CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jan 1911, p. 4

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"XkE COUN Y IDEPE DENtThrbers.. Catbirs, Mockiaêbirds, OFFtCIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY S8mall Thrules. Bluebirda, Titrnice. __ - - Robins lni moat lccalittea, ila aIl prob. P'*ee Teiemaboee Noý . igFditOrfi i eaideno. Telopiione No. iiii. Ubertrellie E5cb515e ability, pay for the cherries tbey cet, anterec1 lt he PGtofflce sI Libertycile. Ill.. "as ecuud Cias. Mater truhdsryo net. uak lU,5iIY.AUVECRTISIICU R&T SMUXD5 CXWN 0ON APPLICAYION. biyds. iikestiae IsecUto.a largo SUBSORIPTION PRîCE $150 PER VEAR STRIOTLY IN ADVNCE111 a lee at. for their argtie on crnm by eating grub worm. andl1 FRANK H. JUST ................................Elitor otbci harmtful mInst. The court of E. M. DeAHNA................ .......... ...........................City Editor1sclence bas not yet condemrned the' -- - -- -- - -- crow, which does .ruch gon o a mn FRTIPAY, JANL1kXRY -_o. tL411i by destroving Insecte and possiblyl enough to éompensate for Its Injurionsi -habita. CHE"i UP. THE WORST IS VET TO CUNIE. Bird, aigu do coniderabie for us After wading through an edor*oja flood of rnuck raking ont the "Shames lnte way of destroying weed seeds.1 et Our Citie," and the tyrannies of our trusta, one was begJnning te hope that ýrsta r seilyueu nti the. ciear sunshine 0fthe square deal wouid soon flter threugh tii. clouda. way are, Sparrows, cfiiefiy Our na- ý1 But the. scandals churged against the Lorimer eiection, ti. Adams county,! tive spece, Juncoes or "Snow t9irdu. " O.. disfranchisernents for whoiesale bribery, andi the allegationa just made j oldfinches. Horned Larks. yiourning ageinat corrupt practices lu Wisconsin lnt the electien 0f Senstor Stephen.: Doves, Bobwhits. Prairie Hen n d son suggest the trace rermark, I'Cheir up, the v<rt la yet te corne." eaowLrk.'hemu. da iro ' Au regarda bribery et elections, rnany people had entertained the comptea, ers anîong our birds are the Hawks, Ovwls. hieadCos cent feeling that the Australian balat hacd turned the politiciens Inte dehorned ..1 irfks. ad ('Ows cattle. But itla a iaw cf poittic as well as of business, that wherever there "..ome Reared et ExOenae o! tea la a demand, a supply wil coon bc torthcorning, If qne has the. price. iTiiere are oniy a few kinds of birds Srbery wili neyer b. stopped by excommunications from the puipit n or i tis liart o! the country tiat are! by nice piaces about politcal purity li thte magazines The people muet iearr truly Injurlous. Among these are two that it: adds te their hîghIctest .eo living. ispecies of Hawks the Sharp->shinned. * land Coopers Hawks, the Engllsh The great troube ia that politicai committees .and candidates can not b. prondl oelclte h permuadedt that ail thinga corne to hlm who waits. They work and build enly Yio-ele asoe.TeCw for this year, and think littie about feundations, for future growth. -id, aithotg l relictalasfrs st The pa rty and the. candidate that relies on logic, tacts, arguments, whie bi .o.hbnfca a st tpponpnts are putting up thne long green, may quite Ilikly bc weii trounced for, food itabls s ýe 0011 erned tg injuriaus a yer o tw. Bt i th log rn -he popl wil sc tat o iterst veron p?'ruint of Its destjro3ing other and a yer o tw. Bt I th log tun he eope wil te hatno nîceateve more usefui bli-d8 by laying Its egga bu"s v*tes without obtaining a mertgage on the rights of the people. 