IjA~ [DE ËPENDE WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XIX No. il '1- S.XTEEN PÂGESB LIBERTYVIJJLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIq,-FRIDAY. DICCEMBER g, 1910 ONE TO EIGI{T $1.5 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Arr.st.4muDesrter at Fort r~T.a tinuing Talê *"-Hg AS SIANIED V%% Sent tW Fort Sheridani Wlle AuthorlUi Are -Invetpa&Sory. *n arniy saaaliinsatoýry, rekient- juif _urusuali international comnplie-a- 'Umas deveioped yesterdaY ln the esam9 et John A. Nlcloial& *ho was writ-1 ton down as a deserier troua the artil-1 tory at Fort Flagler, Wash.. ln Febru-9 ,ary, 1904. just.as the RasslnanJapaiiese9 war was brealing.1 Young MeDonald walked Into the United States aria>' vecriiling officel a&t 4848 State %tr-et, Chicago, %fonds, aflernoon and suriettdered imaeif ailt a deserter to Lieutenant Knney, ihet omeier in charge. The *ar departmef l ordered fitmafield for investigation, and-l be was ment taeiFortSheridan utiter Bit by bit the United Rsites ofit-ers have worked froni 1dm a ieiuarka'lîWI tale or ohanghaiin . ln whlch the Japi- anese are Involved. t The youII8 soldier of fortune de. cares hie la a nephew of 8fr iieWkbr Mcfloîald. hero of the Boer var, who refurried te England under charges and la suliuioesi ta have coniitredt'i sîille hlnsalParis lgtel. Shows 84<111 with Sig Oune. Alle'r a training ln an English mlli- tary sehool yoting tienald, the de- nerter. camne ta the UîîIted States and -nlisite4l la the boîte or wiooiag a coul. aision. lie waa asmigned te the ar-! tIlery aud s(o)n showed amaztng skif -fth the, big fiuns. fils fainee spread muai;nmen of arma ail over the Ps- riôe Coast and was known ltem- *arles or Jaîtaun l Seattle and Sait 'ranelaco. NicLonalda arniy réeord was wth-l out a spot until Oure day ln Febrttary,i1 1904, uhen. lie îook bis iniual leave and went tram Fort Flagler ta Port Townsend, the iteareatt îwu. Hi'waStt net heard train again until lie ,urreu. dered hîmacîif Mondsy. Lieutenant Klney. aler inch ques- tioning, get thi. story tram the sol- dller: "I met seinie Eîîgliahi sallars i Port Townsend and laid a ituiniler of drinks wlth theni, ihougli i im uot as a ruIe a drlileking man. The next morning I woke, up far-lat sea on a Japanese steamer. 1 kncw Id ho uarkeîl down as a tiemerter before I (,0* get bau-k Io Flagler ailthere.was an,, cefor- Ininedate flgtiag %wlî li Ie Japanesu. lu M.anchiiria. SGoeu to South Africa. "Aller the Rusalana were thornughly whipped i went to South Afrlca, wbere 1 had vat toua exiieriectes. A rchance offered ta enter the Britisli arrny as au ,,ffiar if 1-n, tul rnuient a ripair rcord lu te Auîericamt scrvic'.. t ratite, New Yorkt a few w'.eks agut sud aBked nme qucaltions-. 'I heard liait if ise ceai- a Iau elapsed wiluonlultîin eien slot, a de- setter vas Imîamue. t Iuteuded la glve mysèhi uti amîtigel a diaditarge. Then 1 learnedthtIa te iu--year ule dîi nual appiy anleas auto hati spent tbres consecutive years lunte,Uiitet ISates. Thîs matie me iteitaleè. 1'l cain e laChicaga wilI teenîen vbo hlatichargeaoflbhanheses af the Britisb afiClers aI lthe barae show. T ânaIl>'weul te Cnoloei itennaV. C. a . 