CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Nov 1910, p. 5

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[DAYP~OVI(BK 18-1910 LIB ERTYV IL LE. 'ORII3FS L.OQ..ANO PE~*QêA1~ MENTION swelli fine Fur, r Ouq inpdolroa,;z5c té 3.00 Af$bïmâ G loves mM u. ela both dress MArg91e of.1Overcoets. D"ckend Cffl durog'rimed Ceats amd Overcoate. Over- sIoesand Uiped Rubbert. Gerasa. Socks -m irtit Boots. Umderwear freina25c up ^NO OUR USUAL. UNS-ONL.Y A LITTLE, SITTEA-OF *"EVtnYTMI#4G 7FRMIN." YOU les ALWAYS wu-. OOI TOoUe81M J. B - MmRe &CO L vthng for l'1.n LIBERTYVILI ýWe have. a very cheap price on BALDWIN- COME IN AND SEE TIIEM FOR SALE BY J. ELI TRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 *@*@*OOO*O*@*e6*Oe@Oe~OBoaaau o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -o o o ob" --- -- ----------------- Far-sighted or Nicar-sighted Noble Air. looking et objecte at ex. trimes; in ejîher case they Anqur. Opician. . Pm ail Spectacles and eye >glass fitting% that we do be' fore Nov. 26. 1910, we wtti give ofof the regutar rates-, Now il your chance, before four eyma entirety fail you. E XAMINATION FREEa CA. BESWICK - . RADUATE OPTICIAN t BULKLEY BLOCK, LIBERTYVILLE.t and consider. il saflot necessary to go thousands of mriles away frotn your present home and friends.,f0 gel a ormallfruit. truck or pouttry 9 farm. Rght ber. niai' Lbertytille you Con gel ouIe of anut size you wiaht fromS5acres up. Choap, too. Mire you know that tii.climate laright. 9 You don't have to spind lime and money Clearintg land and gettmg it I rmjady fo.fthe 1>1w. You don't have ho worry about-wafer righte. irriga. flot', or crop failur. . ou wili laslibe sure of good crops, and you I wili nfot have f0 spepd yýour profits paying right charges Ini order ho «et jour products 10 market. You witl have a market almosi et your doge. uliere ail your produce willi bring hgb prices, and--huî jack of spacs pievents us rom wrilng more. Corne up and lot us foli -you the remtà Ooq")wal, Corne now, SÇtINAEBELE & WHEELER Office in-'1u1t4g. tImons 18 LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. Notice to Trwpammru Notice lu bereby g <t hat al buating, thouting sud lrappltig lj &U aliaada owme sth >'e uad.rigne.d t shing tu Lake Aea la. posihivel>' forblddenu nd signe are postod ho tiiet eff.ct. Treos- pasuim q ycnslid, tb.mievttliail, ho arret. A reward oh $5 .00 miii b. pald for lufomratlôn edluig',ho the crrnet anticonviction cf e.ainad ever>' offender. A. P. Sutce J. E.HcLoaanB. W. IRVING Obcairs. 1h la with a feeling of regret that lb. IEiaUrazw ,pubulshmàloolat 0o!Max ir4bwwff atflddsoMpllm'ofh hie trp Ui'ruo tii. Yellowstone Park, fr lb.> 'pub «nIlie1y tlstlng lsid e6e 6" bpoer1k ule .ÂAdvertd lettora Volfowing la n ]Jet of Jettea retnalag uaealieil ftr la h. Libemhyville post o4jce on Nov. 14, 1910: .1 Mdise W. Carter Mr&. lgne. Bumllagntnd Ch«i.C. Erlekson, Mm . ora Jobamon (2) Conrad IMin.. Parties tallagfor above milI pleans se> "adverfioed" and gin. date. C. W. TAYLOR, Postmaster. A apeciel attraction ah tth. bazaar ho b. gfvea by tbm Royal Nelghon ami the toma hbât on lDsc. 15, milb. at hei .b ô e t hM Si lt m h i d r u i.-d o N ls a i ses iiu1ltjoa lu the. Coby store wmladom ta to bi plesiateti totii. old« ocf he iuckj iiuiubeti 5iieçnm ibigek Sodat otej Te Imeurt ethllstion In thi .Iridegen- d". t, cpy muet ha ln th*offict no liter thbm t»e.