lic DI C. .OLO M to a àà 4 Ult~~o a0p.m . ou êd B~a pin. &W ~.plons 1092 rUbsntvviulinois Dit. EL IL SMITIL "M 8149&AISCOUS. CANIOIAL RA". 16'~.$u~tci2Am.aMd±. . DY, 1.L TAY=OR ovrws ovta 10a. m. t. a5nd n0a. -* -m B ~ roadway. opposât@ Park. W. iH, STUDE SuL.!ividlng, Varia Wcmk and Drainage LIBEiITYVILLE.ILUL. PRONE 100)4. FOX LUMC miss Ad&aSprlu ngsd Fred Jaui. o Uibatyvlie, saliaon fManda boe tgaett Mawliand son Donald, vinRten realvoo la Evanêton, Saturday. - -,Pu are helng taken tovarda the aoiagling aud lterlar decoratîsui of the eborch whicb ilaucmuaee.dnd. Ail persns ini tW e omeflty ahould attend the service ai the chumch vePkWr iy. Pastor Tovuleyç tellsaun vel7 lnteret[ng and aMre attructing 900d slzed audisnces. , 4rlèbrecl spd vwile speut hiundaY si th oni. aber parete, Mir. and %ire. Wut. Sage. preacitinif by te pator, . W. ToaleynyetIl a. mn. Service ln the svealing preeeded by nong seryvie by the young people. Ail are cordialiy furltnd. Our pastot, BRe. Townley bun19n bis short camer talked to thonubde Of eblidrn ud be alwale isteretSthora- Chiures coma »Ut t a Sudaimoralug oervlcean d h.vili iInternt you yith ns e poclal eu, Tii. aeunamnpuls 1the populace abost 41" suCorseme ad vlclnty va anub làevldla thiteli11n09t I mfli capafitS tshe ome ai aur eoÈ"uý frieni, M. and lMr$. Carmimih03 u te occeasn ofthe Ladie' Aidbuansd chiclon pie supper. Tihe boues 'W» prettly armauaed for the occliu ansd gave an ap9amlbDc very niucb lite that fo a voIli-regnlalsd dapartuist tore. There ue aa.silea delàbsd veried senotmamt of momeldia bath fant-Y sud *eie wblch met et thé,demsiid of s busy tlroig Iaqulol -'sa. The hfair .aua enm uislit "e' ri oIble vay, Ilinre blng a bt Vproitl1Cf$2.85 for the to'sauur0ai the.soolisy aud a good Urine njydby al sa ibtauls are due ta tb ktue.. and inliited efforts. 0i tir, and lime.Carilchapl lu arranattt foer thb.ecoitrand pleanure of ea cuaai.Oid Migs ineubean sd friands feuladitant pointe are Inciudnd iu aur appreOltiva regard for the knd tokena of -tWar .emembsiioe and iovlng C. -M. Spdug teanatend -1--leu Rge ui.M se J. C. Dahavc allel on old fruda heun The peuple la tbe victalty i f fs ibis wnsk. Lake wil b. givel i au pporttmfity go n8orcen Paadoups vW» a CcaUo liten ce the gîaatna singeen the world' Wdndai-momnlns. banever prndcead tlrongbtha uedicnm Tblopmis.ov te teminalorte, tha victrola the grestent*vonder a1 bou la eule notha tin aihie imodem varld. SeketIoons wl b. 'e accommodtIoned by Enrico Caruso, Madai ScbuaanHe5.k.Gipsy Smith. Trlnity Frank Binabami ehaone af er spend. Soya Choir and uany othere. lug about aux montha wi1b big brether Tubomapeauelthmai o lu Chkcao. lîartoy t Gages Lakeecbnrcb, Friday W m. Peter@ [afon theamk iet[[t Dr. E. evenigDec. 16, 1910. Chldren 13c, 1halfer, afi rayatake. la la attendane adulte 25. Be sure tu, hear Handela itumortal Ir t'a "fur nel." WA.NT.