0. .. vIa itnev myunucle, Sir Hec. ion %leloualti, anti altns of ut>'peo- pIs. 1 told ilita my alony. Ho sasiti1 muet give myseif ap anyva>'. nous-at- ter vitlthe pti7lshment mis-tble, anti here T1sut." Ordereti Meld for Triai. MeDanalt's es-e WBs reierred la ibe s4jutabl general aI Washington by wfre and te ortiOr came back teta tlu hlm ior Investigation sud passible trial. This nesulet Inlubis arent by fis.- mltar>' aulhiorles. , MuDonald refuseti absolutel>'te iads- case bis mîlilan>' expenlence-Ju Japaua -b> ?1la lIsad bal sucit expériences anti phitmtuS profestinauiy by tem was re*4$hiu provedte th Ie United States OSCOMWho ilquestlaned hlm b>' bis .bihwla4g0 ai lomtlI provenlentsinla artlllery science. MeDonald lntlnsated L111 111.Efl Pensions b>' compîlsory retire. flW FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. that tii Japanese were resniabl U f lmeut, graWl'ed taeOnifloves who bai-e jol ~ LIII I waitledlinbecause or lis .SkIasaR eîlesu av a9Ldt Ag a ttorney Charles WIWII i as servieend havey ea or thlonge h Y N'orf FrVcnc. N gatner. He spole of poweri frIenals 70 yearg for- menansd ;t; yera rs d lUgd o acny wh, would apparat te Wahington lunwaen I"II - IPLAGEI Lakte countys candidate for circuit hir behtait. After leanfl i reord -- 2.Pensionîs by relireraient st re- Iifl. ii Prina riaiAtornym u a ffltlsh as1rmy. blasait twenty years or longertflate and tby mny regarded as the .îortcal service sud have reaclîed filie agi' or candidate, dite le the at abtha ie NE'W OMIERS00IN-.iPeuI01 a 0for Loyal Workers "0 -ears for Bleu ýaud ---(a uars tor Yarmerg Urged to Protect 1watt n inmportant figure lulnte last Lte rmSceayo h .- I in Local Mils and for .1. Pensions for irîaî-î ncspac- the Birdsthat will Fight caaidm. aintil>, Friday: -I shal ait- Northwestern Academy Aimunle Dutàes tu Vas-sous1 îîy, grantei te emloyer ho have nunci' forntaily nîy caudidacy far the County Departmenta. i Truat Begin Jan. 1. bea twsÏ years- or mure lu te the Cicadg. office ot circuit judge ithin a few States it May Leave. Aithoogb mesubers ot the bar am ervie alldibave beante îi~aîently -days.' net thougiat te have a strang Seni- sud totally IncapactatecîIbîroutuhun If elected hie woîmîd succeed the tâte mental preaklie tboir makeup. t inetteST0FEIGBI fallit or their thO $.00D.GRTOCNE- Judge Robert Wright ot Blelvîdere.' NEW LOCATION MOT STATB. wu',e auy lut eyes la the rne m e ITO GII epnino otlfat $,00wIDNE OCK mSPRINGI 'Monday waen lthe' anembers of théelbsalwed and noua or lea ttan $12 Attorney R. K. Welcb and Judge bar balle goodbye 1e Judge Dae,-a4aî.Biee ha'etets -e Wtolf of the twa Wetern contien itha for the ltatm bas served sle eto h eua nrlil judgireof theHaveouraty coert. tHefbthe regularitns Have aayAudubon Society ISSUes In. istand, sud Judge, D. Il Joues allidiAt, Cramped Quarters and Othli jude o te cuuy curt S ba ~recelved durlag the laritfera years of 1îorney Eiam L. Clarkte of,-Watikegan servant!li the capacity of cauntY Nat Received Detafled service wlll lie aîlowed for each ya tefesting, if Stai'tliiig, 1 have lierai talked aloet as candidates. er Reasons are Given judge for tli sit ixteen, years, and of total