Made of gen- uine-Amnos- keag ging- hain, regula- tion Ouz, one to àaecustom- er '1 -edsa*ker flan- net àa"heavy loth with 'an excep tionally le ec y nap, 12/cgrd at, Ml. yard...3 broùkii~,widt.h edgfings and,i- sertions,, quali- -#sathat r-etail for alvâiuxd W ate r ,VM,_b78 quart-8ize, extra heavy -%- a r e, priced ...... gu Globe-½ .frosted glôbe 'lôr upright gas 7c éîeEpéipjil pack- aeof thi Weill konfor .... C inert- th*at regulari> inbohe - -Ili sud, naier. tiols, lOcand 15e grades, speecftl yard 3;c. Dieu CaOlos A standard quaI- itv iu dark and liglit colors, neat patternis and stripes, not rem- rIants, but off the piece, 5pO-' 5c eialyard..S 'figu'es afd stripes, regularly briga 192',4W: spe- cial at, ,,1 Yard . Fine naiîîsook corset covers, triîrntîcd it1i thrce î'o'vg of VIal. in- ,açrtitoil and lace I t-ed, regalar 9eý nes at, 2 eaeh ........ .,)(de o! neiteption- àlly good quâlity, fin- isbedat bottornvith ,âne tuck s ad a licin- stitewe heni,,orJn-ý arily hring IS I 29P. special Long ximonu 'Made of a lîeavy qual- ity of Persian. lanuel- ette, îîieely fiins1bed, former $.50 1 sellers at... -O4Ildrenla Go*wu made of striped out-,' ipg f lannel1, good W eigbt and limee, v-, duced in épar price to ..... Are m arkably fine' grade o! bleached, mualin, ,Yard wide, heavy th rcea d, closely woven,, the buat M- quai- ityAt,yd. $5 sumnte MM* at *4 We are still cutting 4~ie in the, boys' departmnent. For thio weck we:bave as- 4 sembledan immeni_è Ulne ot o'viercoats whiel, wili Bi4in a hurry at tw1s low 9lgiee.,There are autoand reillation styles in 'tue newst brown and tan mix- ture; eoat&% that we bave Ald al season t e*.00, sale vrice p.-,-.. PrISd fr~In~ ~tt~Nsme ~sw i~PI*w ~Ti~Ihg b--- Burprise4 laI u tu 0entoi jihe home of mm q~10 et f it- lette avenue abl;g*uelCIolt sve~ *in&,san maa de, usp is us esetitrengIt~ I f l m ad vus ÏI jd$U b 5*1! ht »Milcea uircé Neiphiorsre a4sat idoorte, Powell bome,*Opbuj& a P»2 o AD to the bquae abortl>'Sg «lc n inock aI ic .d<m.. aeevhgno r.- spolise Lu lits l A sIait in tlaougbt, pulleil aj mVr, bisppock. et'sud prled oW « Op te windowsi. which op'sot s tIeporcli. The viadow whlie bsj,vqvd proved 1ta bce ouI>a str i M sd it vas w4ie b. vas la ths'-0«ct femunolng the- iner vlndoX tiw*theb. uglbors diacovered theiaseàAsd alàrmed tibm police. Au gfler -woo4m buaerlidly tiihe scène, but by tb atlImtup i. a bad becalarmaed 1aa.t» Waer and vas "~ en 10 leave tlb '5>ss qd stayt acrDs ta. eldoBjt plM. 'rit.wi? dow plainly abel pop"efi*uk@t ae instrument oe, s.o.Ws eing marked in avgq.0s here the lever bail been inserte&l Mii. Powell l a ise fro thecity and bas been toA s. Il thougt hhat tiahe a 'en atch'. Ina Ithe place, ami ù1n Do signe et *lire about the. os aeu e l, de- cldeg taltaI h as Ià guCi place to "pull.'! The poeq*,e( PI liusela ln nearîy .absolute isussdbail lie man ciiosen sous laer niforla work. it la suppmssi ba oulgi bave effecteid an enrace, and made ie gst-away. A man lad beenaMM sa g o the0lb bouse. ivice durlng an eisd l th iougli that ho. qilea. *srelyt s uop tbe place, and. W14, if pesst5le an Idea as to the isysat gf$5sInter- blsy -B.Loua of -Lires 1< *eStoeI.r, lait, Nitrogyrosîlas Montpellier. Imd.. Pcb. 1.4oér Ma altob.afflai Windows -r*>roken am*bquI .82.000 damat* $s~ f t SS ffy, vhen hoeneugWx #eeMa& aisle on &e Spaurdlng fis. a iad]e 14tliIu vas lorilof te a'n' los I ltaebelleved liat lIexdplohion *uay bave been cauaedliy,. at* robliers tryiIng 10 stesi a suiiily 0f ntro. tien eAulto b ails. Moline, M._ Pcb - -;- ugss et graft' ln, çMnecXol tepour 05555 0f *«0 loe e ie tla the. viusnamin*&dithe c tiweýsot ,r4motionitemandtiis is.ul 44' on as « -,M~ t M hatomni na turel.!W on MlSiqlts aafC 0't The suits withaeret fit anîd a guarautee .to 4,84slpe, ,.Qre !