture. Bath are igiy ".M»Oted4 -41 la sort et cuue v iii nome of lie bat peo- fTAEID;"and et 0~Sai Pis lu pie cily attendins. j"tiere's ea ote dabou e 154 happytna;tqýM » possible, bilti neh probable.1 1'Whe0 a ornax vea more th&* I oudb l i bmet a vice vIti iber.' 0W~it Dees.mt-oi deeli till laits 1 ta Ilfe, sud thé ied fi a to n hâte. 9 "Abualsa. s manIs elenograpier -la more 1 iu s cofideèqe thab bis wf. "Meut vosten jré gladviena ment alse lu love ith bis shenogrpier, as0 lie tbes a buiiend off a vretched *Ife'u.$t5uds. "Mes wbo*"drink fond tlove, home anda o Mrtine else; tiiey revert te "A voman viti ney ot ber ovu who tuna sIt Over te ber'buabaid for lafekeblig le lirowing avay ber atrouseut veapone 0f profection. &"A Btqd5y pre. is teill tines wonse baun a weei-dey Jaz.-Mrs. Fa l<earey Par*, ,Phulosophicai epigrains deaszng viti matrlmaay are bls.lg scattered by bire, yrel-earney Parie, former vite' etth floa anleu*Ilcotant Ig an "aOwty lnùor. ea" ho tu âWe, lel.e«t' ve1hholelng ber Mie. Paiem, vbo sarnîlt having becit msrried four thm,.anAdvii. bas liasseA ttongith rec divorces, de- clared "today that alie bad taien a "peut graduaI." course a mratrlmouy and 1ha1 no manjiashuld ever Ieadlien ta an altar aigalu. ".Mariage in Desa Ses fruit," salA Mra. l'anÎ. ausah.utela nber band- sorncly furnshed aprtmnts ,at 5014 MeNfdisoitavenue.;Is. eParie ls 32 yearlé oldand, te an attractive vaman, i~UMaVaiialber vil~SOlite wltb Mfr. Park. bas made iier..zee the at- tractlfenesa'Ot single bi«aedue«. CaesIl TOO Cr'uel. "I1 vent te secsesud talte 1mny chl- dren." salA Mrs. Parke. "I love tiem beter tiien anyting ou- eertii anA lu tiie future Uiey vw.Uposuesé alItmy affection«. Mr. Parie bas tbern up et Fox LÀansd vien I eaU tiesuup on the long distance piOln, tic nurse viii net ellow tbem t ta lute me. It Ie too cruel." ,1 Tiien Mns. Parie begae ta l O! ber former hushand, lnterepersing ici commenta vith spirîted epigras ?no marriage, anA veAdeA happluess. .1 viii never go baci taerny husbend agalu and suifer as 1 bave. Wby. Mn. Prarie on anc occasion vile 1 vas ont of Cbicago on e vîsit, loi rny electrle auto and gave It ta a Young vomap employed lu bis offIce. Cellebinner iIsrml.ss. WRgit et ibis moment Mr. Pari, owes me alimony for thie peat tva menthle. I vas avarded airny amanng ta $215 a rnth. Bbortly alter 1 vas marrlidI1turned over $50,000, ail ot wblcb vasl; lestby spec- ulatian. it vas terrlbly toollsb of me. but it bas taught me a tesson. "Regardlng the, mucb taliai of 'a- finity Aluner,' I veut te aay that it vas a barmIesa littie affaîr, sud many men brougit their- vIves. IL vas given by Sving Riclien for Madge Voe. su entresa. My husiend took me ta Uic Aluner. He Aid nat attend, as he vas nelot ited. He saya a brought an actress borne tram tic d-inuer vith me. 