O4NTY IND EEN-DENT .>WAUKEGAN,.WEEKLY SUN _ T4B$TYVILLE, ILL.flRIDA'Y, NOVEM.13R 25,'-1910. 7011 PAGES Pw~ol v" Cu@ WINbe 5, Firsi Day et Te. cfhèofteAp dkfflOurS (Itu Wdneda c ud Cirut court,' pWhIded,,oven by indu. Bousli>ofaWcsocd i-h obieet iadnge Wrightc lvdn, eiomilthe Octoben terncsvterdaY. -Dw ~m or importace vire brouget li for mitlemiel bY the 1 cour . divoiansd ordirs occupvIli the. ti.. a!t thecourt nuari>'mtrily tbrouu h le ami«un. Ti Poemon, divore came. sORoun vWb"tgom ncb *lteret.-cotrs. vAS flao(ver tethie Deosubirrmn, lb came ta b.e aicethe. raldny oftlth nt lterzaecember 6. Tii.,lajnctiam ai danm sse et CltY of HlbuIeoi vas tapitnt la mart Yetrim. Tbd ver"io alov.i lie cil> ty Of awwom tb.esMf090 auOMs al te case ylb. canled te" te the appeiiate court. frous W ei curt Istva v@emadifor 'e. triai t Iis titi. Tic divornc ase of lmm. Addle Broynauguat ber husasi. James H. Brown; vas docidmi Y.sirdnY. The mort ardmrod that the. vite vaa entIlleit tle doeransd 81.»00 ai- mai>', mie oIgsng avay *al ber rigile te lie iirtvam a coAWmulirtln The. iutady ot tih lren vastl@ mals point a mmlsa. lb. vile bavlng obtoff m an»netion rnmralaimg hi buailfro. ialing l.the ulren.Of vN hle mieame tires. »vb" tie fot pap s vien #W. Tii. court deceed tin thle vifte eul hbave iliums et tài e llre it a ou t tu- tbs oul or mciiymarMdntheIb bestel have Ibi l hérommnug tc o in. Thl ua ashe lentas ie brouget nP la lie cort ymterday. Aler inige Detonilhmba .tiad th ii city flu Ibis case m. ort sommeril outil the Oral Mumin>'lanDommiiot. ARREST SUSPECT IN ROBBERY G.aeWFI o»ter, of ILake Foaat. a Cdemd MO.au.. eeek. mssidla Coneon Wlth lb. Robbeuy e1t te Jewelry Sire inromWdiaday's SUN,) *Ganlei Iouler of Lake rioet bu, bffa arreeed ma a suspect ln conne. t1cm vti lithe rouer> ofthle Jeveiui alors the"Or.aturday ulEbI. Pster la a iniiorer employed ou.oui of thysm. mer boms nu lu livliage an bas a- vars borne a gôondrmutation. Te canne of, ilis as bth fmd- tmg of a part of the aolle articleslan an aile> hnck of hie ftldenco., The police vire ou lhe lookout for lie ati. cos uany oI vbich von o!ramail veainsd vonld b'discarded by the 0ote loficers vhil, rumiàng lu tie alley alt of lie Poster homo b«ai a mmiber ettheliimning articles 51mB blisrntI follovid. IL V. Orvis of 1higitybau heien - gaged tu detend VPster lu hie aun. vWb"i vustriet bufors a Justice.of th o pmailn Laie Joreit odai. TEN YER. AGO Se0fe .1Plm fi f*.aer Iri Fhe (Prm Wiemdav'o Sua.) r olovlng ame glv. ii mthe a nd tint to utoultii TbaiuIW<vluggle. tie relIl Priai of «Ch iai ose t ami the pilou as tii> vitetub yvai gi Tb* «M o1 f lb. ThaukWgvtn dIli 84 me»l tiitotain sigured'for n feuil> et #Te pireomo: Pri"aI i Te m ...... ...ss 11 Cee ...... 2) .2 cr;aubrrle............10o .Io Çannhd pe.n..... -....... .13 .10 Canumi corn .......... .10 .10* lcgg.................. .16 .11 Dumtter -................ .70 .44 Simd .....1 ...... s .12 Piti4mpéddin. .......... ..5 - ?died ot%............. .22 .lfr Total ................5127 43.8 Ellulnatlag the. cblcken vou iiialc the. neit . of tbf onner? for a fa.- loi of ave $427; lbgtfttitgchikl for tnake wvldd mal"eIt 0* . 