FOR SALE ~~II Pom »rr i UAL-Nica hWglibuldng tot a1 0towa;alsienirt clom, hue . e1 n Milke Avenue. Thei. e.0-tf -jiW.U-- lotslautheDyond ad W.sbolv l, 50u40 80100 a; WB, ermonth. Uniola à lots in C. raak ~udtloa501150S, for f20.00 4000. Dvuosl&ukAun 2BU Wabave a large l1.1 of Lak- 4c fumntto mal, " sohomee ad iotaà k Dytaoe» & ArTia. 40-tf ~fl8l,*-tyAex Ktinei aseven tom bougs vt. two lt for *1600; p UW.b iri1>1-4 's W L(. taga ÏM* Za~ d bMbsr Mrri chair, new. 04; 04 brauti qw aicobot etove, $1.75; oil heater joda new, .75-' fine 'bak valont id.. orfga $3.001; bark walnut1 ddêa&prta.m *.75; eot, prittg and $g*re 1.00. Mnâ. .1. C. HEKTP. 1= V Yrew, 111. pl #^ SLE -RoseÙtntb.-d eàhorieandi Isdalland Rde tcoukprels; ste,> a uaBti0f pr'airie bay. Addtre»m R. J.. C OMWU~- raeake, lii. Phone A fenemca int"à5x7 in 004d wit sixplat- holdpre ut.of ,s i>Slm, FOR SALE-A perfetly martial vit Iaem4Engleh Coltue maie puppy 14 wuv4a aldd.Havlng beautifut large ulUle esilr, wbtteb~tandfiel. As prom~vi ne athone lailuIlinuue.1 taquin. ,tý FOURIN-Sv= t:nIeboumaI=n and chieken bc;oume ti balamm aofl"d WUULEU, LihertyviIIe. c164 FOR RENT-PeFr far.ulug abut ro acrm of0< n> arm n askohiale :W, aar ot.rett. Would confidar.6a abao. pomiton. J. R. Slow., 150 Mleh gan A**., ChIcao. e164 PARU FOR RENT-A at.*a»d d.îry taro, Th4ceres. good $OU. improve. munt 't relma. Two teiles vet of 1oeh.hkler at Ivashoe. address Mr& E. À. Deaji, Rock.feIIme. -16-4 FOR RE14T-We bave a bw good mod- emi bila. ad-date to rmi Ciao fur. .lad room-3, with @ému' ast, wlth or wtjioul boad. 4Augy 40 ti GOLO FILLEO UPECTAOLES-witb carelt test inetuded for $1.00 sud nup. Have your pment lina.. ehanged or have newv fraine for your prement enws. lrama. that olad wîtlî comfort. front, 01.00 sud no. &aensîels drug storel the hteîali bing store, corner Geupese I et., and Mdadieun Waukegau, Ilt. c2'-t PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: Trtpp.R. F. Route. S, IStIer. J. L. Taylor. Bots' Reeponambility Ab»r naBot> living E. Ptya. J. a. oridi., 41 hiock W s. sud lmt 42 a"t 43 hîoct 113, NOitIsChthcagii . W. D., $1. E. E. Ranta anti vite to J. T. Ber, otst itata lot 2 bîoct 3, Par sv quhtlvlslon, Wikulegan, W. D., $1200. ;E. E. Raka ant i vte t Julia C. Planetelr. lot Il block 1. sud tise West hall of lot 2 hlock 3. Partie subdi- vision, Waukegan, W. D., $250. . MIaule Eratune and vite ta Ida Fox, lot i enest ite of Sheridan road.fn the narttnet qnarter of sectoan 21, Waukegan, W. D., $1,125. C. P. Austin and vite ta C. L.. & U. P. Kaft, lot 4; Antin subdilvision lu block 4, Lad & George's addition ta Wautegan, W. D., 82,000. Fred't. Kraft et al to C. P. Austin, part of thes ottilvat quarter ofthîe aotheast quarter of section 17, Wau- kîgan township, W. D., $5.000. Nettie F. McCormiCk et aIltot H. P. McCo*rmic, lots sut 5 and tle south bati a! lot 3. Fart Sherlian -Norti Shore eubdivsian, Q. C.. $1. Cia.. Polvati ant i vie te Antan> Janueant i vie, saut hait ai lot 13 Ibçck 19, WaIbun aSpringa, Wauke- gaît, W. D.ý 8200. Thirza L AvenU suad huehandti t D. R. Ame. undlvided nît la n.120 acre ini sections 27. 28* andi 29, Fre- mont township, Q C., $1. L. K. Wllett ta P. L .Wlltt, 2 lots In village of Antlocb. q. C., $1. 0l. C. Reynolds andti wfe ta Anua Carteuten, lot 2 andi (except north 25 teet) lot 1 subdivision of BlacIt49, Htghwood, W. D., 81,200. Avery Esty and wlfe to J. A. E8ty, .0 acres In N. W. quarter sectionî 17, Waren township. W. D. $600.00 Miary J. Airecht'and busbaud to I, F. Tuiley, 80 acres In Est hail of section il, Vernon towueitj. W. D. *9.