e7 aF id. a.. Van -84 d Clebene or odres ~RLS WANTE-Iblb. P"c10ug voon teFoulde Macaroni Fatory. FluAi- mot dean uork 4M d g4puy. ile Birlog lu the contey iauobtala boar4l àt th Linearam Buin one WANTRO TO R11T-Fsrm of M0 or 300 acre, la L". Ijont. Appî,r lit WANTK-4a or 4 fucnl.bed moove for ligli houeekeeplng. loqnire at Ihue qcqk -- - - 0- - 'ýpOST-lliainond atnd4 betieussudaggs ,-4 wUî, milaWW ulorY barbeq.abop msd George MarW bous nu a iibnTwin au Ul Lbsrward on rolurnguo%àgWlnlr île farn» consita Of80 sciaileut alPws #heop, , -&li d. Oe third cas, baieff 000 a. Imù.d lbo mmq for L.O4SdcofCfie W$tbwWg " mmcl lavatmon ç le I wbuP 15 o *ilwhi*teÇI&, t4 io XOSi'uwU01 Wl"dtor bie avi uw.t lut M*iOeLbrgli cT.2III OM T LOA Id à.J .uu. lMe . sNa 2.I P-7:2 MONCY TO LOAN-Onv impved fais. jînndk Meti. clUti FOR SALI-Orin w oak tairV>ag trot blnât bater, la"e. nilamp. NO.?7 MONKY TO LOAN-11'e haveanme Mai line uitr. . H LI.vIcov',morneta0loas.on icoI iutproved LuIre Man bôe cttr. i. . luPMM. 'Cpnn*y Baal Evate. Wàhft ayouj? ~ S4~9~5S8L~ kWUItLP.. Libtity rile. FOR ALE-inta ega vht* Wyan.c-> dot putiet* juil eady go lay. 0000004N10-1-~ time to mritbem n mc. OMO. P. VtBUS ,bertîville. Phone 2061.j 0;z1 SALEO"@-rol8 li MiIb ýw FURS, FUR8. FUR$-1he tu, ssean abriddef mil1 four weeku. Caolt o 1lustagaj1Iami burYlmiix&l kindéeta ad41. I. J ... lal1ibillte Clilcao primas,. . BuLLiE. c-OI-tf- Ulamaku. . cê< _ _ _ _ _ _ boni mmdhaunoî iril U@S.Almamit m.la s VéTI derable luctiotb wauuta, tdbetyvl. -Uf POP SALE-Rares-, vague ~sssl bernoise. flore. clii velgie 1301>. lieU or addreta Urayelake tlnaiuscy. c.4-tf LOTS FOR SALE-f Youu aut A «gond oiglib nllding lot in a brut-clamie octioni hec.It yanr opportuuty ta geI Il. Wea bav.e h t idegirable fiA i toua. ' FOR SALE-A Hauillom orffl, le £Cod1 condition. ouny F. Rouie, Rockel« 1 L FOR SL unesp LISmod aul n- liler, toecing car wetîl1910 Imbrove- nmîa. Fcuiltpiuld.Nec ice..T lest hlan la La. rennlY. Wti guarats,. Cashnec $240. Tbis-ca 1.qa spisadld iotor sud h leInrfeti smtcanlcaconditian. WII sacri ftoc -ml esis. Addrvei XX ltlmEeacniIsT (4184 cmelsut Il tw- POUR I&SON IL 1112 le Ban IL ZLM ïfOR SALE-Acre lots omw Dytiaudi oubdlv elofcaet t town snd eleatrie caca.Pvi.$800.0. [-Ms& Acullut Ibrue mlm weas .of Sincite: biaek ioit 41,acres paiture. Inquire fp. . flak. Gare, lit.p.8 ZFOR SALE-Lt.ilut";.,Dyiund and Atlb enbdivislau, 50x140 $fLOOcei $6 daun, $e per motb. Dnsoxn lustra.404f FOR SALE--Choute lots la Ç.,Frauk Wvgbt's addition, 60z 150 ori2M00 0250. antmd 000.00. DriC u As't 401fl bA$S~ avea siarels 0f Laboa hpni'famtco MU, ali oums.sud lota tuiap oneomç» & Actils. 40-If GOLO FILLEO SPECTACLES-mith caMeul test lacuded for X.00 aid up. Bars j our pettl ereWmclanugsd or hart ns-y trutuesfor <ur preowtastlus * IYuaii. tht bl i vlucomioct, iroin, 01.00 aid un. Micreueiesdrug tore tht Rexal Vcug tore, corner (3tncaee bt, andsiàuanlî.uu Wue&eý, 110 CZ-l Auction 8Sa0. Havimg leided tai quit farmigl miiil 'ii et publc auction ounthe premi knovu ai the LiiiLyncliftrce, 2 mil« nortbWeiî of Lbetyvllead 1 mileesul9 of ne plattormi on Raturday, Nov. 19, eumecn, aI 12:30 ehacp, the tolovlg property ta uit* Gray w&cbnmre, w. 13150 lb., ulule uotbsr. eut. 1300 lb., blaÀdrlvimg mare v-. 