1Wb#% mnt p eme begua tto WMb le à ovnvari revlqlmn et thbul*t ie ýjiS lolt yetrdoyl. Mi. ukey 9r*psredta mi i bueif dutiy. On- quiryet mor a rkanets reveuisi ii tact thst then ba" hean adraoP br the bounelt of the. cosumer of froan lai a ent to 2 omisa a 11010fOU us» ente 0 IMM. Turbey, bovern. mweosiekyward on the. violgn of Tiiasvlag 4ay de. MM&ni. maI m adelared tIbM un lkm mipinenta ver. heavier today the elsalcet birda vouldmoei l t 30 cet &as".n. Price., for th. ordi- *muy oler. vbh nîîmilttbave'bien rum oedar at 19 tW 21 cent.,t "ev up ta 84 centa, vith pienty of L.QSE WALLET: 3 114WUINDER ARREST NMe~NIUmklLeft Pocket Booki On B.d Wkuv e MW fW Sen Lybe md 'm e eCamne B"c Mon"y was Go. (Prom Widnindayo isBN.> Nez Malînabi 0f'802 Markett mfeit vint visitina iltnigbt and 1tuba quiet, eaae aud comforl. hW lay dovu ou thei il l in oea. of bis bouts. Aller a lime iim maya e aroum sud vent ouI of the. oea.. Hi. pocict book dropped ot of bis pocket and onta thei b.d.hb tIblka.- Hovever. vbiu bi taugilthe tire. others vith baving mme Iealut sud* hfien liii l.aled il snd ho caume diheir or- rmt. Tiiiy are aui Sîpi. J. Solk ln ie Basa. Te valiet id $10 lucah, a-chickfor $50¶a.n boak la Olver dCi, and valuabio ps- pire snd memioranda. . Ater the -Pelera. The. poile.are aller th. piddiers to- dey. flome i Im go pedîleispal au Insaimet of $Z6 an lthiIcme. ,Thene la nov $25,more couing and th poil. are eoiiecllng Il. 1 MAY DUE, .2 HURT UN ENGINE EXPLOS10ON 3» ULn Accident Takes Plce er Bodhgt<n. wu. ,ye«- terdo> and Vicinaet Racine NOW <Prom Wmineemdaro sun.) Racine' Win", Nov. 32-oumann may disud Ivo oherswve n rion,- iy Inured ns liiirianit etthe explo- mi* cf a "'u~Iue lreight locomotive *ooB D luan. Tniaday moruiug. The luJred are: . rlan, nilngton. ieg brokea.. li"l and bady -bissi d dcaied injurias bemlIed. l tal Praulk Saumacher. Pond du Lac4 hadlî scaided. Tii ljurd mou voe n tlu lioco- motive cab whim th im eshat hev up.. Laug vas trovn uo th lb. Tii. oiero ver. acilded, b>' icaping ,Tbî victimo vetp taltin ta Racine to lie Neveui opllaL . 'lbe train vas nudir vay aI lthelUme ofthie accident. RMSTER 0F 1THE NEXI flOUSE Deuooral, WiIIl-imfve O kaj.rlty, af slnty-Thrftoe-Ouefteiste wasiMno. Nov. 23-Ticbouc-m cratlc reprueetalona Ithle meut bouse viii hi 227 agalaml 143 IqtJjaýni and one $octanit, abcordnt l» Iros- ter of thu bou«.. mt publlb ' & Thi. ue gréigfý*te .Ded*f#ta a majorty oilandl e pluMnlll jW TRAIN ILLSMU *~O wilef tphladiilà inMlinireLem Lite WNlI.MosShopping s u Nev 'Vertk6.o.2-ORde aviaumiSn Uleb rt e i2dIg , N 48, a tfeil taelà ae haiclngs0rgbé wola utr00t os a & pvqe=g1e craabud te MduG Ifra Là., - ; , Wliome euluaila_ ilcuaire bWad ijq~ft h e aller th acciderîo. aitiough Mr. Au Austin offered 10seieu-wfth him foi 1 ny damnage *11ibh!,a.d bren doue te v inl II S ON 1lithe orné or buggY. The boy, if 1 sald, pickid u a a n uiofthtiibroke'î shaIt and aivanced iilnthe auto MDa R AI PI&ty,îhieatnejiiR lu kilI oe n %Ir. Austin tried lo resbn with NIr. M*hm'briven by John AuStin4- >ne boyl refumse aring thut lhe ,ouid 0f NWs.Cly, Strikes Suggy wlalt and "e. uov tie horse came out Imjurng Horse c. the accident before any setileinen t No aIne4 onteat iato Io given as tAimal wus Cet .la sy Places the, mu» o f tii. wlue affai r by thoea Out wli Nthavit be Nled, *Who sy Ibte acçtdent. -1K ,.hue le- No Llghts Cause to run 'ihùutîthe ejuflre' number ____________ f 1 m aou the auto-i. Tii-le a dan. Zr.