INDm S"8tu MWhsof pécel Il JfU5l U.S. tol' 111:i >'DU l$Wy»u e now d»e md psyl" , Mû oom Nb. 10, 1911. .1O8 - J.B. MuesVillag ce ostor. 'lisclztb netelmt cdo peolaee MmueêKo. 1, forotntioofcOUDsOt5 * u M.le nov due-sud payable Ma. 10, 1911. -IU- 4 ou bMOW At t~Iveeaiy tuhum oWbooMai, (i At'.ood co"), wlhont tise '-mwgmmel su ot sud qmoke. luit #tv% tiieuaàvery itAI. air on top. DoWt' *ek 6be store pipi dansper to ulOUA. UPIrollis Wabed Nut. You ua *ts t rous tbe Home Lumber Con& p, It bede ely, but llghtly, and1 olse motteis air spacetAn Ahi ilpo to murailue Bises that would otberwli niusot Md imake. 16-AS ~4fBEd5 ecosehomeoWMuel a g.ours--for they CM IN- 1TUE PROPERET :, u ON 1W TEl CM,. Md- *« tAhhsgsabout nu ettame m@mmm* BUCK'W vjvElR MtLi Puri 110A L Phone 2! AT, JANUAIW 27, 1911 LB ERTYVILLE BRZIEFS LA L.. I-AND PEMBOMAL. -MENTION WR WILL 1tXAUDiR Aba mach f yonsandAil y u lit Perfect Runnag Order tie yoDontav Atonoyon pIee.. Znal kindi of reper on vcdo only hetec nleaLving6,tniA rin t n our caro. A. Wss B RDPAKFAST i 9HEAT CAKeS MADE FRON FOX 3SBUCKWIIAT FLOURi re Maple Syrup And 0 M~E MADE SAUSAGE I !QR SALZ 1BYe ELI TRIGGS 5 phone 3 REDUCTUON SAý.E NOW ON TO LAST TILL FEBRUARY 23. * COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F SOME THÉ BARGAINS J. B. MOlRSE & CO. Every thlng for tien LIBERTY VILLE, ILL, LACES AND EMSROIDIER9AE8 MAS JUST BEEN REOEIVED FOR OUR, SPRING TRAD DIRECT FROM' IMPORTERS VALENCIENNE LACES 4c PER V. AND UP TORCHON LACES Se PER VO ..j.-AND up ALL WIDTH EMBROIDERIES Se AN4D UP .oRENS HOSE, l0c PER PAIR. LADIES HOSE 10, 15 AND AMB thNSISOF ALL KINDS. CHILDREN8 UNOER. R., 0LASWARE, CHINA 'LADIEBS UNDRIES. CANIESI, UTC: B!SWICKS VARIETY STOR~E UBERTY VLLE To inçure publication ln th. IndepaI. dent, copv muet b. ln the office no later than Tuesfay of mcli wook. Adverý' tisera, *eclally, are asked to te partictilar notice to hi. e#fect. Jamews Gould viuAed An laighlad Park $und"y. Uim e mIlv uBnatranmated buéineu ln Waukegan Sasurday. Mm. B. H. Pritchard le veaitnoelatlvee lan Milwaukee chis week. carl Dorsen, of Ivanho., vas i Llbertyville coller Mondai. Gos. B. Webb, of Atloeh, transacteil Ibusiun nour cty Saturdoy. Medm-You'd botter mat then-he'l U be the$ W&Y viWhoubécornuehome. Thore awl hi servioe et St. Lawrence Mission Snay ateraoon et 3:80. c e Mise An»a edr le on the. stck flAt,0 Sbing confined toberhome wlth lagrlppe.1 Mdime Katbrn.Behm &MdRoia GenierC of Mlaukie, vsltsd vth Mr». Moyens tht. veet. T. J. Cunnlngham le this veek movlng tu cbcago miiere hg mAl maie bis future home. Mchal Carroll, of Austin, Min., la vleting ble nlece, Mns. J. W., lach et ibis place.r Mies Emma Grebbe, 0f Iranhos,1 ,Wito.d th. latter part 0f lait veek mth1 friends heme. A. B. Amal. of h. Grea AtlantA 'Mdà Pacifie Tes C., wis transactlag business la oui lty Monday. jMmL Crosby and deughter. Mise Reua, or EraniOn, are vlitingaitet hi home iof Mr. and Mii. Daniel Le. > Ti Tirla Chapter ofthe Wetsrmlnterj Gaild mlt meet wth Mrs. V. L. Gerred1 on TÉueday aeîening, Jan. 81.1 Al parti bavlng ive ta dispose cof cailand meithe.Home Lumber Co., via are coutemplating shppiug a car. SEarI Androeu, of