CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Dec 1910, p. 4

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sis Iý Puseateea Ubertyvm. lu, as Som"4Oimm 3iter ýww'zvE &ivuV5im itiUO &MAM £ttOWN on APWLOCAT[OU MION PUCE $1.50 PER VEAR SrRICTLY IN AOVANCE ...... ,.......................................... Editor $#4A ............................................_.......City Editor FRIDAY, DECEMBEIR 23,IO '-And I Say, Qed Bleu lIV' .61 have always thought, of Christmas tinie wben it urne around -apart frein the veneratiQu due te its e iiaîne and origin. if anything belonging te it eau he« tfrin that-as a goo<I tune, a kind, forgiving, chiari- ,plasat iî~e:the only tithe I know of ini the long Idar 0cflthe ar when men and wornl. scem, by one ent, tb openitheir shut-up hearts fr el, anà te thiuk of ee behîw thei as if they really ïVere feUow passengers te, grave and not another race of.creaties bound on r joUrneys. rAnd there, thougli it has neyer put a, 3 of gold orsilver in my pocket, I believe that it has me g4ad and will do me good, and I. say, God, bless it. "1 -Prom fliekens' C'hristmas Carol. UNANIMOUS FOR WHINEY. Tihe Lake county bar le a uni t in ita fealty te te Whitney candidacy. Ut mienae a whole lot. L .ake county votedrtewere neyer se, unanimous In their desiro. that a Lake amtf usaon b. eiected t any o"fce as they art right riow that Hon. Charles, aey ucceed thé. lte Judg. -Wright. ',thSUN bas in the past on occasion opposed political policlea omenating omthea-Whitney office.. W. hava oppoaed candidates Mr. Whitney sup- Ake, end have in tact had many honest differencea withhlm, but we beibeve bta thei logicai mani for the circuit bench, that he la quaiified In every way, llot h as the deired judicili temperament and plai, that he will flil the i*wth honor and credit te himmeif end the. district. W. have faith: i h fàir-minddne«a of the other countlea In the district and belleva tii ta. cenclusion in McHenry, Bcont and Winnobago countica can but b. W Lake. county la enitied te a eepi entative on the circuit b.nch, for roa- W* et apparent It la useieaa te argue hunt. " Wr. Whitney staiida to recîsve thep largeat vote front Lakce county evr erd a candidate for any office. We feel the other counities can 111 af- W ta overlook thus act. SANTA: CLAUIS. @Peitht ubtie conaciences ore again discussing the. question whther ilopaniaaable te aliow young chidren te b. deceived by the Santa Caus .Certain it lotat 1nçthing shouiti be toled the kidieta that can in, any way Wct thair Sndency te truth telinq. Ail chiidrin lie until they are made to Od out the poaition et truth In the. universe by s Judiciou"-pplication et the met or ottuer perauadera Those who_ neyer learn it In that manner se- aile the Information in much more expansive ways later on, whether In the octal condemnâtion of their neigihors, or by sali sentences. Out if the parents deceive tihe littire onea In one thing, how co they ex- mt truth In anything? la 1h case made eut againat our oid friend Santa, whu i la danger of tailinq under the ban et the moraliste. 