-us pracie. bot Il ru the, publie (Wuni ednsdao Ou.) and 1to theAutlt iînelf, anshe bas! Au auto drrven iy john Austin of mns f1.ig hecndton 1 tiit meyecruhed tutu a borne and rig ;r ~i hii on the. Gof rond Tuesday nlght, de. ________ niolialug the buggy and evereiy In. H.heigt Coe jerk*g -tii.bers.lhis TKikfiïeoduff ôllta (ivl 0glu -Cfille lire Austip viti a )aity hud beon ta1ao îpiitv.leîo~un en Guru.. and vas return .Ing 10 bis reai-nitrmpitie. th e c,aIO umd bîusun dînce viien -lte accident occurred. i"a bitmer. a rzwpii. an air oif piuchera, a'1 The. auto., acoerding 1 tonre, of crodeknife amnd u' uvil. Tilene lin u' thons vho sav lthe colison. carrled nou uid 'of fire.. forthue wonhimnpe.pWal the so m onshape cnld. May Your Fireside Be Pisaceful and Hearth the Scene. of a lilgila.As the varty eitened tbhcey the enan ea the viel of lthe auto speidedu lu order 10 ipu tihe v» hicle. The. hotu on lb. auto vus blown and the. rlg swerved ta on. aide of te rand.. Just hétore lt.e auto pnssid the. boy la the. buggy Mr. Au"nsinbt coitrol of bis machine and the. auto followed' t'ho buggy to the ide of the. ros#. cablng mbilt . The #,ock 0!théW topact thn.w the -boy, ler Havklnm. to the ground and broke thembItp the buggy. Te boy wou »urt; Ijil tie bornei v1 badly eut sud moipi byr tiiauto. . Tie occupants of the auto vii. unhurt. The bors, vas takia to a vOtei- ar, n t it. City, vho found it, noes-u quai to take lventy ttchai l1u ont **UdIIou it i borasi log. lThe bu: gy" v miollakidby th jue as. 7UTii. lletion neanlyriut.d ln oà -â9w b«"«ti.be in oth* bnr FAT§I.ER OF Dk--. PITT' DIES SUDDENLY AT aider nes. The Inueral arrange-'NICIEL IN SLO mIenishavi uet as yet been Iuily coin- IIfE f ~ f piotil, but il la expected liat lit eervlce.s viii i.eld Fnlday eiltiioniah Lake Bluff oîr atheh home of Dr. Pitt li-NS A Mt 336 dorer avenue.ua Emis- LAIE IILIFF I- ___ _1__, AI IM1 --________ 1111E AID FOR STRIKERS______ Norris Pitt, Eighty Three Voars Ydrtno~ecUMsnded te Drop Nickel l l SMla1 Of age Dies $oatod ln Chair ~emQruutWnea .Ceomiai~ At NomeOof Son et. Louis. Moe, Nav. 22.-Aid for the. Fêi Ore biy etrkingamen woter laChicago and for tbe building taoteieslift M-Au Wood, C o n Drain Cauat i ... en vitin reOf0udd ub I1OgIm. hWvtS Aittekoku Apopioxy Respêiis-I PolirMien of Labor iiitheiebt4Z f OsWoy~ê Ibs for Death Yesterday enetth éla __________ timnt veud bccarrled ont. lYnquu Weiue.sys un.~ Other mater. vblcb Ithe dlegte Js Wdieai NOrri Pit, faher o Dr.w. d lorte hm vréte l.questions of Dop a ickeoln the motl Noris itI fhhe ofDr.W.A-PittI Jurliction bitvii lb uthe q eobi0 4107gea fM&a ut 01thia clty, died 51 bi. horne lnu Lke iraandthelb.Wegtma V'ikrttýL iset »gftWy u afpr cm Bluff yeterday ýeveuing at: 30 trou MIinr.s adthe i. Drobi -9- YOD Iàry g te thnombosis, from vbihic .bail bein paot.»d51the AOO$I&id 80ahu t ty, *1.25 a viok. tota a aufferer fer naine yeare. 10firC&tP10t*T1.