CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Dec 1910, p. 5

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LÂKE OO~T ~YT- BIDYDECEMB1LR 16, 1910 .a....mmuum FOR BREAKFAST BUCKWHEAT CAKES MADE FROM FOX RIVER MLii BUCKW1IEAT FLOUR Pure Maple Syrup And HOME MADE SAUSAGE FOR SALE 8V J. ELI TRIGGS w * o o o i i o o o o o 1' 0 e o o e o Phone 3 TIME TO BUY SO ME 0F TtIOSE WAR rd7 WE'VE GOT EM. Overcoata. Oh Myl and Sheep-1-Lied Short Coats, Sweairs and Sweater Coats. You BtI We've gat Cap* toc, Wool, Leather, Corduroy, Plush and Fur b: from 25 cents up.a Lmned Gloves mnd Mittens in both Ores sand Worlc. tram 26 cts ta 03.00. tt UNOERWEAR9 Wall 1 guess yesl In ight. medium and heavy weights. and in ribbed and fleeced. in piece and union suits at fraam 01.00 ta 84.00 a suit. Wool Overshirts, warm one& at 81.00 and 61.26 each. Warmer onas etS2 each and Real Warm cnes at 82.60. Our Bradley Mufflars are Mot Tamales et 50 cts, 81.00 and 81.50 each. For Comfort and Style they canIt be beat. In alcolora an aie. Tryona.1. A pair of Woal Bocks wth a pair of our High-Cut choes, or a pair of ttaose, Sheapskin Wanagasfl or Moccasins are just the thing these cold.days scan ta corne. We also have Fait Boots, German t a Socks. Overahoas and Lined Rubb.'rs, We hava aur usuai up-to- data linaot Shoas in ail cf the lâtesi styles and best niakes. ORI-SEAL, a new preparatian to water-proof shoes cf ail kinds, we sai t . VISCOL, a dandy ail dressing for any shoe. We seli it asa. L B. MORSE & CO. Everthig for tien LIBERTYVILL ,IL xPI MS GIFIS ~i.I:o Iu TOUAT BE5 V K' ARI ETY STORE LADIES LIST CUT GLASS HANO PAINTEO PLATES MANO PAINTED SUCAR AND OREAMERS 1 MANO b'AINTEO TOILET SE IiAND PAINTED BOWLS CHINA PUF.F BOXES CHINA MAtA RECIEVER CUPS AND SAUCERS MANICURE SETS TOILET SETS WRITING PAPER JEWEL CASKETS HANDKERCHIEF BOXES GLOVE BOXES JABOTS GIRLS LIST GEN4TS LIST HANDKERCHIEFS MILITARV BRUSI4ES BRUSM SETS SI4AVING SETS T- RITING PAS'ER NECKTIES SUSPENDERS NECKTIEAND GLOVE BOXES INFANTS LIST. iNFANTS TOILET SETS RUBUER OOLLS RATTLESBOOTIES MITTENS LINEN BOOKS SHOO FLN' BOYS LIST G iRLSeOOOKS OFALL KINOS ALGER BOOKS DOILS, DISHES AU- INOS ADVENTUIRE BOOKS DOLLS TOILET SETS STEAM ENGINES 1 DOLLFURNTUREMAGir, LANTERNS DOL URUTREIRON 4BANKS Xi POST CARO ALBUM ÉIRUMS CAMES WAGONS s CAMES 0F ALL KUNOS FRICTION TOYS HANOKERCHIEFS TOPS OF ALL KINOS au LLMAS TREE DECORATIONS, TINCEL, XMAS BELL, XMAS TREE ORNAMENTS 0F ALL KINOS, CANDLES, CANDIES FARM IEAI' . IT'S AÀEREAT BAiIIIN 60 acres niear LIbertyville. Good buildings; plenty of water, deep rlch sali in a hlgh state of cultivation and welI dralated; no Iow or maste lad; 45 acres now In cultivatlon. This farm ha& a fine river frontage. and the soul, location, etc., moite t an ideal place for a dairy and truck farm. Botter ose tus about Iis NOW. ifs a rosi snap. SCIINAEBELE ,& WIIF5LER, un effAn. INSiJINCE ND DIUIAE Office in Luce Bulding. Pm1ioa US LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. LIBERTYVIILLE BRIEFS aro.t 2o Albert l)ye jmarai lgo L.O OAL AND >'PEF:SONA4 L MENTrIO)N arrestîngai ¶ laimffd bal: with ades friure publication in th. Indepen- Mr,. sud Mms B. E.llieLc camu p Troa co cpy muet b. in th. office no a eî*reCi ldaewekad îîcpn h u cenan winl.r fiers witb Mro. Hick'm mother. roUt dc, Tuesdsy off ah ws.k. Adver- Mis. Martha Siraherg. Mr. Hlicks il# theo sude M $, epcal are aakad ta t 1ake weîî.kflawn tatoo rtiet who lieas Aneriewst uicar notice tu thfis efl'ect. studio on S..talestreet lu Chicago, and amn ______________________ everal o! our peupîle are weari!ag In-. Diaona E. Docker spent 8 1unday with friend delihie evideuce o! bis skili ilu Ibis work. the rul renston. 