CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Dec 1910, p. 8

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Newsf RAD BAD PIM C W~1y .mi~oSut3M Dam1- SE. ProPu,& emepins tlireugh the sSru aniilla, l ure *» dimoered la tIi bonue t Dr. J. C. Jolci, "2 a weliin atreet c *àortly aiter 9S elock Monda moru- w Hlm-iýg-Tb@ eblhimev, while sthiengltr th hav easal e lie e vms a u.w oeue. 4c cmli bout tiis nmmer, tu, replace thte Aý .14 o»e hlch tim joctor tarifd wuet I.'. We. coretr of the lieuse la thi.e <Iange et a vit. In auierentl..a M' n A cvTa i eICL!, bem borning for ont tinte hitori t - Jvsu iscevered, as b h imtle te lie.v W~fhm romWa-dep&rtmtntutrived lt haiS spread over C raWasliMaw av cnie byamount a! the villeansdti fluora. White lie conlagratiln ie t «M Md VUatUng by golf vas not eious It tui-ued oit tuh he one of the woret ires ta liglt thet A BMworseOf D"d. the ire departntent ha. beeu egainat gmi ln orne tinte. There va. litîle of noaô ab -blaze taulie seen et an>' time. the. ire t vii-emerse 1Col0lIg a faU mnouldering lu the, villa and fSot-sn Sthe, vater wagon snd e fai1 front and illlng the bouge. vithbethii e gr tthecohurch et Von City, black emoke. c«lnvu Ua t-Ont non City' et- Wms Cold Wo-k. lo ~bi t commthsuicide lof thv. The cald, ton, added ta the troubles =x ianice ciectric lin. Jut of the tlte departtntlthte vatet- n et Mon City abeuat:30 Tint-s- treezing ai aon as t struet their gar- wi écu. ui. tvia oui>' the prmp mentea and renderug tieet lff and p e! Utcentotormatu incharge of îaid. The amote vas go thiet luntost fo w* hleic preveiteti the man t rom perts of the.haue thel t ut v. mpos-, a effe fr ny an ovont musid, but al le Utcélinae ofdetalise .an tev mmnts et a tinte., -The furnish- i W*"orthe littem. LThe cat- dlIge of the haine, veve denegýd b>'te oèw tii. Bien, and se i10 repart vax mmotc afid vater and a. econ a. It ut M laattii. hedquatteri of thc vs.' possible for one ta vok lucidew liy t XIhiivoti. The man vas the iremen enteraid the haine. and ti stsim.b>' mane vamen du tlic£%Pltfire out thie furlishinga. c b* It l nid tbey, '. tut lthe "poar -ULttle damegéb>' the it-e lt.elf va. R e itii>ex pesscdt, ta their teraut-.db>' the.exterlor of the houa.. oo- &ad ntict-ifor fim Untl the. att- but a thinlie ept'vell vithîn the rilt he ltlbMal-patlorum o ite vaiis it vas necessary ~for the. iremenn tl:lonutàd vers off, 1 ta opent sever-al b oles luth, t-of ntd u ;ne Car wvilchcime near elrltinz voile ta get lie vater ta pe>'an tiie9 bE' m"- loft Weukiaboiut 2:21 ire. t] MW«oday sttrom u4 vwsruuning >Tii.lit-e va.disoyeredb>' Mt-s. J.a ta iuratsetrspee, vh. Moitr- C. Foley vhen, on ging tu onetrthe s.wéuecr t the ffltrithir 5ev upper maoUs, oe.detected lie order af 0 sa bethoet vu au aid overcesta enti.. Upon luvettigetion mli, found N cet>. treg1ws,»d A Mnfin uthe tht lu seve-al of -lh. ronms there vas Se vatci.d the SUPPeeci oser- ceusfiderable smo ntiesd the larnt va an sa bs ie nrodiUIholie sa laIturned ln. - éireirnsM ceverefthtic fat-m a & urnsdgaerai Heure. 