outdoélà a Copyright. i19%by A.«10 pros gand hi Pa," -ta ira.m Hathaway, -1 tiaina EOWard Crack sud liffie wuld mue «Hf YOD MaL tiem ta mats don't let ttaen know Ih. Notblug keepe yoDtiK ' E uuia People s::rtll£' ttr obrnth tegatiil'-DOer." 0 tei gettihir ta- gediar.Tbay're botb 8gobaLfultey 5 th PZ tt~~l" ds't dare look t sciithéer. 1ri« " y phqia Lot 'aem &iou% andl If ciey bave a au Ofl turai attraction foreascii otier th"a viiimoite It up ln tlma. fltter stU4i CI"" 4âài...J d. Ik tgi ttem lfifl ot on any accouat .~oxu soiatiefl ulalve, tat tera la a ~1~I Ieel r OOP aelal, eason vby tiaey muet DA btdUu' te foasanl TlaWre too bubtul te bu p t4« sttogetiier anYwAy. 1 don't cae te Pat anytilng aise betvaeu 'aem te hapý 1O SAEB L' SRWI ut M-ra Hathiaway naticea thath*b 1 xaa.0 su70=4Peope aeedeal sarna aVtcs le M". 's m-vthem tvaral asciithe, anal ah angile a ~ cncîndeal ta try ber hushanl', plan. et . S IlTha calleal ber dsugbter ta ber oeaday and talai ber that abe vas flot to toit@ aMy interest lu Howard. since on no ______________________ LI__ CCounn Coutli be rarry bhlm. fib 30 y ARSSUC SS -oulai bave salaithe seata flottard, Cbutit ilaDot a vary pleaMant thbl ng ta tl aaYoung mri hat lamuaitfDot tilnk Of rarrylug ane'a daughtar. as- Naêd Deckeu' Offer a Paciîy wben that young mn bas Ruihe& for Catan'h. lTe mbavnoaPredilectiln for ber. When Mm Hahawa badgire» Effle Iis MediCiue -Costs Nothing bt orinform:ation she told ber bus- bondwIt "b aldos.t te tlme Il railsha vas sbsvlng. . 'Ps." abe said. -l'va varuad.£Meffi Wbea a aediciue affects a sucesalful "*bout wbt?' nrainat in .a very large majorlty Oai "Not to a feuIn love ithlttBaard." es, sud viien vs Olier tat medicine "Bow dial aba tahe IC" uni Our ova persoiial guaratitee that It "Site acteal Mui aiofuni", ;wIl eos the amrotbiug If it doesaDutl '?eSî do. yon mçau by tiitr ocptelyreetii.rrtlaous er csnght ber brestb."- wlSlOtIf eliva itt-rb Itla nly "Tat vonlal ndlcata thai ahebua gesaoabla tbat people iiould helieve us, alreeay casi cavalons eyaa upon iii.." 1 et e t put Our daim t a apractical "TOU mean that the. poor cuilaila go teeS wbou va ta&ée ail the risk. Thos YOung sud Innocent tuat the very mati- o Mo faueta vlicli ve vaut the people to liob Of ber failing lu love puis ber ini ~asUt.W. vaut them, te try Is flatter. Ton uai stremember liat ,ýeR imfflTn.T iaedicina pt'oparedMesa'aoplY sixteen. and Hoyard la but ' ýffla prortio Olaîaphysican vîtia ninteen-tvo chidran. Wè enginta : som a1 trrh wàvas eaclsy, sud vbo i.-sbamiealt ouislves totatlhabot oeRryng ta ltier of tiier." »a roiof t tiird yasi fenviable ."Tou meaii you ougbîta oha Uaausa 'Omu10bIs roeord. e o yourseil. rve a ls notinlg to de, Verogosiva more gaod reporte about vit it ." a veî aii as , ggll linon-Tons it va - ao!ofail -"Ton à... justas elos1t ,or eswrh .