# tl4s * Hit Prèe ale ~e;8c~t are lined with dite best.19tinsudthee Iiet worlçzuanabptailorngand.flnishing wl -ili'ceyweame. ~ui aprcae th; =itntv6 Printzess fit -dist4nctive -beeause it in perfect at eallar, shoulder, front, and hips, thie yçry points at whieh niast garmenits fail. This sale price iS so small you canr not afford to' iet thi opportunity Slip by. *50 rnis ut nitas~ $*.oPiteasiei mbemoaiiiuA, a&rrw skIrt. ap-i' o O m .-- $24.00 Prinlseas Suite. of, serge sud cheviot «satineud, $ - - 8~~~~15.00 Butte tbat are lIhe b..l oStbeafor eeya'vU14 $15.10 Buta of serge witb Invisible strIpeu.tin IvlBpd.M. .1 $20.00 nuits withb narrow skIrts, plain t") llirs oaI, *MM - An>' suit In the entire atock. no ma-erort meairae, le to lie sol i l Iaftb re lrpc. Cone an>' day t1ua week. PRIrITESS COUIS Çoats that eau be woru t1iisgnu'qg ~rzg cause they are , ,heay r mre to. clear. There islen-rty of wiuter aibea.d to~y' «'jrant your getting 'a cat lnow-, d ou M wear it tbrough the coming 8easoflr. Ail through the Spring weatbOr, 'WbOaYon have discarded the- heaviest clothes sure of vofort :agalnst, the nwny hang broaclot, ~gh clotbs ,kersey, and som l, them are triniùied with velvet g>n the coller. li Price ail his weck on the Second Floor. $22.50 Coastâof black broldlotl, litn'trâUÉulpu.. 1ý $25.00 Cos4 0f bisek broudelotb aud »oMI YogI iuotbsS 118.00 CçsIs of bese t iaveMd mq rOteb ... 115.00 Caste cf kerev. lii Part *i 458 Any oat. Do mattet! 'bidb ,ôzeÔnù e O m U5I U*t Iut tb. regualar pruce. Itl a vithout adoubÏt l.tW eda Of the ili'demd p ettlcga4and satine p)etticoats that are our regular PUliail4, béîc, busc and white ý strtiped.'- and al lora-, aome wltb a pleateil flounce an4d ttminUd 1wittlPersiltrtmmlng. =Ow a kindiibtat wll l sght tMrls to 57YOUD eOssare a»S»'584* - ' sd,ý "usjor-00 Splug essoL m« etrou i te li sIm $4.00 coats madie of brown or gren cardumo volve= ne roll collai, buste,'bw4Ct st& 1500oo oss f« COlddresnýred .*ad lin. br«Sted, trlmmed *w-it b bIsai ti;g the noblest cost of thus ine, msrkd at jWaf, no $3.00 clllden's Coat ln many pretty sgtyles for....................... ...... V~1o*W Out #~tner !eular 15.00 a dgz- on cups and saucera,, Rose garl>ud pâtt- h% ttalsbnile, XrM Wed tbalear at I j->,l . k - s GRAVEY Regular 505t gravey boat., rose garlani pattiq»W jol i ptllO s41pw d, udie, of. feri 4t, Iis sale at one-third Issungw FOOTED BOWLS Our 250 footed bowla, the kinilliait cao lieued ilt »Yst, Ros ue'gl- ,Od ownetbird for Ibis ael, now '48C if Plates tbAt lr- ularly ýat ýIl0 a doseS.? iAi*t »el ar djnflui 5Iiepu Gold traced plates c»Vered ture.ns hbat reguiarly a"ell ' wu "%4op.d ee ogpedge, ce- ...~ *t ,140 a dozen. St inch o>0, stippld4 us ialesTee ~se sclool.eggo, wil elea s"d.knobsl. traoQ& awo ol'1hay gold traceilthe S1. $a e t t itis s l p ice ba n d iest a ise, apec - s ic a ý a t is e y r one-tburd lesa. 00 15taç C lsea ontplS~ A Chn uýp o louse To dlean up the reunain- der 'h a ye eut the prie Bquarelj in hait. They are mde ofwoolfinish- Pd, Oinnikettes, eut ex- tra -ful and ordinarily - sell for 'r.00, special of- fer ~oeDreaues sd ,WsRprs (larmenta âtatare wel inade and ord.inavily oeilifor $.t Material- is percae in, dark colora, priced1for' a e1eanup at....... -ýw- , - . . zý