#V of .ch weik. Adver. «iers, *mPbcl&Ffy, are ask.d 1 t tks, portlculer notice ho thi. effeet. a IuO" laver, ruler *tul ie- ai.Iia hbm lainetar toUter wom 0!f Alb a. sutu sr-àIl 09 aide wili Boit, Frai> Enderlin, liai:Lay- coci, John Ayers, and L. T'. Smeriukl eu-o"e a Party who vislted AntiocI, and Gra iake last Friday ia Mr. Bot'. tuiqe. Ruth Stchaffei'. Hblea Pouei, Ana Mae and Kathrvn Wynn, of Evanston, »petit Sunday ber, au gagta ofI imer Florence and Uerurde Eveleizor. Louis Chathami, who r'cently resigoed as foreunan uf the Keely tarn and mov.d to àMilwaukee, eame iown lant we.k for the PurPose of reiiairing morne uaeaciunery on the tarai. TberP *- lÏ lie 'bfl8ket social at the Wright aoeoJ.on Tfiesdav ae.alng,;N'V. 22. A good progran, wlil b. glvu'» Everybody coine. Ladies pleanebrng luneb for two. Abert Rua kele meh rooiucottage ln well uuder way on is 5ve acre tract on tihe Lee farm. IHe bas ntsc broken ground for the erection of a sevea roc.m bouse on Third etreet. James tfack uns calledtu C Joplu, Mo. by tbesemrious iliaesm or bis brotbeg, Frank. De left for tbat place Monday aIoralng and Iflib. like tbe elty. wl probably locate tiiere. Work an the. sewer lmprovemen*le progressing rapldly, otbe dltchtauq maâchine Dow belng on Lake fti~, wbere the aevwer ilîl b. laid to-tii.i ceuletory. Brainard Court, Mil] Cuurti and iiecond 8treet are the. reieugp tbcrotgbfares un wbteb tbe ditclng macbine will work. Seti it f hrough a Waat Ad. Are the best guart Beaides it.smpl dnpositnesa dcitionai 1 andi hlghty efficient mriî teispontahble Board eJ Particulet- deppi and ait ogther nief - -U'L.. A IWork tortad laitFrdmi untiie foun4"tlol> fora commodioue garage to be routructed for Wr. Layeock u the. reakr 01 hW. maebine alîop. Tii. balidliat lxfi of eouerete gQx40 feet, the Ititerlor to b. con"eultiffi arranged for the ac- 1OoaIO9f autos. Brumai Brow.' are dotug tii. ëuerete work. The. dantc, teofr by t be Oitiâ.»'. Baud at ti. Town Hall next Thurpday Digbi Proulnu fe be a lesdiffl modal eVent cf .tbe .eMoa. The. pprsonal PoPularity of. the baud aistbers, the. siaPerior qilty erof ImamiCýe qwll f auI. «ud the. uni certai feelng of soelity ,hiehprecails ai aildanee givgen by them uInsured n mucem.. *Ur@, Mary Hoteard, ased at 1 0 Yeg, h4isd 0 ysn8toa de Ftldâw aad vas b*YW l th~e ceneterylie.on Mone. âdiy aiât. Mme Iloward bad beenlnseon. ut.tse*a#am*ea.the bedmlde olironi I&M' Howard. Whio ba% beaui IIIfor 8«"eaunthe, sud ber demis. ual v.ry auddeon, 'math eoming tu ber au mii mt lu a chair. 8h. wam a distanit relative J. W. Bvrowu tranmactei business la Vankofflu ou Tuemday. Abert Darbour lef t on I u.mdsy for Loo sgilieu' Mexico. Ul..m V&i Rudolpb @pont BStae> Irtltoti retinluRockefeller. Or.. BdAustin returamti o» naduy front a vet'ianit la Ciiflo. ni"eVitronim mSulvea. of rsysiaie, ft Sandai wlth friai.e or. Mu.. L. Md. Riebards, ef Krwin, Kaut, la a ganst of ber murter, Mm. H. C. Gridie> Tii. W. C. T. U. will meet ait; thehomne of Mn. Julia RelIe, on u esday, Nor. 22 Mrs. IeorRe Uubde'ntoek, of Long' ryve, la vlsitig ber daugbter, Mm. Winî. lee>. Mise Mary Rangbht returnedti s week f ront Waukegan ubere mii, undervent a4a operation. liUr. -aud af Diamand1 Lake. @peut gSonda>' witb their daugbterd mm. Frank Jobuêon.1 The Lntie' Aid Society' of the. Metbc- diot cbareh wll bave a baker>' aie ah thie gum offlce Saturda>'. Nov. 19). c-8.1 Mima Gracie Dolpb. wbo wm recentl>' operateti upon for appeadicituesat the. hlc4llister bospitai, le couvaftliag rapitil>'. % IAew Fhagg ln l Springfield tlàsà meet as a delegate Iron thte local lodge of Odd Follows to the. anna n of tii. grand lodge. 