Spriuld,Ill., vsitel a fev d"y@ thi latter part of lait wjo ve mth Libertyvllle relatives. ISkating on Butler Lake lai reported in n d hiyouag tolite are akng Iadrantige of t 4sese plaisnt erenlngs. * Rose Tnlggsaad JameMundee mad a trip 10 Raie Smoday viiere t bey I ttended an ethibition 01 fancy poultry. TIse Ladies' Aid BSlety of the U. E. oburch vil met et h chunch parlons Vnld.y elternoon, Jan. 27tb, for the tislng of comfot&bWe. IMn.. Wrren rummitt and Mns. F.OG. Clveland entetained the. LadiesAd sicety of the. Presbyterian chanci onj Tboaday of lest meek. Te Ctzen@' Band iiihave a rehearaian d busness meetng Saturday ovenlar, Januany 28. Ail memberi are requeeled ta he presest. Mn.. C. F. Wrght eatantained bhi Ladiei' Aid of Aie Presbyterlsa church Thuraday of Ahis veek at hen home on Miwaukee avenue aud treated th.m ta s plcnic dnunen. Wayne Young tbls veek sold ta George Quentin, of Long rave, his Mlwaukee avenue property. Coasideratlon 02,500. lI. rëumo M.- Quentin miii erect a fi'ns gaaeoth. te tn early sping. lin. L. J. Webb and daughtar Doris, f Tyvan, Seekatchamai, Canada, are visiting relatives bore. M. Webbbha& soid bis farm n Canada and muii. the near future remove ta Mntana and take nup agnlcultural farming there. lai el n à b rural ichool t"mestsud tnte huadredb Normal Ochol dsudmto etjiiuded for a Part of h Short Coures gâtean aftaraooanmd evenlng lectures b mers given langonenis seons hy& spoen of promlnesee. Tiie eveing 0' lctures yen hailu Anhe Armory Aetrei su that ch. resideat could convently attend. I Fon the. horn..judging hi internatIonal h prise mtnnlng homes of Gebnaith & h Sons vers tonaitd for claies tndy. t Oven one bundesd farmns nd farmer' sons took the. final examnton for scholarhip. Tiie enthusiaim uhomn n ail of the coursee. ch.thrili for knov- ledge eziiibitad by the rWsAg yonng fmerond the. vide range of terttoryf repreiented by tte estodents venu the b moit encouragtng fetone of AIe Short8 Course. This rapidiy Anrmoilng demand1 for higiier agrlcultural training by thet far:nen. of Northera Illinoismil noces-a alise theti.establishiment- 9f a large aumber of centers- o! agricultunal instruction. la siould be a part of the ý curriculum of every rural ichool. la satlsfyAgchias demand agriculture mil move by hope and bonidE The. director course vas Mn. B.1 il. Parke mho resides li Genoa. Mn. A parti of three yonng men~~~~ frbla,-alnse uen e ecra Chicago mal. Lîirtyvilie emuant visit speakers and took eatire charge of the lAiA Sunday. Th.y mae the trip via exencises. The meaeweent of tiie thi DesPlaines river on Ae skates coven- Normal School cooperated mtwhihm ing Ahe distanc in tive and ose-haff cordtally, puttitsg tii.mesivs under ie houri, directions. Tii. sucees oft h. enter- JohnHodg aIofAtioci, mai a prim, le due to hiq paistskng, energetlc Pleasant caler n aur dAty Saturday. _d______inellgen ______ent Ris maay friend mil bhi piemeed ta tearu Aat h. nom bas a lucrative RE.Church Servces. position mth h. Sevinge Lite Insurance 10:.00 a. m. C&@@e Meting, Rer. j. B. Company 0ofIlinois n the capacity of MacQuffia. igency director mth he tata of Ilinoi 10:30 9a. m. Preachlng b, th pastor, maisl terrltary. W. L. Whipple, subject l'T hi Conquest" 12 m. ibi, eboni. Mn'. Tropical Aftir compleing aur involA m e md Study.q ýwe are ovestocied on some patteu of 6:45 p. m. Epvortb tangue, inbject, Irockers, buffets, tables and hid room --Th Mimionary aii" I*atturliiwich during the nouA thlrty 7-80) P. m. ...un pso, ui d&Iys me mil oeil very cheap for cash 1 tu«Ii Bsat. Peem ptr ui Imaie room for nem stock. 