COUNTY NDPfftDfNT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE OOUNIV est5boe Io. . Filor8 RedsIdeOelephOflO No 1141. UbO.yvffercshaule asef 1Osthelb.pcifie ai Llbmeyvme.O l.. au9000ec " »sanMate nvau WUUKL. AiVRT11150 RA MAIRS KNOWU Olt &WLZOAeowO. *DUSCRIPTION PRI01 $1.80 PER VEAR STRIOTLY IN ADVAU40E P*RANK M. JUST ... .. ....... ....................................... ....... .Eie *AY L. ýHUSSARO ..........................................1................Cty Editor F RIDAY. JANUARY 27.'ll. POPULAR ELECTION 0F BENATORS. 0f courseit la nt biong tebring' on any politîcel mllenium. Many f - he @tâtes passon gevernors, electid by a free and uncoa"cd people, whe werk fer thoir ewn pociit and that of the trusts quite as joyfuiiy au an>P of the plutocrata of the. Millenaircu' Club. Illu se wng to the w.aknea of our tte legllatuesu, the people et large uietad hoeilkly to shatter uom@ cherlehod Illusion* ln the. mîndu of the. 't- vu wd esrern of the. togae. If th.y ceuld vote on this change. 1W. niule the rafteru ring for or legislative canddates. We read th news of thoir oiection witii the feeling that now nt lant a polttcal _gldan ago ' em.A rnofro. lies beu lntroducsd tht lete make tthe pubtiowerlc +oise tretta puitiehie brootand ploie an If theÎou cf s prvatgiy cwMIed 104tgy elos leo nt hlm. Sut sthe. votera tudy the. fine privelanthe -Awpfrcerner sheingi; ew tii' peontativeos oted on thi e lcalta, thes conviction apreets throughout the. tatO thp>t thora lu nothng n9ew undor Uh. sua, and tht st things %vers, se thsy are. .Whio te biani.? Flotour mont cdeun cut and honorable bueineus and .profomolenal mon, viltii their Instant ability te tel e butinns .pi'opoatlen froni a gold brick. second, oui delstu, who uey &Il theee beautiful thlngs about p.olens when up ln clubs and perloe, but wfio have that tlrod feeling when it cerses té caucus nlgiits. ,,One wffld thiink tht our business mon ouglt to he wllinq te qut the mtm for dollars fer a ysar or two of legialatîve serve*, purely for love *of Our nol alts i Mutte, and htour ldealiete miglt work-as they talk. Under thonse 0usm#ZSloe tlw countri, w. coule get a Unitedttatea meSsie *emdsl venu.wculd nt recognîze. *0 O NTXE T NG Gane........ 200 27 133 Rumeil........... 00 80 .40 Financlui Report Rend. fllowlng iis -report, another re- ptort wugrend. Park. ng the ane conition of the lAbo couaty CO)ofY. A jst mieetinofetthe Ieke county' Th. coieuy appem ate'- -ho ln a firt metJosiSociety, thei Le .couafylt as, mft nd ltheugh it le but j!-&eru Assocation nd the. Lkeat mtliîamount ahead of the gaine for OcouitvTobercuicl Institut* lu thi the Dut Yser It la t lent holding its tuaimnoretthe Deeulield township OI.The. report la fuit Io append wàm& Miw"udParIL flturdar allere 04: »006 uadoe i.auspiceofethUic$duce- Receipta tiosA cmuMIM fthe c UclAbo CU1nty Receipte tf-- Patients. 8959019 Tubfeulos ligottute. The roi rea- Donation................... 