1EFd Grahca. uf Long Lake, le la a Cicsgouopital ufferiag witb typiioid lever, and iiim condition mis reported sa beiag vpr>' eritical. HeDr. Baker. wbo suutamwd an mmm>'y tu jiehbandi at Yore Brus.' bottllagC wurks, ha# improre tRouflieitly ho b. ahi. tu remuai. work. James Mlack. Robt. AlLa and (eOrgeE Humon bave been north on a huatingV trip and kilied everj'tbing la tiie lin. ofaI animais except Wolves. Bei'. Fatiier W. J. Kiu@ell8 ae uniA Grand Rapide, tIle, tIl" week, attend* ing the. fumerai of ftev. Fatbem Kiuney>'f au ol1 frient anticlamante. s James t>alziel and MIna Aletia C. me.a Cullab were marri.dil a Wakgaa last week and *tOPPed oror ber. Thureday p an the. waY tu tiel boule at lugiMsde. t Wortt was tarted SMonda>' b>'Con. t tsuctor George Bond on the. building for0 'tc, Iew ile ulPan,'loptated bietween r the Fould$' faetor>' andthei.wir. 'ailla. Pictures of'e.ohampl hase aali garnt.. illi . hcmni Lyrie an Monday aigit, Ncn. 21. priee.. of atiasion. D;VUR BANIC afforcsiti tf; uServicesof<an oei bsupervision 0Oran Active, ai findwIetusasaie deosifor of Uwctyylllu- Oberlpan ul-b. dlatrei.ed ito mai» tut ho bai reeeatIy undergon,. an operaf foi lnlving the.removal o bfil jet èys, thi rffst f t accident whblc 5 prousI! lajur.d the. optlcai eeatate tiie aperation. Mir. Shierman had receddy> Purchaied a farza adjining tiat of hi. 0dqMbgter. Mzs. purdena Pettit, la Loum* Coun»tY, Vlrgluia, andi uabuil> entagedj la Itting 1h op wie ie iaccident cota- 9pelletheiioperatoa. Hie daugbter tend 1the informiation regnrding bis trouble, and abates."h bJI.recoverjug r.%pidly. An lnprimave service wax iield at Jamepb'm iatiolc Churefaon Sun'd:, .a dman of tweuty girls andi etevea bol* taklug tbelr firet liommualon. Tii. lnilqe gare: Ruth Evelmizor, Mlldred Ifrelsorilome Wagner, Wjaifred M acli, Ida 43ottl, izzle Gagliardi, Margaflt, Etfriug, Pmuarl Daner. L.ena Ptenenatliie,j ClaWeko, Irene iMuter, Miai.e Joeb#alb MaryBeker Mrgaret B.cki.Lou01. Cibonan, ImonsCiiarboaau, LUIi Char- bmue.Mrgaret K ric~dark, Cm boagut, vMugaret MfdlotnlKmflate HaucrfnnJtflmhreht., John Mieleboue, Bauel Aieovbr, Jiepi Alcover, HRM Butasl, Frink Buthl, jnmph fluer, Burney' D.iorn. Etrnest Pfèenatllle sud Fred jocheini. Mr. sud Mno. 3. T. Robertson, Mr. and Mr@.> WId i 21>, lMr. and Mrm. E. M. De Aima. ,Jan»sMoobe, Mima Flots Btapl.m, Claie sait, mima Alie . udai Bert .lObneon, Mima Ruth, BoIt, Fred XnllY, Mini Ad& Sprlng, Jean Ray>, Emnie lobnsob sud Robt. Wrighct uer. amnonfi the. LÂbertyvill9 people uic attended L! tbe Production or *'Thie Flirting Pria - fes." at the. Schwartz tesre la Wàakeë *an lest Sanda>' aigbt.- Tii. play was impeelaîl>'enjayable b>' resion of tiie fine. slagîag and dancing snd the. supenior abulit>' of e4e!