AY, NVMR2.11 NONE REOEIVEO FOR LEUS TIAN 25 CENTS Pol SAL£ FOR. 8ALE-[Pul Blodeti Darre4 Ph>'- Inout Rock ceieres. E. J. WalataPi, Rbockefeller, 111. C-04I FOR SALE-B8rov»9estîoek turiips Ifeiwtc arly. a. il. Caler, bLuerty'ville. FOR SALE-itbode la.d lRed Cliiokens antd Broe~u oikWe. Oeilor atitirees . Laki, Ourâas8I..p-- FOR SALR9-TWO extra fine Inilkettv ita*v',4ttC i5fM . WT. Suytinîn, ll P-9-1 Fl 1 OS dj-UND l LOST-St'uteit(Cllaie illi white msli lùbi lace. white colar, whithe tp un b .is tai nîullfouriwhibte eS. Anséralte' ltsera ouat u"King."î A reivard sili be gir-n. Cailli te )rug store, Orayeiame. C,1'lf LOST-A blaik bond ba« itetavee E, MeDnalt', mut B1ra. attie Tayier's ou Tutiada>', uv. 22. l'inter indiy>urnr le titis clii e. C-9-1 JMONEY TO LOAN FOR *LE-A a>' hnte, >' oît, ,MON£Y TO LOA^N-Wa bave stime ws, 1200 lita. litquire of F. H. Vanui0mee 'ta ban (taflood lmprove'l Lake Zed.R ,libertyttilie p-&8 î Cunty' lIcaiEstale. Wtal have Sou? ____________________iiciumeitee Wieeier, LÀterty ville. c--1 FOR SALE-I iili#@Ilioeeoatm>'tour Irrgated ferme in Idaito, Tivin Falla dIstrict. Titis tarms consis, t80 ser.s, &II lmproveti.'Oune thîrti eai, ibalanuce in figitl years. I a.ed lte mney for iminedale I"al lvesîmeul. TiIsleaa biig itargain. E. A Nordling, 201 (lenese. ft., waukffgauIll. 1-8" FR SALE-Susalletok alune,--large j hot blîant tiatr'r, large ýiilinit. No. 7 blacu boue entier, G.Il.i Lui'îacaTT;' FOR SALE -An M ril lMilwaukee cora sitredaer. useti fouir seek. ('alil or1 auldree ,w . J st'is eleplione 143, 1 tirayslake. c-&ti-Il FOR SALE-large uutuderu metven rooent bous anti bai-n tu Fi-t St. Amit unea. lu a ver>' desirabie location. PrIeiuw. Ternus Pai>. t{CAUL FOR SALE-Bons', wagon anti bau'nesa. Otroevi weighî 1800. Caltîretitrese (Orayelako Creauner>'. c4-tf a LOTS FOR SALE-if yen aant a icood ligit building lot ia a firt-elastu locatiton ltu' ipl your opportuuity tu gelt i. We bave teuuotissiritleoune. u intwn,, tanna. Dymoand Attll. C.50tf FURS, FURS, FURS-Tite fur e es la o unfegel. 1a i uYitcail kindafflet OOLD FILLED SPEFAOtÀLES-wlttî earelul test inîluodtf or $1.00 and up. Have your present I-enft.8iangeti tr bave Dciv fragnes for vutur prisnt-ut n's 'I'ruae lit iholdti vilicoufort, f rîm, u1OY n, i &aktsadrug store tse hezal Drue smore, corner tenesee et., anti Ile4imen Wadikegan.IW c2-t' For Oeue te>'1etlunke>' ttcre's ix ta> sm uf itaci. Au Avî'nmng t 1stliti jleasune i» ucettînt tîtet' abtending tse Lynie. :Itf Ijetirge Lyneit Baaute auiîî>eeia a fat gouse, aWeil coO&Pe]anti prttls'rIY seriveci. but lte rai-a busiiiness auîtlulu'I s tand lte pressure oh mnn.y ecrîritcIretA. Franki Apple>'y s tuuilagt' im ail rigit iun Ils proper i'pitee of use.fuineasm, tint asi t1kiusr îrinîuîmuug is enlirely oîtî et place. J. T. Riobertson, wi, u nnthie piture1 showe astiougit tote nuw, remaria i taI te anli-kistI ton i-a il ightinluprin. eîple, but go mati> laies use lbooks antiJ Speai ing el,ttut the' "lon'l KiIl e" boutttons-,hLee i'utuil,ikisays' liii-'Me>' becuiuie populai- citîithlIe Libei-tyvile fair si-t, tut te ltxhefe-it',- irls ivoul nee'. an>' ittîîîiam ns trialfuthlientWear' a duu'l îles me fat.e. 'rî. be chriotnk,îsirit ilaiaI'etlvin thé, air. i-dav I)f gUtgiîîirdfat ,lc.in ui>a utitttit ilf 4<ltt iî>nouta agd do roui- coitpîug lt.-fou lte rush 1 : - - - -- --l oulmnno'. Railway Mail Clerks, Wantec. Thes Government pays Raihway Mail Clenkm $800 'b 81200. mand ter empîcycts tc te $2500 anmualiy. $CUUAEagLR à WuuiLE. [it Ltrvritte wlt,, Sain îî iii ittlil sprtng examatt u-,tt ostllrouaglut te ttii. .uîur.v fon Rail FOR SALE-A lanittn otiriri n gt. ae>Mai] l'ierkc. Itctui lumielerie. cutmitinc. Hanry F. Iluuslt'.,ff inbntlal'rc.hbikýiwrc, licitai-t- tl-tI.4 meutliChina mund otîter fitverument Pi. - mn. i utons. Ttouisands tif epiriements d'il FOR SALE-Ciemli, Lutte mute-iRani- bLa 11ituut. 