0. 1. LOVE Sgilfdeiial envelopes v*ii hi returned LAertyvill.. 0-17-2 nixt Suade>k. BON'DS #NVETORS lti MUNCAPAL, CITY' MOROVUEMENI ANMWhVIMONEVY puS0*Am1ê» *~SN ~in owosouPsflTU mm"a u OU'è.a110 CALI AIO III158 O R o08- Thse fourtis nomber on the. lecture èonrve, Tb@. Boston Lyrlc, wmli hi ebronddon Tossay eveaAag, .S.. Thi promiss 10hi oneo f the buet ssumbà iotii coures and At la hoped sveryhody vii tara ont. Tickets for reuerved seste viii bq on sale et Decher &Bond'@ ding stores aturday. bladans-No you can'A es my bus- band-bI'î at the. club. Tou mlght wat-he due home alter a muile. Cille-But 1I nanA toauseehlm thi monet vay. "Ton Ssd to hoean avInA speadthnlft." "«Yep. But 1ia't any longer." "Ahi BefQràWe?" "No; ipuut At aill" The. Cti... Band will hold thoir annuel mast ball at the Libertyville tova hall on Fulday nght. Feb. loth. Prises viii hi air. to the buet dressed lady and gentleman and the. moet comlcally d we dlady sud sgentleman, also to tIse but groun of five or more. Everybody la oordlally lnvited to tunu ont and bslp maies tht. Ahe banner iront of tii. saion. There viilbe a costumer il thi hall. c-18-1 At Ahi Initial meeting of the 1911 contait board of the Chicago Motor club, It vw» derlded that the annuel Algonquin hA l imb vould be hel4 la June tble lnetied of later An the ieaoûisi* tt hfintbe tissA. Thé reiionfor shlfti tIse date of Ahe big bui ll cnh bto Jtne issathat AIe club would hae- orne big automobile eveut eb montbbetveSn IMay aid September. gay wiDi mitseuthe curtain raier of e am"re *mve, vhich mAIl ho Ah. ennual .csony in n. Xauy lurmer aÂttendod Thi.escomial nnwil Short Course ln Agricultur,glven by tihe Illinois Fermer.' Institut. aud tlip Nortiiern llinois Statu. Normai School, vai ild on t irsOt veek of thse new jour. The. attendisse ezoseded the higiiest expecta. tAiofu 1 he mangers. la $Pite of the. extremely cold miather during tIse veek over tvo humdrid farmer. end famue' sons from naiecovntliesof Northern Illnois nelptsred for daiiy monk la th. conusA n wmlit testing, lAve stock judglng. entominuogy farmamechanlci. cori judging. anAl fertlîty, cnop pro- 1ductionanad donqsstc sciee. C. C. Ames of Grayslae, tnensated, unies An our city Wedneeday. . W. E. Davis vswus acago buoinffl' "I ama frlend of temperance," i sld Miark Twain neeently, '*aud vant At te, succed, but 1 don'tt hnk probIsthioù le practical. The. Germ'ais, you see, pre- vent At. 1 am sorry ta leara Athiby have juat Auvented e metiod of meklug brandy out of sawduit. Nov mhikt chance mli prohibition have mien ab mmau ante.a rip.iav sud go outtand got druai on eafaince rail? What le Ahe good cf prohibition i emian cm make brandy out of thei. ihil01of bis roof. or if hi can ge« deliriutremmnby-drink1 tag ch. lsofthe kitchen tablQ?"