YO ROUS!. FOX LAKE Ç v.Lisa1 Egbier and lira. JO. lire.W~I. PuOlari o turaed home oheur aet a very enjay ahI. day Frlday alter opending a* kw daY et Jihugo e st week. Thcy wore gness Uhbicao. eut a Miaedabrtiiday Party. A. Carlsou, af graysiakne attended tise Mrn. Edward Straug la repacted quit. 1'irernen dance bece Saturd8Y eveulug. 'lu ii wl agrippe. Orvitie LaVerne and Frank Kcaner, oi TfhefmIillof aiWIl Ejan and Charles Liberty.ville, attend ed tise usked hait cCuërvy, bave ail been slck wiîii lagrippe bore Baturuday eveiug. Ïbou rebttor naw. J. B. Convera, and Peter Boweri, of mmre.0. W. Wells visited Lwa days lu Janeeville, Win., wera lu town SaturdaY icisiaga lait woek evening. W. e gtad tu hear that Ale Hughes Mmre C. Spring and datighiers. Ada and 4'~ ~ roviug. Rer niany riende hope Ediýb, ai Litertyville, atteuded tise ,for Cr ipeedy recovery. dance hoem Saturday oveiiig. Bestiles Lau, Etela Bacon, sud John Pester contemlales mavirg ig u Mlanche Adamh, were ail au lhemilck liai family ta Slon Milte where e liai6 *-- ...-i. ..and .îs.ile toi attend ichooi. aecured eruyloyruent. %lueSele Brooks visitéd avec Suuday ,&i ber home lu Zion City. ir. Sarnuel Bucrie le lYing ua ihborne very tow. Tii. ciuidren bave ail beon vui'hn ariine. taitt Friiiay. lic. Fred Heinaold't§ iainilY bave att had tise llcIes pal. lire. bI.aioldridge attcuded tiie RÏoyal Ladie' club at MIce. tBarber'@aat1 Uhbertyvîtle. Tueid a ateruatin Mr. sud Mir»a Rd Blanhard aud Mr. sud lra. lp Hoaridgc aîteuided the pragrffIsva ure party at Lau Eddy's Iet Fclday cvenuig. lire. Jo. lirachea's brather and fialnd bruts l>atuatd Lake, vsted ber asec eunday. i a ldridge received a letter tram bis jlunt, iss Marthha Stepheni, lu Monîloerville, hou. 8helwiibei tu b. ragumbeed ta &il ai her aid frieudi lbera. lira. J. . Nelson and tMcs. Nelson Rassauen cwLled an tMc. T. C. Frenchi sLtarmeuuday. lir. and lira. Merrii NcIson oi Chahs Vlt,CAl. wtah ta îbsuk the La1diesl iMd udiende bore for the Chrismnas Èosisl Sower. Il wse e welcarué surprises, luthir fra ay boini. Frank licOarva lias been very idk wits pnieumnonie. B. p. BUt i fWadswactuu. uas here wiotlntig fiicde lmt FridaY. lira. IL. F. iver ai tuiîseil, and Mis, Vers Siver o ai iuukgan. sîsî.edti rsý 'Young Saturtl&y. qe WIlIIPalmaer of W'nîîlPgali, 9speu ,the liraI airlthe weok with T. C. Frenchi. lic. sud Mr. Wil t'h-se a Wsukeffau apent Sudai st m. F. kiclryvere.- F. lM. Bultck was in Chicago ai >anu Moday. Mr.uad r.Chartes Bar, wii have bae very sdck, are Impraving et preseul. Wack ou the. Interor ai lie churci banben coiapleted and it will lic ready for use D.xt suaday. lira. mua leMutili arWaukegan, »pet the tire 01aithi, e ek witli lir LeaCli. The Woodmnen and Royal Neighber" ln.taiedarriveer@s let Friday nigit. Bupper vas serveel and a iew bancs vere apet lu dancing alter the wark wan filalsed. ,the. reiuruiebiug and relaîre an tii uru.. churc bavue iteei caîpleled. Ileopening serv ices vilii tc'brel ueo Sudai roring and e-9111n9. Atie morring service Mr.llRobert Fuitont.i! orgamiit sud iiieiul-cs Of tii'ebahir vil teuFishi .eocial iiusi'-. A eior id bitat ai the wock ai the iLuhs-' Siwety wiu b. resel anti a reprt mie, e ly th' treasucer ofu,i tii iilîîbi l uoýTi sermon l w t'l '5It,t it a Il.