I v ~ I of 'bayrrs vin thiie;,-, mSaturday f at -' obades, VÜUOÙ up #Me" ats'o!b"ackhoather- lcmwlthdouble P. m ' uk $1.75- BUT 0Fr11131 A hmadm mof t !<miii *Pl~frsalcu 0hooo.. ýtm a large table 1Usd wt muffs, scarfs, etc, tu0 Shoot Uusk 100 4 0'S"10 7 I111, and tb. fanal' a eonsldered ver>'SU wealîli>. Miss Hlla vas te Pv».? of IN antd on, the ravnîe, aid vas ver>' Spromlaent snclhi ,. SIte vas luter- f At 'S CUI IS eted bintmaîy charnies and vilIlie t AUCTION SALE. Ch pw u ke. 1~m* WoWian w, vil, selI at public' oncton my Cc jWtud Peath andMail 117 acre farti; also cattlo, borne* aldd *o4 Up Hor WiII ha>. Panna la located Oive-mles duete veBt of ZMon C'ity, one mile veut of. C,3 Taylor Grove and one mll ns !th Rosecrap,I. or formerly Bluer Faulli- as i TwoNpbe*s Who aera fant; Wedneada>', Pol. , , la- ~'*1. aterj~meng at 10 a. mi. abarp;th oow Clty in lng descrlbed property: ew sors City39bond of catle: . Hlght aprinigera, thîrteen nov mlkorafilve Ielfers, 2 yeara 01, tan Itelfers, 8 montha 014,.S j Hv, '~i't noae Holstein bull, 22 montlia oh, on. *Py*Wh14. ater Durhiami luli, 8 nontha nid, 4 Homnea: On. black glding. 16 years 01, 1400 I.; one bak gelé,r lng, 16 years nid, 1400 Ibo.; tin. by edneeay'. UN.> drawlng mare, 9 yoara 0Id, 1100lb; HMIda8. ied lbismer»- eue 00lt, 9 monlbs nid. n es hlospîtali n Clilcago Ha>': 26 tons ha>' in barn, altalfa, 0 - ge Wlamla idaler an cloyer aid tlmtotliy. 12 tous là #tatskai Wltéu aile vent to lte TimothY l>olver and alfaihi. s oaàt le porformed, ach Free lunch aI noon. ad sa cntical. Usuel ternis of sale. gtlal tudetood, pro- - ARL B. JOHiiSON, Prob. fi ib.~is " ftStkltand Henry i> fe1 Aconor ad maie lier Will LJamtes G . WeIlih, Cîerk.d *1abgnet tabeforeC for Itheoperation. TPe. 01t a wpe4n nt I le A tew.,;' alpQtt'~to» enr - Lire inAm ia: Do't lie uiboras DUO o, to 10h »a t..Don'l carre jour iailpa on delio f v np lvit s< 't #MI l ieabark. Dont osta.10 tbeir faibli li. 11 1ev 1w b 'adoo apllng for S 4*h- la aideatood Iliat Mias pote koalit~fle for 20 ç«àta raead Wran. lcaaer ia d où oven i treta-%at s ltr-aniagrit aven tI t la n 40 Pr wmlei eni ndlwldiaalthopub thei ltMou1n 00 ~ *~ii ~*U1, uiOtt aMd as. 3lite otllinois, Cotant>' afLake.a. Circuit Court of Lake County, t Mardi Terni, A. D). 1911. 0 t Anttone Lewis va. Martin Lewis, i» ciancor>'. No. 5020. Il The requisile affidavit hlavlng be.neP led. ntitce la thenefore qhteby given 1 tthe said M'artin levlt.'defeudant ta as aforespl. tIraI i, ç bove named t omainlhai Itretibr lid ler Bill 5 rf Complaint in sald Courtattnlte 'tiancer>' aide thereof, and Ibat a Y summunsIlieretpon lelsued out of said i court agaînst lie above narned defe-k anr of the Circuit court of Lake counttil'.10le held at tie Court Houae lit Waukegnn li aid Laike CoutttY, On th PInal Mondai o!f!tlanch. A. D. 1911, a la liy lav n.qulred. and vhich suit la still pendlng. LEWIS O. BROcKWAY, Cierk. Waukogan, Illinois. Jan. 21, 1911. CHARLES LANE, Comialuinait'sSolicilor. lstte et Illinois, County of Lakte. as.1 circuit court of Lakte COU-1t. Mancli Terni, A. -D. 1911. Mary L. Drnse vs. Man>' L. Wlcox, !nrtk