service. Fo'ir instance: Auntl el dta at oîîyla durilg Ibat Uime bas won the respect I nstructions on Plais cnîîîloye Who bas liertai weuty-five W'arning Wo Country. t achaceto eli'rî the Wrighi t ices- for the Change. ami love of ait the Jurltt8who have years lu the service and- for thetesat sot.e iecut sae ,0 ipt conte viroler htm. f- era years bas _re-elei a regular lai.Lntrge rotitahoer 7,d0Mci-r Ail h Uiynbrz ot the bar uwere Neti Yurk, Nov. Pi Kbert 1-. Gary ' aonthlY wage Of $lQ it? a "oath, IwUl Towa-rik larmersansd orcitaidins a pt o geieiatuine tba ad jude tttelte ec' to present ai the ceretnof ab in la oe e adbthhvehreceilveteo telttrreev ri atallatboiu(i the new jîîdgu'. Pcrrc1_ aJolati,-,e91,îliVaits l tttsteegln motta uî louilla. ittut tti rsrr, oiî ai 1h'. 5evC- I- lusanIte isua-h %'çie La in a bu a wlt rsieî rteNoteîr Persans. The ncw Judgo la wetl ktitîwu Th lnied Stte s!-1l, bbra Iluity Ad Statt ighlndteela teai sa ttorneys and lu afff-l likeil 1 vîriurattit a %-ltIpay three classes or ieas Unistei îionafohdifa$8.00t000 il (at brit.sor ira'erainCltien.adleîi lueig uppia-)ltayAaeîya lhad be ai wo cawhl. hn11 timt oid ag- ettlmatatvs iiserstionasapesinîîrî t$4.0000 ad ta ahIaiiii of c tîlisn.l-d'.nledfthat 1h'. g-haciitwaa planning. aitwha knw ltin Whv te aai jove-_wo bvalsered itheltraîd lte (Carneugie faiud. u--abishcd in sm-as itif ttis rouillai y neto-s ring. a camie tor >udge Joues ttu ei siloela -hontesrv oflh thee1'OlbvAîdeexceptionttauît iaI oiIoes'fatuvit'ellllitdisia locataidoner, vti lteexeetitttaacot'li lcaio, it rctreais lil aishar'.adsat:lite parent coimpan'. ai- lis subfiidiartes 10 - - ancaoascl ojr l b.wl ari htj okodofrrwl ,flsie ae antdoutidrcs. for îwe.tîty vears or imare, ta $4,00,660. go th... vlit . jl ta. l at L»th.-iest la beittg'laaedfronti tIf tfie Star. atnd tie ',cîildere Reliui that the officiaIs noflte complaIfre L"vesWithot"Regetsýcîpai avaliaitie wiliîle $12000,000. the hceaduîuarlera of Il !àti alomtial-i!slir-ad ail atittie west end of the se- ccsiderilig titi'advlsability of a wi esy u'i utilt-so loutehe rs arne that teewou id-Tisfnd ls cntlreiy sepiaratp from 5' latti orofAuduban sariettes. I v'tteeiîtliitdiclal disitrictare ta oit- mo-ve. the bar thtat 1 hav'e ierPd ii.ttfor b or - o i h paeeo teetievoîantary accident relief plan, put Two Broode Next Vear. I I il. the Whitnîey candldacy irati le Ina aIler receh-ed frotthe, secre. sîxteen venns, as > on ittow. Dlinig k- b'. nua theRodettH trihtnat,,ttathof he ricay, ofP.DOled. fia aealedfiute aeainTitis atitaucetient followe.d a nieet- ti efct onu ay I 1. li. whilcipro- Tai) gltnt brtoa rit ýtii'.-'reuiîark- c) n .s bcRoei.ieigtSii tr a IecopmtR l laOimdn iai iriadr adfg aecone np lîaing t otu Uof th eaing - our, lvide.s torinjtred eii udnl litealbi'masras. abat cent( ta ravAg"e lor asar.tàt sud iutndttaidàll u tru liai' Inliig ri UielStates Steel itamilles aoftose kiled ini hebccu-'- e-hail eetation oiy saller incubaion If iBonnteMilltîy tresents a craniti- for rooai in Italpreseant location faaqs taat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l pVs iitti .t1be r' -1-1-ic' etu.Thisse-tend- te te