1 fIegarding the bribery in senatoriai electiaits, that bas been comromnfor~ i d ie. oîtn ri rnany years, the people want a show down. if senatora .hips are te bc. pu olgit up-ays 1haexîîens o fîodule al; auction, thc>. iant a chance te bid in the preperty Theiy hure senators ta work for the Intereat of the. United States, and they> pour honora and privi- ulîqrive the t'obird.,ec oevlal loges on them. Hence the>. want te knew whether these senators are work- tha te owid Peet id letgtfer the United States. er are the>. secretlyAI thie psy cf the confidence Femr bol PoatBrs Since birds aresa, useful to the men who are trylng te persuade simple mlnded Unl. Saseil te pfurchasu fermer he shouid protect, them* on *thoir gold bricks. bis farm and do. what beecan to en-, courage their presenée. No bird PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY shOttld he kiled unles ilei. very cer- tain that itlab doing damage or tbat It An excellent statement oftomof 1 ithestures of the Commission form ef îelongs 10 an InJurinus speelea. 'rhe clty government sa gîven by the. Dixon Daiiy News. The question la seme- unwise custom of aihooting Hawks, tînmes ralsid wiiy five min as commimeonra can b. expected te de botter than OwIs and other large birds tiat corne -a targer body, cf counclîmen as under thie ld system. 'This question la ans- wlthln range - should bc stopped. wofed by tii. Neya in its rimarka on "Personal Responsibility.." ilSasy$: "The. gréatest secret cf the succeaof the new law has bien shown te lie enemies o! irda should be kept away as ter as ipossible. Probabiy the in the. tact that the great white Ilght cf publicit>. ie tiiown upon -everyj set wr ort one of these about muet premi- anmd movement of the it>. officiaIs, and municipal gevernment le taicin tram isesi h ouect irsso the dark closets and brought out into the day liOtt. ube protected from bad weather. "Theoretlcally, under the present system one mna>, iy going te the city Slîolei-11i the iorm of vines, huahes, books, find out wiiat has ýben donc with the cil>. moite>. practicaiiy noe iead olw urscan ah> heb *ver do.. this for obvlousareosoens. In effect lhooka mnihas «Nel rit be kou Iblot iiitand. rd, caneiol bbe e ti. the. city, s, for as tie public le cencirned. but under the. rew Iaw every risd- ntonth b>. pamphlet and b>. publie newspsper, a fui!>. temIzed accourt sili he ri nduetepe -yintew 91venai ail howing where, for what and te whorn ever>. cent eoftthe publice o- tr et nd-sigplcsaol «y tsspon. Al onet pbli oficaisw»Ibc la tehav th pbli- wom otbe interfered witlx. Batbing and .y- -has .- gen»e-d.. Ai hnet ubictfh.aIs_.-b adtehae .Idi pubIF-w - 1 drînkiug places wililattract msny thelrsr.arien, nonwfl5i flha eansUlCwitlthe money. nSo w. ie 50 bt-li infortunate hersater as to have ofge'aI-s who ire fot ofthtis description, their toires will be iffectually thwarted by such a provision. We havi been for- tomats heretotore in iiaving honest officiais, but the. time rnay cerne wh.n we REPORT JUST I8SUED shah have need of such a saaety provision as la contimpiated by thîs 11w. PIlier ctes have had th!