'rit>'matntir auma tiruer 18. bier t<urii'tg cenar ithuil 910uubrov.'- etv" ,uir iteitt Iurgain ut Lak. t'oîuy. gi uudtdIr-' iinrmuatton 1,>'Wrtiutg nt tîn-c guarautee. Ct tnewr $2400. Tbi icen ltuiteBureau of iuclru'tii. 459¶C Hamn. l ua asutentid u,îutîr and inluoerýt ttluBiling, ifltsten. N. Y. un-ecialuicah eCondition. WiII saurtlice If qulci sale.Attras XX LNeu.Etttin. 4amice. LOTS FOR SALE-lu te B. J. tiimes t sub-division ut Libetyvilie. snotu , cls'.'înlc rmmd ou Milaatke' aenu ,I 4. <>suom. awrer. iU' FOR SALE-Sali ioas, 1Mx.), builittis, >nýar. C'leap il taken et once. àloqul"rej t thoeCeAviLAKr i Ptiîai.t-t. u-40tt e-OR SALE-Acre lots o uamnt'e ubdiviaiuun. rcul ottown manti ehetrie 4 -ans. I'rce$*30.J00. 1 Ittso& Araus t 40-ml *"t)R SALE-lîlo utres an tirautnfl %q 'hi-emile@ avuitlohf'mi' hlm ,i-k cill -i1 acres Pasture. Inquire P. E. Hotu (iuraec, [i. îî.:uýI FOR SALE-Loti' a inte l)yuuontianti Austin subdivision. 500140- $100 cadi: $5 tiîa'u.$5 lier uttntli. hvuusi& Acetit. 40-tf FOR SALE--Chit liota lu C. Frak WrigbtIîs addition, i0xl150, fer $*20000 40-t La Belle Park ýColo. Ijivid etilotosections ut <341 « a-eu- andi ouidivifidd mb4 20 acre tracta Sothero LaM nd lInvealmnt Compffly OYMOND & AUSTIN, Agents, LIBERTYVILLE. ILLS. F. BAU RSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite j .Monuments 1 FARS- ebas lare ic o LieCemetery WO'rk of Evera' Caunty ar @ta oeslaeI, ma otusantilos1 Iu village. Dyrrmoi Aans.4e (.l1 Description FOR SALE--Or wdli tJUade tIl s driver, anmSyeun tîlI aoni hôrm wëelit Iîg 125i0. Il.J.. Wauciu.ucu, (raS.lake, Ili. e-33 FOR SALE OR RENT-Modern boîuge, aIl iniprovements e. t.lraily locat44d. C. HBo>es, Liiterl.vville. lii i'2mtt FOR RENT FOR RENT-Furnipbed rocou lu pri- vats tamil>', avit h uard if decireti. Ap. ph>' aIt iIsoffice. * f FOR RENT-A leuse. ibarnanti une p.re ea landi. Inqire tof Ll>'nnd & Austin or Relit. Ellila, Lib.erty ville. FOR RENT-'We have a lew gond mod- er'l uduses anti ila turanI alsua fur- nisite romm,, vit alcain tbeulavit or wi'lionltoarti. DY)tOs & AUSTiN 40«tf WANTEM WANTED-SlO,000.00 te0 bam on vain.- ale Illiois fart land, fur liv rears aI (1, per cent. Atonals o01$1000,00 and] aver ailI tc eeîepteti. Scbt>ebeIe & Wlieeîer, Liberîyville. e-9.1 WANTED--Several gond men anti boys ai lite Fould@s Macaroni Facto r>. Appi>' ài fater>. -47tf GIRLS WANTED-I thlie packlng rnom oet le Fould@s Macaroni Facoon>. Pieut. met dean aven anti gond pe>'- Girls iliagln lte colutry' eou obtain btoard at ttc Macaroni Boartilng Houes.. c-47-tf ZA'E TO RENT-FatOt of 200 or .0 Ar,,>lu aI. Ceunit'. Appl e titispu-* Correspondence , oIicited 126 5Gen seeSt Wankegan Hlenry Sine's Sale Bard~ 27i4 hLISHA AVE., ZION CITY ILL. Remtdencetgt[n Ellaha Arc. tiI Klutdn of Hanse.%. Hai-ne. Wagoun, ug-at gies far Sale or ERchance at att Times &UICTIONEERING FOR PUBLIC SALES Wmn. LAYCOCK Co. Opole St Pehatihi«D.p. Machine Shop REuPhR WORK AUTOMOB ILBE WORK A SPECIALTY Engines Overhaihed. A Fuil Lino of Snndriea. Tirés Re- pmired. W Ire n in Trouble' TELEPIIONE Libertyviffe Excitenge 661 or 1262 A Penne>lvaoiat li as i.tnght a ivife for $7.5, Thart i. iîtttrircltae 1 t(A tht' Iigit(-,>Mî t o ivur. inl Lli'rtyvle a'ti #-taut get Ibent witha tIlle taffy. -ta A %%Vaukegtwirtieuîu,, bt".olivedti ilteent d,îitit irnan iliiuilletti-ttI nions.0 A rîtît lie i .'Itstli 0er ut ter. truis- beau,,, ftr iil u u rlosîî,. 