-i L Handiey, patit i lit11'11ui11,. IfIsa ob olac a vatad DON'1 LEAVE IT TO A PLACARD' OIAB M.S LLWRS And Ail Forms of Rleumaiisr Now Curable Diseases! %ftr vn-twtu 5v y -1-1 of eeseftti9' ICet liifi'e a'. ~u' l,,prull' et ile nia comlerabir futnl il .1ihe-y o!itti tycî'. tnyalIt palit u tlieniY i Cl danger. Ti sni csut e biinitletll t -yacser,, su 't hla ,uel ay Cics t he aieto, zraesip le irltedIitI tEfveciY, h patIetms eielu t.inSme( lu persanbt otteit i. f ars atet,iut ,l Apetilteraois ( tWostuE ayscne atI hIc ornestiSecu I1 Te tmre1h uitîceta1nýin 1i1af'. sul glatsueiat y ore.a Sokic.. N -ov 1ousa" cel. nte yor tohîla 7ear teltersa,inyee uvi eurafrola Df o tb eue mII ailditrecnstY Eveos.atiet etoru ite ]HAS O. in persn t- commit rla nul a trceis treao i ectuotS ed.Aconeia Moulus a ca otAIll ionD. Sterni fogllresteeatiaentmesr anluel y srletr'n ou l dea frt ta C. Menu. letTuesday ion JackBOn- viii. sud nîber prorineul Points lu Fiaida. Mauserc Ramond Sciwafts aiChicago, la viitiug hies aut, mmc Oa. Koethb. lins. james Helîi vas a Libetyville h calter Tueidai. Mesdames j. Hunilingions., M. Klucgc,p M. Confaened lIc. J. Huntinghause i apeut Satucday and Suuday wilticsr. Oeoaliaitsd iamily sud atteudeel lie mnaequerade bail Baîucdai evoring. j. p. Spiczai epeut Tuedayin lu Ctucago. John liait îransacted buiness lun Chicago 'iueday. Louis Krec had lie mrnloîne ta have a inger braisnanad ils band badly lscrsted viien as@bat gun eyploded l i hiebad as he stternpted teabsoot a taivi. Dr. E. B. Shaffer, ai Grsyslake. vas calted and dresSed lie woud. Lea Aranu, ai Round, Lake sttendedt the Firernen dance Saturdeî eveniugl. Fred Gardner, ai Cicago, agent t ao f day and Bunuday vils friande bars. timre. E. F. sayles otertaineel hec brother, iBayard Cartuofai ebran. liuuday. 1lis orac e yles rsturued 'Ironi (lncnee, Saturday silecapending a coopte of veeke vîlu ber sistor, tirs. Iloliet -Dailel aud faniuiy. ottlo Muechke, ai Cicago, catisd ttc filsb ecs tIanday. Th i F.nmsra.querade douce wîue aa grand soaceesw, betng largely ettendeul L hi tie nelghiihacl a»u. loch credît la due tisa Fine deparîmeni aifte bvillage. Sarnie very i1 u' cstumes aur pressul vwich vers weili warded by the X, besoîtil îtizee hilci vers glven. Tic magie beiug rendued by fisphes D orchestra ai Liberlyvilte. se SPIRIT FRUIT FARM FOR SALEî hTihe Beautitul Home af Spirit Fruit y Society là Offered foc Sale ta Best Offer. ~LAK COOUTY INDZPKCNDEIff, FRIDÂY, JANUARY 27, 1911 rRAYS LAKE DEPARTMENTI F. J. DRI'cE, Edtor Photi No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advertlsing Rates On Application fu at gu Glearge Smith sud wifle have returnod -rnm thir vieil vih irelatives lu New lira. Mary Cleveland "net a kew days t ber houle bore tie pait week. Suie faut calied Tiiursday ta nurse et lb. ome ai Posîmaster Bock et Aullaci. Mise Zeta Messy and Mc. sud Mr@. EB. Shermian were euîong Chicaga ni-ese e thle Masonic hall Fridey vening. J. T. Morrdi is@ecriouisty lt is home nu Lakeemtreet. lice. M. L. D)yke. anîd Mi@@ Scîtie Cleveland, ai Round Lake, were enalera here Friday. tir. and tire. Raci