ÂDVER- compoition. "Iialnliah Chtoru" f ront TISE IT! b esih'a ctoacne. *We ane nov uhowlng a mot complets line of Dolla, Ware, and wo are ln a positon to offer smre at *muoli lower pricea titan th1e Chicago Department GROCERIES a Ceresota Ifleur. 496M stick - $ 1.45 - 21 «M!bsrltd5gr -1.00" 3 Ibo Oriels or Ridbillieu Raisins - 25 Illbe 8ockwbeetflour -- - - 30 Io"Coi M* 20 1101bé Graltam fleur - w --30 I7 Bars GalvahIcSoaII 2,5 IO'Bas Swiftt.PrWie Seap 25 13 OrsCoIumelamiIV Seap 25 2* auu.s CreameofWheaî 25 Dsab*rI4Cse 0 cons - -.2 0 1OIl0-*et PhigJ.YTobicco - »wetCube T41laCco lb -3S -rmr 10- 32- -- Colal kt94i .each . . *4 Piipfiu*Crt7àmroni . . 25 4 Larg Cam Mustard Sarines 2 1De' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I. o 'o o I. ,0 I. 'o 'o '0 'o I. !UNC~UJAi I ILL. - RAYSLAKE DÉPAeTMENT I Ord.rsTao for Job Work Advartlelng Rate& On Application FY&YBraeattsr, af Chicago, spent $und"y vititbis parenté. MisaEtta tar spet Smalday eren- itg aed Sunda it lmiseRutb Rley at Watikefan. The Kiaibali Piano C., hase put anather CMofua i itembeutitinipianos lu ltse Uraylale PlaymscY. It l aa mai&Djauycaa nda ,fine tonal instru- '»Ont. Thin wold make a fine huma preent for Îani vile or daughter. Came la sud en h t tthe Grayelale F.B attmrbail trasacted buminef s la Chiaugo, lianday. .Mr$. Hsmmy Kuebkar and son Vaut, mtrundd Snday eveulng altar a fsv 4fI* vinlt vlth relative. at Wsukegaa. Thei bankat nocîsi giron last Wednna- daY @venes for the benefit ai the Round Lake ncbooi libary at Round Lake van weilattended. Mmlia Otto Wainan entertaiued the )Où Club, '1hureday lgbt. Don't torget the dance st Round LaIe NXev Year'a Eye., Maaan's orceotme. ,The -Round Lake Pienaure Club viii give a douce -ait te Grayala . Opera Hlouae, Christmna eve, Saturdaj, Der. 24tb. Micleby lianon'a oribtatrâ. Tickets 75t, supper extra. Everyhodi cordlalir luvlted ta came and bave a xood tmne. The Waukagan Guo Club van defnted home 8undai by the.Grayn'aî Ounu Club bY- thirteen birda. Chai. Thsyem, oi Waîîkm el ad bgb naore of. tbe day. abootiug, gtting forty-five out of ity and Uflmâchloanr beid hlgb score for Gr&Y"lk. cspturlng forty-foum ont of 1 tUv. This la second time Grayaluka Club hem dafntad tha Walgai Club. A blg dinnen for ta vlutiug club wvanbaid at-(ialda'à reasurani. Mr. sud Mns. Pau, Avey, aif1k. Vila. vere "ge ofaiMr. sud Mm.Bd Kapple lat Sundav. Mr. and »lit. Barry Smith entstatned eompan'y Iroin Chicago user Banday. Rgemehev are te headquartes for youm Ljlirltuugu toilet cases, box candY and haina cardsansd postale B. J. Laigtnu trnnraeted buireus lu Chlcago, IMouds.y. PeAy Gray, 6 Chicago, speul Suuday vitb bis a aily home. An arcitaci oU Burlinglon via heme Tuedai planning and làbkiug oser the grounde ofitheeioev condeniug factomy. Gage Williams, oi Antiocb, la asnltlng Gamvaod & Webb ln their eWetreul vork.% Gow. Adami hans tartedibin moving picture show ln tht' Win. Edecards store vblcb be ha&a lttedl un for that purpons. MI& ou Jus rood and tirs. Rd WaUfor vietel Mreudaeat Liberiyvilie. Wedneeday. Bari Loffne traaauted businessaia Atiocli, Tuedai. Garvood & We bb leave te lat af tbin veel for South Port, Indiana, uhere tbey baveascepttd several electrical job.. Uminaivah 'Laitue rturned Friday dey#er 4ning a week %witb Irlande at Waukegau. M. sud liii Eugeiue H..nde.e peut Saturda and Sonda inluChlicago. 