INDEýPENIDENT WEEKILY' SUN w;; ».Wwwbt à,, *àeiupý 4n tw t h» bom et asim il u ilm vi om MppW tb bmwlw im"fab*&et a ' a v q kabw m t v itm j~, ~ W Rith^0W bil Neib tu* bit aote ~~.treie. to lotli in us lebldis~ Stg" .W~pm l é*y" etitc audiIvmini ud t#e. mm l It.un vies thVusuplildbai. bstt s timau e.. a&saia . oltie l'h. aw *Pm WRail!1ws pomo. -b" lu àiefsafupi. Tiaremea klaveduth e ee « M of e. usueut It lsOca et .stor. &'Tho a*ba Q*S irti bMotté edu so go ad i bai ut ui t opplie ah mmmmWh.v lams rubalg iimmOit. à ff 1usd mt *ved . orjp en t 1 t, igM 11w *ail*%tue. iai meyouni mam Ir.à plans «fsomeot 0l ruô bise5it emton .1mk e*4,m-butbý et " o«"«neia poti in viii 4e d m «luugio.t ecy *ue gdu »M«et of MOI&te Mshq hein traituh e. memiUbo0f te. at u M aboob.ros. 9, eto Y.DÈKIMC 2, i910. lôil ii lti W M vipermithils tel& lng IL. lie bai taon lun oryiUow kt %, - esith for & .yearor mors., bowoyer, and0 uWejiqratood hbrnpracUairy _________th, tIi. 1eoiumltpe. 4, udge Dfle ~f cthe county court. si lotelvlddoro. hou aise been ni.nt&ou Fg m 0 vlit an ibW7 hi, Sfrný,mds a a oesblt. ________ udge Wrlght, it Ie 0 dtiul,,, byflm chanci Whtney putl moile s à«,f« theplace ui the luN.apostatWhWdube0lif r.r Wbtneys heath W, I b em vert 9cmand bo la Dow ln ehl bit r? CuIfIu . 11Jot expected thut ho __________ roera .~othe gcutooLBre other laie çcfumlty îavYer, hov0vrqr,, (Prom Wodoudyt f .l .-'lataio ekthe plaesué kd la expectai tiat,.3ooe county vin aise Score$ ef Juristea m n =emje ImThae a&anieae. the. barassoclatjons wvhl hourd a e Pecil train Thursdlay4mrning to g Prom "Beividwe eIllustreed". tn Dei0vidiére to ittteüd the fanerai oet the. tl* utadge Robent L.W« t. «Rbe.rt W. wfw, the 4 eit ut Mry boupitalie day t tates tt<ITfey. UEObors, là BeivIllor JalylS, 1862. He atuéiuiod The train viii beave the Chlcaffl thepibl choC" and at the uotc Nortuvo0#tn station at 10:65 l. i.i b0a *9 study of luv ln bis The muerai viliibe held fronithe fthbo elaw oue. On the omplon Wilgiut bore ut 2 o'clocý in the afier- 0fU ecODrut d-thé Ililinois University9 nos&aê Cbauiiet. was adlitei te the the vuo prominenos of thob Jawj1893, bats 'g urly 21 lsteýUA. h bu o« attin as O « atthte tiras. HO Vu 'âtrta nft or*Wbty*a.' x. atat, etoneY by the p"0uil w'" o étgolorCigp yur a $ ~ o~~ tthe NOover grhdi bérhof astlu £ldcweur»ls a oeau<of ;âu.. sigulft bonor for giie pat o hl tîp. -vol ut 0»i of bis *Mfe. ebas been reulnoct, poimla1rity amons hotu bvioeS and 04At theie eatubsucceiingteri 147120c4,It teexjuected that the train m o uii4~ i. araet hgidly vi obmscmlent tIn carry ubI h d* , Hà, .e f #ics. vie vih to.Pay tribute t he11 U 0 WCM Wiiit loot iem4 xale i pgilsWaMr. tlg6. thq> oislui'W hil.',attonang the ~l~ ar a folov: irl'4>-I of age.,Mr. Wrlgbt PruWaukegu - Judge D. L Pase tairO» '11e front sai a lav- US5lLClMaux U niL x.4jq p yra lucrative pe Tm£0 a m eoIa tce fîo u i or tftm erW.S et miséet lemapmnrt.ihèa jo t eaew et Od tu a l d t e tJre-fe m ub lia .Uh~uousri Of is miid 687e, re!t e t e. >.dio , ht 1* uppese, e luun lemi ilugl ry n u rie o u OSmOh an 'aU W Ix 11e rioéeienuiy l alomtt te. or.guta sppet iWUandpe - igwlsollusiIngfr1)m~i a Z ~ J debwe Wb* gk es moe o mi trupileaforaieStb* ith .t m ânuueh coni"Met e..ou«aeyii susho, nlar WfeyIl tiey m".