Sarrau are thc îroud parents ai a baby boy baru Saturdgy, Jan. 21nt. Mr. sud tirs. Odeit and family, ai Round Laie, are nov selted aI Grays- lake. tic. OdlC bas a positian aI the tu wer. V c-lter bheu MaudaY. MisSors Thurweil, of %N aukegan, Io tira. C. B. ticClelland viaileil ber. siter aI Chcago Bunudy. Tiie ircystake basket bal Icani viii piay lhe Alleud"l teaui again nexî Satucdal evenlog.9 The 500 Club met Wcdncsday eveiug instead Pt Tiinraday an aucaunt ai the1 M intrel show. The Orsysiake Fîreman yl give their1 ulti nnunal Masque Blton Fiday cs'eing, Feb. 101h. Mlusi, by Birent- tetter's six ploc@ orchestra. Sece hheir ad lu suotier calurn. Irvin Branditottel' gave a stag party 10 hie macbolanleTuesday eveuing. Music sud a geacrai good lime was given lb.e ielw@. tru luis a rayai en tertaiuer sud e vbole show att hisoeli. Frauit Wlnite tot foc St. Loui@ lit ilenîlee Platlarni@ le erttiîily ii. balance Cf' the wInter. Tiiere was a large coWd skating and A joli7 buneh, knowD fas the lice ive baatlng Bunday an tiie lake and thirteen of Lbertyville. camn, up ta, the1 caorne were itren taking cald water Maesaicbhail Friday evening. Nedîes a plunges as Blarry ic, Jean Laugabaugh _tosay ont aId lriend, bac Crane, was ln and Tate Allen ean teâtifY ta. theiiuneh. tire. John Bullard trangacted business .WU@Ol dn et sthe opera boue la Chicaga TuosdaY. waa very weolT aended laot Frtday Rihoi ra., catractars and buildece, evening couaderiug tihe bad ,,venîug. trausacted business lu Chcaga Manday. TaesThalt was beauîinully decrated lu Frauk Rltey, af Llberty ville, called an purpie and wbute ,Streanet C-oierp fiends hers Mionday. paper and limsulne enbleui. We under- Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Strang vilted at stand thse redit of the decoratians Waukegan, Manday. belaug t a te Allen, w ha did the wark. tirs. Robert Harvey waa a Chcaga O'Couor'i orchestre lurnisbed excellent vimitor liauday. music and oid mls.laed dances wera ludulged l il Ubtheaid bays and girl@, lt sure sud hear the tllnstrel Quartette put the yaunger latlin l rear whsn i t Tlinrday evening at the apera hause. came ta thse goad aid lime dana"c. An Si c. R W. Churchill sud iamily vtsited excellent suplier was served at Laltus relatives a it Lue-tvvlle the irpt af the, restaurant and te dance did uat break week.ni) until the. wee' sina' bancs af mI c. E. K. Neville visited at Ch,,.a.a Maiîday. TheMyitic Warkers will have wark at their next regular meeting Thnr8day A. lîcb transaclcd buiness ab Waukc- e,,,ig, Fois. 2nd aud ail menibers are gan Tneaday. requ,,sted taulho preeit. Brick tee cceam ut tbe (;cayslake iii. cal e te hurhplosf Pharacy.the Caugregattoml lchurcli aturday Tiie Mintrel Quartette at the apera alternoan, Ja». 251h. gal% apen at hau"e Tiursday evening wilt tic Warth il1a'ela'k and tiser. wililmliepienty ai y au r wbhile ta attend. gaad things tu, buy. e I LOUIS JO Thi ferul caulinn 231 acres ai highiy împraved land, bardering tic deepty waoded Wuotcr Lake, within one mile oft Fax Lake. tBnldluge are ai coucrete THiE JE%! anud steel. Tic main dvelttug conlaine tventy-eight raams. four bath coanie andi closets, launnry. bot sud eld . water, stesul heal. acetylue ga@ plant. Tils sud hardvaod 1mrs îhcongb sud complele bard vood finish. The tarin 1 RO UMNDLAK .EI aisa cantains au igit cocu brick c'ottage witb bath roan;im sitabte for tire. Miebael sud daugbter Ecelyn, sumuier i'ttagc, or nianager's reeldence. spc.