corporation.. - Interivalu t tfthirteen sud seucitteen !date tb sîî--eed th-' tale .udgc Wright, that il la ouly a niaiter of s short tisse but Milli 1 baie kid1% feelngsfoi,_____thé___ecarsreaieeset droxt- 1 sîîenîîcsset aswaudy Scietiste bubiandtthlarIbisilcoulatyhi8Il nty w lî outil ch S ol lailaataeentrattaIte and 1aoulte-at t liai' ndli eelidg -feeiily 9 lierfort fmthe rtducionîeT 'LtlaIE IrUSTRIE.edueta, decend iui trTOa 1 LOCÂTEl I1haUeTRcanidatduncrtaoite tctlitflorupanOrtItis ndcautil teenfit amu ""oe 'îy aeknlyfeig a otatel iter coutnty . iîoulawithiîthe mext sixanînuaire. Only thue detîtaîtufor oait ht-ehice o! the ather eity. Nlr. Davîdsq Bayasa in s - for t-,,So amu 1 sîit' lgthI', offit-e o t utecnr awtclruuît sty reigret-i The lîtîrdt-mîs , (if îiîgtu ii'aîti1cti'u iElectric Lino Working With brsvtteub oîîdiîont a ti "itt'tt~ wowl e111tc etr- The repart lat tbe North, 1.M.umr ir notefi-teUltdi bythottansud he lite h ills lti sr li autOgituocîn f western Miltary Aeademy la csi- ýtc.1-zewteg-tig o I or1 That Intention. saruuiug locusî lilaatie wit avait tarte bcieuplle ta W. I. LDe Watt. conuty eriîtg the advisability etf moving ffin Inie Muy nly regett a tat 1 hav-e t Stt'.s Stee'l pensîions will be deriu-d Tt'irtdfnt lîu-îetc ii setsrou luv i u oîigItie.hsu ii llieeRpmlitnilhadPr acret patv front >out. lat i allailteel Von frontanlit eie it fondSte w cmtir--itentians of te t7lai M ltwaukee attisait, tIlaodeclart-ti Saliird, aW'fildourselves cramped -for on the flooar sud 1 tijik1 allaii 1 inulEt Pst.rnisultatws ,jobuitta a rttaandttd. retah rtinneeb sbli- ta quarrel w iti rou Iicre as, weit 1"0 etuu'ioyp.s coitnilite.1 & St. Paul Ramîoati Comanyî-uttos ards BrsftPca Ii ut- -ss-teiaiame-roasdteeaeaie esu h as.. hel-e Dividend Which Deide AmomvM' iLakeEnglttti4 ndtsttralfs.trab raetEn.liwuodauîrogsafotlîns b-araiNluidofy1ilierariug.dW ilrn ig.WhitenIl eemno toite abe de deirbblelae as ler'. Oi.uudndsWhtc Deide moults. I.ae eotit> iîdnat-ia fîbîtu cam ii cheu itlet.searlet ufanage ft-a lgeDeWrilf a-as ual preîsred te cationî tor au Institution whicb should Âgalii tbatîklig yon for ailtte fa- "'lediu- talon rtit,) classes vifi ble au tt ti' SUN tant weelc andtila deeneueî- - -omtanotiemn ftishv o lsdvloain etol b vans sud friéndlsii tt aI'xiý,sa f!as.impiortant beanse ibis is the llrs t ls l'e rd b lies god t-unientcnlav tlt al it i I- crla u l cryspot0 twéeen as. I have the plîlastîr'. of sur- lttPenisions bu--conipuiaory ne- lime thi' rosa hallbrokîn it silence.haebe rvdytegorann !aiayttesnetneheis-cillbttebat uprtfii bloiogil-ai suru-ey tri lia n- rendered !cnsted thte malter freply aiit lte1 public lu every way. rend'.rîug fic ue tu Jndge Persoa, tirement, aratedtibettîplayes -wto - Frankiy, Ith. rBad la se*ej,5jp. lte groess service' lu devouirlng l-meiierstif te bar. The sentlient 1 wb%'etiter l wilIbaspossible tla td mîîy îteaaaor r:have iteen tv-eitvy yars or longer lu tolateeindustries in Laite, county, abilee erlodtical ieilason tuiîr tasi a'otithenmeeltig a-as titat Bonnie cOoîuy anaher location wbîcb wlillb.samors Judge Person's Speech. -liti' service aîd ltave eacited the age and eapecially is il:trlyîndte get l'u;(ssf ficn-coiunutry. au-vouuliiitg ta the, hel tut t lîdeD of fft.