* experience, anid why shouict we wait until the horse Inteoratate Commence Com- bas e ewn tolen bier. lecking lthe deorf 1J802 OO h W -04~ experience as a peorle ha* siown us conclusively that tii motcf. isolRPr hw fectiv e dterrent te wr.Sgdoing, cerporate or othet-wie, ilain PUWLCITY.Derao "0Of eriaps iquai importance is the. fsature cf PERSONAL RESPONSI- The monthly report for November *NJILTV, whkbco cntemplated b>. the new law. ijnder the present iaw if o! the lntergtate Commerce Corn- thore I-. a we doin, or tihe iaw b. not enforced, it ts prseticaliy impossible 'mission relative te the traffle on the t fWsa. Out who le reoponsibli therefer. Responsibility ie ahiteli te and fr Great Lakes bas Just corne out, The * bals., thecisyor, councilmen and thar cit>. officiais. No one ofetees report fo tJii ports on the lakea for ibaags w»ll any personal r.ipenalbility sand ne on. fiels lna wiight. They November oftst year show, a ailigbt mnet ha blasnied fer iacaping it if the>. csn. But under the new law, should decresise over the serre monti et the anytiiug ge wrong or an>. 15w not ha eno.ced. il will ha possible te se>. otei year before. coesuneiie i ciiaref that department, tiist ho snd hi atone i. respensl- Below la a report of the arrivai andi hie. HE CAKNOT SHIFT IT TO HM1 FELLOW OFFICERS OR TO 1418 depariures et boaia for November and UNOSft OFFICIALS.The. experence et otiier citis be s siosn that thus un- for the il montbs of thte year, whIch divkled reponaîbit>. bas s wonderfully steady Influence." entered biarbons In Waukfgan and vi- etity. * deerrna~ s ac~urteîyas ossile Gary, Indiana, bad j7 boatai i tlýe UMM SAMD THE IPAÉXM -dtrrneauaeRt a osbe harbor during Novemiter carrying a - the food of bird, of oc-onom&c Impor- net tonmiage o! .120.0 Frtei Borne lutersn.g Data 1%r.ance; il)to astes acourt of op- montui of fast rear thesame cirtbed nished luy an Expert. 1cflnflg depradations et birds 32bsene iehabrwt 'crü1,,: 0) to diffuse lie resuitz of total o!f 957,"7 'ons. -Tht argricultiils hould StUdY tite ,rSork and educate the public as AtKnsa6bo& lre th foce iciest i ueulpats~ ti iau ~hrd. - brrwii s net tonfiage of- 17,501 , auaimalg.w h raîss. inspor-,L, tî~thu >e-.otwli mo-nttons n the nionti 0f November. tiànt anu'ong -tbreýe- -ite such bidiogical *. f e a 8Ipeieg 0o!f bird. we muet t icIl moni fteya i e forc$ a il1iý intewha j, ;s.'leports shows 5 total of 435 boatta.witb force na :us C lý ii, an bird Ilfe.tîc b' o To d . t r' 1 ., .,i onaeo f4~l Borne fatR eoncerning te later wiii il!s acîutritet l i ,neeseptonage fî15,58- ha given lu Ibis palier. Mauiy Ideas anlint.'. le food lu the stoiiiaehz,.of tyInisgv a- ëonernng.thereltio ofbird, loii ,.ljîidisals tat bave Leen killed. "t'orage jcbubt Il hoats ilu Çovember, ctioîs of varions kinds are îrevalent Titis metitod invoives the destrnc- theIl iontis ereofwer,8336tonstso arnnng tese sho bave not juade sny - ion of bird hife, - t-ut eults have cet-- 1 ttherIl inot p rt. -wer a 33et onage special study O! econnmlc Ornltiology. - talniy justilled 'IL.Durlng fourteen I ete hepot-wt a-e tnng but msny o!fîlîem are bacoed on lu-4'cars irior tu 1119, 32,000 bird atout of 5 ýî8 