1Jm aSt a bO 41e racts. H" Notvlttstdtug -the . vo.theti b*V b pever vIhU anwesd lire dePartint thelire hurned ievernJ W ffll" tc*bMUaica teintlug thcboue..and the Interlor -fut-ishlugs Mr e aCsewCnt t-t tic the -ma. ver. dssnaged tea agreat extentb>' the Lis ii. etcontaaanti conduct- inteke anti vatar. Tht-orotour leatis ~ei th i 51of the .frm on the of hoe were played on the tire, but a. obukt tMiY tnnA tbat the M"inldthe valet- could liardly reacli lie «$uelitl, al1u. a bis. face vus eut, sure.of the lire it vuea long tint. ba-1 fi Cli. bloend vasrumntg in asntret for therc va. e noticeabie deprece- *du hWs neitrle. Sont. pauers intin'. t1 d". attracted to te ne t-cc- 40ss l te a ntusd affered ta taie It vas cold for the iremen vorting es lie b»Car and ta theit- hoan su nticroof lu the enov and Coid vind. Thelr clothes econ becante atut-ted Car fSbt. Tien'claim thaI the vith voter front the dIffet-ent leads of ad a.Invcr teucied a At-Oito!fliase, and then fraie, reudering their st8sin s a lierbut ahi ein-va. ge grment. a.sliardsa.tee.. Tbelr ing- t#itothes tld te mavaseras sonubecaenumb vlth the, raId gimtly under the. influence affsuvtanIta.dlcitt sde igeer. the home. .TM* la die seceud man lu a tevr lAU&sttahave triedtutaitek.bliii ov ni' ine resut of the, reliuions ballets Section Band Killed. ý o 2iân Cit. The. othet- man. Âugut Antan Deugola, a eection hand ou efion, StIlI remgilu et the couttii.he Egin, Jolet and Easter-n relit-oaA j&L biut refusesta speektu1 an>' nue. and a reîident ou-Marktet att-cet, un- mert-ed ad ged ebout thirty, vai * Plnt I1I nlsge. lusianti>' tîlleA ,MNonday mat-n et the, 1<cv a!goo cher cme . eruttfot of Lake itreet sud'tbe Boit Uine et. etvance Crita gft tram lb. tractesVJh.n a Bell Lin. englue beet- OqsProdints plant Thurede>'. ed upon hlm t ie wot-i, eut botu legs A DO depnmen forthé an- off, truethlm lu the. ad, and ln- A nm deastmnt or ~man jured hîm fatal>', and lnflicted other ieacture of amyliii, a hrand new terrible votilds. pa-dut freh an telisarkt, wili It le aSeted tiat thbeengine va. 1e»lIn eperation within about six- eounding varninge and thel the man, t>' dey*. il wilh *mpey about, uniercelved, it ia bellevel faled tc thfrty-flve men whsn ready fer - - ean out of the vey In tinteEnuie * comtien.- j 575 vas lhe one viilcb t-suhlm dowu Amyftla a nev pt-duct made front and h. va. tiled Instautl>, the t-e- cet-n tarcli and la indinX su exten- main. belug ttlin tu th White-Hal- ïtsce use lu brevet-les. It bas not land undertaing rooms.' L' oge matde et the local Crn Preducts c -Ibt hillierto and a epecta depart- ÂAm Neyer Too 01d. *', ît i speetal machiner>' la bing Louis Seeger, agod 7,0, of ZMan Cty, .@s.tructed for lils manufacture. vas Thut-ada>' et Wauegen united in 'I'qpaopelng o! the nov departrnent mat-nage tu Mrm, H. Ciebson, of the *M seS ate up for the. reportait closlng mre Cty, aged 66, Justice Wlliam ef the tareit departmeut a fe*1 den'm8. Weies perfornng lie cerernon>'. ý»M andrestore th. glucose reSun- Seeger va. divorce ifà thie itate av te tU. 016leva'. Me>' 16. 