*md1eo sald inluur tore, WlaeO Hovaif comasaof Us bell bave puc e aople eau koav *bat i POOO 1- épedais roeuaiRaxail 'WOIl' Ytitibt, 1 bope you'U get hlms . Mçlkfuu je itwnhou athe ouly ft ber. l'tm goug dovntovn" mt*n, imel ae wul ave y ÂAf- ey ajahaer conversation on thie .igt~.iaeedy vavnud hve ny m a. sbject u s eopeneal by tira ~1 Àe tr Hathawvay. lit. Hathaway vas reaa- MWjdneou.ron la qtlli aboorbait lhi@ . ub paper. *0 yIBt*Pmntic aect tend$ ta " TX.aia ssd. "lise. tva cudra Ao*u Mo ,iam tue émiait mu oitesksme tire&,- ýýq ý oa trgb, odetxoy andl 5Wlars tematter nowr topiSbo arsites wbictIa iJurelime «Oh, yasterdaY- 1 told bem tha! 1,Mo ý î timmetu, souie the lgilt ttuai.Bb and tiie box wo , *bâ a na hWeJthae -sougne, tp end go for s drive togetiier. fuie nId aime&0 dd't Ike driving. snd Boyard tè@ g».ne disehrgo, huilai Dp strong, id beaibai a basabal match on band. ' ij@Wi' tiss a sud lie' the bond sud TOUnuaedn't hll metatat tvo young .' o! ajiese"d malter, lis Influence tIUPIng k. tbem vouifi decîlue an or. ,i*tward suýmjiwltlng te muco-celil, 'te to bo togtiier for a wbale Bter. lag8009digestioan sd Impcvinit utri- nn lf le.pY ere't Indidffeent tu aeci 1 00 Githe ia wbole body vbrates wilhi ther." 1 uotiii aetlvltY.' lu a cOinP5ttivelY "I thougit YOD salai It vas basbfui. *5 itIlbriaga about a noticeablei. *in tu weItbt trajýtgla.good clot "WlI dOn'i huav but It la. W1en Md ken ofbuoyney.1 14 the- tiieY miglt go Efe turnai o! bueancY. ed sud iHoward lookeai inai ofqueer. , éW r4e ou te try exal taIcPTonc.j1 Mea" tltaYlookeau asIf cber vanteal imaagea tmtameultoday. At any' b, but dldn'i date.", 1- *05109 ae ual tlsiied, simply coma ý--WeIL. My dea. if you csuî manage ý und tali ns, ane va iliqulckly returu tiemin1 ca't." gouir mitay without question or hibbie. Aal t aay aiet upetairs le ~WekawIeva» l inn-Toua u vastes, bd. 50 > tas anal si 00. ernenber vou can Tier beasifulnesaor, shatever t "Ob" ezIaxiit ernadias iniLiberty#11ll as IOOWftIta luOtease lnstead ai ,gÏU't ou etqr-TheRexal ttore. dinlali. The "cildreul" didn'l es ai »r& ont toe-hetagel logethar at ail.if lira. Rata- alteher Boiai. - aay vent tlutu lhe ruai» vbare laey vere $a. ioulal final Howard reading & book et Pne end af the romm. Iale Mme voulfi ha cuttlng out picturasea PA"AIm teailier end. Tien ah. voulal vandsy if- tiae clallaloudever grow ta ha a a Mm H' . eliaan« iing atrtaiued ber vornan. If BovaM d as aer aetlthe sous anal daugtet qMd laieillas kSuuday boute to mes] b. andl BU. voulal it &%araooa anal eveuing. s very pleasat mu. on lthar ide of the tabla, neyer *;ki vu bad.hitcbended wiih a turkey ventuirng a temirh excepita a na f suer fthe aIder people. Ou ouae cson Haward nid sotblngsud EZ.ao o- lirae. Bsyuolds bas gona ta Berwsyu recteal im. Bavard averreai liaI te q ID, wheroaie wli makebler iture home was rgbî about I. BUs olfereal le1 vlta ber nalSe bat hlm. fie vas tiilng vbat ta bat1 Unse AliTorgler entartainad mi« mhie, e atl: iknga e , DO XlglsetaiOrange, Cl, and Ylimas "e.«Id: ieKf 4sJase-as,01fChiago, dnrlng thea »eU.Colora! tluhefi s laaber bair1 bogvlghlidaja. sud Boyard looked àn if b. svrs ilavrrilienly Arthur Mundaia- tal ug ta boit.11 01 Pj"oetu lties Cors Jbe, of *'ThOaU ad Mtirathaway lahbat Thei__ by uabanal, "YOU*ve qiolleal evelytlang g' *M agta Cltmn.friands viclia I'Tase tva cbUldra viiinaver hLa eay1 lonag and baPPY hie'. - M .e luascii ther', Company again.", * ý Mr. andl ?les Jobuathan Wilson Ivi11 The naxt ime Mmrs.Hatiiaway h" - masttborne eitta their c,-ulw anythlng to s"Y ta bar buabal on , lydGbb urntthe wiuter. Ibis amaject..t iren but tires dy ~afi~4 lbly dtrititiInîter-bîer 'tonu asciasugua 1 u. aen bas r.turncd froin baýr "Pa," IL.e sia, 1",muihave some 1 ii wilh arelatives lu Chicago. mcney.'