1000 l., 2 good mlk cowa,2 sr. blfer aprînger, 5 uows. ut. .200 lb.. 2 ilioate. wt' avec 200 lb., 4 pgi, wl. 85 1W, .150 e cken, 2 Iculiators, cap. 400 OUd 1_0 P"., l)ering cocu bînder, cri planter, nearlyunew, genera gralmne"ed- er, garden Seeder. nearly new, rdoing ciiîlvalor, 2 eectiom drap., nearly ev, dsc harrow, riding piew, walking plow mawsc, neady ew, hay forIr aid mlleya Otack oi bal ontalde. 2 sets double har- mus, an@ uearly ev, top buggly, upriag .agoq, 3 l"c tire wagonu,hey rake and carl, he.avy test» sied. abut 400 @bocks corn eut iLlb bînder, dte, tale., lamp, caler tank, oil tank, lieds, sofa, and allier artrelce tco umeroua go mention. flouaiterme. Jacobi Pavek. proprietor, W. H.. Appiti, quetionftc. Pd Lyne, l I-rk. Raîilway Mail Clerks Wantea. The Governm nt paya .Raiiway Mi ClerkasSOO b 5o1200. and aller empinyesa un 10 e2500 anuually. Unle Sain viii hald sprimg exami- tou lîrougbaulttcouulrýy for Rail wsyMai ClrIo, Citai ouee Cerks, SIenographire. Bookkeepers, i)epact- meutliClrke and oat Goverumeul Po- sitions. Tbouismdiai appolmîmeuxe ii1 bu made. Ay mçm arwcaun over 18, luecllor con!eau gel instruictiom and ire.Inforimation bi, wrtlng at once tu, the Bureau o! lusîrctlou, 450C Ram-i la Building. Rocheatr. N. Y. FOR SAL-Ofcv - trStfor s lighl _______ Oryfb, WM. LAYCC FOR> SALE OR AitAm4qodswrnb bnie, pubSIPsiP ali impievewl&arla #j aI oesto. H Bejie, UW I D.1ii 0-2841 ~ tytI< FM mmr FOR REN*T-Firaisbed rosu in pii- Machine "rate fsmlJy, v-its Iboard idsstsed, Af- RZPAIR 1 lily eI IbIs offlotu If Fo 1 R n7r-A 1ieusi barn sa c1W acrn Of 4lad, t 4ins l 5etnd &klAs rr aaiun )ClK cib. -Englues Overriauled. A Full Unae o! Sundrieu. Tire. Re.: MWre. Wbhena luTrombâle. - 1p0IRPIfN IR Litbertùwille News- MNIUN REZIJO OonmtbWes Sale May -Bring Borne to Light. CDOuble JObilA> re i it-Ija îuI sale on meondai, dlapoqiu)g ot tii,- pereoul tieugta il WIII neî u eatisfy a judgmnenlîof $M00in favroni loc Broum. The mal*"eiuzd $55,i. tu greuter portion uf theatle uîîeuî of boxes, n»iled or locked and kiupp<i-e ta coulanson. uetthet valuiable indîmu rMe inl the collection of whieh Wit.e@ inuti a virtuillkbuatie,, bu o farlam neau bue ameamed. nus e 0fthe purchaiers fownd amy in thei box"e houglt y hi Ii. 1Wmné wl bw remembered as mau .cmele eharaoter tWbo lîved lie tir mnal ist, lbmving » OMOe eevem 3ieurd ago for Nbraiba. w here fie je îuppueed tô lie no. ls collection ni ludian reim,. eulsearvow heads, pipe, var eloe, toumahawks, etc., va. certaimi> «ag1naavad oi mmcm vaine, au eau lie edë&dby m tet our people «bu had gejiailinte ste theut. Wm .would tr"el.l Durdistance on foot if neccaeac in ordec go locale article.ofut bla kiud uf .vblch buehhad heard, amonflat nf hite qmgre eavimge were apet iu exehauge fac thn. relici. It le Raid tuaI jul prerioamu tu hie lesvîug lbore fur Nebramèe lie eipped the mint vtluble on isi coillection away; jet it w eeemerted Ihat Epuch i t li.e tnred lu tome îlac6knwri oIljta the eecentrie onmer. UaSUS amiug elnniee regac'diug Wlne" by thowut wbo kuew bhlm. home ni theft yee hIie illnationu n lake a bath andI bis predilictionufur wearimg several sDuitote"ai one tinie. Althougli vary erraicand ndnuhledly ni où- bai«Smd mentmity, lie wamî p.ritly liarmiene, and wuuld talk for houri upon the engrouing subiect oni1ludian Telies.. tâtes belmg a mauenia vll himi, andI ummueroue inelaurea are recalled mben in repocnse t a requeet tu exhlitt mime of hie colleton hb.hidapppared at the bouse ut the interusteiluneomit e iP.i rersl loxe ote iqsrted Iritete, muil lingered mmilimehe@nisl houri ni tii..murmimi. expmting upon tise titlireut arti.