'i ttaltterlte1 eittt teîît othir trin rt-i'l tsi wttrkc il uLt TlI'ýy art' z, ttiag i-n' îtsrîicular o'ver ta htîtittît. A ludgeati-r, basmtietii thétt when a tuurrîi COtti«,nan lioauM a gentlemran Iriet>41tri triu ber cirruS, ber Iîueland us enîitied tic a duatre. J1. E. Me.reditht cavé; eàueèn never hit -u beipleestutiioand leutasmavbeu lie in stauding urountliniii a'try gootitustore aaitiog for bis s-île tii gel titîne lrndiug. wItInexl" bOne r.t ltenec'lads tw strikeaeddie pesed so'i'i' aÔmttu in tItis coitutry in lu carry a dtill treasi thit leat sty.le. ILin i-tomintito a lret>' pai ten a avituan prettirs e i)tî(lti du« tir a waxedoli to un intertetut blit1 o1h lumuitv kncwa# as iab'. Tle, i aire nul lbard tii gel anid ever>' tagil>'y tunght tobavitre.l Dry Your Qoibesi WIUa a New Peru outslc dion ( top, I dries awmlt milde, It gives just as mucb heat as and smokeless. It has an amtomaatlelocld prevents the wlck front belngtui is csasy to remove and drop bat cleaned. Burner body or ,galler cause of a nevwdevice flu conseri unscrewed for rewicklng. ' An hatiluator abows te StounI of ci lo e escrcaved down, bul la phrî iu lire m fentbVay aialaFialitetdiallapan ornic for sei-vice snd Tel ¶btand rmeoitl. MARRIAGE LICENOES.. Frank Menlak, Waukegan ......... 28 Iai>' Kovyvasit.msanie ........... 24 H. libeeler. Lîtertyville ...........21 Rose Quin ..................... 19 Richard Artinan. Milaaukee ....... 45 Anna BrandtI ....................-85 Joseph Murphy, Chilcago ....... .22 Loenîio'icher, HighlandtiPark....22 Lee savanlon, Lake Forent ......... 22 Mary Arnitard ......,.......... -241 Robert Ontigeon. Lake hForesti-...25. Margaret Philiînt................>25 Arthtur 'Hayes, t'ont Shterian ....,..271 Mary Sheppera ................. 18 .1 FSITHE OfMN CHlANGE 11HE ODOR T1DEOF Spurlous Additions to the Word of God Condemned. Regular setrvIce.a iliile heu]i aI St C llad, .,NtV. Lawrence Miihtl etit .iiiffley aI '2:30 Ii-t 2.-the WiseJeait p. mn., conunted bycti >'1v. Il. b('. llcardée. iict-aremî liti a f>' et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l IaeFre.Air',tiitlvl'l"~ lie , îret.'ous oint- te ated.menti sotîlticause Il A Liberty ville girl mti' .s titre s lwasei f il suggestion >' ituas handicap. A gtil -à'ultiott* lte Vordicf Go,, parties aI nlgbiiteesau- ibte itan man te lirecimins oint- tu taie iber, sud aller site gels lte tunmenti itcit Coi] for I ite lecan'l go lerttiu-.,titere ls ne buss itllîu't. fer- une la stay #iit lteitait. iesial hlttit"icrelil loto i I hIoeesu't il letailwat rate remarka duinigthe Durit te ittie Llbortyville kitis get off? Il Ages, wviicitaret uîev ct tit a.rt It tîli muae t ermne tem. "Te otiter i'veu- 1lng sntreptutilattri tttfle patrt cf inera lilîhe bour-yeer. miii, aller repent- tUti f fthte lies. atîi îviset pupclie lu ine ber rigoler eesitta Iraver. atide t eufail tAUîtt'ra'i mit f Voilaiofile titis tt i: "Auti,Ôbu, Jveie wtbave gel leelit_4aidth ae frn l or le the cl<garsandmohu, Jestîs, hth ie>' arest or îs'î.tîor lpervttrî ls meanîng. itto', Ther ehodie)! it, aencaver t10 IV itIl, ltet, ltat miniclers of lte titi prayer. Gospel, Whio kmou' thaI ertain pas- flages cf te Ecrilittres ire mltle be At an eveniug lurtyin tel'astern fîund I lulei,' der rttnlscipt, lte pot Of t0wu tecsntlY t disiamealitu aruse ttoîv lu lte Ieot ile tIuiton titis <irer lteéquesion, lts"tte avarilmîr tif t9 AMIî'l >. iI tlle- etln-tîsare batbs maie men ' i.t'alti'Titi- not, fulîIiy itîeritct. ahase fîtul la 11mb? iadieffccnlenteoltienittî tdi. «brt>- WouudItfltot i.e