-adaîtteul latheaBel la l, of caurs% ai il r'îtJutige I".rauuiusaiti: of 7u) years for mnusud 61> yesrs hlrettnesstid iRnot cuuisutai have Icetisearncel »*u-,,,,,y jutdge concîndes 1 tet'her ts îtrquestion. If cag a a Juai' .Jones, 1 aisî tu10 hautk y o t.. ja l jftolbenîl t ti'. Aiituin workrgm Ftiti g tile rau-i. The tîmalors titat Mayor VWI1-cation la male, IlwillImen an lu. for yaut iind wordsft troductiont, Setn-aniPeau-bus liy retireraieenit au, heBeliistsd iaele- -tr ouien f lu oftl ifrotrtiet h $20ceu0,000e cnddaeteeutmi o fom120,00ta150.00 flitrt are r'.rtaiuly sorti' of eî-urî- qus.ratdla mpoe ai -rira.- -- ilîiv ,'.îîgs atdtoisîaijs as eiestlist eeeu t ai-tatreat by a stateatemît île alm b'.iig te malret'.he sebaolî agatent triun'e. l uiall lu'. uîy ali .have Iteen tweuty livans or lottger in Saiti Vice tt'Pd-t tiW ilaludllds iceri nu-tes îau-t-lesaroî in iaileWiint ne îema culleelstîîon0 ,silm !imd ui'sire lu natati the %stik of tesi'eueand ha'.'. r'ached ti' aue la a Sf'Nreluattetl Intliecourse of11 ait ialei', îpsef ,tlrîai Ics, buidforte lae. ftr h' meeirenltt',contY. Nopalciriclo titi ca-tupon thte-"soie htgh titane o!f til u-'ams forcienand '50 ye-aî-sfor 1timîs i'w ta , ýgardt blte runtrei .ia pa;td t>-uitrs ' h f u s-essttdla ueebsS rsntbe eeti" oac tutu-l)taine'd lumiueîr yottr super- WOItîcu lnduîclrîal ditrict suat af Waak'.gan.bit. attcl i lard ftriî'lyar>rs ouý uîyîe Oftire-old ha-c lteimantoîmeeas lie presemî lt b e n sltut,w '.lriu. luasuîî-has lieu- re ti TiruPi-tinsions for Ipermamient inuj belseetu tir Si. latîL and lite Nortît- tisa lets aI tthe estaltd011auytîed - Wolatf wolehaooe cth arfor aThelresta lt orîda.istiutinwlbO iutut~tîtîttes o tie an tusemt its alaciuîy, grantett ta iîîplo>-es isba westeruttn t tair ,îulbtuetiRutu Wihiutoîitu.' e.î aitd tt ii'situg5i itta îveî'.treottia î' siao asl mv. nîornlmîg, I wi'-lita say tbîi stiîgge-liss.e bltîen t-ty years ai- more iii'oui aloi a hu"it ii-at Garni".: tut v-ut11ion tîtese idestructive. i- ouIl b'.started at ouî' ta gîve laina Il'.salt iltitthere werc na groutua tloustai ac eru matie tutaite îlit e Iliesec ire tutndlai'et-riome perîat e i- , lui cii sanie effort iathîe! i)-e îs. To îolect titesi'lairds sud aItlte ,uutted bac-ititg Oftile cilti bar forilte rîltur outatie tie tact that lau t i skas Io ci-i tala changes ticitly , and &alaly itîcapacilateti hast few uoralt lotcaie mitfar-- oalluer intîectil tues iroitihthule cati-thut ien5.t ofritsh ecision lta an-I l~an ane occasion ite lad sasîtitrhit lit IlIte rule, cf court. Aîbite' aesug- tuiitaio fatlof theur lian. itii ttrT u otlu I i îug miotiiîa isderlartul t'.ai] euIeu ItottICe litîs cetiddar>.ichyo, flvn atînt asu gestitons 1 trihallcaieffalîr rmsider. -NO Ilpension flffnoliftîait $1,200 a .nur lîne, buit .. lItie exception of gutyheteuuif.tithtetut'u b seofi Jliîvings tti Rcuhlca skvad l ehol teud alert bîut to ioilleniarrasssncrit tcilb'. ear '.111 bc alîowe'd midne of legs.structural sue-I plattof the Kelly At- ripuîîoîby titi'farinters otftehisnd. LakeCounty Wante Judge. flnd Borne place wbere the tablebard utcenbes