J. Gage, Alsena Smtitht, Geora- tanna Clemens, SuSannahl J. Marshiall, Ne111e Mc»d'de, Ithe unlinovi baira and dgivie of NeIlle MeBride. lte unknown hein., legalees anAd evlecea or gusanail J. Manalall, and the un- <nov» ovuens of the real outate de- scibed lI the Bill of COMPlatflt in thla canse Oied. lat Chancer>. <o 5028. The nequlalte aMfdavita havingbleen led, Notice la tlere!ore bIteby.gvOU to the »04 t bove nnntod and U*kUOva defenGaail-,ltaI 1the alove named ConiplOant henelone 01.8 lier DII of coin~ltl n sald Court, on lte Chance>aidei tliereol ud ltat a sutnt1t*a ±lereahotissu0e t of sald Couirt ,Uglslte aliove named de- -teptt&l, rerturnable on lbheOral day Or lte teni o! th. Crcit Court of Lobe ýoüttu 1ble htoid'at the Court H.ouae .In Wpkegan 'làsudd Lake Coty>, On :he FIral Monda>' of Mardi, A. D. 1911, as la b>' luw ne- "Ilre& and viticasit atlPend, ,L&MgSo. DlOCKW,4Y.,Clel'k.. WH1TNBY, DADýY iRUfRD, Complatuntta Solicîora. raift Bodies <ý% prom Wedneuday's'SUN.) Gt la5MW Major Aslibel V. Smith,. LI$bt artllery DatWaIof, IllineoisNa- ,"guard'. headquarteTsaiatWanke- Ilii. 1 , '~ecaptai» of Battery C, thie Wan- Jisnartlllery bodr, Vas Yete&Y aenoon in Chicago .lected major 0fti Illinois battallon, which manos hli tis ob a ndbeguIilg vlth dite et bis déienlslOs ou tblm 1,lathe e.tei of 'the national aiarti1le' beutitof>the eatte.> bîrteen 'e" vOWseut ta Ion, Wb"cli OO in i thte. lic bulding. CIJ440, m cmmlsalo- officeri Ofttery A. èV anvillle; B. cago, and C, Wookegan, voting. the tiret ballotti .W*ulegan mta elected. Vacanoy linSatlery. ý-MlIaelevatim n 10 11e pot Of major nsa vacille> thie captaincy 0f latte4 c. irat Llutenant Dunhin. fnalble, eMeiient. .o.aCientlOtta offleer, the ratibai eda« 'of, bheliattéry and probalily Scold b. captai» 1I'f ie vlmlied. Junior, Mrt., Lieutenant It 1. probable that 4OteUit t nr hI» Vi Continne si, r"iklhtg ommr tatl muclilalat'i tufe jean, vh«n an election vii probably lie caléd 'I tihie for th, aiOiUâlencampiltent, ien lte Smitha aucceamor viiili e lièe». SrnU fMfîs Th'bre are eblt lnfantrY reegimts 4national gued ln the sato. nclitd- mg one colored nuglmeflt. one regimet 0nine troopa of cavurly t10 l ncreal- Iprobaiy thu't1rope, one liatta- aot three batteriet of artillert, woliably tuo W lnceua ~tusix, o0. malneenlng corew h llt naval miBill >rpa and othe es oglea hlch ave È toal nuliler of enlisted mon lu i flulola contingent tW 6,500. ý,The national geud la,&fiter the Do cthe people'a pYteetolOn litinte f -Ponce and Ibeir frit bulwarba Id wae of var. Th"r ln a ralaldî! àtowing sentiment Ila at>' favor of te satiottal guardi' Tribute th ~ib The elevatlon 'of Captai» Smthli te majorahlp la coaâofflaOspie Md tributo to thé bla l re*ctlà y1icli lie lg held la the oite at large' in tt la bellevedl thât hl% cnndfdaey Io. cil>' attorney' viiib. mateaMallY à ded by thia nov and signal honOr. .Colonel Nelson W. MOCËitu*nY, Judge advocate of the. iNulon, Pr- alded at the election Yeàtoday. Means Much te Wu"iïan. ln Major Smith% ,t»iai ii lie he three batteriea, one b=di. *nd the lioapitai corpa of tue state, 'wi*i