> member of the. com papiy. Mtaoaer Wlngfield of the. Schwartz te nakln a speala effort ho maire is.out- if-toua patron* fWeeat borne la tuis Popnlar aternient place, ant i berty-. tille people eau lai ho .b.asrei of gooti accomoindationéansd eurt.oue reahamt. ' I b ha Sa the dis»O use00 t. 5mm,00 uT H ,;oa iT H ------- Ltbrary la A&SUred. Tiie project 1cr the establishmnent of a public lubrar>' 4a LlbertYril. bai passeti the. formahive stage, 01er 125 uubiiep. tie.-î~Ig ~nreeelved up ta thb. lirât Of tifs we.k. Deeker & Bond, iu whoee store the. librar>' mili b. Iccateti. bave coutracteti wiîb B. P. Woolrldgm tu ronetMiuet lhe siielvinir for the. accommodation cf the. lubrary . uhc wmli oe.pytiifront portion of thir @tore, alc.g the. soutb aWall. Anybody mlmbing tco subgcrube ta h. lubmary mna' les' l.- r name witb on. dollaf at Dece.o 11,. f r l exebanged lie. 1, .. ', . I. 1 la expected hOat il'i.... %it h1. lausaflnd dready fiab- , Dec. 1. 1hle theiententiuî of! mitta. hoseur. from tei ili. ahtciiiekgo a miat af tii. Most lo one budred books la t inastituti j a"d tiis will b. useti as a bail. lu, selectOna. Suggestions b>' subseribere gi b. given irat enstIderatlon as it la ti.ebiel deair. to . elect sncb bocks ns the. public wlsb. la addtonahothie wcrkiof fiction, of wbici tii, greater portion cf the, books miii neeessamll.y c5nolt, tiier. giti b. at>'volumes. 1m the. stahe lubrar>', matie Up of refereace mark, scence, bistcry, etc. As eacb atiditianal subseruber ta the. librar>' projeet meanus anineresas. lathe, amouns of reading matter avaitabie for gé»Oral circulation, 1h la bapedti hatthie pres sainsuii.r of tiumerul-b. largel>' litregSed b> Ch. finhtof Deceaiber miien tbe library miilbe open ta the publie. NATURES8 WÂRND(G Libertyville 1 People Munt Recogniz and Heed ItL Rida,>' Ut ccu quletty-mystemicugly, But nature clmays.waras yen. Notice the. kitin.>' sretians. &s. Il tiie colon lau uub.alhby- If tuer. ame setJfngs anti uedlment, Passages troquent sean t>', paîntnI. It's time tiien touse Dosn's Kidu' PlîlS, at4be l)can's bave doue great woçk la liis ltallocalit>'.lA e-lB David Beekml, Ford St., (enleva, IlI., aya: "I suffered froin kitin.> trouble for elgiit or hen ymane. 1 bail sier - Parus ln the. @Mal] cf ai>' back sud wu cisc sbiet hu duli heatitee The. meut anti lookeil unnaharal. 1 round Do p relief until c fow wmeka-,\cgo mien leaimd cf Dontt'a Kldney pUise ad procured a box. I bave lmprove4 stendhl>' alue. aklng hem. I bave bat little Pain, the. kidutm eemly r mcr remgalar lu Passage and 1I MelbetiM la every wmn>. f amn ver>' grteral for il -lb. beneit I derivred from Do&Wo'.Kîdue>' W____ For me ale byaildesten. * Primew rit) cents laii FO@tmr'Mithburu Cc.. Emiao, lNew'York, 1.awt',*OU uoli agent for tii Unitent m >ets. P.»u, coudm Bemeu4br: the taa-4og' of olâKki EbM tae .Do Other. .9 ft attu4 People who' intuuat ter uor mmntto know uoinethlngof!tt iana l We fflny reogiùm hu is lt, ' aia %u~ dePOstors wlth a Buat of our d&S~tm a holderuvien from Urne to U=^e,. Wu reportaUhowlng the oondlton of the bani of these reporta are kept on hajS or w"uhto uee them Eue ,£«Meuy fla Surplus and Profits- 80,000t.0o Stockholder's Liability ,00,(o Total $180,000.00> - . ' e OVI3COA The Oveu'ce 14 Usse le ,Wer. mev.milwv lot vont vaiVe bought e'5 y<e thain BYSld YOU'MBWSMM Q=008 obuadoe es vrtaoogfteu ut c6atit Worth $5.00 * 1SeeAa« i. be0oiVItd Liberty vlle, lu. As an appropriate Christmaa Gaft naiung liou] more suitable than a piece of Ha±iid- URc I Furniture. Look over my line of D&venpo's LI Tables, Morris Chajrjýsic Racks, Etc. Orders for special pleceà Win b. talcen Sow -déivery guaranted -bfore Christmna. HOWARD 130YSIÈ One Door North ot Russ Shop. tôAkU. 