-"i Roy HerrickinAiahi. te hi ouAtlsbougb1 b. le not yet ahle to neame bis voî manager of telegraph office et t»s rail.- way depat An thii cAty. Mn Herrick bis been lllfor more thma nai-onth. He bas a sevrn atteck of gnp, wirhklaIter Settled ncthe glands of is neck amd tbay became greetiy avoilin. etn operationi was founneeaiary ad h. Asno-mucb Improved. For tirs. meeki Mn@. Herrick hai bean iii also, no that the Herrick home hat hein vertable much 0f the. lime &Ince early in December. - ttarveéd Berald. Mn Hennlr.k lea, son of Mr and Mns D. D. Herrick of thlA place. Notice. Fia ver and Vegtable Comanmy i ib held on Tlsursdsy night, February 2, at 8 p. m.lan hi (d ellome EaU, LAertyville, III., at mIAch ime a tamporary Board of. Officers mili b eleted by tIse itockiioldora on record st h cloue of the. meeting. Thi MereditAh Flomen and Vegletable Company oursn ta the, public 10,000 eb>res et 81.00 each. ThAs stock heing ail prefeired stock and nan-eabl. mekes itAa sound and consertatlve nvestment, even for the most cautionus. Mn. Meedth le personally goAng to, guarntie 7, on this stock annually, vhich mlU hie zplaloed et tbe meeting. Tii. mercka of the businesé miii alohi teken Aoto detail, and me wmuA show you that this le taday the buet investmnens n Illinois. The. officine of titis company wilii h Lubetyville men, the. labar employed ositelde o! a genenal foeman ml hi LihertyvUle men, ail material mil hi bougt In Lihirtyvilie. f ithe priesire natisfactony. This ta hi an ndutry chat Lirtyvtlle may hi proud to look at ia the future. 1 extend te ail a cordial Invtation ta attend if Intarseied. Yaurs very tnly, c-18-2 J. E. MERSDI'K'. FOR THE 8TOXÂACH *Heroes an Offer You Shouldi jfusil Dym=iplaTub"etemy oeumchtroubles y u 4$B emos SACRIFICE ýTION S WINTER GOODS DiwmnfPopo.led Sholw. Mayor@enad other repreeentativeia 0 over twenty suburban towas about Chlcago diwuuid and approved the propossd "restate show st a meeting held in the eiiembly room of the U'Nm Chcago rsi astate board laut FrldaiyF UI aft.rnoon. 1 E PU(mJ Thi eting vas proslded over 1b _________ Major B. A. Sobryver. of Wbeston, end _________ vam opened hy an explanatton o!1lthi dot"iliof!te project by'Dedley Waâke. thei manager: Mr. Walter Mild tIsaitih 0F neeesiarygnarateefund badlbem uberbed, emountlag t ia nnderetood t0 about $5,000. Mans Duck Coite ... Re sald Aat ait beau indoclded tu, Mni*FaIt Boots... &flot 14x14 fat to each suburb for a Mine FaIt Foxed Shoi bootiiepace for wbich they arm to psy Mansa $200. Hi alio.uggeitedi pecia!lllu itrated edtioni of Aher local, home Mans Sheep-lined Si nemepaper, mth signed statementi hy Man's Wool Underwei tIe mayor oettlag forth the esourmseMona andpecullar sdvantsem o! f ter KePmU Menu b lviaand Mit tlv tovfs, the leadtng mrchati a' lPot ... deailng vlth the. compesterading in o, an facilitis, and article oyi' suite.......... from varlous rulidenti ai to thi bsp- Ladies Wool Underwi pluiesmd prosperty mhlii bai heiu Ladies' broughi by rieldenceAnthirepecive This ýis a Chance to'Make a. Great, WIIY PAY MORE? ,Ç-% hie bis du, vn 0f6. PMor deil le ny 7Med fouet vith 2 bondies, S qt 0« noSmOB.ewsww hm a W Gffldte FaY4 PM& 30 ~4 qi fs.s uut*dI «*" ulde bam DWppuus14 qt Ti& b"eilPM 10 i* I.Pans, 2 Whftswash Ebru"e25. CueyCombe. 