ît Suuday viti reatives ah Liberty- gl.eeruiner truc islationau c ville. made tlîis year. Fac gentemans cumuer esfideniesud o faucy itack tarm with paulttY. docks. etc., or 'country club witb everytbiug trio "lieat auntry" pravides its sultecb locatian n pe.ulir.rly fitted. Na iný t culiîbrance. Na agenlt@ tuquire aItii,, farnit addreee SPIRInT Fet TSOCIETY, ,Put nîaney lu thy purse" by asti- ing-ttiraugti a "For Sale" ad-sanie of tbe toa tnany thîngs yoo own. É Adjudication Notice. 1iPublic Nouette, kherebY ,lVe ir atthe Btb scculers Eneentre ofltheesat WiUnifCaiînJ Kîtvkec. deî'eacî'l. clii attend the ,County Court tif Laie tleuty. atecitieeollubceideii t1 the t'oirt I-lu lWauk,,gftflu ti aitCounty oit i he iet tloiiity et Apili fext. 1911. wl(,, 1sait wherc ail î,entî,s havie. chamni e alist sit istte are n,tilled aitd requested tute leseit th satiet o sntCourtfor adjtuditcaton. EIII'H toN ErCKF E ectr LEWiS 9F.MA 80IN îlct Waukegan. fil.. Janiary 19. 1911 c 1, i Adjudication Notice. Public Notice le lwrelbO Ivetiat the Sul- eCrIber. Executor ,et tic LetWinltsoi Testament of Ethel P. Wet. ieceager], nl attend theco('ptey Court oI Laie Countrai a tenu thereol lo be hoiden aIthe Ceurt flousetlii tWatikegiii. ini sali Coufty, on t lin ut Mondai, or Marcit lext. 19tI, weici dSit hece ail personas having ltlis agaitust itale art noitlei anit reurdied tuecrireetaie saine te said Court tor adudcation. HIENRIY A. POPE. Execultr t Waiîkeaii. ,Iaiuarl Il. 1911 (-1-l4 :1. W. COLBV Attoriey. Public Notice, ls hrebv eteen tho1 the tub- scriber Admiiolcralîicofethae r.tate QI laines JeeffeoniLsice ei.Ieased inwlîatenîd aie('tintc Court of Lake Jeuutly, t S tenilie,,- ofleo choîdrit the Courititiae tu Waukeeain. a in saldeo'iiity ott iret Monitat, ef iaceh DeaI. 1911. Min r aiti hece an pesonsas vitr claires seauî,,-l saai"rte are netîficit andi requested Vl, iremeit t he saine tu said court for J9itiAES L. SWA'IER. Admînisîcator> IL waukegai, ...iauuary 9. 1911. 16- nAdjudication Notice. publice lire ta ierehY olven 1551 h,, tub- seriber. Adritiustrator 0t tic asIate of Jusevi Donner decesst. uWi attend ais r uia? itLwae Countl.aIa tarmitiereol loba butn ttlisCoutlHoueta Waukegau. lu salir Countylon lie fral Monda, ef! ac » 9U wen sud = SU prsonebovine es tr ssuthle à.:%istd cou.t fi MAELDOBSE, AMWuilrator. YEOMAN WAELER Dan Haak visited bis ian, Charles ai famuly at their hame ln Cisicage. Atex Gauger, ai Autiocli, spent Tui day evening ait the Joieph Turner hua L nu e.