( (M e.u.u WANTE Annie 1, Pottît and tiusband ta L I___________________________ F.-Tuley St srea ln East hait oi FARMERS-l have a youlg thorouizb. SeCtion il, Vernon township. Q. C D, Lied Euglieil Shephird tuaI.e dog that Il $0000. wîlt Rive tii eompoue veho wil1 give bt-r ,a . K. Orvisandra wlfe ta Henry Von. goatihomeé. tlqiire ar thiieoffIce. sl detf d lot 47, blockt 2. Orvi s subdiv- isionWaukega.W.. 2.1) WANTED-To lîuy a turkey gotibler.'.W.D 20I) Addremm . i.L. l"îe,îEu. htuctefeler. 111. Chas. Stemî,el sud lfe ta <Christian P-18t-1 Fjend, land in 8 W. quarter sectior ____________________________2, Ela township. W. D. $50.00 IKathryn Braiuard ta C. G. rainard j MONEY TO LOAN lot 4 (ex N.1 i I.) block 2,.Nht*ý Subdivision, Daunti Lake. W. OÉ MONEY TO sON.O ipoei farine. UYmoad & Autin.. eS-fI ________ POU SLE-Ihave1000 ue wliiteat bo#fo "atl*.5 prbndedJoui' LOST m-W FOUND THE RAY iÎFURIU ST E LIBE3RTYVILLE ILL Lakea County Titie & Trust C. -Ab«e oct f Tille. TitWes tiarantecti Wmitl Temple ldg. Wante.gan, fl. - He rman HeIter andi iife ta C. H.1 Ptton, tract o!fIland alilnina Loti Zurich. W. D. 16200-00. L .Fiant ant i vie ta WieCou- - douledti ilt Company, pat lot 17, . leet 10, Grays Loke. W. D. $190. g alome Santiman sud luehandt ta E. A Blistap, lois 7 and , black 8, rI- ghti Addition. L.lhutîville- W. O. Aleua fimiti et ah ta Mary" *79.20 acres lu section 19, Wrn tovnehlp. Q. C. $1.00. W. IH. Quinlan sud vite ta Cara e. fie. So'ai, aouth %k lots 23 anti 24, 1 blolt 32, ]Leke Bluff. Q. C. $1.00. Ampie Mnes anti ubuandt litar- riet M. Miler et a, lot 6e aon Sheirdao' topd& section 16, Waukegao. W. 1).1 0. M. Thayer ta Fank Lavson. pari «.0 lot 6 bockt 5, traylaki, W. D., 'M W. Dlvor mit vite et al to C. E. ffloi. IotaS8ati 9 locF 1, Wand & BiéinhSubiision. NantIs Chicaga, Q. ýM < ,l. Hatns andi vii tatuJoha Sitelley, 40 acres lu îhe cotheast quarter ai section 35, New-pot town- slip. W. D., 13.000. Mary E. Laue an huehant Int Thea. anti Louise Walther, lot eat oi lýýt: S. Fox Lak ueahbdivieion hi section' 2 Grant towavuhlp W. D., $275. Han-ici A. Wilsan ta M. Boyau., lot 5 bock 2, Wilean'e euhdiision, Longý Lake, W. D., $400. Horrie Nluukaweky anti if, ta Wm. Mtgaueîou. lot 16,lock 6, Cammings & C.esaddition tla V. kegan, W. D., 13,000. rénd Séllg sud mvife tq PeWeunl3uid lat 32 bletk 5, Dierfielti Park; W. -D., Wm. Ot ta Peter Jureut. lot 31 block, Deerilei Paît, W. D., $1. 1P. R. Reynailds snd yjfe ta Cathalte Blehop 0f Chîcago, lhoitie sut- wiet quarter o! section 26, Newport tovnship, W,0D,,1,100. P. H. Riyoalds sot iita J. B. Foie>, latinivllage o a sisortl. W. D., $275. L. E. Ray aud vite la E. U. BlaugI- ter end C. M. lasu, lots- 12 and 13 lu lack 5, HoIt's subdivsion, Lake For- et, W. D, $2,600. C. P. Croucit anti vile ta Gotitni> Johneau, part af lot 20 Marbie & Con- vereeenubdivision, Nipprint Point, W. O., $1,700. Dsuel Le ant i vie ta . J. Wuhhol, à acres lun the u.ntltvet quarter et section 17, Lihetyvlle tawnship, W. D., $1.000. MarY S9.Une ta Msry R. Burton, loi II Detaili of the Teut The test which ln ta heI lnpCsed u> eu ltemotai-min ai the Chicagoansu .Milwaukee Electtic lime, vîli nul tati place umtlitOe mitdle ai nul nantI, acc-ading ta plans novi tance. TIli i naea on tithelsla intat tiin l Ëivt-hîe large nimber cf min tI rndust p ou the eoblecus oi île test sud pnîpane tbimtselves ton titi ixani Inntiln. ýhi methati ai