rererattie Ititte>' giltîer, avio waaitpri.. t, .sel.!: "Nctt Souil titi'tt it tttt'Ia'es frotot ie bals, iladies, but m,'lt . u bave ofumh irriaa ttotifesotivalsramituent- notice] i tta mOan, tt-s ,ýoff his shirt (micties, i re o'iomtel osier bis e fad.ti.erel,Y drmiriattg thit r 'On abatelirteta are te tlrg Out bv te roetl, avîtir-ta, a aoman-"ast1. ia> trîI-gdiia',ecel Bersih iglii aent iltfer lte lltrrtatse ot givin, titeir fdocks reilahielmsorntioattiltng religionrs .We Owe il luitec rîîtlîîttuity In altiit uesAnditi tlis teir comission aelitra 19 do everythig ovii -a ini ever>' front te IA.o'i l. liitt ibey ' stoiib wae> passible taI cl l e-te tiiis ativent- feetli te ttciz of CotI, aviiitho itur- eîfs. Ounr eigîttors tursperilv meauts citaeti iti t ie bluoti of btis oîvner agreal déni more 1tu'go titantouueute's «lit" If flite dock ihav' e erufeedlng wvit lires eleavieri' ave éstauldti ar Upn ncertain Scrlîtunî'a aulituxtiqedt e titis lu mind leit uviig ,,ur gootia We <mnuine. autO if lte>' have iteet uille esn attond to ps>'Our boletaî'merecit uîaisici thPelmY,. anti If tritir sitpiterda ina pire for bic sar,c rateur taun w uevios' taI liese iicripttres are:li fied urnoteawy. riwngaswea tpart oetIle lilvînt'imt'Iiplretid rod seni or ttae>'ater.kaxaimg s wîUhY> feittitîratt od'sipeouple te ln- d-is ut every 'dollar. ,tr itittets mtlle fonet tif lte taris andte Le alolpeti aili Iteli n suelairiig tuar filotis. front intingt uisulsuieletturîl lîtro- cItîrcees anti puitlie ililt'iluiouc -Il duced b>'lte Ativersar>'? pays riIv te patronîtta lîtîtt induisîr>'. Poison in Oui- Bihles. Thte mure utAbers are silent, te mure Attorney' Peui BatrOUlla tells abtout atee muat spek. We Vataitlsec Goa client ut bis avitaÊ &f tîi jil citlirged mhecp prilnally sicks'tbîînt warnlng avilt uteaingt a cou Hi 'srtote tu t Ien respeieîlng titeir sîiiluai foot ilaeliattiosas foihoave: Nol uni>'bave ave riscivet man>' mis- i)eaniir-1 an in joJ itti thue tnn lei-pietations cf the lîttrilte8 andi @aseyam ulikel>'y tto glite he n. Iditi symboesofthie Bible. tut into cur nol steel lte cuteand 1iuni;uurici-clly Bibles themaselvés certain f'lse state- inereut. pieuse gel t m,-outilit i le e t.nta bave been luJecîtei-hote cen- ladtaetof ourhie Ths i Ou a e luiles agot. Ail wel-infrmed mInIs- laest sot if o ele. Ti ti itt ta ters of te Gospel inow thiatOr New plae. li-s.'de el te înt i ILiI Testament unas nult ranslate,] frern dan~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ Pa untnne-.hitnosthe itewl<litgsof te 4Altsabut froin lte tow. Tell tite Juge tet. Anti Ifl copies Ibereef. Tbese. couied oser anti yon gaIteue Wff fet rieat i s llimig ledo ail uver agalu. no malter bow enrefuil>', Icenfotrytia. tlyoudoi Iavlieiuu aene llabioto errera, Anti lu addition, tecw ïtt. pn ratrul>', Bill Smith. tlas ave nmionuexp-v-t. Ocesionaiiy, a t buIl]tranat-riber avoulti atitia few Éieclî lady vsittutgtlite L>rict' ttuatref vertis te maie te record ceuformu on Tuects ia'ngbt te prescre it.vtth a lte beller te bis etîneîîti,în t f it qilver @Ixiotn. cotIluttie>' ndt ritlav1 il ouglit toli e. Titis weuîl ou for cen- uigitîs e alii.t zn lioun,tare, present4etiues before lte art tif îîrlnîng carne tu tIt i' ier ofth ie luie'>' nuuirmîn. n. > etnpuns leiutg greaeacli eventug. :Ir lIte XeaTestamnt wxvsstranslatet., ________________ - Ianti aoes inuwn ais te Vulgate. Frîtt liat Latin traunslation sîtratg eni- va- v rleus Engiutit lranslutlln.t-tte lieus>' 011a W et W aShda or ÇtbolleeItic ulsidl ( ~eater Comm,.n Version. publisheti lit 16311 A. 7heticlotbes can't bc bung D. lTe latter wusa