-lee .hamu and giving acýonntw ot île 'mainer lu v-hlch le nbtalnt tuent. 1TIéen le nso quescton but chat itle coilKiunguttiertd by Whisi-.duciîmg mieh Gssuy cats leov-ai addirted ta huaaI hiobbiy, va.vel valmahie, but ulenlher amy gret portion af-hie collection va. conce&a la lu aithe ot .lay boxes suid aI publiecsaie un Moeday, in a wca-I. ta le divulikd oaiîly .those t b-vhîî tb.y wvesknockest tIb y thecu- table. Sm esalal gane Nov. 21, aIthIe Ly rie Yom gel spdonb ac te.levoe sscI Tumday. 3f MditeMalti Rudailh @pont Wededay in Chiago. Feston «lms and ilimtrattd songe a M. W. tarvin, ut Wantegan, oeu-t Balurday wyul hie siter, Mr@. Franeis Tripp. DThtet sie nov, Tri Red Comb ýad usttliourblent las. LiB.EUTYVILLV, Ltueune Co. c-7-2 Mre. M., GDerueke, of Northli fîtal1 ake. i, ueit thie veek oi Miri. F. R.1 Trlpp. Unr. J. W. Tripp and daugliter, Flora. have relurued ta @ptnd the inter lu Lbertyville. flouai price. ni adiouein tg Ohe world' e zbampionîghlp tbaial Pictuces 51 tht Lîrie, Nov. 21.. - -6-3 .Prof. and Mrs. Pegli enterlaimed OPW Read at a midnîglit, euisr Tueda biglil alter thé leture. Ca~l1htcsron~r~~Inelu luy, ineflow on i clt hle tht price la igli. LamarvviLLE Lumurit Co. e-;.2 .. t eatun sehow villi illutraied sangs and a lenauliful sourenir foc tht ladies, ail for an ordimaci price of admision,0 matee tht Lycie a place ai attractve intere6t.31 .%mad Lic.. Rd Tripp, who havt Item viitimg irelatives mnd iriende litre, leot Wedueiday for Dowaere Groxe here Ibty illimare a short tia md ren kFrdai tu their hume lu Heingtan, Ka&. ehc lady viiting the L.vcc Ieatrg onuTuusday mgltilepreitnted wlth a ier aponi. Un Monday and Frlday -igm h-19iuiA-oz.» -om a- prsensu ta, lthaîoder of te cky utimber, coupons leing giveneseli evenlng. 3tfi We have rranged with Tht Weeklj inter (tetan and t'armer go tlat ou? patconsecau secun liaItenlilngPapec, togetiier v-tII our ovn.at theeceedimg. ly lie pries of 81.75 for ont jear, 'PTise le a rare opportumity and ebould le le takeil advantage Oai Lev. Lavutre pillure v-De Iung in the parions aifte M. E. chic-lthut v-euh, addag ont moneta) the already large collian ai pi-ue a i mnlatec v-ho lavse eved e ptriod oi yeare la Liberty.j ville. 'LRv. Lamier servel fi re eacs lite preoed mg Rer. WhipPlle. aud las a hait mnde litre vIa milil be peaeedto me. blé ommllug tact on canyme. lie Elit Treptue', daughler ai Mr, anM )ir.(,hai. Trepto-, v-as murrid We4needay atteruqan tu Allert Ioder l'Itt. Te:. Tht yonngScuple.lItI-f O#io, wuhen attar vlsilIIg r. Klad4er' relatives tlej wil combtiu. on t t lia new hoeiluTexan. Mauy friands ai il , 'I ds e c.j lu ll u e t vi eh a.fo a *OMlfbapieie md roaperlby. MY, NOVIEMBER 18. 1910 YELLOWSTONE PARK Mai IKolier Concludes Ris - l-,in Narrative of XiNture'.Wonders I EZ art covered iu mu limeun a rapid dowu bll drive, Sud sou are back ta your otacîimg point; mmd cilli one luit look amd a tinge oi homs1-eieknesî sou bld gond hje In thet oserimg peake Ihat @but sou out fiom the Wumderlama. 1 suppnse I nuglit lu apologîze funr hik; toa long drawunoul deecriptin. Tu ihe ipriuter 1 miii du ta. Tn ail otheci1I mli eay,1 did have the writlng to do, whiîe thty vs-rt muteorupelle* d ta read i t Butif Ilium that iit teaid it gut ecrsa gemail parI uf the pleauce outI0nitilthat 1 diii frontI lsting lheaencenee paesol»raiu belon miy uind i-ye, thty wiIl teuipe thelrtenpure cilli Mercy. I hope Ilhave awakemed in theui a desice to set for thtlnmtlvs-s. 1 guarantet thtytwill neyer regret il. s-rp.