- buidin i»th tiet i, "Bloy rncb do yau vaut, my7admt.- , 1 gg bidig e hefta t ciluk about SM00viiido. tiengl eOPl iLth îe lirees eorainsuf e'really 1 ougbt te have mare.". ko51Y psea. A stairwacy le bheiatg "Wbst 19h ta go for? i ftiamin uthe south aide. I"Wby, yua"e, BiMe issn't had any. p.aia, petr o te Luler n g n:w for ag villean b Frckdelivered, hi atre t ron usma. Wei miornagto a lai'gocagreiratiora. "lt i't for s trousseau, l t Commenolng No#,, 9 iôý wil reopi'e deposits and bé pr.pared to transaot a gerieral baskin .g'bustness,4 éxteMling to its patrons and _the oçmjtnunity at large, every f aolity sand aocommodation ,wtbin the boflndn Of good bankiiig. In the oigaolxallon of The Giti4ens' Bank thas managemnent ho$ sdopted suri policiea and ruiez in every department of the business, tha the. bank's patrons ad depoatars will reçoive pracllcally aver> protection ivsn by dur National Bauks. W; therefore solicîtt1h. business of the publie et large with aelem' assurance liaI you wiii fand in us a safe'sud'eaaisfacto>ry iaacklng rela- tion and depesltoay. a Per Cent Interest paid CIEMOKING on CerUliatesud ÂCOtJ savings. IRVITECD. 8. L. Tripp. Son iH. MOilet. k . Trlpp, Prealdekt. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: R. F. Rouae. J. L. Taylor. OFFICIERS: R. F. flouse. Vice Prealdent. Irving E. Payne. JS. Gridley. Irvng E. Payne,. WAUCONDA Mmrs Gruces as on the oick ilet lnas Wanconda Odd Felloiva lodge wil cojifer theliret degree on threee candi- dates un Saturday night. The Barrîng- ton teamn iili de the work and a gond timne la assured. Mis Nettie Murray epent ber Thanke- giving vacation with lier parents bere. lirm. L). H. Murphy went to Highland Park, Siinday to viiti ber daughter. Grace. Mrt. and Mr@s. Joti. Tomieky and daughter, of Cary; Mr. and Mir@. Judion aud son sudRobin Pratt, of Chcago, speni Tbaukoflviug day witb lMr. and lira. C. L. Pratt.f Misses ladge itchendorf and May1 eP--au wbo attend achool at St.1 Loretta's Academy, Cicagovisiteri fromin Wednesday eveing until Monday witb homne folk@.1 LAilen Murphy, of Ciago. vioited bis pant h;;-7ôm huredauntil Buuday. lilasVera Jeuks returneri to Chicago 8unday evenug alter a lew days vlit here. =Mr. andMlra, C. L. Pratt are viltiug relatives in.Cicago thie week. lejamea Iflutchinson, of Barrlngton. speft Sanday at Bi. T. Girahamns.i oa. a. irnberly.i j bicego _speuta1 couple of days liera this week. Misa Feru Hutcbjuson 'was a recent Chcago viitor. The dance 9:t Laireside pavillon last Tburaday evening was wieli attended. Everybody(onjojîed a fine tinte.1 lira. Beckwith aud danghter, Helen ivere Waukegau viditors Bturday. lit. aud irs. J. B. Farneworth and idra. Florençge Ferusworth alld chldre n oflMaylaîr, @peut Thsnksgiviug at the borne of J. L. Chamberlain. A very serions and what mlgt bave beau a fatal accident bappeued hor lest Thurstl5y. The Jensen bos ivare golng tc dlean a revolver whieb they suppoaed wss not'iaaded, it ivas bowever, aud1 while tbey were 100109litgwtb It, it wu diacbarged and s@bot Aruold lu the. moutb.BO e ueatiug cady et the time wblch;ýtbey tiuk saved bis Ille.1 For a time tiasi dld not kuow wbat tias outcame ivoulal ha, but ha la dolng Dioely now and it la hopeal that ha wlll sot hao eil -go. gkTba social at' Emma Iladko's