sufficient data. 4h were nllierted by lhe Bureau ite acinue, Wisconsin. shows the beat To know the truti eulicerting thte o!f3o -rlSîîrvéy. for thia purpose, IOLO h ubro iisbx relations or our -.arlous SPecies o! o! Wlîlch 14,000 iad been examIned. luiii rdi oalo-13 ot bird, tuthie work o! agticîlturists. i Etonthle fel, co ohtained- ani from 111 ovenuber. carrylng 94,608 tons. mauch data i. needd, and tlicaibe those gotten troîîî studetîts of ecotîo- Foa the ar R ac ne60,19 tns. 140 landied onu>. by traîned scient, who milorif rlthoiogy nat connected with otcryn9615tns la apcilis. I te feldsu wh itisGovrnien intitltonIt 1as e- Waukegan had 63 bote In the bar- can devote considerable time tb bird 'comnieriy- ovident tiat the great ma- nage hoing N22,180 ts. tote ln tudy and ha, fonds necessary for bis'jorily o! aur btrrds are ieneflcial to mnage 0f ic year0 o. F o teterl -investigation. mankiid. To te fat-mers ot Illinois, letarior.h er,63btt ne Study ot rcomenic Relations. - birds are ehiefi>. valuaile asinsecu k 'noua otite e«perlint st ions;estoyers. s mouse destroyers and avicultnral secieties, anS the N ation- Es'uced destroyers. Veed Iglii. ai Oovarnment muni work o! thus Some Valuabli Bird.. I b aro apencd a nuw mili at Rtocke- elArater on bit-dm bas been done. Tlîraugi eating Insecte,' irds do icler. c.ash of Tripp's- cievator and arn la Illinois some valuable studios of.- their best work for Mulnois fat-mers. Prs.oaied hO grbod litil, coin and coh, the ieoomic relations of burSs have To keep uji tic ilgi vitality o! suci @te , on Tueeday. Thursdaye toitBatus- baeM stae ai thetate LabaratorY active creature, as birda. inuch foodi Sa>.ofl cdiweek. « raturaI lister>. under the direction lai neceasa->. Young grawlng blinda, 1-8pFANKxDOLH.. of Dts. ..prbee. and mach of theI Often eat more titi their own weigbt tàOmMgga 11110e Obt&iu" )IaM ha found Offtooilu a day. Stace Insecte con- ît n-Y requin a short "eanupalgn"I Je »ý orbs'paerg on the FooS stîtute a large traction of the food of of rant advertlsIng toa fnd the kind O-$bte, tih. Oritholcola Balance most of aur bit-Sa andS tiese ar etie- Of wenk Youra ookin9 for- t I an.Wh qt uatie Actions of Bitos ly Injurions forma, snc bibrds tell, te wetld reluIre a LONG campaisa of ýM 'NWX*0«1"tOUOndb~r4 a geat xtet-lnle"i t an>u . yothet sort et "looklng." O.aeoUofU llteW., ma the Mid- bers o! insect pesta that Wnest crops MM M ards t. of t iois. 'lise Of ail kinduis. Sorna birds that are Waukegaa baS a grovth -of more »«Me a Mbeou Sl urver, a diyi-lespeciaily uaetui as inse« et4 royn than 84 per CM tduring tise put tes e S oW « tii e snueatof AMed. mure: Bwalie, 4Nightbaw#o leefdew y ald ye#t the peopieo ofu tit.8 -e:tisit **uehIqat hm bu sehe mogi Lat-ks, Woodpeckerg. Kingbir4a or are net salisSeS siltha epopuilatioa gete t esacac «-Boearatin," .n, CcMc rfgrs Waea h db loi- Mr t1110,eei uWelCco rfgrs IkMaol ssv ý*8îè0Mw mma* or t uh*. ft4anCxOws,' tosebrmesaid gros- .4 that tharore ha 1y &v elCtie 1% orte t te - bahUW SreeciOWIZ SjAMow HIssa he, e coeutry to show utueries.oft# e Ka puhIat; : (1) Te Clldees, Plycatoiera, Warblara I- er t- pq N« Gises t.tà Ld mght t a> hic W'be ou psy moire tehas lb. Rayo pr D"; or.