'i brongbt e Young wvaen home vho la flot on the, stage aud neyer vas. Sbc la a Mine Tucher of Austin. Tii. dinner vas per!ectly proper."' The ncxt citapter viii ite lu court ln the suit aver the cnstody of the cbuldren. BEIEVE INi STANFORD friends Here Diacredit tory of Wrong DoinguL Wauiegau people hsrdiy credit 1h. neya tram Bytemore LiaI Louis R. Sanford, former mathematîca teacher lu Lhe aukegau ulgi echol, later an Intructor lu Northveshern rnlluLary aeademy et Highland Pari, sud nov an aldermen and merebaut, viti hie tather at Sycamore, has heen indicted fore liMsieed,,ilgal se'Fiqsr and bellve liaI th. former Watuie- ganite le bociesua amatn viti prîn- cîples too fiue ta engage lu an>' sncb raflei, lu apit, of the evîdence o! neya dîspaîcies. Sautord vas veli ituovu anA very. popular ber. and han qualities teLt mtade hlm Immeuseir itteable. lHe vas biuianî lu ils profession. W. B. Bauford & Son, rugile,. ver. IudlcteA ah ByceMroe Manda>' b>' the grand jury on four couata, Ivo for nuisaance aud tva for illegal liquor sellilg. Tbe son. Lau Bantord,lause of Sycamone's aldermen and formeni>' actai as msthénatlca professor ath e local higi sehool, later teaciiing aI Nrtivesteru milîlar>' acadein>' Frlends uer, doubt tb. charges as cor. reet.. Wllilam BanforA-Indleted on su- Issu canula for seikg liquar vithant a license; aisa for iesplng a nuisance. Louis BSaford-IndicteA an 'tvelvc caunulefor soiing Ilqu or vitiant. sIl-~ cenue; aise tar ieeplug a nuisance. .Tic above cases viii b. préesaifor**2 trial by Setate's AitorunIr Rursl on liae asembling o! tie petit jury nexl vecir, unléese othervise Alupooed o! lu' tise mesalirne.'This rnornng Cle & Mllfe, attorneys for lie defeidauls, appearcA bueaotle court iti a lmu lion te quasi ailthlldiehtèënîs, vici.mations vlb. board et a lime st lu>' 1he circuit mAge. Proporty . ovaas weagaint theli Muy lu regard te lhe str@eqi of pavy lus 4tIvesu.CoqS urad rauklil on north . Coenty slreet, sas MndiY~ in teeco! ui*ptociW t h "i aunr. le lt9,ordInsue vas diV- amm yeiy UU eO*l.- have tuIpa boli<ortbeiskmsia thc * Cluil7 ofr te u*4 S â "al tlslf ngýi station aMd a ugQ 4IlAp he cite, for a nov rkici u's>vu nu: der the nafiq of Nyrtilsie Nit.t The tvo ineu IdeatiSiediiiIlithé Violait bti fr Ma. . TODug, Ta. cima buliding, sud SIL 1.Grass, Motel Di PrUf, faiu a s e ic uvo laye hoe1# tic réal sud eOgbalau thon etf Cyralo A.de s-erso "d Cisut sciler, instead ofthe recoglse a thor, Jduiond Itestmni Tine, lanft la aunouneo fa comprise iduety ffl- acres, In à bookiet >of nieea al descriptive metter Imsud the place le, fxaisouti 0ft thenaval lralilng sciiaai sPd Acceestibe bi me«u.oftau eloctrie lins staton, à Nortivesteru saticttb.hoboul, suad thc sttilons et 14ke Bluff and Norti Chicago. Itle asuugted tiat. a béthltg beach, e pavillon, a recreation pler, au amusé- ment pçri, or a goif, auto ,or ehub vAlA Bd a idau -lia tract of land, adpaê u> 4 on tii.nuet" ofset cnaa sébool and tihe exclusive Aovi alure resîdeuce tavus tée c onti. Tii. tract la ou the laie aud la be- leved ta thtit at aiilly novu as *Conuollys Woods," lu vici the Waukegau Conoilys are isterestedl. It la one of the. prettlesi spots lu thc entire rnlddle West.,* Hua CbamplôneMtD For fllgh Teipemture. October, 1910, talione Uc unfor hîgil temperatunes. It bas Lb. chan- plaushlp beit for nlue yearis, accord- lut ta Weatbrnu J. C. James of Autlaeii. Wealber report for mouti of Oc- lober: 1910-- Warrnest day. 84 aun181. Coldeat day, 21 ou lOti. Average temperalugre, 54.99. Total rainfaîl, 2.87. TIrst killlng irost.23lrd. Waru:est-day, 80 on l&th. Coldest day, 19 on lSth. Average tempereture 47.24. Total rmînfail, 81-100. Final kllug front, lGth. 1908- Warmest day, 84 ou Ilel sud l7th, Coldest dey, 20 au Suet. Average lempereture, 52.14. Total relisatl,1.15. First hkllliug front, 2nd. 19e7- 'Warutesî day ou lnd. Coldest day, 24 ou 24tb. Average hesuperature, 49.12. Total ralufaîl, 1.05. Fîrat killlng front, 131h. O4tjder, Il on 1ta-.V Average tasapamtçwo IM Total rplaait~ s. TIret ldullng Iront. igtb. No report. Warrnet day, 80 on 10h. Caldest de~, 33 ou 27th. Average tenperaturs', 58.03. Toalirattaîl, .