ivas weU atteuded andl ailreport a gaod turne. CAII ai oyr yoDtig paapiqwho -re way gathered #ýat their respective home for th, Thank@giVing holiday.. Mir. and Mm r oward Beach'anu' littîs daughUor, If Chicago, and Fred Beecli. o! indianVi, iere arng the vîimiors irom &ay lest week. Wev. pale o! the Chcago Tbeologi*ù SeniinarY lisbuPPîlea Our Pult very acceptabli the psst le w Suudaya. The regulat aunnual buDsin2emeting o1 tUe 00gnutoag~l eî burCb will he held Saturdal, Dec.8, at 2 P- ., u th e t prayer rocôm o! the chuacit. GoingISOUth. W. .S8mltb, s agent for the cela. brataci alluvial lande lu Louisaa, wili eoitaltet an excursion to thal aecUôu onu ait I edai frmi Wankegan. "bss1 hl@latory on page 8 la tImmIss.end 1 irrita bnalot fntberpsrtleula. A very prtty weddlng was solernnited at Transfiguration liurela on TbureA4ay ýloveutber 24 at 9l a. in., when lils Ethel Daley. second daughter of lMr. asud lir. John flailey and Lpnord (ieary were uniteilu holy matriniony by the 1ev. Father Burke. The bride ivore a white embroidered drpas with a Pairi'sian ,bat t t ch anji csrrled a hoquet of brides'@ roses. The bride wa tedi hy hou. imer. Miss Eliza- beth Dailey with Miss Edlth Gesry as bridesmaid. Will Geary, a brotfbr of groom acted a besimnan, w hile WHIl Diley acted as naher. A reception to relatives and intimate frienda of tbe faînily foliowed the aarriage at the brides home. Aler a short wedding trip they will make tbeir bouee*.th aur village. We jolu wltb theirmany fienda lu exteuding hast wimises for a long aud happyclife. LLA&MOND LAKE The Diamnud L4ke Ladied Aide Saclety ivili uteet withlMrs. liartinu itlenthaier, Thureday forenoon. Dec. 8. EVERETT.. lMster Rex -Ellsworth Lunliau, the tan month aid son of lir. and lire. Cînyton W. Lunhamu bas been speusiug the paet weez witbhbis graudparent@, Mr. and lits. R. T. Lunham atElmnwood tarin. Try our Want ad eMuimn. Yoaa get replies from INDEPEND. ENT want a"a lit. anal lra A. .Mather visit-il tie lsad show st Chicago, Bunday. John Ipopt. viiots atteudingbueln ese colage in Chicago, @peut Thanksglving v ith bi-$ pareutt. The Ladies Aid bociety will meet vltb lira.H. A. Kuopi, Tbntsdse morning, Dec. 8.,; lits. ilardy Coon vas again called to 1Waukegsu Thaukagilvnt day, fier litîle igrand daughtor t.akiug a turn for the , arâe. . 1 e Mt. anal lra.Kueiller end Ted @pent jThanksglving vith relatives ut Evauston. MissesOlive ana l drea l ittntb5ler, v ho are atteuding the. !hortLvasteru collaee t Napervilla. spent Tbanbs- glv!ng vith their patenta, lit.,anal lira J. Pi. liuthaler, Pretidlng EIder F.8. .fbralan. of Oak Par%, vilI preaci at the Gracs cburcb, Priday avauing at 7:80. Altei' the service the tegular quai-tti>' cauferenre viii ha bLd. Rev. Jordan v ili cauduait communion services Bandai auaaning. %lie Myttia IRichards ilsihoit relative et Glenvlev, Thatakegîvlin;dci'. Jaunie Koedler, oifBghIland Park, vbalted i viia er tparente Tbankaglvlug. The Independant gvsyqu ait the nes of ail ftha coutelym Do you huov Ihat lt'seasy ia hurn sOif coul, (if 1lis goad cas», vIlliot thi aunctyauce.of sont adal un Je. Is [glve iLs fIiéea van utiileir on.top Don't check thé clava pipe doailper 10 cklcasî, sePymralilaW*WdlqnS. Ton cgeuelt ira.lias BHoqa. Lumàbe Con.