1909, front e former vife lfunnetueni of thc uev deaert- vho, he lleged, vas cruel ta hlm., the mS uda otIeW confirmation. ce beiug a Zian Cil>' sensation, due NMew utidngs at Wirs Ml&.'in tafequent clashes belveen the ged gWyetal uew and Important bIId couple. MW Mde«tensions lave beatu finish- "It'a a loneîome job for au old 44'Ïtthi e tii .,,belng expansion. man vithoultîn, tliiinot heing mar -iEaeMd establshed deprtmnta o1t-ed," ventut-eti eeger, "ru 1 thoughi 51~.ure s ldis epattelthet Fidl t-yfilagaîn."1 bdiiaoua are tu ba md.- i Y jwmîjwodthat tiers la qute e ÂcuM S i Wl., appopnallit or uilIngaud Per-ey Richarde,,.nnployed an tfi - vIs th. Iol mlii. lectrlc raid, blia eien ont e warreni bafore Justice Weeh o f Wauiiegan to C. item et~ Information vbieh the et-test of i. dlvoiced viCe, of thl il cocvalgtlip Cil>', luCil>, on lhe lleged Charge liaI .1g ionu lire iroeliyour ad-as- tlps vinibic s UsvL ta nu ainàa threatened tuabsot him If obi Po i lunuemecet ays. > ever cauglit ht îit aaatber wvat Ë -MisaI. WtgCW lu vrtting A ton minute "I-t-usi." lunvt-ltiîi ~.lm% Oal seSliaIprap. à veutAd-sud îeull icl liaI prop - Ën 0--tmw.ett>'a. agre ai-taxes! an ,it int fer .ia nbe ee au. L08MSIN. LOW XGaWETT~ZUV [Math, Brins. Uàd to VerY Wlre WU&WOeraaStriOUM . Pathae o 0ù. By UIff tio Car. Flghtlug for the MBot e oelit miand James 04611,414 Ularidan real. via àe two acltll nwhio mAtrc e t pN e truck h a lla Xge & ilwauk-cciel- in'the Hlopfer the. TrIcieS lu 'Ltrie car At thIigT.tbstreet statiet hicag. fl pp: lu the 1,0e aboct 6 'och ck day m-rong andi 'h he flicttoY vu lhla her àstigeq iInjuries vtwhe Y Out hlm reacii b. an attack o PoudpctictiB bisli. whIih ti er a bIPIQU mscriPPle. Mvi. Mr. Qdell Who Ma .ntpoYOed a\nl<ht- &,maita Mouvle of chiesso. a piatient vatalimom et the jfre mille, v er. t the Lake County TUbe-1culoeIn l- cungta hie haie.from verli, ead Utute, d1.6 et th. tat colonY lday alîthougii ho. eldoe rode borne. h. de- momin of aeqmpUationet , ie-çded, avinE te the oold, ta otake the. stan. The tht-e .,alliers connectai vittithe case, espeAciii>'Witi amil Statat-, iaudled thbmecives gallnti> anti at-e deservlng o! great pt-aise. The chef ahbrpi>' reprimianded Jensen, IL ealonniepr, viie expectse 1h. aiic tca teep et-ner in bis plecq Iiitinte o! ueed, and li> acte of la'eadlng su- allier ieaouteep.r's Place, evec If e hatel, ant i thasngUcele&'d dulsurb- BO11 paiti their Sues. If te a IjO for a vaut &à DON'T LEAVB 1?T O A PLACAR-D! FOR I Dure*i uaabdte rua swo w«e swlîl e au "e. lM. RE NDSlug id. 11. 12.44 FOR SAL.E-Amrs.lots o tht-a.mou s. et !of rnes: be 41 aefositatre. Inquit-r.e. & Geusa, Ir 1> FOR BALE-NUy fart caiintng 197FOR SALE-Lot. itht. eDymn ad d MMses-, it &asd boantfl e&M Autin aubdii.iam, SOxilO- $100«aecli1 tises- geai oaea54, bMmdeui' faitly $5dav, $5 pst- mou*. Dvusenà .oZedl.i«ou.tlw &I î; 1oth UlmsO w.