1Wililngclii, w la. leworîng at liofleumi spent Salriay evening aud Snda i tbh hiefamily lhere. lra. Harr Davis, of Libertyvillie, yens t gmiraloaiber sdaom, %Ima. Wm. Kappie, on. gFa ry lmtaiJane ltae UcCamma Co., of Suirlngton aignad a coutraCh vltb a committun vho bad tissu appointsd bv Grayolaks citissus, ta bud aeondenelug faoonere MIf tbf cauld prove ta theut ibat they couid pga a el 1 vhicb vauld snppy Ibem Ï vider to run the iactary. fit8 cotrat vau amcpted and at once LOUISJ. YEOMAN, THE- JEWELER Mr. and Mm Ra oy IMumie sud baby visited relatives lin tlaviclii h uuday. tMr. and IMe. C. B. MacClaland speft Saturday in Chicago. A. W. Whitore, vho lire oaa.iourth mile's ecet ai Hainenville viii have au anetion naleinluthneai future .and viii itiove bis fauily ta bis ranch la Calaado. P. Hashenadie, Jr.. van bore the Biret oi tbe veekloioklng aller the interet af ths corn factory. Wallwace Strait is employed aitthIe rayoaae Times office fom the tlIme being. M. and lira. Wmn. Elli4 speut Salur- day aud Bandai ai Iheir cottage acrose lte le and antertaiued Mrs. Ellia' mother ai Chicago. AWaA X 046.11 117 w, Vo 's, the i!oinaittee with a fiin hellîl that ail titings emrspossible uhen there vas a Weil, @et ta woik lu aeset. PaYlng Do attention to kuockn or dîncourage. ment te>'kePt veli dlggere varklng day sud ightutil it.*anaccomPllnBnd, Satnmday brouglil Ibeir revard witeh the MdeCaira Co, met the commiltes lu thb, batik pare rsand u'gued up Ibefir accptances or the veli. It le allegsd tbth bs bave ordered a q4000 puuip vtrlchvilii e iiîtalied et once and the material fom lioe factory la aino beiug ordored. if te veather permit@ the building çeuh start diedly. afler, te boiidays. Wbea you fred ouY Ofaten YaU are glving sour catile a heathful ration and a iu itrodueinît feedîbat bai no equal. LmiBEEti.VICL MiER CO, 11-2 from tIbt$t H$lss FOR THsE LADIES FOR THsE MEN silver TollotBaie. Shaving sets. Gald Tolet Bots. Coller and CuffSoxes.. Ebon ToletBot. -Coler antd Cuff Sage. Ebon' ruet uta dsI*ty Ratura. laiad iver Touai BSote. Se rs Seats. Jevel Caea. fohaccu Jars. Triple Mirora. Piiîcy Pipes. an Cll BosBjhl Manîcure Sois. Fancy inkwelle. Musc Sage. Osait Novollon. Wrillnq Sets. Bill Sooks. StationOry. Fotntaîn Pena. Fountaîn Pen&. - Travollng Sete. Fancy Calnder. Card Cases.. Pentume. Atumîxera. Cigare. Puai Card Albumn. Ciger Casev. Handkerchiof Boxe&. Mqtoh luxes. love Boxes. Fonce Playi-ng Carde. Doil Novetiee. Ath Traya. China. S- Boke. Oerfumen.Bok walor MjIita..>'Brughes. Ploturc Books. Bhevlng Mirror. six Candies, Tailli Waters. Cuadlesticla. Bhaving Muge and Brustina. mmes Vern Dishes. Panfnants. valae, Don Pîcture.. NoveIIes of ail kînda. Dealo Noveltlis. Candie%, Books and Gsmes for theChfdren. 