-L.,oye0n atrea:yitol exwa of the 11gb,. You otaut pay, fer a «"wr ~ lght, becausc c her. la noue. , Au ohigt t has the lassee cot on te ehumau oe', and file Raye Làinp lat thebest oit Imp nMade, thoughi ow ln price. You eau pay $9, $10, or e20fer snome other Jamp, and alcheagh you g«t a moteocostly Iamnp, yeu can'c get a better liettan the White, niellow, dilfuedunfljckerin ln ý ftelw prlced Rsyo. g1» !coly liass airouf, durable sbade-b6lii. This ses. son,* burnspr ade s te Ippearance. Mdcof Oolid brasa, nichlecei, sud eaaiy- poilahod. Once a Rayo User, MUwaiys Oune Standard 011 Companyy*% W! HAVE SOME'GOODS ArTER TAKING ACCOUNT Or' STOCK TIIAT Vol C AN BUY IfOR LiEss irfAN COSI I Boys-D oubýe Breasted' Coats Ages 6-7.11.12-1'3 fer $1.50 Worth $2.50. Boys 'Underwear fleeced Lined 20C Each w! HAVE jusir RÉCIEVED A FINE LIN!E Orf SUIT CASES FROM $1.50 TO $5.0 E. W. PARKIIURST SCIIANCK BLOCK STEWART STOVES ARE GOOD A compete stock of Base Burners, Mot Blasts, Oak Ileaters. S-toves end Ramges. COMBINATION GAS AND COAL RANGES' LET LIS SHOW YOU: IT'S GOOD .e.s.eseeeee.eRosé.e SRHEUMAIISM, SMI;, LOO C AND :NERVOUS DISEASES : UCceesfulYTreatedb>. àPiip S scian etf3u Vers' Prae.c tical Expérience. Dri. DavISid fl teai! o- e et a MeSical DisPODse.e iri~ aient la apooirInc a e ividoal ttention et Dr. Stars. ï emmbees b t opeesdiF Sm sumuin u aeae"0 w ira "fraIe, AT.mU Wm. LAYCOCK Co. op""tlamt i e ism lg Depet Libeilyville, Illinois Machine Shop REPAîR Wou AUTOMOBILE WORK A SPECIALTV Engiues Ovorhauled. A Funl Lint of Bond"i. Tir. Re- paira. Whou u nTrouble SAVINO.ACCO '-!., OPenedon or before Janu.r» 1Oth wiIl draw 3 per cent fI'<>#*. Jarmuary îst. We pald. to our Savlng tk. positors for the year 1910 interegt amounting, to $34,39.43. Try us. cake (count lational Bat.k *50,000.00 Si*rlfttth aud Proflt,3t 80,000.O00 Stwliodîi' ~tLiabil ity 50,o(>0.i>0 Total . $tlI.q,ooo0o s-- JANUARY 13 TO JANURY 25 Colobrating the close of 18 montbs of succeastull Business GRAND SALE Or EXEROIDERIES 100 pieces cf l-lnndsoms Embroideries in varlous styles and rwid'ths. brght new 1011 patternas secialfr purchased for this t nlwill be ane. *f the fealures FPMELINE 0F CHÂLLIES A fine assertment of these seeful fabries eenrising over doz. patterns in beaulîful Partlan and floral styles both light and dark. Right from the mili. Par yard, 5c SPECIAL TOWELING VALUES Pure whie BIached Bath Towela at toc Large Fringed and Unblenched Bath Toj la ai foc Ail Standard Pure Linen Crashes a# 1 4pr yd. W. W. Carroll & Sôén PHONE 47 LIBEPTYVILLE' LUMBER CO. Dewr 4y the OId Depot ALL KINDS 0F CÔAL FORKED AND WASIIED ýAT OUR SHIEDS NOTi-ING BUT CLE'AN COAL,, THE BEST.. PURE, CLEAN, SWEET FEEDS HOME 0F THE RED COMB POULTs9Y SUPPLIES F. BAU RSTOW Maubie, ani Granite Monuments Cometery Work of Ev.ry 1 Descrlpton , Corrempond.nce- 5olicit. 126 Geo st DR. E. V. S It GE19EHAL PRAOTIOI iours 10 to12. 2Sto 4 «d 77105ap. m.O ov., LyacbtBro§. Store. 51'EOIAL £MtENTION To T« M~ W. II.m P U PAR?! SALM S ftftI TI1c riumm iota-S e e o o o e g- .1 o' i g g, 66ôr 122 - Ad-resers botome iormêoeuestg MA -------- ------ rugum N HtE fOPURTI Op>p1 a Jb f w* i vi4PII OPO l1HTiqSme IT?, Md10!.Phn LE TTO A. PLAOAIWI tey LEAIN tiiinsa about reag state. ROT li Ça piti 1 y -

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