of 1hic ban and their clientîs. titan $12 a montta. Between these ex. klasan Consritl Co Umîpany et Chi- Almost Ready ta Match. lakcotîntytiewapapers are aginwuidt d as, ho a igh. 1 wil sa filt nochianges ini the tueues. I lier ci'ntlof te regîulan - cage, theat- cfforts. have faot, f'anhî> - Shleldu-utlih it:, aheits. titi'araeriad-, etn i r htLk oit a Tu lapasta aecut riles a., ntuais- ibiaited. ai lt' llatde onîhiypsyt-eeived duîing te tastI'tlwlth fatllu a tucesa. tuaî tuo-ada ar- nuîîay pre îscîng a'! iniltrail la the iîtdgeaitui. Oeo lcmli-ls n fiseuaîi aI at îrus'.t. and iait> chantgestattferat>,ears <ut service l libc atiaised: No Speciat Movement. l't rt lrlt tra viiitle:u îîîîîîît papea poinits out the tact ttalt ic- ttans, whîcu wiliI funqt' a& log îîusy deeni il- aduisable ttuait'. talrer furir year - or f totlisevie.There t ns f t- l.oluit tiovi'mtemtl tiserit'. Hli fbI rhtnd lettmy coituy bas the atate senator t lhadPr sWb st h wi-ll bûlitl 1tirtre o! ait iii lune- Tie Unite.d States Steel corporation -etabilshair i -I 'ildistict, in-Ituullie '.tolitoligicsl ejirsde- atîihat uenîters of lte Ilinouis bouse reat of the eoaniy. ruent. This aftîu noon rouititt ili' hasi aIpensiontfn fttt $8itS,001)00 sud - alled.uit Il ut luit ]ltit voit mat- ne-,t i hîti- I'nuuinitiim- tiosts of these'. Iltlite u eîuublica î aide as ws-il as a lue i fa jit ti i unoitu As t rut lu- filetu e C a rin-gie. tutond,- staitlislti'î lnb ssured t ha, ht 1 îî:uf. rsîa oftat 1pol uin t n- s- i t i nesî sutmlii i t u juttîgesit I and tu'-ilia luta- rau n~ il ~ e t tii-v-i taI iiilumî> f i 19Mi itiui l usAnuîreus t arutgie. asuannte will u ull.î-- ll t fo ---sitt uusaIgutlitIIrai bu-t lu-- raBurs Wicat Il8t uIrlili utruruoutIts urut îîî- i10îItuioiesutI - m t it p ia-te ortiîct l -uT'eeSsîutli a tr ita , -c"ies tu- igittec'îtlt-e> Iuttt0lul e , naw bsuat Imgf. ae eorîecaddt o lo.t tIil-baltn b eo llot r sagg- [liie- tii1t l: ti -tI fuc -iut h l, , ire N as rt.ltiliItI Thoo-miuyIîîgysi ~lgaasîre tr ofui'.elittt erll.,, ChalesH. ingSpeks.1 ieaila wd ica orhards rui. ii - is ofe l tJuiditeusiwh itelcfor a diatrict, viliicoulest titheiclctîon 0t Chnc , Kut Seaa. tuturltante îel & \Vlie Z'oiiiltant have !- iluHiIn-a rcacandti- iîc wislitu ilitl, a c puri. t i lc noeydecker I ooe.Jsp nesn r J u lIt10tîui -a r oih ciîl ritu-thei Itnfotuui otiontfletee cl -1.T.isHoord.- utd, vus lt ec i luir dsruelu iaw îeicud orit leîlr-four yeams Lake Cot-Ja.itAratrol] bîtian cn socltîon St their ati tuteetiii - lTho,% lut intu-l iii ra ii platchlii. il rttileti or- a Sg a ili l le Ilnos W o iicý i lura tfoi-i e tfi îl Id a-lu-l soute Satait,- taleiacnlt ftrir l luscittemaiSocuil The l'h rlthla fla hait bit dui-a trir-sers id I tu lu-ad tIlu, tIg'it aîui ter af fa--t tuini îcago vcaîttg la' ion. t TIhe elgittitdistrict la the reod fthscu n eadt lelr n thelati ai -uxîtecteul suithimi:k t anqi ui :Il l'te î.isi'. ibeIlit1Ciluagauulit itl ettttîtg lui-at îut- v- litittaIlis-o Jutges titan Lakte tîce unties of L.aite, ScHeury Sud recud ofIbs rui tImireuir ti tti tie. ncxî few s >or before .fsîîory -rgo titis iii c] - Ft luI-a sd 'NIr. l'y- Itaiieitsistar"u tut afuir te c itutltc ai- iditriscg lte cottibIiîiu ie he. isusa en8Ville r an aecc-ies of tuie iorabîe itidgc N- s-. 