- me. W ii Roping, vule aud citdcen sipent TAYLOR GROVE. Sunday vili lai Tarrant and vite lin ,1 akn i iklalepair Chiicago. the otier îacniug DelliLewin fell ont ai Elina Whitec sud Chîas. tiastîuattended lb. niitk wagon, lhe wagon eiding on the dane %U A ntiachi Fridai îighl. the ire, sud vas badly burt. Dr. Young KîIty, Reiiby atîended lhe teaclir's vas called and fac a time yers 11111e itueting et Ilighlsnd Park Saîurday. hope vas enlertained for ie cecovery; but nov ho le impruvtngasu t ile1 Art Shober @pont Mndayinl Chîcago. thouigut ic viii reeayer. Dell Sithuivisited is ieparentesiltiMrs. L. A.Stanc returneil IciWnnkegîii tirnystake Sandai'. O lnday alter sîieuding scerai days Gjeorge Cobtenîz, uvle înd sou Calin, vitb bsnr brotherbr.. arc spcudiug a ueek wittu relatives in Miss MlieeDîoyle vis itod relatives fiers Litai River, 111. Saturday sud Sunday., Pete~r la'ry andl Frauesltaing sPel tMr. and Mc. John reely i'vsbîed Su day ah Libertyvibie. relatIves ubore Frtday. Ed lrov bsau, Iciti~abot aidn Tii,, Iosecraails Ladies Aid vili ivie a alter a week's iines iof grippe aie chickcn pie suptîer Fcb. 14. Eîn Wicaîueiailiei bter tani' friends ofi tre, Earil 8trang Fini, Wit, attndea kt(Aln eow ucvresarry lii heur oa iher dcath. The ah MceCormick'@ Satu'îdaY igbt. ' fanerai vas iteil buWaukegan linuday. Carie 'ogt le speudung a veck Vui ti r. Stcang is vei kuovu bere and lias bier orother Frank lu Northiclago. the svrnpathy oai bIs lsurrieude liere. tic.and Nfrs. Chas. Casiniore @peut The lPrettiest Girl You Evar Met. , Sunday at A. ltttulle's. A beautiful Art Panel a1,11 Calndar, tîcinted lu 13 calars and gald le beiîigt given away by Thée Farnier' llcview,1 Cliaga, Ill., ir.cs ,X3(t)i uches. It W'11t tic sent ta anyane lac 10e (stamtps ar sucver) ta caver cost 0i pastage and packiug. Ot aone beare supptY l0 exlîausted. IT WILL PAY YOIJ To came and Cet your Suite and Over- coata made 10 order. SUITS AND OVERCOATS $15 UP. CLEANING, REPAIRING AMD DYEING NEATLY DÔNE AT RIGHT PRICES. WM. JAtINSTaîlor- GraysthIw5 IIL tic atîerevening, lb.hea uaclul rio ligit&n eu îîuered. and gaI dragged n black but cee, ,vet no secere injurcies. Sevecel .tarîuîîre here have been ordered ta test liîîir cavs. Tii. Mountlietceometery sud Ladies Aid Socicties Pauli douated rnoncy ta the. liLocie aiuaut I uruce. Rape other eicieies vilt belp a gaod tause. Foley's Kîdncy Remedy An Appreciatian Lt. tcConueit. Calherirre St., Elmira. N. Y, wrtcs: 'I vîielo express My aIpp reca ion of lb. g vat gond h derive dl 'ram Faiey's Kitlncy Reredy, wiicii 1 msd ifor a bail case ai ildney troubile. Five bothies dld the wark mail efece- tIvely sud proved ta tme heyond doubt -ltIsh mont realichble ldey tuedîiclnt 1have sver tacu." Foa e. H i puggt. An evealug oi slid ptssars hle aaard tIîm sttendtng lb. Lyrlc. Btt MUEUR il tir. Daveon and iamui~e have acrived ft d1 Tii. Ladies ai lie M. R. churcli wlll give a chickeu pie social et the churcli an Tuedai', Feb. l4th. Everybady wel- camle. Jahu Caruey and A. Leabie esci tait a caw lat week frani fatllng an the tee. Tii. Ladies' Aid aud cemetery sacietles danated $7 ta the ailicted fainlly lu Wilt Oliver %vae a Richmand visitar tet ws,,k. Cieter Faulkner ie an tiie ick lât. lice. R. 1). Ames and John Tutti. were lu Chicaga au Saturday. The Maunt Rest Cemetery saclety aud Ladiesi' Aid saclety af Roseccans met In jaint segsian test Wednesday at the hame ai WIII Oliver sud at the umeeting It wae vated ta danate toward the DeLoat relief fond tii. mai$ 700. A iuggestian wasea affered that esac Aid society lu the cauuty makre a dana- tion taward tiie