Um &F-1INFInw MÂE Â DùIb COUNTI Uslab i, * 1b. thé PIrSt ln Lino To AtI4t Uow ChaI- or RO,. Reductions Already Notsd are Trivial and Fait to Cut Mucli10 Chicago,' Nov. 1.llsthte nOVI- xard moyentent from te bigli uost of llvl*g begun that watt recentl> iredict- ed by Sftretary of Agriculture Wil1son and by ýCiarlea W. Amint?, bead of\' teArmour lateresta-im Kiis C iy? Agcotjllmg to pri aeO pitttois the wboleae&n ea,<tMil rié, 01alest8 II eblcàgo andgrroMudng terrltory 'cill uler a marhied deerease 'tIn te ccx few dgys. Dlîpatcees roll, ctller cillas liowed tatteé prices of pork ba*l been greetly reduced and fle l.,cal mearkeet le expeeteit soon t. te kilmilrly mlected.t Th rlees of ailtoats wili lie low. ered within the next.daiN'r r wo. e ait] jliohnlnii n . cf trin .0ot.bers, 00e ot the largeýtimarkets "i inte cllY. on iearnlting of ile de4une la otîter citles l»utrl'g tIll jI;t #f lie yeRr,. wheu thîe prîces acre îgli. tttheainiera startedi 10 tetren uit the catiqe sad i lîol. The stock la nuw beluo; cblpd to te ('lxi- Cago Markel and th! itis'cileadt te a e- duction lu thte triceas of beef andi pork, un Wceil as bains andi UrcoL At Kansas Ciy areduetlcM ranglite froin _',% 10 5%M centsaa. uitid hii te prlre of ipor lcltOqtl 'as rf,(,rded.1 ileyetteen and oe-bai! cents a Pounti -l A ci, US~5NVj '4- éO"~S STUDIO ,ti ¶- PS~1225. Bxwoesuret., lna àPfluer repcirt 01 »Wyàlty ftays Extra Attraclon tbe qm ilot 030 m FTT -.ï ~ ~ - 1 ~ "yr, he bail arreoged hM ou (Wb lnftil b er the woman who.Ide ZMlCo " P iano4» - !Rut tht e: l h.hcalied her hi* lady-t Mfla r je te~i <Ullveixas Yeu and 1) qv.1iuê twlibed t j0 h 1& Itrt 1oh, âaye ie e ste and theto "tor I~Tfor j QulWt egar. 'tee 0ouhe nh An t-. MW*âiiltou 1h owever ybtity ho0 _ (Ail 4tow hat eh eer couid frfit~o Du3$ ftû$*rý u w cimr2b 1ave spokeh Id Melw)- - ' f,1 ý f, è ot he CôWOVEI PLAËb ccaniic it ii lilp in-w 4 A feq Bite.. waa ni the ooda h hq9«,oft the thala to ahahO ibéait: . tnïlment %whiph ftillV -meetritheir eurmnii ..Cis 1 ill i svected tha ils, l e - - t lEvo 48asYeu and 1) tin.lam eà thtetiapiesque If Vonî waîît ae hgI~î pialn, thereforc, why __________________ ~b4oorqiÏIItI fl atueu-et baffl n "nle"thm 8 Ot cold I tt 0tot proft hi,-the opinion <of sîeh eminent authorities as (And ~a~~tou. le@., bat the Mladye, 8 Lime sUOint-, miii "oncle" coulti n-an Ah. Gôt Mah WiIcI Turky- m~)ImagineAuy Dune leavînganutcvaîitît 0e la aneSbm n-tck1( pa r.Ouirf ad eut, a.110o1,muet fo..--- pau4i càt theTs who have beengj#d.totetify ,tiithe splpnd-id mî But, Oh, To' Pô,ssut 1!ctuwlver. the vIeLluntof te ailged ("1 l qiltiPS <of theCONhie wii Ohtht(ven-ý4@ you and 1) vautplre andi hA Waitkegan triend hi sativglat il leniit - onet whiteh reilcets eredit Otetoit W 'tet and the &poil w;liirely .locainqd lat- Iolt i.rke T h -tîîiýM*,dfeu i t oîc n lait, 1~~~~oniy 'cml'It Vi l 'tcheutsirain$ pull pote ilKe jdmn*oftswli-ad he il Amd thet*$"iient thinge we gianned, 1 ont of the stiUon. fvsliasorefpidanstgfto. th* yrain lef vil 'itai e ei htFr VonaIle iliterested ini piaîo.s <'tllt atthe stores o<f (~fttiê,.. cew she never kney coretllel tr ~ C .In ii & B o 'I~d ~inet uliderstand.) 