-20. Tiret kllins frost, teint. Warmuet day, 82 on Srd. cabinet day., 4 on 841h sud 27tli. Avera. temperature, 50.91. Total reautait, 901-100. , Tlyst iilllng frot.lat. 190- WagrMet daY, 75 on litb andi 24ti. Coideit day, 28 on 3151. Average te.pperattire, 50.18. Total ruinfali, 3.87. FlegsMinsufroit, litb. ý-4*if-ey, 84 o aci The féhwb fitumr, 8 fo. th record. Âdmiral , s81 8 a]. Rear AdmiJrai ROSe, iM -comment! of the. ite Bluff naval trainngatation, la to tali'to Uic CommuerciliAssocie- Ion Tiiurod ay. He bas been lu the usvy ail his Ilfe and ias*nanyinter- lestlng things ta tel. snd itelethein vel. . HeOvi l al about Lthe train. lng statiOn, vblciilm the blggestt Liig 0f lhe kind the. gaverumeut bas, tell som, Davy atones suad descnhbe wiiat tbey are doing et the. station viti re- gard ta sewage disposai 'aud vater filtration, a thbng that affeefs aur vateir- spply bers. Rveryone la tu. vihed ta icar hls.-Rvauston Index. Wife- Deserter Jsfled. .Manday at tic police court lu North Chicago flupervisor Conrad aid- edinl tiie 'prosecution of Edward Lev- audusil. aleged wife disserter wbo bandoned his. vife sud ave -eiuldien about twa m9nthe ago sud theu ca-nt bOck yesterdaY ta maire trouble. Levauednskl vas given tblrty daye lu the. c0untY Jali sud varuc<l tiat<"bc would bc gîven six montha If bc diA no stralghten np sud support bis vite and tarnlly. P.Ir. lOtto Peul, liiwnu1kçu. Wl.. ,asm Folp3'm 140ey snd 'Fer in at4jIingais titan tb lie o. lHe viLegus. "Ail tbose that Liugigt it think j'lan tlbe Ilest fur veougboanad colda they eve, iiad 1d thik tui seetili more thban tiLseset. Ouir bbty boit a.boiteni ansd it cure i i i-l ile day. Pifae.. iccipIihainke," V. fi. LJW,*L Cep INDEPENDRNT »Want Adserbe-lng recola, 26 cuis aen insertion and Yeu reach, SOUrosiers. I «M-W'~TO ,,GET A'NEW STANDARDi w,. im5ound 'Electric Iron FREE ~ drugergwle.n an Eiectric lion in cm- :.ployted. There are no rîr(sto keep up; Ilotklflg but a iiwitch toý,tUrn aind the. e-j-7temperature-ef thiemlmetigft' -almont immedieif' The finest laces, dainty shlrtwalots, beavy table linen or' sheet&-i-0I1 lu ie mre to this applianc'e and with ail ia wo,-k Is botter, qui'ker, neffter',thi~n the 01i way. For iiniittc.d We WiiI Gave an Ekectric Iron Free to, &0 dlpersna ordIerinq hheir heuses iwired aud.r l0m'24 suontis (o psy pi«. If yrou own a houa. that la not wired for oleetrity you are deprwlag your- sell and aoelIly of manly o imtcou- vuemo ansd econodwies. For 'electri- citYAU ith4 houie>bo1d mea the. king of Artlflclal ýLlkIt arid aluo a servant that assume aUIl i eavglabor. The Cost of Operatlouu la Low. iu.se Cof W.1! W M oue t s Lowý. EverytWIa, fI.ctricail fer Sale at o~Shbw Roums. 1. to Of m' lif bI Mr for c- ur ber lum tcw tiat tev and everu