- pauy. il beaiselosel,, bultlIioeIaSlysuda havasenungb air asce ja *b -glu ta bum ta l n gese iaIwonld othoewls m sie soat nd mabe. .10-tf (E,; For a Çlar, Bye and, Sunýny Smile È l c ie bility t.1r rp.iiili n fn g, aa ltaday' ivrk %v siuad vigor t etmdriak - th. e'fri ed ia kq m ther oad dik i il ornasàaday, for ia i ll put rwaew'snrugm in uoyu.£ syWfmmiv t " Ciayu sr. Bonano lu n bot table drink. It la met k ton, 091ofi, ocon aMdchocoabta-exoept that At'. differont.u 1 fWu dient froca colo. or tan bocaus kdoem't catatin Pohos, -Mddca om ti pIMofet oginonrlshing food. It'a dilaftt rom coo d n4chocI olats ecana k'. ufy dJguuJbl, amiyen com drink kt ovoryday riglt ag, mucnht cocon «chocoat., àa&Udbt'. fr to aibocamIso kbauaànov dt>çtiulet iw evamtbaz-- topte cd detiUsuswhsIoouw ait Bomiao #a0lema& " Jb Wàlaloamusa, 1ymabM &fa bem mélas et U» tiqie, harvestoalanaldriiorodtho bipped mnort, granulated, reaiandal lstM fy blonde«, anA dhllveroitteyen la a duat-roto lturo-pro cu on 1Notblngbut li qulalfruit. NO flnvortag or colrlng, neadultim tof « ay hina l t' the onutf pure foodo. M INEENATIONAL s * RANAN4 F000 COMPANY, CiIICAGO, ILL4NOIS. Pissait end me sample of BONANO snd Ilookîci. Name You should drink Bonaflo timsé liom a day or oftemer; you cSn give k te othe oblidren wbeu *1h07 vnt coffee outiL It wM bring them ro.y cheeks. 1Ad it wl! hclp you te bave sounit digestion, cala nerye andl a bouiding pulse-IU you vith eanp anal go. Your grocer bas a 25 cent can for y«n that vil make 7S cupe, or, if ho'. ont, the attacitea coupon, sent t nus, vili bring yen a fres ample For Saleby I.,IC ZJR.CJl on theftRIR. (laoeiaexp ,tel1 ta rg ZMCHrassrai-a lly G U 1 AIa. Tiî7 amel'ine huilt twaral C, Wabre s"pent lridaiy Those vbwo vere neither' absent nor jluî iti, sth14l.le iicot i1Nes 'u ,bume..;r 1lk tarai froin scîool during the mouth o iac ,aiima,- Sit mla ,, ri ire Mm %ilu .huikr,4 Novemuhar veto as followaa: ighth 1Zairi.-h, v il, at'-dol'heardSlieu".,aa.l.er. TIamake-e grade--Clark Prebm. Sevcuth grait ,l lu a ýy liyrtie Baller, Joîhn Prebut, Itos Prebni. If-.Ae,î,a.rai Pullunait, v iCaîrl Sixtli grade-Mlarion .Jensen, Olgo ROCKEFELLER_________ isro aitee .iay.a st ca-c. Etciaran. Idaal Blier. Roy KiepPer, Thaola is Aid ut the Cou)gregtitio ail Mies Pauline Ficher afematTioa- EiathMcCattiy. Roy Youug, Esthpret iurcb will hiave an <yotk-r onuppea- ut th,- givicag witiilber falL ai lPalatine,. Slberman. Fifth grade-AnusatFrank, chutel a psloras. Tueéday sviug. Déc. 'ý. lit. anal trs W. lteaiee,of %aitIa- Orvaldeet Bicknase, Cela illianan, Suppvr -25c. Suliper served ta--u hwauke", Win., ut- thtir Thiatakegi-.itaac William Prelbrn, Rtos Young. Fourtb[9 'l,. Eveytaody invito-a. dinner wiiii the Itpruaea-c4 paian. grade-Anus lierghorn, Esta Lîndzv.I Thîrd gradc-Elida Klepper. -, rý Mies tAnua Maie ranlhitp laft fh't Chri.s Siokip and Lyle Lenak, r %rava'ta Kasten, Elmer fSchaeffer. Frau Lovelaa. Co:lo., Tlinrsdaay altr apeud- Chicago, Frlulay tai set,'tilansd ca Schneider, Lcray fergborn, Payt,nding Tliaacmkgiing with lit. sud gl-. J. Vailara merllmman rlclîclI li,. a.am Jensen. Firet grade-Emil Frank, Leomia, B. Aînsley. nt aiLia,, bardi a 1.-w daya. Linday-, EllaScburnaker, Arthur Froellli, ir. adNlirâ. l.arry Roues e etertuinpil Carl Susse, limer Pott, Eîner lia-Cu'rtby, MIr. andl Il ta. J.