.4 <:4 r' x - 4--;> * 4. 140W . Corne I y boes 1W",ai over dueigns, b9iIt* p4 ape wlth a pr nèdin g~2&6 r the largest, ~d~o 4b*nto Lovqly ShopngBg Rieh ve1vet @ '"ùgbaga with silver mont- ilonÇti tikid,plc Leather bags, leatber lined, inside pnj * ad' ailaccemSoie, puf bo;mirroier, eomhb, etc., upecial for ....... Many others ranging in price from $500 dowff to ........... 1$... . .. . .. . ... ~déal OIft. for Lèdies monlntingj, leather lined, for 50 Meéabà bag fr ehildftn, jest the. thhxg fer the spéeial at ..............iU JEWREL CASffl-Gold ,pated, old gold de- Rigu wMt new gold trimnftng, 3.i% lined -with pink xîlk, eauh.l........ .Many others at diffelerit pri<èes down, to the small silver 2 ich mues for.. .8 ChrstI~Ciens Pretty Uttie Chri*us <iird and tao", gumod rliY- bons of paper to ie 1*,. paekageand sudury pmtêy littie chrit4tynas st1*ft shown in the - basenmt fOM le neto Slecond Floor azr Fant~y knit sweaterp of .wool, red, white or blue, 29 Haily boi, for ..... edge nd tM ý*îthla In sertion, pretty ikbÔw!, in a. lH1y.ox. for . --. .. . .9101 Ladies' waiat with.Aw..eked cl lar, ha"d embroidered !t*t*, est ffeneh Jawn, spe-, Rand embroidered1 waist- with imla ngertion on yoke and lae ege on cilru r Ohrlstmu, box for ...,98' Near silk pet ticoats of red, 6ialé,r gràysecordion pleated flounce, embroidereiband in flounce, in *Holly boit for ...........08S Children's 'bah robes from age 2 to 12. The.prices range accord- ing to size, size 12 for $3.25, and $0 onl down to 19 size 2for .....*...19 Cozi Fuws Nothing carnies tii. Christ-- mas wish and joy to aw- mai] As welI as Purs. - For christmas shoppers we are offering a treat in Pur bar-' gains.' A manufaetuirer 's line on digplay in the Fur section on second floor at manufacturer'% 'pIces Corne and opetheni. *Tas ýÎmveIug b3 e - estiirffcorne's 4 4, Suit Oaa~us arêldeal Genuine cýowhide suit cae, heavy line» lined, * *TSIIQES AND SUPPERS * Ciuldr'salippes of Children 'sait ~yMen's çllppers ai * brn,,~M ud ray ludcsired se, i~Oni gret v*rîoty.. an00sd .......... ever sbowe d a omOMis, fâue w, durable 'b ad su d vod <t tan, feit ' .500frýexr kuit iud button cJ>" leggNgs,76.01 m&Oo ô Thes nike ilea ente for the.. ehu14en for Uic$v are durable aud useable. The. choice o! *U irpW pers for men, -ni.ts ev >. ery reuremetnt. juliets -bakor tan- and low! .8lippers wlth Open aide or elosed side, iAA a pair .... re -here We more Glovea Iwavm 4- ladiecs are as Plt For, 756thon e t .an shprthat hM pat @olé la lieht and Gray felt, lupp m»etn - extra &U the, kind old géi Toys for the. Little Polka Toyland bas ppened in thé baàernent and the of- ferings aqre better, than ever. TIi. ehîldren ow the. Lyon 2toy dcpart- ments and like to corne. Bring theni î gifts,1. r 'radtical 12 inch ijbited, leep- a Î 10 $ 1.00-doli, 15- luches logoone that slaeps, tht.tal CtodaiW Fl1exible, lyer, the sied that steers sMd thec kind that boys like, large aise.4-50. Coaster, an ie.a boys sied, spling rim- nietns for ... .....l - 4 DoL u~*NN. E'verything for doit. to wearJust like the ladies' ready-to-wdar.,Purs, Rats, Sweaters and Soeki)ig caps to match, 'Fans, Uunlllas, ' ewery, 8hoeg, $t&-kings and Sewig ,oxes. pet SMW y«,*oêïý For the bsuieflt' of 1»e ehildren *- ave opsu-, togrwsme msaswel T.ddy ou There iis speel price on ery aone our largo tw One madê*Utde bu ot. Th e lageat lune Autqs, auto triù tractor wagon$, .Chdlst W« Io quwn orf «mln..g. *M c-eua * -i o 'i 1 - 1 ;j 1 , .ý)LLV4»t. 1 podeet Tou,