774.1 19 a fo cailla:tUicmeeting wus tu e mbihibps..............1l0 o4icate the publie u ic hecmansd j Ktertainents.............498.5 peestlo* of dîseueo.anad .myctaliy Meaaandtcmp. boardera. 14.00 Ti 10 Ua*bti the UPiierlu Uic public Farta sud garden .......... 233.0 vi «* ef the ouutY the romicuse cbi'latia .scl............ 57.4 e àr iolgseuc.heandtelegraph.... .95 l A1141M i yor. sea-u. Pculgt sudcartege i..........7 à» &avem M, onsie i ygien us iGrfles ....................10 l ïewto lu, s' E V. Serges. eorHlgh- Sputan cape, uieolaneena 83.18k lded P. M toMItof tbeIl 5r T# days ............... 1991.00 or t»e Pue ScIÉsbolfr the tftokofft...................SM f »M53e 0 et the papa* te ut Total reccpte .......... ÇI,198.46 « 51 wuM rapldlW «~radtue 11 Kxpndtre& l 411IMM lit VUetilie Miter rigt 0Gonrsi admInitratIon.S476.00 tW to t»li teaithm to watebzevor the Cre of paitsul.......... ,13.43 »"un Plaet lu their cblrlffge. Md HOU5e5ing............. 694.79 bd *W tha thibM ,ould oe ue te ofewlrdedpartmeut... 3914.74 om Èwsmt factors la .preveutlug tue Gazerai bouse and property 373.15 cI niOt »7, dWm ar ............. 847.50 le »-. je . Nolis, preildet of the labratori ................. 2.50 0 ýtà» Teret cllego, spoke ou the, )WIN09t'Wbt tic publice xPecta er Total eperating expene. .$8,8402.11 Id 1*0 1411 Professon lu tePi e. Number patient day@.7,080- c L 1 V nlese. e tx tothe e r lorcplt cat Per *Or1 o<fie prfessiç la but cuillPatitl ordy. .$1.19+ -bilng teibure thlim eale ater it in Otiior canrent expensea .. 298.92 Omrted. but amveU lu tryit tu lPr we qulpuent............086.73 viet leinlcoil t h pe ey ~ tic esteraviTb* Peuplge refalt -Total current expensea . .814787.76 tuan ffenaay otiier profesIOn, and Total receiplate 11184 fiat thir fatb ubould net ho mis Cash ln bank@6 Jan. ,Iac0ever decter abould trlve to 1. 1910 ... . 1,631.27 . - 0 bisn ptenta lu Uie preveution 1.- 8 14836.73 àt it disese. ingeneral. sud ol Ta-otai carrent expese.... 14.7l.7 bercalosia lu parlicular. Cash lu bank and on bond The Dtyonth'e IPlic. Jail. 1 1911 ..........8 48.97 The etier %ide et the question, 1W*Mat tbm Ph ymicisasExpect Oethti PublIc lu th Preveullon of Disaae" Âwardpd $1.000. vas aly handled by Dr. Hoyt E. ln one ai the mont papular verdicts Peurboît. executlve 'secretai7 of the. ever ren.d by a Indg. ln. Caok coonty. WlsSuon Tubercuiomîls Association. Mr@. I0. L. Moore vas tvarded $1.000O According te Dr.' Pearhot. lbe publie for Injuries mntained by ber white lu a Je in bleuie for a grat, part o the buargilu wbici mie and Mir. Moor ver. disees hichcom to anknd.The. ndinuuwiieu it wu@ struck hy an auto. ilisesee wbcii crne t mobiled. wued aad drivez by a Chicago 1 lire fis whlcb are responsible lu t maoon keeppr. uho wvaoy i idina. lesge moasure arcefirt, fluet. fan- Atorney E. W. Clby wusenauetlou mms Dfaipness andtinrk. Do away tbe complaluait and mach credit la due wU tese vilsand he ms of huim for liii. manuer lu wicb iscou. mmu Ild l l e beathi te a acuh de h at IMgerdegre thi tislataIthe presout........ Report on Christmas Seal. mmtereport O tMeoufdhe WM.LAYCOCKcO. lan Park. whlcb iysl tehg- Ubertyvillt, lios. est aumber lu proportion toe spop- iliiou ln tiececunty, wua tvrded a ____________ te b placed on Uic ùew cottage ?a$:i test colouy. Wtbrop Har botr eaks a ecse second te MHlband M achine Shop P*ar. vitb Waubegan fourtu la Uice - pAM W<jK b th, e liai cf chien aid Uichnnu. __________ , bs' e« slesla au fole: -Pop. Sol. Cap. AITO q xibIE Par1NM"5,0029484 5898l O C s9 à . A ý ýJW1f9,Habo .3,000 ,01.8l - ewu"i... . e16.0917DII, t . Engfle vhue.A FMIl .500 00 1.0 Lia etof ndrima.Tires1W, ýý ý X»'I ... . 1.600 1.171 1.171 P"ie.,Whul rul ...5g....4140 Mo00.721 aIB *.v.......23 __ _ __ _ For ReMount Faim- Congresbas mseidffe 8950Oct i, etablsbluqr remoant arme for brete lng ar1 orse, .beme, m4wjLtb M-< 000,9000. bermes lu ia h cucatT7thé army lu'unable tu obtti-fit moelltt for Its men and speclai breediu* farina are necesary. The. country lte uo edlisrlcted apt govçrument brefding fams u ubsldis. ad for the. purpie. Due toe tu* Tc thut Lake Ccunty la alretdy a faiue trotting bora. conter an weli » trat.. lui conter fer ail kinds or gond herse flash. and te the tact that Ltke Conne remount farun couid provide boou nett Sheridan, ou the. North be. antià Trt flenJalu Harrison lu Ondiens. w*bhersmes it lalkely tbat on. oui*, tarin wlll ho establiaedinod lu county. Au offrt l ho At »aurte o homade tu Airset snob aàtamm hec.m eod Amy Hornse SMarné. liiuUreu contréesa t adopt a pieu under whlch the, dePartinent ofr Mie. ulture could establish breedltng farmog the roprosontatlves oethtie two deptrt mente Point out tiat lu the United tatee Uic type of hoeesultable for army purposea la now propotionatê- IW iousinerons thon 0,cr hofore, hs- ceuse lt leflot round necesaary te tthe civilians of the country. It ln alm Polntad out, tbe± Uic hoes o t,,Ui Iuoguet branches orf Uic rmy are mvereiy.crlticisel by reproenetatlves ei of retas armies. Thia board, repre- 1 entlag thc two depertaiente, etys Virinla bai long hemamnons for tbo boeree kW" n setue Virginha hanter, Ev. ti.t reding of tlii.type of horne .t ln polutet onthan beau sAdly aOpc. 1 ed by the igh prien of b.tvy dim% .bomses. The. repreaeent&.veaeoftht* mlpartmoe saOY taev« Dmore&> pmag tutu thceecliet cE icra sultable for militai PurPoSte le the largo number et aneountho> M tuiat ane conetatly be;ng examia e4 by purcbming Officr Vere Vey Piavorably lm- Au w etated lu lest weekst' sso ran LWB£PEaDBT, a patty et Liberty vle people accompauied a maleolesSi ppresenlatîve te Kankakes wberb uiisr bapelti le MautoI.a m u. hers. An luummaor»i reporter pu-*"ili intervled emchmoucer et the pry mat m md s U.alwiubool esxempzo, V«7 sllu tbtt It la dl.dyp"msbià Uo pvsmsnet e arlh bMw, .euâ wni, as pet curnpartveil mnov, siue ig tivor emoug lhe mort eaiigbtene ois« of peopiè jally. 