1100 -consistent with Qgaity anid a square 3)esi W AU, - ࣠KEPULLEX and Mmr. J. A. enuetn pent the latter part of last woek w itb Chicago friends. lirs. O. J. Omnby was a Chicago vieltor faut Tburnday. WiII Chaudier traiter]hl@n paetng borne to Walter Thompson, of Mlwaukee, for a fine bay driver. IBuny ef aur people ntteaded the Fat stock show ln Chicago [ast week. Gilbert Oeborn aud famlly, of Rtuselcl, #peut Sunday witb lire. Nelil Suevnby. John Murrie went tr iiumeeli, Sunday ngbt. Be wlU retituatlx iii borde in .Nebra»s. Tburoday. Idr. Bedier ban gone to California for tbe winter and 'wll retumu about the firnt of neit Juud..1 R. B. Dizon goes go Texan on buine@en thin week and wlli remain sooeetitne. Mfr. and. idr. Albert B. Brown, of Waukegam, bave announeed the engage- ment of their daugliter, Letta, Belle tu Rev. Royal Luther Bandley. The wsdding illfioccur Mondai. Dec. 26th. A short buusmu session of the Gumne cbnreb wll ha hnld neit Suauday alter the îorulnt nervice. Durera for the new yegàr vlibeeieted. The Cbriatinau prograini tbe Sunday cbool will be .preeented in the Woodmu hall on Friday eveninir, DW_ 23. %Ire. Andrew Hertle speut a few daya at Waukegan receutly. Mmr. and M ra. Oso. Wagner, of Wau ke- gan, spent oer Sunday ,ith thsir non Pbilip Wagner and fatnily. lrwin Wagner, of Waukegan, epent VOLO Wmn.Ounil trannacted buninene at CrytaiLbale Iset Thursday.' Mina Ella Moôre wan a McHenry caller Saturday forennon. George Dryer, of Chicago, lmenpending a few dayn lu Volo. MI@e Kiltherine Ljoweil, of West I'retnont, Ppent Saturday and Sunday witb ber couslu, Misen Elele Walton. Lau Hool aud Pets Meyer, of Round Lake, were iu town itaturday. Alfred Nieboll@, aofCCuicago,.wua "tuan t the boine of hi@ parente bers a few day. Ibis veek. Madante" Walmâlý and Jack Stadt fieid caiied on Round L.ake relatives Snuday ai teinoon. Mme. Chria Babel 1l1 epending a few vwenin witb ber mon, John and li@ iamily Mfr. and lire Hucker. of Big Hollow, were gueets of Ufr. and lire Edecard bush, Snnday. Mins Carmin Worts @pent Frlday vitb ber aunt, lire Jan. Gainerat Wauconda. Leu. Brewer, af West Fremont, van in govu laut Saturday.' Mire John Richardson van a recent Crytal bake cal er, Ufr. &ad lie. Mat Wortz, of Round bake, were lu town Friday. Mir. aud lire. (eige Kuebler and non, af DenPlalues wëeceover Sunday guents at the Richardson buta. Mr, and Nire. L. V. Lusk, and noue, of IVe t Fremont. were in towu Saturdêy 191 tenla on Pi j trhor'.La.,, John Galater pâeaaw a avltea R iev. A.W. mailord tansacted buneins vweb. shot iinnsn, FaneraI services vere belid lu Chicago, Frlday sud Mondai.drit ai ah Freinant Cnter. epu)C. W. Runseil, lira. Mler sud daugbrter fiansIt0à lira. Mlle Wagner eud children §otIenwr hcg itoatels fgialef a fev dais lant viel yith hem broather, tFera ee Cîcg veloe he[st Albert Stabi, 0aI Long Grave. th vel.Wn r. Wedneda igbt, Nov. 80, the friands a l pg of Mr. sud Mrn. James Armour gare Linuavi RUSELLthant a surprise. Progressive auchre Itegult