1at. once vent toehRacne ut trtI The . îý aï - trlpsxedi as hlm foolluh ce, and Itler ierne ir'oa. ï VMas you and 1) ha fiit t'aconsultation with big friend L c Bros.. Tihjurf,cil, iffl h 06#t have salen w'lie he Ili neeain latiis City and i fnally lafi (1010 lIe m1 lte te Ifor KàJlasCi ty. where it was agceed (St l 81* nrecodhtthlaytiehovutboatcktfrV- and %,on Pan get fiili information rcgarding the varions lied> Cover, B. C, aud ni-ver set font ln Bo mraie t hirn li, but the mont if Cîa gun nailin lIncluinsi i hieh the CONOVER ik made ant weIlt iason bina i(io- Free frim i;etnl galact heir pr1ieandi ternis. <E11ven au you ani 1) he vas happy as a teck1 and pttdged Anditiliet*$W Iian if jin'* the hhaumelf neyer tI o ot a s oma Yoitî iili lisît uîîotedl 'v like in sec the Wb"eu, .I lul. no linaiter how lrcîl sabe mayi' Cable, t1ue Kingsbur, the Wellingt.on insi Thal SUfflîke a white hol brn-, ie.I the Inner-Player ans Ia l'. ei te o now wliysite n'ever: Story a Soril One.. iîu f AW <YThti'stury t a tow andi sordid cute,' They are al worth speing andi wilI give v<i (SeeInf t Iaa tshe ceuld nover know îttînt orfa a nu 'itali-Caiemne jiiit-tieiîideniiii îîî te onltflltive and ti mu A IN, entanglei a irai and thon founti 'îu 1ii ulifies tthat guotiinstruments hao'e. Aninever could undfoetnd. tttlu$ otuntrees 1hmtf - - a -udyuyd liln.iovtr i'tt i thne girl ln the.! 0111-i'i<t-ii and i-lus iake-hîiî i" case' nover eveit referreti te marriagei v "vtii. fè bu"i, Wea egte ti xl.Lta it1lict 'a n ie -Epert Tunnng- If.%iiinîîîw havé- a piaino, letnmir expeirt ~ aoi-ylif~we btntd n Wau1oan oAs meere tht- parents, anti(bat f. ii'rat eîltrh<ku ie. ik i nt vr Z Put .. i rprtr frr9 as aimpli.a case eof"The Vampire evvli Idrft1h adj oP ., ajtttld'a sl f c- Wuman" 1ait over asoin, a 'cOritiqid "'oun t 11 c~eNmiodî i lç dr-sno iOn. utUa~sth*-OUibline lady 1t<vy. Fie w'as te Mime, te sadule.! w lok lw1I a 4e '9110 vu Wlh Il Site 'cas te utlme. ite charges. H-é I ts'ieM5bu5dani h eaîel U as ontetuan 'citedit]i net feu an lit- ~ £ ~ ' Ç £ e # ! j ~~~~~fem ui atpOIiu tler victît -of tit-"vmir"an hé-:ecs 4lloUtp~eoconcfli. carrieti s'cy 'cIt hlm $3.000 in tilla uncaa0 -~'~ ~> -Ats luC.prn'10ti in th*tlandispecle, lte resuit'o thle sale of' mtd~ la o~ n hi vt'* t Van ;#IItitulnsa,minim 'hat te allegediT 0DAIS.IIRraaav Cor itoî chtopa was the jievailitig piice ISN OA IISTF oie,*lhCoilowtt aVampire Pried Oo it lmturin g th,- 'chere 21t anti 21 centsîàapounoti as tte fê4Vi a 't hia*îùu*ani- i W esiees.