-40-si,.4 "edg 24milsem puWumubejan. Win _________ ssii vr raus if 15sold.bofère . . Fou'parteulriii. Tba.o'Nmiahoy. FOR SAIE-Chtols lois.u1. y;eu 1110, gbiorvdwCeit, Eeekford, I111..1011 Wrigt'a addition, 50050S, for fM0.001 --~~~~ # -- - - -250.00 sBd 00.00. Uvyiteib t 4A.oentiî FOcrm 5L- .-, âi- Î_ 1aîg mcs mw Ial part -FORà At lId pFORE outil It biood 9- F. Th, rFOR f' siugis Aurrey ride 09 ,a ours;N r- Parki atm n Miveeke Avnu, Ti. PARMS-Wb% haveare listani Lai ararlgt, ottr ny our no. e~uty fet-eala soit, =a ou@ssud lots I HURzLE & WiHEtiLER, Libertyviîie. lu village. DnqOStI & AUlNe. 41>-tf L c-1 t-tf SALE-A full blond female lie FOR SALE-Or will trede for a filht and e bail yeaes aend three fu,, driver, an 8 year î'id work hore,, vsigb- puuisdoenvek ad» 12510. II. J. Womanoc<, rayoilake, dependentOffice,.. ----- SALE-Fuit Blood tiarred Piym. SRock oockerais. Aiodire. lui dDrueJerseyBoaarm. APPI. ta .R. rhomes., Libertyviiie, liane 2658 >1o-t t ALE-2Sbhetiand ponte" witb lead double barmn, rubiier cired ey and cart; gentie for eidren to or drive. Wiii seli cheafi if t4kenetý qwîi oeil sepavete. J. . letlcCuna Avc.4hhetyv . !ie. P.12.1 aiH lmprovomeute- (Jetrel>' iacald. (C. 0H-. Bûoyes, Lihertyrilie. 111. ' - î21-tl - OR RENT FOR RENT-Madera partJy furnisbed five room , at. Appiy aet ii Office. e-10 AW PURS WaNTSD~.6lI binAs se bWbéteploi .BelE. -l-Os bouà ra St.eler et lits ShYouea Huvesii ess o i ta t-at.. asti ueauwy as fl en ean o .sýM yoe e bmlageet-si WA#NTED-SOO people te iit Me- dith's peuebommes,eontmemb« ng l ISe.1 ta tse i regîlis, $fus, gold l Sali&D4 Sevcmsla'alL lloksfsihr. . 12. LM Md FOND .08V OR8TOLEN-Oue aed bvlqht bay mae, 16 banda. near 1100 wt; 2 white hînid test. star 19) forabead, white @pot on o[e hip. iewrd. Finder moi. .W. Koae. Pbone 2628. LOST -in Lîbertyvilie ou Erid&Y uigbt Oct. 28. valuahie brown saeu-! &sud v@ivet ,se'eîvf hFldpr pI.'ae return to tbis affil-e or phone 2655. e-1Il IO S T-& tc h bi Co le w ith white @tri p 1rn hWmfi-, btecoillr, whbite tip un hi: tai and. Jour white, feet. Answer, ta the unflai 01 King." A rewardwIlil be given..Caist lthe Drug Store, Orayeiak,'. C-51-tf I aONRY TO InAN nh FOR. SALE-1 ivii@Pl'i Uone of my fou~r ENT- if Irrigated fat-me.luin dbo, T ul O lend. bouae, bat-n and one -e ditrict. Thia fat-m coniste of8 a s nr o ad.I 0u f [»'moed & MONEY atail impt-oved. On. uhird eo! 8balace Autin or Ioth. Eliti, LIl.rtyviiiefra lu ,eit yeae. i nped the. mue>'for iediate locali uvetment. Thim le a MONEY b.locg bergain. E. A. Nordling, 201 iieueweeo FOR RE4T--We have a f.v go(,, rnod- mono>' ii n St., Waukegau.Iii. e-8-4 et-', uusm.and flate to rent,-1 r ouet> t-re FOR------- I.11,,niebeil toom,, vlth teent beici. vii or oSfer? &mt heFRSALE-An M roil ilwaukee corn wl-haut board. f>vnomu & Arevni ut tiharoedet. uped tour veeki, eCal i 't th addrffs B. J. Loy.