The MountallIat emehemi Socety vili van plaied and a fine lime reported by Lavreng ailent Wdn!dai torning, Dec. 141h. ait lissennt. . p. uc vith lira. John Greelnî. Ail Iutereted Meue. GOa. Jamieanu, Lenlin Sauner ai bake ams cordialiy lnvited ta, attend. Victor litrang, Arthur VanA[stine, W. GJ. tri suain The Oak Daie CnmetarY hocety viii Thom sud Oeo. White atteaded tL.o , mnel vlth lira. Oea. DeForrie, Tbarsday stock show lu Chicaga ttcriant veek. l±acit1 monnDec. 15. Ail cordially IuvIted. ltalph Miller and Harolif Wlnîer are on uue uimnngiliver 1se John Marrie ban retumned go hle hôme attending the Madison Agricultural nigble a lu Freinant, Neb. Colioge for a terna. tub. is, b. M. Banner viitsd lu Wauîe- lVina C. E. Batélr and ldru. i. L. Bolita, couponm gant aud Chicago lte iret of lte ueek. epeat Tbureday in Cicago. . .. Mira. H. Peterean and childreu epeul J. A. Thaîn and dauighter Hazel, were bha an part af et veek with be he m, lira. Chicago risitome Fridav. Dakota E.* . sierJ. S. Deaman d Mien Whtite v-ited vitbh 1 lira. G(shiver q*unt part of lastlSaturday and Sunday vitb Mr. endoral yea veel lunlillwalu k-, 1Mme. Loslie gamper iu Chicagô. Wedae* Mine Brave a., 1 V - - 1 1: C. l'ris eve Meoema. Set sud N. 0. LeVoy toit last frienda Wankegau vlit,, I i; .V1Tlumday for Marengo. Ii., to ec thelr Word Ana Carmin wîai, - it , i. r Ierfatiter wlto van seriouea li. H obart, Manda>'. C. E. tapie, hec. 1 '1, 'Howv liat a Walter The Sanday echool tire a;nu r i'hitian be Dîfferent froin Othera?" cîîy on a cantata and tree. j (,or. 6: 14-18. hertha White, leader. D,,rb.r ï'ard reacbed bers Friday of the deatit and hae WEST FREMONT t'f John LeVa>', farmeriy of Milibama, at coreiy il MinenDorothy lishmin iited Barbai-a' l 3ehome ai bis aoa William, eaI Marengo, tir. i Amana oser Sunday. 1>- ;1i. Mr.LeVoy made isnhome viteh la& Belon .tues epeut Wedneaday ereafig Iboes itb hie dangbter, lire. Rtpleaso l n W a n k eg aI.W in e c k e . -H ee wv a s e lg h ty -a ln e îe a re o id . ig at b y e Qutes nuniher iront bore aîteuded the Talae Caret A vanne card parti and dance at ivanho. iani Wbnte iny r a eelii l nPritoba Tburaday evening and ail had an @joy- Wenir th esd hidear oe fie i,,@a uday o able lunme.I bars doue for youi neiglkor, Frank lutercot Miesa Barbara .hmann le asistiug Ur@. Arbogait, l)ixon. Il, Baye "For s refrenhu Joh Tarame Iis eel . long tinte i nufiered vîtb rheumatk, esnuing JohnTekape tia wek.pains and tiackacheanad mv hîdupsa hlamaey Ainanu viited hie mollier at vere alwaysecongested. i van alwaYn Tbat Wet Fremant leat Saturday. using inedicine. but neyer ieemed-ta getlein videi auy relief until 1 tried FoIe>' Kiduey of aur lire. Peter Meyerretamned boume aler Pdlla.- Aler takiug thene for ioutetiie o ndi speudiug a few days ln Chicago. 