-eimiiy if tbey go the Wyilie vav. MAX KoHNER. Mlf.-XE Church Services. '10:00 a. ni. Cia-4 M.-etimg, leader, Rev. J. Miaetiulilu: 10:80a. ru. Preamîiirîg by paitor. WN. I. Whipple, îui-et,-Thie Bol, hîtirit.' 12:00 ni. Bible -chi, subjec. "Jss la (leth-eman-." (1:45 Epworîiî Longue, leaderm, W.. L iWbippie; subjeet, *Takimg LMen. 7:30 p. rm. Prî.achimg by the peett; emlijsct "Tiîcse C&lii.îau etiiî' Tht ndependeut -g es yau ail the newa of, aii tht caunly. Rfeport of Condtion t Llhertyvilte lu the Stade et Illinole. 8t thee cloui u inmest. Nortuober 10. 19t0. Iloa and.nttOtte.........Ir7tt-ittt ii1 Oeidraft.sleneituuddü>ectued ... M4. @2 ti. 11, Soucis tn o cu eru-a - « 40M10Dn 80ud. Setuitlep. etc........... -..7.616.79 Bafnki n, r uriture andi gatures tittIto. Duse front Star.-ad siidevate fBankesuit nankers. Trust Conuiales nd Serte Ssd................11.31 OtuLi oUîîtieeCah Iteme---------t3à N oie t olenNaiiuai lian . . 71%.0 Fcaeoml rai-e Correney, Nickel$ lIet ............ .......... 160 Ipucue..............325meeaa 2 entde l'on ut tuili«t. 8. Tresner (b Dtc centtnlir salion.-.. Total.. .. . .. . . . . . . .. IIAIIILlIES. ictilti funod ............. ... Vmdlded Profits les, Eliienses sud NlInl ta nd Noul,oataîning.- ili0.(1 lilvlduds uopiad--------------.. &O Indivduel deîîr.lbi eiihicît o chek.:-. 125,.90770 tienti ceijilîasfIe n it .. . .. Totalt.. P'tteof or iio uitnty ut Lake, in. . -iiht, Ushier uf thte bove-netd banS. do ,oltiiiv 'lswerhat te Chute iete- 0"u 5true tu- the bcd t fmy dowledgeesud C. F. WIGHOT. VeRiNer. euhtelbti eandi eieiti lubeture lme Ibis lmt iUy t Novemben. 1910. FLORA . STAPLES. X.lery public. Corfts-e-Atteet: P P. DYMOND. CHARILESSB. OALLOWAT,. PAUL IMAGUtwPf., . >Ians Greatent Need. Tht Aniîeriî'atîpeiipis- ii.areigreat IIi ai app;lied îbcitiaîiity. If thie ru-s iof the. tr. e mcc l.ied ruli- -nl 1 t of s-tory A nî.ricatî i vtzt i 1 i Iuît Stales uwî,uld he mun1-lal gt.î..rttttnt andî the bet ver ktî ih ,i.id ")iî- may tlîeue ridle. .t vil! aniîîd s.1i fe...lUýhlp e , I.t:.~ tlu itear upop pthet nd stlibernleofIthe pteoptle am the lest nrî,l our-eýt î-ulte ofia etiieî-P'iui happy ii,- Tic-ni. au lie no douttthM 5 tiitde.-iAi pepie art nil. ic gth.. juYA ail l4tî,-11te o!lili t'y n01 folowiugîthe divirîn-e it ofhritimn c,înduî.t. Maielcaiiqi tiuthe a-alita- lion of the hîgliesl -iml. ofîîla lhappy fle. fil sseible sîtairntuente art tnîarveii)Ue and v-len le con8ilier %hal man ha@ dont and wvlal I& i ed.jlrîît e Legin le ceaiize tîle trutliruiuesi t lithe tatelietîci that (.od ceatl man inihis image aud mter hie 'ltkenémsi Tîîlî lai-I bringIZ greal reip1onsibiliti.-s that rtnan ,more titan a the.ny of tmat.luty. Il le une tbiugtW ealie maLt ,xnnîted l tat o lite and qulle anuther tu mitet ili, obligations. There eaunlie mo doubi Ibat man ina&u iportntlfactor lu tht Unire tand Iliat lie liai eniething deinile ta, du but tht greateet, questiot whmejî he eede lu have aniweced inhola eau lie do il. Everythlng exitu undeî law and tht oly way tu do a thiigli tu doi il eoding tu, the. lac- by wllcl iý iîîy b louie.feic i-iisti ai fiefis under cule iiifi-nduî-t that mie tuolb. iutîud ln 1h.- Bible and lu iguore therule lme îguoi-iug tht ie nmîo îihmeieitand thonu.w-udtr why metaimunt sit, t detilu protliiela -The mIe IaI hîîuiîi g9ui-cl the chriotîmu liteart a îeî-eiatouumt aus Wi tuud ouin luthe Liîhh.