merci>' ilrevîset ýe, and must bc ldried in a tranislion, tutas-listun avichtert - ior cellar, the New Perfection usd n e r suedta lctext -leater quiçkvt does the work avas dîlîgenti>' tontjared wvit lte on and air. ou can bang up Crecitext. Blut uînîililalt>li tera p veeno tanclet'rtt rck ninstripts vet ciothes, ight yotir Perîec- avit avîichit tect'mpare if. lTe Creek 011 Hcater, open the damnper utanuacripts i avit vîiIt aes cein- iidthe heat n ses and quickly paretiinontieriti ciii>' îgtitt. none cf the clthes.IMt1ch deleti etîrlier ta lte Tent tht cloîhes.Century. Tuila>, itmmvvcn. ucitave' ýo flot put' off' washing tO îtree veiyol r>'ttiiîel-îçnafittriîts of a sunny day in order go avoid tls- Neiv Testaittett. itanel>'. lite Alex- Dry youriii héasblngl Mls. astît lt Drwor hn. any Sinaiie 31S. Of Iliese. lte Vatican vIth bot air from a ls w-as te firni c*onete 1 lte t- tenticîtoof modern sciîoltîrsip. Il la FwjaE10j n lte Vatican tL.ibrtîry. atIîlerlug ou ~?F E C ? Oils- catalogue as fur batck las 1475 A. D.. Um ibte lOIthlittuinut liecît urlttln blte bouWey m&kel-md e«àw foui-tii ceittery Nex vaie te Alex- bedJt4J smkeln ~ul eerla jandrinlS . aveit ,,ItIdsîtîposetito t yod desire, If is safe, odoriesa bave Ueien tilten ahmîti th it'oile of l te ifîli cenqtury. il la now en ex- iag hlaie spreader, wbich blitiolnotlu 1i riatihMueutm. Final- irnd hgh1n>'. ave bave Ile sinttitic lis., uvItc is ' Oue hihecgh to smoke, and lu posession of lte Ituasian Goveru- A, so the wick can be quickly ment.'il waa founti h>' Constantine 'y cannot becomne wedge'd,,be-' Tiachendoi-t ln a Nit. Mi-ilcouvent. action, and can always bc easily front whikbi Ltaies Il 'me. il Ia acnemited avit a datte , bout 350 l lui li tetout. Filicr-cap fines Dol ne.! A . i.Of titte titree tîlîli-rI MSS. ut cerk in a bttle, anti is attscbedto le the bcXivTestament kmot- lt inte :kl, strong antd drablie, vcll-mmde, buili werti] ttte Vatican anti Sinaillc arc fi tas amcooi bandit anti a damper top.tetitler. m". M-r ford,CIanubt< 'nu «OnQof he Assureti>' uetlIng aiteui< le cenaiti- crr't as pari of te original Seiplurea w5soJpal y ltat la fltlfeunt Iin au>'u cf s tre Mes)éi oldemit MSS4. WViy stcutiti ae fbel tell tîis 10te peuple? Vby banît ave nolttîtfrut lient Ibal sertaeor th. - - < -' 'no ......uslgtexls cf lte Bile are George'Newbiouen, :Mîlauakee... 21ual teonu]la t lese oit maucrlpia? lSiffleKabîitausen ............2 lbo tut asaie te preacit doctrines as frontutlfiti vîcthatve ne port ilue William Nebger, Chitcgo .....,... 22 Carl>'318? Titis la' our titougbt. Sidney Davis................... 19 Uron t1ilte te liie itclii te onr pleals- nae i-,ts aveilias eum' dut>'. le leac thlie sontno o plîtte whtîte ciergy ai- BEN Ml. MILLaR, Atorney, resîl>' kîtîm on uttI bsîtjecl. More- Adjudication Notice. cicr. lte Iliblo StudenIa Asischatien Publie Natee.,sr.htrehr c ier tatthe s-ah cf tBrooklynlitas arnuugetfor lte it- acrber. Adauiirstrti a h'eI fpraincfCpe flt twTsa Ansasi Myer. tieaeliOfthealaletteobi ota tino oisô h e et f ta> OatlLaie ll'otay. aI s tenu t9nei enDatt ouifflInbcltt siowlng te vart- = l e tthe liaCtrtltonwein Waukieran, ihatmlons itetu'een tite readîngofet bies. *md çnunly an te its inday cf J&uuary . 