-t-ce telepîtone 163., 1 e --------------- --- OndittN, ,T we, bro i ai In Éieaet The etory et Me.Malin. wasp-t-t ca. The ce=arsae vuniuh On Que i lu the, BIN a t.v veeki MgO. Sic tick at- thtat pleeê Sm yet ovine te Wm brougbt ta the tanit coîony lut ti. pava en ?Marlon tt-et 8udMr. lenuary, ment there by the. United, 06.11. euppoaiug that liho ntld have herities of Chicago, who maïd at tlie te cross the trmenk;, stoppai tfull Ii me thet they lhait moue>' enouali for f-rant of tii. nort1; . nnd car. bet- ta keep lier.there three menthe. Tii. car struek h. n l the aide and .t the. end of that tinte ah. wum hoewaî hurlil edt one aide pf thE real>' lrproved and wam ahie.tta do tracks. When lie va. plcked up lin nte of the liglite- parts of the. vort the memberB of the. crew of the car bout the kitcben. Suie was allawed then' found that. bva. lit a oerioui to tey ut the instituttiDn and ut the condition. He va. talten te the lias nd of sevon menthe alie liaid so far pîtai and lit-. Kuiglit, the. phymîcian-o recovered frram the. dîmeame. tubercu- thie company, va. mummoued logs, that e h. ves able ta earn a Upon exarnînatiali it was found the part of lier expensee et the. colon>'.j Mr. Odeli boid euffetied a gaverea, ul A tew veelta ter mli. vas stricten wound, aithougli his aluil vas no witb an attack of appeudIitis and fractured. Beside tliet. lie wem mevyere wai talcen to tlie Jane MeAliater ho. y eut on one aide. tlie eut. heini Pitai7 where an aperteln wu. Pe-- causait by a coffe btottl. wlileh lie coi formait. Tii.opératian n is aiftvNUried lu lits pp*cet. Tht-e. lingera c asucce.,but It left the. vomen a beiji- his left boud ver, aima eut off. legs cripple. Wlien eh. leerned that Mr. 06.11 bas been empiloyed as, Probably ilie neyer would he able te nightvatch et the vire miile for sevei talc enotiier etep lunlierIlfe, ah.c gave, ai yeero. Wben lie vas througli vit up ail demil-e ta live, saylug: I-'lin' 'liis vtnrt h. valu the habit Wanted te liv.ego thet 1 would lie wellweingra temletobson m d etvong agaiu go th4t 1, coutltake w Serdng raad ah i rt i a ihtui cet-e of ut>' eblîdren, wbo are nov u in:tneianot,enand ti.laridmi an ot-phans' borne lu Chiceago. Nov t n>'etrtedta rn on tbeon.arsei tLbat 1 wli nee .i h.l ace- f To bhis ignorance afthe change _i tlem Ivnttade; there i. notblug runnîug .order of the car Io due tl more ta lite fat-.',ocdn. H re mbrdta1 1From that time until Frlday eabccietermrbrdta gradualiy manki untîl it va. ceeuoujiat vas on the. wrong track for the ne tiiere wu. littie hope 0frlier living for bound car and etarted ta crassa ¶1 an>' tirne et (Ll. Fridai rnornîng lertracke te get on the t-lgbt eide. Il Prayer for death wae anmwered. het car va. ncurer then lbe thotight fi vuea tned thata brother et Me.. Ma- anid It etruct hlm. lie vas living lu 1-Ugliood and lieJ Mt. 06eU le a mat-t-ed man and wam uotllied of the deatli ot bis smuter it~theftlier to auildren. and caille ta Waukegen te taie the reotmasta bis honte. Company Kakes Good. Luet June the. MeCarnra Ca. of Bi 1Police Pooled Him. liluton. igned a contreet vlth a te "Thet-.'s no policeman lu 'Waukegen rnittee wba liedt beu ap . pint d 1 wba ce. get me ta the clty jaîl," .ald Grayalake citizen. te buld a condet .Day. Larsen, huisky, ehock-bead gleut tIng fectat-y there If th.y coulA pro at the Obernan bouge Tuemday ove-.Jta" thent tat tii.