1.Thomlins. us sailed froan New York in cuanneik E. ereith- tanotedbusiness, an 0on Monday leýst fur lita i od home ln when the1 Msrsithtranactd ilmuero, [taly where he will be juinet inaSenick. go on Mfonday. the boly band@ o! auatrimony wîth the The evidi J. Ccarhett Aillent SinaaY with sweethoart o! bis yaautla. Mr. Rue andi a lease on ves in Janenvilie, wis3. hi. bride will returru liere abut the end Gcurrej, ner Larcuon @pont Moida and Tue@- ofu February and bis aaany friends hore Marcla and n Claicago uta business. wîll have a royal welaîaane larepareai for to occupy t Boct and (teero $1.50 lu close. tîia. Dyer had 3Colby Mercantile Co. At a meeting uft he local order o! hic furnit i. Mary Hirécerger @peut Monday Myotie W,,rkers, lia-lI Tuesday night Dyer's ste lrelatives linIRockefeller. olticers wereelecteal ai ,Iliawm: llewettnot fiiateud yle Bond lbas accepted a.m position B. Fike, Preect; AUener A. ilrandy, Charbonni the local steana laundry. Monitor; Marthe, Fike, Secretary; Gilbert Dyer founa eo iiking o!1Baînano dil deonly Luce, Banker-, Frank l)vsr. MarchaI; iaaaed the l the method uced ina making. Roy Keliner. Warder: -freo Gibbons. îwho wps 1 Sentinel; Peter Bor- k, Su]pervisors4; niiied up i Ie yoii stirkiaig a Ried C3ross Sal un ' Ioctors Churchaill, Tay ir andi Galloway, when Dyea irriettuas latters and packages" exaguiing pîayiciaaae nitve out 's. F'. M. Crosby, oa! Evangtoat, spent The local lodge, tîraer o! Eac§tern Far of the tbrs rday and Suuday with triende boe. held their annusi ela'atiaaa ofofficers at a be made, Iryîrlici cd Give hlm or meeting held lhurs;day niight. Foiiow- againlethi a uenmberobip lu thie public litarary. îng are tbe otfierm wlao will serve Alter tinq . sud Mrm. Frank Johnson epent8un- aturing tle eMsuingc vaar: ils J. L. was deei wlth tlaaar larents aI liiamoud Taylor.* Wortby Matrai: Dr. à. a. charge lu Churchill, Worthy i'ataa; Misé Mary whil Ren naifh~genreral use. toubae drank MasoilAet Matruai; !irs. Lulu Mattock tlued an ai ueu. wonien and cîjaîdren tarae taies Conductrems; Mire. Eî E. Ellsworth paid. ly. 1 Assistant Conductremis ec use o! Bîjnano ra-l ieveai stomnaeli Libertyvlle people arca- asured o! a T aies, rafreslies pieutaliljower-ask bountiful cupplyo! paureivenaext nmmier, Lbry rdaîctor. evidenced by the tact that the new -ice oliber ty i hlariej aial on ark, o cupaur are now .autting a Pplendid ueeil ilnd ark. dlta-au ta (ba, of field ot pure iefront their new pond. onI auy fl s tuas weî'k Tbey have sent a retine full of waterbu th rd tim wek. rum the paond to the- clate cheuimit at rapidity w nyou placîîag a tli 'roee ca-a' ouaail 1 Cbaupaign, anditheanalycic u!thewaier pleted t01 b yolr l-tteré,suatari etaaal your te frci h wc will be- raeeiva-d ue'at ai-ak, wil tetat1 'ama îaackaee"show that t le eatai.y Ire o! aUi i.