________________________________ priee veci oal v e -is.ego. Susan McKenna Arrestei and Sent te clcis tiTevelo aista elvdl lu enoîton sine lr conditions, pie- *.ilevue for Obsruîîon I¶I.l 5 g.4uiwIt an ltifeim0 of fear, vorr>-. terror antid Vaet, Beef ivent down ncarly ùctsli-ut Aieiuigbaron. -drea#ifor tour long menthe.,ltat ho and port sîttt'ted aIlike decllue. lwYr.Nv 6-uia lcCa it. 1t4rW0.In lnauInnocent flirte- bes learneti bis leison. and that lio Thte prices or neariy ail lhues eofi-reau i NewctYork. Ntotv. fotoSstocnfr7-1111Ma u h Ttd"dPi5S for t& e. I d p ient vegetables alsou'cen- affocteti. The airs. crni (Jlac 0 ni70 i l o - Mchiaita. ff lite vtct ' g i butter anti egg inaro, llht-id "11cm anti 1Vans sîîgîîy iîgiier ai te closte of the teiîîgliVh ilieseandthrabhflng merticttli raei o4.uJo!litemxii- , "day Itait for tie tew uayaîtrecotiing. ti 1hicbieial ira:~mrecflnmelafu'mutu Ileepcelas hite prices of agolotteè anitl ~eae actialt oltr lan egietialJIo li ti it, l Inh. Thesletterk; andi cards w tr «it &agiri onrtbo mà'tioetts ut the ce- 1 tilrl nitsvgeinies III it i-goallt sib qart City,. tie) n the martluottniioumen: \\lreahing 'tiîerTnt.ith droit nt admit that tIis w- ik l i, Theâtrtaio'ashttîsed tetu." ho or.t-ut soen, i>îîut e tithait he \hen ihe i-otait 'as si-i-sgnet ibo. aTahe fliratin pr esai a ul xx -teit ttecset an t'foi- c oit ilolrr Shticlds hliae ctsiin l4iieI e o ct re ai iiet-daps fo! tuent> ted a dîîtiî î-tiied l lie r ai iresltocslble, pjiti, Oi lite Ç béat giffflelî oet it lte lnth leics fýnea.4thy d i uîw i-i, unIl had l ii-puei lilp i Mchigant C#Yi , C& girl as 9 titaldh ale ulr i veelalemaie lii, tPatli k 'cas his tailer. Thée1 voit as tht man. Wuui te licceti.ttiît-sli as titen before .ýlaglstratel In Chicago lite ciing te titlite a r _____ ' ~ I<i.-î and txît oti titd 10Belile 1i. leec Fie h adtetafit. xx;a suite of ~îLONS EATINDOBI - -' apartutta for - ber.. Thon sile i I itoligbt ber ,filther anti nither tei Démocrate and Republcans Eath Flnd- AUCTION SALE. vatttm nineuhratmc Ë.rorn ln Vote Reiurne. "î tdeegelhavlng sohlm is iiandi vit4ht1 e-t. h.i1oi'ed,5, Ciao - fi"Ii' llni arin ýllbhali- a cioalng out sale ah onceehoemaie hishoule la the aller#.- Chcgnov u.Te rir ii s place of renldeuce. tuown u astbt atenha 'ciIttb«îlx - t -dîsiniCi tai- n l t 8lttis la hngiitgunilr.Farncyfea ele M O*ai aiu isI lrd te baltincip. withi le iiioteor r' Itif . attt n ie eI Ô nl iQ a- Cougreacm#n Wliitaut W.- Wison itNi ilium att Irie aud <tu-hait mile,;Theut begaui a .yntemutorconstant - Fred J. Crollley totmaliing Cdaim Isouthwest uf Watisvoi-tit, Ilonay. - uèarid nti ponageo he hebth g ltaI it e reuPte seSa tacret-elvetitire lu-:NNV. '41 -1910, at 10 a. ni.,sharp.iL aaieeàt; téi' - vi _aut ibu wmîm z â C<>çmit - u bl t" aetSl. ebv correct. 'ita ctornnarive (ongi-esa-- Ton HadutorHorges-43oqq tean t a of Sl.Wehv juan Wilson'à plîralîty ut 26. bay imai-es. velCit1y,.0; e*d1 it I Wa" «Vrsr e 502<0 The heio'ata i-lai lteyhave dis- coitltg 4 yetrs <tit; gray' téWu i 1i<1Iffj 10 t bitiali covaetithat11 in-Ô uTîorion i og )'cars old;: tiovtn martecntt 9 ieuxan'ctt fo onl eoee httGvtsvear l'a oit;srretItmulily hurse- e - iMoXu a ¶ C ' il te________________ 'ceri net retoktled foi ('taiey, atînd ta a vigt130: r iors es -tnir a, JI: MillroverJJ.ln.the.