- Tii aiI5ii uMlna i lie had becu at the home of Dr. sadi le iléctrical vonbewmdisplute live alI ro ncc iPît, the, denitît oÇ. Ibis cîy, living millundecided. liat eiDp nieli with hlm and i otier son etai ake SENATOR M'NICHOL MARRfieI Drop lu Ove il YOD vautt Bluff. since the death ofbils wtt.8 ba -mo~re lnuraàce. Jittle over a year ago. Tva day. Wed& Mimé aMrgaret Dogehuie, 4 . Bt ti aee ao Trainoil Nurse. ln Sroelciiu'i. vie. OMto reure * _____- -. - Bostoni, Nov. 23-Ilo las trgaret L olu haOmM Donobue of Brookline, a tamud naeuer. Oms ifthe.w» nurse. snd Smeaor P. J. R MeOt cfbsolt'UP hi t*9 loby our pbtÎmd.ibîa, bave bbie wnaoim etsu DM i quiiiO& tl Bountiful Repast, BrOkIu». Me aynuiu.pa eIm Giorga lMo1par actel nis butUBB.M1'. -wql MeNichel bus ciartered a êeihil cMr ol bMa he iM&eu.& aud lI IhébeandtieisbrideUI10 la le Vj"$M # tu' tb. south foi t «t eb.. Tii. wmts.fflou sentor. mcNfrIoi la vIdhit kam" hecanse etfis .coenectioa t i pu.olJcmSliow ickealll l "eab*. ln PmenyivftlilL me la fcmice the tu ilever »0 the poll1W vualubit Unl.pbuladipiiloThe. duof -ti ymoV la aaal vidding la the i~nmltt»upet foa * i W>iie. >eewmd* mssue. vblch baît lis bellg cwbu 2M. btlm.tall rjom an the monaIe Smmltlee, or! vblebonsia-tbin 38. I! m 1ticeM 1er cl<clll Wm ausmr, on ib ...xdU'l buovtii, tàgsils "*%M I leuctioi 01 cato lu bex the Voer> bour aMi mlut$m é0i vialteil lhe 14*0**0tu , >u.droppel lb. MM Meta-Qpr*lbopili l ln bchýiecnie Dmkl:ebu eaod nurse. Ira i.. f aytug happeain MAY FAMI i l 0 ~C. Bt$MNV We$4WIiZf i bo Pardon Bordurie rg ee " Bav ai thé ipoi ftIhoel EIl ort. or »*t i iTh ~11e.D.Nov,.n aiasC. Duiql Peorli uchool ibpl«. U0d4V scilit- mai -b. m.roe he imPro in, tpg MW. Cà*i nov litame&io %ttorn*Ys irvin mmd sef th ameWn i Weillappeareil ta pliailfor bite. *ad es dropppq m>ln i àwic allier Poortana are Dot oppasinlt6j the pinibeIni o ethrw 1ROeVO Dou»ghubray. go Ire. vthMU, laD ofoth mo», Tadai ho viii bave beau la prisn ot qtm ithugs. It mai 1 Ove years. The. promeenion msale14h ea&"Mt poiicy. j oulil Dot flattâtegaînsl Parai. ater Wbm the ipole' la Pme liaI IUme. Ez.<ov Yates is 1-e0.0 tu la a Iak ta » tom oz tii. lulores t cfNlerrittI Ciibtua ofand bomiiclary vIesp olaonlar.nn. vho tu serina a tertni I.l itlldlaa muihier ot gor kiling bis vile. punyJedi. oo4 'hw cetineulai Oum SHEIMAN MUTS OFFICMIIJ ibuiof the. lancais puy. eautrohlmdbg mo pivot Obarlthos Conférence Heid Un. ladea lhbumleMpeopl% t der?4d%+ Illinois Law et Springfil. 0f th Dotent Mdan Inuer 0 1 --trinimpi of ulcW-ila-timil BprinigliudAli.. Nov. 33.-Mimbirs Araqg ben ame J.12. Wim et the alati botté ol dmialetrsm, A*r.er utre; Geares ,auagiug acrMd<af il. lore chant îl nsnlutice.Is itesclvii morie, MILLONSUtIUPLYk~IN LS.aga, hi ieft tih ine of Dr. Pitt ber. nd vent la stay a short liesvit About 15 Per Cent of *Thi. Numbr bils sou* lu Lake Bluff. The farllr Sal laSelu ie ya.k ci>. had inten aupper, and the tlbr wva sented lu lie chair wh.n deathtcolnej New York. Nov. 1.