examinallea vuil be simîple. It vîli consat of Oie piacini af s Iittoe!17 queutians la the handi of the mtai-min, anti tiee vIlI h i boktu ba hi ccuatitiameng thei men, lu vlch ithOe vankînga of tle ver- lotie appanatas le explaineti. The met ane requiridti tariautOe ansiirs front the book, andt ten s squad oa uix an suven ie ataia Iote vîll i. catîe t-t thîe amiea!fîle supertu- tédtent aillbe rati, andthîeQuetions vili hi put tautent. The min are riqaîreti tao pane Bt 1hast 90 per cent o! thei'Quetions lt aider ta haidt tiein postiotes. The test le coueldereti a. 100 set-ire b. mnyof a!tîe min. the> claiming tîle une 'vouit bave ta hi a master muth unie iii onder toasee ailtIih ques- tions vhich une auket. Canducior-e Tested, toc. tFor nome tinete l ongueotanof îheMýoad; olnugf lu a-d ai tfunaia île ebxieuse ut the matarmua, hbu now the hoot l aunthe other lia. as a notice las heeu postet lu- tle gent irai affice buldiog ai Highvoot the. effeci ihat as aoan as the test far ibm matai-min are fiisbed, île cau- dîbtrs are ta hi put liraugh a course ai uprots lu tle matter aifiii queti train orders andti egnale. This vil be tiaiiy ase long anti set-erg as ile test ta le gît-eu île mtormun, aud vas necelvet i th vails of agany bh tle conductuis. Tested fai- Train Ordere, Taa. This test wyul inclute the car>ing oui of train ordiri, mîthada ai recels- lng thînt, aud aiea île set ai signale nov lu use ou tIis road. sud souteof the mri comman sigPala lnuose ev- univitini. lu the mater ofai sn arc irsey ii>vl hirequiedtu iosiov ta varions arders are ta bu canietiouau tand one a! île questions wvlht hi «Would you ahey thi andiesgît-en te >00 b> the train maîtîn, et-en If >0u ver, certain tîsi le lad mati a mis tati, andi that yaur iassgeri vere ln danger?"t Matter of Etîquatto. Tiienatten of the tliqutti la he ue i b> ondutore toaantitihfrpat: roue la main pointe In the mîais of tati> oi îhe condtioan. Tii> areti be niBiinit ln tie mauer f baudl Ing e! an ygruily or disgrnîtIed pst rau, and yli erequiîed toatateudt &U *1 ladaiues vîitlte air a! a Clii - erfielti. The> vilI aa le bexamined ai teIeu novtetge af the. treele an teir rmnanti aIo e Oipiaun Ater ail, tics. tessvhich lavE beeà plannet are finiedt, amitac mt'oe.n thse cnntr> vherse ma are btters equipWetfar service t<bu FOR a 88TI4DN 26 CENTS' L. Trlpp. R. F. Route.,Iving E. Payiesý remîdent Vice President. Oeir THE CITIZENS9 BANK ROCKEM'LL!R, ILL, Ouir Sevîngs Oepartment affords the fermer, taborer, chltd end I1I a conenent, saie end, profitable means of lay4ng away th*f lus 4@Itrs. 81.00 openls Ban ccoutniinteresi attowed et 3 par annum, compouhded seml-annual ly. PMXM t, FIDAY, JANUARY 27. 1911 the Dieu of theiicaîgo aud Milwan-jI-. Ife. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r SutC.lemtmn.hahs W A IQ U I Ietrue? Agir eny the , l P'. ~Curl )l elctri. . triomotomanwhe Z WHA * ANUi tell YOD. at verv mol>lt. 1:11tcl. il. run on many interurban roade lu var- iere. saome of themn are bonrs1. --r For inst.i:, la j.