-appreciati r.and ils H. L. iHall have alised purities. ne W librar iLibertyrlle borne anal iaoved toiîlre. Fdward lioya-e. o! Litertyville avilable Ih eagi for lbh- wivnter, h- itetr.Merton Jonec, . o! dtë oclczr came 'ula 'rOirayolak-. ontertaiïied their m Ib tere heui anéton on Saturday anad epeut thelfrienuia on Sturday eva-ning, Dec.1, rîec k end with hoi4ae folk@.j at the home of the latter; the occasion fiction Ihe aohi, i. B. Coilay Mercantile Cia.. for, heinat rs. Juecbirtiday. The teature ogis n 14> FeIt tBout ami] (ireré *1-Si) for ofthe. evoning were ,vanies aud mignien lIi coliîinatiaan tualose. maa tate l1bri i ollaawed by relrcsaiute. About 8b fpr iaemtaerilinluthe Libertyville iseveu-nilve were laraseut, ai o! whom heu!6part bla Library wlll niake a nice Christ-'detaarled alter wisbiug ifre. Joues îaaany $1d3of ha id pnit. SpeDoakero!nd.l s lariset. ieeDoker& Bnd happy ra-turnas o! the oay. &pent for lien~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r sthruno!droc. nin. Mr ir. L. H. Bryant write theirfobol ut several days htare this wa-ek as aà'aaany Libeityeiale fieicde statiug that $21(. iest o! lais larulier. J.T'. Robîertson and they arrived sately in Long Beach, Cal., tbank ail ai Wsabrae aaiiu ou the :lrd ot Deceniber andl are located rmoney, a Ed Vmibruk- eatiulbungalow is ai No. l,50 Pine Avenue, wbcre any o!fucar vw complëted aud ready for a tenant i their Liberty ville frieudm who may visitcurn i laurtchaser. ltymeand & Ausetin havce Âa tiutbern Califoraiia are invita-d 10cali that ycu age f it. %]lpon thom. Mrl Bryant eays that a!yorlir Utvwuter iq now lurnedoun l the thev ara- not lu the bouse when vicitors as passibl luta-sud Osborne's subdivision. This cail, tiîey .vii be tound ont lu the gardon tieneh t If h the iaewiyougttuctedsewie namake unlder a pln ere adling the 1,,IIEpz,- Tbey ais lac vcry tine residence and business DENT. amccttd 1 cK. Mir. Fred B. (flcave o! Madis nd Liberty Ail ut thera-l,-a nerchante and hoth o! Miss Helen E. Hendereon o! Edgerton. ils Infanc laîcal bailistaave the lied Cross seals Wis., were united ln barrnage at the aIl Ihatt smale. Tbey ouiy a penniy eacb,and Libertja-ille M. E. parmunage by tbeiiev. senîlmen ery penny iaabaallet lu thetightagainst W. L. Whipple test Baturday evenlng murseuhn lgreat white plague. dit eight oclock. Mr. and ifrs. Mieave the groa, Albert &loyey dled at his tesiaience on le! t for Chicagoa iîmediately alter the grratest acoîn Ave. at 4 o'clock Wedueeday oeremuy whene they @pont lthe Sabhath aruing alter a brie! ilînece ut erisvplla@. returuing to Edagerlon later where thev ýwas emlolyed un the Incul] laaam and w ll nake their home. Mr. (ileave iu enrvived by a wife and two daugbtors. employed by thîeC. NI. & St. PaaI lu this lu ma-a: City to wblch thpy go froin , hicago. died twc One- teaspoon o! Boriano lu eaeh cupo!0 - Aiotat ate.r le saatllelct-it'saIl in Ibe boiing- Mas 'ne mnaute lîllil wvill pîcace thaîse that Brooks 'Wa» Good But Ya a- a aaîoîirately weak drnnIC-atàwO Thoae who lîcard Fred Eniercun mit. Aýq tnte Iaoiltlv5a, tiat like a strunger Brooks. the second number un the riBk *EntertaaneaattCouarse aI the Tuown Hall W. W. Catrroliai etore as tilla-d tu the Fiîiday night, Lpronîiceuliti as a aîaost ~ in with' trw goods for tha- holiday pleasing entertainmneut. The reaajer wa - rde. The efforts o!f Mr. Carroll & Son lu fine spiraleit and belai the audience lu Liberi pieuse- tîtir platrons are fill asppre- alaost tarestlesel attention thîrougiaîat ' ia-l Ly thae resients of tiouth Libaerty. the entire evening. ofcr ilea andi viviliatI 6 The eltiaa rauged froaîa the Saturda . Mrs. Sa'bui h-r Appley as rc eigeltr-aaaalv baaanaîrons, tu the ea.tremely electeai a tl roua the a-lia-t o! second opera- serions. witia lots of wit andi satire infotht ion ut thé MeAlister Itospital at Wauke- bpte-a-n. Hic wotderful cumprolaensaon.. Lat ithlaoiglit will4 proaably be ut the aatîal qualities lu the oraiinary Treptoi Llnittero ai ane w-'eks laetora- sItle sable Ihing sset lta poetry