the chances that ait liemt on. and pnobabl>' tIree new batteries vIii le argafilzeilspeedily tW bjietO the regitnental organIsation of the maIl lia. The Smithi comdd oda>' la 500 men. There. la lalk of a -.10 yards battdry aléo., Major Sutitl previeuaty 4îst1ngulaIte4 huinseifu -n organîzor sud- it la p-01ie ~ nder hlm the state arM.le7,' fint be calîed oui ln case of W"r villi tY 3ç6 regular and 44 milîif tl i1e i the country', vilI reach ti I. hithest afficlOncy. MHielecUi la8iurMibât wltIt no delinile term. What Il Mea». linly. The election o0f Major-SDiIth Mitubf Titat 'iýkegan wvlU lie'artllte beadquartena, meanlng muc elI elniu ptiliclly ani muc i malitt i scnesa lier. Titat Waukegan viiile lbthee6efi of a new andavne ale'~tl régard tu the artiller>'. WiII Make Appoîntmtit5 major smitli lawon0toa t5aetl, followlng staff appointmrnte apiOl' tionedamosgthe tliree cities vttl battetisa: Captain a"eéjat*it leutàMfnt a&bd>comabloffla; hetoen- ant no; îiusrtermaalten, iteniLiati u cliaplaîn, captain and surgieS, #W anu à ""& thé'tà t 1 msao ficcra, sergat major, qutnrm#ter aergaÎiteol r gtalt ÎM itfr«i erler vl ican iDIBOim vcIn.4 of vork le thepoition lbI 4Bo 550 "1 credit for IL M Smith blis made the IboM jattel'k)â toitn e elgl'!igt la É$e nation 'ÏëIi&nÔ* Itat *f4I*Oi0"t -o qulpotent under lis ,iiarge alone, 001 countinor allierýbM.*?Ithle The goverai!Meut, b>' theltt *et'a esvo. ýfcr Î th Mtion of 'nov faatluit guard bat teriesr and 111.1w aqUIDpinu. I hu vàf 4 i il lliaHLumoKuppalm D1.-UR fIG CLEAN UP .LEAL mneans a dlean. cash saving to you., Many have alreadt talc- en acivantage of the opportunity--why not you. We arc closing out Our shoe stck-ewe need ýthe romfor L. clothing and furnishing goods. Ail our $-3.50 shoes go r 0$2.65. -Any shoe dealer krnows thirx méans less than =ot ; price, but, we are determined to have the ro=,, Our spring stock of clothing wflf be largér 'and better thà ever before--It will take ail ourbi storeroorn todlpy We are going to clean out every garment now In stock~. theie is.anyone in Lake County needingz clothii. he sho.ù corne here during this sale. We have bunched a lpt of hi, priced suits Worth $18.00,- $20.OO -and $25.0, and oli you untesticted choice ai $15.45 'Ot Qrcoats-cý8.45 for choiceof over coats Worth up t614 Al AX i lot of high iË,at 1~~ c ean, u $4 v Boy's Suits--gOvcr'y $5. and '$6 spits goes at $39. Ail under $4.95 Boy's suits go at $2. 95. Ail boys straight. pant suits at one half prices. noy'sý.Shoes=.-A table full of fine shoes, ratent leathers, velout s an i box caift $ 1.55. 'A table. filled with boys shm»I' - to close out ai $1.19. Don't miss our hosiery bargains.- A fine heavy leece fined 25c houe at 18c or 2for30c. 50C fleece lincd underwear for meni and boys 39C. Mens woo underwear 1.00 quality 79c. A newlineortefo$.0,Liâ$2s....69 50c four i hand tics 35c or 3 for $1.00 'BOYS SWEATER C4I S$1.00 Quality 78c, $150 g*allty $1.29 $2. Qualftyl$l6& ail$1.50 caps $1,17 Fur lned mittes S$1.19 worth M -50 Bargains in glovs and Mufilhr Boys 5Oc .and- $1 .00 Straig1bt ,5np Pat35c r-n j~ -t 9 ~,I U~" 1 iý -Nwo 1 .