1 3 te mii ne Wtei m amt Sada>4a iby Bmev. H. G. i il Libertyvltle comaes indireet>' taithet lia. Ilit hrough a patiietie llltugBtory b' Soa0Iâ Chandler in thie ma«gazine a lent Buudy'm Tribune. W. dos'h know Sophia, biut é.writ, weil, and iier 7 tory of the loving old tnotiier wiioie Mting wlti ber waywvarti monusam prorvldentlalty prevented by deatb. luaa s8plendid p"ec of literary wark. One cf car fsruieïr friende called ah tthe U1i>l'sNnE.xT- odâee Tueo.tiny amoon, and wanh.d touan the phone. Aller tii conuection mai matie and the. custotuary. "i"and "yes" was excisnged, the aian - remalneoei quiet for nearly Ovie min- atés. Th ii. ii.S.was &o painful that we aked hlm ilefine lia. n trouble. "OhiVel sail rigit, working fine; l'a mfmpi>' talklng to Myai> l. A farewel Part>' was given tiuring the. eau>' Part cf lthe week aithei.home of Mr. andi trs. le R. M hbanc>', la houer of lBagb Reid and teri>', eho relut, -a thglrthein aWasblugto1u. ). C., a1eýeý moutI,', vioit boe. Out uf towa gite mere Mr. andi Mms C. H. Ward, af Dulatb Win., Mr. sud gMi. 1. Springateantf mon, Rix, of Chicagol, Mr. and Ms. -Ch»a. Williams n d Iima Etnna Williams, of North Cicago. Hart>' Cramer wns taken ta the iMe- Alister bcepltal at Waukegan lait Fri- day sud op.rýat.d upon for appeadlcitié. Tbat the dises..m am la an advanced stage wan avideuced b> tii. fact tint th. app.udix was muptured, giving rime hou a very dangeroue c&udition. At laut r. ports Mr. Cramer bad rallied welI Irota the eboek of the. operation and wm get- bing aiong ver>'nic-el'. lne bansc bout of friande ber. who hop,Lor his speedy recovery. We regret tinit w. canant publieh the poem written- b> a Rockefeller girl,j eutitied ' Baby Comas on Angelles Wiugm," received tlîis weeký. Thii.les- PENDENaT doea not care Cc b. a part>'tu, thé PrOtuulgation of su*' kaowledge. Tihis baby-augel'bhuinm ea-lflm- gond aid way ilt gooti enougb. Bowever w. don't vaut au>' angels gettiag gonerouL- witb us on tuis score fa the. liresect ema of h igi pricea. Opie Iteeti, am theiOl: 'tattraction la the present Lytccum fçflrae, appenmed ah the Town Hall Tut9day ,vening ia an luterpretatiori of une of ie .literar>' "atrieeThe Jdehlfèi" To sa tbat th", audiee wa ptsaed mitb the. eutertaiainnt. te but a ver>' muld ai- presmion of commeudation. anti ai tbe otber nuai bers ina the course arc equally watt re -mm ieaded. tiiere la ener soeur- anc. thnt our people u'lil derive mucb pleaure front the courne. J. 0. Carlson bas adopteti a aew ame fcr the. jocal steani lauadry and ber. aIter it will h. knowus the Idesaiteata lauadry, the titis heing empecill> appro- PrIate, iu view of the, tact Chakt the wurk biieng turned utL b>'the iionni landmy ie à"ea la qualît>'. ant ntlctes tint tihe new proprietur ia n practlclai ma,.mi. Carlson bas doubledthtiifor'ce eluc. ameuming charge = ,t,:pan sdila n *ilng new and impove rn ebta', a stareh eoozer and eteani presser bals« o' o o o e o o o i o e i o o 4 o o o i.. o i o oe 1*000 o o o i o o o o L. I0000 hio -7c m 7-7 1 1 $50, , 000. 0( à ý p el lm p tI 9 1) ti ZI ti el p p C IP . .. 1

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