a@ andeed an ex tria- Jno lach taraugbt houle. ordiîaarytsaaatblheu.Cas. F Aryuunîla uaaî-alwlaaîtaugiva- for TVa-tenadernees wlth ehichi e lead Jno Are yîaaa Souttacrn "mamaty" lulled. ber pickaniniy Jtlî nias pro'senits? Wby naît give a iibrary lu e ,l- the 1îaatrioliom dramalicalty !.faas, S alasarîpîloia. Leave YOatr naine. the evîareaaeed lun 'targo, "Pickette", the s.'ipieaat's nine i a dollar aI Docker majectv rsai-bcd lu the recîtal o!11 knoe- k ouaIs aad thearconaauitee el seul an That Nly ledeewaer Lives" and the hlanmor N it '*Th- ltarnyard Meluisc'beu-r 0ont 111:0( prapriate XaIonsvarai anaaonaing the the ltatenaenithtî" he le a poul, an j. i ait~orator aaad a genlus". lt):3t Sonacthtng whlch yuu NEED, hut Ba-sides a sarriler o!fuaost excelentl verse Vliîpl hich you duoîaot loei able t10 uy boils a saaaaarla raader. wilh expiteseivt 120t face., piwerîatl-andi flexible voies sudil Iesurra hcw," mylcsietst n a iniiaiîaabie action. The communlty (4 aw la the "FOR SALE*' columaa. would like isuother vîsittrona LMr. Brooks the Wu 7:30 sublject 1-3ON DSA ON We have on hand and offer Mrs DEfor sale high grade Municipal Yonang and othar Bonds yislding from experle four ta six per cent, which w. My @1i.1 purchased for or awn account adl e and julFînEt, the- tilles a ver3' iide range utfIfictian, agli works by ail lie ponaular lu addition lui theae workc ut re will coon he recoived a con- o! lllty referont. book@ froin sry at Springfield, which will icular intemteltot studnt.. la belonreceiredfuar telbary his auxount $110.50 bas beeni book@ sud sundriesand $23.34 c ase, leaving a balance 0! Tbe library ctîmmittee wlcla 10 su ho iiiaadls contrbuted Ihel 'blali fd i - aIdt . af or thena rOnt i- 'aaa asillouI lu aby iIaa'la ' i. hope rary carde, amill ;a , 4 -'l, ble su that you faula.' raa'a'iv(tfi'alt' from yonr year'm tlcala 'a ao esh 1thauk ail %% la themn in any way. 'ville Public Library ln as yel lu y and we urge everyone lu duof Lthey eau ta create publice i for the iibrary aud 10 s"cure .scribers lu orderthat ilmay do lest amnount o!igood lu lthe number o! peopale. ini îaury o! ur d dsuu, Who a years ago Dec. 14. br year tas nassea way ,luir twu sIice ton werecal-d ais,,. aur sweet memocy everlilugerg ou tome dear. a-ver, wsY. 1) IRS. Wxî WtEELER AaNti FASILY aons Elect Offioers ;yville Lodge Nu. 4912, A. F. and held tiacir annual eleelion o! îtai a tateai c'aauiunicatiou On ay uijnht. Following are those to serve lunlta- several cuiiaadatiais causuinig year: .Fille, Waarshilill Master; Julius v., Senlior Wardd Leraay Proctur- Wardeu; Jin Anstin, Treaasuer; F. Smale; Jr. Secretary; Paul Senior Deaeon; liarI Corlett, l>eacon; W. H. Weiis andi R. V tewarts. E. Church SerVices. a. iu. (;la@@ Meeting, leader, Brv. uwîluttin. ioa. ni. Preaehing ly pastor, W.L. e, subjeet, 'Love Yonr Enemis ', o ni. Bible fichoafl, oubjeet, "Tue reIton." EpWortb League, écubjec,"From ,tch Tue-er.' ta.) ni. Preaebing he Ia-paslor; t-Everlastiag Lits." impIe Safaguard for Mathors . )Cillkeson. 