1 ' 1911. wheuu sand shereait sersons having olti .reci >MSS. anti cureCommun Ver- le11 t &in satctaloi teIae are notiietandtabutlThe itaitprîceetfthese la $1.00; fbanatti nceellt ane[ si or o suiluîuteao. vpn. te.anet s Cu tfobut," Imporliug, (ietemIholarge quant&- 2MAY EI . Admtulsti-atrx. Waulieranu. Iovumitur 1i191. -Si THE MANOur Man About Town Dscoursea on ABOUT TOW~N Social ReaeaIn cienaof Higit anà EIARS MANY TIIINGS AND Low Lift in"Liberly- PRINTS SOME OP TIIEM vle MàwiO- 0 1 ' lies, lte>'are able tu suî,ply Ibeatpoet-WortbW ones. the'Ittll. loe14' wê' pali. t 50c. cault. ter mb lthe bya of their L«e t Conattier Naw Our Text. Second Coming. Thte marriago 01 CGo ye Ieal the wsvild, aod pra, Lamb gsiali coule, for his W af th,, oç' t, tvry r ie.tt.tt.bave malle esfrad.<O.zx-l' Illcvtil a"'i Ik '.trnlzcd. t.albe -a.,, . Titen lte worid's salvatiou Wllj hobt he tt .tt , itont. ahali 1 due tuItegin. TieTi imes of BESIt54' damned."-',ork 0 . alo î a b.ttutci3850 lt& One of titi. we t impottrtant of It salts tspiritual reîgn as .1<îng of kIn9«, interpolaIllt tr lt,.tuels ifil ., adLr rt.hl aae' engtdftýd upl t1 Wor of iKI ý-f are asstîed. wil tiien li' eoeiIn the sixteenit - htier of Marli. :111 veft.ra, <rm iesel~ ShIcit. fronît thle niullb verse tui i a nd active ageuts of te Mealanl*. of te citaîier. i14 urîus-frnd Ij,, Inte d<striîutlotn of theite i. It Is addtltln.l tueli)ytlllln iý,taîs vine f.tvors to ail te familles of lte 1ý' s retù. ; i iil I.ty tfi; , ieart.lit lathe end !ail thitiicorrigly' thaltteeo 'tkî ar e iot found lit ' w; ciîî,. alto love iquity rallier lliau of the lhreo I re k ltttttii ISS. rlghtetusn",,. wiii hc destroyed. 0f course sotît,. ,f che Itenms f 1 Thq. alte Aposîle deciare.lbe titese verses ai,(-fiuniin otîter G',sacrifice tf.l,t' esmonstlîntes a SatLs. pela, Il wtuld îtev,'r du te .îd t 1 faction for or sins (te Cherch's ainsi wiitout a certin nmcuiit of ctveria;, and not for totrs nul>', but aiso for the. of Trulli t0 sugarcoat li But it ,lains of the wxhtîie-world (I John Il, 2). our text and iriat a v.rong thougIt i l givs-icotslaentwlth tite retinit" Nonseratcal, Spuri4ue Centeat. cf te Scripture. .ls Intimnatlin 14teltic Itrivl>'mil'ice another aiteurd. thtith,#preacbing of lte Gbspi.l tiIt>' ite tllitloil 10 <iod's Word fou"-d. every c wtut il] requit eliter lli i, 11tte taxi t ;eiv,. terne.. cf St. Mrkold iteilea ing ittandibeing baptizeti. and (G.iît', trtîcli'ttly atidetianti not titus lteing taveti. or in bis diabellei t', f! n t ry -f the' oldpeat lreek NMSf. and beiug danttmii. Andti Iis wO'& i't . u 1tttititi "Th s igus dsimued etirries whil, InlutheIliglit of,' fttiti. îamiee l a oti-er niauntlerstandings, tire and naute ,Iiiiiv# c tltout tievils; lthe' itiazlng. rînsting ttnd torte, spiek-allit a altett%%!'it îaw tongute%. T11s Ing anti wtet ittdeacribable. Thtis la1al tt b'itterpptiLq« anti Il tIa.r ail avin utitir o ethe authelic *I drink ttinil tti lly titg. it ciI! ot, Scrlîtte't " urt thitt,. 'l.ley -hall ay bands on tilti IThte Qulteîîlc Scrlptures inform liq JSlck anit t1ity bali reeover" (versem ltahoa 't el .hgplamtune In ali,-lit17, 181. lte tttajoritv tof Chistian Min.- (1tti ls gathi cr g fritt lte worlti tpnairaandttd udr *tîgîgn tuseerinuflt "Ilttle it,tk" of fcyttstep followen'. b <te trotiled ytiw îeftct tIaý te>' de sanl'tttt leIe - ton4atîtute le fhot Iati I tc., ii, ttct' of It udr rein. Btrîie ofcf lrti-Itis joInt-hierslu hIRtis' lslii tu lte Lord, tatnd tte>'do not coing lrtdoîît. l'bey how tat nI altetpt tu eahteîi iti 'k. tîoepek willi ail are sa ttto b 1n'ît i i uesgage toiettesii,! xvtttil ht o re tu drinj: , lit e litte'cttt tinc-nl maiiy witan ai 11 îîtiotî, îtiît lit ere are great. learnféil or ricit. but ,llefly lte Iertain tout:,it'ntleiic people, lte very- pour. Titey assure us tîtat tu, have te cretintof sti Ihe ('ittrchea. wito anse fiea4rlng car la a specîttl favor, sfying. genîl>' perpiexeti î thèllse wordn hi- "Blesseal are- your ears for ltey bear. cause they k'iuw tu.liat e> are not trat, nîti ycnr cyet., fer lte>' sce."SMt. Pauîl lu Ibeir expltrience. Witi thIem, ihere- teila s lhitthWe worid In general la fore. il is ailîlatter of feeling douttfal bid antd dentftolte message uttw sent abotut titeit' twniî tvatitît. or a titea- forti (Titomans xl,,-il, andth ie expert- tlou i s te lte reltlil>'it of lte Bible ences cf etglîtcen cenutries corroitorale as a wlttîe. 