1and îuîautitu'. data at-e beiuîg gai-"aJ -e. a uedyo isrgant-fota fl.e. deciter titisltenura, ,ýitnèd a seait au îuitîscilfuuîof tti tire c-bcituîg Iîrlitiit-8 Otf NWitimehtgo amîd Boone. 1on lccesmfit nutîunsuîccesfi candi- P; ed cul a tlul eligtble taulpension-s. lte s'.aker-a talte for ite evettmu.h uuigt I.ltmoilifoi-1 tîî.te ut tîd ii-slittii difaisVnnbcodae Sii'thtit oudoft h lie ea eîiad a t c soltîtîatide-Iluitiiig As nfly snb arî>rneî5 di Ni iri i tiîfll alof iti-ti-t t i , lu 0ftestIoou luasscls Jonglas.ueicolaales lae 1t'ak le wudass nhlb tliti tielartaii' 0f lulge Joues ttid Ihere are about twcnty who wf .Nihfi o pigilwi oet 1(litlI li iesIlsofnx 301 0livregeY inbgo iiltr obea h elao h selromng .ludge Persons. 1 acl as aluttumlre tî.octaston. airt11wiltttî- ire tuti utateul li ials etîter tittuiit> bras tua inteal hafes er ietîvelopes coîîîaining the balioisand.-- Charlesu Whitnuey tletinatld: - cetve pensions. Most of ttem il isl trituglit t liaituiegatlotîs fi-onttur ul.Natîaioal iAssociation of itltutt ul %thtI1 -a lzcî rinty. t alio motaarecotnt. whleh hi'deciarea 'Ilefore îalîiug a motion for ftile e ieodaepesos y-ail rlth- utale *ulit aiteiid. The Affotluit cîeles, tuttîtît lias f roitut-, la like a foreigu aud ta Xlit- atil e fouulu oelect bhum. Bb tompulsory rcturctuent of titose tnie sttiiuta fanadl I et ri l îcll tttIratitulmago toulit ytpepiîle..Lakte rcaimîy -nked next ta Andierson lu vote ta. atoilou f bs' '.oliioa Isisi who have reached the age of 70 miae îoîîîtîr tilut e îcih'ru f cufiuil) icu iritltru-ithi.u It-ttaiseullanda iclAgndersonîuwit Ciiwtlanu Aulrsnthebytt pplpi lu aay a feW womds. Ior eho have been emrployed by 1J titi palter. Niiutlu-l.tttiremetas uh l ttrarîîîcloîsn lreitln)r.flu,0<ttedy.oeset>daunia.. toubslner-'rit.lse rItîou.î1dghave te company for tweuty ycars or Af h t tire usillit lIt, Ucytiecluer Mach Pear Exprese i ci. - . ul ctnty îpeule sluîîuy go otut Jojrlty le onl I>-,'ty-slx. Jate lngr ba at o >ou Ihae m-ome. 1 111 at- itis Ri chIiiarti Ytî'te, ile u~r cflt. ttheîlguetiti-t-cfrontîîChicagotil ialtia qîuiet qu u1.ttotca evu i knu n lufIntfinately foam nore iban rîh-tev- ilîîlue sery - efra or iteti-1w. I - -gu 4rgi isntce ssrvn n fo 'ty fise lears. f1 suil say la yau $siatua f ot diaa iliIy anti ouial a few Othem ur e l uî t iiu so s s d la utins- W .î0 .ead it ts h arp sgt i. a,- iii iC t . T e eeite lu-cc g o ck.te ar I K. S îvu tan ti s cater dId tes, tat as a oalitia itihi' gave promise Ireîireîuusruîta t thtreueteîof fte cr- alirceet8ru-0W.OSamiisou selîtîmucut ucrl cIois n01ulY iiti,'tr of vItlthe fritre.has disclseti. It l sîsoa] attendiutl hitulmut ail ai the lite î-Ietoft lr ge.