--- bit.%-sec'ond 1 ing 10 yeuse It.lia>'marec cdlu8m îlbiit«Ovt wel'ti. 'hic-b Ni'oltisent t'rowley Nilth!3yri3lti, f&nuly brute;- sucîti We h c5. Wbý-eievrhe, W<cui ldbti ha.......... IL&rk Loin.......c. pliu-ality of 130. t. hc'iîîcren's pouy. "h' . .... 'i~ ee or u i~utor120 The Itettubltoans prodtici- ulalm-t te Tbirty-founrHeadi of Hugi--CSunllat-i grus. tué V*mgirý-koi nou' ........... effilet titissut> iu.'nasc 1 wiiaouns put- tg of one fat hog. five lirood u nonils au . - "' '-'~ raîy '28 tpige, About 400» 1prfI - . n> - "... an_ sd 15 Thauksglving luciteys.- '.4 i -tlh i10e... . . . .. . . e . . . RALMEà'TING ON STRIKEIng orelgbhcuva glvtng muilk- t ree, ad t«~<. <tae.& m'adr - li Hosenheifers. fras*zâMis r .bis"I L. - leavy satriiger; six stimuler Ioffi t liç hbaute 10 il I*Y01a- .. .. ..9"'.'. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cuteome WlI Se Announced aut Meet- andt tva ealuves. ' j pe %tillneme,, Ilkih -'efio Ing to Se Meld ln Chicago, Dec. 12,ij'et-Atouit 400 stocka tif corn, 60 amoli une, md aoi i-lattaeu'>' ttila ho ."Y - - - ~~~~tonus heu.coîîaatiug o lut di tonsllal> ttt mt.a~<¶? 7 U~C PIOL X _ a tItui.ii, Nov. 16 --Ttegi-n. anti 25 tolus millet, claver ant i att; le o î~~sfw1 '> rracoilte fteBr 2500 baietwhiite uela. 1,wy ,~1l C' i lioralgInhsuee u snnta ie -t,i ' Nehittery, lheusehtuutiGoulu, mie.-IHere'ls'chel te init caile n. ...... ie qtef.,it j litersgae susaiaIbliala ero. newc: aide dèllvarSy hbySeemlngIvy ýc 11fý,e>chgM o-Ï ri isetig ngi a so lc('ormicc w m 'tvo e._j. .. . .. . .. . ... lion-t'bc-tcgetîccai manageis aie; fot hanju'c0t5; caple Ho'14,"ýVèmil le ' and,- - *mB~ tht 'ceaiernt lsiandi a stiIkte g-lothy ae;oexim«tne,~ rdedoth* r;t oan, -........ ......12%ct is ovtelt~tali-î n tti 5vIc sXprcadu-r. uew; one Gale cu<u piauler, un valks a iqnt tý0 blocit. We Thte outcutie 'ilI hi- annoîuced ai nov; 12-foot Bucke>;e brWtcmel i4jr; a-oxl' je nt, li ll lie tnig 'it lile managers lu chi- new; Bradley coru cilahêa-is';'ornacor utéâ 'ce<d ci hhi t,%cg er. i12. îIndications ai- t lit ant'o ttlitle ployas; agand pja-«1jge= lag ao*t ftemnaefor a -set irontsvbeei; tWo 'caIoet'-iOUand 740uteee FYi-eadùlV. Pot,..e ilflc 7M F stutte. d unee t le box, andt, 'a' MliI,4 M >l larcstaoi-tyetlit !, netwto-seet n n t itreé. .proentnusitis eflea- go bt laoo ' iie" Orbhoulder .... .. c ugar Crdftza. . ..'- Stany.other articles 100 nuerons' lu mtentiotn. fcl êtfKmrt.munase Boilnq wter.Free luncieh t t1. 10e000 tfé e èait>. Pu iDene4 ---'--'- Li, wie Iaa lt ..... ......1 Boiiing WaterVouel termes of sale. -- ItaPiiIY boiiug 'cater Clckso I s t-u1<*W.aiu:. . <.- ~ ' hoto iatwilf ueybbbies, aut .tr eay Sine, Auctioit' Pn. lier S.r.. Y- .1-..h i "-aýàM .h