R. & 4Illràrseêts, ail the $1.(0 (olWgin nwetniodeist, ........... flair nets, ail colors,lO Sfor ........... riretin Ivérythinig. r co*!s kid . We respeetflitlh-vt l u t'o eh <010)1< te with an tlîîng offeî cd in Arn othe, storîe bu - ~'2Iiandul fl11).Speîal îedîtin Io 'fr ei 'lh înk-sgi%-ig sale, Fillie (a Col i aIs inih î " < 99 glossv îîuterial. w'îr h 1 i .....919 One l< a,'nifi.h.nNNlot of t oats fîîrînerl wit h the intentioni of selling nt not less than s18.(H) and y .(I "e <ne in silk inisliet hi'oadî.iotsandsîîneih iîîed. and oi ore i for <'bru gIle ....b....al....12.48 eillîal, for 'il.ianksgi-iz s ah.. .. lei'a« v ha<k oînhs %mi harettes, ireg-~ 5 ilar prive( PlaI sa u 'le -ii n25 i0kl ...e.i. .'. .a. . . I . ...2 5 C L.ai js' sakrlannîw iîitght gfb'îî ns, $5 gooid dîiîîIliy%.................35 li buse dresses, of fille peri aies, .ussoI teil anid wit h fanev lîordî'rs ti niatelh, îvoîth *'2.0<), foi ..........1 é Carfare >fuaded Under Usuil Conditions Chxild ren"s Coats One lot of nildIren (ts . ses 8 bîp to 14. vaine-$400 ' for this sale . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.88 ( fls' ('nats. Inlade iUp in <iffereîut inater-iâis and styles, sizes up to i16vens. orth *.iA0) foi... t iirIs"' tqM. <aan,<irii. è ete., foir this Takgvn sille ... .................... (hlresBearskin and broaclioth 4 'ats, fulîl lined, 1 to 6 vears, a Il lu an e nolors foi ........... 1.a8 The 1 OkrhEa1!gainEViet Olte4d. A in .heavy 4ýî)lton!. Oiginiall.l .41 for $4.00, foir ........... wo1serg hnd Pabatnà- skirts, $5.(K) vdues .;................M àpec1kirt Ofer-Çple lot of 300 sainple *îi ~soe ~tl,1~lot Wo.itl Ssîthon 4 $* (>0 Ta ksgî Ing sl ÇH1idêen'à*lDrese bhildreJl<¶-»rses- lie loti, V'altle sah 'ihe hargains offered in this suit depart- mient are stieh tliat voit will realize it onre that Hein'*s se4es are gfnuine sales. Wv hiave ero wded together oup lot,,qf agnifi- r.elt "4îits, valutes 111 to $20, for this sale ~kr~ -~Pb jr t *e have boéught 4f:enormQouslot ineludiiîg some inagnifieent Pevsùm i iilks. et Sileh ]low prives thiat thiis.display 'Vi1I belookcd tupon %viti pleasîîre Im.v verv ad who visits ou store dinilg this 'l'lai]ksgi ving sale EAIÉGAIN Ne. 1 One lot of shirt w aist in dot k î iluuis, fi ' liouse ind street wear, îvor-th -$1 (H fýoi 8A1GII No. 2. Oute lot of taiiis r *a%'ists, bîrngh,1t ex- presslY to seil at $1.00, aild wrh*. foi.'iigii-i'ing sale BA1m<IN No. 3. Beaiutifuil lot of embroideÏed froint and' taiiored waists. Thesel~re ti ii'1YlI ýs)i lýfor BARGAIN No. 4. Winn's tiîîe ail wooli niisveiing waists, in pr(tt ' veinbroidereiland plain t ail'.wed styl ves. open~ frbnt and back inodels. heav V ribroidered fr-ont in the nlew floral effevts. îicatIl- tîîked or- pdaite<i styles, verv dress.v, still worni and eonifortahle, laiuxîder per-feetîr. iin black. white. inavy.%, talle, ete.. sizes 34 t') 44 tii elîosv fromn 27 is the least the%- lave ('i i.isilil for, speviial tonor- uuIiii.i.o" le Th~iving !Ioe spocialà M9[isses' Dre aSos$.5~Ms(s1d h~'sâd Boya E&s$1.09-OrIs' éhft h'Iathèýr reýs sisonie h.rloth .and bos' huïtton auiid lae shoes gtrn tops. nloue Worth Iess . 1.85 liletal andl box ral le ither $27-5.fo, ............ âdies' Htgh Shois - NIade of gun met- Ludies, Handsome Suede SoOr ide <>*vi ei-kidi. rhev'rominlubutton >' fr il tihfle% iss, eiavi- lh uc-ler styles. are anfeed a $..al.e..o........3.50lw.th $3.(Y. One lot of Suits ranging in pri ee s 17up 9 to $15.00 for................N ANOTHER SUIT BARGAIN - $22.50 suits for 12.7e Thèse are made up in beaùutil hroadcloths. mannish worsteds. An endless variety to select f4om. You will see at a glanî'e what a hargain 127 tlisis at ................ 27 lligh grade $0.0suits marked dowu ,to ............. ...... . 9 Çpeials .Nlignifli-eît lhue or gentine icather hinb4 ý iined throuighout,, worth ft- .'2.00), for this sale ....... ..... i eather and<Iheadcd lhaiid hgthat ot n 'ck .1%.00 and $4.00 for, Trhanké- giving sale prie.......... .... 500 siik Auto sea rfs. - worth $1.00, for............ .. 4k One.line of heautiful neckwear worth 50e and 75c fýr this, sale....e Catfre .Èded Und4r*ma II¶ý e aréle ; Trench Ooftey Sets- Lo nghrws ând pillo Rus8ian Sable Coney.tur 0*, valiue $7.0 Tlanksglving sale xwe .... mlegant Cape olt Siberian Fur, ha. 26 eWn ta,a fur' garient wolm *10n.0,special ai ....... ,.-.é Chlep of Sable'Martin 8b*wl, Char gbn PMfow Muif, a fine Thaliksgiv'ing 18eÊ' Pur SJets-Choice of a varîutî fthlghélass furq, speejal at ....... Grey Wolf Fur Oeta -- Large'uiawl e0lar f< ruig nuff, a $20A) 2.< fie of sutiâulBrook Mink.ofla- WUàIWMOrg pillow muif, regaiar $22JÂ)O value. 4 a1nge prie 16 *Baum Ml~n~ colit wihlargest 1h'arel rmif -ýàÏ $400o.8î at ý iorr, why )rities as rof- -and rets <'redif hierh ivili muent bave .120 n2e 14C Aoc lic