fund, th. famtly hein@ lu deititute crcumitaucep and deservîng ai auy aid aile 'ed. i I Professional Cardsj DRL 0. F. BUTTERFIELD, VETEItINARY SURGEON. &5BITAi<? irATZ VITUIIAU.N. Libertyvmle. Iinots. O RFICIE l R.SLOVLLOW atYrae îouraM 1 VXla 8 su 6 t S . - Uhbertyvilte. liftaIs. PAUL MAC GUFFIT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lihertyvile, llnois Htuons fW 1 an1 li-1 ta 5 p.. J . E l) . T ri g g s l ln g vithDrJ L. Taylor-I'tone 19 tics. Pi'one 109)2 LIbertvvrllie. Illinola DR. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. JVEiS iAKI N fI~TY NATIOîNAL BANK. aus-S th 2 a. ni. and 1 ta 5 P. M. î>AlLY. Libertyvtto leI lL!s DR, 1. L TAYLOR. oFFrICE OVE19 J. I.f. 'Wli<i5 LDU. sou gl:-7 tcy 10 a. iù. 2 ta 4 and 6 te 8 p. ni. RW.sdehî 'cni Brond way. opposite Park. LisýrY Vle. ntîinau,. RUSSEL Lumnber Yard Fac Figures an BUJLDING MATERIAL My 1îries are rigbt andi grades gaaul. Whetber yanbuy ar ua gel my figures. Ir.s5. tI).DProp. Ti voi eves retîcylui s 1 b Ldietiteol ing eaunni cm lawa ta their new baie puc-aed from C. W. Russell. Litle Doria Jamiceon, daughter ai Dr. Janieaon, bas lie scartet lever. tir, sud lire. Oea.Strang 1.11 Wedues- iay for Ibeir hame et Maroild, Wus. lire. Caca Andersoin vas calleel ta Lake Farest Mauday au account ai lhe Iluese ai her daughler, Florence Anderson. Oea. Jamicean apeutevcnal days 'ith fils hrother-in-law, Jahn IRoberts 01 Ciiicago necetly. Mire. A. W. 8aflard retucucedirarn C~hicago tlii. eek. Mce. Sica. Saiford in rsported better. Prayer Meeting witi tic tietd ai tich piarsonage Ibis Wcdnegday. Tii. Miseiouacy Meeting witt tic held Wednesday aiternoan at the home of lire. Mary haler. Oea. Anderson ai Laie Forest, attend- ed the ueraiai Mcc. Oa. Strang. Eruet White aiflMontana catled au frlendsInluthili viciuily tiie pait vesi. Mc. Chartes Amas relurued lhe puet week. Mr.ýarI Slcuugir ofWauiegan wes et Milhuru cernetery liouday. Tii. Ladies' Aid Society iiaid their regular îuanthiy meeting aI lthe churci Thureday, Feb. 2ud. Dinuer will be ssrved. Mie Ethel licGuire visitad Frlday and .Saturday wihber ant, tire. Sidney Iiaak, ai Ouruee. 1 IL.- THE 3RAY FURNITURF3 STOR LIBL3RTYVILLE- ILL. TWO COST'IESS THIAN4 OfN THE DAILY INTER OCEAN Regutar Price Su.ao a Year ~ BOTIt PAPERS ONE YEAR THIE INDEPENDENT ONI.Y $3.50 Regntar Price. $i.S a Yearý The regular subacrlptlon pries ai THE DAILY INTER OCEAN la tuB - per year, lunesivance. By ipeclal arrangemlent vith lie publiabers va citer sou for a liiait time ne n yearmsnbscrlptlon ta aar papar snd THE DAILY INTERi OCZAN~ [or $350, tes ISsu tbe prce of on.evison takeu separatly. Baller avail yourseli aet tis offer at one as THEi INTER OCUAN vas -serves the riglil la vltbdrav Il ou s day'a notice. SEVEN REASONS WIIY YOU S1IOULD READ TUIE DAILYINTIER IOCE'AN NEWS SERVICE-THE INTERL OCRAS nevi service rastes evevy capital ai thie vrld. Speclal correspoudetî. logetiser vlS privais, viread cable service, lu addition ta îthe Asmclted Proe spd New Yack Weuld re- porta, give ns lachlis nflurpassç ti& ot'si ng iws, Our Wasblaff ton service le nneqnaiêd. t4 MARKET REPORTS-THE INTER OCEAN'S liv. Stock, Grain sud Projuce reporte are autiseullo and nneqnaled. Specl