1829 lugles Ave., stown, Oblo, gained wladaua bv lese. iMy littis girl had a neveu' id cooglasd elmosl canîlnnansly. per reconaended. Foley's HoneY ar. Tlae firat doe1 gave ber il the inllammatla n lier thra alter using ouly ansbolante ber ' and lnngs wore eniirely free f rom mation. Blocs Iban i aiwSYs a ottin of Foley's Bonsy sud Tar le bouse. Accept noa satltus. by ail Druagisl. th rlght tenant la flot JInCllnei Bk your property, make yotat bny seek the tenant tiarouglaa aigu o! clsslited advertlslnh. I. Rubber Facts_- Rubhers are hiRhi. cansiderably higher thau lutd ea. Frequently some customers asks Have you no cheaper grade? We invariably aaaiwer. la rubbers the best dount lust any too long'and chesper grades are the dearet, whea yota take wearing qualifies i consideratin We know moot oi the stores keep such btrands as VOQNSOCKET., IïOOD. CONNECTICUT, PARA or OLD COLONY which cost from 5 per cent to 15 per cent lust than the standard qualitims buttdo you think the Rubber or RobbaerTruast. as it oüght to bc spelled, does aot get aUl they are worth for them?Thr. ione make that is superior to any other Firstclas ra and tach pair ha. a GUARANTBE icket attachedi SEIZ ROYAL B1UE.RUBBERS bey at least of pair of "ROY4L BLU2SV th=a capm tbe wearing quaaities of thtfe rWrn<I.d ."iLi.-a. md aot rcu o :sLz 8" fSr THKE fAlIM Liberty ville, 111. Let's have a MerryC.hristmas! tlow? Go to Meredith's Green lieuse for nice Green Wreaths, Smnilax, Xrnas Trees. We have thet to suit ail puses. ferns fer gour table. D«% - overlook our GOLD fISII there is, odlep nicer for Christmnas. We have them et ail prkes A real live Christmas tres for your table vwoubl aiso be fine. Corne and see eur displagi #OU are wielconie. J. E. MERI3DITH TI )ff Law Fîsgg, ProPrietOr Jnst aronnd the carner on Sprffle sîreet, neit t0 the Boehm bsitld- lnirantd oppusite th. Pester blachamith shop. LISERTYVILLE. ILLINOISt Cipare and Tobco Laundri Agey ,aseRm oned J. M. Ora-i AUCT IONI Se. Mo Sefors Mskfog U Osiuteio 21o8s N . Op. 16 . WAWAm Wy ira-fo "oisl." WAINT4DVXUE.1 oillet 1 TiSE rn mats? et Phone 25 grades o nr S)P. Co. tot 'lois hîop ILE kLTY Full res Ra-E Trouble E -i Il____________________________________________________ M «Mo~ Z-- a Ylned and PaidL dulc. last Friday nlght by r. Who inited upon the oing 'lu ,Dîautotid Lake andi a party there whoni Dyer I mae anassnît pon ina ~Ll man., Talae mareham ad lyer Justice BoThéins rbdt1er a warratie wc wo ahrha wialrrnt seuredth PertehalLiilare ana the h e ri akîthen Lto tae tri i ecord tri tc tae ian accuadi t itasaugi ,thesen rouht borr nui la lentwa bunti 8tr and pnit eaâe was tred ha-faîte Judge Jnce deveioped that layer had ithe plaOem where the trouble whicb would exp~ire neal' das Cha. Charbonneau was the premises after that date, gciven hlm pernalecion tre there, buat aceording to ament, the permission wam ded to Ina-Inde lthe privilege o! aut living iu the bouse, which i that he was doing when lhi ere Friday evening. Remillird. a isaior in the bouse. homeaa in the alt,-tcalion wbich encuoti er desnandeai that Charbonneau ,imanediately, and am a retit ate.ning demonstration wbich, the warrant was mworn ont in. e eidenaýe had beeaa beard it ne ufdisorderly condueethlu e unlofaird peadgily enduetat greýgate o! $12.9)0, wblckb la ho New Library. ville'@ new public library we the publia. on flaturday wllb- frmai exerciceso!ofany çind, large attendance. and the witlî sslhIbe helven vwere de- book@, gave ample oviden'e(-ut at our peuple arc thoruglily ;e uftIarhe wnptit wbia.bthe y e-hI ha- to theni. Tho books Are You Comi For th e newest and best, the Original idea aUw the modlermthouglit i Christmaé Oifts, ae w Brighit, Fresh stock of beautifuil and deBirable Holiday Attractions Ini Gifte for old and youmg, your wants hava bem anticipated AN IDRAL HOLIDAY'STOCK TOYS, BOOKS, AND) NOVELTIES, FANCY GiOOS NOTIONS ETC We offer you the most desirable Une tchoose you presents from L.Ga'mpa

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