1 Am ugain welI aad have no bother atgod aIl vilh utkidusyn or back. Foie>' liat0o liraî. Charis>' Fredorieke #peut a fiev Kiduai Pilla havadune for megrin, te, inM dayn in Chicago re-entl>. good ejat I ehlail alweé recoime hd bdigblî Henry Meyer transacesd buelîteas in tem ta nufferema it fkidaey or bladderlin Itotreeler ue ayIna vek.trouble." Sald b>' aIl ibis ys1 IF its «tor saete" WANT-ADVER- merchs TAYLOR flROVE . TISE IT! cehun Lieten for lte vedding belle. Mdias Aliles adger, o< ilwlaukee, vmeilcd iieuda bers last week. lins. N. dunftby, of (urne.,, apont Friday vitithbem brother, 0. A. Osborne. ýMisé Mary Duncau han retumaad bomne aller epending nametime in Wankegau. Rais Eddy @peut la weî vlth ber IT WILL PAY YOIJ To corne end get your Isuits and Over- coata made ta order. SUITS AND OVERCOATS $15 U P. Invitatlono are out for the inamiage DYEING 1NEATLY DONE AT WIGHT of Mina (race Bates, Dec. 24. tPRIOES. Stella Shea npent Sune'ay ei ber, W . AIN T i r siter, lira.. D. NeecelI.M A N ,T io WARRENGrayslake, 111. The funeral oi Mr@. Cole, wbo dled lit) the Waukegan.hospltai, Monday, Déc. 5, ecas held on Wednee<ay fronm the~ Epincopai churcli, Waukegau sud the! *S EC rernaln veme taken to Elgin ber fariner RUSSELL home for tutbrmênt,.. Mr. end Min. tCole, reided on tbe Book famm vwent oi 1 Gurnee. She lee ber bunband and-r %ira. Chue. Snydoi- waa takren ta thaeo Igr.a huepital on Wedneday for treatinent -FrFgrso for ber foot, f rom wblch she ban nuffered BUILDING MATERIAL a long time. Ifi hope for her epeedy B reeover.. My pricea are rlght and grades b1 gond. Wbetber you buyor The hine '. C.T. I. vii neetvîtnot get My figure@.. Kira. Ellen Lambl, Wedneaday, Dec. 14. Thila yll be a workîng meeting witb s plcnic dinner. gPREPARED-WHTWA :. Don't ex perlment but just try the. Sure f S. HEtAD, Prope. iEnou Milk produclng fend. iSoN 01117 byLwarYVILLM Luethoea Co. 11-2 air t Al cia ioflcae o tSi Thig eLak.e re vore rimta tha the field, and when the amoke of ao à lared away, tim W&8 the outconie For Presldent IN E Millesr............................ 200 E W Parîbumat ........................ U For lit Nie Pmeident George Thomson.................. 2 I W M Heath ............................13j", Fur 2nd Vice Preoideut John Douglasn..........................2 Frank Carm ............................ 128 For &Seretary J B Mores. ......................... 01 J B Morse .............................. .126 For Treaourer Warren M Heath ...................185 W CTrigge ..... ................... 143 For Dietome; W F Ciov........................... Oý Hernian Bock ............................ St LB Hanby ....:................... 198' WM vickomy .......................... 201 George Quentina.......................20M E P DeWolf ............................ 181. C.? Wigtnu....... . :.......... 18 Samuel Blacler ....................... 