& iored te lie coatrelo e ep lia peëuy onisai g if Otel Paey."ton. Puu4 MOGMSu, John G. POvé,. AI. W4qe e oeesty und ferî eudit o.W« ia s-t i - , ffbuot t « FTTff- Cmicusga-. John B. upy l, Usea le -mlii timai 1y Chiobt Juistice George Deputy, Juige . é hor 1 i, dtk trmt by @dîý I 0 heooreBrenlano, Judge Baen 'it, Mt s the e. ugh*i f1n. O9m Judas ea.ELS. Pge, dge Wilard Me. tf ,- - Ev uen, Witam IL Kos, Chres r. ', " Ow bwa Ffwi' sim. - 1Ppm Loab, Chures W. Voit, J. W. Imoti, "dit îpýÏÂ~~ieat- Or.J. D. Andrevs Sidney Gorbadds, J. The, oà4 K * ingrand. Ma" yJ. Piarben, Clarence boxonthedilffeiDarrov, Jouepl W. mma. ,414hr bffl te ýé* b* ront WSdooisec-Juige C. H. ù0- ___ asblgt., Nv 80.- hely, Judge David T. Slnlley. C. J. ~~,p ~ 'Pulboruuius abNor. jeadicks.James Y.. Caay. Yuman T. ~t i e * tue À#is -0 -h* em Rockford-EdwardU~. Mrai Q 18, m ~ t bat. uroter.JdéA4luH.Iat 50 e ~Ihi 84 j et6dola smD-s. » K Wlch D.Arhr .li1 ato bl re u t1à ,*bâ;sç .'fwe le K. wJde .M.ckov.mrl. sh au i9etri wts' PMdU1ler&-Herber4 <«. M1hz, 7 1, 9~1ZW . ]Udredi.Charles 9. FPU- I ~iaWtW~ lr. '~ SWbllaap. - ime~)is areg-Buvward 1). Shurt.1 â'o tbe Rocitori RegluT-~Gaiette: b* Ï@ath 0( Jade Wrlgbt nqitur. Omt~l oetaliumstevvm on tue benchinlutus cwi BbrdYinyoe dared te ventura nie5l 1814 ne vus napohuiel -cor. po<atloIn counael for tÈ« elty. et Belvi. deré. vbtcb position hoaM blcde. Uil aivancemelut and, cotutnied lu. domiment tram tue p»94,thi is citO1 und couat>' afford aboulet evidenca hbu bis talents receve te. stua mmUdposathly givo. . tist.eStpou- so.m very muci mors tiqu the eil. ovy, qualifications douijébi la & Wlstttioner snd logal mofleotatilve et thi people%'isltexmhtbé S cunty 5N itvlely rotais élqi grviosi Mr.' Wright la a f ril i ttîIa sysiier., eaid bus thé rptatimor e opoting ustoa a uccè si lt.tue 0" i alling te bis ohqkiý. 4 IL de. atoe not alvuis attainié iy idr ré>. reiiqilve ithe har a $.Prao- Ucçi.ji mot colisjie ts ciy, but --IEqmni' otur of tue jlup*tahlt cahtrn lunêuorthmo ililuois, and oeiDMy ChieugeP vhre ho le caffls emite«ty. Ai a counioto, plesion A"S ollolai r. Wright bus.- hy sieeri ablty mi application, aismcli as pst. soui ýpObuarity. takonMduni mals tains! a position la te. Very font tUis fetue logai fraterty of the alis ' Me le a ishiovi an id iny1 iavyet-.u uvyen vonthy of tue naufe.1 il. bas no doiré Lo mis ta.stat. r "tbu "Plitm ut islesmufi. - ÈG*T PÂGE8. W*REIILLS WILL APTER JAN. ISt Unlt.4~steeStl Cuporati S 0tm0,avds Uelroum (Prou: Wedfesdre Sua, Nov.,YorikNv. 5-The 'Uied stateaset"elCorporation, It vu luarasi tndar. ln to anunde a pen- Mion plan Jor emploie, betweec 40 and 70 yruriet ugo,vhlch yul ,beonie effective ianuary 1. Emiploya lnthe service tvoaty yeari oan rtie at tiie areof 060 sud wvisafater iveutiy eare of service they roeetias ae of IU years a compulicy retiromeut Ciause (Front Weiataoys iSun> lf*tmuateset aippropriatlonsiû~r the naval training school crouit 0ogUges mltb'iM llngum sto si»ve t local ln$t&im but 80*130, 860M00for 1nov lstioo mi 8L81q for th 'bba- *Ppprwàtou partis Mr 'VCReut '40" 1u~u Apternment proieces