>'couid get a w' 'uing. Nevet-thelesselhe epent ft.eifiglit vhlch vouid eupply tient vater lu tie cit>' Jeu and va. thie mornîng r t-un ebfector>'. The contra . t v . âned, fer ton lîgl> rnny thiut. $15 eceepted aand et once the. committ and comt or dlmat-deriy inonduet and re. vith e lirm bellef tbet ail thingi WE eieting an officer. poeeible When tiiere vas e veli. i Wltb hlm vee ftned Christ Jensenti te-l ln a erueat. Payfng ne mi a Wasilngton etreet eeloonteeper. for tian ta kuacite or diecatiraeme .disorderly conduet aima, hlm penalty tbe>' tept weli diggerm wat-ting d bing $10 and comte and nigbt until ut wee eccouiplimbi . Thie tvo îeern Ia bave Inveded tbe Saturdey brouglit thelr reverd vii Bliermen Houe dining t-oa t about the McCemt-a Ca. met the.coitmmit 2:30 lu the mornlng. Mit-. Dimligagldln the.euit paelrs and slgned up th 1came dovu elaire ta werm cmaefood ecceintance 0f the vel. It la aile, for the. baby and the place wue nat thet the>' baye ardered e $4,000 pui supposed ta be open. Tii. tw ceame vhlcl i yl e inetiiled et onee end i intothe inig rom, aterbein inmeterlal for the. factory htaialobe. inthplae d110g*onBmt. fer eng In rdeted. 'If the vether permt, i Llong, anA demanded bot coffe.The>'bildinaye. tatdrety ;e 1fareed bits. Dintllng ta prepare tht., It - olidays.____ i- laad, juet a. Dilning entet-ed. H. aordered them out of Vie pîce. Tliey Death o! Old Age. et-efueed ta go. Officer $tIe- vas lire. Ameretta.BSimmons, etep ni ceiled. Tien Larsen made the t-e. er of Pi R. Simmone of'Wauklegan i »mat-l quoted and thei. taceid 0111- Brad Simmn, ato North Prairie. d acet- Etalket- for a flulal i igbt. Dirng a et ih lonne of the latter yeelert left the room nd, l~ oeked the. dont-, be marniug et four of aid age, the f m aya, and Mrm. Dimling lied lu e con- et-el vîlI be beld et eleven TuesÈ dition'0f nervoui terrer. There vas morulng ftramNarth Prairie. Sb. , 8e generai conditian ot ponte ville the tbe-widov of th. late Elliab Simfln 1- fghtwen on ()eerStaker. ara-and a pramînent and beloved resld ;0 moned Officer Peter WVitfs and theoftecmuiy atvo ver. finailly tieked put of the ho- utel dintng t-oom Into the att-cet ouI>' Woodmen investigation ta have Lat-sen itrike a blow eti husit> Chicago, Dec. 8-Charges of l'Officer Statet- and bath of lhern hopnmisuseof millions of 6d11eta afc et Wlrfm. The tva offleere, however, Modern Woodmen of Ametea ae, cleened the. tva huskies up. Tii. liglit teined lu'eavt-itteii demeud fat- an thon contlnued ail the va>' to ýthe sta- maiats and exhaustive' invemtige ytion, and even after the. affet- reen- of the. affaire lu tuis fretet-nai or@ ln fat-ced by ornie? Nelson It veged and cation delivet-ed tonlalit;ln pet-sot le ln the