125 Hleitian Bock .......................121 An evsuung ni solid pleneure lâa aeured those attencing the byie. S lies. Father Wm. Kinaella va, vîsit- lng in Chicago thin veel. F. L. Carr, edîtor of the Waucondeb 0. J1. U)nlein has retunnd f1oai à ourerai dais vitt relativeosuad la Chicago. lyou flmdOur Gluten you au aour eas"i a bestiti ratios abd produciog fend "ha;bb. uo 11 trILLe bruis Ca., i--$ dan servicesa*fil hobbl d at si De Minsion nait Sunday aM 2M cnducted by Ror. H. G. Riohard, F oreet. l[are Cardlally [avifaI id. t ldy sieillng the byrlc ithéâtre odaày nîgltinl praaented vltb ao poun. On lionday and Frlday a hall doznn poons ara preseutad humder oi the ladky uaer. s being giveueach eveî1)ug. 8tt 1Bauge, oi Wauconda, wbo nov re iarmnng infcrente n7utbe South a country, near Huron, le vialtinag >tnse follesailter an absence or ses- eara, and waé luLihertYviliéOut %day, shaklug bande wltb many ýdwià neeied bhe tain week fromân 7,okia., announclug the desth ot rE. Darby, wblch accurred lu thaê 1l>et. 3, front typhold laver. Id r. ecasn the jneiery bueluena hore, id mauy'frleuds vbo' vîli h. éiu. grieved lu learu of tra demnis. îd Mira. iR. H. Pritchard- Item tly surprieed on Wedneday sien- a liuiner ci their friends vto, rd et their realidenc enuilUwaukee a nd teuîlered a parti g tu . wbrd, the occasion belng ber uit. nilvernamy. The pleanmeaaifsocial Durnes, card ganteuand delectabl* neunte ail eoitdaced ù> mate the f one o1 mnuch enlobmeut. tChrînîman le near at hanti coed by the fact that insu? rinereýitants have thein holiday- on dinplay, readv for the Inepa.. ifprospectire huyern, sud thehr er aspecte oi Clitinas dacors. The variey oi groode an dieplu-', ear retîe48muelhcredit upanon ui mut@, and lettve no excuse for par. ig awav frata here.- Âuction Sale. IIIl seil ut publie suction on tbh. kead larm, sltuated 3 ile vaut 4of lView un the Lake Zurich rond, le ast oi Long Grave ou Tenda 1 10,commntaucng abl1.o-2laê sharp, tha foiiowlng dencrllîq* -ty, to-wll: 2 good vaUt borues ag mai e about 12 jure aid, 17sa tle coualnting of 4 millIitea stock buil t oetly home mafes4e truck wagon, 2 Inch imnol vWb". wlch borse paver haî press lu wamking order. ailîl vung ritem, new; 2 riding cultivatur, aêb drapa, Ioooer seeder. band euli erlrng come bludor nev. 8 ,g ire. 10 rode ai 4 t ponîta )do nf 2 tpoullry vitre, 1à o d d er cu , la rge a e t20) mua of gaod tlnmoth y luinhbu,.,about 10 Mell.8 Touloun» Umme, 8MO huil bearlng gnflédton., Mungie jin tabla gond es nvw, ai coal h»er gondde anav, 12- bhiclen houas. eapacity 400. r, 88 fi nxtanaion iadder, la,' Witteshovel pliw,, e,b,hu raie, 160 laa Rokiand " o r %ý Ierm oullypow, baudPI9W, 9, MyetanéeCommPlaulte# anati tank, 19 bu bey puiloe, tache bloc; vir* O of tachle block, 2 vieor I2 st basf bata 1t inoRéY lanty »p hbrqoah à «Fur a 4«,of wé i vr prairie 2%nMlle Dec. 1l a. ai. proper diving of, cal imeroa a iucb baudw good uleri lver d vator, oi hog 10 rai guod *bout baledi blond -bail be extens bard i C", el bidder board, J. I lu md i if of aie. icate on Feai par k coulai. aned the deeeael gbt fo«, we lavier con bondt tosiefi la ical con. e Donel- id la con- a. iavjer able poo- deap ad ar vhlch e vas a baed pin> Dura"e to *repîlon .ha wa» aviar. w ard au apect of innr, £»a. eanor, a' lad bon. ta hie le- Puit«.' itable ý>ý., e' 1.