fer te. aMY mavy, aithouo t" e .ltIà qui y*0iepou( ut Port Sorliauf binoit tlirougliM» or thte r approprations proaulso. Ltinistes la O4t*il. The ostimaio of appropriations for hoe comîng BcalYsear. endlng Juge #Ç, 1911, *8hovs that the pincipke of 041d oconmy la stili ta b. appl ite ipproprlations for tho muilitary, ail »eval services. As compared i vtii lie ihnited appropriations of laitt q 're sga' -serie la out 8Mm000te 125»00, h appropriations for bar. is anu d quartons, .$1.990,000. leav. .1,00 the b.appropriation ton 3ç t cheanges 145,000, louvieu nir F'or clotbing. caiuup / ani garigs 4uctioN Of One Millilon; fOr quarter. 1 hospital itevaidg$16.000, One. * olifth tufh. amaunt alo*Oé luit ier. e0 estimate OC $120,126 for ihootlng feries ani raes la a reduction of Imly one-tird. Oninaco atones ar ecut tram $700.; fa t $60,000, sanailiarmai târgui batice trous $110,000ta 81.000m, fr manufactura' f arma froni 81,700,. 000 to 11,000,000, ordnance stores sbi supplIes frein $1,000,000te 80000 autmatie rifles froni 8200),000 te 8150,. 000, WasblUgteu.AJaaa cahie 8100,000 to $75,000, equipmont orefcor@. laoia 61ZO00 tu 810,0 - ones $610.000 tu 814,'478.50. The appropaio for reaa, valug, vbarvei uni drainage tg eut81,1. vWater sud levers O8161,.bot bWn racks und uateala Inessis frein 11U0,000 te tulu lla pera. tivel>' needei for abgoiutoiy neeesiay repaira lu 'tue Philippinos: Militîs te fSeft. Constructlion naret bcepi tala gots au incresso froni 84UM 00t. 8530,",0.ani the appropriation fortle dèanised militia lu InoSaseutgoin 8425,000 te 81,380o000. Thora le a aeoeaary inctuas. hI 840,17,00la pay and 8413,411.71 ln -subàlstnce tiougb quartonnasterasu"pisia"e ou i 81,10.00. incidentai exP«es $36.000 ani tftanPortatlon 81.112. 341180. Altoeffbter tue total for tus militar>' eotubllbnent dm1, -0.e 88183.L it Yur it .wTs 10,3 1I05aetor ovor min miluma. MNa luchoi l lte TweOuame& 'Pi.-tedutmnin tue appreprlation fft >ienaty le u 811greaier; fiom 0185,7492 U 3te 14,3.143.Thi neductloq Fn ncrease cf the Navy» aouse la 9.8381 Thie nis! tmémlg gs4g i $1-WQ PM, YEAR 1m AD, min«u $100,000, ornance experinwnts 11100,M0; naval milhtia 823.000; ocean sué laie service. $17.100. Vonier public saris fthe Cuantan- Ue naval station la allowsd$11)0.000,1 modt~ Havali naval itatl.on 8.e. m0 luaiit 890.00lit ycar; tbe ilainut 839.500; Paoifc Couat torppda stton 1145-00;' owwspeP.-I., Na-F val- Maalue $S, !mpvy ylard. Pu- ait Ummi, 8185,300; uuna a- val Maai» .00: ianVt#ho pil, navy jyùi. New fori. 01 &waint6393J30lait year;ii $a lAies*000W The ap*o Jaiu or L «h«benavy yards are eut iavagel$ MW b . at nlg as toilova: l»e"- ton, 8109,0M0; Cavite. 8,00; mare lilnul 817.00;Norfolk, W10 IL ~ Oliaite LAWYERS AIThNUW WRIGýT JFUNERAI The Laire county bar bald a M"g ju lui aightudut. ev up rmioiq pfonlng e. bmath et thef, jori q t Wrlit of Belvlde*o t. Afler e Meeting tessdig 440" ulté attend tie luierla et Jqigu Wmimt tourrvet the houp. Nqsp ly plI'e. e aera 'iompy-slnido, twe lutornilpoiet attondb* . m I thooglit tuai Wemrw îtb6 t 21 Anl - ie Who vlqb ,toe tt«. iii tl**, te ctt h afe,8-0& 5 ai'a uI~ tb. «thivetoru t. ilpeçPuQ 9W0the Smoon ipa l iseob'. abott T-111eaivii e héèli ôt tba Wright iodte ut a#04rmâoi. Direuterue! ora fwCOOMW eNy 4 Wey te Proteut. CVlip, Nov. 3.