'I Slég 4q fer Amy MeVe, P-rs*i-ty with et flfi. ~ i'~ E $ P r * ma do hlm oft v aboS' u h ie tég oesupevi US# IIi.~1é*Wh.durtg hitiboug et tdheuns 0 bs eti aek bera 41won dieU on toe 0144 'lion . wtob ae n vai'ul6.wiebont mdcfirn t W1 Sutylndtci tbewuîpeo. p * mI "e , tpat »euhietyare at bléasi et00iêU e t i o éê' aoaule to fenthé pio el téli. r s 10te hafouud on thla uulttýW~I Of ir. li4 te-b la AirOw ce fly oMgawefl on a trhleon on, of tIé manhe e100. Cieo dta ujde is bUdha oeOUaM tv$d v» the b I Id mat'.MHélé otbmm, etH.1*à tlle,»D th cuue pn hdte 014 ~dM erhlet Ineepolhave Canm ', anibot >aeet= a ln ie I psA$" i e lhome.ofheax rm ur i.. PhUhip o f LIlers.Wtsonllu sUnla sly etBoImtomD mou wuw0.MeoNtawm ushala t able Wth sftas eb Caléai, but NSV.-tlaetStdul t~e Thom-t Ual tird ob' Sena rem~ Of _0 a Was of i Aile uni I W4 WW N leu' Havai. Dec1-o. Tb«do4OrWC.' 'a pèèker et th0. enu-atié@'h î ps*& xe Haeveu Chambéer o4nau0 re* ffliblehe élO. ,Tbe l643q. et egasMif5 E Ut, *ltb elobe an Invocation hi thé -k«, .Aniot P.Ma èbta ireta. Stoe.Jr.. mértay if the yTala . "11 r&&" mtsestle.Who. ubo reilit oyTIN Womnd nia.vu a M. OBed a duté liI al ~amto àa boa- *lme'Rare Jude r_ 8. Hall. et. Bridb> - ~~~atri peut w oblt ies 6Uth lcmatent e t thé sheu. aisdiae om tt. ,a;tormarOov. the mt bpiti1 of Rlut.S,*eorm , o blae ot?; lot ie'm mer 0v. ihlue mC. LoutdebîrY. ef li r. *a atacy yC: 2Jeun.tte e de cmber evimq mii 0O .5M.tBfaldwin di maot endéaon Wus bke aeceolit ethée bc ed'ula Oer et Jiov . b, Ca -lomvelt IMM4 , 0 thé '«â 'UNà 5?- sujlp.t hé lM oa t i gqd W4 tte e 4e- wiebc4ueetka m èeaorût IlfiW INIM -uhici C.ometlcIbo««' 0MIesgea Nor:1 t ar a -mts glutWhO16. myaiti atét U eem - At é. Pa nier Rule. on thé PlltahUrg, Bias- ISmer-and Lae U41é rallroad. thera neu a ereer ami cillon MbatVemtraihit trautlui~ucbtbra. upie mera lea- Mméi maexe prehéhily a l ie. 0. Om mm wm I. mareulàb Iréa, lifit.1etCas Hd Mil aa ieM LaiS. bei bothbloge and ont 0 the éx 1 b-ned ouf o4ý At ithe Buter besoinal "kg& I1lesaitd!hé eMotlae V.. 13. Wlllhupe anoiher fivaman. loi, lui 'ethrtatnetn. P&.. wu* badiel Ote of, tur it cru"ibi.and nés léhe o.thé Botior laimi t IL.8 bsltal. w*beti Ir le ibouhbt ho 51150f la. t" g VQt * C~OVIw.4 uatiM A O bb î~dei tbi n w ea esr ehe icollsion oecurred. j e,,t roben'. uap bit by syln timbere and bail ï0 the R IIO 1 I SE ý"w akla Mi W1ê Daied law. -t$ hopïs s ftrm ban&d, Io is t4lOi>in 1 Il t * "êlatter 9eMili no:t =tl":tx t:éol cjIý.' aht day or t"VINuS.9> ý Wlt ernAtuloai, -", ?bý1 1When confiremifli.a*i. T"0 PgI be woTldidte lu tsue,41 tu thé opinion cf Wablnitoa *f Wb *111 hé one of thé Most Import.f L ttpa ever <aken la Jufhberaneeof Ivetai peate tuaoant. lei >v4et tOnd wuit hé turnai over irý 'aimatte e aboard 0f truÏete tea oda by United OSttea SlealAr Liater NImbu Itot. Wbo, té AanuicA' "eeatatlt'. on The Hague tribunal dpreiiteakt Nichoine %Iurray Butler Coiucâhla univeralty There ulUhé cult watty other dloilnlalbe4 *is rrutpt..sand the Impreiaiàe tu 1 ahigiton was <bat the métbablp the board ulli not ha couflneaite uerlans.. T,~ eout. rom fle a môunt. ountlin; t iaeint 81100.a0euar, laWr tbee-tms of tha 8litwil hé d. ai*,t' te mfurtherafteeetofpoote jacta the WorIi ovér. Thé board. 