ý and heoc-b wmbeea tua hea true mmnhouuid mt te igudrant ofi hem or reluit tu liey Ihein aneu' religlous nature ru a diviue endos met. Rliionuthereture le nut aamelhiug wich man gela but i charactecieitie which holieadi lmbas. ceaîlon mmd there eoluholenuoîquestioî Viti the îrillliamtiul ii cutmoiealng ilie ctiliolfthtomm.], %i t at liiul0 ramileleit in tram Caiî1,litoooevelituho 1'nwer Fallaf mdt l.ia inlîetuouli rush- img mounitain stceam, Flotw il luths Iteeli againel the immense- buwideri lu its pat1 mmd churmu île iark gneeui watrs tutumilby toatîî and ho Wuin tE lasb deeperate lemp il Iliromsitlseit overc a Yavnbug piecipice, and tIen. ae liaiteued itream, flueýs a elîîrt distance1 mmd uni:«t.. w-I ieroîtilYelowstane.0 Th. To r ale are îLe- pretîlear ut ,t m"X smmii falis inthet -Part.y Surs-uumded by lover lit.. rîîîks, hdiient by trergnens. îprimguiug inomi hae roka and lnaiug the bangse of tIirretk.g a relIer tortnue trail leude domu lu tht Yelowstone ri-en aI thue mamut01 Tomer oeeksud trui liere itla le y1 a Short iccamhle avec non:s and fallen tries traki. To m sand on a mois grovu bocideratt îl îtt flIeFalla,1 lb. thin iprai itu jaur iye.deep ihade alaul TORpfrOni tle glu-en Irste andI braiits rocks, v-hile lilgi hî aiiiiyîith le faliing blne-v-hile mater. flash its- diamand Ilimte Irsighe eunllit. Thet retucu tnp i ii le quite a @traiu n yaur wind; lut'yriu -mi]le glad ylui did oal mise s .enaiîng litua-. 1 Tht potrified trees are:iIl-ul îwuobmiles1 soullivest 0f the cantili. lime le abiolt haIt gante, carrieoff lv mimrilepous andIa tenlaalQ«,ught inon let l ave1 saved tle aller ana friont alite fate. You- viS dhua mmm> ite .uecimesno jonc w,*. througî Ilik a ime brusl sudj aleamnumerosAnd utceso04ik,, sme perfect epeeimeai, niuit ni tîs-miliavever in*ail stages uf dtcompositiuti Tht elIr tuât off their antitri evecy vear andl gruw: a fresin pair v-il a useprung added. Tbure ane petrlged fàrs-staesevem n, rigît Mlle. eait ofthteCamnp, îtr as .John Bridger the Vermciutmsealmledth iemi, -pmtnitled". -1:s tld h ierrs thâl lu lime vanderinge. le came lu a îîutrits-d focest, where putrnled binde sang inubt putrifled ait. Ontutolia' liteneni abjected tIaI, Ibis vas aginet tht 1mw 01 gravita&ion v-htreuîiuu John Coolv ttplied liaI np Itrithe damed 1mw ut gravitation mes pulrids-d flou. Fron IDCamp Roosevelt lu iammolli Bot bprtmge l the.ctiiury preettiDo special eiturto mti yoi u omevilhin a few me. ut the latter place. Tîtu tht roadi vinde mong a 14)00 fot canyon v-hile thletsr&Jgbt elde» of Il. Everts vilItle flat-toît date n île-aller&ilde ut Lavacreet. Thiesix miles tu Gardener sBEN M. MILLeR. Attorniey. Adjudication Notice. Public Nlutlee lWherehy lveii tuaIthe sub scrîher. Admiuîtratcix of thtýtate n Augit hMeyer, deteaed, wîlattend thI (jouilîrCiort uf Lake County, t a fermitel-eo lub holîleu t tht Court Ilouse lu Weuketamf, îîild onty on thent Mo tînilay ut Jau.r nex,. 