>Lri,, î loum parts ofIlîlinois sud Indiana, salti viii tell yuu orrowf ia nti cbe ut the fitiet:> uihap er,'î l;t. t ii- ta a SUN reporter yesterday. that lu thern have lied ta hlm tinte and again: crimes thti g ;ieral f'aut ot dentti =m aIlhlmexerlnc thre iiOuia.Pastor RuselI Agreet Wfth Bob. and If he be au advanced aud expe lztg throu'h Adami sud et the pi'ovt. 7 roati ln amy etate whire he had bilen by Burns That "A Man's a riencei Spirînallt he wlll tilt that 810lan, throuir, Ichrist, ut a resurertil Man For A' That. t tOmiqsouame of these evîl spiritse tedul hnh rl t whlch wa.som îlI equlppid, boit 0 Ma o A hb.ave made ail maniner of vile stigges- cfOedî.Thnh preeit welieduateda cansof mn, ndpeak peilly out he Churcil clama, vet edcaed caieai in su ______tiens ta hlm. But hi iltl tilt aise saylug. *tItis li fhe resurrectiom, et 04 wea'e a volt able tu houile the bus- thal ot firit It wass ot so; lutead hi 6usd" The îempliatlcî resurrmctloa lg'. lasses ofthe roand, as the Chicagoansd, An lnttsr**ting ansd Instructiv .v asaIe ol hth haliPr t~setl o ut-reutal Mllanee icourse& mare aud rend the Sc;ilptures more. cîasansd the 6d el mlarly M*Mrh tk Men ark e e. Sile.iAftii9ads hacstas Jeerel atnsd I peclal clas afdeufi aslth edrt~ Theminber ar pid oodvags, nfslo N.~..J~ mocleansd tlid Oint the Srpturedead, Oie Church of Christ. bouilent - aThe maboritoesare ltgoui ut teualo2. N.-..Pan-ar vre nonsenseisud lithatalthongh of the baly Spirit teas nov natur et. anditto.trubA s lnga h retet.-uofethei, 9-atr theri ta a Gadihe Inqutrer ta tao rne evuyntr question. As longu the present almil ' addremed 1gade ta hopb for suy htesslug ftm ntengticmmnaosa tue of Oie road la maintatuîd, tuer. large assemblge@ t Glcnotî.codeaaoe.U t lle r oa u W aengett u ils«0Ipeuple tu giniral have appllafithe» vîtI neyertbteanInlahohtrvublegantand hum bletu wre. tyrds ta humannty lnhiletterai MuSID, thl eve on sl lambr tthbe a- trisuactive ud t-much; vi have trusted toC ntuch taecersanti theal ta telcbtIsi ail filt Itherbootid!aIneubanra uen. ' trctive orldly vistdont. The Bible atone iare eawn lu corruptlg ion .ii ha ia Thesytei aau te tnondrestyle. Ongiveg the solution outhOe Imalter. < 'lu incorruption; that aSl WhoM11, Tetelephol yti ln heln drl ws 0 atone tills us reiPectiug thise spirite; veakueis. yl hi ralsed ilnuOI .t rprevents ail tle up ot traffic, andthet i"The tGrent Il t- uaaremothumane andi neyerai hdenmlboes M as 1double trXck eîstem avoîda alwreclts -,vrirehe aOiîr. y are tli illen sugel-1ai hdlir anelml Éolit th*vil a. on s trinoreraar oeyi. v ma-.prti. l-ns tram Oie tist. D. V. we st-lItcouelder tIbîan t , rýtft aed elriati.Bu eape Suelond aLtrinOr.etRondtarectiol. Wbat lg Man?" (l'ninaVii. 41. îrom nw ifi eentdesvorlug a iiiprse as'Utth TSehc aog ati MldInauiiSeie Nolthîtnndlng ail that tfle Bible ., dfeitlio.nmlta b TheasCtacaso andpeclwaukOieunthe ire of "A Mens à Man For A'That.- Churcb ila aspeclal clans ahd vIU ho»r second longuet sYstein ut electir am an t gy1evsbet setheta hi marieIThe ilbe . t, Oiotghiy consistent a epçclal resurrection ta p L Oi' lui the Misippi vattey, the anly sudnoat. Science decle man 1VIthit seif; troa rirai:t tanlait I main- tiens which.the worid viiiner .th rondi havlng a longer irack belng thef to ha su animai of the ighiest type talus that man le Rn isrthty belug. auythlng about. ext4rlteutall. 3Indana Traction coropany, runnlug i or ortier. lu ibis. science hlu abso- Accardiug lu the (;rock anti the He- The Bible shows Ibis fuilailebu i troam Fort Wayne Iouih. 0On thai flut.eagreement wltb the Seripturca. Ihrîw af the ible hi le an animal ont nalîce I fi: The Apostîenon>,~G4 ' 1roati there tea a ysten ai dîners sud 1vhtrc inire af aur tirit:parents, "The 'or animal belng lu contradîstinctian ta glvetb ta every seed fite cvii tdct'; 5sietiere as weIL fini bman wam of the- eartb. earthy" (isa pIrft sot lor spiril fichag. "'*'fi hat la te gay. If wso av beaa vS- Coeintainns rxt. 47). Ouîr te-'t grestbat l is on oft scaian le of! uv expert ta reap whist, If ve #OW nmot wlih Ibis.