police ste'tion "d up ta the State Insurence Comntlsmioner P n tinte the tvo ver. lu the jeli. Patter etitth. banquet of lite inauri Dimllng Baye th9t, evert-> ine en- preeidente, t»' John G. Deniean, ,e sen gets te feeliug gond hllaades the of Dubuque, la, te Shberman Houîe and stett trouble. e Great empbgs l lid on the. tact fluet PÂTHER 0F ELB e lhe t-av 100k place la the dning rockl, E 8NI DE ed the. ber belns of cours. chosed. Chlefconoliy ncot moruing toiti of-PthroW U ow P ,Id fler Staker thet h.o auld have mcd Ft Di f e iKi owatp ®'- blm clubi to beat the tWo Into mbmSi-ff Ded rWy_ - L Sutalned a Week Avo. Paul ,Jensen Aed et bils home toilovlug a 'trot, of apo>plex>' vblcl lie austaIned about a veet ega. Mn. Jensen had lit-.d lu Laie Fat-est for about ifleen >'.srs. and dut-lng that tinte-om a mut aÇute lu the cît>'. He .vu 74 y.ara of age. Tic tuneralva. held et the home lu Laie Fat-est Mondai ai t-faoon et 2 c'elocit. -1 If itt'îaa obfor e iikt.adk DON'T LRAVE 1'>'TO A PL&CAp~! il R SALE-Dors, wagon and bernef.. me will weigl 180. Cai or addrees bsieke Çreant.ry. c-4-tf C. & NIl E. WIL isttatioin. Lltiertyville or otic-te. e ihvod,liti. e-i 2-lt i FOR SALE-lu t-------------rime- -- -__ _ __ _ __ _ _ ilviéàiâon ai bertyvuiie. South of I ui~ ve.1-fie rad on Milwauke! avenue. Bl. * ANTE çal grow rTO 1LOAN-00 improved ivmond & Austin. C.5O:tf i(ie ou ood mprvP Rlke 1 lai oneigte. Wblt hve yoLaie malt«atttet. WhEEt aveLu b- FILLED SPECTAOLES-witb et ineiuded for $1.00 and Op. Fur pnceut Lensé. catied tor w fraetesfor m~ur ;ireemlt ièuae. thel boid witb cômfort, front, nd nul. Mtssi drng *tore ail Drux store, carier Geneme Miadimon Waukffaii. l11. C291-t GOLO I cicrpltl teo Have. >'î bave t $1.041 et- ti. Roe et,. and M b. 00 OW8tIELS President funk, of the National Corn Groweu's' As- sociation, sajjs the alluvial soit of Lopisiauna should average a corn crop of 100 bushels to the acre.. We are :»selling land there at $60 to $75 per' acre scarcely the value of a good corn crop. And, you 25 TO 40 TONS Of CANE to the acre, worth $4 a ton. The demand for cane- cannot be -sa lisfied. Sugar miills want more. SPLENDID CLIMATE NC MALARIA CIIEAP LIVING NO BLIZZARDS .NO S140W EASY TERMSUaYou canbuçp this land at ribicuu Iouslg Iow prices--=$5 to $70 per' cash, 'balance ten ~as 6 peu' cent., and gou cao payj for the land in cane. - Ut i$ worth trging. Ask for descriptive advertisiîng. Go and see the countryj, test its productive powers, Excursion Tuesdayj, December 20, 1910. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. W. . SMITH, WA-UKE(G,- ILL* ASSOCIAI! AGENT. 1 Il 1 O-P F- 1 i -- -w4 - -- il . 1 1 . 1 il ýw he Dr, la tir- Mn bY ne )v4 »Jý tc ?ai se en Mt lw. ýed 10 ýte kel 90 ýM] th 4n th th OU au lie da !ut da wi oii let cc Lit. gai n an 3 r, FOE Graj Lbi J. 0: tr- ne- Me e iet e Mt, Say 6e, len te mi 4ng. the lied d da was 'ns lnt the ,thé con- lm- Lion Sto b. C Jr., [oi 0 - - m Aie

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