CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Feb 1911, p. 4

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MAXE COIJNTY INDEPENDENTý OFFIOMJNL PAPER 0F iLAKE COUNTY l Teloohoe No. 1. &Itor' esawence Tlephone No. 114t. ubeslyyile Eaohse %t1ered i heP.GtOuoestI brtyvle. DM., ose fioond CI& at aie umusu W5IKLV.1. &iVSFTIîilo BiTu auDe xNOWluoN AppLlrIoO. tUM8SCRîPTON PRICE 1.50 PER VEAR 5TRICTLY IN ADVA4CEa PMANK H. JUSt...... ..................,.................... Editolj RtAY L. lIUBBARO ....... .......................................... City Editor * FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, I?I1. TH£ PiIILLIPS SHOOTING.e A eeething mass of tralledy lIëe always under the somlngly amooth crusts ef olvilizatien. As fer Ausaurface signe go, humant eharater grows moesei l emtained ln the evolution of pereonallty,ao that more and more the emoke MW lfia..e i nner tumuit la concoued. Occosienaiiy It burste out ln tmre -%d de.d ef madmen, ehowing the eternai fiame boeath the surface. Thus I lit le wltii the. shoting eoftth. noveliat DavId Grafiam Philipe. 1 . I Oui, civilization soee to b. deveioping an Increased number of charte. I erofttis morbid'type. ln of the. ssmlant of Mayor Gaynor, thet mel attitude that produo.d the mct, semed te b. an exaggerated torm oft " Tiiq wiid oie. e @a living" liloia.I Th te 'of etGoidéorough, the. assassin of Phillipa, ls quite.different.e GOminq freon a prominent Maryand famiiy,'a gifted musioian, h. was a needy 'and defpendent munie toacher. Hie lit. waa on.ecf traln te oa good ln a higlby compttîve lviiization; MHis Inieritance from eaesubstantial tamliy et war with hil own Industril~infitnessf The. to. little estsem which w. glve te honorable workni i humble callinga muet produce many type. of characterlIke Goidsborough, now-dead by hie own hand. Non cof tht. type wouid teel lt a diagrace to make -a simple living byt »mi.weuh calling as tarming. Thdy fait te realîze tiiat mans fIrst duty la te ;'tUl so i mail corner of God'a vlneyard, ose tiit thsy shahl mak,,read for tb*mnalvea, and for theur familles f thsy have them. Thils siiedtng li, cie mors letion o-the danger .1 et allwWjnWte go armed wthout limit. It la flot mereiy iln L.àne Ouoh, Nevada, that the trag- "y et the gun4ote r occurra. Sut ase tha &vent shows, t happons eq uaily un-1 'derthe shidow ofthti.ecliceols and churcites of Amerlca% groatent conter et civlilsation. SAVINC THE BABIES. The . ttthat the. d.ath rate ef babies among New Yenks poor la 176 par t>Musni le I.pding thle wek te a lite a sv n opign aiong thie."Great Wbhie WayO for a Ï800,00 tfund for sixty pure milii depota. Wiui.nothing 1k. mch a eieughter ot Innocent cen b. tound liors,,nt leterything taed miliiila rosi milii and notitng else... A conaldrable propor-. tien cf Infant doaths la ln mont places cauaed by unsenltary milii. Aeoreding tô6bN time mothoe, the. dalry won a factory for. the produc- »on of gfieas germe. ,The. former seemed te look et sunlght and air as onomfise. ln e dusty, musty atinoaphere, germa and microbes iaughed, grow ti, ad multiplted tter the manner of thir proiific inflnlty. The bide and bair of the cows would romain mtt.d wth dlrt spaon te anotiier. Stable. were a iiog treugli, the. miik man wore overalse s'M it t filth. Hio wouid laugli nt thie effomnete farmer who should washt e. mB de bueora touchinj the. cowsa udder. 