'ni. lmecolmum la but two »d n-ý ait yeors pld etud Iesan alrsadY oer 200 ol thsuî leuse. Ameug tir' iio u luMinuois titI nDov bave Iaauo-o. lvmm ln use are: Kmanltbe, Aroe Ottawa, Douesr, TAylorvle, ElPeso and mantino. At Spniigfeld a maueo. mmo ultiOb capacity of L16 a ealAog eospletioui. ,1 Wbat -CLASSIFICATION. ofcitle at s* lutesmlaou eaped&Uly TG- DÂY? Ton eau tun. te It, la "bot N4OTICE 0F ANNUAL MEETING 0F STOCKI4OLDERS UF ' THE WAUICEGAN . ROCKFORD AND ELGl4-TRACTION Public notice I* hereby'given Chat on February 6. 1901, et 1I e"p. im., et the. Palatine omSe. of th i. ed coin- pauy, lu P&aai»e, Illinois, thora Win b. held tiie annuel metIng of the. stoek- bolders of sald compousy for tiihe -eo ton oi direclors, teklng action upon the ameudmnenta, ta the.charter of ithe Compay. and tiie transaction of euei otiier busine s amay lawfall comne butor. the. mting. J1. K. Oumviz, Secretary. de-18-l 8»0088%81Ys Tmies ya P4, moi ofSV la ow Z 1 e» xo i b D.r., IYTres8s b«4 s AccouêT MorS ÏW1~AT vW CANi 8~g Doble8fa «sted Coat.* Ases 6' .11.12 i3 for'S1.50 WortIi $zL5O BapIJideeear leeced Lined zoc Eacit We *MAVE JUSYT I!VED A r4E ULM or SUIT CASS Pnom si1.50, TO $5.00 E. W~ PARKIIUR.ST Opwe tpt er bef oveJnug lUt tW 411aw lm3 Per cent IMM~ W. paid .tw Our Saykhg D poetorg,4ortI.rr igmnterest .amountlpg -te. $3.13.43., Try Us. Capit ai $50,O1J.00 Surplus andi Profits- 80,000.00 8totckholder'a Liability 50,000.00 Total $18o,ooo.oo- 1I ,1 SCBiANCK BLOCK ITEART STOW$ AE, GOOD A SotIte mt& 09 Mot russ, et .t. Odak, SteVe.amibss. CQOMBINATIONQGAS AND COAL RANGES LET lUS SMOWMUI ,FRQM O P 1 , K SgINu$ rrS HUIEDUEO F 1ARDS 0CP SEAUTIFUL £MSROIP<UES 20018s,, INBERTIdf48,FLOUOINOU, amDIrme am m8 liN VARICUs WIOTOIS AND PATTEUNS AU. O<WA»Si FR1814 A VERty RARE OFFSRINO AT ....... ..........- At Io end 1 5c EGYPTIAN-, TissIjeS U T 714M NOW WHMSTh ASSORTMENT 1Il600b0 ............... ..... Per Yd.. 25C I4ANDSOME 1NEW CURTAIN SORIMS A FINE UNE .. At 20aumd25C NEmo CORSETS MOI4ARCI4CHILI SAUGE PU SOPrttI Dl c089 ICOKLES A NEKW- ARREi. or FiN, 014f8 DOZ. f»c METZMEU GUATEMALA COFFRE SAME OLO PRICE Lb. CAN M8e Golê mminPour W. W. Carrol& Son' aaaa.~aaa~~u [ ry Vbes', ck" escan': b u% ouoick, ind -mat e b.driedlu Ia mm -et«Ilaor, the New Perfection 011 Hcat«,r 4uyiodocs thowork of mm suod air, o cnbang up *c wet clothes, lght your Peifèc- tion 001 H.ame,op the dasper tom, and ethett iss and quicUly dricu the plothes. Do.nlot Puaotcewasblng tg swit a my dain border to âvold qdldç*. Dry your wasbhig ny ds thas Ai. h't nta ma- i. klsaf, odorlms cov OCe g a amo Et gi.. fn n ub bot ily« do out v 01 m eouiua Wug -i - -o to PHIONE 47 LIBERTYVILLEI LUMBER -CO* )owm býy the. Old Depot ALL KINDS 0OF COAL FORKED AND WASHED AT OUJR SHIEDS NOTIIING BUT CLI3AN GOAL, THE BES5T. PURE, (àEAN, SWEET.,FEEDS HO0ME 0F THE RED COMB POULT4KY SUPPLIESÈ-r BOB ii@eeoi - - -I - A 1c.g-tu Ie am ko~3 biu ftalp p.- 10 »W mm iab Rock Wi twleator Mnd min I Omi, c eom ! ceb FZAMDOLME DR. E. V.3 II IF GENERAI. PRACliCE ilôrt10 o 2.2 I 4Md710 58 P. o.h 5 imite ver Lynb>roI ator. t ~ ~ ~~T LT"RVVLA. unE4F Corroepo ni.. .lc. 126 Genst Bvoey W. H., AUCI PARR SALRO Liboert il mW re qire aot O -. e5 5 1 49. "ak Oklt* U tp. Sut 8 - -ow4 4 1