care and attentioanaiear. an îa ithe Chicago market. THE INTER OCEAN la tis anadbqq. =4u business bible ofthlb Commlhissin Man. Ouireaders reçoWsi .tise volu of teadvnîc' lptgrMnlon a.nt 1rOftnnCmeeaurahly' lËrôUISisthe.exclutt tFINANCIAI. NEWS-Flnacl neya la boeitvissa ballt davu. TbaXo wMt you get Ini THE INTER OCEAN every day. Yon gel avony iae I aur. est tothlefintuilcl ansd coumerôtaiworld preseaued lu tis a y Lobe mn qalckly aud clearly grueped t aI Ils rud luie. THE INTER OCZAN la lie anti' Chicago nevepaper iavlng accemd Iotohe procsof thLie WaI Street Journal and la lu the tead at evari' paint oi iluancWaiemcellence. THE INTER OCEAN le the officiai mnediumn ai the national banka et Cbli cageansuhe lFnanciai Auliarîi' aif the Middle West. FOR THE fýARMER-Ta yau THE INTER OCEAN partlcntarly appeas. À> sOlIte'v autheulic sud posltlveiy uueqnaied Market Reports. FlamoWs Forecaïs tat iagve yon proitaile investmnul pporlunntlee. A modeml newspaper ls as greal au educalor as lise choal sud caolège. Boveral great colleges ant i narles lu lie Middlie West use THE INTER OCEAN Editoriat Page as a niodet aofRugîtssud cielarical style for the stuterîts. Wial 111a dolng foc tlei ltau do toc yan. Ta every sl54 womniiun d chiltd THE INTER OCEAN affers a liberai educaion-Pohiti* cal. Financlt.Religions aud Ocecal. SPORTS-lun addition ta lie routine malter vicis nevepapera ptibllis. Yw glce opitnions, articles and nieya reports by celsbrated experts tise vrid acer. Ilasciall. boxing. wresthlng, racing-everyhilg fuliya surais. ty reportet. THE INTER OCEAN'S sportlug pages are vItbout a rival lu tic daiti' pres aflie United States. EDITORIAL PAGE-THE INTER OCRAN la nolcd for th.elreugth, justie ant camninsennse af lls edilaltreasoutug-evadlug natInglute ioust anîd unapotogello for lie convcions. THE INTER OCEAN la irbe. isdlo& uieaything il sensefit vîiaul ifaror favar. Il le baunnit 1 no clique.% faction or organrîshlan. Nobody r.r ls avu edîtar conîrosIs eoplilon. The atibJecb& Ircaled have a vide range-lterature, polleis, ireligion. fi- nIanceundt publie poliey. Tltausands af persans wrhle ta THEE fi riT OCEAN otrc'year la ai' liatItis Edîtoriat Page le ta thera a IlioigIed- Iail n varleti', farce, clearacts sud tterary style. Iiey pranone It l lie bush lu lie Uniteti Stateas on vîlliuni' tuayourself aller ceilding It a week, AELIGON-TllE INTER OCEAN assumeIlual rellgion lhias e esetling 1 lie Imulttude as polilicis. socicty and scandaI. It lies long Sbein latilue gîlsied for 1hs stroug religions ediloriats. TUE INTER OCEAN la t1h anti' Chicago dally tint printa lu fuîtlccci,' Mondai' uo n>g tlisermOeil afltie great Chicagoa preaciers given theo lai'batore.19,Idenoanilons are rcîîarted. F17oi. vital, coîpeling-tie beet ltterancas ofthtisAmr-~ ican pulitî. la ibila ctalnau xtraortiiary affur. Vour favorite local paper 'nd Great Chicago Dalli' logetier loi, les&a han the prie.ofaiOo. Subscrlpbhalls for etiocler periods ISsu oue year caunat bhaccp 5 Isoasthan the regular cales. Ail relaittasces siauîl45 b. inde direct ta LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDFiNT -- !! 