191t. when and miiere &Il persung tairn cllmb abraînît seud ettite are rotlid arË re,îu teeiltu treset the Saine Itu Court fi MAY MEYER. Amtestatrx Waiikeran, Novetier 14.1910t 91 THE BARRýISON THE BG LAUGH SHOW TIIURSDAYTO MONDAY FAIRMAN, FIREMAN AND FAIRMAN Thrett of the grealeat Comedy Singer. i-ou ever huard. Early and LLaight ueWelI !ortevernore" Swager adDeULne TIIRILLING TRAP!Z ACT GREAT MOTIfON PIOTURES- ai tu wbat le sliouid do wyul k. B eertaiuly Caunt littruc ta hicateit and ignore il anv more thau teeau le irat lu hluiecil andI reumetlu protide toc hi bodiy reeds.iMan's religon» ature il a dit me cudummet m ith tht largesl posible bopte nif ejaymtut. Na mat eau le baItRe Mieau himsclî wlthoul eultivalhig hismlud,mneithec eau he beilîW refuies tu esitivate hie religionue nature Thbey are bull aive mmd le ledr..epons hie for tir develuipment. The liappi eîrietimu id tht ideal mam. But untui tan lie ascýitiau villout tknoming tii nulea ot a cîritian fige.Ounr Èechgol ehouid give thtmi a place lu thein cours ai instruction- To ignore tht Bible il aur sechoales 6la ignore lte loundalloi of Our civilization. and aIea nu depriv niant imd uthîe uni> cuits8uta hP2 flte give iDy and pouce lu @Pite of menti agoiue@ amd phycicai hardehieus fttii wunid. Tht Bibile dthe onlY test bon Ilset temebes the bnight hopes ni lh, ftuîre lis and it le theceinre une u1t ti mu tpcecious inspirations. tlîat hi ever came loto tht mind Oft -ukind Tht' Bible ids liled i sacred preiol, thitughti dîtted toc ail conditions ut lit andI bhouhsi le an opeD IbOotIrOn au( read by ail cdaxses. Bul OniY îu diurcne and homese but mIsa m inhîtolw. Tii tinte has iomî v-heu chldreu auti kuow tht divine cule nia lhappy lit. Tht eiurclies are duiug a gond yack tbu Ihene arc îhoeauds of peope Whod4 not go lu ehurci and lire not under thi divine cules 01l a happy dîrittan lite Provision should le -nmade for lIen Begutcy ehounlî le leil aut. Mai- th day eonon tame wvînth e culei fth (ineti viiinspire, tht thought amu actions of mli tue peciple. A kuowledoe ofi tle lie anIl4piriI ulour iivlt le-bM Luju knowteh the mscy ni thm riglileou bit tîhe vi4y ut tlîttngudly @haill p.r-il.' hietory imlle thie elmîs-meut. Wotîl il nul le- egood llîiug if mil fle pOti enould retî.thIls-ilcit Pîammand t guveruci by 1h. preetpts? 10OR SALUIE Fi rcas.collage. cornec imblard st aid* Park Plam, j1se lac. .ion. WiliI fae$1300 .'asb for quict .ale. Vryi eheap. T. H. Keut. p.5-4t LOTS FOR SALE-tu *9B. LJ. Grimem snb.dvisoen utLibertyvîlla, mout& of dSetrie eoud ou Mlwaukee sae. B. J. Ommue. ocDer. 1W1 FOR SALE-SSII boat, 1W:, hule thi jeau. Cbp if tks-n as Onc. Inqie *s b.GuAxit-Exa.Pàaaîlbcv. c.40-tf Austin or BaIl.1 F015 lIENT-B, ara boums.end 90o lke mof tum. low!irt lle 'CHRI$TY'S TRIPLE teblgy caunMOUlli e une of you7 le a1n TUIU ~ II IIM 'Iand lie t1016 bîmifti ntthe 1 . 1~ UBHtIN fOIVIIIU v-aId bave taestaron e e .51.s would setter lu bis lChuence v-cne jrepald ly thelot1it outdelîgli tlu'b Sy CAR WILLAMS, other'e eye. By CRL WLLIAS, ITtîey sllpped quietly Il the110 clti liB hall just coine lu bia car tram orielnone srelized t hîtt the mien tu14 tle Beeat-tlurgrnve wed- cheap suit vus the *"Chrlsty bey Hdlng. lu lipo*end Christys whorn ti e halord io mdl> estimatiotn ail weddLngs vert 5.-et. nothltîg. brs'., but one must hee bored lu the Tlî.y set hlm dnçwn seoi oýf > cause of-manierger silil linging lire. disitatîrelatives euthîe Chl-liy. a .Aud now,.itihie cerernuuy aud unly NMn Copelmud. seimg villa tb4 qulekly dispatelieil receplion behînd eyes ut ble heact Sculd tell ttiat* bitt. ho v-ls htaîied for tlie cilce once wttq the mueI talked ut mllllnnalr , more. Hie patiept % ecretilry wouldho lTut ic-s Nan v-hum cfaystî l 1 avraltig lüm, iheu thtishrt service t proyr MW al lug hm I dune. She laid lier bind timllIl l t Mtcr but lier tye spot-e ber welcima I lu the hait gloom, hait miish ot the a te ccouceîled. nomilg 1vllgît. as bis