-The nunibir Wiionl varning. of, uneuiployed lunbhUnited lStaes A rimaI, cause of deati vas a ort la otimaied ai 4 .500,000 iii theilu- of n biood dol on lte bmain, canolai vutigatlua board oaI li& Bowery mis- miseska umîlar te, apoplîzi. Tni sion be. ,About 15 per cent ni hein aretsI chat was tiret formed aiveral >'eMr 10 h. lu New York cti>'and vielltty. ag ansd ever aines that lime M. Pitt *The. mission plana 10 sbtheiq von tonrlias ben aubJect to the attacko viti 7,000 men dnnlug thli vter vanying frequncy. CARTER ON SUÎÛRES ENH i aIovliIa>u ! Pisiendu Sy ofealed 4h.ntr las the aged mna te deatit eomuag as l Sein Offereil the Plae.. Idld vithouil anY varunng.wvaa gfflt - - - eiock to te minier. of the f&ully Htelen, Mont.. Nov, 23.-i"rlendo of0f a!the son. uI±od si ateE senator Thomas..,Car- ir, via vas uefealed for e-elielîon Mn Pt tas vu eilikuavuwilnte iiicl1 aI' the eceut ehiction, ssIi that lb. -Èaving umade hil.ho.. vîthhiebsoma, senator bad been teiidored su appoint- on Corey avenue for a year a"d a hait m nent as a meunier 01,lthe supr. m u in e edenthtof bis vite. Durlngi Leaujî o!i te Unied 8St. taliiili e tbaltlu. bho "made mua nlaa iaoieJustice bMoO4. mn it oneriuot fla v&acgncy canard by tlb. renmant 09 amn teOUeai nto m1 put etl oth e M Wil »moana mi esumiseoandm thle Mati ellagan Soummislon. mil et lhe atat@ewcaota 10 discase the charitabe voràý 0f Ibm oInte. Tblm la lthe trot Meeting of lb.ebud -iqid nadir Ibmevwstaîs îav. Uî. o berm.. ebaruan if ltihe oard af admlnimtratio£. vam the'prIincipa apinker. othheo bo toolupart vir Dr. rrank Uuingo amd Dr. O.,S. Oma. b>' 09 Ciieno. andl W. c."%,ê étate archit. Conad lôgen. mhlbInl Par... .3 Olga Struma.........;........3s Ana Nuguo. CrilmlLak....s inI>' ry Obhi Menti.>.........3I3 Ousàte Mimner, Racine.......... a minie Sabrader .......... o .jupos Cohen. Chicago ....... Jmli Wumsaak ..... ....... e40eph McKMT. Chicago.... .... iay Itofan. Bristol, Wis ....3 Charis Thoum, cil> ...........3l Eldith Guail...................34 Wmlkicels. Lake Ibreat ..... Ameri«a Bricgiemam........... 3 Llilan Garrs .................3l CHiCAOO LICEN#gS. Park AlIsui. LlbOttvvlieIi.. S Grae.amani........i...........1I Aftar ysnia of wulllng, u*ti e1 lavl mita lutervetng, 3rs. Mugut A.:IEbeék cf Chicaga voiii .etW ber, ruts l is mu ret Psainmi esm nlaT«u, once conIoUmi by ing lie Tues. atm* oua Mo dmp- fer a m»W l, t t -m ett- o"picg N&. L «Mm- Pouli »onsý >v 0"Po ek 1) - lu , b dg, tbe ILt la4 IL ne oMi i<fa~ me G. is ltb*o t Aoncemem - W' <ikM f Direttf <i*u f -w Ne Le" aIS h.ut* lie 41adernuWOPÎMM et ffl ievy no Jmmtmtr mufe. tts niembiruls adesmi (P*t ltem by lie, boni of t* y»>~ sessilu lte bosS en lu$ Thumrud>. Tmg a" Ms.. oftPbrmrY a&M Mm Rkpped l liePMeUt th* - posr Mm la1labb u4 The pola>' 09 liseuMm" liii ""Yel la a t Ï aISid wbemevei W04tbe mll f il <Mmd malte'" * ntkwiagpu ïat advlmaile4'- le damue etls et h1 aine cf $86000vtb must a eu lm e pwer&iae e MM une l #bm îoluv Ibo* t4 W cbongt u4 bu Mu, Mdai Il v#la Ibis lav ,et hé qc»ls netoort oti m i - !bitTh vpl is ti 11, of the put litle- for NIv- [1i i(. tg II.' flhat -111P. i aild tpic- iileit. if the s5!1W4' shiai i ahi- lered ier- h111 a11 cl the e the iii be ates' cly as ed to g be- n was ý-ine,. Br, -he ght a being f the rietor re on fayor out a -to a :f the' event irs or City, t&. an n told it the - , f $1.50 PER yp-Auu; ADVJ