*owthe beneficial -cf- fccts of in a ver short tinie. It not only bu ilds her. up but enriches the mothce milk- and propérly nour- ishes the child. Nearly ail mothers who nursetlieirchildrenshoul( ta3ce this splendid, food tonic,* not O,'nly to keej up their omm strength bul to properly nourish theil children. tat Title* est éWs ob Absats 0f 'Mute. nu« Gs4mtu Mumine Tespla Sdèrj.obUaMeg II LODUk .IMlt.r J. B. Trtme and Wite te a A. lit- op. lot 4 blôk 1U, WtgUbi addit1op is zm te LlbetYvlillsW. M.. 0400 0h1150beff. »dmin MeOaaD ud Mvitte TIWo- )M. Wom. ol tbti Olbosmu. lot 7 bNcI . tWrlit,' bersJus. rS. addition te lUberty'rtle.W. I»D., $40. mnai fiamç 0. IL lf.naohand ifmIte tILE.1. Ooby bad Ilvé Rines, mut liéfot ot 20 aM Met viflher el N4 test «Mlei 19, &MitesteIIéoINýt>I. T he tu£9j must AidItInIs, Wauma, W. D.e. $1. tidt taunYsIsW *IHSI AY U~but nov r- >- Jaslob BOblai City ...... ....... 26oeil4esl 04 Ma#« à *awmrn.........5n P on JO" eh. ity ......... .......! L1lu I Hmnai Wa .......tch ..... la et liai James T.-obnur56 PUWba V ille coslade................ 80 M.u>isi Joe nld, .rh IeU.... a bA imsp Mai Pika*e ,itMe.... ......... Bq S . 0eesd s 0Jle Oin4oeé sae..........30 uaturdl, obi. Jo.nC Gray, ataston.... .228br btp and bhl LU"ianMay' Davis,............19 mtslavsr Abert Wagner, Mlauee...28 Clan Boulttu................ 20 ChOarlesa bricun, cli>'..........80 Drotby Dnar ain me .......18 *Peter JurhiOas, City ............21 A. C. 1ifb51 geMgaithue Pocaito, sane........ 20 Libertyville Tu )Peter J1. Meeble, Milwaukee...21 W. -M. Knod Ïlleuer ftchuermmu. sane ....22 itib relativesa William Kanne>', Mllmukee .AZ dey eveug. Almpa Biume, samne............ 20 lira. Win. John Meli.>', Mlwaukee .......... 27 mee witb ai gd Jénte 9bdgs, "m............. 20 1. . LeMnier sad ite te . I 0111ev . 7. £7test eaUt 164.4 test, lt .8l, sectiole, 6.wiukega. W. D. $1.00. P, U.anger sand mite to B. H. 0111e, N. 149.3 foot, lot 9, section 16, Wbukems. W. D. $1.00. -Margaret Itona>' and bui3bani te . R. Roue>'set'ai, 246.A1 'ac&eala secs. tIenl ant iX1, Waucoada TovnbalP. W. $> 17160.0 Margaret Roue>'anti huabanti te J. IL Roaey et i, 72.84 acres la 0. W. quarter @secton 7 Freont Township. W. 1D. 811.00. io. Wargit anti vite te B. u. Wsll . si% test, lot 9, bloci 12. Or4ginl Wskega. W. D. $14.500. Mary I. Latta teo. . Petemonlot 14 ilool8 3iAO &George's addition hWisiçie* oud anivite te or0 ÇUleslas, o bl8 ock 1. Dai h *iwûs abdilvla" of epair et tic *îpSrtivm Iuate ot section 28, Wau. Çouv J. Casirtena nd i miete re.. A «1ck. J.MNoise. tractetl1]ad, la sec- tués 7 sud o, Mnte» tomnship. W. D. TP.iradonanti vl e te Ca.. -lila, lots 8 anti 3block 13 Wamb- bum SBprngs. Waukoçmu. W. D,, $400. or - U et H hin1l B1odnie riqsth imP «I1 lermkl. lt1, Ua â ,ëeb4ra .muk Noti Chie- code. W-ý. R. Ioâi.Mt IrAUCOt4DA Mi"e (Ml- Ien On.Y rtras te chaom«Ods. alter svendiag a two mUoe i vaatiOn nt ber home. Mrà. IEd DalIyo mai17 friexîds mili b. pleaed to km= uthat she oln ue uérond te