îuoel catopaîgri.'fr la Itî-- t -r1 nsa case-fil fart lte vote total as 1h nov stands offiIai - tulbove.o in trithel -speakeirs' tuubI-. said'lti ikiii ltller lire idoni lt -la hlu- lutta10i t Iat liochifrrd la lY and astserts that the recaumul uli sta>- te lulaf nilialle l isi uxtretîtet> îikeî,. aîthuigIl ________--Natbaioiu.Suil alatof Atutuhomi is-u- v it0"'b ati. titi ueflic ithe atuBonuteuuatemiaîhy rchange IL. aintv'y hIls At lImes 'ttas' a îIoîoît o saic. thaltt'.e irat orau) of -i appelât, lice lue la cilsnîovretire nu- Ncw UrdEr Civil Eciice. cletita. "For yeara w'.]lias'. leiec -dWintîtbago cotnii'ae caey Ieu-i-uaie l are . D, - t0 oute utembema 0f the bar, but Ifi ritec it ltul ci îucî rta ire uln.Wl eiasitntîa-îuaîr a .ie orltni-g t aoua lte ruatry îo tite lioîutadi>tutmar ietics olltlvual, social, SiReeset aengo; Jeae E1. v caut'tira, asmurabltrat b hlm taono ut îlaîuassiuitnlIte dealrtucliofiLake U ic i Pi tttltitl as iait>\, mîiglbo S hutef f'aegoJal Lvel taeJs saftia obuft e J ' ocseuh tsemuelal. eot vtfuiue ivil si'rvice rules danair-(oBt'leddesrlitaon-s-thel0f.Ilaruard, and joaephi E. Âud huent as taelireatite. He was' honeal BJW.Toend.Jaunar >' t e.cOamud lefa illut eeienI ersii'-zîinu rdius, autlial nbc '.Insalu- Mlias-rc ofersl,,-eof ILk-Fralofoî front bo3ihood oti. 1 have been *se- Jutige Gary hansainaourieci titat, te- Posiithi bit atîstitei utder gasema- falein lutîis jiacticuhar case uv-i the> isily bie a cattIldale for ciruit juîdgeli-eury sadutnaie fi-rn Lakoeoray. qualiltet i WIIIim fan go0 nin>',ytru -cc h ari ieRoetH gluulng Janutary 1, 1!111. thte United ment civil set-sire iîiiullet 0W. are ii eseura -se oft Insect peta. Wlh leBîte thal I eau speait teelingly ami be sut- States Steel tCorporation Wil paythree Offices afferieul are: Sinue f.34, aleu irltase se-eahIed 'oies--Wrg.t codn o-hBliee EKYRAT EIW Jeel, anmd f trust ttal athe1wnetatens classes af aid age pensions taeIliase Waahtegaî. ett-year îInitais' iesceudeti ulton lte Retutihltcamt. TheLk Re oar ltY e & T«, el the ba feel as1 dT.ePLaitei tollera aTilleouth tire ag o? îe tn fei 5 I d.oa ils emplot es.wlio have servedth !itZOn Cily. Officeuittaltrs atPlymutit,île -it- ys- Co.'s repart c ai ost ase tratafsu New Ceumsnty Officers, elben thie parent comupauy or Ils suit- Nort Citîago. lctulltltura rsperi t f ftis country Ofc akr îai'awy cuir'.emaspositions ttrouglaadvenuis- No. of: -slamtentosmalle... .1 Theuewcoaty fflenaalepei adiaries for twenIy yeau-s, ar more. LieFrs.lias bie'mtconstantmît neaci ly lu. iugti auswering adrt. For "business' ............-----------16S5,0m"S tin tIetr offices lantia morning, sud The ilqome for thiese pensions wl laste Hlghwood. sert encrocaruenits thal eau te met ta donc.tutost always, la a 'business Lpans-----------------...... vitt te exception af tbe office a0 deriveâfront tetUnitedt States Steel Fart Sherdan. omît> by fle birds tat nature las Wtt>Y." cauty jut ag e veuton a th arkoCorporation sud Caruegie joint itond, Hihland Park. -poiit sctctnla agl, Office vanters neanly sîvsys soeurs At-readers hitoraise « = thoutegang Icnofemony ae ltIo!ta vicitno oîplayes cantnibute, sud Lîbentyvîlie. far pot huantera" -their positions throtigh aalvertldngoan a malter ai courses-for gthey j ', th aeain I a te eu>'eictdthes division Inlo cases vîilte as Autbacith . -auswerang atis. Por '*business'"la TRESTED IN Ir' TIF Ils -'ion sale," WANT-ADVER- doue, llt lways, In a "'business PROPOSITIONS 3 IN Ir - e[caîcnts ex osPAGE t7. I folloirs: assik.TISE IT. va>.'." tt' RANtîgll buo -, r1 Jf