ý J. lionne, sud iaiaily and, Auction Sale. Earl Kieppea-, Leroy Belfer, Alice Tonne. lIra. Aunue Rutani.sd lauilir 'hazike- lia aig taaaîalmay haait 1. il -ai-Il ut The stereopticon lectures given Iligug 1liltliî-ir uetm ltfa*a Ie alailiaa t Rev. Fleer ut Blknaes hall,, Thuroday 4 is- Ni a meenPali Ied Nal j saaiphPthtam -t Ii ke 2,i.ac-sil sud Friday avening lot the benemt of ts ,Ga e adFihWrt 161jFoa-rtla.rtra,,a aliaicama tnday.1ka iSt. Peter'o chut-chi ete well atteudcda *Mesrs. iFra.nk Wrtz and lfIit »-elle., cramî-nîaut 1t .aoi-k *iiita la. aud enjoyed hy ail. llaturday niglit. Iaa'lliwitag 1,-s il lrolaea-m. ta-s 1h: Il -.- ;i pairit aaar.-ta. 12 airs , 'wI at alooaa Mir. IL. Lamuson visiteal bic parents aut .damagtlyan irobsInade Nartha Chicago Tbackggia-ing Day. dylib Yauiie thmfin .Mr. Sheldou j.ra,,euted bis etmploree Barman Relier made a buinessto trillata the Admoinitration buildiug witb ai Chicago Mouday.1 very rnucb enjoyeti Thaniacgiving diamnea- àlr. sud lins Wm. Tonne sud tMis 01a lust lVedneeday. Eidmau took in the ights ai Chicago Tuendy.. Adjudication Notice. i the banal Show lest Satnrday. asc Ma$ iwih-ln le--mdsstancm Conntfflne-hof Lake VenIr. ai a tee.. thereaif Miles Ada Schah-, ia takiug a Coillege te ha holaieu at e Cour iUeaID aWankeaat. La Couseast eloit Wls. auent T4&0uk8gi vlnig alaConnu-, ounthe ia.et Mond,aetaIjanuaaey Dci Ot. 1,1,wha-n aaaaeeu e m51 ae ebts,,, with ber 1pareilleber.' casîmi against calai glaae nilte.an sd reciane t o Premenllt te sm~e tesalai vouamt fur, lIr.a-, sudis. G. C. WlitneY lnteild Wa adlnatlcalln. celebrate tbeir Golden Weddin uext the next issue af the iituEt'EtmuE NIr» The Steant Shovel for the q. B. Itussell Co. Cotractors bae arriveil sud work vantegiti, NûveMiier14. 1910 aM-4 The INDEPENDENT han more stub acciera end iliashebeutadvet!lslug medium in 1Lake oeunty. irvmg livra,' Il yrs alcl, 8-Ieadl mnak cows, vearlang ia-ier. about 2 iii> a la an hari. St--) seti t ljiia slt,k.tai-k shraw, aboaut 11) 1,11 oash e raaii aepatator, ltacha-i k iatar, l>eera- sulky eiiltis'aora-rm-aulky plow, liae, svalking îalow, bas tedaier, pulverizer. fHoit ioseadt. Cbaanpii tiidet, Jo("' ecmauiawr, Iniaihea wagoni. 2 mee lenra-y, aimugla- top buggy, eXI)rees Wagon, kintact, set hala Meigil, w meli ranga i ai t ber - articles taoi) iîauîerîaue to intiamia. .Hayaaaa , i ' a- Iit ~aPrîla. W. IL. ALtmMT, AUc!ilonaetr. Plioa- Waukegan 1174. CLASSIFIED advertlalug Cives every avea-iset a "preferreal position"~ -ut le A sort Of *"PtBLICITY ROUND TAflLEÏ" and St a round- table j'Utqmi-n o adispute about place," LOUIS J.ï-É-OA THEEOPTICIANj Geai Inn hi litr. A satiar Job stEliI .NIta (hilm( day. make, intere o o o o 4 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i ta' o o o, o o o o o o o o o o o o i g' * Blooded Stock for sale at prices and- on teris, to suitail Inspectîo ionv of a quantity of pedgd breedinz stock which is in excess of the rquiremnents of Ha= honfarm.fhetoks registcred and consists of Brown Swiss bull calves, Brown Sw iss year- Iing bulJ.s, Shorthorn, yearling bulle and Berkshire and Duroc boars. 'Hawth orn Fairm- Libertyfvilliep Illinois T04IepIalUbeWvU. ý2733 P..t Offie r.D . 1, Praire V*ew. - J. E. TRIGRS E. E., ELLSWORTH WM. WALROND International Banana FoodI.Co., Ch icago, 111. Ji 1