1trustm, It le muid. .111 héinitil bt ulda dWfcetýc-.br tii e-01r »0l ltJeta lub.rt7 t- aie the <iba -la *forthermne of.uy moyeet, flby *y dimsalu *vlableand lu eoaforflto 1'b lth oimri purposa or thé tit. * SIOMO.C*1 glit nu i otrapréseut m ~( on hMr carnagtém pari te ai- uLMISI a eaupeaia flovéaui me ugob ai It wfll a itemîre to imaîntala ào orgluttout lrésaiyle th* Sa@W nd te irovIde for their tfuture vel be ig ad,,euiiel tieMOn Gmm, one of = b étm l tousak ea i a bi be mpui et thé hôtli.1 thé *lma" la * hall boy il iboad tI fem i telema Pire.R m tel vianhum gamar..villa * 3tW ecu' vas tua mena llss.rt. giipau7, D~. 14. udrliwatd bld ha- no Wait~a mluploy- ni. patl~i4 tUt thé liste nara gai-loue. I We wish, to annoupee theOopenin of Our new and enlnged store anid tu4kèie Opportunity of goutarpsrm"tu4 friends (who by 1thWi patronage) mce h pffsiblefol$nsto ex- pand., for their oiiuppoit It là very gratityig to be able to aceept this endors3$tG3It of olur method of doiigbu~siness. naînely, sellng<OdS .01 4.R t A the loweSt pouuIle price, wfthout the aid of lany cositet, g0s ing or Coupon -achenies;. olir line of Pitùxos ineltudes more high grade tnakes thusi csr- ried hv any Lake Cointy dealer. Prof. ï'uldton'Is 25 yeurs of practieal -pJainga respansible for the seleetthi of Our Most beautiral soktU mentit. 1.11 services are at the dispouaijf sU tur cuptOlerii 1We defy anyone to prove that we hava ever WmiÀ s PiAno. lu ['layer Pianos we have mornme gat Phonogra, Recoe, Violine, mandli aj Qftt Cornets, PPMoOS, accordionsi, (ilarinets, Case. Y'ou *!Il miss it ifyo do not get (Air prW& lh"ab*ted OblaL "144~I(nu plated ware) Cft i4nks Mdaa *tù Iow as $IOO, emI J ulether BAgeStering N vei, esour wIndow - utpay. One very fine B jVol, wrh,$M00, wilJ Mor ,$.. Most beautiful toue, Ran exeeptional burgai. Ou 1.Th e PFulton Music Co. W W*h.s St. Tho *Sr wded, InlWUVj Lokauebe tjP .ëge ,the pW 4 1hIvS g~ads, P talit -U. I Blue V caNlk1 M mi m sd 'e» ............. ~i8e8 t lco 24' " "D t«d $ Value,. . aeC th %-v'çst , wool, 52 to 5 ,,Kj 10vu « .............. 4C e ............. 119=9o# u'sShoo, 225Lai'HidktIM 750 vralue . ..........1 «,a-S oel -olùaiv2m Igue*..:JAd.............elgrey '19c ........ ..... .................e,.. O faun7 Woolitten, TO aiuOb$*. Myak Lais'al olUnderea, blac oSl, 2 vlu 0 5Oo~ cit f....ac..e................... Xain*wSBIIO$2Is, pa#......... ~ Tieté. YUIN éy te tér rima et f. ié-WftI 05» le s-om em w M4Iyo ..6.-