25. NP eaSu T K ~tyv1Ue, lu What we guarantee. by the. proper use. 01 'o Sharpies ýeparator in your dairy, as fat. if compared wth auniohrmeeo G cgnD. tse saine yWed of buiser la laver the Uarpnets eparatOr vAISbe a eau14surn t'Ai 10 ten CitInte U n u 11 colt OSthe separaton each jea?. and the gain over mointsen sreparalon ill, ai esm id. S! ion. t tue preeutt eurenu n.e t tbhaubot iravitr crosmora.unadir MOh. mut t .bSe codltoiss. jour gain is jielal ef butter by thue 09othe ShariusTabuler aparesanVUil in excuse of tu Pounude ton avec> bundrid1POUisdS PrOloaslY made. if yoen nuion even ti beet gravlty cresmer aninr filon.ble condlttOMse ébat Sa. 11101 very colO vater or tee, jour gain vASAt ea us exsno 1Avpt ouA an. if "au me Mas creamsc or pins, rour gain WyUl niMn tli tweti flic n ttrY ouadal, dePOsdlng On bpm *' tlej are.. id. On th e point oS quaity Mo creata or butter illeAsmoesdaUhmt te mateaieamei ops an bardir auj two dansye"n. une sansmeamount et cars &bout thair dirénesor msh. ile l quaSis'oetbutter, but. othen tuhl i neg muas, w, Sutrentes thi" eybu Us. bt out umie fad ani mpnnemeat Is "tu qaliti et bis butter eqalvalent to Abris cnta Ate iéOinteVer lsu by thue ofeour sepazaten.ubilie tbs aversie liesaretul dairyman vii scure a hban vp frontO0per cent te 100 er cent mon. tuan isvtut tle id oetfins Tabuia? UssrMWli- ,Tbeasklm-mlSk. bine varm and tnebh. yill bu mach more vélnable tan MO*aitoe&la mi Worth fr05 tvuntyflva conutO10fnrtr-live cenla per bnndred potmils fer toukt 1 M . ffo largosi on the aie et tue stock Sua" bla lBs ed& Soni. cold tmllt la MuSabout eo»4» if, abu. Tbe savng in bandlisiefthte usAI nî bavinai Ae setaraticama«e nligt biai e stable, andl tueek--" la d rib t th e stock vbllIflSblaau.the lavitel, lu SA uaM ee.. aisd th u ibifliand ecam nnrsan». add a hanired anal oie ~Uerut svtes. muss1 bu istlmated. althubb tey amount toaa great des a th Ue aigysalli MU. Tbire vISA bu a ainS Cof5lm. If any lae& id.heAstima. adexp«et OI tue ton. fii neeisar eaSy t e ste n ue nrats mautnue thed m bolea uj ' anutued ImproeUU5A ltu qualltrtoe ibbl e .5e ueboy asallslss at cgr toi te a daimss. aMd boy 141r 0en o clemu@àeluiâ Île hbu us scensu affl t 95 vits aon,. SIld SytL5O.Ultvk EILL- les. Worth $8.00, st .................. W7 62.00, at ..................... lnoea, worth SI8.5, t..........................T0l ran Worth $1.50, et...................... .. $.00,at ...................... ..... . ýtons .................................. ..MO Wear, wortli 01.50. at.............. ........ O i àý tribut. 10 t, endh. ixpresed the opinion that t mould prove a poteni factor lan promoting nteeest n the In addition to Mayor Ochr.yver, he speakers included Ooo. H. Anderson, repnseeting the Mayor of EWgn, Mayor Frank Huant of lSt. Obarles. md Myor Back, of Vaukffan. Mayor Bues.wu !M"Ms~ by hiemseretey. Venon L Sbu;: *j 7ibleff tbtiiemaj'or vaaAn full sympsthy mth the. projesi and mould gAve AaItUthse aid n bis power. It wm declded to aakr the a"emen to taie such actioni.