0f course ail progreseive ferme,. lie.redlcally Improved this situation. '1hnt tire ama othoes whose milii loolcu white enougii wiin deliveréd et thie door, but wft hlth ueail eigofetdirttlasnetover. iThegrat troqbte le titat oWeanilneae cets Urne and money. Remeval ef 111i fem cettie and thbsr quarters, the noeu.ery laundering et thé diask *à% te t h ould ho wornadda te the diryman'à toit and te is .xpenee bill. 'Théj'»"t monty of temille woud ho wllling, or ouglt te bho wliing, 16-llj ;wl;tor se a quert momete g#e lb A9thle mliiipoil. And **@tdailyme« la aqlrlnggemff n poruon faatldleiue.aetiit ho ~~W'**tyuuili le au pflrnt te hie bueinea bore. lie nood net ourli. _"W utbie window hue lthe Outch. f init sUMd a&lyand isl swept -*w% And the pwfynS force eofscaldinq weter tor hie Miii kbotties, -b-av h.t «isnaneseetialte his mental satistaction as weii se e busness aaset. t TH£ CORPORATIONS' PLEA.. Tii. cloelng argument ef Standard 011 iawoysrs te the. supreme court was un appesl for fairnese le corporations. Witiiout thern, sald ýAtterney John. »no. piose would be higiier. worlcmen eut of eniployrnent, and torelgn trado 4e- l la probably tbue tiiet large corporations teady trade, acting like a bai- OM» vde@@ he papulan feeling agaînet them le preobly due te their mie- erlydispOotiou.For Inetane, on.etfthe tandard Cil lawys esteait oiet- t*çUicthe ry useful acate iaw. lio eaidthbt eny lergs producen was en- Io aO*t whleli.rets, ti doue nMt workt ita rgumcnt very niuch on hie Uneie Samuel, how- tWW. e paye down hi@ ltîl two cente for every red stamp, liii the. widow ýSd the rpiien. If rebetea were permttsd, funenai ebeequles weuld ere thie have Ilo .@A¶d over hàif et the ormai preducera. Wetwouid iiappn, eupposing the. presidenta of the anthracite ceai ronde strcelwhd thein loge quietly under the. Waldort dînner tables tome. night, when m qrrerunira ieeiingt Suppose the nekt menti aIl titene produc.n, et *P -cosec>umpedthe preeofliard ceai te twlce lt, prseont figure. Nt a Word ef wrlfMa could b. teund, ne evîdence et a meeting te prove consplracy. Ac- eordlngjethe*truet theory, the. ceai mon would have a perfe<t rîgit te do - st t7h , - And yet, jut about heu long wouid the people stand for t? Our states. *men wouid soon be meling treciia fer Washington. It la probably tru. that oil la cheapor then If the Standard 011 trust iiad fieven isted. it la aise true that It la mailng an Inordnat. profit. It là probalij'titis that under present law yeu can't get at a man or combinatien taliesalle et an inordînate profit, prevlded ne other law la violated. * The. reilroade hiaves bed te bow te public sentiment that the faîrnest et titeir rates siiouid be subject te pijbilc determînatien. Tii. big corporations inme«thcee tome supervision lnter on. egc.eeeec.cea.e.c e ~rn* ~__ a 10.IVOUS DISEASES: moowtiy rueaw by a Pu*" et"of a Expanener. 4evemem teo 14 yen a 4s, U ta Ott Ion et P. te, C 15 lit taI baeboUe = çrImusi MMU' Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opeaute IL.Fa eIgIle Ubertyville, Iknoîs Machine Shop sRaPMR Wou, AUTMOBi LE WORK A SPOCIALTY bnguo. vorhneÀ AFou Liiio ef BundilmeTire. Ro- psirqd. When iin Trouble TELP>PIONE Wtiat CL£&8SPTION ce lhé Veut t dlwJuntr eoepeely TOýý D41? TOU Cast fot fla about POSTAL BAVDIGEEBAN#K An Acoomt Oaumot 130 OP- ened for. LM Than $1 une eu.neat;;ertue easyPostal savinga bank, Isuof twich begua Jan. 1, 1911, pro sont aua elaborate front to ths savigs bank' depoater. They have a margiua fot unlike a bauak note, but a body Of InL ldlsh color. The. word. "on. doliae' make u the. body o et iIcertificat. appearing ijuldreda of tlme, -and the. fellewlngi encircies the-eagie lu -tie center: 1 'ýTii. aith or the, United Statesaila solemnly pledged te the payment Of depoalta wth accru.d -Intemets." 