recoeor. M.at, ange Mrs E Hog. 1 The Mises Rtzetbalst tl 0 boue uA IU SîlUSI eysessU~ ha eJater apI i ta v4h Mis. tii Il sbd'iraetsrsê onspeat Isada ithiO met wlth an amdeat t Mi on tbofloordltlc.aig wr.age eghby-alne year., Sy mrtons eas.e MllE -VIEV Bier sud son Ted viajted at atgbland Park Tues-1 stauclil Ia spegdlag tii m. 4> F. Bitsatbaelr Mmr. and vmra, OWS lason banbeen ou uhe sici rweM but la nom setinembut sOlive .andi Mltirsi bavt rmamed their iatudico tt could mm 1efficietier îoftimre. that DMa enntly. tehîl enura ibtedi>'thil a go peoplej id to the réi the use et now' collim ay that tilt Tbe ait bèýy Cemttry Assodiation Wfoi ««N end af,«-m eh Wi meé$ et t4homereet01 Mi STtb. veit, Wo At t' l" WmrUé iw Foots, Tburady, In.96.3h. mWet=ri et oft tic cputy, aMWT Thomlii b. -a apetiaimeeting la ithebrisugit tite 491« anitic çh1ca] sehool bouées, Tn. 14, at 7 'cloek fer 'mgtt>ý. .Mdud i ansWh the purpesfee ctlng tmo îtu!ctora. merlltg husi. --iç, Caàlternia argo.' Le letoi. ilnt , bo hé"a" au iabg As à bam Tb. -teaceiýr ue PPer room. di- Want iW e 4MnOspraîg e bthe , mulueed sohool Wsdneediaymeraingaa 5 1 i g 400olete Cil. said, "echbool int trouin mouid b.éCSausnabai Peiefrouaevea ibeir d"iaotibuned ntIl tn. ruomn le provldod tIe t.Sti. wltiaastore tbat Witt keep abhe roomu1TiiM»salas eh et ft heifitiy.t*ql wa"i." Tho edioci bao»ne mape. globe caris la *dte bave boen fayoff . other OCsmIls qgomiheasrraidsR l ans -e4 ci obor scewry'edtptent trNomWalI t. doepeOe M G Ulmasu erm tbt ie OL. Smty h o stm net om. Utm&"û"toHorgl bas been vIM. &A behvumue.of11thi aurit. 4" PALI îïQia is Fa»Ctory Comling p. UmSe andl Den ani sister baMII Rrosettlves eta glana taCtrrv returnai te sebooL mere la Wwkegaa » lit weskani co teerai b i ot> onicla an t ler moi Rc1 * 1~ 1- 'J c * t i m .Nettie M urray lpent Batuaday at Nortbweten Collele. u b r,* * W *.' UINJII lu.br 1tva.Le-k tt n h y r t k l a fp andeuaday wiîb ber parents bore. miss l M iltcelleut novassrai deys oeoi . uta?*elpUflt. Ob gave &an tow b>' cItle nad varlous factury MissesMadile cendori and May of la&t k wil friendoiet Obicagp. aant of bes ruent ttnp te Eurove end alti$ WlO lDdtCnwta tom, Dot Mamat rturued te Chicago Mnd y The Wood meon sd Royal Neghbbureservel breaifat blaeuci d juas ub aCAI ciIPlOimboing p60sible.due siter @pouding a two eek'e vacation will bold 'a joint Installation at the 4opiOOOtt.*ItS4eouair>.ral hos.Homsbberger Hail Saturday oeonlng - li. aMd lMra Joh.n rean b4itl Tbe eompany le later te give Its de- Mis> CllaGeary spent aturdAy witb Jan. 218. »I»ntytbru Mi4ilmoi ebr&tbd t4N Oi 14lbaticowe Wh o terdag in t Mr. end Mu,. J. N. Zimnmer at Long Mr. end -Mysr. Fiai Herobb.rgor evaittl", w dbeog OIWivOWUIl ltIA t ia ia lm "0 ae ice a 1 Mre. IL.C. Kent mas a Cicago visitor --------w.,--Mom ira ie é.x Saturday. t la tisi 31* the cc.npaa vu I. J. P. Roueyla n pendicg thi e e Mt rhe bua mtb tlonde and reiativoe in Chie. o . - weI wu *m a ty'a â id bilktt y.wQtntým,.onj ii 3b Mi f the demi maa bu H<r ofe.