- dectaring that maru was tinYs 1111(1 Ttxl of trouble"; -"Han tiuîth vi expert ta rîap oats. The ÂpOMWO A LIiE F A LIFE. matie a titie iower tbau the- nagels- and at setil ay. oalwhirp 1h hi? ognet btne nieti ezpehI 1 angils bcbg lthe twest foritalotai sir Healslai t tavake iO r isud out hi of the whist cias. the spiritclose. Cheer-A Ne Guina Cusom W il ht eia. inan the hitibeit type aiof o ltis siee untili the heanene he no unie." they are oa ithal:clame- vbea Chen',l tw uiu Ceto Whchearth heitgq A èatitlular accoui a! et mel-uoil)titpresent arder o! sowu lu deolb. lu other sveisde, h Coc recuent Murders. mns creatlon ta gIleu anti whîn vu thiogasaat have passed. ssvay (Job wouid haive thent understauti tit a ol-, t i n Ne, (lines the examine It ste finti I lnlufuit agreement xiV. 1-10). nauonsmn, su anisala. lihe' Iftn raj, i ..irnbrolOrht'liii'it with whuttirei base sein ta Le the jAgain vi rend e5ecing the dislh ~reourjftM Iii h un ninMans, fa e-iî III, t-,d tihe natives are tesehîngs ai othîr parteoa the Scrfp- sentence sud man'q bupe ai recovery but those w1ir accept titi Divine eft ;. dIvuij t' ii 1iu'tîttlii>)' or respect ture., Tisaisela tdechilres, that God out of denth hy a resuruection. "Thon of titiGospel .Agi, la hêecaue . 0" fOr (ilît'rît:l or dçdnc. alttough suter fortaed man of the du-,il ai the- edrth. turneda man la destructian: thon eay- critiunes Iu Christ. Jeans. b.iettB a Iult!t tb il , arli teu ralil sud sud Ilttis unethart iiftr mna'A iruns- eut returo ye chîltiren ni min";; "Ceuse agaîn by the bot> spli-Ibese yU buou r l , 1 l)s'flr114e finr.e vesslun huiti rouglti hm uuder the 1ye iront ma. ivose spirit (brialb of ulmotrtne.fortit ln the rnv >e .liard(rilt1-itiieveryîi acttrrenre. Divine condemnatlou of tieaih, bis te> la lu bis nostrls" (Palntse. .1;hutan belungs. but. heina l ai h*' and I l f-;hiit'-'.' idI si-ii-su'than the Creator salti ta hlm. *i>ust thon art, Iaa l -:"famnde ht n 1htebgti h Morisofll: s!ll%ým n tac, he an uodom iait hnrtr)" lit-e agnAilthIe das of ai ne ail vlch litey havi recelvef.viIla t< have ouneWhTartonthame Ouri!Confusiotn? 'pointetitte vîwll Iaait unutl mlu neurrection hi bor, or t espiit. . a pîptivîîî. ilu and !ruhese tacs. whlchrei' (îiiurretluîchaingicami. Thou ihait The Hidden Mystery Revealond,. ,v Tht t'îtinphrii qctopiti cs- nvhvi ctofrthèse foaur mmdhc. w call anti1 I yl nnswer thee.lawakeuIng n The -ltilit demaveda : titi rua-lite. betauecil oeim tat b iai hefront lhe leîp o! deuthî. for thon Witt Upte ta ti Ore ai Christ nea oulirrit- ~ ~ ~ St ~~>'>~ ppor-cIvîlîzîti word denies ail aud dedlans haeiesire utothe work af Oiyaiacngaiatrtru uh'$ tuoLinît uhy oltnîe 0 1vantnl tth e cairari-thl manla e pîril ": "Thorn shah hio a resurre- spiri t benu ricelveti Iti au Mao-$ very particular vboi ta Uake up foir bing. sud that is desth fi merl an otun ust det bathut4themet ai si a ume. the Lord .sl 1Veeum fi. 'WhiU we wire a tnt uhboitevaltllnary sip b> whicîhi aoe passesahxl.14 Â xivmer ai "tihe Church, vIIcsb a 9 6ay," says Profesai Pratt lu the Wide on to is renat ureo as a spiriltTitis BM, ad 15)dufgtMGW Wol dMagazine: --"s iIaloy dit] aila atqqtoad te ho verysecieutflc. ~Tbiy tire tend. ttîey are mot alîve aBe. at, su vhiu. ting a zUf« drapsy. lHe vus the fii aMlay who ceuse mani. pilesumahi> vIce antiArt. epirit aer lu uy ailer seinne. lThe> Alfgai aeen Tevalk i a immtae' haIteven corn, e, hi blt part, anti the eutfilepeople. thus assent lhemniive.I iiibe dent!i nulil Coud# lie othe ut. i-is plfce lthe pee «'lv é's P'apuassgrisOu eapectlti hlm. Havever. accordilua la thise saune pe- neurrecîlon of the deai, Resuirecton ibs Gply ae l ete crfte 1;fit11 "'Vu-y viti,'tise> snli. Iwo muet pie. Sncb an evoluflon. fronm huma. af lIe living 'vaniti hi nnneeeary,, enrtlyntatrlOf re r tatise e hoot s Moayta>vib ur bhadsutra.