1 1Ruiefer 'Peflftor. On the. back oa!%J&paper ia only prlnt.d In blackt Ink, wlth room for ndorsment at the top. to be made wh.n the. certificatte 18Prea.nt.d at the~ postollIce fer payanent. Informa- tien and rolea for the. depoitor and a table et lntereat accumulations for each year up t1 ten yeau's on the. de- nomilkationi hown on the, face alao are fiven.i .A heavy paper envelopd la provlded for the certifIcatea. This repeate the. promfise that the f aith of the United State l pledged to the. payment of the deposits and also gives twenty rulea. Some of theae are: "A woman Who Opefla aseacont and aubaequently marries muet pre- ae't het iayiega certtficateta -the. potmaàter. Who ull i ndrse tiienia. payable liniier ns. name. Dllr la Minimum. "An account eannet 6Oe .nd Wc legs tiian (on. dollar; .tractions et a daller càaot-be, depoit.d, ani cannaI b. ,witidrawn ezcept ase ntereat. "In erder te save amaII ameumta fer deoaita. 10 cent postal avnge carda and postal savtii st&nipe Bey ho purcbaa.d et any depository oUe. A aavinga card WlIU ifmie atanipa ai- fix.d Bey b. d.peaited aseona dollar." fitageraid ESeeks Releaae A motion te q'aaiithe. indtctment ageinat Geerge W. Fltagerald. accus- .d et tealing $173,000from the. Chi- cago aubtreasury. wtb a plea in abat., ment. wse filed Monday Ini tii.Unit- ed States distrct ceur-t by Attorney Edward È. Liceunger. couneel for Ft: geralfi The. motion te quaaiiase veli Jse pffea abatement sets op, suexepected a pIe et statute eoflmitations.aillog-- log that ase i.theft wus uppoffl te bave bo.n committed February 19. 1907, the.Unme limIt for r.tunning iu- dielmnent hi explred wiia N I re, e tifm'nd Febl'nary 17, 1910. Thbe 2me tien and pins aise, set torth that etiier proceeesad.mand.d iiy ,aw Vere net ebserved la thie returnilng anad enP- pressing eortthe Inditmnt. ,No appearance was madie In court on account of the. absence etf.tudXe Landie, Who 18 ln Wisconsin holding court. it tg expected that iie will net an early date for tiie h.aring efthle motien uhen he returne nerf Menday. -George Huson an ArUtit The February puaubpr ot the Mystlc Wonken, the lufficial Publication o! tbe Myutic Workers of the. World ot ulicia order tlere te a lnge lutbuetty. conlaine a ciever lodge @tory by Robent Toole, editor of the. Mystic _Worker, and Iilustraated witb a fine pen afial Ink sketch by George T. Huson oi Liberty- artietia attractîng se mucb attention se tistuny, and that in saylng muci, fer Editor Tool, bau quite au eitenaive reputation sa. W peu pusher. . The. lcal iudg-s membesbip la pnoud ot the' distibction on, of ite artiel nuembers in bringing to It. Mr. Ilusan' intende cltivating the ' ale temperament", and hopes ltimately té, make commrcial dnawleg and story Illlnsrating his avocation. IBe ham ulaiy fnienda ers re m i slai hm al kttndsetfsaccestu isnahuanim, th.LLi Couft-y Iicoapaic»EiETamong them. Do 7oo mkowt t IV@ ea«g te bore @Olt Swa, (VIfeî's od oal), wl*u bel einnoyance01 o! et sud amake. Joeé gv. IL. Ore.aa very littlï air bn tep. Do't ch.cltlieston.pipe dampor tee eloely. Ija. Pykolts Wabed Rot. Ton coin gel Itraým lb. einemLuumber Cens pony. lîbe low.but lIghlly *Bd 0' M the ICsiee l l.ireho bor e ailtu gast 211oud otherylse Mme @sotl Midmoke. Mise dlordew a4$dèeu FohéyUldu l'all bave blpai gour ub bty vii also hdyoq-. se. . =beP. aou, Km=bo, 5-rsu "ie sud as.rmdas eoya w ua 1iald o. ny Pilm a MWB botti.Tey aecuamee tmas." Sli byel D On ee Ad-voaders bacho oeoUnase a malter et 0Doue-top t cmUS0& COUet &J' IFrwtre tor Mdtale uWsy & pterood .