*Xe44Iq 'su,lm& s teU ng a lev deys l ei fl et etb5vfI:4 bmeen hamu brsby the. i"s b»:t1 1, . »Ol oy N Mal to tt*s >ta btother Jo,, lat tiuaday. a increaabg auNbr mtb develq 4 n Dont taui to attend the. .ntortiiimant jutai t the Bapit cburcb, TuSà&da, .veÏalplo0n-g-- ------1 itlaimit> ian ia bettSr - Januay 17tb. Thinsmlii b. the la tof a e.ns o etfour entertalomeemt. gven laonet1ae J$"iPpt»ofL a ot*e, tus minter by tm .the inei Iyiba 59a ,0eqrpmai mslnday, r.csvlog eoagratulatlefn or vl iPOtOi fLt o Miner, à. fborey proponliiona bay. L7oonm bur"%au et Chicago. Théprio s i. "Ie gUm~tcdyand oma iftwo ad »6e15a for eltlden. ge ubat, ail Barithluosl wbo hbs nnàWxdinc wm ClcMl . b fiet heeut bl.f« Ao omtiiamd eadhi joy a rare vstgstW e opat iz mosia vtbw iagth bs______apepe3rp noir aufftry O*3SZ5IW'Mibebutt tItre sitas.parents and aiber rlovan nns . ~ ~ It.00uba the V1 deat nziTneiay rsturnsd te Meittaaa Monidi. _b xl tElit Tliat id wh atever repiýes.îatg the lut *8*", provement. A moderuthiaguiist better, more comfortable, More Plosnmut l'lie term la partcularly a ppiteableêto the < otlie ihop *qIlpped toi electriclty. , », home it introditôM a metho4 of )IlhtîngýWliI the uiearet per4étUon that mati bai beua à to acuhleve, and 1w addition Itý employo a *,"Y tliat aaSumleo allthe laboelou ~*r,. s*'- never tires anid la never uewftiq. la, eetrieIty, mig a. lH;otl#i power 1i t$ practioafly all egfeleincy ln oontradi tnttims steani that wastes an im'mense Proportion of eiergy la beltlug and ahaftilg-a power t tackles any degree of work andd " ail equâ well~I. FiIectricity cuté down'bille wlîiheiL n for lighting and' power etth9r lni the homo, Electricity Is «The Cheapest Thing Coi Onur plan ot mifing bouses, 24 menthei te psy, fllture. laclnied &ad uo lu. - tores ,briopge eetrkUy wimthin tbe rmofiicItii. moeimoiscate leome We tlIeU verytblog Eicctrtcat -etOgu flispla>'Roome n3t se Lowm PtPi NorthShmreEwddcrk r en estau*aiLe Eui44 0' nri tWsslngteaItre«3. W.,-»M" "dIi mlete Cmules <mel , Sineter, lotsb, 196, e ib7, Mitm*& *BubilialnlbN. mrte,. Section18 Aveu Tomn. W. Di. 1800. W Suatti and7 viete lanotte a, lot 172Shms SubtIivsioa la quarter SMoton 18, Aveu fibu. W. P. 1100.00. &pJ A. lbisun hiisband to 2~jemu,- 140 "acresectIons BC. tamIs te John trasacu m Veut e tffet la t3 ig* o~4, Mr ad*W taw Kglani Pari. W. ~PMe ami hubWnita .. 0 *omula amotion 14, Bu- ubpW.D,. 9,80. mor inabeury te ChALas. a Woa la etiloass a ué 24 ins ils, dë& $&m W*to ecrY 80»U ti deoeasmi) bm eHbl uttitp àroms via P ut M 1. bllimut ate us1' atomuhi. . . >. irwoN'v is dvite te Il.A. vus 4bi,1-' 18,t »Wbirmlcis M*motoLam % lai. . C. t. sa mt t mai, ... osr i >.moti hI 8MW. miNutoL *roÇb ol*sud tOn te-%Fo Labo c isipi aIbuta Up loasis oft he fari equft. baili me wuh mb. enaive nli.of.wy. As soon an sprint opens op gradlajêmiul be roaunued ron ths lin. troin Wauconda te Palatine "qu Mdr. Wyna assures un ibai the ruai li b. inu oestion on May 80. Thel. W. L.and l. N. A.' bolt eir Ijoint Installatioanon Tusedàa veung, but only a mualt gatb.rlng mas prssant althougb a ,ery Pisenat tirels Mb. aDuteber la toeun *3 aucti,, ber etoel t ofnuhnry sani hurai e 13000s11014go00a on Saturd*y, Ian. 14,' Win. H.clby mus bor. le-,Osapte Vlliag.