1Chidren live à lite ef luxuriant tancy. Much ot their lite is spent in .uwnrstien wtii thoir "1intginaria." *If they taik about what these crea- liMe of froibeBome humer sas> or de, ne parent thinka cf reprevlng them. A latthe chld becemes rationalilt enougih te rgue that &6anta Claus ;od ot ptviibly mekie teya enough te. ail1h. tchiidren. If ha thinks at ait dait t'"fitlon that hie parents have encouraged, It prehabi>' stems te hir osqpioly ila the>' have had théir Imagnaia lîke hlm. That maka hlep. wAiS W a biwaof !alesplay spirit, and hetps bring him end hie tsther end hie saUtr eloier tegethur, a highiy desirable end. If t.e yungter rhouid *ver be detected In a rosi lie as the reslit of the bufta'Clauafilet, on. ittterv-w with hie fater eguipped with teusuel moqson for ctivating a lovae ofSiut, eught te establit Uta distinction bo- »On t me»taaile and dacaptien. STE.WART STOVES ARE GUOO A conmuIte stock off Bas Borners, fMot Blastaý, ý,qà IeOteS. Stoves sud Ranges. ZOA~BINATION GAS ANDI COAL RANGES LET US SHOW YOU S?{HANCK BRUS. Wéa tte~en II.nwtbers of tisa Alpha Club aüd a lew ia#ui Irland@ lait Tbnrstay evvalng at the, Iteatitul w wooiridwe boiseba Park Av'-nue. The g uuu i4red &bout fifty andI wera -intertained witb aa pIeîidid itrogram 01i- vociti antiinirtînittet muait-. A ladie. quartette eomposai of lIra. F. E. Wlre tirâ. Jans itavis, Mgal. 1.. .Hanby j and Mm Robt. Higgiiîs4 gave leverai 50 Win contrînned appvitut4e. Miss Neal iavored the ladies wlith a Piano 00l0 wii-l was greatlv ati,rteiatedr and Mies Atidie>Miller sang in lit-r tîsttîliticPlauing tif stolilintprcouree andti he attriietive, environnuikt of thte iandsoeîîb oule b ite i. u"ewere . eitt>rtained. ail te-îded tô invite tii.'oetasionîione long to) b.. r.iiîeqnlt..i4Il hy ail pie-tut. Thiilas bt-en a ituy week wItb aIl of oui- homne rti'etsltS ni te&itOl trate itandiet by t-eîvarionîs attires during the .paxt teui tayë s laltt.-ing commnendatitîn upnté te s1lenid d-tet-o carried biy the duireit îteréaltiit' eètaItliwhmpeit. The- spirit ofi Christmnas 1ltrvetnîtiîrouphtg thlis seasot finds a ready iY n a ivintl uvel-lin lW i heau tinl i oh-rvttttis ii n ar, of the atorese,te eotitr selî-itie titiinitontIl l tieî vai tidhues ronsîslýt îtt sa lilfteide. CUIlDinvtiDg ini a masls ofi initat adde jusi.tte iteeticl tout-h (i brightnesp tu cý(tîliiîietethetitie trure.-,The inerry eboppt-rse titrongs of smiing munn wtten andi -iiltiren. ite consalîmîta- tion tilaI pîs jti iaantitnt-ant4 pljeasufi.. joy anti ail titi.itppin.ssîf tii giatisoute sealon. The Iazavir tir titi iytii Niiglibors aittI- Towin Hall asf t--k was tonet-)f tt îthemot eitjoyabultas Wil seaei. itTheii.. itî-itîi' thti-hall u-nei prettliy dtumti titp tidsevetral bitlid eoîttailtetl a vit-i.'f articles eseieri-illy raîîpnolriatC for Christmnas îti-...-ts. Theiti. t itptr.,t iliîg i- ofn- itite bazavir tilt e iii.. it -tît t t'ici i ilit-s, tgrtu îs Iltidr tietitll-otf tire -SNtaili *ae8ls ilt -u tilai tii-l-s. tZilift ili-lt i --er a oi aptiit tî i tkéuduativep tilîstî are Ilit em Wo es l i-d tii.