@A1110Iet te hoha adraata.a0i oCBeof th. hargales wilitule n a tna emtW1i, 9Iârd on né f ltûne. *d eveetpg u'Jan. sUi WilIiaM Quentin end fAmily e ofn»« fllowing otiotesta: hore inatliI a Orcre, vielid over fiund.&'wit B d Anku»raugtffl etzqnity-,y Bup<reui Quaent h is place. fRetetary, A. IL, ofhh, t VTpol Mlu Nele Sterlevant, of Delevan, Prsiea -rY Doe I"b»PMI, Win., in vlaitlg bar &cet and uncle, Mr. Ee ~buPe r..Fuk0 and lire. I. 0. HiglneBt tule plBoM& ralvztriIe.Orewold; >hastie, ol Tii. Victrole klb.he is r l a t e Oromonles, Wm. .hrscà; e8mti& aMW art of reproduction of sauni. A Truesren, Ca"riâMODaU old neductoi' wondeful ~ ~ fl ~o ~ ~Abron Staferai: Aetcat, Cooductor, science. It brînge ta ion lu -marveiu dt pig oelon, dSpi, reality tii. robea otf eniua in music 'md Obapl auni e ; ,Wardea anal fientry, £ent.., NDonald; Trusas, à, SA verse. Ecog Examining. Pbysicise, Dn.Vluureb Wednesday ir. Tlmohy Gibbons "kikAtie îr tii, cereliogmy tbe upremd operated upon for the second lime for &-cretary s.ddred iithe ammbli pleunloy. Pre. Taylor, ot Liberty ville' giin an accoa» t JlIa erder aet tli and Stanton et Obicago, ofliciating. At firet ofthebyear Cauvers en, prenant Mr. Gibbons le restlng very eau oouraglng, Brother Cook,-et Chifago and a rapid recevery la boped loi.. spo4 1 ent vot.roe"nla tspl ai i. Prasler Wels ot 115 Mill Court, di& éael, 4-brothevrand aidersaC Wankegau, formnerly *ealLibertyr*lIr,, *ôr* oCiicegoand Lbatvl.K slled etthéb.Jap&PA lisier bosplal freshuneate a«4ddegt elloie. Now s the -time te order your ISiw suit. fdes hàvs- b.. eut from $5.00 tb 7.00 a suit r4.w Sprint. I&PLES Reciewd E. W.> PARJ(ÎIIRT SCHANCK BLOCK STEWART STOVES ARE iGOOD1 A complete stock of Base Buroerse IHot Bieste. Oak Ileaters, Stoves end Ra.ges COMBINATION (lAS AND CO-AL RANGES LET UiS SHOW YOIJ Oned «n or beloee the 10l of a ny sMepth -W'11( râw a ér cent from the Iat -of the tnontl W. pald .to our Savlng De.~ positors for the year9, ijre.t» atnouâtlng to $3239.43. Try sw LM~u Capital $50, 000.00 Surplus anid Ptofir 80,000.00 Stoukholder'a Liability 50,000.00 Total - $q~80,000,00 ArTER, INVMTTORY SALE R5IN"~TS -000, LOTS GRAND OLMAN UP 0F SHORT LENGtluISOF GINCHAM. EMBROIDERIS8, MUSLINM, ETC. UBROKEN LISES 0 F UNOERWEAR. S*EATER COATBI AT MRES THAT WILL MOVE THE#t QUIOK NON£ 0F TISE -.00008B HAVE SENWiTH US LONGa ENOUCH TO SEPOME tq4OESIRABLE. JUt MNANT& AND 000 Piao"8 0F PIRST CLASS OO000 NEMO CORSETS8 4 W. W. Carroll Sonii PHONE 47 LUMBER --CO@ Down by the Old Depot E'! PLYT IF iris FROK SCIIANCK'S girls la ie Lai hacatma i I~ 3KALL KIN>S 0F CA I FORKED AND. WAS1IED AT OUR 'DD, SEDS NOTIIINO BWT CLEAN COAL, THEROS.-T e PURE, CLEAN, SWEET FEEDS 'HtOME, OP THE RED COMB POLTRY SUPPLIES P, BA#fflJ w Çsn..We .1 RGrmiu 126 6snesSst of vaut adsertilàgt à i I .0014 roquire àitomQIG cpalga p env othuetsort eflasklnbg DiteI. V. smPtti OINERAL PRACTICI Barsonn10. 12 2to dM A 8 P ,Ou$oB oeu Lvmno. a.Be. SMEIAL ài'ZIITON w T m W. iM. AIPL6V oeNr FARtS SA ulhbceOpp. 19

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