'riite> tectlIo10have the rt- tbis. Mt. Peter tels us lAcIs iv. 13)1 ltai lef whIclt we 110w seek 10 gliretem., Goti's wtrl In te iresent lie tlàfot Tbey neemitu know liStaiIele are net lte conversion otf thte world (wibe - I ispireti worals, but poîstinous andI lu-' taînI>' la nol heittg accoutllsbetiî but Jurions additions matie turIng the DatX tatIli'e la nîtw takîn>' out of lte world Aget. Titey'oa>'. ennsequently, toeW' a [peulefor litlt ntime. (tu bear lte elsewitere inthlie Seriptures and.Uu#,f naine cf (Cbrisl.ttlis i Bride). Tbe eu- the proper ;tsýuanîe of Iheir rjlatlou- tietecScriîtlurea everywitere leacl sbîp ILt < tal being dentonatrited1u$tit us ltaIlIte pour. blini], detif world. îte frutlî of lte bei>' Sprit lu tOiie wbleit bas neyer veîriteard fuli>' and Iliveanti in -tieir bErt-"meel5*ao6 clearly of "te ottl> naine elven untiert genllen. patience, loq.aufîlea'Iu< litearen or ttîtîigst nmen witereby we birotiieriy kîtidnes, love." mn>' he saved, i,"lafot onu Is aceouui Miracles In th. Euriy Claurfit. condentucti or damneti. Tie>' tel us ltailite wittle world wàm bo .cou- Titis spurlous passage ofeu text te dentned, bevattse chilttren of .Adam and mied b>' nany inîlullers wlo know, or 1 ltarers bIn hs ettndetntatlon, bult i1tt ougit 10 I.now, of lia falil>'. But tluq Coi] bas î,rovlded it lte sacrifice of bave a t'rttln titeory luIn "Qf Msle 3felus a redlctptlon for Adiam andi ail ltOlite effceciltai lte miracles 'ad un- bis race. 'hvit>'tell uts ta, as a repult. kow longues of lte early Cbuuel ln Coii's dut- lune. Chrisit. as lte truc were lest bit enson ofunftlttubfm Lighi. te 'Inu cf îîlgiteousnes.s. ai tîl 0 Cd.andti lt iChirlatias a olay' kenligitten cicr>' man ltai comet inutu aiteulti eeek for lIbeir recove. . N lte woriti. Tbey expiain tat God litaving au>' scripturasle o upport titew 1now calling out speci clasa whte daIm titey use ibis interpolation end' lte darknesq la upon the earlb andthie ashow teir itearers and rad.e tu1bu. gria darkneaa Opin lte beatiten, andlHaveeIl: tub. lte Inspiret message. T10 titallite $unt cf Rlghleauauesa. wiicla* whai lehglt bhavé eofple gosatij1110>. 10 enligitten thte wbole world. wiîî flot pori of hunsan ibeory! The firmitipot*-' arlse unîi lte eélect Ciurcit shahll iraI cipie of preschiug aloulti bat6 prmeti have been gatitereti nul. The>' teli us lte Trutit lte wit%6eTrutit 'adnuit.- ltatIn lite Ncw Dispensailon yet to0 1ng but lte Trult. Ever>' tb.ory wàk4, dawn. ail lte famIllets cf lte etirtit wili ftquli'es iolterlng up by spurfouàp ussý lie hiesed troughlTe Ciris-Jesus. nagea sitoid ite aitindoneli, sud Wsciiiii6 lte Headi. ntilte Ciureit bis Body or abandoueti b>' ltos ivitan e itu' Brîie. Tite>'tell isltaItten *'ail lte trutit-seekers. 'Bereans." îî,VI eys a.a1, be opencti anti altite Our Lord .perfornted umales. 