- ut-kYI.1 i îieis * i tli'- di sfti iîj,iït iiî--.ici, h'sEtlia * Bartînuur. îîl.Si-lut lt-r. tl.--îil; Nirs. Ed Weli. seltfiItîlîstand cuitilt * stirs: Nrs. Ed Metùinail. Sabuv îuit; a. lIre. Ruiler, sainpilluw. We e ure siîked titisvt-t-k Ilia d. 18 Liht'iltit sttbt.-ritiîtr 0i-'sv a-e keý.t-i 1I-l iiiittg thte pit lt-t-tillr te sui-q il t t lai.' iîîtl xpii.- d. Ese.y su- i a - lîa a ~litowles ('fiiithi ixt--,i- s --I itu tiis iîlîi 1-lp ae t o~ ttttf ti-ithli ubserilier ,;..i i g,, nsae*t-tDiiiirg down- lor is- t- - il, tîlian tsà. reit as nolt- ,I tlti,i-r titaî to t-t a itle - aii;tst lié-eiii îNtst iia stîb,-----r lo, e-ulà a il i debt. Litil, e ut 16 itf it tr là borne- palwr tîtri ttt.tenligte pôau.'i-aler ittr -te bas fespiri. Ir ismît t eeesany 1-r te City silies or w eekies to oliow tbis uit, as their saheerihetit IIV",-t a distance anti are not pet-sontàl frienuls jailite eaewitit a iajorlty ol oui- aubserihertk. Oui aulîscriber$4 ahoulti sisemitan bor-ta kîiow that we do nontdovbt tieir integrity anti continue- tosndt titiwtt peper citer titeir tint. liffs expiret. Sitoul any dtisue their paper diaCîîntinueui ti-y sitond notify uis airemit Su date il titiy bave nti aliîedy uit o. u Look t thle ouuo , yeur coiîy oifte paini- and ges ttiat. ~50-cent bt 0c f i-1 îhalf-teaspoo.n î:u;four times a day, mixcd in its bottie, wili last a year-old baby near- ly a month, ànd four bot- ties over three. monIths, 13 n -ihMulnr and wviI1 make the baby lute tslauinary moemenî t Z ît r vaa wuh. cause ai a divorce lnu If BAIRSTOW trong and welI ard will «& Torfldt)-. Thle case va, O1efDavid Warren against bis whte MAUFAwircTuNai 0 o lay the foundation for a ýnaWarren. 'Th. couple itatibeeny .Wtd"ff ol'severai years. ant d ad~ J. . >04 bwpily util tht-y becanmemr- M rbean Git haty oes o r ::::zo th cutslu:OUCity. vuU:iUeaty rostby r t.etrouble began- T i girlnu tfvytr vltb one of thei-sevunteen CemeerW orkofEvery TOit SALx 5V ALE DRIIGOISTS *bO4 netsbe Utoty. and it t laiinetid i7 o. " tvro traveltedti ogethen al aven Decrp Bu O.,uao'ppraniti Muntry.. ragsterlng as man sd anti. mm fppe n hi d , Correspondence boi clte<1 bueieautit iStiuxs B-Iak«asI Cbid% Skahct.- É b ecree vaqsont coniestedthte Booik. Bath baukutain 1 aa a G 1 SdLotis pgb"net #nowlng te iesent Plenn.-r w0gbta etfliuaex-vite. 1 6ao àIOM4" W ibeJ U=' iNEW OOWN iam h &Y ff5f soraDWE.45Pea lt.' ~aetsuai ebeea, mis bom- >I i te nlbtt elant la not làcd~ 7«b»ýMow0-- M VTitem oe t IfmatIon whlets prolty seek Uthe t UtleI -a- .KTIES ce of N.w Yoo and Chleaga hava thate *&y about e*@My WKGUARANMU EVERY GAiNENT .TO m pm IF IT 13 MET RICHT YOU HAVEL No ?IGKT That ià tha RIGMT war ta do thhgs aMd huslathii IGMI at pepow nprliS. l' A SILK SCARFS PO CKIET IAND= MENF.S'MUFfIER GEINTLEMEN"4S SLI PPERS, iPOCKE-T BOOKS AND A fINE LINEil Or PIPES ANDI CICiARS 4 -P~iARKIURST- SCHiANCI; BLOCK Don't Porget.7 Thaf we- haw- everything for that Xmas dinner harkeys Ducks Chickens Cetery Cranbetories Oysters Nutss Xmas Car'dies Oranges Bananas OP't~s~ &FEDRU LIBER-", t> L! - ,: W. M. APPLEY Auctioneer FARfl SALES 054E PElt CEN F Libertyvige, MI. PH-ONE 143b. MARTI N C. DECK ER ultte Opp. i8SSbS. Eletrie Station (iftiv t line '5Mi4 fItem. Phone 360Mlt NOUrT11lHbîIVAG. ILLINISt . PHIONE 30 DR. r. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE Hnurs19v, l 2 to 4 and 7 t- 8 1,p.m oL,-nch».trcv. 1tore. SncCiAi.xmrtlis 14>THt lt-i LIBERTVILLE. ILLINOIS A. K. STEARNS LAWYER 2131 Washngton Strept waukegau 'Phone 2761 People who intrua theïr monby to a buRk want to know uonitbtng of ite finanolÂl utt W. fufly recogia. thb srlght, and gladir 1urnI" depositors with a 'Ilst of our dfreters and stook- holderL Thon, ftrom Urne to Urine, w. publtah report& ,howing the condition of the baniL Copies of theme reports are kept on hand for those who wtah to Beo them. cake Ï&onty ltoallat C'apital Siirlultits anid Profitto 30,001t.0ll stchle'rrîtabiit 50.000-00)iil *aeeaaiiaiaaeeaaaaa.eeaeea i DI1ADETESÎ ýeAND : NERVOUS DISEASES : :successfuiiy Trreated b>' a Pi>'.:- a* atn et 35 Vears' Prac- ticai Experience. a Dr. Davd H. Stern ltad et aSte Stern Ht-dicai Disiîensnry,a : ialtea toe h-ur perisontly tram athaee wta are Ill.Write ttthe- i tar. it viii cýt-et OU iotiting. lHe. * iii teil]you lfartsa : Every patient la gluen te In- idividuai aîttittion of tir. Stern, a a witnae extîerleltre of mat-y ypars enbles bina to correety divi- * nouafe alinicnte Shat htave baffleti -:Ste rdinary Practitioner. a a Caii or wrlte r I STERI IEDICAL DISPLESIRY .263-269 Dearbor.lit, CHICAGO.a CHIRISTMAS MILLIINERY Veila. tisdaarfa and Ladies jFurn.- i lalings fer the holida'y trada. FURS and SWEATERS We aima have about lwo doien Ladies,r OfeMisses and Childins Coas and- jackets. Sonne of hem lafi-overa. w. wili dieaone-haif thhir cosl. Calto s« our goods rM. A. PROTINE I LIBERTYIL lu. _______ILL_____ rAilttie Wani Ad wilido il. I DO ITNOW I Don't 'w-ait until the la st minute Boxed liosieri, Linen Towels Scarfs Hlair Ribbons Ilankerchies Gloves Christmas Tree Trilef Set Nuts 110119, Bxes Hlat pins ' N4eckties Table Clothes Auto Veils Sweater Coats Infants Blankets Tollet Articles Sofa PiIows ttollg Napkios Tiéossue Paper AND MANY OTIIER TJMINOS. FOR IIRISTMAS WW., CAIkWêýLL & SON SEE RUJSSELL * Limber Yard, For Figures tit BUILDING MATERIAL Mvy jri..'. are riglttland gr4èset gnnd. Wlietherrycîn buy sîr tmnt gpt t ny llgiirett. PitI'.tE[) %WHIITEWASH. IS. IMEAD. Prop. Wm. LAYCOCK Go. Op«e Ilet. Paul Ire Nht:D<pol Libertyville, Binois SMachine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOBILE IWORK A SPECIALTV Eninea (>veriîauled. A Ful Liuî, of Snidries. Tires Re- paired. When ini Trouble TE LEPHON E Libertyville Exchapte 661 or 1262 Dress Material Suspenders tNapkins -Umbrellas SilkSkirts Waist Material Trimmings_ Doîls Cbristmas Cards MoUq Ribon L. ,JE 7mm $50,000.00 Total s i 30,I)oo. oo 9 1 i ý

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