ý N. H, Ian. 8$9, 1830usd l ta »M ba b aff ic W oudeartui l 0MUlis qu'un. 3, 1911. Hn es os0» dg31. MAY auttièrsetniLabo eouair, *ite aO telartlngton - o vesa »M. ~1 Mgo. la lm 0b. maniai iss1uas lAususeIl Wl. survives - mwM v* LWM âomstey Ja. 5. We tbadkou MI uaas$eissdb uS ktadiy assisisi Medl* UàisNsait btai'*" WAeuÏ boser ~. MsUs. Wu.Ct 0i l U àmlr. nhe diVA1lI goeieïr wMâffliWt 1Ms. Ves. arbyTbssaytno Ou 5~ I.M 'yh.omkUsua ew.h spmlut mei t UbisatalOr li <bCag FPrank TtIuipB01Auers, atteadei lie tu, ear lîbaB W t W 000. Horti ilut'a valuable b orna one A surprise Party' mas eldth te boume et 1h. sund mm .. e.Pfeneinatell, Satns> esmlg.Tb@ evenlag mon sptla 0plilnîrdàsie aniocaanti an enjeiabloe vas obai by afl. .- , Barbera Amanu spent Sundai mth miss Mains Mayr.asai s eck ai bape sscbow ' i Miammeýt, ,attendeti the st onoft7» . t iObroibsi bore 1%0 suq*pbsi partios Wlil Gessîl, man ort e the at* pogt samm sni- lag oatfi aOs rprt t eths. ani theae sbcwm 100 Osterane if tho civil, marieti eveue tventy-touî heurs la 1110. - Ton Weu cent of the meniberubip ieti last year andtue ratio of deatba companed witb memboîshi», té In- cieaalng* rapidi>', the reports sb*v. Thai tbe 1mortallity for 1910 wmli shom a stsrtilng ladrean over those et preceeding years la ithe belef et local oevos, basa iupma figrealoM a fem ot the thbtiy.elat..tposts lu Coû ocuni>'. In 1909 the poreniagac; et eti tineugbeut the na*te lorseaIneime mas ellgitly under 5 per c*ent o vember 1910 theinsimala-hireau la WasbImgien, touni t4mt 100 vetenua ot thé grest civil wmgr me .diisg,.*Y. ery day.. ,iehoG. A. P. montully.ln uroater4'$ba n l a tier -mou- tien, lsaIslami, uni ls ecause a l4 e te be natarfa.. ltu o eiêm-.e. ernits, l4scmebre -baê àoulI thoso mbo sers-oisUn" oldilrs la ,he Waror tbNO R*Wblwa . t hmno boa' ersry Smters. ne ü. O uemzAItle ar, tich se o Votetusiand tho id Overs, lem ami la t e- smotanti> Meotal MD JNute of Ria m ore - hý -bY more ~ benshl ed t4ma à huglit houet., roi on a tifferttmatter. la a vaabl. lsmily f l. Foelj Iloogr anti 'rt fr ile i. uacondition eat>.Mm .Cbanl leen, N.. tbSt., Entn t'a. tatt 8 teral member.e ot n>' famie Uybavübebcuîed ef bai ýough1ianti colde b y the ueotfoifey'. Hûcney and Tar n 1am an neer mithout a bottle la the, boume." Refuas$Cb- etilites. For gale by ail Drugglste. avst-ama yui Bell tbat pieu. eni>' as. muisase-tZes A G*nu1u.8URIT D, ÔtPARAM sdays t *,a ..is «a Sdis>' av- is e y.' b »se eo~scL ~k iletC.sp u utW. 0 bo a rm e ,s wsal b by the Ndmu O5s> C. «eilds ei.udo1u thOME ýLUMR RCOMPA ? Bloo cci Stock sale atprcs on teUs-i5 ction is invkoed Of a4qýantktY =eua of the. rcquirements of -red and consis* f rowS ula, Shortborn yearling bulia 'rn lie, j No. 1~ vi- 'Il r-