1 = viinily.d Father Folci' sient a couple ai (layes lu Chicagoi hue weck.e .Mcs. Winî. F,,ndiek and Gordoin, ai Hlghwoad. visiited villu hecparents Miss Vera Siver, ai Wankegau, speut sevecat days vthh reativesehece cecently. l Th ii.tret ai a secies ai thcee card parties ta b,' given bvtheti Ladies Sacieties ai St. Patrick@ parleb witt tic hetd on Tuedai' eveniug, Jan. 31st. at Waodmn hall. Waitswarth. Admis- @ion, 25e cacii. Lunci served. %Mu@ie sud dancing alter. Miss Malle Lui apeul Salurdayin l Waukcgau. H. Grave@ le spcnding sanie lime villi hile datîghter, Mrm R. Setter ai Uraso Lake. Tii. dancing party given by tiie vauug peaple aiflSt. Patrick's uhureh cia lie 18tlî vas a decided suces. Tiiere vas a large and jotiy crowd lu alteudance. Hart Sver, ai Kenosha. ealied at W. Waddell'so last week. Tii. Waedmen and IRoyal *.Neigbhars hetl their jint Installation of aISe 'ns lest Thureday evening. Oystcr supper vas served. RUSSELL The Ladie' Atd saciety wilI mccl wîtlî tire. Allen Disert an Thureday macuiug, Feb. 2ud. Att intereed are cardiaiiy invited., Henry Hansenu le huîy fiiing lhe crearnery lI. hans. Dr. Lewin was e waukegau visilor one day lail week. Vers Siver, af Waukegen, i. epeudiug smre lime wîit hec aunt, li. E. P. $Ilver. Mc. aud tirm.J. IR. Cord sud lMr. sud lies, W. J. Meivllespeut lait Weduoedy lu Chicago. il. L. Nelli sud A. D. Corrne ver. Chcago vimitore l lsturday. ileicat at thc bande ai lhe OaYSIaki tcani au tic 0rayslake aieeîaWéedoy sceniug. the Graystake boys wlnang by sevout3'-tive plus. On Weduegdaày 01 Ibis wveina Obeago occucced Lhe marriageaiflMr. Jobs 4tianck and Mise Jasepie Lowl«p îîotb weti kuowu young people of our eity. tir. Siiuck isemtuloYd hY J. W. Butter ai tuis place, wile lb. bride bai hecu facrsaule lime lu tie emoloy ai the Liberty ville Hotel. Justwierethey wll niake Ibeir home la ual kuovu, but il h9 saidthaI alter a short boneymoou tbey will ritnrn and taire up their sbo& tai auc ciîy. Mr. Siauci le Lu continue la the, emplay af Mr. Butter. Tii. 13E- l'ENDENT juinins leteudiug congistit Ticre bhe .been several iluelieaOf late regacding lhe tende paid ovar 10 tia-@tial Llmbercy tfocrithetire depsl- meent, sud hecanseecof lie sppsieiit niisuderptaudiug emoug mass ai our citizen@ Who are ai1lthe opinion that Limbecry necciveti rernuneratian for bis services as tire manehal w. publiaisthe' folîawiug explanatian: Tise meiebera aian iregr@departmneut, auambeilpg twctve besîdes lb.e mareiial, are peld obe dollar for cach ulghl liey practice and are snpposcd la driiltwa ulgist» e c mouti. the tgrssud iourth Tbuuaday. This would ttal up $24 per nuontis jpravidiug ail members pracllced segular- iy eci nigit set. Tho' villaigoe leik for lb. amount due Lha members a01t*6 departmeul via, lu tbru pre"beè tth ander ta lb. village tresirer snd recolves saceck foc Lb. amoahi, fHe then pays ta esci indIvdue menuisr ai Lhe departmnent .-.the ..- Jdu..hi.. witiioldng asoiutety notinisafr ie serviuerndered. Thie uetiod là pnrénediluardertotesen the detla. of tie officSu af tiievillage clerE and YIreasurer, seby ea dolng an. aider and chérir anavers th9 purpose 01 tWehwO. ever. eat'b member oi the, departitit pabidliudividualiy by lbheeuter. 1- 1 L- eV of: CI, he Pr sé li. la U