50 deaf earqshaîitl be unstoîtred" (Isalah i bil Aposllea. And no dia tboa oSa xXxv. 5l. Tht'>'tell us tai lientte lte eari>' Chircitupo# w vitn b, Sun oft11llitle4iusnesa absîll arise wiillAjuoiles laid titeir bauds. Buat fl iteailîjî lu hilt -nitats. loodIng tihe witoîe olters bave ibis elfI. Conseqneull$i, carlt wlîit te light cf lte knowietige witeî lte Aposîles were bat mndi Of the glory of i;od. Tbey tlsure un tat witen ail lttise riton wbom lte>' Isa ltaI wlli be lte ieriot cf Me9slab'a laid bauds of ilesslug were tint, lllois reigit. foîr wîtieli we pray,. "lit>' King- miracles Inl te Citurcli were ai art dem cornûoe; th ii'slîl ite donc on cartcati. We ail sec thte prepiriel> ty ftItis aa n~bax-n."Tit>'lel nslitI lteMiracles wero apprelîrlate ait ti e' e objeel of ltai reigu wijl be ltaItte inttug for lte establishment et tbe w9rîtî lu getterRl îîtty bave a trîil10 ('bure.h andi, ftr a tIlte, were tnecesary delernilue whieter. wll ite he itî ani for titeir ecoîuragement. lâ theu, knowIedgeanti exîterience tîten grant. eariy îneetugc lte>' hall nô soure of etilits' iîîcitose ani rgiteou-Informtion, aside frontlte Alillbs.e nesq andtihie rewartl of etertîsilIfle. or Vitom te> rar-e>' saw or iteard. Tbey wîîî citose sin and ti apenalty, lte bai] no iîi'ucropies cf lte Gocmp Second Deajt. eor, of t4p E pisîles. Tite> neetie t» Oamnedvgr~g, wlîh cd proci-, Unhelietiers Dm dAlireati>'. ed-,-lngueq atid lItlerprétation*a Ot'-, Oiff, werti daitincid. from misusage andti ongues. Pe.. t raw ltent togetiter and lte Ibai tieulttgy of lte Dark Ages. ta insitet lteinidi. In due lime,. lite> bas a sulîiiuruts etr. wite'eas ils canon oif Si'ripttîre attulti be eowtuleff plain. simtpte' neanlng la4lire saine asi tat. titrougitil,te lutin or Ced miglit lte worîl ctniîtn. Aîltm was damned ble ltoronabi>' firntabeti nulo evpry or ctanîieîn,'ti160M yetîr ago berause goct word andi work (Il Im. lit. 16, 17';. of litîs dtlioetiertie. Anti ail bis elil- B> lte tlthlie Aposilea' siledt (È dren. b>' lt'reiIy, altare bis weak- Citurcil itaailiteconte estabillshied, bad nesse,4andttîitii4s sare bis condemna- reiar tmeetinigs, pastors andti lit.t tli,. But Altlant Is not contienturd or ersn lte ttst anti Episîles, and. darnutei lit elertiai torture ier 10uIPur- somýe ofthi'îtItatibegun Io devellop geler>'. '1i71. Biile dlsliîctiy soya u Inte fruits or titi Spirit. Thus lhetarty au utan>' wt,is tit hlbissentence, bis Citurcit nattîratlly ontgrew lte tonese cottdetîtîtttii..bis damttion,.Ila 10 ant intratcle, nd entîcreti a larses' dr'tUh. "luinte <lit>' itthIou caitst spiere, justatls it ciltilosessliI wmd. thereof. dylnthotitn shatlt dl&" (C nesis dilue cltrittliti faver of more squat"~ Il, 1-4, uargîtu. .Aflerhis dtsobedilence, atre. Foir blttd*s people Iodailute4>- Goti sai,. "I'îîfll a iste enrt for lb>' Iaire le go Iiack tb speaklug w1(È, sake. Thotra.tt and Ititîca shah ll j longues. etc.. surit as ivas prattlse5 of lb>' faesîatît tou eut breati nuili burcit. wîîuid te u autitpeaoi toureturnu ito the groutti front leslrlug 10 ite dresseti and trealella whIitli tontvatI aien; for tusI thon a attle. Il is ourunuderstandlug th*at' art u tîtiîto xtduisital ti ton relurn th ie speakiîîg wi nnttwn team 's <Cenesîs lit, 17-19>. In relîgîttus meetings, riticit la grmê- Titis geitt'rttisentenc'e bas relteti al)> spretime gover lte vorilI& W5& upon al of Adorais t'ace fron tlitIday' decepiion lelng practiset upeu m ene* one mnis îlisoitodience in enteret te faet tiatgei-llie dewte etflte. mbt lte actiriti andl testit (nteternlillitib. 'T'Itevare ltaus elisired te d torutemt iuttfur 'ui'atttr*y as il resailt of rer anti vtot ieir attention lfr*,Wb sin andti ttti detht mot eterruil lor- away frointhlie Trutti. To wbatteu muent tîtr l'itrgttry) Ititisetinttlttileutî lte titînitera of Cirlt o f t~ts, MaenticatatC a11 i re siLtierS fitltîitare reapottaîbie for lte deinsb or IY, 1-1i. Ilizute cîte tturediein iru îtese pour Ipeople taàfielours < 4»,,t