... .8. e .. . . . . . 1.stopkine 1Ca a . ...u.....r.s.es....... knît Shawla., ......... 190~ str1li nri l < orms....... t...... ...... 4s>y White Tea 4prons......... Of tis*e qa ytaffeta $5 aVoo vallu ..1,8 ;h I s~w ~h*Ifd~~Bar~ Y . " 105-107 GENRSEE rme Vofl aIKITq ýýglr $8.00 si et )rai4d voile akirW ta 89e I Childreii's $1.00 Sweaterg ....... ........ 9 50oe inported Rhinestone R-at Pin" .....................19 .$1 .5 long lannelette Kimonas .......................09 Wonien 's and ebjîdlren 's 19e blaek Stokings............ 6c !0e Leather aîM Elastie . etS.. ........................ 9c lorgest size, hest. ualit.y fair Ntsý.......... for 2&e I AEÂCUL OOÂ?. BEML PLUSU eOA1I8. FuIi tkÇ ghlustronls pn oa nev long p1ulv0ts fi cie oa, 0.Ir (IX lîned with goli value ... .. . % J satin at .. L af10%l gfaut i weave Seatemsigit or double, Ntagnitfleent 20 ineh wil- low Plumes, ini beautifu]l holiday boxes, $15 value at ... 9 Hansoxçfiey 1eolored Jabotso and Coller ii.bgl lyb»xesq, "5 vlues ..... Beautifuil leather Hand Bag, ather lined with ÇOtWira 49pto$1459.0, and harettes,-mttiîdded wil rhine stones inlaid wil solid gold, Worth double. and MuIYers, beauitiful solid eolors and Persiari Worth $1.50 .....7 boi tif 6 lineii (iuft- )r .3 ilk Randker- With faney handie, in neat hollv box. 10f $8 vaillîe*... (Mhers 913( to $10-00. Short and long Dresses, Bedford <'ord and Silk Coats, fancy Bonnets of ýWY£& Of Ileai'î' falneymaterilis trimmeid. with satin an eorils, 24 at......... o(bh aul)to *8. Faeattraetive Rat Pins ini contrasting color- .edbi»illiants (in95 holly boxes....M flt1îprçs1!k to $500. A large, èoildete stock of nimsil and fleee lined, alsopurewwoo)l underwear. pà»OY ROSE. Ladies' beautifi- exnbroidered Stopkings hoU*v box; at.......... llndsomelyîtriuuned qilk> Waists in al colora, plat- d ini holly boxes, o5 $6 value... 0thPrw$1.95 to 4:45. WHITE WAIS.. Over 2,000 beautiful tail- ,Ored and lingerie Wauste,_ miade to sel 98 la D'8COATS. $5.0 bears.;kin or other, Coats ini ah 1.2 olr........ .S *Others .51,25, W $10. anteed $1.50 Kid (Ilove4s colora.... jBêst tilîhty eaRti leather Bteits witli bîiekles £ at........... a4 The iei et sty le fur tqti uQcY fJ has an4 other novelty Bats, aold elsewhem, ai è1leveral1styles of pretty uerieale, neatly triin mred dressea. '9 c worth $2 .. > A.' s;"; in~k Russo lynx.m lar and p W* uiWC 8$15.00 : ,&ý vr value .... .... 'ut.ralian lyn . 'evu col1aiý, withh *~al et 4-Silvev fox and of e4ra fine qia iud aIr .O00 r .blue'., h $2.5, 1 special BAltie ses V% ' 1l A set o! t-ià sets ýworth *5.0Q for-. Blaek lynx ink sets [ie ýàbliîne fur- Large inarten and Freneh ý *245 kliýnxmuff, i ', .......worth $12 6*50 and firw japa- Full length fur coat worth Children't f itr sets, $10. 00 down to ......... . . . . . ... ... . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . l 1