ecrwa4, "Whlntnlu rIev-dbrîngu ymubem0? iwedged lun amoug scores of other re- @le asked lu surprise. *We tboqU' b icIte lu front of- Ils- Grand Central tht yuuhlld qulte torgottgm 1rumis0 e etuttlon.le leerd tînt word. aid heav- îuîrg." ,eu 'îîly kuove wely lie iaune.1 tuwrmed i "I ctur nl set my motber-amd you:« B teev-fio ailduttered IL l nqwers-rlIlua vhiper. --jthoI t Ht Iooked traighî juta the dewy it lwttunly mother, Ne. ut lq1, deptbi of v-odertmi violet eyes. but gawv- on 1 t-emîI,,d 15 Ir -. tIey veret ol d ciou hlm. - jperlions 1il taPnte toeuell. la tbe They luaked flair eyomd. serosi lbO 1 aDy chance for tue?" ~letangle af velecles. 1tuwlttre an maan For alrubruetllit e girl v-as eSS4 v-thIsofI bIcumul'air JcliiL'eau titul Once elle hll dreumed dreanias q« i ýr gray cyta emiled lu the girl tromi ont home lu vîlel sieeand Howard çisoef B a maqs ot ture sud violets. îy shoud Ilve happliy lever atter. le Christy tergotltlu rg' lis chauffeur Tenl tdm chitrtanph 1u gel onut flte muie somiehov. He Wall -etîeot, and e Bat5 qulte sall for atter -tînt there * ~ lt- Ont long tbongît- v-ms nmclime for fui minute. thougîte of lovre i Thon lie Icaurd ou Clity's part.. et f orw.ird vîi iaTht ce 1orrespond. Blugulaserons eon ce dmvindil -t IlreselOi 9npubie dove a 01114 i treug. determîn-,i .Now lsteeeémod 0esi face. itlq lave revectid "Youu eandmp tse the Huvard le alwayi ioved. I "Tes, sir," v-a bTatre cmmy be atht mon&m e- a cance- t chnîcl nly.tlme," asadmit. 1. 'Y O Cc02? < ad ual mc mml .ted."l'va Tani us ij ue ie~, 1"Tejidontnued G SvU *W as b th dikertueadd liaI lTest:' > ,a f liu tytiail dd le bora, hi* entell- hoeslid bumblj. «I dldnt rnwpole h le slirt as i s master slepptd from o el ilxteanuMybk the car and. luimaculate luntt-ock Ceti bco teu 1vertgo a ekalondm m grytrouseri. eîli bt, soit gray gloves eacItenhucmdabd aie btd outonnitre. eîalked tirough tleBuIf ote r a' u leclug tgluera and crovu> i a the lillilantlY jsbc etw é o lu îîgiaîeu>station. 1;demie. mmd tlIeu lin cotash il Clristy tndad fpr vote car Lu one af coavînce îom liaI. l'il nMb»ea si ý _huehand. TIeres lit ansol . thîe uptowu yards. lut le gave Tl neu au tbIoughi. He bougit a ticket for Tru- . i .No? mmnsurg.Hewagolmg brne or iNulasi et,~. lectttcedde ieilU manteug.He as oig hme orCbutety ismlled radtanhtly. ~' Yeurcshldl ptsed uver bits beed since "'y ie , th 4inf g tiehatbhr nlieiead leftITcumansburg Hetlied for." le eeki lullaulli. "Tou a"d ti oftetç' Iought et gong bock toc a vteliI mtber---ed m'D cv-m ld'self. . ls but tht second Ibouglil vai better th"u i tha fer OÙ» Thakglving me* i1 e ietrs TtIalways .ended lu bis eend- jwh.ielot, . anmd the bot ofdb un Ti;gfor bhIe maîber lu rhsit ll laiL 1W-4' na Crtyv-as nul a Napoleon o a c. i Toron I el,.quouw 1 velu ail these yeacs lee Tend mamde pue oloring delltfnlly. aid Vhîfey-Oe mettorle cis.,butt ie ied ladcimlod lber esillo intI bis pwalaUs )y teadfly. and nov-. as le laderd 1anetleolong. in al Patch ut gray over Be ei ta*Bd& ai tIlnig atoap ofthîe ibaudens, bo b.d Thsmke$Iin@e Talle Oeesa*feisl. e lurued over bis fiftI millilon. Hure Ai.eM »M e idomU -heWO )k Emînent nere sialliti ladt v-i decottion bf th. Tba~"I~u g«qI [e d hlm lIaI le mu .Ie ceaseebis endeav tale:e as or. or loBe lia healli, lut Citfaty Itlait dof the ecnitIY Miss ee sa lauled lai Il.. entrai urulent a lhe tablelaitlsi d. Nelîler urglnga of fienda mer ordue esiteiloýt livti slh$ < 'e Li -f plyiîclissad amy effet. Tel leho y le enoli prôprlatipîçss , ý Dow jieded te the mte af jey lu a Mîrror pLatean pl-aca uplo Îlegir'a oie ad ws oing home. yelloW«sdtdfaitoutli at aveclisl la Tht gIle 'volcetehnd Ironglit home letvean rmes of failles cern. Tb* o is sud mollerbick e tenhl. and a.the mueI b. cul oit andI s6mie oet hel S e train dslitd on le emiled aeftiy te reimovid. Titi epace le lta uuiM # Id bîm aeîf andI plnned ie srrval eaI mllax, aiparagua e t a So t *lb. 1,ahme. &dngtolb min tat crerl oemtl Li t e had Isame , te.filer becouma. t 1u6v-.is fii lte frntal ad cm ; v- as thîtet rioutOU. A word ta lbe fonmd as freel unider the. un.w li amiable conductur. and thtecuuneur v-in wvs> by ëummo ealin. s levas Iustructed thosîp et Trumam- theu iacuhblihule«ladyaiplom.s, iburg. fui boeue ni pgape.'saidetm B. The station v-ms dark vien. a litteIlu frm. lioW-Uga fev- of tie la>toq e **fier midalgît. thé train paueed 3simI trsy 'dowvuthe diduanm m t t# so long emougli for tle simle passeimae? plt t-cry oauhe libte doe l Id te drop ta tht plattormi. Or gs« a 1ev-, rod violet- g But ltere Wal s llKht lu theot.. an md pief lu l l1ith-cos ceb .ê ~ offce meces tt mmdfrumiIbe d paI ies. lettins tIre. or tleur et th= 1 or amd p re se m li a m m n ca m e eu t te 14> r i , t - u A e t a l1e elet à , t e ithîe mail lmg duug off by tht Diemen- abuindaucu At escb plate ic is gtrq. 1aplîle deorted wmihia ru« MO1p .1 "-Tînt train stop here?" le aaktd lui- paper cap andI sketch vIil telaaqU Id crtdulonsly at Chrity. folie on the amout k t wch. il l ete le "lFur emornent." vrai e eamuscI> le- noeuod offun fthîe chldiah, h. epouat. 11)Du îîkuav- v-ler. 1 eau Or pUl, asket vclîl suber * pplorn« gtafled Iis tîme of mîil? jpiies anmd place a border of ! sa Tht mat] carrier regurdtd biu v-ltb leave araluud It; aise on. amto 01011 dindaîn. "Oft course," le eald lefIlîr. ofthle plate. et the 1111.. l'This. 10v-n'tlsetaumili tînt ldace Oit a big buncI ot yeilov- ciquui mt havero btel. You cau aImais gelt tleman sd put lbS ltiter tu U ita the Liberty 1-Huuu-tt you ring old bhue gluger Jac or a brocaes> louTed euuug!l. IV$s twa blicke mrlt, enware pîteer. IVallîn; Ithe». a M of u nunt" hoeaupot sueted u aseid tfbtid te in thte mcrulug lie hutid up lie I eas wli prove a déerasiva a>iq ,, résidence tcf one ofthîe clolbimg store I lo fer themi. Place tv-e aor tii Sy proprietors and lnduced bimi ta open thu oîryeauthemuma outle twblé>qU nO bis store. ifero leie eeted4n mutit na t ar lm ecomeplenuoma than bie widding A basket pUlet fuil et yeliuvoM» Id guest attire and ut thtesort le b.d cocu îî s Unique eatuipiecwu once rugardesi as Ilse lait v-oid oft loibUibould b.ie llace et elachp10 gauce. ttes grains of crn-ta commwmmfm Hi llghted a ciller and asrlcilcd evorthe, Uit lun10 vI b. cthea0"0' tu th. edurcI. H rieuev- liat the faim- id sud the colonilaveetbtabeq 4lscélebration ai- vIi ti rvatiom, halal; u..ot oe lallq v-aye sît du t atgv-keruilse fcline a day. -del vîtI tle morte- et foeting and utroxev*- aopou bingserv-cet. -biletilleul sud dirichyatmte, as t if m 1 tie mail depeud- 4v-uc, tItre mas a tiens emtbblsrate able grandqiçlid sari, and a veoil rived loden vil cemnîntu> ai hume provialous- Then ln ratitudu a4, te liate lhe Oic- a lnsligxapolted ab* bey aud keep thue the middle ut July.Tt.vaobri Ore up. forc moie itty jouis, v-linuIte d te v-Il lore the aid tari vag oudrvAu- " d. rle ii.,.Dëli -l .1- Ili