-nature t0epîltnature nt deuil. l-ant Iif deuIl broughi t an a achange ~Tis vas an inceoîiieeia »IuI. I ravi ta psy for bis dentb.' And ulan- eîstofaibetna sdesirahie pogession tea abigler plumie ai existence ae a tir ta thaun la vhom lit vie rugeOb ae er or lter nmre Innocent persan vonit or evoinilon. tn a tecîdet imlsdvan- spirit bbelug. tIen the reurrection ofet finit.No Jev bai over tbat o hi b ktfledte I t uarethe accoont. vhen luge. hecanse. ne they tell uthîe ma- the 6usd vautti uat hi set before bu- anthing'iîgber titanthé oiPW everyhitiy-eept, preumnbtî. the SortyofailIb thoIbnsgraduatedlfroat manil sau ablecaethbope.for ratlier anti Divine selceonth jqto vicim' fneute-vul hisatadai-", emIcanurtns a pirt cadîion ;It vaniti ho a punishinent. eval te 1he viti'afrenswoldbesaitid. fas cniton t siitcod]iesplane. But the. mesage e te llb. Uîd~ NAME. ;vwli finti therielvea tartoreti. ether pt1a.a ml o lvl*de pnrgefariaiiy or elirnal. Ih voutd Whence Cae. the Errer? boaveulnature and bvP tSe The> lied te Taig Estât f thé M.i5y aent. If Ibis bc truce. thulthis ait east. ItBame probableltat tilla merion. as, the.Brideaf Clhrit a ii a-Taon*Homard&. telte majorlty. voulti hoi eslp ai erar. vhich baeshetiso met tedo flelria.l gan. .tttis 'i^U et Pirbape nu ceusmýUnty TINDre Cars, uf-olution iirather thon aieetfevou l wtbths erotietieeloecal cenft.-OR71 tiat litgl aa IYtes> tw in fuit> sud frequenti> set: forth fis e,-tien. elon. carne about ihrougb the iua- blddaufin paupot &É«eand 19 niafaucy than Md, thOie asny settoare But upon vhat are tIese 'scetlei" deretandlug cofte Bible techlngene-l <100., ebut that lit 1 nOW 1 i of rgaîet.R.I. ivhm anti l-eti eSamptione bseiWhoa pecthug lb. Chuarcb-tbe applieatlen the sats" (CoIlosies .M.- t Nargnet IedutiaL BIl., baiof ti iwvit uahstW.îl Bane ui tolite oainlgm nid concerning the Citurch 'prepelt at an> but the MUii i. Ienwcr suins> a ou nate hatplace et d.,th? who ivitt prove ta us taulte vorl.t.ela vom lti t il t ful tly £i>trite aanti =ui 4" a, Terewer su anyof ne nme hetthal s man lunls-ir'g ecoprjq s spirit apply. Bible getudeulg are comijng "Tu yu It Ila ,ven u ta 1mev 0 tr-itheba-en muet bave a descriptive telng ot a hilihei- onîlir than bumen? more andi mare ta em la tIse ligbl ai the XIIIIItIom, but - _ prl pi l est hi hi tot lu a concordant There leos c tci pr-oai: the wIgb lu vhîcli anc passage aif icnipture titrova these thinge are epokren la paiabel mtaTtudH. reliving ate trepairenttluthie thionclixi el bst-i sh, iliupenanother, that the Churcit la a di. dark ga"ise llthtey ImlgbIIIt S*W Baud IbuomIlînirusiesafvin: net m i mn lsh te hlie pirit belugs ai dînt.Il.,inettve clas, separate frontlite augets d tl" en hsIlsrtsafw If they lbh' cri diclsre, eut the voriti ai mankint in igenerel ThiseMytery vas.. ibérefoe. CaflegeTbel bcTam a beensourud bar trei~s tiait tlîem ta the spirt The Divine Plan i'eveled lu the. unticrstootihy men> itnclu e eà eti ai. BevfoBdTiomd. arbis om.nd and-i-s-am ine hundu'd sud ninci>- firpture sets forth