-Chicua. lU sme 10hi.epureanom 01f "Saietaé110 tie unutodrama lui Opcur wodo< .s4 tObÏr.d Struili. wvibh bu hem fi 06"nsuh etlo e i.couena.,* MIV wuS to.tue pqflrà e ohi péra bail bea ulag Ar J.j uap lurlugo Parveii. proiiea te u 7.11e. Steward bais orierumis it* i affective scee*"peed dowva,"te hourd of ilietoeidsleitiida he opera frm latiter performaco. &e toper S rr O "i Arrn gmow e eting rcvu, OiialrMbaof tie ou privllogeao unel«ema.latu &ma i1 fat t.f taiï lue.,' e thnoyne laetgtet 0fle charmes a"",e lenator William Lorinier lnvlvlng. the lutter, leitin te tue sueate. The tub.comnilttee vili holda 1ev t ho-lm aguluWaaiinato. early ln te 3 mollion sud iuhmlt a report, poesibly t tefore tue holliais. Lever Flera lnuadted th 'i th film 'o. ~CÔMIa* Spain, Nov. 30.-.Coniun ou rainabavo iaumudsted tue atrts et tulu clty, the vters tissst(e8, deptliof juifaacasier. Maybue..f Pfflo and the lover defu et ioMe Wiulllp have been illoed vîU vt. 'la a churci, iocuted la thIl ,1, guarten cf te city, the c g aite romnain Inside for soveral houi CeunI le me Csam*.$*mm Llbamty fer $181I0,000 PinasDeelelGa Ban V'naciuSc. Nov. 29.-Tbe appe 1 lacourtihis deaimmthat fe~ua "BOaU"'AbrUetffl mmcetot btIheay ési O»P*WtbUne iS4utm0 i uml Ab ae s.êiod s il @euur*.Slie rtra0if ne! te the ceoay Mol né,the £rMt"d liai urbtu :. suie of judise t&uIe. , hoa. 1 Former Loc alT s s Leau 4cous tTak Soit Tbator That tbeiieellwuy owe mmmâtu or for the averagebuse u tu, îttU*$te aby tue fa4 tUlaiois ~iRh Talisof t"e ipbwet i Ur hau-bsen lrioisi té t»'-u Aprlai mmicfth* PoojU tbiét bit> PMUUT ila w a os =83 vDeiMr Ta=ss ibiu b <tue local iomte ft tk ÇIuaugs* l timed vlu tb.r*w Iti t ictlvtywaà» etnl e te. 'ge h mtt ens Wiu u t y *1 s 'J I a lu r i lu S *1 i Irem.90 bve iais dpftmp* k vide «t la ue tio4M rcbusua *4t elaSebem Msd ma. e vi*ludermba Viiurlsp 4 , 'Pa .lalua hpetst ut Kmmp » i u mqmm etbiig ef a celw efthostor a vud htww Re.pamp. ahuf mutraveling Moteilli. Li e Uaeclay of au neisirquuosea UT*e et-W7e pmry . . A IM bw- à9d meqeMpith ireOt. hm». tilu ocq Wmdualai nusd eaU opwraeutluIoWbee sSli tborirean tirouuhorut za.1*, boring aim ais ni tis e, psbooq me ýbslUre kowo tiieror seaunja tue OÏ44 ytuai Mn. Teiacs.IW.bu*, prw actlcally ven 515meet teproessIon, atosilg t t cge p, oldhewoeis .IMM Gaolderg et Chieuso, wvi ues U r'M. Taim acsNsmiasesa4tg the Apopleton theaten. la highuiy reocu.- Boudely Mn. Tabace . lo. a$*S erg. (thougi a onip"urtveiy y %MMi usba hae vq opl yaeet yna aýts opeience -la tiihé t*le i tulathe empiey &e*e &' SIL AIW esOýt Campa. "TimmUap iMOt'shows viii ho hochffui' li IOW tirneterai divins Ut. 1%~k e4 ani tuer.lua «My th tke nov managr miii ulakm' 44oitable pérm on l Ite bneSd b> the promeos or U. Toi- lu ass vi iluelvfor aéSlO t iq. liM, the *tlait ori cf e.-vi* a". iviii umameiiimev SottesCR Pýsmbn 5ri . mTumas bf* 4iW iii. lu about a mugi. L lAie Ossty lmiistor io eo » Ou* e setta@nis wr pauui'hp il*m lo a '0ffrltui fl oabaw mAetim dis et e.U*er top Kys. GoUrdes IrT. W Msoge im* -MM mosideat. Cbulus a, g --71 4 ý-2L- lue= PAGILS.