ance sîvation icr ere neyer ma>y, aà" b> live ntNew edfrd. arly Tonîne Oult if iverythausanti? Ah. here Oie Chrcl lte spirit plane. Tt re- vhen eaintaeit w v et a81 dmt àb became h busict be mac ha iaitahumnlîs- duos uat helleveitls, Vens te u0n. tva tIcauees Who Wittho ve omi n al!Crsl lt h.e rarset tramnt aoel Vinglula Tolm, own a ena.The devililah suggesions , itessee an that spri plane. Il Shovws rusat ndeta becase i nar-etia ii!.tI ~ amLli a ltowedtetaremain bIn he crgaol un. ihai anc ai these clausoe vas tri p i sboreedubel<mvm« but u e eOnNet Tom, irani thsetartn cf thai unuilteved Il hybe Intlligent. 'te ai- fiet la the priesîhol ofaionturâlt t- bMyste& Boutd beetne Ofte * bý ,y naine; Nailer Tom, the Ittacktamlt; figbithe unulteillgent. But alas! rIl anti that the athîr clame srs tp- epra ue augetrettt ituetion, t Fiddle Histi Tam, ian obvi arueit,-these mimrepr-eentaîlaus are ,-eally lied the Ietvltîs ho aBisltetithe tale h Innel a inotttut$oS k bla cs; Pl tol T o . w uveun t cti h i Ru b lasp h em taa a g a li t n itr C rea to r w h c î p riests a s s er v ati0 s . T hc re qa> tn ticî oai thu en a i a n o = e tlug t b a-explosion of!lit alt;Young PistaI mloepn'ieut bis Wlsdom. Justice.the irieo! Itrail representi. typ- owv hep.. sud ttie hap«a ut the Wto Tom. bis son: Shiort Stephîn'e Tom. Love aud paver. Andt hese hasphe- lcally. lIe eutîre vont aif mankînti wliopnthaea lte fathè low. egaînai Long Stepiteifimati% Ihougîtis aeoteie etewl l aeyh aece ea b a n titi he vano l enrna-lU Tain.Oie fetiber tait; Tallai Tom nid i b tle. 'vîitthe resait tisatItilla dishe- ely'tat gr condition. bol as min te0-Thug Il vas thetatdepltie0& A" no ixpianîtiôn. i 1i-et danti fis criaI Auttiai doublet Or a restant canihi> condition. 1tenssanti ct-ci>plain tm=*t e« TIi Georges *cre neti80suntmecons, delbeansd thoosantis af thI - blI- ivilii hrementhiredthatthe Priets t<Se ilIti lbas becelte pr*1111111101t- t but Iheyr wetrt- distingletitas Beach gent oof ur-race are agoostîce. anti tevltes bat nou luberitunci ln the belef that humanityla>ta Of PII'IK.4 sa BIrd Gelorf t tiie legs; Shoestrng One VoicesOniy Anewors. tont, thus lypîcahi> ehawling Ihat Oiey tor, anti notautl> nm sOM4' a- Geange, su o<iimiint af ttnckies: Wig Sîllnrp'ksapl seîltin epresnted thal porinîlof aiumanilî lug la but gittiug hlmù elthi' te ao George, Dr. George anti Got-rnouk*-ant it aluni. cao furuli. ,pîooef lat vhlch. b> God's gnace. vîli obtala a Haaven. Purgalun> ar RelL WaI b h Dr George. . man, ai the 1esitI oeil .la asler heuvelI niteritacei sud experienci a conuinanhedanger Ail aBlthe>,,ss. b-n- dealb e spirit It foraîqseun e se- change trmam ousuta spiri nature. 1ogag lcbahemeret.5<IB ae KNEW HIS BUSINESS. oms or vbose Instance table are titi- 1 As lbe Levites ant iele reprisent- practicail> ever> doctrine' et the leped anti rapîinr.s anresnit anti oth- cd the first-baru cf larael civet ai lIe Churchitatemore onr1le canttusoiltiUme-, [Il ThisParisien Begge- Roalizsd the î.în eviencis are gIvrofaiunseen pav- i savr m iaîthes-t u naBiiTb l le scel iiabta Velue c t4ew h.... r; andt iese unuien powei ev are reftitrec te theiespirit plane are rogsnv tieBbl a imWite Id Bcggung bas iou,, hein a greni art inu1toiti, are the spirits of test monse-finpraldegaet îeuctainiblgoiladev 1hlmS Eltrpe B- ossg ubth touhe. t lg ta provo ta humains thal île> are île frst-boansd agalu. "Oieefinit- of Oie Dant Age au no igtvi >Miser> adcainlaleti effects of dis- niectin. but tittIlathe moment of froits unie Got o! hie c«natures"Teacnldatnvleb hito nie ot dsmemirmnt ti bigardeath thei vire iransformenil taaelect oi Ihis (Gospel Age are aoui. thera- Churchiauîty rushes lMatltouaiS became a master ai patitie appa. spirit. fore, ail vho are ta hi gavait,.butmr-iitltl0"igtrCrIdu vle g9 A teihghtful itary ai Dupre. tie scalp- . Antinov aur etiific min ste iak- 'Il ahi vIa are tio hi avedte lathe aprit thon,.A.snotlaiuinm-vltb nid*.biuIslu v- for,* le quoatit h Hamilton W. MalileIn p Oie sojet. Tise> dtine lut plane. Wilh titi compleiln ai tite a peruanal Goti anti no 4.8011e bois e~~~~ beteOilo.Ih Idîntifled w vu SpinlOunt anti desug- etcChancit antiber giurificsttqjt vîtI saik Y. file 0W P.tim le ate oulngouIa!Is na l nala- ote their fadIngs> Psîchlc Phenomîns. oui Lard lunhIbis eournctlon. Oie *"ftrntit ehiresn. m u cr Iseanere.BIsS te l apeint o-bai@nd mrnnglu thIl Metiluma andti beIn temonstralloras resuriectiun'» oebll!pptanselitIl 1B er-seoe t heolaItpatits.tlIsBle galp*be5, v-tl In bekm'Iture eaw agn t he-bave benusubjectedteluet-e-y Imagina- etations ix, 6), Oie Klugtom vilI h.e andti <at wv o ait em ItulIlmtJ>dl ne. uhlo nod e-be sclentilictest ta demontrate 1h11esalhai elr viich ve pray, anti revenonti ad boSeti>. Tits, uhe 'Wgai *tling hanitooalt anthîe ane lie reculla are mot fraduent-that iThe Klngdum, pie vîwli ho epirit. bone qnch Oserciug atii.h BI9. at ttepe biiav. lis liait vWaemovidti ier, la resu> asepirit lvean ini15- invistie taeamen. bat Ihwill have ta aint iproo t i hat w. belleve s*M le. ti ormapairanoantih. He oai Ible paver wblcb cau do anti liusdoue earthly agentesud irepresentativea, ta entrencli onitolves lu aron,. aufl it. pai o anaire. one.of te aunti remnkable thînga hiîondth Oe Pover ai anti lis tesihugi vilu ho vith monkinàte,<aun ftrmthe paet b> M «Momo paire u itho ,neWnov. wy;humani>y. ÂccepOing tiase invactiga- 'ta uplifi Adam ant ishicrace ftontinebut tdselvtiforetetitlem le Ie» o "o ot ise îe ev ai svy:thon, as scienîlfie. anti acipting Oie anti dcgradtiou-not laespirit coutil-fotais e ta hueuraandt .oaa bOt yen uas ilI asti thent yourWef," urgeti rosete as sclîntlfic proof tuaithobre tions. not ta Oie heavont> plans ma. n e v ia> nov 00<'. rnage 1 te hi, prudet i Ie.1 Nol.' sait the sculpter. 1 ehaîl fiat l a spiri paver on farce vhhch en Ita maite thorn lite tesangae.e but, a. tirolgh bis inspîreti praphete and bis tli Oi par btIn caiorabt Moe-andi bas opiraled.Inlaconjonction vIti thle Scriplures declitre, t retere titm Bfon andthOe Apooîe tor.h parmorta gît-iaytisî,gMave-human affaira anti epeclall> Orangh ta bureau perfection-ta perfectionoret ilvi imot do te gay tIlt doublesa ovr If 1ragmug tu gîtevl e au I have." ateiume. vhat tonsthhs prove? Whst the artît> nature, lu wvil hAdami re tueceumaru. TheoBibleisuI llobil t- Slebireiio-ssrani the ecleutille tact bave vo bore te esT- jva e ianti tram itibkb b aiepraper falth, et theo very toubiatiM nts goh ure ontteadput tne tin hese spirit povera bave I.'fso nt as been redgeno th@ eChisftian cIsaacter. "W. b@Iat ndm ofDe n o beq luthe lants ai the bar,- doucet.--- ta folol ain. The naxit morlng the anythlg ta do u-ttb oui tilentis vbcgraneGa inOctlChrist Jene. tieretfe epeek." - Il beggai uni on the sls se ninl. andi, avcie? ootten te a Naw Nature. tuLe us ta ib is. t . ntwe Imm~ snanîhl % bstoet vire hore. Dupre 'LytngSpirits" SAYÏ St. Peut. Venu lang ago the distinetions botwien unutlv nveet>vstBsE t- bêhe concennlng "Wkb laMa